Stories of Chris Farley - A Mini-Documentary

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What show was Tom Arnold and Farley doing...I never saw that one or is that the whole thing...I'd love to see it in all since that is probably the only thing Farley did that I haven't seen

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ May 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
Chris Farley comes in and starts shaking everybody's hand and he's doing it kind of like in a 1950s movie where a guy has a baby and he's handing out cigars how are you how are ya good to see ya but these are like his friends and they're just cracking up dying laughing when you were with Chris Farley you were powerless like a drug like alcohol like pills like heroin like smoking you couldn't not fall down laughs cheeks hurt and go how do I stay around this person at all times he was that amazing Jim Downey the head writer goes Chris and acts like Jim down he's like one of his go-to characters the head writer Jim Downey of Saturday Night Live at the time one of his go-to characters is the like mock like the fake like I'm really annoyed at you right now and you go Chris what the hell do you think you're doing and Chris goes whaat because Chris was sweet and he didn't want anybody to be mad and he was got a new cast member over here this is Jay Moore's a featured performer and you're out here [ __ ] around you got to go say hi to the guy Chris Chris goes and walks across the room to shake my hand faked trips about 10 feet away his glasses file hit me in my eye I can't see any falls face-first into my crotch and begins miming sucking my dick and he's going and he gets up and he just walks out that was the first time I ever met Chris Farley he blew me through my jeans and when did the thing with Farley just start to gel why were you guys friends first yeah just buddies walked around the office and Lauren thought we were funny together and we were like I'm from Arizona and he was Wisconsin Dundee he's like the nice guy that doesn't know what just head up his ass walking on New York City going home got his McDonald's here there's one and I'm like oh is it on wheels like you know I just always make fun of them and then he'd go in and you want me to make fun of them then we just sort of buddied up a lot it yeah he was getting famous or and I think he felt arted gather it was like a good solid place to be because the show - good guy he's a good guy and so that was a fire that was going out of control and loyal guy this week oil guy nice to me laughed at everything made me feel good he thought it was hilarious and that made me feel good and he was but he would get jokes that you didn't think like for being like a dunce yeah or whatever people think he actually was good at comedy to where he got all these dry weird jokes he got ways when he laughed so hard and you can always tell you know what I mean like you can tell people thanks David thanks for coming yeah okay sorry David coming up next time oh so he would laugh and I like that about him because you couldn't whiz anything past him he wouldn't go I don't get it yeah you know I'm saying is like when you're in conversation with someone yeah and they don't even have to say anything what they laugh at you can tell how funny they're right if they get something and you go oh you like that - that's funny to me yeah whatever and that's where you go he's good and he was such a supporter and he'd go on the side and laugh when you're doing a bid or try to help you out or whatever so good guy yeah good guy SNL with you and with Chris afar yeah yeah yeah there it was there when you I was writing there when you showed up and then Chris Farley showed up yeah and you guys clicked right away yeah one of the things that's in some some people in show business are not that people think they're the wild and crazy person who they are who they're saying there are TV but they're they're not Chris was all of that and you guys were very funny together we were just hanging out in the radio it's not live it's nice talk to you about yeah because you you saw it every day and and Chris loved you of course so it was that was a real heyday of great performers and writers like this the writers were so good to write again yeah they know all the people that they would even maybe not know but I know we share a little office and then you know Sandler and Chris Rock had a little one extra stride to walk through ours and Chris was always bored and I was trying to scribble away and write some crummy sketches and uh you know when he'd go even turn around and I go who would say this is Chris Chris yeah and I go if this is fat guy in a little coat it's not funny anymore I don't like it and he goes no it's not I'm working on new stuff and I go and I turn around you have my little Levi jacket on he goes that guy little coat don't you quit on it [Laughter] drifted every time he would rip it yeah he'd go oh my god you're gonna rip and he goes no thing goes he goes it ripped all I did was lean over he's ripped so many coats and that's why we put in the movie because yeah we didn't really have much to do in there just thing fat kinda look code here and we're like sure I mean it just it was stuff and tommy-boy that was funny to us that we just hoped was funny to people and it worked out : you remember Farley's order when we would go out yeah yeah properly loved to eat he loved he but you would agree that I've never seen I've never seen since I mean by any human being yeah he literally it was the funniest because the waiter would make the rounds of the you know like four or five of us and he'd give your order and you'd feel Farley's energy like alright come on let me go already and then he would order his food and