Chippendales Audition - SNL

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Chris Rock had the best take on this awful sketch: "'Chippendales' was a weird sketch. I always hated it...The joke of it is, basically, 'We can't hire you because you're fat.' There's no comic twist to it. It's just fucking mean. Chris wanted so much to be liked. As funny as that sketch's one of the things that killed him." I believe Bob Odenkirk call it 'a fat person minstrel show'.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/paintsmith 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

The one thing that always impressed me about Chris Farley was how limber and flexible he was. That guy moved like he weighed 100 pounds. Patrick Swayze was raised by a choreographer and a dancer and became a professionally trained dancer himself, and still, Farley managed to not only keep up with him, but, in my opinion, actually out-dance him at points in this bit. He was one of a kind, and one of the greatest SNL cast members of all time.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Gato1980 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
- This is impossible. Can't we just hire them both? - No. We've been through this. We've only got the budget for one dancer. - Yeah, but they're both so great. I can't decide between them. - Well, that's our job. That's what Chippendales pays us for. - I know, but these guys have been through hell: a five-hour audition, three callbacks. - Well, look, if you want to give up your salary so Chippendales can hire both these guys, that's fine with me. - Okay, okay. - No, no. - Okay. Marcy, bring 'em in. - This is the part of the job that I hate. [laughter] - Adrian, Barney. [sighs] Listen, before we start, I just want to say once again that either one of you would make a fine addition to the Chippendale family. I know you've been put through a long, long audition and it's been hard. But I think that in itself is a testament to how good both of you are and just how difficult our choice is. I wish I could just flip a coin and be done with it, but we can't. We're Chippendales. Marcy, music. [ Loverboy's "Working For The Weekend"] - [singing] Everyone's watching To see what you will do Everyone's looking at you Oh Everyone's wondering Will you come out tonight Everyone's trying to get it right Get it right Everybody's working for the weekend Everybody wants a little romance Everybody's goin' off the deep end Everybody needs a second chance Oh You want a piece of my heart You better start from start You wanna be in the show Come on baby lets go [music continues] [cheers and applause] - Thank you, Adrian, Barney. If you could just give us a minute, we'll have our decision. [laughter] - Oh! - Oh, Adrian, you were great out there, man. I know it's gonna be you. - Oh, what are you talking about, Barney? You got it, and you know it. - Whatever--whatever happens, you're the best. - Buddies? - Buddies. - They're ready for you, guys. - Adrian, Barney, well, we've made our decision. But before we tell you, I just want to say once again how truly difficult it was for us to make our choice, and to thank you for your patience throughout this long, arduous audition. - Thanks. - Thanks. - We're gonna go with Adrian. - I knew it, man. - [cries] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just never wanted anything so much in my life, you know. And now that I've got it, I just can't deal with it. - Well, that's okay, Adrian, we understand. Barney, we all agreed that your dancing was great. Your presentation was very sexy. I guess-- I guess, in the end, we all thought that Adrian's body was just much, much better than yours. - Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. - You see, it's just that, at Chippendales, our dancers have traditionally had that lean, muscular, healthy physique, like Adrian's. Whereas yours is, well... fat and flabby. - Right, right. - [groans] - Oh, no. - No, Barney. No, no. No, Barney, we've-- we've made our decision. - Excuse me, can I--can I-- can I make a point? - Sure. - I just want to say that this guy, he is one hell of a dancer, you know? And he has got the sexiest moves I have ever seen. And if you're really serious about going with me, you know, it can only be because his body is so bad. - Thanks, man. - Sure. You know, because on straight dancing and presentation, ain't no way I'm better than him! - Amen. Amen. You see, Barney, we considered the possibility that our heavier female customers might actually prefer a heavy, heavier man that they could identify with, but then we decided... - [thinking] Even as I stood there listening to them explain why they had chosen me, I still couldn't believe it. Ever since I could remember, I had dreamed of becoming a Chippendales dancer and now I was one. I never saw Barney again, but I'll never forget him and how, for one brief moment, he brought out the best in me. That was the time of my life. - [singing] I've had the time of my life And I've searched through every open door
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 7,052,008
Rating: 4.9060154 out of 5
Keywords: chippendales, dance, audition, chris farley, patrick swayze, SNL, Saturday Night Live, season archive, archive, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, music, guest, laugh, impersonation, actor, improv, musician, weekend update, snl classic, old school, Kevin Nealon, Mike Myers, Jan Hooks, snl s16, 1990, snl 90s, stripper, snl chris farley, snl patrick swayze, sexy dance sketch
Id: stqG2ihMvP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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