Chicago To NY In a Private Jet!

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[Music] all right everyone welcome on board we're heading home back to white plains should be a nice quick flight hopefully we still have the tail one like we had yesterday but we'll see what happens and looks like this archer's getting priority over oh boy where is he going yikes um anyway we're heading back to white plains um i told the lion guys a while ago about we're gonna part but we're just gonna wait for them get our checklist done and uh make our way we got our lunch packed up and we stopped and got some so we're ready to go all right box system is in general for the gpu start lights are good initiation has been completed parking brake is set the wheel chokes have not been removed yet give them a signal here give them the good old thumbs my dude boom yes please no yes cool cabin door is closed i closed it seat belts are good engine instruments we got 28 volts on the gpu we're looking really good on that and then we'll wait for the ac here all right give me a signal here hello okay okay i'm probably gonna be following a goal stream out here 550 romeo hotel nice all right i'm actually going to turn one first because the downwind engine on there okay cool hello one all right ac is coming off guys and we're gonna get this show going clear left and here we go there's n2 ignition oil pressure's coming up and the relay's out if it stabilize yes number two clear right [Music] it's a good acceleration relay comes out jen comes on she's stabilizing give him the good old gpu disconnect we love it all right hello midway ground citation two romeo fox at atlantic papa texas november two romeo foxtrot midway ground only three one center to exceed a yankee kilo foxtrot yankee kilo foxtrot three one center citation two romeo box yankee kilo fox clear left clear right fascinates coming on parking brake is off let's go around with 448. 448 yes sir just looking for what the wrong way to expect one center thank you 725 taxi 725 on the 31 center taxi via yankee papa golf cross only three one right three all right perfect that fox is going to be straight ahead perfect so we got kilo right there and then we'll try this on the fox trot looking really good all right checklist time rotter biased everything else has been completed she kicks crew breathing all right we got 94 98 108 130 anything below 94 max breaking frost level speed breaks up anything above 94 we'll take it up in the air rotate at 98 climb out at v2 until we get to a safe altitude then i'll single engine single engine climb out speeds 1 30 so we'll take that it's critical we'll come back to midway if not there's a service center at milwaukee texas on the server center we'll go there and get some help there go around button is set worth the vienna coming on romeo foxtrot turn right to heading zero nine or zero runway three one center clip for take off right turn zero nine zero three one center or clip for takeoff to your mio fox four five four one one hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on contact report five out on let's get out of here guys four five out of seven five four one hotel after you check clear right clear left 452 cross runway four right fast far right traveling all right right turn zero nine zero climb to three thousand let's go stable take off take our power is set and achieved two good engines air speed is alive both sides 70 knots checks v1 rotate positive rate gear up e2 plus 10 flaps up you're a dampener flight little change wait 400 feet start that turn there it is heading select traffic tower police helicopter good afternoon uh we're six miles day two romeo fox police capture two main park time at oil temperatures three zero one eight we're pulling up your ifr as we speak southwest 1404 maintain 200 knots or greater 200 south of 1404 hello chicago citation tournament fox 3000 right turn zero nine zero citation two romeo departure rate of contact i'm gonna maintain one five thousand one five fifteen thousand zero fox fifteens up let's get out of here so once we get above 3600 feet we will uh we're going to 250 because we have to maintain a departure four five four five nine hundred yep 3600 feet there it is all righty sailing to 250 1001 proceed directly runway 31 center okay claim anderson throughout center shuttle it's windy southwest 1001 you're two zero miles from gleam gleam at four cleared out last turn right three one center approach speed discretion all right bug 250 here total sized by the tower contact them now on 135 too 2500 so advised by the tower go on tower shuttle's 144 november 99 foxtrot cleared to uh november 85 airport via east texas direct maintain 3 000 and uh you can expect one six thousand and one zero minutes that's buffy citation two romeo foxtrot procedure and contact chicago center on one two zero uh make it uh directly in one two seven point six two three twenty seven sixty two two all right hello chicago citation two romeo fox 11.5 [Applause] thank you all right we're back inclinable change we're back in vnav 23 000 we're rocking and