The Haunting of Hannah Williams

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five holy water three three we're being watched two to one [Music] this week on the season finale of BuzzFeed unsolved we're going to be doing things a little bit differently in the past we've investigated famous houses buildings attractions museums but what all of these places have in common is that they either were only active in the past or because they're famous they've been thoroughly investigated it occurred to me that to find a place that is truly active we'd have to investigate a home that is not only active now but is currently lived in we'd have to make a house call so here we are a home to a family of four that reached out to us to hopefully help them find out who or what is inside their home who are these people the mother who reached out to us is a colleague of ours Hannah Williams Hannah's given us the opportunity here to do two things one find and document evidence of a ghost improved once and for all that ghosts are real yeah you like that keep going - we could finally help somebody and judging by what Hannah has told me she's gonna need a little bit of help and frankly this house kind of terrifies me I don't know if you could tell how nervous I am right now but without further ado shall we get this over with let's let's link on in hearts beating so fast well I've thought about it I hate it yeah you got a funny way about you right now yeah let's take a seat in the dark what was that there was the noise over there yeah no [ __ ] well what's that I don't know let's go find out we don't live here we hear what you've done here I know what you're up to what was the noise I'm not scared of you there's that noise again it's coming from over here somewhere well let's set up camp here that's why I use picture frame is not so Vincent man okay let's sit down hmm we're here on the couch I will show you what I've brought to protect myself because I have a feeling that whatever's in here may not be that nice holy water yeah shall we get into it I don't know in July 2018 Hannah Williams her husband Matt and her three-year-old and six-year-old sons moved into a new home in Los Angeles California at first the move was stressful as all moving situations are but overall ordinary and for the first three weeks in the home things remained exactly that ordinary but then one night Hannah and her family started to hear what sounded like footsteps coming from the Attic loud enough that it woke her up in the dead of the night it made it a little difficult to sleep at first just because oh they were that loud yeah like new but new noises too I think where I'm like new noise I didn't hear this in my old house oh I see so it's weird to me so it took a little adjusting being skeptical in nature Hannah and her husband assumed it must have been the typical Wood creaks that come along with a home but as time went on the footsteps continued and got undeniable around this time Hannah would start to notice lights that she turned off would be on when she returned it started to become clear that this was perhaps beyond the normal circumstances of a house I want to set the record straight right from the jump yeah seems like they got a lot of smart technology in this home I want to make sure that these lights aren't hooked up to some sort of Alexa or a Google lady that it's a light switch okay this is our first house call so I thought it would be to offer all we could to try and solve this so I called in a psychic hi how's it going AJ Ryan nice to meet you I'm Shane this is awesome oh nice to meet you yes that's yeah he doesn't believe in any of this so that's awesome in case you're wondering why he's being an a-hole sometime tonight one night Hannah and her husband were awoken by the sound of their alarm system being triggered when they went down to investigate the alarm disarmed itself the alarm system monitors all entries such as windows and doors the way it works is when it sets off the alarm trips for 30 seconds and you have 30 seconds to disarm it before it goes into full blown alarm mode so one night at about 4:00 in the morning the alarm tripped and man I both bolted up and he ran set like we both didn't know what to do either cuz I'm like if someone's breaking in and the alarm off or what do we see if someone's breaking and it was just very confusing you are also warned thinking I bet you there's a cool inside my house you know someone wants they're at Blair deal my big screen TV so he gets up he starts looking around and he doesn't see any doors open so he goes to disarm the alarm and it just stops before he goes to disarm it and that was weird but what was weirder is when we went to look at the log to see what sensor tripped it there was no record of the alarm ever tripping your first ghost hunt AJ no oh we've never worked with a medium before so how does it work you walk in you give a you give like a reading of the room maybe what you're sensing yeah kind of so what I do I kind of go through each home or location I pick up hot cold spots or the vibration that I pick up here there's also residual energy of the home the land and also the people that live in it so typically what I do pick up is either people living in the home their energy their loved ones the home itself what happened here or would here on the land itself before this home was built so we did the investigation this is all the stuff that we found I'm going to present it to you room by room I'm also going to tell you the things that the psychic said so if any of that is relevant to you and we could talk about that so I mean my hope has always been that you guys would go spend the night nothing happens we all move on well I will say this and this is not hyperbole