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Everyone should watch Mr Show, too. Good stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jerzyshor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Huh, I came to mention that he was on The Ben Stiller Show before SNL but it turns out I am wrong. SNL was first. He rocked Mr. Show and was also with Get A Life and The Dennis Miller Show. Tremendous actor/writer!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scribby555 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a tragedy. I read that he had every opportunity to get into shape and eat right, he had the strength and stamina, but he said he thought he would be hurting his dad by becoming more fit and slimmer than him, so he emulated him instead.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Arknell πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lanismycousin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] go ahead bong-gun you might wanna stick your nose in there they've been sitting here resting on your laurels thinking hey I can take it easy now let's get Jason in the picture with my feet up Bob and bass can hold in the show oh my god I got a couple word for you you better gate my sister anything he sends bottle again listen is some sacred cow and you keep that up young fella you're gonna be sitting squats buggin while you're living in a band [Applause] we got a gurney hoping go bears curtain I'm gonna see huh well you keep this curtain around here I got two things I can do with that I could tell them dry after shower wipe my rear end [Applause] [Music] antics would give you just one we got an egg with brown here tonight look at this audience okay real good looks to me like it's golf outing you people you've gotta go back final act Wisconsin or wherever you're from your neighbors are gonna say and say I heard you it Conan O'Brien show my god you have a good time well you're gonna be sitting there saying I shoulda woulda all that's gonna keep an eye on you you better get your acting [Applause] wait some oxygen in here it drops down in the middle of the show and you'd be fine now who is that guy that's the motivational speaker where does he come from well any time I grab motivational speaker you'd get a wacky bird glasses no I was written by Bob Odenkirk and it's also a little bit of my dad in my eye he's gonna put ball coach my dad is just like Bullas stack you know my god oh yeah you know they'd be spur-of-the-moment everything be hunky-dory then all of a sudden he said I said does anyone wanna join a gym balls all right told you boy at the shovel so is the whole family like that just your dad just your dad no we're all pretty loud you know your mom peaked her head in to one of the shows a couple of days ago and she seemed incredibly normal quiet sweet she's very she's poor st. is the only calm one in the bunch and all my brothers and then can she returned she restrain your dad when he's like that can she deal with them effectively at all what he's been trying to wrassle yeah you want a towel by the way we could have we should have a provision for a hosing guests off Oh tubby hose down tubby falls down everybody goes home the falling down helps right you get to laugh yeah I breaks the ice a little bit you're a very physical performer nothing nothing goes with you is that right I like to be manhandled I'd like to know yeah I'd like a first hit in football it takes the butterflies away cuz I was backstage like gone oh god they're gonna know I'm dumb something usually doesn't work ya know but they love you for it we gotta go we'll have more with Chris Brown when we come back so stick around [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah man I just really think she's cute Wow Chevy oh man yeah I really am liking what I see I tell ya yeah you know you know who I like is that brunette over there oh yeah now she's cute too you know she's a she's more your type actually yeah my type all right yeah I think she likes me man yeah I really do I think she does oh I don't know man two of us two of them yeah I hear your friend oh yeah oh yeah what am i doing what's the matter I got a girlfriend Conan yeah Margaret O'Rourke yeah oh that's nice good good Irish lassie and I'm sitting here captain wrong with some page yeah well don't worry you're allowed to look you're not dead right I can look I just can't order off the menu [Laughter] all right now Chris you've uh how long you been on Senate Live you've been there you've been there a while a couple years my god is my fourth season this year what what's it like what's it like for you now is it change for you since you since you first arrived a fresh-faced cub from Wisconsin yeah it is like now I feel like we're seniors this year you know me and I am saying are Tim Meadows and all the guys we got out like that we got the good lockers yeah because when we first got there was like Dana Carvey be sitting there going get the church lady a cup of coffee yeah so he said Nina Carver used to say make sure I get up to the comedy buffet and then you let yourself get in there and get a few crumbs here and there well now who's doing the cross [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no but you made a lot of friends there things have changed you know you wouldn't were you went in you know he's the news got new guys know really good more time yeah I mean sad learn Timmy we go we go you know we gave them a little trouble up at Mohawk you have like that's a drink you gotta treat yeah everyone cast and crew and everything like that this is before the season starts y'all the season starts we just get a little you know fraternization and camaraderie we sit and wrestle you can't use your hands anymore oh yeah it's a new rule oh we uh we were asked all the new guys like Dave Mandel one of the new writers we took in reqtest room and put shampoo and toothpaste is bad and hung his underwear on the lamp mr. Fisher their 40s what are you doing well it's gonna go too far isn't it I'm gonna start branding guys with a hot iron hey hey it's funny oh you want to be part of the game okay now I have to ask you something I want to know what you were your I want to know what you were like in high school I mean we introduced you were in football and everything what you like as a kid are you much different than this no I was portly boned Chris that's what doctors always said he's big-boned mrs. Farley Hill am I gonna get I don't know I was a lot like this kind of a class clown and stuff like it got a lot of trouble anything that my friends would dare me to do I'd do it you know like take my clothes off mostly my friend Oh Garrett dared me to whip out the old wazoo typewriter why this job this girl is typing away and I pulled it out and start like typing with it uh-huh but I've got a good job but you don't do that anymore I still do Lord but other than that though any other things we should know about you ran around naked a lot in your childhood no I'm just gonna ask this one right out okay I just have to know before your your segments over what is the largest steak you ever ate mm-hmm that's it your I know you enjoy you enjoy food that be than any of us who doesn't I have a voracious appetite insatiable that would be the biggest steak would be the 64 ounce er trench man's cut over at the Chicago Chop House that's a big cut of beef show me with your hands how big is this steak well by God you have to you know really get it that big you can sit in it and eat your way around all right all right listen now we're gonna have to go away yes we are we know but Conan he said no I'm sorry Chris your time is up taking guards take him away no all right we're gonna go away from sack we'll be right back find the worm I was looking for it and there he was what was I gonna do right I could have eaten the worm but I gave it to him but now yeah so now do you comfort you come from your brother is on TVs on Melrose Place right [Applause] and you guys pretty close yeah very close a close family mm-hmm we fought a lot though oh when you were young yeah I know you're young yeah I have a lot of scars to prove it you actually have scars yes I do [Applause] private viewing later okay [Applause] well there's two that I can show you all right the audience can't see well there's one right way there's one right here yes this is when oh you're horribly disfigured younger no she's not I can say it cuz it's not true my brother John yeah he threw me into a marble table here and my brother Andrew threw me into the same marble table here right I have a scar here this guy who now is uh is seen by lots of he's seen by millions of women who think he's a dreamy sensitive heartthrob was throwing you into marble tables yeah so that destroys his image forever Madi through a pair of scissors at my younger brother John and they were going straight for his eyes and I stepped in at the last second and the scissors went right and I can't show you this one because it's oh come on [Applause] all right well this whole thing this well we uh we're gonna take a quick break in and we're gonna sedate Chris and then we'll be at we'll be right back with crackers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're getting your engaged your something's very weak did you enjoy yourself Chris yes really thanks a lot do you think you behave tonight you think you were good do you think you have something to say to America sorry [Laughter] all right well listen I thoroughly enjoyed myself thank you very much to elisabeth shue thank you for coming of course they always beautiful Chris Farley thank you very much I want to thank cracker for being here and my special thanks to Andy Richter the Max Weinberg seven that is myself [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 5,234,852
Rating: 4.8114328 out of 5
Keywords: Talk Show (TV Genre)
Id: L-nOY_d-vJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 21 2014
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