Choo Choo Charles (FULL GAME)

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all right wow what is choo choo Charles you might be asking yourself or probably not at all because everyone's been excited about this game and I'm late to it this came out when I was in LA what are you gonna do I got back I'm jet lagged I've been sleeping when I'm not supposed to be sleeping but here I am now I'm now to play the game uh it's basically Thomas the Tank Engine got really really mad at you and now he wants to kill you under your entire family tree everybody that has come before and after you so I think that sounds like a perfectly good time I can't wait that's my train that's not the bad one the bad One's Gonna Come and you'll see I know it's been a while since we last spoke but something has happened at the mines I've been supervising no trust me you'll want to make time for this some kids went missing you're looking for something big to keep your Museum in business well there's something big on that island real big so many friends and even my own son are still out there if anyone can bring this down how are you talking it'll be the biggest attraction your city's ever seen I can talk in the phone without even moving my lips yes meet me on the docks of sunset I hope you're ready for a little monster oh boy there he is Captain teeth I heard that the train was roaming around with teeth all over his face no one told me what was up but I just came to the island anyway he ate two of my children have to take a spider from hell buys for some time now oh boy just a few people to meet places to see simple errors you know man yes sir well sir welcome to Aaron earham Aaron near them oh Lord stay close Charles isn't the only thing to fear where are we going why do I sound like Brock from the God of War I call them [ __ ] gratitude [Music] where are we going oh explosives explosion don't mind if I yes can I use them oh you were terrifying you're way scarier than the thing that I have to kill there's a train at the top of the hill okay is that it is killed early on by the Beast so his old engine should be in there okay if we can get to it it could be an indispensable tool on our journey I am so freaked out by this guy he hasn't blinked or moved his lips once you imagine if I did my whole let's play like that whoa where are you going should I follow you am I you told me to stay close but you moved faster than any man I've ever known guys how'd you move so quick you're so much older than I am but you got here so much faster and why do you keep flashing ah she's locked okay not to worry we can still find a way in what if we just bust the door down there's a small shack up the path that might have a key inside it looks like I have a camera on me and I'm like keep it keep it work it work it move it move it you're doing great oh good shot this is great stuff okay where's my map whoa whoa whoa wow this game is huge what the there's an unmet NPC everywhere like people on a Monopoly board whoa okay oh don't need to mark that oh whoops how do I get rid of it oh oh I'll get it don't you worry I'll be back another way I put on a signal fire in the middle of a wooded area what'd you keep your key over here are you still alive timer you good I don't like this this is terrifying big face or anybody could come out of the woods and kill me there you go like you found sure did he's an absolute Beauty what an absolute darling train is that mine what is the other one got like a demon face on it is because no one loved him Jesus I have a big jump I've got mad air trains you should be playing basketball I went from there to here it's like 15 feet oh I went 15 feet with two father of God send me into the Olympics all right what am I doing hey that's what I'm talking about okay what do we got we got yellow paint uh your epic train use it to quickly navigate the island a weaponed and shield against your foes your respawn point if you if things go wrong interact with items around the character learn about using them okay so that that goes whoa whoa you won't be catching me Choo Choo Charlie shows up oh what's that over there can't hit me whoa you suck wow no I didn't say it who said that ah your mother's not a train she's a dump truck oh yeah oh God this thing controls like absolute garbage [Applause] oh yeah do I have infinite ammo take that shoot the X oh Charles is gonna get it when I have a chance how do we how do I get off this hello Escape Jesus Christ well scare me like that why are you always flashing okay oh I can upgrade my train I have to collect scraps better speed damage level armor level train health okay that's pretty cool well the exterior is a little rough but everything looks to be intact bingo that gun you were looking at wasn't on here when I was evacuated from the island but it sure looks fun to use [Laughter] can light up Charles with it and take him down before he even sees us coming I mean you guys named him Charles Charles is just not a cool name it's either an eight-year-old British man or it's no one else that's it and you decided to name the demon that because it sounds like choo choo Charles that's messed up are you ready to take this thing for a spin I sure am spin all righty oh should I have opened that good lord well I'm Coming For You Charles are you helping oh I overheated what should I do oh Jimbo no you killed my one and only friend oh and then you left them no Jimbo he was able he was the only man I knew he was able to talk without talking Jimbo you okay he's still alive this isn't how things were supposed to end how are they supposed to end Jim Bob but we could still fight like the old days no you're gonna be fine and easy out no you're gonna be fine I don't have time no you're gonna be fine you're gonna be fine we're gonna we're gonna get out of this together we're gonna we're gonna make it through you're gonna live forever man you're gonna play that basketball game that you've always had wanted you're gonna reach the cup man oh shoot you Charles damn you did oh thank you thank you ever since I uh acted in the iris project I've just taken it up a notch just taking it up a level Let's Plays it'll never be the same again all right well away I go I guess goodbye Jimbo the only man I ever knew he really was one of the men of 2022. all right where am I going on road again okay maybe I should go meet an unmet NPC and I can't wait to get on the road again assistant let's just stop okay that's back Juju [Applause] sounds like calls of a thousand demons hated that okay let me Mark my map actually boof x marks to that person can I shoot like deer and stuff get their pelts signs indicate upcoming tracks but it's Delight the indicators track split okay stop your train and just drag the lever on the ground to change the direction uh okay okay stop the train stop the train stop oh it's actually going the right direction okay keep the train moving keep going let me say no Charlie out there oh Charles [Music] one of these days Charles one of these days you think I can kill him like right at the start of the game that'd be sick okay halt halt [Applause] probably shouldn't be blowing that huh you guys every time you guys hear a train horn blowing is probably think it's going to be Charles coming to eat your babies but not it's just Jack a boy what's up Taylor you must be the archivist then Eugene told me Tony tittle Tony tiddle told some tall tattletales we're here for you I came to help us out of this predicament Charles and McMahon the predicament was Charles it's not that bad bad one will need some major upgrades if you want to take down Charles I mean I know how are you safe though there are some metal scraps in my bar unless you could use to improve or something it's just up a path but I'll mark it on your map anyway I'll mark it on your map anyway he kind of sounds like oh my bottle's blocking my light there's my beautiful face that was all spooky Moody just like a villain how do you know that about Russia but Charles myself all this time I can't do that voice because it closes off my throat and it makes me the only secret sign around I feel like will Byers is hiding from a demogorgon somewhere all right time to head out oh my mad air I don't need a train the only thing the train is useful for is the gun on the back [Music] give me all you got this is a sticker why don't we just make the train out of what you're made out of okay Tony till I'm on my way oh wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on whoa whoa whoa stop stop again ish all right whoa look at me mad Ops over the fence Jesus what do we have in here I'm looking for scrap thankfully for me it's very obvious to find something about the way that guy talks it sounds like he's a bubble in his throat shorted about the way he pronounces his words scrap scrap scrap and a beautiful note even though Eugene has promised to send help once he reaches the mainland I've just realized he never mentioned if he'd return I suppose he is the type of person to ignore the fine details of a plan and his children back