in the slightest this is by far the most evidence we've ever found in any place by a considerable margin okay let's jump into it AJ had mentioned that there is a mischievous energy in this house with that person or thing like to present itself you can present yourself as a full-bodied apparition or FBA we just want to talk and that's it we're not here to hurt you so we're gonna give you a little bit of silence right now and you can do whatever you like what are you smirking at Shane he's he's working it looks like that dresser has eyes I just saw him looking at me if anyone is here can you tell us your name if it's too hard to speak can you move something there's two flashlights on that table could you move one of the flashlights I don't know if you guys are connected to the homeowners you so talk with him but I do believe there is a father figure that is passed over because it feels like there's like a father figure that is connected here to the home I keep on hearing the name dawn or Ron like dawn or Donald is connected here so oh my gosh that's crazy surprising okay Wow for the record off camera he also identified my grandpa that has passed a couple weeks before this investigation and told me things that I said to him on his deathbed and I don't know how he knew those things so Wow oh my gosh that's incredible yeah I mean he was it's a lot okay moving on I'm like shaking right now yeah I know I was too oh if we need to stop you kumi okay all right now this is a weird departure we're now we're going straight to ghost town okay okay got some spooky rain falling outside let's close this door let's close this door ooh yeah that's it goes well it's not one of us that's very distinct that's a very distinct shush this is gonna be a long day it's gonna be a long day however up to this point the footsteps the lights turning on and off and the alarm malfunction could all be chalked up to coincidence but one night in August something would happen in Hannah's bedroom that would change that so what started happening is every night Jackson would come he'd come into our room in the middle of the night go around to my side of the bed and stand there until I noticed him totally creepy one night he I felt him standing next to the bed and I rolled over and it was not Jackson it was a girl a little bit older just stand-in there where he stands she was the 11 year old maybe my first instinct was more annoyed like what are you like and so then I just rolled back over it's like not gonna happen for you you saw the specter of a little girl in your room and you're like I got to catch up with some Z's see you later good night this morning I woke up and I was like what was that because my first things instinct always as the skeptic I'm like I was dreaming so I woke up and then Jackson was in bed next to me and he sits up and starts waking up and the first thing he does is turned to me and asked who's blank and he says a girl's name what was the name he says it was Matilda initially my thought was it seems like maybe that could be sleep paralysis you wake up you see something in your room that's very common in a lot of sleep paralysis stories that I read but to have two people say the same thing without you know talking to each other prior about it it's an odd coincidence that's kind of hard to explain ok so right now we're heading into the master bedroom obviously this is another one of the big players in this house this is where also the little girl presented herself to Hannah we're just got our chills all right we're gonna put this the Ovilus on phonetic mode yeah this investigation marks our first time using a device referred to as the Ovilus the Ovilus is a device used to communicate with spirits that takes environmental readings such as electromagnetic fields and temperature and then through those environmental readings produces phonetic noises that sometimes form words the theory being that spirits can manipulate the environment to speak through the Ovilus okay I'm just gonna put it right on the bed right but where Hannah sleeps I'll look at all the mirrors in here too I know this is probably why there's a lot of activity here because the mirrors yeah mirrors are said to be at portals right openings doors hi hi we're talking directly again to Mathilda if that's you actually your name we're talking to the little girl that keeps showing herself in this house if you are in fact a little girl can you please show yourself do you prove yourself that you're here in this room with us can you check the back of my um my arm are you getting a scratch oh that was very here right right there is there anything there okay serves to burn it could be my head probably whose here cuz it Matilda we don't got all night dork yeah that's it who are you here for who are we talking to alright nothing no one in me they may be scared of you do you fear the tall man if this was an other scenario and they thought we were ghosts could you imagine how frightening you would be but I see a tall man we were squares just to really resume just or if they do think I'm a ghost I'm gonna give them the scare of their lives right [Music] I thought there's a family's still kind of connected here as if they're stuck here in some unique way and I don't like that they're stuck in a negative way that they don't want to leave I just flipped because they died in a tragic event here so they don't like that they're here set boundaries is what you guys need do and say like look we live here we're protecting the family we're looking out for them this is what would you do it feels like as if like someone's hanging in some way so I don't know if this wall was here originally or this is all open but for some reason I want to walk through this I'm kind of walked through