lucifer and chloe being a comedic duo for almost 6 minutes

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to the precinct i'll see what i can find for the insta no no no not cool so josh why don't you get kidnapped me [Music] what what are you doing consulting then consult less you want to go inside you got to get naked either that or get a warrant fine i'll get a warrant lucifer a winning round detective please put some clothes on we are professionals uh-huh so you're a snitch a narc no wonder nobody likes you yeah you think i was guilty of a car yeah you know what they say snitches end up in ditches oh thanks man i feel so much better right whatever he says to you just laugh hey there what's your name [Laughter] lucinda no no not like a demented witch on crack nearly had could take a while you're right no time for a quick drink then we're on duty you are the oldest young person i've ever met and coming from an immortal that's saying something come on it's the least you could do besides you know i need something to dull the pain ugh if i say yes will you shut up about the leg no promises lucifer we are at a crime scene oh oh dear i've worn my audio pants to work haven't i crisis of that detective seriously hello my name is lucifer morningstar and i love drugs love them yummy yummy yummy can't get enough and i've got lots of money mmm that i love spending on drugs not even picky i'll do any of them mix them together sometimes oh my god what are you gassy you know if you just give me that gun okay footprints those are mine ah hey jerry i think i found some footprints what no those are mine amateurs how do we get stuck it's why i thought you weren't real cops i mean a guy named lucifer and the chick from hot tub hotel high school hot tub high school she wasn't in the sequel detective i think i've been spending too much time with you it's turn my top hat radar rusty what look no offense but i think i need to go and hang out with some interesting people before you turn me into a shoot what do you still think this is about you of course i do but it's worse than i thought my mum's clearly playing the long game taunting me with my own distorted image again and again no really do you really think the drug dealer is your mother well she's clever enough to pull it all off what you thought i took after my dad you don't have to believe anything i say detective test my blood oh deary me why are you hesitating scared to find out the truth i'm not scared about anything other than finding out what stds you have very funny okay i thought you had my back on this if the department finds out what really happened i could lose my badge what you mean the fact that you shot me on purpose i told you i was sorry about that and i feel badly i do but it was a graze i doubt it even left a scar didn't it partner name and badge number oh for goodness sake detective decker i'm afraid i don't know a badge number but i'd say with certainty she's a 34b if that helps checks out well of course it does i'm never wrong when it comes to cup size what is it with the men in my life i'm a man in your life uh detective you seem to have left on the central locking act like a child get treated like a child isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car you need to follow the rules you tell me not to ravage suspects in front of you now i can't do it behind your back either i mean make your mind not detective oh the paris shows were glorious yes worth the jet lag alone how was your weekend uh awesome great uh saturday i went camping with my daughter and uh sunday did a big costco run there's like 300 hot dogs in my freezer oh really that is so interesting oh dear look what you did to paul giancarlo dead from boredom okay sorry i'm not fancy-schmancy enough for giancarlo okay let's get the terminology straight not fancy-schmancy sophisticated oh whatever you leave i'm having fun something going on between you two absolutely not oh you know when you make that face you look a bit like the doll whatever you normally do just you know do the opposite too bad i was totally gonna have sex with you today really oh well played detective
Channel: nanite
Views: 1,002,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe decker, lucifer morningstar, lucifer and chloe, deckerstar, season 4, season 3, season 2, season 1
Id: SxfGsdktl4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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