home everyone in the island is trying to find a way out of this mess and I can only hope that this archivist friend of his can work some magic I don't care what strange things they've done before maybe they've made out or jerked off in front of each other in front of a hot tub I don't care what strange things they've done before or what practices they use as long as Charles ends up dead most folks around here want the same but then there are those crazies that want to leave him be that Dan Warren and his lost his marbles what about me you don't know which ah Jesus my perfect legs you don't know what side of the coin I land on you yet chicken feed goat feed fencing supplies well scratch all that no need to feed or fence animals that they've already been eaten that's true scratch it all that's a nice day's work thanks Charles is that his signal is he coming he's just here in the in the distance you know how is it Jason Voorhees is like foreign okay one scrap to repair oh okay we need speed actually we probably need armor damage I'm going straight for damage every time three or level three is five scraps I thought it was three to five scraps uh nice okay excellent excellent on our way I don't know where we're going I talked to that old man but all he told me was to hit up this way all right Charles would come to fear the sound of my horn no longer will it be rigging out for where Josh is going to attack let's go no I can't I need a different voice all right let's we're here oh [ __ ] Charlie Lolly I know I've come here to kill choo choo chose choo choo chose Tuesday might as well make it a Thursday because I'm gonna kill him hey you want to hog just me and you no one else has to know Sorry God knows God no sorry God not before marriage I get it foreign pickles I had in my house and there's only one jar of pickles left on the ice my secret jar of pickles locked away inside my pickle cave then you should know where it is stop saying pickle but I lost my pickle cake ah stop talking about pickle the island might have some lock pickles and bring me my special jar of pickles I'll give you all the scrap metal I have as a reward no problem is your pickle this big or are you just weird I'll get you your pickle right after I Rob everything in your house I love the pickles pickles are the love pickles are the life I love the pickles they make me feel the happiness you're like tweak from South Park too much pressure wow fancy living here on choo choo Island maybe if you stop spending money on pickles and start affording central heat and then a bed made me laugh we're getting a little bit better for you where's my train is that it quick look out for second jump I really feel like Charles is going to come and ruin my whole day wow secret scrap stash nice all right what are we upgrading damage first or you gotta increase the damage because if he shows up the quicker he shows up and the faster I can shoot him and the quicker he'll go away again just like that any angle that he comes from I'm gonna shoot the pickles okay if I were pickles where would I be oh right there in the pickle cave all right hot hot backwards backwards choo choo choo choo backwards Sugar Sugar wait if it's just Robin can you play it backwards chicka chicka chicka chicka chicka chicka Snickers yep stop stop we've done two first stop I just needed to go from her house scary somewhere out there a train is watching me [Music] trains could be everywhere but not my beautiful train The Mining Company Charles look how beautiful my one is more like bendy and the train machine all right I'm going on a pickle hunt I'm gonna find them what if I ate her pickle it looks like a port of the hell is opening or Heaven but if that's what happened what if they actually did all the people on this island are just ritualistic worshipers and they summoned Charles and the demon into the train I thought I saw him oh why is this so scary it's a game about a [ __ ] train Thomas the Tank Engine more like any more scrap line around oh is this good to watch is this good footage I think I'm about to get motion sick just looking at my guy stand still [Music] was that the sound of pickle foreign I can change colors all right pickle cave pickles pickles pick pick pickles funniest thing I've ever seen did I need a key ex excuse me oh maybe I need a lock pickle she did tell me that I was too busy listening to her rant on about pickles what's over here in the deep dark Forest of nightmares only one man can find out turns out it's nothing oh man where am I do I have to find a lock pickle and then come back maybe somebody else has one I should have gone this way look how many NPCs are around here could have so many friends I'm back oh I like the yellow better that color sucks let's upgrade my speed like higher speed means I get to things a bit a bit quicker so let's go let's go backwards it's not always a back door with falling in life sometimes it's about going backwards if I can get back to here change track and then go this way and then maybe buying out all of these ones rather peaceful maybe I should have a gun in the front what happens if he comes from a different direction than behind me can I ah I can shoot 360 styles hey what's up dude I know it's been a while since you saw me but I'm so much faster than I was before hold on I actually got to stop the trade because there's a box over here and it's probably because there's a lot of scrapping it tons of scrap cool okay bye dude can turn short but like any moment can you show up and wreck my life or does it have to be after certain events okay let me Mark an NPC whatever the first person I find is whoever I find on this island will become My One True Friend contestant number you come on down damn I fast now only five meters a second okay halt halt stopper right there choo choo hello you've got a gun and a deathly stare in your eyes because of me or because of the train that's rolling around Eugene told us we'd have a newcomer soon I suppose that would be you hi that's me my name's Jeff and I'm here to kill Charles there's some scrap metal in the balcony room of my house that you could use to repair and upgrade your train oh wow I never realized people were so caring around here the other person just made me find a pickle but you're giving it to me for free here's the case and although the balcony is right behind me I'll just park it on your map don't she thinks as a side note talk to anyone around here and anyone not wearing a mask that is check out the balcony and take whatever you can use good luck with everything I feel like you're gonna turn on me and shoot me in the back of the head no my new best friend would never do that gee I'm just so happy to be on the island oh I heard the random stories about strangers and people doing bad things but you know gee everyone here just seems so nice is it this balcony cool got it thank you watch my train wow so much scrap foreign what's that sound is that is that your train you've been waiting as patiently as we can but the past few days have been chaotic to say the least Charles has been more aggressive lately to the point where I'm starting to fear how many of us will be left by the time he arrives godspeed Eugene we're counting on you was that my train did you just hop in and give it a little like choo choo it's fun right oh God my bones farewell a stranger may you survive in the train Wars to come sound Charles are you around Sugar Sugar what [Music] I hear him oh oh wow get in the gun get out of the gun God damn it get him see him shoot through the train ah God I overheated again oh this is stupid get away from me you damn dirty train I'll teach you what a real train is all about oh my God my train has no health God damn it ow whoa okay Charles doesn't [ __ ] around I had so much damage upgrades and he's still just railroaded me literally oh man I had to waste all my scrap getting back to full health and I didn't even if I do you think if I change the color of my train he'd get confused no yellow is the color of fear hey what have we got here lots of scrap I hope oh beautiful scrap I'm going to use that to upgrade train upgrade trains so much bigger than before how big just muchly figures okay I need a lock pickle and I'll show all these boxes what for any more scrap hey you ready surely more ah my bones Mike Michael's fire warms me makes me think of back home where Charles never existed I'm gonna get him I'm gonna get him for people should have survived is anybody here hello hey look Ken I know you're supposed to be some Fancy Pants Monster Hunter but you can't earn my respect without making yourself useful what do you need what is going on with your shoulders are your shoulders see-through do you have diamonds in them one of orange goons dumped a lot chest in the yard last night after beating on it for a few hours I didn't break anything but a switch should have beaten on it for a couple more hours I would have shown him I got some lock picks but I don't know how to use them heck yeah here take them if you can get that chest open