10 Behind The Scenes Reasons For MCU Characters' Quirks

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so the marvel cinematic universe simply wouldn't be the global phenomenon that it is today without its bevy of entertaining and endearing characters both heroes and villains alike and the mcu's most iconic characters have distinct personalities and perhaps even specific ticks which differentiate them from everybody else but sometimes it's not actually to do with the character and more a wider behind-the-scenes inside baseball explanation for how these character traits came to be and that's what we're here to talk about today as i'm jules this is whatculture.com and these are 10 behind the scenes reasons for mcu characters quirks number 10 elena's hatred of superhero poses now one of the funniest and most memorable running gags in black widow is elena's mockery of natasha's tendency to pose whilst performing a superhero landing this culminates of course in yelena doing a pose herself after dropping out of event and immediately recoiling with self-loathing even calling it disgusting but the joke actually wasn't part of the original script at all but added to a subsequent draft by screenwriter eric pearson after he heard florence pew and scarlett johansson talking during pre-shooting rehearsals during an interview with mtv pugh confirmed that during stunt training she learned that the superhero poses you see in movies aren't realistic and everybody would die if they tried to land that way in reality pew then passed this piece of information onto co-star johansson which was overheard by pearson who found the banter amusing enough to shape into a gag for the movie 9. tony stark's incessant snacking beyond tony stark possessing a lightning fast wit one of his most memorable traits is his tendency to snack during scenes particularly in his earlier mcu appearances perhaps most memorably he chows down on some dry blueberries while talking to bruce banner and captain america in the avengers yet believe it or not this action wasn't in fact scripted rather this tendency to be grazing and snacking all the time was inspired by downey's own very real hunger given the long days on any film set let alone an mcu movie downey decided to hide snacks around the set so that he could munch on them during shooting possibly much to the irritation of the editorial and continuity departments it's so rare to see superheroes of any kind actually eating in a movie that it quickly caught the attention of many fans who ultimately found it quite charming even if dany was really only doing it for the sake of his own blood sugar levels number eight spider-man never swears the mcu movies have all been unsurprisingly rated pg-13 which include the three spider-man films co-produced by sony now though peter parker is basically a sweet affable kid he's also a teenager so it's par for the course that he'd have a colorful vocabulary which is true of most teens really while the pg-13 rating may seem like the prevailing reason for why peter hasn't ever verbally dropped any real profanity on screen in the mcu we all know that you can get away with some occasional swears in a pg-13 movie but peter's cinematic conduct is ultimately governed by executive mandate from marvel comics who have certain rules and regulations for how their characters are portrayed on the big screen the infamous sony pictures hack from 2014 revealed amongst other eye-opening things the nature of sony's agreement with marvel which dictates that peter can't ever use any foul language as well as torture kill accept in self-defense smoke sell drugs and be non-white gay or a woman as such while it would have been both thematically appropriate and hilariously shocking to hear peter fully say what the after his identity was revealed to the world and far from home's mid-credits scene decree from upon high ensured that it had to be cut off at the pivotal moment instead number seven hawkeye becomes a larper one of the most memorable parts of the recent hawkeye disney plus show is when clint and kate are befriended by a group of live action role players or larpers in new york this culminates in hawkeye even getting involved into the larp himself agreeing to be defeated in combat in order to get his coveted suit back it's an inspired and hilarious idea but having clint get involved in the larp scene actually had some real life influence from jeremy renner's own fans when the idea was first brought up rena loved it and decided to bring his own interactions and enthusiastic fans into the scene he said in an interview with ew based on my personal experience at comic cons and these kinds of environments it's just me sort of saying hey man i love the fans if clint was going around play fighting with a bunch of people at comic-con i figured they'd get a big kick out of that i thought it was a cool way to show a sense of humility and bring a different kind of humor to the show number six peppa walking around stark tower barefoot so peppa potts played by gwyneth paltrow appears for a few brief scenes in the avengers showing up for a date with tony stark in stark tower and then helping him remodel the tower at the very end of the film in both of these scenes you might have noticed that peppa is barefoot which may initially seem like an indication that she's extremely comfortable with tony's lab slash abode but considering how cold those marble floors surely are that's not actually what director joss whedon was actually playing at apparently this was a production choice intended to mitigate the height differences between the actors what with gwyneth paltrow being an inch taller than robert downey jr instead to achieve the wider shots of both actors that whedon wanted paltrow had to ditch the shoes while downey famously wore platform lifts to make him a few inches taller now while it is possible that tony might have sprung for underfloor heating in stark tower there's still more to peppa's barefoot traversal than merely feeling at home number five scarlet witch witch's disappearing accent though elizabeth olsen's performance as scarlet witch has largely been praised by critics and fans some did nevertheless note how she suddenly lost her distinct circovian twang which disappeared after her first major appearance in avengers age of ultron in that film olsen had a strong slavic adjacent accent but by the time civil war rolled around just two years later her accent was extremely faint by comparison and then basically gone entirely by avengers infinity war while it's reasonable to accept that wonder's accent would have lessened over time many