here so I don't know what they know about the property or the home itself bad it's above us right now but I don't is it ok but how do you get to the Attic oh I see when the clock oh boy well [ __ ] that with a capital F yeah it look like [Music] what why do you not want us to do this what you say this is just comically horrific right you think how are we gonna open it I don't know I want to peek up there another could be physically fit up there no no no no but we want to open this first okay let's do it [Music] you know it's a lot of wood what's for your eyes right now and right huh what are you doing it feels like that we need to go back into August I don't know why August is significant but it feels like it was a turning point like July August feels like it was a turning point for the family they moved in July and in August is when they first saw that the little girl does it I mean I don't [ __ ] there's a little girl here and even though there may see this little girl I don't get you a little girl here has Jackson ever said what she looked like whenever I bring it up to Jackson he does not want to talk about it he gets very upset like teary-eyed yeah I think I'd be upset too okay I actually asked him before coming here just if he would talk to me about it a little bit and what he this is real creepy he said well you know I see people in my room a lot and then what he said was somebody asked him that night are you ready for Mathilda wait so this is a second party that's asking this I don't know and he was truly so upset talking about it so what he said and I'm getting like chills what he said he saw was men and women women wearing white and men wearing white pants and women wearing white dresses and they were standing facing his closet it was like some sort of murder homicide there's that type of feeling that it's connected here but there's hands that caused a situation to happen here and I flicked there's actually two males that are involved here and some unique away as well he said he wasn't afraid but he said he didn't want to say anything and he didn't want them to turn around but it was it's just a weird visual like why are all these people facing his closet after telling this story Jackson was visibly upset and being a concerned mother trying to get to the bottom of what was happening to her family in her home asked Jackson to draw a picture of the little girl I'm scared unfold this okay so it's a crude drawing it's a six-year-old drawing sure that's good I like it now I will say a lot of negative it's definitely an interesting use of the real-estate it's a very big piece of paper well good kids got small hands yeah yeah it's a child's drawing it's essentially if someone drew a smiley face and you said yeah that looks like the guy that robbed me oh I thought you were gonna say someone drawing you in which case this amount of paper would make sense although crude the drawing reflected what Hannah saw the outfit and the hair specifically due to the fact that both Jackson and Hannah saw the same girl it became fairly difficult for Hannah to deny that there was something strange going on inside her house acknowledging such a fact is inconvenient and beyond that what could Hannah and her family do besides tried to live through it Hannah continued to sleep through the loud noises in the night continue to ignore lights turning on and off and tried to not think about what entities could possibly be visiting her son while she slept after telling these stories to friends one concerned friend decided to sleep over to see if she could help Hannah confirm that she wasn't going crazy in the middle of the night Alex awoke to her surprise to the little girl standing in front of her but bizarrely much like Hannah she felt a sense of calm wash over her and the little girl reached out her hand Alex reached out to touch it and when she made contact she felt a jolt of energy and suddenly the little girl was gone this is where Hannah's friend was sleeping over on this couch and they saw the apparition once again of the little girl you said you had felt something around the fireplace correct really it's kind of like a negative energy that's that's connected here in some ways fun all right is there anything in this room anybody that lives in this house or resides in this room in particular that wants to present itself to us right now you could touch one of us mm-hmm hello you could even you could even scratch the big guy he'll scratch the big guy he's the big guy a lot of skin to scratch Matilda get your best what was that did you hear that I admit could be the wood creaking convenient oh that's fine a little tap tap up there that's right where he was saying he thought maybe something was hanging but okay can you step forward please he's make one of these devices I heard that too right from up from love you said you hard time you hear the bangs all the time does that sound like what it normally sounds like yeah okay and it's one and it's like a yeah come step forward please who's over there follow the light follow my voice I'm over here is it happening has the haunt begun please come out right now instead of later please I'm begging you well I guess I'll just go [ __ ] myself then huh right hahaha funny joke demon ghosts I don't know assorted ghouls travelling circus I don't know what the [ __ ] going on in this house I'm gonna be alone later that's gonna be fun it'll be hilarious yeah laugh it up you're laughing over on the other side ha ha ha ha very funny I'll tell you one thing I'm gonna have this flashlight in my hand I'll whip you across the the ghost go crazy I'm scared yeah I know Alex's experience was confirmation for Hannah after Alex's sighting of the little girl that made three different people that had