you'll earn my respect yes might even give me some scrap I'm just gonna steal it from you anyway you calling me stealing I learned it from playing video games nice lock pick do I have oh do I only have one of them both both God I'm a natural oh okay woof stay humble everybody life comes at you fast boom God oh yeah return to Daryl to complete your mission I still got my lock pick that's amazing hey Daryl I got me a thing what did I get oh well fancy Fingers here got the chest unlocked that's why I call me Mr Magic Mike fingers got these fingers going up your cooties that's an odd looking piece of junk you found inside what is it instead of a let down to be frank I'm not Frank I told you my name is they earned my respect you hear some scraps like a prom how many how many Scrappy give me he'd give me a lot of scrap 34 scrap oh God damn God damn that's gonna be enough to upgrade the whole railroad system at this point I won't even be upgrading the train I'll be putting down new rails for Charles to go on even though he got legs he don't go on Rails okay 100 Health yeah that'll do it and damage again and then armor armor and damage are due to more important ingredients in life okay thank you thank you Godly now to be frank um I don't think I'll be frank for the rest of the mission I don't want to be who I am anymore I want to be frank hold on stop whoa this is my station hello there aren't you sitting all quaint nice legs you have would be a shame if someone stole them choo choo that's the last thing you hear before you die [ __ ] hello the Monster Hunter has arrived I see I kind of got your voice right this is no ordinary hunt mind you we've already tried fighting Charles but he Retreats Into the Wilderness if he is sufficiently wake up [ __ ] we believe there may be a way to get Charles to commit to a mortal battle however coward dispersed around the island are three eggs locked in the Island's three primary mines are we talking about like dragon eggs or like chicken eggs our theory is that putting these eggs in the temple at the center of the island will provoke Charles into a fight to the death right so you're on your island with your demon sentient train with spider legs we have to take three eggs take them to the Altar and fight a mortal battle to the death well she why didn't you say so unfortunately the mining company owner warned Charles III has placed armed guards inside each mine to protect the eggs there's an egg in the mine just down the rail here's the key to the mine I've marked the entrance on your map excellent excellent to the mine I go to mind my own business okay oh so close to upgrade mice speed oh it is key after all oh weapon Mission hold on hold on stop stop stop stop stop stop whoa look at me go you can't keep a good train Hunter down happened flamethrower is an addition to my spider train Home Defense plan but as you can see it is slightly uh backfired dude nice ears nearly cooked myself alive in that shed as I was testing it shoot dang to shoot dang mother trucker dude I would love to save the shed though ow given a flamethrower somehow still works after the fire dies down well you can take it wait do I get a second weapon I'd assume you're the monster hunter that folks have been expecting so uh a weapon like this could come in handy that's my okay so do I just have to wait for that to die down to get a flamethrower you got like a bucket of water playing around like a spray bottle dude anything will work I'll piss on it to get rid of it at this point good I'm on your roof what are you gonna do about that probably nothing can't do anything about me I'm God up here ow ah that's all you had to do turn one valve and you would have saved your whole shade shaved your whole head what she said said she hey any more scrap laying around oh there's always more scrap you just gotta look for it you look a little further in life you'll find some things that you didn't think you needed before but you might make yourself a better person that was oddly deep for something that was supposed to be a joke all right and I go made perfect bones all right I don't see anything does he paint can I talk to you again using the water tank to put out the fire pure genius genius yes on a Town filled of five people me being the smartest one here is very concerning here here go bug spray cause of this chaos I don't want to see it anywhere near here and a dang darn hick ly dick okay do I just get do I get a flamethrower from now on instead of my machine gun or can I switch between them that are a question oh oh she she overheat real quick she overheating on me real fast two more weapons that's what I have to say okay shoot dang yeah let's get my armor up because I seem to get rocked in that last fight I'm gonna try out the flamethrower it seems to overeat real fast but maybe it does like crazy damage probably not but let's say shoot dang all right let's head on up the trail 200 meters away from finding an egg I think somewhere out there there's just scrap lying around that I haven't found yet I need to get some sort of like scrap finder that'll do me real good if I could get that okay alt alt the Train choo choo chicken no no got a whole lot of scrap meow got a whole lot of scrap maybe you should take a pickaxe with me mine and has been proceeding smoothly and we're seeing signs of a solid vein already the tools are still holding up well and we finished constructing our shelter we still haven't spent long here but we're getting settling and adopting a good Rhythm and scheduled to our work now if you switch the context of this around to be a drug den and you think about it that way mining has been mining has been proceeding smoothly lately and we're seeing a solid vein already maybe that's what happened we all got high and start seeing the train be a demon when it wasn't even the train being demon it was just a train s are scary especially when they go off the rails I don't think I've spoken in my normal voice once in this video okay 10 scrappies I think speed is not that key to me right now I know blasphemy on the jacksepticeye Channel stick with me okay I promise lots lots of love and Glory uh maybe more damage you can max out my damage first and then my armor and then speed will be key after that speed is still key it's just not priority enthusi mine what have we got in here okay everyone stay on guard I mean this can't really be that scary I don't have a weapon and I don't think Charles is going to come into the mine he wouldn't do that would he urgent letter to Mr Warren well man in the farthest tunnel we broke through a wall into a large cab there's something strange here and we don't know what it is we're requesting the Mr Warren visits Southern man's side at his earliest convenience to give us further instructions what is that oh my god do I have to stealth around an enemy ah crap he literally it hard to hit him moving Target he'll never get me poof all right lock picking Master here we go first try oh it's meant to be it's meant to be for me and me clean paint oh I can make it look like the beautiful Lander Ireland the beautiful Irish train Charles had never attacked that for the glory of the land is at stake look at all this beautiful Clover laying around in the ground what in God's name what's going on down here maybe it's not in God's name maybe it's in somebody else's jacksept the guy Tomb Raider Tom Brader a lot of explosives around that I can't use maybe I should have pulled the flamethrower off good old Bessie back there if I do that he'll just think it's an echo no visitors allowed whoa whoa okay I'm sorry I just wanted the egg I don't want I don't want anything else dude I don't mean any harm hey ho wow I swear she told me she wasn't married how did they get in where am I getting out this is not the way but I heard something else down here scrap it was calling to me ah God whoa wow wow my ankles Jesus if my legs are strong enough to jump into the year 19 feet surely they're strong enough to kick him in the face all right get out of here close the gate close the gate he'll never follow me out here yes scared ain't you scared oh that belch of the train shall burn the heathens in the fiery smoke of righteousness you got any scrap on you not a damn thing I should take the shotgun with me though I hear that train are coming it's rolling around the bend my trees my Train's [ __ ] green since I don't know when I'm stuck in [ __ ] an island time keeps dragging on but I hear the future Charles coming from way out there anyway thank you bye bye all right now we got a lock pick for the lock pickle let's go okay I didn't like that flamethrower one bit foreign that's the ticket that's the secret if he keeps attacking me and I keep going I see him I see him we're coming up behind him oh he's gonna get effed in the B bro where you at Charles a Running Scared the legs are in inferior mode of transportation when wheel is so fast idiot okay there he is there he is okay well he attacked my train if I'm not in it oh wait I'm going way past where I'm supposed to be