CASH and SAFE Found In Storage Unit! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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oh look there's a freaking saying if there's a freaking safe welcome back to treasure hunting with cheese guys we are at at a brand-new storage facility and we just want a small little unit for only $20 it looks to be a lot of clothes in there but fingers crossed we find that very treasure under those clothes so without further ado let's get digging [Music] alright guys so let's go through it first thing I saw I don't know if it's an expensive water now we got look at that speed beaming skateboard let's think it even has Italian without a lock yeah there's a lock on it well I guess good luck eating that off huh it does have a tag on it does speed demon skateboard how many other skates let me know this is a good one or not and if that thing comes off I don't know how to get it off well you know here you got to cut that know I'm feeling great mangos actually now that I think about it I made a good move yeah better taste look at that poor Teddy that's not even like donatable this is just garbage I still wanna look do it they still offer look over here they have some pipe running to the door so the door to stay open so every time I car goes model like what oh all right yeah disinfectant spray it looks like we're gonna need it in this unit this hoodie jacket what is it - dick Carter never hurt you that what you want to hear that one penny money this all sucks that literally looks like all socks in here I can't focus like what they're doing in here smells weird or is it this unit I think it's a combination of the two to be honest with you that's just a dirty shirt or some socks little [ __ ] what's in there just to break the cache bathroom stuff here we go guys what does every unit have to have boo boo all I have some condoms in there some deep action acne cream I should use that oh that might helped well what do we have here just some more cream yeah just a bunch of acne cream and condoms great combination great combo all right after you cool my back actually not much what's got something in it anything Floss Picks I think I might fix my teeth no no that would be so gross have you even thought it would be that for a second oh no it's in a big cart it's one of these like exercise where you go up and down yeah I'd kill myself on that push up down this just a waste really yeah it might be a battery it's like a harder do maybe definitely oh there on your waist sure try not to make too much of a hat but you gotta go through everything there's not much in here yeah looks like a paper towel turd let's always check socks - I've heard so many swords people stuff in cash and socks you just never know yeah that's a junk in shirt yeah it's high protein what do you think they're expired probably two years ago let's see where is it up 2014 jeez they've been in here for five your cat four and a half it's the middle of the other 40 was still almost five years delicious I hear more cash oh I got a look at the envelope you gotta put it like this put the light on it and you can see right through it I thought having to rip everything open save you time is that a pebble it's the message is that a type of Bible I don't know she's like we always find viable subsume Excel yes Matthew 314 excuse me yeah definitely different kind of Bible like I never know there are so many variations of the Bible until I started doing storage units I feel like everyone has a good different variation of it crazy hey did LG not Apple but everyone's phones are always cracked up and like what do you guys do with them I've had my phone I mean before I got the hit with there's another phone before I had this new phone I had mine for a four years almost never cracked I don't understand how people crack somebody phone then while we always find so many phones only two this time but don't probably more cut all this down there to brush some little glass containers that are empty and raise it I think it works okay I'd be kind of gross I guess a lot of things usually Ella's but people buy these razors to me it's kind of odd I don't know if I go to use something to use or anything nasty where we go from here this is what they're using I want to buy it in the picture and it's an empty box with just a junk yep just tax papers and everyone open so boring oh yeah who asked it this thing this thing hey where's the other one okay what size are these mommy can boo this is a twenty dollar unit though those look like almost new yeah there's a block step let's find the other one hey that money plus some already Axe body wash bless the army stuff it's just a pillow that's scared me it's just a pillow I agree the zipper still you always had to check all the pockets nothing not then nerd yeah that a belt we got going here yeah there Louie Vuitton if it's real the last one I think ended up being not real didn't it yeah but look at the bottom of that I don't know about that I don't think I really the time I'll have all that destruction to it and there's no number on it either so most likely we got us another fake here it does have a good stamp put all that damage yes it's probably another fake the fake would still solve it about 20 bucks so obviously if it was real you're talking 200 or more or use one even but fake it's only $20 unit like I said not a big deal beam's boxers some reason boxer just grossed me out I'm glad I'm wearing gloves I know I wonder why well I think are some yeah we'll get through all these pockets and stuff in more detail in a bit Levi huh you know though I mean made jean jacket clothes clothes what is this pleased to be North Face oops North Face there we go exiled to it's just the best but even the the jacket that we sell for 50 to 70 dollars plus this one I kept myself was like a $200 one when I looked it up on their website was a gear - you still get 20 $30 just for the best Easi this is only $20 unit guys up we find another Air Force one really good shoe mmm some jeans oh man they have seen better days I've heard of like stains that go on pants on purpose and I'm think it's on purpose I think that's I have fun with paint exercise bands yeah how long do these guys arms oh did I barely stretch these maybe these the ones that go on your foot you girls wet probably not I do that long arms juncos least it'll make this easy we can fill this up with clothes two containers with the fill up with clothes yes they're here some really damaged sunglasses that don't have a brand on them so probably meant to be knockoff is something probably worthless what is this a lot of death born flying every night alright where's another here force that's the question pull the paper I favorite got a blanket looks like all clothes here any store it one you got protein powder that actually party Fido might just be a cup in there yeah it is jump more jeans got it alright ok ok least it's multicolored I thought I was a red one I was like well let some blood unit more ensure when did these expire maybe you don't have a date on them yeah does is this 2020 this one's good for another year there we go nuttin sure on this the only lifetime Sarge you're for it looks like Android junk just Rocawear never want to be the thing