all seen the same thing in separate locations in the house what was the most odd - Hannah was the fact that whatever this little girl is it seems to have a calming influence on people which offers the greater question of what are these entities intentions is it dangerous shortly after Alex's experience Hannah got somewhat of an answer our master bedroom has a lock from the inside so you can lock somebody out and there's a keyhole on the outside and for us having little kids that's not safe because I I know one of my kids will lock us out from the inside of the room and it's very funny so we decided to leave the key in the keyhole it opens inwards so there's no way the key would hit the wall or anything if somebody flung the door open a little bit after my friend had her thing in the night I heard my husband asking the kids if they had done something and I went to look and he showed me that the key in the keyhole was bent at about like a 45 degree angle which I think could happen if it was like smashed into the wall or something but it opened inward and so first of all it's not something a kid would have done without like having a lot of damage to themselves like if they had hit it with their hands or something like that would hurt yeah um so we went to try to bend it back and it just it would not budge we tried or I tried not tried it would not Bend back and you were trying to do this with what like tools or even your hands got tools hands and I know I didn't do it and he knows he didn't do it and the kids could not have done this and there's no way it hit the wall so that was the one physical thing that was just hard to explain Hannah felt that whatever was in the house maybe a little aggressive and it's during this time that she came into contact with us in hopes that we would find out what was truly going on inside her home and that hopefully we could fix it looking into the houses history I found that only two families lived here before and found no reports of paranormal activity so either the activity started when Hannah arrived or perhaps prior residents could have been reaching out to entities themselves before Hannah and her family moved in when looking into the history of the land before it would become a home it appears that the house is situated on a plot of land that was once part of wheat fields so nothing sinister there which brings us to the original question who and what is this entity that haunts Hannah's home based on the timeline of events the showing of aggression and prior cases we've investigated namely the Sallie house in Kansas I'm unfortunately inclined to believe that the entity presenting itself as a little girl is not a little girl at all our past research indicates that oftentimes the spirits of children are in fact demons in disguise all right so right now we are in during Jackson's room which as you know Shane is uh this is where it all more active rooms in this house I will not pretend that I have the vision of any sort or I'm not spiritually sensitive but I hate the way I feel in here yeah I was gonna say that there is some sort of old energy that's here old yeah like ancient yes I mean for me it feels like it's wait it's not even just the homeowners it's not their loved ones not know that's connected here so I thought there's multiple layers that are there are happening is it human I believe it takes form of a human that's the best way I can describe that very good because it fit because it feels like it like overlays itself in some ways it seemed like it pops and bangs right do you have my vial of holy water here so correct good they here walking out there huh what they here walking for the owners they here walking everywhere yeah I hear walking look now yeah Bates she said it's so loud that it wakes her up no I like I hear it like with my Oh like I hear it like psychically as if I'm hearing walking not a physical like spiritually how does that don't like that so I believe there's actually what's like like shuffling as best I can describe like someone's shuffling their feet like dragging their feet in some ways but I feel like I'm also dragging something on the floor so there's something very heavy with the that I thought that's also connected here boy that's a good that's sort of a good campfire tale here is a steep but also sort of it may ride for a second huh and I thought her whimpering sorry go again say what you're saying I just Noma does it hurt I just what that davon are used are you speaking out there no I swear I just heard that as well yeah I thought so too okay so that's Matt me and AJ all hearing the same like laughing but what's weird is we don't catch it on K we don't catch in an audio I don't know that's messing with your brain when we're talking about this kind of stuff and we're maybe exposing whatever is in here are they aware of that or they don't do they not like us you know exposing their ruse I suppose no they love it because what you're doing you're feeding into their energy so if you're like saying like hey I'm afraid of it but let's try to contact it like you're feeding to that so you're giving them more power more energy in some ways to say like well cease language let's [ __ ] with you now hmm so let's feed it yeah I'm gonna feed it yeah we hear that there are two men two women in here and we also hear that there is a little girl in here and the little girl in particular is who I'm talking to perhaps goes by the name of Matilda can you say your name are you actually a little girl I think you're not I heard no just rub the top my head you just heard no no well that's fine what are you stop hiding you coward and also why the pigtails it's a little it's a little cliche what I'm not scared of you so please say your name he's lying but