then he would say you know you got the t-bone steak and okay and do you have and he named like six things you were like wow he's getting six things and then he would say okay I'll take two of those what hold on I need bring out two steaks for him and two salads and two sides of every side he ordered and it was like the quietest farley you would just calmly just be like I know you didn't want to say I hey man that you didn't want to make a joke about it you're just like alright let him do his thing and do this thing I want to get Chris ordering [Laughter] [Music] the problem is there is no talented anything I know you can't get mad when he eats a 2 inch by 2 inch piece of steak for every bite I go you're [ __ ] joking - he's a walleye go that's a full petite fillet he goes no and then he takes the pad of butter and he peels the lid off and he puts the whole square on it I go every bite and he goes it needs a hat I go well ok who can argue that so but a full pout of butter on every bite I go oh I go where's the fat coming from no one can figure out it's Easter and there was a whole new crop of you guys come in and and so you'd said hey I'm going in with those guys cuz Farley was out of his mind even off-camera right you joined Senate live bait they send you to the Catskills to have some sort of bonding for the new castor and Farley comes running in naked naked to your room yeah Farley comes right and he had a tomato chef's deposition would you like to see my impression of a salad and he poured salad dressing all over his head and started shoving baby Tomatoes up his ass Wow and did you think this guy's the greatest or did you think what the funnies never saw and then he took me and he said I have to tell you a secret yeah you know and I was so like I say oh my god the great Farley has to tell me a secret you know something about Saturday Night Live that I should know and there was a big big resort and he finally found a room you know that was any purpose looking back on now he took all this time to find find a room and he locked the door and he brought me in the corner and he said this goes nowhere okay you know this is between you and I Pat is a woman so hard that he would do this for a stranger you know and that's why I love Farley so much and he's so much different than all the rest of us is that he would go down the street and and just perform for everybody and I'm telling you everybody loves Chris Farley the young the old the the smart that's what they say the stupid the people that like them the people that hated them and you know we had a guy come in and do a bad review on the show about how horrible was and how horrible Farley was and you know he laughed everything Farley said there was a time when I was not standing out alive everyone hated it you know whenever do an update yeah they hit it far they hated Sandler and Farley you mean critics at critics and so it was pretty everybody as oh it's dead so I don't know dead not [ __ ] and so they came and the guy had an agenda obviously and but he was very unfair like Sandler was very very funny and nobody's funny it was funny Farley and then he presented it as if these guys were always doing shtick and everyone's looking away embarrassing like that and I remember him laughing yeah it was very frustrating he [ __ ] man they made Farley I never forget it was uncover of New York Times New York magazine and they had Farley do a photo shoot where he had a television on his head yeah and it was it was kind of funny but Farley's doing a big like crazy physical thing with this big TV in his head and then it they put it on the cover and they said it's comedy comedy dead and how did he respond to that he wanted to go beat up a guy at Laurent or Lawrence's oh really I can't you can't beat up the the the reporter yeah but he was really that angry yeah yeah he was so he was more angry because they not for him but because they attack Sandler actually he was very protective yeah he those guys were the tightest that David and Chris was so tight and like but I was tight with Chris on it like those guys were like real best friends I I was another kind of best friend he had heat when he get pissed at David barley he'd always come over to me and like he had a crazy temper Farley so he would just be stewing mad about nothing about him but just like whatever like if a girl talked in me be like girl I get so angry that if David was talking to a girl or something he'd be like I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna punch him and I'd say II don't Wow don't hit him and he'd be like no I got I got it man I'm gonna crush her and I would say cuz it doesn't make any sense if you not come out you know there's a jerk and if you lose my god you're known as just the GI ed [ __ ] and you'd be like you're right you're right no and then I would go at him I think Chris is gonna beat me up you were real were you really afraid that Chris would beat you up one time he left me the most horrifying voicemail which they should have kept ha ha ha ha ba he's gonna smash through the baseball bat and then I didn't come to work and then I got back to him and I saw me good did you get my joke message I didn't sound like you're kidding you guys go tell Warren David telling I shared an office it's Saturday Night Live if you want to make sure nothing gets done put the two of us in an office like Paul in a box set of Otis Redding that Lorne gave him for his birthday and he cut a hole where the mouth was and put a cigarette in and lit it like that was two weeks of [ __ ] laughter like how long does it go laughs one of them go faster we're like he's actually smoke we weren't well so far Lee comes in on a rewrite night there's no reason for Farley to be in the building he was the most