fans nevertheless felt like it basically vanished too quickly to be believable this wasn't actually a scripted decision or a choice made by olsen herself though with the actress confirming in an interview with rolling stone last year that it was a specific request from the russo brothers while shooting civil war she said so that started with civil war the russo said can she just have a softer accent because she's been in america and has to have been speaking english more so i was like sure olson did add however that after suppressing her accent entirely for the sitcom shenanigans of one division that she was going to give the character her original accent back a little more in doctor strange in the multiverse of madness number four loki's iconic knife flip you might remember that in trailers for thor ragnarok loki could be seen flipping his daggers in his hands like a total badass and though this impossibly cool shot somehow didn't make it into the final film the trick did reappear more recently in the loki disney plus series we see the god of mischief use the same dagger flip during an encounter with his variant sylvie but the origins of loki's combat technique are more unexpected indeed as it turns out tom hiddleston improvised the knife flip while shooting thor ragnarok because he'd finished performing his fight choreography a little early during a take and didn't want to look silly while the cameras were still rolling he said in an interview with ew i ran out of choreography basically i think i finished my moves before idris did and he was still rolling and i didn't want to just stand there like a lemon not doing anything interesting so i just flipped the knives and caught them by chance and he just laughed about it we watched it back and he was like oh god he's gone and done a knife flip at the end because he was finishing his fight moves but yeah it ended up staying i've since tried to do it every time i try to do it with wooden spoons it never works and i always drop one so it's just one of those things but lightning never strikes twice number three bucky speaking romanian now bucky's first appearance in captain america civil war sees him resurface in romania where he's been lying low but soon enough attracts some rather unwanted attention we briefly see bucky in the marketplace buying some plums and speaking romanian now you may simply assume that bucky picked up some conversational romanian whilst living in the country or that his winter soldier indoctrination gave him a perfect understanding of it but the russo brothers actually decided to show off bucky's surprise fluency for one special reason as it turns out sebastian stan is himself a romanian-american actor having been born and living in romania until he was eight years old as such the actor grew up with romanian as his native tongue and still has a strong grasp of it to this very day which was fittingly put to good use in this little scene where he asked about the rightness of some plums that he wanted to buy number two tony stark doesn't like being handed things in addition to relentlessly eating tony stark's other big quirk is that he doesn't like being handed things this is mentioned twice in iron man 2 and once more in the avengers where agent coulson attempts to hand him a folder now this wasn't simply something that the filmmakers or even robert downey jr himself invented though it's actually a callback to the real life figure who inspired tony stark's conception in the comics you see stanley originally modelled stark on legendary business magnate billionaire playboy and defense contractor howard hughes who was well known for his eccentricity and later his mental illness particularly his debilitating obsessive-compulsive disorder hughes was also a germaphobe going as far as wearing tissue boxes on his feet in later life in an attempt to protect them and so tony's distaste for being handed objects is an homage to this originally the movies hammered that point home further as a deleted scene from the first iron man sees peppa following him around a dubai party with hand sanitizer we're left to assume that tony eventually got a handle on his germaphobic tendencies though which is probably a good thing when you've got a kid and number one captain america isn't hungry nobody who's seen the avengers iconic post-credits scene will ever forget it it's not a potentious tantalizing setup for a future film but a hilariously simple shot of the exhausted heroes enjoying some shwama after saving new york city in a callback to tony stark's prior remark about doing so but if you pay close attention you might notice that one of the avengers isn't eating captain america instead rests his face on his fist without even taking a single bite seemingly too damn spent to even shovel some food into america's mouth yet there's a vital practical reason behind this the scene was shot at the very last minute by which point chris evans was in the middle of shooting the film's snow piercer where he sported a large beard and so the avengers makeup wizards eventually fitted evans with a fleshy facial prosthetic to cover this beard which due to its bulky size he effectively had to pin to his face with his fist if we ever saw him attempting to eat the effect would have unavoidably just been given away it's an impressively simple solution to a production issue even if it did leave some fans questioning why cap wasn't chowing down with his friends and there we go my friends those were 10 behind the scenes reasons for mcu characters quirks i hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comment section below as always i've been joules you can go follow me over on twitter at retroj but the o is a zero or you can do the same over on instagram retro j but the o is a zero hope to see you over there but before i go i just want to say one thing now at the end of the day every single one of us has got our own quirks our own tendencies our likes and dislikes and that's what makes us special and that's what i want to remind you of today my friend you are a big ledge you are special and you deserve love happiness and success all right don't let anything or anyone else tell you otherwise i want you to go out there and absolutely smash your life goals today i believe in you as always i've been jewels you have been awesome never forget that and i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 1,057,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KKqn-Bi92oE
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Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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