folded sold it holy moly all right wow wow get out of here you damn stinky train whoa mama okay okay okay what if I repaired it as he's damaging it oh you suck you stupid train from hell okay oh God oh God let's try the flamethrower maybe that'll work maybe he hates fire he does hate fire mankind wins once more use of all my damn scrap oh my God that was terrifying she's okay back to let's let's go back to Yellow now he does he thinks it's a green train he's supposed to be attacking but he sees a yellow train he'll be confused hey what does this do damage One One Max slowing Max fire rate okay this is two three three three it's not as much damage this is more damage and more range less slowing and less fiery is slowing good I don't think sewing's good if the range is bad if he's chasing me all right I'm heading out that was a clutch move you see what I did heal as you're being attacked it's like bandaging yourself as you get stabbed no one can kill you if you're one step ahead of them let's get this pickling get out of here I don't even want to know where Charles is oh I got the timing down now you son of a there we go take a wreck okay where is she see I don't have my train really with me now and that's concerning return to pickle lady to complete your mission okay scrap hello pickle lady I back [Music] uh-huh kill hero you hear that everybody pickle hero what have you ever done with your life oh how much scrap you give me third three some of that I already had ankles okay armor and damage yes level seven and six we're coming up in the world guys speed you can hold on I don't even care about killing Charles anymore all I care about is upgrading my train rub scrab would anybody have any more scrap sound all the time it's okay Tesla every year Tesla's going down the street sounds like a little spaceship is that an egg per chance [Music] thine egg ooh is that black paint I could make my train as dark as the night you'll never see me then how can you get it how can you attack what you can't see in the shadows what you got in here I don't have scrap I've been praying someone from the first evacuation group would just send back another boat but I guess they all think that George's supply boat is still evacuating people they're all safe and cozy on the mainland and feel no obligation to make sure everyone else escapes I know that Charles sinking the boat isn't something anyone would expect but still to think I would have left this place by now it makes me sick and now I have to wake up dead what a shame what's up Captain as well I'm so glad you came but I simply cannot stay any longer this island is too much for my nerves to handle it oh what is it is it a constant rain and lightning the portals in the sky or is it the big demon train that comes to kill absolutely anything that moves I brought all my belongings here so I can leave immediately when a boat arrives although now that I think about it I did forget my journal at home could you bring it to me start a new one it's a dangerous Journey for sure but you might manage with that train of yours I'll give you all the scrap metal I have scrap metal indeedy I mean is the general really that important if all your belongings fit into one tiny briefcase it sounds like you don't have a whole lot going on who knows maybe his granddad gave him that journal Journal an heirloom who by the way I haven't said anything about it since I started but I keep thinking it like the the lighting is really cool and the atmosphere is awesome it's got to be Unreal Engine right looks like Unreal Engine I love Unreal Engine when I grow up I want to marry Unreal Engine 5.1 I'm going to have nanite and Lumen give a speech at the procession okay lots of scrap around here dude remember to go get your Journal when I can just steal unloading all the supplies has been an incredible eye-opening experience here at the Port we've been working all day every day we are tested unloading the boat and running supplies up the hill on the tracks where Theodore and Eddie deliver them to the different sites we'll be mining the sheer cost of all this infrastructure is mind-blowing with all the success Warren's family has had in the business I'm surprised he's choosing to take such a risk here because he's probably a lunatic who worships a demon train sometimes two and two just makes four you don't have to find another solution you don't have to argue for the sake of arguing all right where is that my God it's miles down the track all right I haven't met this person yet but I figured that I might as well go out and do a lap meet these three come back in maybe meet this person then come back down here change track go to that one oh Lord I just wanted to admire this beauty it's more of a gray in certain light conditions it actually looks bright white it's because of the metal isn't it I need a plastic train I need actually I need a train made out of clay the less shine and Shimmer the better hey where is this track going I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it go backwards go backwards you actually stop quicker if you click backwards instead of stop that's a tip I should keep in mind all right we're good to go we're good to go what oh my God and we go okay I'm gonna find you but I wanna know how close I am that's a weapon mission [Music] good something down this way it might be part of one of the missions they're going to give me but I'm going to be proactive I'm gonna get here before anyone tells me to oh scrap Hound everywhere that's good hello Jesus Christ I have it oh give me that if I wear that they're not gonna attack me oh no I can still destroy the demon spawn but no one will have to know hopefully whatever's down here means that I can do it and then have it preemptively instead of having to go talk to somebody and then come back here is that what suck oh oh first try he's the greatest The Crowd Goes Wild [Applause] door's locked all right you're ready to stop get ready stop watch this watch how quick we stop it's so much faster damn sticker in reverse all right scrap scrap oh no who died everybody on the island yeah you're not special just because you have a tombstone out the back of your house a lot of other people lost people howdy Paul asked me to design a new weapon to help you hunt Charles and using my extensive demolitions experience I made this rocket rocket launcher yeah I've been wanting to see Warren's Empire crumble for a long time so building this puppy was a hell of an opportunity now that you're here I need a few minutes to remove some safety features this voice sounds familiar while I'm working on that why don't you bring that box of Rocket ammunition back here from inside the bunker down the rail okay dang fetch quests just give me the give me the thing so give me the thing I want a rocket launcher I want to shoot people in the face I've been stuck debating if Warren made us bring our families to this hell hole so that we'd never be able to leave or to keep information about his business practices away from the mainland either way I want that man in a noose Paul asked me to design a new weapon for the monster hunter that Eugene is sending and knowing what I do about explosives you can bet I made the most powerful rocket launcher I could warn you don't stand a chance so let's say I put that on my train boom boom bang bang dead can I switch weapons when that one overheats or runs out of ammo or whatever it does you know how I can like repair on the go can I switch weapons as they overheat keep a never-ending cycle of them running that would be cool ah so much scrap love it hurry man's waiting for no shirt huh sure Eugene told you all about me so I need not introduce myself I introduce yourself anyway named Greg by the way ah there you go in case you haven't heard already Warren the Mind boss is keeping three months I did we're on high he wants pet e if they hatch they they surely ah don't call me Shirley steal all three use them to bait Charles so we can destroy him okay one one of the eggs is is in the north mine one of the eggs I need to write this Theory down fast before Warren finds out that I'm onto his dirty plot my theory is that Mr Warren warlord III is trying to hatch and raise more of those eight-legged Critters the whole Army for who knows what purpose they found a whole nest of those eggs while clearing out debris from the cave-in but we also know that there is hard as diamonds come completely indestructible the miners spent months using the temple prism to suck the energy out of all the eggs but before they could destroy the last three oh man Warren stop them and Warren must have realized how powerful these things are and rather than protect us from them once you use them to take over the world and I'm on you Warren Greg genius extraordinaire shirtless topless man [Applause] got it all right where is this man good Jesus okay this this other thing is much closer I'll go over and talk to this person as well first what are you doing out here all the way here in the lighthouse why don't you come back in and