beautiful man I ever met in my life ever my grandfather my other grandfather read my mom's dad Maurice Fergus and he was he was the one man who saw him he was the most beautiful man ever and and Chris right behind him and Chris wasn't sober to two years I was there it was had his [ __ ] together and he was you know in a van down by the river it's then yeah and he comes in he goes what are you guys doing and me and Dave Attell go we'll give you a hundred dollars to take a [ __ ] out the window oh yeah well we said at the same time like creepy twins come play with us Danny will pay 100 he asked us how what we were doing and our answer at the same time he's from Brooklyn I'm from Jersey he's Jewish I'm Catholic like I will give you $100 like decadence like we were singing a song the other two [ __ ] out the window and he goes give me the money first yeah and we're like oh [ __ ] patent pockets bro and including and I'm not exaggerating making lunch baby four dollars in coins it was exactly a hundred dollars and so he takes the paper money Chris Farley puts it in his pocket and then reaches across my desk which is against the window the longest way you could go and [ __ ] it the strong [ __ ] man yeah lifts that [ __ ] tilts the desk and the coins again a cartoon ding-ding-ding into his pocket like jingling like stacks of quarter stacks of like ding ding ding ding ding ding it was amazing drops the desk open that giant ass window goes up on the window ledge and rest the window on the back of his neck facing in the building oh wow is the 17th floor yeah he could fall to his death in any moment see his weight doesn't risk he's very graceful man he was a no recipe have long legs no he was just like a football player and he just had incredible bow you seemed do cartwheels and [ __ ] and flips he was great and the only thing in the building was like his nose his hands that were on his knees and the snot bubble coming at him and all the holding just his head against that window well yeah he's balancing on the ledge as well right but it became obvious and they do tell the story on stage it became obvious immediately they're critical that's a pop headon have to [ __ ] at all but he had the money man he always delivers and the deals a deal but he always delivers so like the windows rattling from effort like this he's purple and he's it's Farley he's gonna like it and is he saying I'm also to make you guys laugh at this he can't he's insatiable that way he can't and after like a minute which is a long time when a guy's above the skating rink yeah like if you ever see a fake one Fig Newton without the Newton yeah one of those like that size that shape it was like square shape oh yeah and it was thin oh yeah I'll guess consistency felt like the snow through the window behind them fell from his ass mmm in the window onto my [ __ ] desk that's a Detroit dove right there yeah what he wipes his ass with his hand there's no paper oh we don't write we don't write yeah are you doing nothing in there but [ __ ] I watch him smoke I Diamond push-ups and I call escorts and [ __ ] Foy Lee Webb says with his hand he goes ah it's touch doing like a zombie walk and starts chasing in quotes cuz he's going living a zombie walk me and Dave Attell are hauling her ass down these hallways but like in scooby-doo he's always right [ __ ] behind this is just going his eyes are all the way in the back of his head so we learn how we can see and he went from like haha to like oh no like terrifying a tell and I had a single file only and I'm like I'm I am 11 months removed from college wrestling so I'm like and this [ __ ] right next to me ass and elbows Dave Attell and he's like Oh neither one of us are giving it up and I'm on the bookshelf side and it hits my shoulder and my shoulder comes out of the sock it goes around me like a grandma taking her bra off at the table yeah it felt like you just went around my body and if you're not sure you've been knocked out it's like I'm not sure if I napped or not you did because there's no it like no I didn't tap like I don't know if I napped like then you'd say yes if your leg and I just get [ __ ] knock yes yes you did and I'm standing there I'm laying on my back and Farley in the [ __ ] and he's like and I'm like um I go [ __ ] you Farley I broke your jaw I'm like put it on like really act and I made myself cry and he goes are you okay and he stands up I just got up and I ran out of that [ __ ] building and I jogged home and I got under their covers it was like the most amazingly funny the most impossible thing the most frightening thing and I like fooled like a beautiful man into thinking I was hurt like that hurt me worse than anything he's like are you okay like when he stopped being a zombie it was a heartbreaking I just [ __ ] wanted to throw myself in front of a cab well I sort of straddled two sides of his personality because I started working with him in television he was in an HBO special I did with Tom Arnold and Ben Stiller and Jim Carrey were in it and I remember him showing me and I was shooting with Chris Farley we went to the Glendale Galleria and we're just follow him around with a camera as he was picking up on girls it was pee in your pants hilarious he would like walk up to a girl and say can't kidding with holding an orange and say hi in kinky Jeff fingernails can you start my orange for me I can't peel it and then he just start flirting with hilarious stuff sure many women have tried to lasso this stallion but for now this wild buck has to roam free or he will die so you're gonna help me show people how to find a mate bingo let's go bird dogs and chicks we decided to conduct our little courtship investigation and a nearby mall we set up a communication link between me and Chris