High limit coin pusher season 4 episode 15

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the corn pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in we've got 50 quarters 10 dollars a piece oh they got a great big old tower in there a bunch of 500s on it big tower quarters it's got that multiplier on there and that white truck [Music] oh they got some bitcoins in there too i got some hundred dollar chips out there a whole bunch of dollar bills hopefully we make a bunch of that all right well that's the last of our quarters right there all right let's check it out see what we got oh nintzou is so good we got about 65 quarters at least we didn't run out so let's keep her going oh yeah it's starting to move now oh that big old tire feel nice don't be long now we're making some big money oh yeah i'm gonna stay on that right side a whole bunch of quarters right there [Music] need to get some quarters all right that was a good push right there real good one that's the last ever quarters though let's check it out see what we got oh not bad we made 200 bucks got about 200 quarters also still now right side oh wow it's doing real good yeah i hope we get that multiplier get that dice on that on that white chair i got some multiplier we get to roll that at the end if we get it normally the white truck is a multiplier too but i don't see any cop car in there so don't imagine it's a multiplier the bitcoins getting close whole bunch of hundreds real close to the edge nice let's make at least a hundred bucks there there's all kinds of 500 chips in there i lost some recorders right there all right let's check it out see what we got oh yeah maybe 300 we got about 500 quarters also maybe 450. it's a bunch though [Music] nice a whole bunch of quarters right there if we can get that tower to fall over i'm trying to focus on those 500 chips right now oh nice 100 bucks is sneaking up on us oh it's real close right there on the edge oh yeah 100 dives nice look at the oh the 500s are right there on the edge now too nice well the tower's starting to go oh there it is nice i should give it some good pushes i said i'm going to stay on that right side for a minute look at those 500's where they get stuck we're gonna have all kinds of quarters that multiplier is getting close [Music] come on baby oh nice that was like 2 000 right there we got about 60 quarters left [Music] oh yeah that's doing good it's got a bitcoin nice that's like a thousand dollars just fell right there's the last of recorders oh yeah that's a good little push let's check it out see what we got wow check that out 12 530 one of the machining bitcoins also oh yeah and we got about 800 quarters doing real good let's get a bunch of quarters in there get some big pushes nice oh yeah oh nice [Music] oh yeah that's over a thousand dollars right there i've got about 60 quarters left let's drop them in a little slower that's the last of them out there oh nothing all right let's check it out see what we got nice we have a 4 650 bucks it's doing amazing we lost a bunch of quarters though we're down about 500 quarters maybe 450. there's a bunch on that shelf we'll get them [Music] nice feeling real good [Music] [Music] all right look at that 50 i threw in there on accident you guys can see that can't you yeah i don't think we'll get that out of there it's stuck i think i'll give it a try oh yeah we got her nice old butterfingers [Music] ooh the dice is getting real close oh we got it nice that was the last of recorders right there let's check it out see what we got oh yeah 2 000 what was it 2 600 bucks right there and uh the dice i know it's just a dye but i like to say dice and we got about 500 quarters also [Music] i said i don't think that i don't think that white truck means anything at all so not too worried about that i'll be sure to ask him at the end but pretty sure it don't mean nothing [Music] whole bunch over on our right side it's going [Music] taking its sweet time but it's going no butterfingers all right that's the last of them right there let's check it out see what we got nice we ended up 1060 bucks we got about 600 quarters it's doing real good see some good pushes that right side's just not moving very well try to give it some bigger pushes but i don't know if i can [Music] oh it's starting to work all right that's the last of recorders right there all right let's check it out see what we got all right all right we're under 1500 bucks we got that white truck also like i said i don't think it means anything we got about 300 quarters where'd the fifty dollar bill go [Music] i don't know we might have got it already either the house got it or we want it i don't know i lost track of it [Music] i just looked down and realized it's gone i find it when i'm editing ah butterfingers there's some sort of dollar under underneath there maybe that's it i don't know we'll see right there's lasso recorders though all right let's check it out see what we got oh we didn't make any money at all not a penny we got about oh 300 quarters maybe 250. not