make sure you feel at home [ __ ] out there boy maybe you got some scrap that would be great I love scrap scrap is what keeps me going it cams the shakes it keeps the demons away scrap whoa whoa okay got ourselves a bit of a person hold on let's go rap everywhere you look Simba is scrap and if you don't pick it up you're a [ __ ] idiot hello oh god what happened to you this happened trying to fix the lighthouse we haven't met but I've heard Lots about you coming to help us ah I have a favor to ask the breakers on the side of the lighthouse need replacing I was recently attacked by Charles so I'm unable to do it myself I was recently attacked by Charles like three times and I'm more than capable the breakers are in the nearby Supply shed if you go get them and repair the lighthouse I can try signaling passing ships to come help us sure once you finish I have some spare scraps to give you now you're speaking my scrap oh you had me at scrap even though it was one of the last things you said please deliver a copy to Paul I went outside to do a routine check of the lighthouse as I walked around the corner of the building I saw that Beast Charles he stopped he spotted me and charged straight up the hill in my direction that spider train is a hideous monster maybe because you keep insulting him I can't understand why Warren wants to stay wants us to stay on Ara nerum I forgot what that's what it was called instead of trying to escape the Beast I suppose Warren has simply gone crazy thinking he can handle this situation on his own in any case Charles Wright ran over me [Music] I don't know why that's funny I won't be able to attend the upcoming meeting and if I ask Greg to something about being mauled by a train as he came bounding Over the Horizon and had nothing to do and nowhere to escape from sorry I can't come and take the minutes of the meeting got absolutely wrecked by a killer demon train you guys understand right oh they're scrapped down here for sure oh scrap totally worth it at least I didn't lose any of my sweet hops one two three four is that all I need four a nice even number okay I assume I just plug them in and go one two three four [Music] oh [Music] okay oh oh what I found the first one I found all of them [Music] is that you making that sound I thought you were a lighthouse not a horn house all right that's where people go to spend money for specific Services the horn house I didn't do it for you I did it for this crap and there's plenty more over that scrapped from okay back to the horn house I guess did you see did you hear fix the house will definitely increase our chances of being spotted I'm still going to be the one that kills him I guarantee you it's not going to be you or your big black eye here are those scraps I promised oh please tell me you have like 14 million 58 that's just as good and the scrap economy 58 is huge okay what's going on in here how much scrap he got lying around huh Lots is going to come in so handy when I upgrade my gear what did I have to do here again die get something bring it back probably oh Dynamite we're gonna wreck shop with this oh there they are Rockets okay oh oh he's caught me with my pants down he's caught me on my pants down and I really gotta go oh yo yo yo it's grabbing the roof okay oh he definitely heard that didn't he that was so close okay can I get in this okay I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm So Gone oh God don't do that Jesus okay surely he'll be gone once I get these Charles okay he's gone [Music] that was scary version one failed version two failed version 3 13 second flight version 4 success all right version five though we don't know version four version five are conducive to one another [Music] just go just go just go just go I'm not waiting to find out if he's here I hear him again was that him oh he's over there [Music] he's coming doesn't it that means he's coming doesn't it he's here whoa whoa whoa John where are you he's in the building stopping a coward John put the rockets in John do something you're the explosives expert damn it it's not very scary sounding John I'm gonna make a break for it foreign [Music] [Applause] da get out of here Charles after that hellish womb that you came from nice good job good job you think he's inside down he's like dude you're a crazy person how did you take him on no that's over with backs to stretching the launcher is in complete working order oh and take good care of it after you're done I have a few people to visit with it if you catch my drift are you telling me you want to kill people that's not cool you shouldn't kill people you should just kill trains oh big damage terrible fire rate oh but huge damage and it can't overheat that's good that's real good oh choo choo chumbo is gonna get it in a minute I want him to come back come back and show me what you got we're gonna have to have a standoff with him at some point right oh yeah let me get the eggs I could have just taken my train all the way over here that would have been much easier could have fought him twice could he killed him already can you kill him early on or do you have to wait until like the very specific point I assume you can't do whatever you want oh look at the Lighthouse go nice if you look real close on the map you'll still see John cowering like a coward okay I don't think we're able to be able to get the rail there because it goes in a different direction we don't have a way splitting the tracks so let us move and groove the only way I know how with mad hops a 19-foot air jumps can you smell it there's a smell of train in the air I'm gonna train him train them how to die God I love scrap anybody here his diary I forgot that's what you wanted wait who wanted that again was it you oh the captain Oh I didn't even meet you damn it oh what a stinker well I do have to go here maybe I can make my way all the way back around that's such a pain in the ass hello you're very pretty say you're that monster hunter that's me I must know do you have any experience with ghosts no I don't have experience turning something into ghosts someone or something has been painting exactly 16 drawings to lampposts in the Boulder Field every night do you want me to go take down 16 pictures I always collect and burn them but as I was looking for them last night I began hearing strange noises and seeing strange things ah it's called stranger things there's an R it's it's okay I only found half of them yesterday because of the commotion could you go find the last date and bring them to me no see what Netflix do now is they release a couple of episodes and then they wait and then they release a bunch more so you just gotta wait a little while but I I mean I can go search but I don't think it's going to be of any help Boulder Field [Music] huh I feel like I should just go back to my train here he is Charles himself come on oh what a shot look at him again God I'm talented I'm actually so fast right now I shouldn't be I I need to go back oh oh that was close here he comes nail them God he's so scared now all right here we go fight to the Dead okay I'm getting hurt I think I'm getting hurt by my own explosions that's fine are you kidding me are you kidding me oh there's no scrap to repair oh oh get him get him burn him down God damn it my train is damaged a sack of anus how did he take so much damage that time yeah minus one scrap I didn't even have any idiot which train is so messed up now I don't have any scrap to repair it what is this big place I hear a whistling Willy this is one of the bad guys again today it's the lure to my train hey come to my train dude got lots of scrap there he is okay I wish I had something to like beat him over the head with just take one of his masks blend in foreign easy does it they have no idea you're here don't make a smell probably shouldn't be sprinting everywhere either this is going to repair me get them boys don't get me I'm actually a child it's kind of messed up that you would do that Jesus Christ he didn't even wait he didn't even want to hear my pleas he just went down okay nice ah back up and running that's what feels good jeez this place am I losing in the bushes oh there's another one ah Jesus he blasted the hole right out through me oh God I'm literally one shot I need to get to my train train is going to protect me don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot that's my train hey moving tiger isn't it I can't even see you I hear Charles no not now anytime but now okay I'm at 92 Health that's good it's not great but it's good okay I think I have to come back here later because stop stop because there was briefcases and files and stuff over there that I haven't gotten yet but this is so annoying because I can't get over here I'd have to go all the way around back up and left here I do need to meet this NPC as well oh and how did I miss you all right this better be worth it coming all the way back down here just so I can figure out who you are I better get some good scrap or another gun and it's not gonna be a gun because