the rest as they say its signs history all right Chris let's start out kind of slow buddy okay town sometimes you got to get them a little sympathetic let them feel sorry for you right watch this approach excuse me how you girls doing I was wondering I was wondering if you could uh start this orange for me because uh my fingernails are all bit off cuz I get so nervous you know all the time I I don't know why if you could just start it and then we get dye maybe get it together it's wondering if you could tell me where the short and portly men's clothing store is you know we're doing this together it's our first real chore together hey Chris that's not working now let's go a little more aggressive on this one okay holy [ __ ] you're beautiful bye-bye hey girls [Music] got it hey Janet Suzie yeah I'm not wearing any pants behind this organ I can see under your dress and I cross see relation under they're just for me yeah Elvis I was wondering if you know where I could get some aloe vera I lost it yeah quite a burn going right here in this region my body's made for pleasure God he's good um as you know a lot of chicks like the athletic type well I have the speed and agility of a mountain goat I'm falling helplessly hopelessly deeply in love with you oh really it happens to us sometimes when I see a beautiful girl when I know now you and I together we can make a beautiful future you and me together jesus H I am sorry did I hurt you are you all right i I was a little excited and my friend is left thank God thanks flower geez I am sorry about that are you hurted on at all in any way you girls so Christmas tell me what we learned today let's play the simple Tom everyone in this town is lesbos you know let's be friends dueling bat wings I'm talking about really no it's gotta be some explanation right after that he'd so that was for HBO then we did the Jackie Thomas show and he played Tom's brother and right after that episode I read a few that what year was in Jackie Thomas 97 no 91 no no I was a different hand for a different Thomas show well they put him straight in a limo and took him to rehab so when I was working with him he was still you know hi and abusing stuff um Tommy Boy he was clean and ironically I'm shooting this prepping this movie in Toronto I haven't been to Toronto since I shot Tommy Boy 24 years ago he was clean there and he always went to his priest at night and that was his a a and you know right after Tommy Boy he there were a lot of things offered to Chris cuz he kind of blew up and the things that were offered to him I thought were terrible and he kept saying well do this with me Pete do this it's terrible it's terrible and I said no no and he got really upset with me you thought I didn't like him anymore and he was mad at me and I had to ride him like a seven-page letter tell him how much I is absolutely wrong I adored him I just wanted the best for him I thought he could get nominated for an Oscar one day if he chose properly but don't cash in on his crap you're being offered right now wait you know choose and he forgave me it was soon thereafter that he passed and we never got to work together again and I always felt sad about that you know but going back to Toronto lately it's like all these memories are flooding back I literally stood at the good omen warts distillery last week which was Callahan Auto and they built an apartment building where the front gate was I was a little disoriented we entered somewhere and it's not here anymore and then finally I stood in the middle of the courtyard where he sat thinking about you know his father who passed away and I went holy [ __ ] I know exactly where I am oh my god and almost got emotional because I was like I'm standing where Chris sat and I could barely recognize it but the buildings are historical landmarks so they didn't touch the actual buildings but they just put so many condos around it it was hard to recognize yeah all right so the Shrek thing that was originally Farley's thing yeah it's weird and and he died and I guessed it right they wouldn't gonna tell me oh really yeah I mean well I was working on it and then I looked at the mock Hat of Shrek you know the little model that I make the clay model yeah yeah then they and I said was this offered to Farley they're like agent and manager and the exact is like no I don't know what are you talking about Chris Farley yeah the guy that just died yeah how so I said well it looks like this they're like no first of all it's gonna change yeah first was gonna change because it's you yeah you know were you upset about that I I was upset to the fact that I wasn't told that before right up front because you've actually laid down tracks for it right like that's what I hear now yeah I didn't know that till about two years ago huh that's while he's in that wild hey nothing like a fire in a noble romantic mission to warm the cockles of your heart yeah I like my cockles room-temperature thank you very much hey if you're not doing this for caca woman why are you doing it yeah simple fart wad gets his princess I get what I want which is now come on what do you want I don't have time to set it to music oh this is another one of those onion things no this is one of those drop it and leave me alone things well why don't you want to talk about it why do you want to talk about it who are you answering a question with a question why are you asking questions I don't want to answer why are you blocking I'm not blocking then why do you have problems expressing your wants I don't I want you to shut up see no problem you're just displacing your anger leave me it's properly placed you're really mad whoever did this to you no one did anything to me yes yes yes someone hurts you so bad someone hurts you many