rolling we're out of here awesome that was quick getting out of there though that's that's the one good thing about midway compared to like o'hare i mean as we remember from our vision jet videos out of o'hare and that was 45 minutes to just taxiing so you know one thing good about midway you'll get you get right out of there i mean by the time you start the engines you're you're normally airborne in 10 minutes which is pretty good internet nah we'll put it on yet that is that is a great feature in this airplane though um and something citation dad absolutely loves i mean he'll be working back there you know obviously when he is on board um you know he'll be working the whole time he loves it and they just release a new thing or basically above 4 000 feet it could work it used to be 10 000 feet like the airliners but it's really good for web browsing emails you know text all that sort of stuff that even has wi-fi calling um that's like the the gogo biz uh it's the l3 aviance or something like that system it's it's very very good you gotta check those emails gotta check those youtube comments and if you do have any comments um on any of my videos please you know put them down there ask questions you know everyone asks awesome questions so i try it and respond to all of them oh yeah if you have any questions or anything just put them down below and love to answer them i'm working on some cookie socks and some other cool merch things merchandise that should be coming out on the website soon right now we got some hats and some t-shirts and some some other cool stuff but we're working on some cookie socks hoodie and some other cool cool stuff that uh sam and i are working on so it's uh should be coming out in the fall i'll be on busy that's good that's good i can't really see it um i was coming in it was quiet yeah i mean certain points it was like 30 minutes no one said anything someone would say anyone there guys are awake like yeah it's just just slope all right i'm gonna get my lunch out here and uh got what i got turkey any cookies no i didn't buy cookies oh i gotta i bought a clipboard though chocolate chip clif bars that i'll have to do for today yeah all right we got a clipboard and a couple sandwiches and uh if you guys watch me on twitch you guys know this is my favorite the uh the vitamin zero lemonade ah it's the best absolute best highly recommend it not sponsored by them but it's the best absolutely love it so i'm gonna have some lunch here we'll be on the ground this tailwind's going to start picking up hopefully it will we had 100 knots that it knows coming yesterday so hopefully we'll start picking up have some lunch and then we'll get the cameras back on one ago for the arrival into white plains which should be landing around uh around six o'clock so about an hour 30 minutes all right guys we are back what is going on nice lunch vitamins are lemonade and uh ready for a greaser into white plants checklist up here everything is completed defog's on good old white plains at 439 feet then she uh this nice controller gave us a descent eighteen thousand feet above one eight zero so we're just starting a nice descent down to eighteen now lights all good everything else is ready to go for the approach we're going to do a brief on the arrival of the valerie 5. so we're coming in from delancey and it's going to be wheats kingston is at six thousand so we'll expect six thousand so we'll put that in the box so that is in perfect then daisy pour up and then vectors from there we're playing the visual approach three four that's what the adas is showing uh we just got a couple minutes ago which we might just do a new request just so we have the latest for our arrival all right we'll get our performance numbers in we're nice and late today at 10 300 pound airplane for three four wins are pretty much basically a five not crossfit nothing that we can't handle flaps 35 any ice is off and uh we have 6500 feet available and we need 2400 feet so that's perfect accepted that speeds are posted and it's 8 is romeo now 307 10 miles few clouds and three thousand twenty four degrees so it's actually nice and cool perfect and three zero one six is what we'll be ready to go and stand by all right kill transfers off avionics are good plates are good no passengers seat belts are on and buckled up messages we got nothing pressure station needs to be 0.5 but touchdown just taking some there was some clouds that were breaking it kind of looked like this like v shape in the sky they were flat it must have been 20 000 below us but it just kind of looked like a heart shape it was really neat and i was taking some pictures was really cool post on instagram that's right and if you guys are on instagram i do have a uh instagram account citation max at number one because there is only one citation max so uh citation max one on instagram go to follow we have fun on there it's a it's a whole different ball game than youtube but uh kind of cool to do some daily vlogs and have fun on there i know we've been on the ground here in 15 minutes they're landing three