Conquering Civ 6 Without Cities - A Unique Challenge

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Wait, another no city challenge?!?!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tyrom22 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2023 🗫︎ replies

You are the best destroying all games...... Perfectly Balance 🤣🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Snoo86619 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

Now we sit patiently for the exploits for civ 7

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tommoman123 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Sid Meier's Civilization six a grand strategy 4X game which of course stands for explore expand exterminate and full of exploits the game is an absolute classic you found your starting City and use it to research your way through the early civilization eventually growing into a mighty sprawling Empire that can reach for the stars at least that's what the developers want you to do as today we're going to be doing something a little bit different a no city challenge or to be more specific a no settler challenge you see a few years ago I did a no city challenge where we won a diplomatic Victory by hiding on an island and convincing the empires of the world that a charismatic Maori man should become the overlord of humanity so logically the next impossible civ6 challenge would be to win a domination Victory without ever settling a city meaning that I cannot train new troops or even expand my Empire so how on Earth are we meant to win the game well let's dive into this impossible challenge and see how a professional exploiter was in addicted to tea will handle this situation a dastardly devilish gentleman does not blindly step into a challenge and instead they ensure that the setup always favors them so allow me to unveil how we're going to break the game using China to be specific we are led by a gentleman called Quincy schwang hang Wang she ikh Wang which I can assure you as a British person is exactly how it is pronounced you are not allowed to complain in the comment section at all but Mr Quinn here is very special because he like most DLC characters recently added to a game is horrifically overpowered his special ability is the 36 stratagems this grants all melee units the ability to sacrifice themselves in order to convert a Jason Barbarian unit into the ranks of the Chinese horde now the smart sausages amongst you might already see an issue here by simply moving adjacent to two Barbarian units you can turn one Warrior into two Warriors and best of all Warriors are melee units which means they also get the ability to convert oh dear oh dear I think you can see where this is going but this is perfectly balanced meaning that of course this broken feature can be pushed even further which is why we're going to be playing on deity difficulty the hardest difficulty in the game the AI on this difficulty will cheat harder than a Russian spinbot in CS go however that's actually a good thing for us we'll also be playing with a zombie mode enabled because hey it's 2023 so every game needs a zombie DLC so we've set up a completed time to win a game of domination and Conquer these impossibly difficult AIS without actually playing the game let us begin welcome to the early game folks now the interface of this game might be intimidating but don't worry because today we're going to be using practically none of it as a Brit I don't even know what culture looks like so why would I care about the culture tree I mean have you seen the food we eat now our early game movers descend my one Warrior off to find some barbarians to convert and just a few turns in I spotted two zombies now what is a zombie well beyond the desire to consume brains zombies are a weak Barbarian unit that will Target and attack your cities and troops anything killed by a zombie becomes a zombie and the more zombies that die the more powerful the zombies become this means they have fantastic scalability and absolutely no cap on just how stupidly powerful they will become that of course is perfectly balanced so to begin with I will position my warrior so that it can reach both zombies and then bam we've turned one troop into two effectively doubling our military oh and would you look at that our zombies can also convert forces to our side how devilishly delightful now unfortunately no one fights for free these days and even zombies need to be paid so we must use our two new zombies to try and take out that Barbarian camp and looted for money now I won't actually conquer the camp instead I'll use one zombie to convert into a zombie in a Spearman taking out the camp and giving us 90 gold the other major problem of being a non-landed nation is that we must protect our settler at all costs for if it is lost we immediately lose the game luckily I found a city-state which can't kick us out so hey let us simply squad for success wait that sounds really bad do not squat for Success simply loiter for luxuries I guess once again a few turns later a new Barb Camp spawns in producing more fresh zombies which we can just stand between and convert into fresh cannon fodder you might notice we're having a lot more camps worn than normal and this is due to the game speed being set to Marathon which is a three times longer game so logically we should have three times less