years ago leave my parents out of this breakthrough let's go with that let's explore family origin as a chance Rick alright alright I want a home and someone to share it with okay yes Rick yes oh okay Farquaad said he'd give me my own swamp in exchange for the princess you really think you can trust that weasely oil rag don't you hmm Yeah right but now I'm gonna have what he wants you yeah he can join the club people see me and they go ah help a big stupid stinky smelly ugly ogre I'm so scared and they judge me before they even know me my folks always told me that everyone loves overs I see so I guess they were a little overprotective a little that's why I got to do this I want them to know I can take care of myself you want to make them proud yeah you know what when we met I didn't think he was just a big stupid ugly ogre I know night shrek night doggy I mean movies you do with him three while did Coneheads we were all in all right then the real ones were probably Tommy Boy black sheep and then I think that was it yeah everything's yeah we talked about it third one and then it was too late but when you were with him I mean it seems to me that a guy like that if you're close to him you know he's killing himself somehow yeah and you know how do you did was er yes it was my fault no no no no I I just like there's nothing anyone can do after a certain point if they're gonna yeah I just look at Scott Weiland who I used to know a little bit and uh was so coming for so long yeah I mean like him he had a kind of like you know he was showing up on YouTube doing gigs real I call my god like if he he it was like Kennison it's like he's up there doing wild thing I dish it and it would have been better for everybody but but Chris seemed like you know he was trying to handle it but I think he did eight rehabs and when we know he day he was guys right then we had some friction at the end but it was mostly because when you have someone like that the same way Wyland's wife wrote something about him did you read them you know that she's like this guy died four years ago like she was like he's not the person I know you know you know relate to me when he wants to be with his friends that are doing all that stuff and he doesn't want to be around me and I get right pissy about that like yeah he would bring people around and those weirdos they're like no one knew buddy yeah like people that know that like you know there's junkies or hey man I'm like why are these people with us dinner you know why are you bringing Chris Farley the great Chris Farley came out another for a week and it's the last movie Chris Farley ever dead you guys two months later he died but we got I got to know Farley a little bit you know for that week and what was his what was his character at movie remember Jimmy no knows Jim what was right behind an agent got his nose bit off by a Saigon [ __ ] and Farley just like the makeup department wasn't that great he just sort of made his nose look like it was bit off like norm just bust his chops and goes and my life sucks you know but could be worse I could have had my nose but all my Saigon [ __ ] Farley there's a real slow burn normally there's a scene where me and norm hire all these hookers to play dead in the trunk of cars and the saikhan [ __ ] is one of the hookers and we aired live on TV as a joke so they cut the Farley Farley did a bar watching the TV with the bartender just going over his life and it's upsetting Wally the acting job like the turn I'm like he's supposed to notice the Saigon horn get mad anything he's talking to the the Barth on he goes a machete you know I had chances I had shots look look look Jimmy there's Mitch on TV oh yeah there's Mitch there's Mitch he's gonna beat her up at the end they get together and she's bitching at him and Farley's in this like this Leisure Suit he got his new nose put on another together you're there yeah hey Jim you together with that Saigon [ __ ] I guess yeah yeah you know it's great man I got the nose best two hundred dollars I ever spent Saigon horse starts nagging amigos you get in the car he goes I'm talking to my friend here sorry image sometimes you gotta let the hen know who the rooster get in the car when I say go you goes shut your cakehole Yoko shut your cakehole yoke so he um he was there for a week and a half Farley and we went to this Brass Rail strip club one night and Farley had like strippers hanging off his arms he was just so much fun like he literally was like what you heard about like what Belushi must have been and Danny actually met Belushi right I mean you know like he was that sort of and you knew Farley a little bit he really was like that car became coming into a room so he goes in this it's me and norm and uh I think Sammy was there too it's like this group going into this crazy um strip club and Bruce Smith from the bills yeah that's up there playing a exhibition game he's got a huge Cohiba cigar with two strippers just really like just trying to rap to them and Farley's being loud and everyone smile Bruce Smith looking like Bruce Smith and Farley in the room it was it was me Bruce Smith Adam Sandler normally right there I'm Chris Farley and a bunch of [ __ ] and the brass rollin throughout the nineteen eighties nineteen ninety-seven and it still stands that just so but an interesting thing about this trip was the chick in the movie was named trailer Howard now she was in a sitcom called two guys a girl in a pizza place she was a girl she just did the pilot and real cute blonde she was adorable trail like real sexy and her boyfriend who she did the pilot with kept coming up the visitor it was like a 19 year old kid Ryan Reynolds the kid who's a big movie stating me he's like the biggest star yeah she though Chris Farley