Chloe being absolutely done with Lucifer

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tell you where you did it my money of course you humans you love your money don't you yes yes we do and uh what planet are you from london that's a waste of time detective i've just threatened his life he's not our guy i would have said trust me you did what yeah isn't that illegal uh a little bit yeah because you're interfering with a police investigation you've broken i can't even count how many laws and you piss me off right i can get out of these you know funny how'd you do that come on we're wasting time we should be out there solving homicide and punishing those responsible we you're insane i'm taking you in get in the car no that's boring not to mention pointless oh yours is fine i mean enough to crow about but nothing to be too embarrassed about either so that's quite good isn't it are you at all aware of how dickish you sound no speaking of dicks why was that ex-husband of yours pressuring you to close the case no reason strange yes you are did my father send you for what well let's start with smoking pot at a crime scene sorry do you want to hit no no it's puff puff past not puff puff stomping really you brought pot to a crime scene i almost certainly did not i found it here you found it you found it here at a crime scene yes in the dung beetle's car you smoked evidence well it would have gone to waste otherwise that's really good stuff you just ground under your heel wow thanks for being super cryptic in a really unhelpful way what's the emergency well it's better to show and tell really well since you banished me outside with the lepers i decided to make myself useful you call watching porn on your phone useful this isn't my phone detective i think as i recently departed you and i well there is no you and i there's a professional situation and i just need you you need me the department needs you because you're the one on the list for the player thing you're quite adorable buster i i'm not flustered i'm nauseous now you're blushing i'd say i'm making headway no no i'm certain i've got everything on your little list and more actually yet this woman here won't have sex with me [Music] where did you get this dress anyhow i was left behind by one of my overnight guests what was she wearing when she left a smile um if i could std from this thing i'm gonna kill you partners more like glorified right away just think you and me close proximity at all times yeah in l.a we call that stalking it's wonderful isn't it but when do i get my own gun i wouldn't trust you with my kid's lightsaber i'll never let you drive if i'm gonna be forced to work with you again i call the shots you most certainly do right in the leg okay i get it you want to feel new things exactly how's that bloody hell that hurt do it again crazy guess that's not paint it's definitely blood though they're curiously not human what have you thought of all new offensive things to say no i've changed my mind i've come back to help any leads yet i need your help like i need a third boot wait don't say a word okay it was a mistake the minute came out of my mouth we're partners and i'm offering you my services what do you think you're doing for your penance ten bloody mary isn't a good shag given so generously over the years to the dunleaf foundation in honor of our fallen hero i now give you a gift in return me [Music] and he's breaking into something back to the precinct i'll see what i can find for the insta no no no not cool no i'm going to catch our killer detective footprints those are mine ah hey jerry i think i found some footprints but no those are mine amateurs how do we get stuck with the bee team anyway that's lucifer detective what is going on here and how did you get that horse what horse just realized i've been a tad myopic lately why not spread the love i mean everyone deserves a little lucifer how generous of you thank you very much after me either that or get a warrant fine i'll get a warrant lucifer oh when in rome detective please put some clothes on we are professionals
Channel: Ughh Fitz
Views: 1,714,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucifer, Chloe Decker, Deckerstar
Id: ZyoH-zv7xMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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