it weren't a red NPC but it'll bother me that I missed everybody bothered me that I didn't finish the game 100 percent totally worth it Hello darling hello how are we going to craft some potions making the fresh stew with ingredients for my very own swap oh thank God she said swamp okay don't have any meat at the moment I smell a carcass on the island in the Schwab do you know you wait over there and bring it back for me I will absolutely go get you your meat it's not that far away actually you probably could have gotten it yourself that's probably why you were able to smell it if you weren't able to smell it it wouldn't be close that's how noses work swamp water salt Clover dirt salt meat any kind human included and more salt that's kind of messed up but okay can I can swim foreign s can't swim what if I just stay here ew oh and I'm all slow oh crap there's always scrap laying around do you think Charles just shits it out as he's running around he just shits out scrap I was hoping I could hop in the water get like a speedboat situation going on WOW [Music] wow me oh man now all the way back here you stupid witch there you go here's your dead body wait did I not even pick it up are you kidding me let's go back and do it again surely not what am I supposed to do if he attacks me again [Music] what do I do oh this is so not worth coming back for I thought oh great I died but no problem I actually spawned back so I could just go back into over the meat it doesn't matter that I died I spawn back on the train I could just pick up the meat I have to be on me I could just bring it back to her but no no I had to make it difficult can I go around is there another sides that I don't have to swim through how did I make it to the island the first time without getting swamped oh you can see him and then he comes here but if you say still he goes away ah that makes a lot of sense super annoying but makes sense okay stay still stay still brought you two bruh how did he make it the first time without getting caught at all that's a miracle okay I just need to make it back to land okay you're right in front of me cool that is so fine that is so awesome that you're right in front of the exact line that I wanted to take maybe I should piss off that way foreign [Applause] see I want to go over there past the path of least resistance and all that I wish you could see like a fin above the water or something this was hard to see almost there I wonder you can get back up on the dock okay he seems to be like going directly away from me now and that means I can go directly back away from him which means maximum distance this is by far the most annoying part of the game so far okay okay chill chill chill right right here hey here's your stupid hairy carcass what a delicacy sorry I'm allergic to [ __ ] nervous 45. not bad not bad not worth it but not bad where the hell is my train I have a train to catch Santiago I am back I have brought your Journal I swear that portal in this guy's getting bigger I've brought your journal the time is to now to leave so much I would hope but um you know those craps I promised oh could I have actually read your Journal oh dang one of the green eggs required to activate the temple and summon North Main key okay I don't think I could have wait how many scraps I got 43. all right I'm almost macked out in my maxed out on my speed I'm almost macked out I gotta start dumping more into damage and armor I just dumped a bunch I'm like level eight speed now because I didn't want to take forever to get around this stinky Island hey where am I nice that's the other one I need to go to but I don't want to change tracks I don't think actually maybe damage oh so close [Music] oh I also need to go here and then back there so it actually makes more sense for me to just take this one whoa [Music] whoa dude you can't be doing that to me okay apparently he is where is he whoa whoa whoa okay see leaving whatever whatever die in hell okay okay wait for it to keep cool down flavors cool down all right cool down okay time to fix I can do it too okay cooling down cooling down I probably should have changed guns but whatever whatever we're managing we're managing we're managing piss off coward on we go whoa this is a big place it's a full-on train yard are you getting any of these oh maybe I should have brought My Little Pony here showing them something nice for a change where does the track go right through the middle of it yeah that's kind of cool it's like right started okay let me find all the scrap first and then go talk to zmpc hiding it everywhere so yeah tons of it laying around hopefully your mission is like go over there and open up that Shack and bring me back like a toothpick that'd be so nice hello oh you ready for a funeral welcome to aramiram archivist Museum person welcome to aaronium what a voice in my apologies I'm not the best with introductions but I don't believe either of us are here for socializing no I'm here to murder five just so happened to have a little business opportunity if you're interested if you're gonna ask me to take drugs on my train across to the other side of the islands I'm not doing that special little box of money no no car in the nearby Canyon but the goons have set up a camp to protect that area find the blue Dunes [Music] or final goons I also can't before the cave-in I pushed a spare rail car into the canyon using my beautiful old mining train I figured a rail car would be a fine place to hide my more important belongings especially on a rural unfinished track I went to get something out of my rail car in the canyon about a week ago but some warns meant you all these notes just tell me exactly what you tell me I don't really hear it a second time didn't even want to hear the first time I just want to tell me you need scrap or tell me you'll give me scrap and I'm yours baby oh it's the other direction dang it can I get on this oh look at me don't need to be here there's no point but whoa mad hops mad air who needs doors and you can jump out windows oh wait if these guys have set up here and I don't have my train with me uh-oh wait you can't bring your train here with you there's no rail that goes down here how am I supposed to fight back against them then [Laughter] I know okay I'm just here to I'm just here to grab things and then I'm gone I got it I got a blue box blue box oh God ow ow ouchy ouchy oh oh he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me I'm one shot I'm one shot I'm oh God Serpentine Serpentine oh Jesus Oh I promise I'll never touch your crops again I didn't even get that scrap [Music] damn it God damn it is this the following me ah God I can't I won't even be able to do anything I am fast what do you mean I better hope I'm fast I've been outrunning you this whole time I still need to get back to my train to be able to kill him there you go take thank you hi let's hold hands you don't want to fight me you love me let's be lovers not Fighters let's give each other hugs Pat each other on the back a little kiss now and then to say hey I love you bro let's not fight anymore let's not shoot each other what do you say hey it worked I lost them Dum Dums as soon as you start dodging as soon as you give him the serpentine as soon as you can do a one two terrified hello that's right oh my scrap to RF 63 oh boy oh I almost maxed both out oh Max damage level 10. oh we're close to being the train of our dreams all right uh yeah we're going right and then left that was worth it I don't even think I had to go back to that witch lady I think I would have had enough scrap to maximize anyway but it's good to have scrap to repair for whenever Charles shows up again okay hold on hold on hold up slow round out let's change track we go this is where that lady's like 16 pictures are supposed to be okay there's eight okay easy easy don't break your legs not yet not yet you'll have plenty of chances to break your legs after you're dead there's one are you kidding me what so when you said ghost you meant like actual ghost sign up for this this is stupid just want to fight trains that are possessed by demons I don't want to fight ghosts this is way scarier okay is he chasing me he better not be I only have two if there's three [Music] Jesus it's like having my head inside a CRT okay where's more where's more my ankles ow ow like how white of birth are we doing here oh this Mission sucks this is worse than alligator toe diving a six six back away Slender Man please tell me I'm faster please tell me I'm faster I'm faster than anybody in this game I'm faster than life itself okay okay we're seven and eight seven and eight seven and eight seven I don't know where oh God don't nibble on my toes don't never let my toes baby okay okay did I leave the area okay we're still alive that's good hey how's it going did you do you do you know about ghosts of course you do you're the one who gave it to me okay bye see you later great great goody gumdrops I didn't realize that this mission was actually right next to your Shack all along seven