like had a thing about trailer Howard he was kind of like hit on her and stuff and she was like yeah you know whatever she just seemed scared and then Ryan Reynolds would just hang out on the set and try to like wait to talk to the trailer and we figured out that Ryan Reynolds was dating her so Farley in between every this wouldn't men were men Farley in between every take would get mad cuz trail didn't want to bang him and was having sex with his young good-looking kid so all the anger comes out and Farley in front of the whole crew neck like this I feel bad he was like a young kid trying to acting very insecure Ryan II put like a like his hand was like Gaelic right like c'mere Ryan come on - just kiss kiss me Ryan you quit gay bashing Ryan look at the last laugh there and watch what I'm sailing like in the Ryan Roses is his face would turn red and he would and then Harley would turn to us and go hey let's beat that Orion and bang trailer and then two months later he's gone and now does anybody he wants yeah yeah he kept he wouldn't stop doing that in between things ago Ryan how you doing Ryan hey Ryan why don't you put on some pink leg warmers and get me a coffee what a jerk you know you that's probably all the stuff Farley went through in high school oh yeah with the pretty boys getting the good just now he's the star he's like I'm gonna throw my weight around that's what happens in everything is just falling apart Sam you remember how things were when we were young yeah it was great yeah it was I mean I felt good about myself back then you know if somebody messed with me no problem I didn't take crap from anybody now I'm in my 30s I can't hold a job I go with women I don't know life and worst of all I take crap from absolutely everybody yeah well things could be worse you know I I could have got my nose bit off by a Saigon [ __ ] you bastard hey I'm just messing with you Jimmy I saw you down there hey Mazzetti got jimmy a beer on me okay we're top slot well well well we meet again no spider time to pay the fiddler horn let's get hey Mitch Jimmy your new nose looks great thanks best $200 I ever spent yeah Jimmy that girl you're with she's not the yep Lynn young the Saigon [ __ ] who bit my nose off we're getting hitched Oh Jimmy let's go hold on I'm talking to my friend here jeez sometimes you got to remind the hen who the rooster is well good luck to you Jimmy okay Mitch see you around when I say let's go you go yeah Tom you shut your cakehole Yoko women listen never talk back to my friend at the Comedy Festival for SNL and we all went out and then he was too drunk at one dinner with Steve Martin and Lauren and Bernie Brillstein night I took him into the dinner we walked through and I realized it and I go hang on guys and we scooted through all the chairs you have a long table I took him into the kitchen I took him in the alley and I go we are not [ __ ] having a three-hour dinner you're this [ __ ] W wool I know you drank all day he was only raspen nice an excuse like oh oh okay and then the next day I met him for lunch yeah and he came and he was with four people I didn't know and he had not gone to bed so his eyes are like rolling back and I got [ __ ] you stayed up all night he goes oh I all right you're an aspirin like a child there's some guy told me a story about him that I always I thought was horrendously sad but hilarious like it was a Chicago guy I think and they were partying all night and you know Chris had done mushrooms and everything else and I guess he was just in the middle of a conversation and he threw up on himself and he said I guess I'm full when you were on Saturday Night Live mm-hmm you were on the years with Farley not not Farley hosted when I was at Farley came on now at the time I was I was in a room with Tracy Tracy Tracy Morgan Tracy was on during your years yes me and him were roommates okay right and that was been weird beyond hilarious cuz we were great premise guys and we would bounce off one when Farley comes on now we're excited the first thing he does is come in our room I mean he came in the fridge like Jeannie I know you got weed I know you gotta shut the job yet so I'm thinking yeah I'm gonna be in the next move you in him right let me get him some weed he was with his problems well Tracy had this thing and Tracy takes out and they're gulping one-hitter I get the window and you were able to provide him with lots of fun correct right yes back in the days were you smoking you're doing I was I was never coke I was we got weed guy okay so I had the weed and and Tracy was a drinker now like we made me sleepy he had juice and whatever you put in the juice and this is when I got weird and creepy he's in the room he's like and I'm looking I'm looking at Tracy like this from our room I think was going on withdrawing from something well all I remember was Souza's done like a child I went right back to the room to sat there trying to start writing working in their office and marci klein who's who you don't want to get on the wrong side of her she's a big executive exact enough she comes in shuts the door what the hell did you two do it's your fault instant like nothing nothing and she's like don't give me that he came in the room he says your uterus is friends for the week I know you guys get a Tracy I gotta give him credit yeah I'm scared to death Tracy I'm a grown man with children I'm a grown man I got children's and I like we did so he's like not only he doesn't get defensive he just gets angry yelling come on you're talking to me like I'm a grown man that's a smart way he got insulted baby got insulted right meanwhile you were ready to spill your guts oh I was as a line my aunt was already putting my stuff and I'm like go ahead search what she says and this is