moving very good is it i'm trying to get really good pushes i'm just gonna grab some quarters out of the loop shoot if it don't run out people going that way oh it's starting to move it's hanging on for dear life though that's for sure and slow down just a little bit get some quarters back oh nice starting to move [Music] cleaning out that loose shoe real quick i got 40 bucks out of there about 100 [Music] quarters [Music] oh real bad [Music] all right move some more nice i just seen it move a little bit more don't be long now i'll tell you what i'm not trying to drop quarters just happening oh nice made like 20 bucks i think now 30 30 bucks down there the old loop chute it's slowly coming apart there's a 500 chip in there that'd be a whole lot of money when it gets multiplied we can land on a six or something something real big lot of money [Music] max pays 50 000 so we do land on a six we still only get fifty thousand [Music] hopefully we do [Music] oh i seen it move a little bit darn it [Music] i slipped right out my hand [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on baby oh it's getting real close i've seen it move some [Music] all right it's moving i'm getting real low on quarters though i got a whole bunch of them on the ground but i keep dropping them out of the loop shoot there's not much what was that i just bunch of quarters of that it was loud now [Music] i'm gonna grab some off the ground real quick i'm not gonna spend all day at it just grab a hand forward too all right let's get to it [Music] oh it's moved a little bit nice let's move into some more [Music] i got no choice i gotta slow down otherwise we're gonna run out of quarters [Music] so oh yeah it's 10 bucks our 500 chips was barely hanging on it's gonna be ours real soon nice we just got that five hundred dollars [Music] that's looking like that's a twenty dollar bill in there oh well now that's 520 bucks that was fell down in there nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that'd be a big push i guess not [Music] well i'm gonna collect all the quarters that's all over the ground i'll be right back check out all them quarters that i picked up off the ground there's over a thousand of them they're just all over the place i was just standing in quarters i should be easily get that now [Music] so that's some real big pushes coming coming our way any time now starting to move come on big push we got about 100 corners oh it's just not moving is it let me grab a bunch of quarters again well i didn't grab them all but i got most of them got about 800 quarters now there's a whole bunch on the ground again well it's been real stubborn i don't know if we're gonna get it [Music] all right we're down to about 200 quarters it's not moving it's not moving at all that was last three quarters though holy smokes a bunch of it came out right there nice let's check it out see what we got wow it's a good thing we kept playing there was 540 bucks there i didn't know that 500 chip was in there we got about 600 quarters let's keep her going [Music] oh it's starting to move good all right we're running out of quarters we'll get some nice we got like 350 i grabbed real [Music] quick [Music] oh yeah there's 10 bucks 30 to go i know there was scoring that i just grabbed 20 bucks out of the loot shoot it's getting real close [Music] maybe i'll slow her down just here oh yeah i'm dropping quarters all over the place twenty dollars fail but it got stuck in there jeepers it's getting late guys gals old bob came out there for a minute [Music] it's supposed to be butterfingers it's been a long day oh there it is we got it nice i'm gonna play just ah what the heck i threw the 20 back in there not on purpose but it's in there i was gonna say i was gonna play this a little longer to get some quarters back now we gotta play to get our darn 20 dollars back shouldn't take long i wouldn't think as long as it don't get stuck on that corner ah darn it i threw the 10 chip in there too that's why i'm not doing this on purpose just really really late we'll get it back in just a few minutes [Music] though [Applause] that goes on oh [Music] foreign oh we got it all right we got it twenty dollars slid on down so i'm gonna tail it all up for you and we'll be right back nice we ended up at 26 000 right on the dock 26 000. and we got that white truck turns out it was it was a multiplier too and that took us to 52 000 so we didn't even need the dice they wouldn't let us roll it because we already hit the max prey at 50 000 so hot diggity we won 50 000 well actually it was forty nine thousand five hundred dollars profit not bad at all for a five hundred dollar buying not bad at all well if y'all enjoy what you're seeing me a favor hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed we'll see you on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 79,840
Rating: 4.8863411 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher
Id: x2wO2PYmRrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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