four so they'll take so be in the airport and then spin us back around but if it's quiet and we you know hopefully we've got some of our buddies working at 90 so in your approach we'll get a couple short pets american 632 maintain 7-5 step at 5 what's he flying a citation just kidding that's the whole thing that people say oh it's a slotation it's really not i mean the fact that we can go at max gross weight um to 450 and you know do seven four seven three seven four every day of the week that's pretty impressive um i mean that just shows i think how good of an airplane the three plus is you know a lot of airplanes you just can't do that so wanting 1000 to go and that's you know so think about it if you go seven four but doing seven seven you're gonna get there i don't know eight minutes quicker ten minutes quicker so it's not like it's like oh you're going to be saving 45 minutes compared to if you flew an sr22 compared to you know a jet that's you're gonna see a huge difference that's there's no comparison but if you're you know seven four to seven eight it's negligible it really is we hardly ever get a clearance via voice because we have something called a pre-departure clearance of pdc this is basically how we do it but we were basically we would request it so midway white plains we put the atis number in um and then we would say sent and basically we get sent back this and it just shows us midway white plane to clear this file give us our root remarks turbo jets we maintain 250 and all our information it's a really cool feature and then we basically just go and hit accept um so you can see nothing's pending it'd be impending you'd hit accept and it'll say sure says yes and then it basically holds in the accepted um box so if there was ever an issue of atc questioning what you had filed or what you had accepted it's saved in the fmc for you know safety purposes for the pilot to make sure that you know he's protected too so anyway i just want to show you guys that it's kind of a really cool feature i think it's great it's all part of the a car system on the uh on the three plus two romeo fox the center maintains seven thousand seven thousand citation two romeo five kendrick valerie two romeo fox correct valerie jack valerie thank you all right valerie is in with the nap perfect let's start slowing it back to 250 knots guys we don't want to get a speeding ticket up here i don't know if you guys see that pink line on the uh on the pfd here you know basically go a pink line being going down or up that's basically it's called our trend vector so that's where it's we're trending in the next six seconds so let's say it goes down to 220 that's where we'll be in six seconds so it's a really good indicator and a cool feature i think garmin put in there especially when you're coming in and you know it's windy and stuff you can really see your trend vector you know for possible wind shear and stuff it's really really helpful all right 210 and then four thousand euro zero mike julian advised the shoreline or in the airport 50 64. delta eight six four traffic no fact i mean eight thousand down to eight thousand dollars sixty-four approachment answer three one three november level two thousand skylanders three one zero eight november rogers near bravo aerospace [Applause] that triggers me all right [Applause] i knew it nobody was coming more directly secure snow with this traffic he looks like he's 1400 feet below us yep very good buddy of mine mr toby great controller great guy thank you november 2 romeo foxtrot turn right heading of two to zero and maintain four thousand right turn two twenty four thousand citation two romeo's potato bud doing well you okay good happy holidays you too southeastbound 2500 feet indicated all right down to 3 000 we're looking citation all right three thousand dollars in your fresh care 87 westchester seven we're passing one thousand four hundred okay seven years of contact i'll maintain 3015 we got we can do that no though number three zero two out of ten maintain fourth house out of four thousand tail skills we're two romeo foxtrot contact what's just down one eight five seven are we going 1857 all right looking good come on go to tower all right there's a low glide slope we're looking good west of runway one six three four at all times taxiway fox killer cleared the land once established fox killed attacking the ramp his frequency couldn't let fox kilo with goat autopilot and that is away before landing checks are complete again checking the gear down three grand 1012 fox frequency changes approved have a good weekend 500. roger two freaks out we'll see you have a good weekend all right charlie and alpha clear left looking good oh the ramp is busy well guys welcome to white plains we made it home if you did enjoy the video please hit that thumbs up hit that subscribe button greatly appreciate it and we'll see on the next video take care [Music] you
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 279,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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