barbarians well actually no this breaks the game entirely and we get far more barbarians but all that aside we're now up to three zombies which is absolutely wonderful our goal of course is to conquer the world so still just baby steps at the moment but one day I might fulfill the British dream and invade someone else's land speaking of which we meet Brazil our first potential friend and he's even bold enough to grant us information about where his capital is located what could possibly go wrong Pedro I don't know annoyingly despite having two zombies two spearmen and a warrior this cheating AI still has a grander military than I so it's time to begin the great scouting Adventure where I split up my Army and use it to discover fresh zombies to multiply with unfortunately iron Jesus does not actually smile upon us and it takes until turn 50 free to really find more zombies said zombies are currently invading Sevilla which even more annoyingly makes them harder to convert as the AI desperately wants to kill them I can't let's if you kill all of the zombies so I had a brilliant new idea what if I killed Sofia first I could use these zombies as a distraction and fresh recruits to steamroll into the scythian Empire with and so just like that the first Great War was declared and now it's before narrator Wars if it was a 90s sitcom what's the deal with all these scythians foreign folks today we're going to be attempting a classical U.S Invasion and by that I mean I assault some poorly defended cities with waves of men whose citizens will immediately Rebel and force me to lose the game because the city I captured would immediately become my capital in the Rebellion would instantly make me a bigger loser than Daryl in his pickup truck oh god um yes I don't think I can keep up with the 90s theme but hey we did learn something from this knowing that loyalty would be such an issue I instead decided to Target the capital of Sevilla and after surrounding it with zombies and putting it to Siege it did eventually fall but even then after taking control of it in true American fashion I have to peace out of the war achieving absolutely nothing because the pesky loyalties of the residence is not on my side I did learn from this war however in order to win I must do a lightning fast strike and capture multiple cities on the same turn in order to assure up my loyalty defense at the same time whilst this war was going on my my Scouts to the east had been farming additional zombies that were now finally ready to join the fight also Brazil being absolute silly sausages decided to declare war on Sevilla and send an army down south meaning that their cities were relatively undefended so with that I Swang the Army up north and positioned myself ready for war it of course massively annoyed the Brazilian AI however Pedro just couldn't do anything about it as the AI cannot Target a player that doesn't have any cities with a war declaration so I'm perfectly safe to annoy him as much as I like now the AI once again is getting attacked by barbarians but at the same time I am able to use a zombie to get an amazing triple unit conversion giving me control of a horseman with this new larger Army and seeing an undefended Slinger outside of the walls I was ready to pounce on turn 98 we split our army in two the main force would capture receive whilst a smaller horse Detachment would swing North and take Brasilia the first turn was brilliant we were able to smash the Slinger And Delay any reinforcements from the capital allowing us to easily Siege of the two undefended and unwared cities Pedro did purchase a Slinger to help with the defense but it made no difference and we handedly smashed our way in without any losses this resulted in us finally having a capital city after just a casual 100 turns of play we finally have a place to call home and so just like that on turn 109 deity Brazil was defeated by an Empire that never settled the city Pedro was scattered off into the wind never to return again just like her distant father gone out for cigarettes we now have the strongest military in the world so I think it's probably time that we actually swing South for you know Sevilla War 2 Electric Boogaloo and so on turn one two three We Begin the war and Surround caloba and the capital city of Sevilla my goal once again is to capture two cities quickly and slowly finish off the others this was until I realized that I could raise kaloba to the ground because hey don't have to worry about disloyal peasants if they all mysteriously burst into flames now the war goes rather well but I never realized why I was losing so many units until I saw the state of my economy by operating at a loss my units were disbanding which meant that in a war where I would have lost nothing it actually became very costly indeed we valiantly saved the scythian capital from zombies on turn 133 by Marching In with our own zombies giving us control of the city however loyalty instantly became an issue and just a few turns later our diminished Army was kicked out of the rebelling City this meant we had to Simply sidestep the capital capture isk and then eventually swing back into the capital I was a little worried about our dwindling forces until we got this juicy Giga conversion making four zombies out of one hmm perfectly balanced so with our reinforcements now secured we shamble on over and capture