what I knew a serious was she said crit she said we have Chris Rock here for the week as a backup oh and we have 24-hour nurse it was just weird it was very weak right to me that was then we're like are we really talking about someone's life like you were worried that he really may die yeah yeah yeah so now is the night of riding all Sun someone like knocks on the window and I look and there's like I had this sick presence of evil and I was even on weed this is my than that so I park behind there so like a movie I over the door and there's there's a woman and she just looks right through me and she walks past me like I couldn't move she walks past me and sits on her couch you know Tracy's look at her and then another one comes in and before I can say anything Chris comes easy these are my friends he plows down a pile on my desk two broads he's like these are my friends you know baby and so it's all in it I looked at them they're just looking they were their creepiest things I've ever been in front of an eye and I'm looking at him and I freaked out I was so freaked out I left that week and I went home I told my wife and she's like oh he needs a friend so I kept away but this is the phone call that freaked me out I was Cory le was was at my apartments me my wife Cory yelling it was like a Thursday night around midnight and I get a call my wife picks up and she's like yeah hi yeah Chris he's here finally barley like what we need Farley yes I call it she has me in phone and and it's Farley a Jamie and I get here he's he's got people in the room but and he's going he's going Jimmy yeah come on down when you have a great time Chris it's it's a long week and you got a big day and then he cupped the phone and I'm sure he did this with a million people by the time I'm thinking the only one and he goes Jimmy am i punch funny I said what do you mean he goes or am I just a fat stupid guy I said Chris let me tell you something Chris before you came it wasn't comedians that put you on a pedestal it was the workers it was it was the people in wardrobe it was the hairdresser's they were the ones that said you're the you I can't get girls I'm a fat stupid guy and so for 45 minutes to an hour you had to tell him how funny he was I had to tell him his foot and what a great guy he was and the shame it was it was god-awful and then that's when I I started looking at things a little different and then we had to read through and I'm reading how many sketches he's the fat stupid guy right and all these special writers that are coming in that just wrote you know there's another great fat stupid guy sketch yeah that and I the things I got to learn from him was he is a tremendous performer on that show he spit all over the girls right with which was the funniest thing I ever seen he had to do the motivational speaker right right so during dress he you know he'd do the sting and you got drink coffee right before your workout got drank coffee he waited till we were on air right and we're all like you know in the room he waited to real live and he takes a war and he I'm right on Molly and Cherie and they're dressed completely goood out my lines that was our Father so he was a real talent he was a man this time he didn't recognize it you asked me to watch Chris Farley before he died he said you got to come to the after-party at SNL the what he did right before he died so I go to the after-party and Kristen norm or Chris what won't be done me sorry sorry Joe be stupid or me and Webber watching Chris Farley okay norm as to go talk to somebody goes watch Farley he disavowed disappeared to a bathroom with Andy Dick for five minutes it comes out in five minutes smiling whatever Norma comes back and goes how's it going I go well I got bad news Farley disappeared into a bathroom with any dick and I got to tell you man there's only two reasons a guy goes into a bathroom with anything and either one is good and norm went holy [ __ ] I hope he's high and then he was dead about that and when I talk about sad yeah yeah I wish so much you know he wanted to do this show and I kept saying you got it you got to do it you know how to love you know you know he's afraid you know he was he was one of those guys you couldn't understand you know he kept saying I've only I could be as funny as John Belushi I said you're way funnier than John I didn't think I was funny I think he's like a serious actor that was kind of like tortured but when you see interviews with him than the funny person yeah and and so you know it stuns me that that a person would be so unaware he's walking through life and Holly hears is laughter I know that was the whole wrap on Farley who I didn't know but every one of you guys who was friendly with him saying that he was just crazy was the funniest guy in the room and it just never felt like he was worth anything yeah and even with the success of those films and you know just he just felt like an unfunny guy but I do remember telling me you know he was a boy you know his father was like 600 pounds I didn't know that and I remember tell me that as a boy he would walk with his father and and Hollywood here was the talk you know people goofing on the dad yeah yeah that was his sadness I never left him yeah well you know I mean although sometimes I'd watch his physical humor and he was getting big like I mean really yes and I think this kid's gonna have a heart attack he'd be turned beet red what he you know down by the shore and all that you know I remember one time Chris we were at a we were in the commercial I mean in the rehearsal and you know it was a breakaway table you know and he his thing was falling into the table so I said how the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] yous fall without putting your hands out