seven magic number seven where's eight oh Lord number eight where are you hiding can't see anything when I have my head inside a radio okay okay just keep going straight just keep going straight oh Lord he's right in my booty he's right on my Buddhist oh my God this Mission goes far out eight eight there it is oh my God oh thank God Sasha you better give me the best gift of all wait I can take my train past you actually oh my God this is not worth it who who knew that the scariest thing in this island wasn't even fighting the giant demon train with spider legs these are stupid pages I don't know what's in them but I never ever want to find out wait do I have them on me drawn by a child who clearly failed their arts and crafts you draw like a child thanks for bringing me those papers around here are some scraps for your help thank you not even like a monologue nothing to tell me what you did 54 Scrabble baby maxed out oh one more and a maxo on everything this is a great day okay I think I should just go straight for the mine and then wrap around this whatever you have maybe an egg or something but I've done everything else you guys probably have an egg and it's probably down here somewhere gonna need to change track yeah yeah oh I do yeah yeah okay change track and we're on our way you know I'm going back to Yellow I think yellow train was the best train looks the coolest it's intimidating anybody who uses yellow as like a war color you know you mean business with that everyone looks at yellow and thinks it's a coward's color but then you come out with a rocket launcher and shoot them in the face what are they going to say then hold on hold on oh whatever there's bound to be scrap here hi oh man scrap scrap okay I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this I can get back to my train watch this watch this Serpentine yeah baby eat it eat it choo choo chump okay we're still getting hurt even my Rockets are yellow now what you got Charles oh I have so much more armor okay okay but not infinite okay flamethrower flamethrower okay machine gun machine gun nice nice nice bike Howard go back to the ocean and drown okay moving on righty scrap hunting A Go Go there's going to be a lot around here I can sense it oh yeah let's go into a mine right I can do that I love going into mines they are mine after all these guys are just right here it's okay at least now I can lead you back to my train you want to go back hey baby you want to come back to my train and see something cool it'll kill you Easy Does It I say full Sprint oh if I were an egg I'd be in the door covered in fire that is so scary he followed the sound follow the sound what is this egg oh I don't care about scrap yeah I do let's face it let's be here still have left should we don't shoot me don't shoot me oh okay come back to my train come back to my train and see what's up come back to my train and we'll see what's up oh big guys with your shotguns fighting a guy that has nothing when they come back to my train and then I'll show you what for man it's this way you following yeah yeah yeah follow me yeah I'm an influencer I'll influence your death no visitors allowed I'm not visiting okay nice aren't they still following are they still following [Music] oh yeah and you're not all talk anymore are you you should be here uh neither should you dead man all right moving on what's the last gun gonna be you think it's like a railgun a big like I hope that it is and it makes that sound that's the only sound a railgun should have you know like you foreign you know what I mean whenever I have to tell somebody how what kind of sound I like or what kind of sounds I want in something I just say that and then knocks the headphones off your head it was scrap back there but I'm on a mission wait do you think that last oh right we have to go back to the center which is this thing oh because I was like wait there's like files and everything here maybe you have to get a mission to come back here but it's probably where we're going to end the game ho ho ho ho arenia municipal building sure if you say so anybody here is just gonna be guys be like yeah I don't want to do Mutiny meeting notes I have discussed our latest battle plan with everyone and nobody had objections the whole crew knows what to do and will set their tracks directions accordingly when the time comes all the archivists needs to focus on is pummeling that Beast keeping his distance and getting Charles to his weakest point my father should be back within two days at which point we can supply him and the hunter with the keys and other supplies we've gathered we never wanted to take such harsh action against War and the other miners but he's twisted our arms too long Charles needs to go and Warren won't stand in our way brothers and sisters it's about time that we sent back Charles to hell there's only one place that Satan spawn should be and that's into fiery pits oh hey God you're scared me did you hear my monologue was it cool you're the archivist my father told me about yeah oh although I'm disappointed to see that he chose to stay on the mainland rather than return with you not to say that your help isn't appreciated but we could have used his Aid as well if you haven't already heard from the others the Mind boss Warren yeah yeah while our main plan is to summon Charles into a duel and fight him to the death we've devised a perfect trap as a precaution that may help defeat him okay I'm listening go attach these remote explosives to each of the support pillars under the Wood Bridge out there oh oh hey that's where my train is what are you trying to do Boko okay here I go I can't jump down yes I can and I'll take my blood with me this is like playing half-life so I guess section would have a bridge in there it's pretty cool okay that it wait eight bombs okay you guys mean business I like it hey if you're gonna take it out you might as well take it out right am I right I'm right okay let me just get my train like away from the bridge but it is away from the bridge we're fine perfect bait and my train looks so cool now because I got the horns on the front of it what an upgrade how many scrap do I have 15. ah it's not enough but it will be soon all right Paul I did what you asked are you gonna blow up the bridge now Force uh Charles into the specific area are we gonna do it as he comes after me that's the tallest and weakest bridge on the island so if Charles ever crosses it we can blow him Sky High beautiful plan I'll be on standby to detonate the charges but it's here take this once you think you're prepared enough you can break in and fight the Battle of a lifetime okay dude this is getting intense okay okay oh last weapon let's go down the app it's gonna be a railgun I'm trying to think what would be greater than a rocket launcher has to be some sort of like interdimensional portal gun what is that oh is that a double gun it's like a big turn so the fabled hunter has finally arrived in the flesh has been built a gun to help fight Charles but Warren okay it was such a brave man okay take what I have left to the gun and steal back those other parts if you do good to know these are all fetch quests anyway it's not like you have anything important to say ever all right where are we going I was [ __ ] miles away let's go talk to this person maybe you'll have something nicer for me to do than travel 14 miles away and then come back just to get a gun man it's just gone it should have been electricity we have a fire gun we have bullet guns their horses older trains now today's sermon was a true inspiration during these trying times very well thought out and thorough in every manner I believe I speak for the whole congregation when I say that we admire your confidence and steadfast wisdom as we grieve our lost brothers and sisters sure sure why not more paint God is very mad I think probably Charles may be devil 96 certain this is like YouTube titles God is very mad I think probably Charles is devil question mark always sneaky spider vs snake spiders have more legs usually God always wins sacrifices don't cry aloud only a little closing prayer cleanup that's a good YouTube series right there oh everything's outlined you have like a little controversial statement here and there what color did I get ah now it's black oh no it's just dirty why why would anyone want this this is so ugly nothing else comes out that ugly oh this is white paint I thought it was like gray paint I thought it was black before this is disgusting I'm going back to yellow yellow is the only one oh wait hold on whoops I forgot about you what do you want where am I going yeah trusted me with a thing okay so you have the key to the last egg yep you just said all the exact same stuff that everybody else has been saying since the start of the game okay cool um [Music] we'll go this way because then I can go back and bring her back the thing all right it's a bit of a pain in the ass bit of a trek what we'll get there don't you worry there we go perfect fully upgraded Max Speed take her