I'm Getting ARRESTED...Goodbye!

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so as many of you guys know we were on a little mini vacation out in oregon going to see the last blockbuster going to see crater lake and we got back home today so we went to drop off some poshmark packages at the post office decided let's go ahead and check the po box and guess what i see in my p.o box i get a little letter here i can't show you because it has an address on there that actually turned out to be real but this is a little wild so just when i thought getting blocked by the guy that was starting to sue us meant the end of this i guess it didn't so we'll release two videos making fun of this guy and a lot of guys want to know what happened if you were in a live stream you heard me say it i got blocked so i thought that was the end of it but no i don't know if this is the troll wants to keep going or this is serious but i get a little letter that's addressed to jesus now obviously come on now that is a nickname that's not my real name so right off the bat i'm thinking okay this is just going to be hysterical this is going to be so funny i'm going to be like this long three-page insult that was what i was thinking but no they got it right p.o box address that's in the description of all our videos that's not a big deal but the thing that got me in first was they put the address on here right i thought it was just a random address in the city i looked it up it's the police address congratulations they know how to use google but let me show you something i don't want to show it to you but check this out look at this this is not even like an address label it is a legitimate piece of paper taped to the corner of the envelope we're talking this is a great place it's a big city now all right you think the police department is taping paper to the corner of letters okay so right off the bat before i even got into it we were dying next thing i noticed i thought was absolutely hysterical you see how it's one of these little papers that have the nice little thing in there make it look all professional and stuff that's one of the things that first made me think maybe it's legitimate then i get inside of it i take the paper out right notice anything it's still there this dude look at this there's paper i'm not even joking here tape to the inside of the envelope go over the label now listen i'm now office administrator but i've worked a little bit in the real world but i did and trust me when they had this they had printers designed this label is supposed to be printed on this paper believe it or not i was dying again this was the most hysterical thing i've seen in a long time there is stupid and then there is next level wearing a cape super stupid so then i got into this letter first off if this pl handwriting is from a police officer i really really think you should quit your job as a police officer and seriously consider going back to school learning how to write because this handwriting looks like it really really really came from like i don't even know i was about to say a dyslexic rock but i feel like even that could do better than this it's really hard to read so this is what we start off with look this is what i get ooh notice of a rest i am just terrified regarding the property located at unit blah blah blah it's the right you we went over this before i do believe this is coming from the legitimate owner of this store dude i do believe that at least somebody didn't know them because as we said in the other videos the facts were right the numbers were right the location was right they knew i didn't give this information away so i do think it's coming from them but it says to jeebus again do you really put someone's legal name on a legal or nickname on a legal document i don't think so but hey you never know regarding the property located at you blah blah blah blah you're not getting the rest of the number in the letter pursuant to virginia general law chapter 5 section 18.2-152.5 okay so immediately what are you thinking this is a massive bser and he put some random numbers so i did take the time i threw this number into google and you know what this guy is really an expert at using google he really knows how to open bars and type numbers and press the enter bar some skills a lot of people don't possess because this actually was the virginia law code number for invasion of privacy so i'll give them that you're hereby serve with this noted from this day forward you are forbidden from displaying the video in question on your public domain ie youtube channel my public domain okay more particularly the property described as the name they wrote out the title of my video i bought a drug addict storage unit tomato or 10 times my money i bought an abandoned storage unit like i'm i'm actually amazed he was able to spell that many words right and then it goes down below be advised your presence on any of the described avenues will constitute the invasion of privacy i'm not getting the end of all this again if you haven't seen our other two videos go back and check these all out we covered all the legalness behind this i'm not going into that again you are further on notice that a violation of this notice may result in your immediate arrest and complaint issuing against you in the city of blah blah district court or other such court that's appropriate a copy of this notice with the dating time personal service will be filed with the local police department signed july 23 2020 by the annoying douchebag there's so many things wrong with this letter if you were to look at this in that envelope i got and for a split second even think or even consider that this could be a legitimate document there is a serious lacking of anything going on between the ears there is just i'm just amazed at the level this guy's willing to go we have had people send us stupid ignorant messages threatening us with this and that and that over and over and over again but this is the first time we had some troll i'm assuming hate the action of going into our description finding our p.o box writing out this little letter which seems kind of legitimate but obviously there's no legal repercussions behind this and then mailing it to us really let me show you again i can't show you obviously the numbers on there because that's the right stuff but that's a pretty official looking form you remember i said in the other video about this guy saying that his wife was a police officer i decided you know what i was going to do a little bit of digging myself so as i said my original profile got blocked by this guy but that doesn't mean i can't go onto another profile and find him again which is really easy okay friends lust or his profile's private easy go to his friends list pick out a friend make a profile with that name that picture send them a friend request oh what do you know dummy accepted it so now i have access to your profile and i can see all your friends in all your pictures so what do i do go into your pictures search through them find one it looks like you and a girl oh there it is only two people liked it one liked it one-hearted it the guy that liked it is a guy the one the heart of it it's a girl oh look at that now we have the profile of your wife or girlfriend or sister for all i know i don't even know and guess what i have that name now that i'm on there go through the page oh look at that no sign of working or doing anything for a police department in fact it looks like the exact opposite somebody that would really really want to avoid the police department based off what i can see but just to be sure we wanted to call in and see if they had an officer by this name and guess what no officer by that name what a surprise anybody out there surprised that this dude's wife slash girlfriend sister i don't know what doesn't have job at the police department they claim they did i'm not surprised but i just figured we go that little bit of an extra step but now that i got this profile access now i'm releasing this video it's probably gonna realize that was fake and it's gonna be deleted it's okay i got all the screenshots i wanted i got the full name i got the pictures so this is what we're gonna do here we're gonna teach you how to handle problems like an adult number one i've discussed this many a time if you got a problem pay your bills you don't have a problem two let's insult your ultra mega amazing stupidity here if you're gonna send somebody you don't know a fake letter you have to at least make it be somewhat believable let's just start with the list of things wrong with this number one really like i said before i can't show you the names on it but stick on tape dumb label no company has a really two letter with stuck on label like this inside because your printer don't have a real one no next thing the handwriting on here again pitiful next thing if you're going to send somebody a fake letter don't use the template that's on the first page of google just don't so when i got this the first thing i do is i start typing in this stuff like the phrases like you know you get a scam email and you start typing in the phrases into google just to see if somebody else has posted the exact same thing so i started typing stuff in here word for word and would you look at that it's an exact copy of a template that's already on google really dude really you can't just take a template off the first page of google and change a few words and even copy the formatting you can't do that guys i really thought i was done with this idiot but you know what i just i figured i absolutely had to make this into a video and show you guys because we thought this was the funniest thing to come back to and you know what i felt like it was a crime if i didn't show you by the way here's your letter supposed to sign sign no obviously this is just sad level of stupid but like i said i could not show you guys you guys wanted to know the story wanted to know the outcome of it i thought it was done but obviously his stupid wasn't done yet some things are infinite in this universe what did einstein say two things that are infinite the universe and human stupidity in word not too sure about the universe but anyway i hope you enjoyed this little video if you did leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 38,458
Rating: 4.9224992 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting with jebus, I'm getting arrested, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit, storage unit
Id: FUUQpjtr9ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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