yeah you know so we all tried it you know and none of us could do it if you fall forward you're just automatic automatically we've got a break your fault you got to break your fall because that's survival and he didn't have that survival instinct which made him so funny and of course if you don't have a survival in state you're in trouble I bet but he could fall on a table and make it convincing because yeah he was he wasn't worried about living exactly I get bigger laughs than anybody ever do you think that's what his demon was the whole issue with his dad and stuff and he was said and that's what the drugs did for him and and it did him in well I mean he you know he may he may had demons but you know I considered him an angel because he he would try to make everyone he he encountered laughs also when we went to the funeral we were shocked that he had the second life in Madison Wisconsin where he went to soup kitchens and you know we were very strict Catholic and his best friend was named Matt Foley he was a priest which he also named the character after and so you had the second life of you know yeah to God I think about the last time I saw Chris Farley and there was one of the saddest things I ever saw in Hollywood but I had gone through what he was going through what my girlfriend was a stripper unless Cienega I had just left the Comedy Store this is two weeks before he died this is 98 right what he died huh I think in December 1898 this had to be two weeks three weeks before he died at that strip club there's no contact allowed they danced naked can't touch him there's no lap dances what you could do is hire them to dance nude but they have to stand 5 feet from you and there's a rope I don't want to do that that seems just stupid I can't grab you I can't [ __ ] the Harvey am saying for the small flowers but it was so funny how my girlfriend at the time I said park the car you gotta see this tonight okay and I said I didn't know what she was going to show me that was Chris Farley sweating profusely yeah he was sweating so much that his hair was back yeah like a shirt alone and he was just rolling up 50s and 20s and gano lap dance and just throwing about I haven't been looking at him come on everything in my heart wanted to go up and give that guy a hug I'm a comic you know I doing everything and you overhear that expression don't talk to the celebrities you look up to cause you might be disappointed like I remember going in that car being [ __ ] really sad hmm but I saw one I thought I was a little chubby at the time so I looked up to him Belushi you know and that was the last time I saw Julie after that he was probably gone to three weeks and I was like that's [ __ ] up that I saw him that night act in that way at a strip club giggling by himself he was totally bummed so yes all with him but do you think he wanted to do like he just that's just the way he lived his involved it just very excessive love very he loved thing he'd do too much and fall hard eat hard play hard get mad hard yeah so but he's very nice he's very nice so you know it was a tough los cuz it was it was like the other day was his anniversary like two days ago so you know there's always somebody Instagram reminding me I'm like all yeah hello gut-punch but of the day I'd yeah yeah it was in December the funeral was rough funeral I didn't go to you didn't know why too rough too much really yeah I just it was really I think people took it the wrong way but I I told Lauren and Adam and those guys I can't go they said it's ok they knew that it was it's hard it's hard to sit there ball and friend your friends I know it's the right thing to do I just couldn't I was crying at home was I was so weirded out and I just to see him in a room a coffin as like [ __ ] it I was open it was just didn't I don't know they said because I didn't go but they said he'll be there and I was there but those guys were all very cool to go and I just you know looking back I probably should have I just couldn't do it not even think of it yeah I understand that you ladies and gentlemen about an hour I guess before we tape tonight's program we heard very sad and upsetting news we found out that Chris Farley died passed away well we found that out I guess around 4:30 and we tape the show at 5:30 Chris is someone who many of us here at the show worked with over the years a lot of people here knew him from just all walks of life I met Chris I think when I remembered the day he came in for his audition for Saturday Night Live and I think my experience with him is the same every you know everyone had same experience everybody had he was funny he was probably the funniest person you could imagine meeting it was a real joy to know him and this is it's a lousy way to end a show but we thought maybe the most fitting thing that we could do this evening would be to show a clip from an appearance that Chris made on our program several years ago he he did a piece called which is very funny I'm a clown but I cry where he went over and and sang to everybody and we thought that we would show you the end of that piece and let everybody out there know that our thoughts are with him tonight as I'm sure all your thoughts are with him so let's take a look at this piece with Chris [Music] you think I'm brave I'll take a fall more flatulates - I mob but I cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause]
Channel: Strother Pitzke Cinema
Views: 819,248
Rating: 4.7976103 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Farley, Farley SNL, adam sandler, david spade, tommy boy, comedy compilation, wtf podcast, marc maron, norm macdonald, howard stern, jay mohr, mohr stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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