please say your name I have a vial holy water what do you have me well here's a you put this Hipple pig that's gotta be tough too wasn't expecting it man oh they're having the teddy bear Jesus criminy Oh so we now give you the room please communicate with us and step forward [Music] okay we're leaving oh mighty why do you every time I get near this stupid box okay like I said your name yeah I know it's not like it's that right yeah yeah it did kind of sound like I said my name okay we're leaving I'm turning it off here's your chance three three are you kidding me it's not done what do you want to say I'm going on you oh my hair just rising like this what the [ __ ] dude yeah the hair is rising up in my arm too why I've actually got goose bumps right now - oh I actually see it - no yeah I'm not like I don't have chills I think there's just an energy in the room do you not want me to leave I'm going to turn this off one more time please you say that again please I'm talking to you can you say that again please who are you don't be caught that but this lit up red oh the temperature changed what do you want with this house what do you want with me oh this just ran err why are you playing with me just speak why do I have to threaten every time I'm going to turn it off for sure this time do you hate Ryan dizzy house I hate this last chance 5 5 these mock you're mocking me how you think this is funny cuz I don't do you want me to say I mean it you want me to count down again I'm gonna turn it off in 5 seconds 5 4 3 2 stop I think so not sure I would go back let's not audio is there a Mathilde here are we speaking with Mathilde alright you're gonna make me do it again I'm gonna turn this off in five seconds and I mean it this time five you don't have anything on your hands are you that's triggering it or no that's always gonna get my entire bed tired that's crazy are we talking with Mathilde you are shut up this is [ __ ] crazy this is crazy if that's true say your name I need to hear your name otherwise I'm not gonna believe it if you're really taking this this whole I'm a child thing this far I respect the method but I'm starting to get frustrated you're gonna make me countdown again are you okay here we go I'm turning it off in five four three two one Wow all right high that's out of here that is freakin crazy and on that note we entered the final phase of the investigation sleeping in the house Shane will be sleeping in the master bedroom and I will be sleeping in Jackson's room well that is horrifying not doing that [ __ ] that open this closet since we've got access to the Attic here this way if there's any sort of demon or malevolent spirit they can slink out of the attic and into my body the pairing of the spirit box brings me coming alrighty that's it the other room doing the spirit box nothing tonight may have changed and you got rattled I guess specifically I'm talking to Matilda now what was that wonder if he's gonna sleep tonight I have this with me they go bottle holy water oh you don't like that huh who was that say something again speak I'm gonna sleep too that I know that much uh-oh it said I think I called her in this room I'm going to sleep now I'm just scared to close my eyes cuz when I close my eyes I'm scared when I open them there's gonna be something standing in front of me good night ghouls if there's any demons in here feel free to slither into my heart already it is morning time exhausted slept in my contacts for an hour just another day at the office for the unsolved boys I hope Hannah finds some sort of solace in the work we did here tonight and we did do work just reflecting back on it let's reflect back on it for just a brief moment yeah we probably didn't do much but uh see you later whatever is in there you had your opportunity you blew it your most sup man you blew it and now you're dead already was dead but yeah well double dead you have now seen the evidence of our investigation what are your thoughts to that what's your reaction to that I'm kind of confused still it's it's a confusing it's confusing because it's like it might be bad but not frankly it sounds like there's a ghoul war going on in your home and different goals different areas are identities yeah and they're all vying for ownership I would really like to to know for sure like what what it is I don't know if you're ever gonna get that but you can't what you can do is you could take the precautions between the psychics readings and the plethora of evidence captured I feel safe in saying that there is definitely something haunting Hannah's home I can only hope that our investigation provided answers for Hannah and her family at the very least proper steps to cleanse the home have been taken to ensure their safety yet Shane and skeptics believe that the evidence captured is by no means definitive and consequently whether or not Hannah's home is definitively haunted will remain unsolved [Laughter] hey everybody if you're a fan of BuzzFeed unsolved good news we have new merch and a new store
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 18,956,455
Rating: 4.9001436 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, Mom In Progress, buzzfed unsolved network, buzzfeed hannah, buzzfeed unsolved network, buzzfeed unsolved supernatural, buzzfeed unsolved supernatural season 5, case, creepy, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, ghost, hannah williams, haunted, investigate, investigation, investigative, mystery, paranormal, psychic, ryan bergara, scary, shane madej, spooky, supernatural, theories, theory, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, unsolved network
Id: PkUg89kLLBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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