the two remaining cities wiping severe out of the game and giving us two of the necessary five capitals for victory it was time for us to redirect the attention of our army the next Target would of course be the Incas because you know they were in the way of the other two AIS they were also these strong biggest AI in the game they had a greater technology and culture Advantage which meant that this war could have been very tricky indeed but before we invade the Incas I will quickly explain why each City that we control is garrisoned by zombies as the game goes on more and more zombies will attack our cities for the AI this is a real challenge however for us we just use our defense zombies to multiply increasing the overall ranks of the Dead these new bodies will eventually be flowing towards our front line which is of course rapidly advancing towards the Inca as we now pull up to Cusco the Incan capital we start to encounter giant zombie hordes which is perfect as they provide lovely fresh troops to the mix when it comes to assault our zombies are now achieving wild levels of strength the bass strength is being boosted up to 44 making them almost 10 strength higher than a swordsman which you know the AI hasn't even unlocked yet annoyingly however our early assault is tempered by the Incas building a wall we got the city right in the range of capture but nope they just put up a flimsy wall on literally the final possible turn this let them heal right back up and meant I had to sacrifice some forces to bring it down meanwhile I had already gone back behind the capital to raise two further cities and start pushing towards wanuku this was their final Ward Fortress surrounded by mountains how on Earth would spiff be able to break this bottleneck of fortifications and challenges oh oh he just smashed Zombies against the wall until it fell well I guess that works too with the Incas now encoffed out of the game God that's terrible two AIS Remain the Egyptians and the match are habits Cleopatra has the larger military culture and science output which meant that she would be closer to getting walls up so I decided to do a tactical bum rush and just charge zombies across Open Fields of Archer chariots which surprisingly worked out great first of all was the Great egypto American city of Memphis which was violently defended by weak pathetic noodle boys and cowards wait naturally raised Memphis to the ground probably doing a good thing for all of humanity because who really needs Memphis we Then followed it up with abidos however in the time it took to take these two cities the Egyptian Capital now had walls but without an army to defend in them and I'll combine the military score of 600 what could they do other than bow to my majestical British prowess finally on turn 215 Egypt kicks the bucket for good as we capture their final freshly settled City to the South now I'm also somewhat of a multitasker so over the last few turns I've also been moving more forces up to the north to help out with the invasion of our final AI threat although calling it a threat is a bit of an overstatement I prefer rather a tactical speed bump the final war is here ladies and gentlemen the major habit Menace Must Fall this will indutibly happen as our zombies are effectively becoming monoliths of power the death of the last two Wars has pumped them even more up meaning that the first few cities fall very quickly indeed I only need the capital city to actually win the games after capturing matter Ram I just rushed forward with some injured troops and there it is of course the city would fall ladies and gentlemen and so on turn two three one my Majestic sausages this has been quite the game of civilization 6 indeed remember of course we're playing on Marathon speed which when translated to standard speed means that we've won the game on deity difficulty just 15 of the way through to the actual game no one in the world really knows how to shoot a crossbow yet but that doesn't matter because my zombies have conquered the entire bloody thing now isn't that just absolutely balanced anyway ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and be sure to go into the comment section and welcome our brand new Chinese zombie overlords into the world thank you very much I for one salute are you brain eating companions I mean how worse could they be than the previous guys am I right oh God anyway thank you very much for watching today's video a huge thank you as always to all of our amazing channel members and patrons who lovely Majestic sausages and if you're sat there wondering what to watch next look no further than this video on the screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 881,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, civilization vi, civilization 6, civ 6, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, no city challenge, civ 6 no city challenge, only challenge, civ 6 exploit, civ 6 update, civ societies, CIV 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced game, civ exploits, video game exploits, civ one city challenge, civilization, civ challenge, funny challenge, english, funny, exploit, no city, civ exploit, civ nuke, civ 6 guide, game exploit, sons of the forest, ck3, peglin, yongle, sims 4
Id: 1LlLkl-90dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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