away hey sailor oh you're so quick oh that's good that's the good stuff okay hold on hold on you're too fast now [Music] okay okay shhh if you stay still he won't hear you [Music] oh my God he actually heard that oh my God you suck okay I actually don't think I have any scrap to be able to uh you know fix anything okay that does I don't know why I'm switching between weapons like this do I have any scrap nope that's okay if I die here I just come back here you know let that one run out pick up this one cool cool it's fun it's fine no it's cool I just spent all my scrap uh getting more speed and I died at the train just to come back at the train we are ashes and until ashes we shall return I had no scrap to lose either so it's all good it's all good it's all good it's all fun it's all good it's all fun really really guys really right as I arrive this is not the right gun for this I mean it works Fire Burns all cleanse cleanse the spirits was that it's your dad but they were bite in a pile together be a real shame if someone you know like backed over your bodies I know you guys are hiding something pieces of a gun Maybe that's what the lady told me I'll find them you you can hide them all you want but I will find a way to get them I'll break my legs if I have to again and again and again and again and again scrapped as well though no point having to speed upgrade in my train if the train is broken [Music] okay he does it everything's fine no truck passing I'm not trespassing I got a key what does the key do oh [ __ ] oh Jesus oh God no I got a hole in me the size of Wisconsin [ __ ] hell okay maybe maybe it opens up the store you think it opens up the door he's still chasing me okay get a drink get to the train get the truck I can't go over that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Serpentine around the tree what are you gonna do what are you gonna do your friends are dead and so will you be soon oh ghosts to be you doesn't it [ __ ] barrels oh my God that is a massive double turret holy God Bob acquired Bob is going to go to work soon I'm gonna do so much damage with Bob wait do I have to bring it back no I don't I actually just have it oh that is such a nice detail of a mission because they knew that you were gonna do a lap around this whole place and have to come all the way back and then we're like we're not gonna make people do that oh yeah Bob three damage so this now you do the most damage the Boomer what is this like that's nice that's nice that's real real nice okay I gotta go here and then here I actually don't really need to go here I should because it'll get me scrapped for the last mission wait so is there multiple ways that you can finish this can I I didn't even notice the little doll oh I shouldn't be here oh that tight oh that's powerful there's a nice like sunk in it like it shakes your chest rattles you to the core what is this oh also I just noticed that those guys are singing I've Been Working on the Railroad that's what they're whistling because it's a game about trains and railroads I get it oh geez that's where the last egg is this does look like a place where you'd keep a demon egg Stone hinge all around it I know you've all got scrap lighting around though and I want it if I'm gonna fight Charles at the end I'm gonna need as much health as I can get I'm gonna have to like keep killing and repairing at the exact same time so I'm gonna need like 150 scrap probably more actually there's gonna be guys down here with shotguns again yep okay as long as I can get it I wish I could sneak [Music] I don't know how he didn't see me where did he come from he come from I don't know he's gonna steal your egg though here we go oh God that goes down I thought I was going up oh man jump down jump down it's like playing Elden ring come down and die it's really cool everybody's doing it oh I'm gonna get lost [Music] ouch now I'm gonna respawn it's a stupid train oh the heck nice nice okay how do I get out of here oh yeah I'm really going to start lock picking well this guy is about to blast my ass in two more halves oh is this where he just was that's cool I knew there had to be something there's my train I could go to this guy as well but he'll make me do a mission like I said I do need the thing actually okay plan plan different plan different plan okay get in the train go down here get to here and then go back we're here oh we're back here I only have 33 scrap though I wonder if I don't actually have to fight him all that much at the very end is he here is there is okay okay here we go here we go the main event here we go put the eggs in maybe this will just really weaken him and then I can bring him back to the bridge the chaos gems with the powers combined I'm gonna put an end to this [Music] oh I don't like the squelch how do you know that's right [Music] I didn't know you put them in putting them in the right order step away from the shrine stranger Warren know what you're doing just put the egg down slowly and lay flat on the ground you'll hurt far too many people if you follow through with whatever you're planning you're not even talking wow no no you fool you could have shot me oh okay okay what do I do just make them stronger oh no back to the train oh oh I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up oh God I [ __ ] up no game okay hopefully this thing can fly okay okay I'm actually doing decent damage nice this is great keep shooting until he's dead got it okay okay we ran out okay I'm gonna heal and see which has oh yeah oh no he's teleporting okay which has the best stopping not this okay this is stupid okay that's stupid don't go with that don't go with that one don't go with that one heal uh probably this there you go nice keep them slowed oh that's real good oh that's real good you like that is spicy isn't it how do you like your tacos mild I like mine flaming hot okay okay okay Amigo Migo okay nice so what are you gonna do now teleport and play tennis I don't know what he's doing I don't know what new power you got oh Lord some legged Hut this is actually a terrific weapon for this as long as you keep pampering them with it he just keeps slowing down and he can't catch you it's easy are you teleporting me as well baby you guys just teleporting me off the tracks but what do I know I'm not you I'm me and you're dying maybe the fire is affecting your brain oh oh flame on okay let's just heal real quick just in case you never know what will happen with Charles dude it turns out turning him into like a super demon made him way easier all he does is keep chasing me now and he never runs away I made him stupid almost there big boy almost there big boy let's finish you off with what we started with okay this doesn't do nearly as much damage as I expected this one's for Jimbo okay okay anticlimactic I overheated right at the last bullet there we go there we go kill him kill him Jimbo oh now the bridge blows up excellent eat [ __ ] and die oh my god oh I did not expect that oh that's what you get imitate Thomas once more and that's just the end wow oh my God that was so much fun I love that you get in you start the game it's silly it's over the top it's balls to the wall you finish it the credits roll immediately no one around to talk to you that was so much fun another game with a good upgrade system you know even like anything anything I think that's why I like from soft so much you get in you upgrade your stuff you get stronger stronger stronger stronger stronger I like that this game was like that as well you get in you upgrade all of your damage you just keep going go go go oh no is there another the Charles birth another choo choo Charles II two two Charles maybe it's half human this time half human half train [Music] [Music] it's going to give birth to Jesse Eisenberg [Music] having a hard time getting out of that egg aren't you where the hell is this [Music] whoa okay [Music] big explosion finale or not I thought we were going to see something burst out of it and then and then all over well that was choo choo Charles a nice simple quick game love that love like a good two to three hour game that you can just get in sink your teeth into doesn't overstay it's welcome get out super fun that was great 10 out of 10. fantastic game I enjoyed every minute of that and I hope you did too if you did subscribe I'm not even asking you to I'm telling you to if you haven't subscribed already then do it you're freeloading moocher watching content without subscribing at least give me something back but yeah that was terrific really really enjoyed that let me know what you guys thought down in the comments uh if you want to talk about it with each other go ahead I'm not going to stop you why would I do that I'm a nice man anyway you Charles thank you guys so much for watching it and I'll see you next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,723,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 3sec (6843 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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