to are this is BTL a lot of men's gummies alright sorry about that was so awkward literally the storage manager comes by says when you done can you just not a honk and will open the gate for you it was like okay just don't ignore the camera it was really awkward boxers just for you know some Doublemint see I know about their sticky notes it is gain to turn your pads school jump pictures well they just like something I don't want to show their picture they like straights like geez from like the 90s or early 2000s that's cool I want to show their picture just that style those big pants and long tees that's alright at Hallmark cards ready well I don't work hard what is that you mess it off the car lots of cards by bunny bugs anything stuck in your Valentine's Day cards there probably will have nothing in them can get it open a bunch of Walmart pictures hold on sheriff this is a court appearance hold on don't show it domestic battery strikes well we got an abuser here alright so at least for now we know have a domestic abusers storage unit that's great and other than that looks up we got another car let's see it that's somebody's name this seal might have a shield on like you know how challenging this is a gloves on I understand the safety and what now but gloves make it challenging I got a piece there yeah okay okay area and we've got that was never been used brand new car nobody signed it they just steal like heat shield yeah but I mean they didn't already nothing in it no court papers papers and gloves dropped it that like credit suffer Bank stuff this is the posit slips oh look that might only be five dot huh so I block the five hold on now this is this is over a hundred this is over $100 sorry about that hold on take this off for me all right you ready for this 20 40 60 160 this 175 is the $20 unit $20 that's a hundred and seventy five dollars cash now we're going to see you about every single pocket no I don't even have pockets in this we'd rather sit here and go through every single pocket hole let me get this back one yeah we're going deep now that's not too bad we are going oh my gosh the only other big amount of cash stick is never found like the second unit where we do have six hundred seven dollars cash on a $90 unit but other than that we come across 10 20 30 the first time we came across over 100 again since the second storage unit we ever bought this is a twenty dollar unit twenty bucks now I want to keep going hold on follow someone not anymore I'm going there's a freaking thing there's a freaking tape oh my gosh oh that's heavy too oh you're ah paperwork no no okay cheers i word it okay there's a lot of envelopes in here that hold on now we're gonna have to look through some of these envelopes and if they're putting cash in one they kappa cash in another you never know we're definitely have to look through these and by the way I'm like holding them up to the camera light so I can see on them this one's open this is a Wells Fargo that's what the other one was we're getting heavy hold on let me shut this down over here pictures why would you buy a lockbox for all this paperwork and then put actual cash in an envelope sitting in a binder that's true this guy might have been smarter than we thought all right Wow beautiful yeah might be a guy said it smells like weed oh wait I've seen this like commercial for this thing what is it you like put it in here and then you start like twisting it and it like wants it I guess it puts it in like a row hmm this smell like weed but what definitely once we get home guys will check that box out and what do you feel and go through every last piece of paper cuz if somebody's wanted to put cash in one thing like the last time we found money in a unit every wallet we can't across that little bits of cash cash cash cash cash though definitely gotta check that out oh man how much shaking yeah it's not like a hundred seven dollars is like a good amount of money not like outrageous but on the twenty dollar unit it's making like shady because you don't know what else can be in there be sure you hear there's change everybody what's in there I see cards open these are this bank cards why does this do keep like you literally put all this paperwork in the safe but then keeps like his bank card just cash and everything other stuff makes no sense to me nothing in there glasses okay makes the motion table obviously the money I don't care about the shoe but second of all where is the shoe that's an extra like it's least $50 in yourself we could just find the other shoe but what I see it's not in here but you know what I don't give a crap no one we might take all the clothes that's usable and just go right ahead and donate them right off the bat because we just made almost 10 times your money in cash alone so you know what this is a good unit we're going to take it home good everything in more detail then we'll do a recap so see you then all right guys let's do a recap on this awesome unit so unfortunately everything you saw in the video was all there was to offer all the rest of those envelopes and everything we're completely empty we didn't find the guy's ID and bank cards and stuff like that but of course we can't do nothing with that you could try to return it most of the time they'll just trash it so basically we cut it up throw it away that's all you can do with it but I do want to say one thing that's interesting we're leaving the storage manner started talking to us an acetal we found in there so we asked why apparently she has caught this guy living in the unit multiple times they saw they caught him on camera going to the bathroom I like three something in the morning at the bathroom at the facility so you've been living in there which makes it really strange if you have a hundred some dollars as five my files are only like 90 bucks a month but I guess if you fought multiple months behind you need that money for other stuff so a lot of unanswered questions if you guys have any idea like why would you keep nearly 200 dollars in the storage unit and then not be able to pay it off we get it like the last time we found lots of money we think the guy died so that's why it happened at this time he was living in there he was obviously alive so I have no idea any ideas you always know in the comments but anyway that's gonna be it for this one so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy makes you live in a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button prosper and treasure out the videos all the time if you do wanna pause on their social media links to be on screen just click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] 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Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 256,068
Rating: 4.6850014 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker ... look what i found, storage unit buying, storage unit safe, storage unit safe finds, money found in storage unit, opening safe from storage unit, safe with money found in storage unit, money found in storage locker, money found in storage room, money found in storage wars, real storage auction
Id: ynp92lo4uak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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