Lucifer Humor | Mr. Morningstar Funniest Moments

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smoking here oh dear what will become of now what's your name Lucifer exactly these are going back on and they're gonna stay on it's not a promise [Music] [Music] I mean if there's one thing the devil knows is that people need to take responsibility for their own bad behavior yes people do need to take responsibility for their own bad behavior I just said that sorry how rude allow me to introduce myself Lucifer Morningstar I really don't wanna have sex with him tonight she likes you who she does what's not to like so never understood the human desire to procreate that's probably a good thing I mean children hideous little creatures terrible taxing burdens the help you get out of the car child's play and good thing I did there was immediate danger he was about to leave this woman completely unsatisfied what the hey hey down hello mean girl did you know there's a special section of Hell reserved for bullies so fm you're right sorry let's find the girl sex later kidding sort of so crazy yes that's not paint definitely curiously not human what was in there my angel wings okay seriously who's in there oh you are serious oh okay sorry did someone meet him for you or are you big into cosplay you're enjoying this aren't you you're jealous the devil doesn't get jealous I'm the one who inspires passion in others I'm eating you know that mmm don't I ever okay - actually you know it's hurting a little bit it's hurting a lot it really hurts have you ever seen a therapist if it you know if your pent-up anger and your trust issues and your attraction to very dull men let's just focus on the case shall we well I will once it's interesting and was arrested a few blocks away so she'll be eating prison slop for a long time to come ah her own personal hell indeed thank you for getting me out well exactly rush out of there alone now at that look detective I believe sleep last night what's the hole at the back full not mine there's a lot mine whatever come on that girl fair enough Deary me here's someone woke up on the wrong side of the 38 still having lustful thoughts about another man it was the lucky fellow um my husband's limo driver what should i do father well my dear you should embrace your designers really and party in the back Lucifer we are at a crime scene oh yeah I've won my orgy pants to work haven't I why are you avoiding me well I do have a business to run detective I can't play good cop handsome devil cop all the time I've got a case that I can't do without you really what's so special about it you just have to see for yourself all right there's some chocolate cake in it for you now in cash Oh like a style pretty good actually yes I thought as much Oh have a drink too if you like who says the devil can't be charitable the theme of the day is your lowest point dice at a lowest point well geographically that would be hell of course hard to get much lower than that when exactly did you surrender your manhood excuse me I mean I'm all for stay-at-home dads believe me I personally commend you for not abandoning your children but there's still no reason to give up promise this will be more fun than light beers and bachelor reruns your jokes never get off come on who doesn't love a sex party then again if you me every part is a sex party of sorts mr. Morningstar hello murderer murderer it's been till the threat has passed just to be safe I won't be leaving your side so just think of me as your guardian devil here we are does your favour involve killing me I'm just kidding now I need you to do your forensic whatnots and work out what to serve this area but wait there's more now since you're going in undercover why not do it with a little panache nice try I'm not putting that on but I will keep the access pass right well I guess faith isn't faith unless it's tested bring it in [Music] oh uh detective hello there I'd like a suite for the evening place preferably one with a view are you joking this is a psychiatric hospital apologies I'm skipping ahead I am the one and only Lucifer Morningstar the devil Dark Lord it for goodness sake Beelzebub look I clearly need to be committed right away yeah we're near capacity pal so unless you're a danger to yourself or others I've just got into some clean clothes detective Decker I'm afraid I don't know a badge number but I'd say with certainty she's a 34b if that helps I mean they're not breast implants but in a pinch what evidence are they because I wouldn't be the carefree rogue of your if they weren't not evidence just priceless historical artifacts hey this baby right here is from the World Series someone else is giving favors who cares I'm Lucifer bloody Morningstar I'll do favors better than anyone else amongst other things course or at least I used to [Applause] didn't have to chase him at all he got tired oh come on I thought that was one of my better poems more than worthy of our final case crisis of that Detective seriously this isn't gonna work I agree a king and pockets where can be a bit aggressive but I'm feeling it no he's being here not okay why not Daniel I've had a realization we don't care man I hate myself okay what's the punchline well me apparently because I haven't the foggiest idea why I mean look at me why would I ever hate me after I have some radius which is exactly why I've come to you so please tell me more I'm Lucifer Morningstar consultant for the LAPD I've apprehended the stolen vehicle and all of its contents you're welcome what if that sandwich come from the Patrol guys give him twice when were on steak house I'm starving the hell what part of oppositeday don't you understand Marlys base it's already been processed and I've written you a song ready crime-solving terrible it makes sense don't overthink it so tell me what is it the you truly desire
Channel: MovieTopic
Views: 4,443,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucifer Humor | Mr. Morningstar Funniest Moments, movietopic, lucifer morningstar, lucifer, tom ellis, lucifer season 4, lucifer new season, best of lucifer, lucifer and chloe, lucifer humor, chloe decker, lucifer funny moments, lucifer and chloe funny moments, lucifer and linda, lucifer and maze, lucifer detective, lucifer devil devil, lucifer devil form, lucifer angel, lucifer and ella lopez, lucifer and eve saved humanity, lucufer and eve, lucifer and dan, lucifer 2019
Id: -OWib76thiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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