Captain CJ | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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realized how important my duty as a police officer is to me you know the sacred oath I took your speech really inspired me that's one of my better ones I felt really good as I was saying it yeah so what's the plan son well dad we don't know where Flaco is but I have a CI who says he's got an agreement with Marcus everyhting so you think we should pose as drug dealers looking for a new heroin supplier and gets Severino to hook us up with Marco then you think CJ can handle this mission I know he's inexperienced but he's a creative guy I think he'd be great undercover well game muchachos let's roll up on these muchachos great start and I love your double use of muchachos hey it's CJ by the way we've been assigned a new commander please give him a warm welcome hey guys I'm captain Stanley ah that sounds so formal captain Jason no call me CJ okay so that's all I got unless you guys have any questions yeah you weren't sweatpants no oh yes yes I am I had some hot cocoa this morning and I totally biffed it I like this guy if I may ask how did you become captain you just seemed a little [Music] I'm qualified no no no it's because I am actually here's how it happened I had an appointment at my dermatologist at 402 seventh Avenue but I went to to hope for 7th Avenue by mistake it's like numbers are so crazy am i right aim not really anyway there was this big drug bust going down I showed up spook the kingpin he darts for the front door trips shoots himself in the stomach accidentally and then after that everybody pretty much surrendered very quickly and they made me a captain about a week later it didn't you have to pass the exams like wasn't there like an interview where they met you and heard you speak presumably look I'm gonna be honest between you and me I don't fully know what I'm doing but it seems like you guys do so I'm just gonna stay out of the way and give you guys whatever you need seats hi Gina linetti here what I need is an assistant of my own just to do my paperwork and all my other work work is the worst I get it oh hi whoever you want I just want you guys to be happy and I will help you with that right hey we should do a hang sesh like this every morning it's amazing yeah where's my office I love him he's the best captain we've ever had hands down hey guys if pac-man were a stapler he'd look a little something like this okay so we wanted to talk to you captain LEP uh-oh captain Stanley am I in trouble no you're our boss all right are you in trouble no sir it's just that the squad feels we've been taking advantage of you and it has to stop so I return my yogurt fridge I gave my treadmill desk back I took down my desk walls and I have agreed to fire my assistant assistant Dana Dana who's Dana Emily had a lot on her plate I don't understand I mean I'm just trying to make you guys happy well if you want to do that start acting like a real captain make tough choices tell people no sometimes okay if you think I need to stop doing whatever you guys want then I will yeah that's progress if that's what you guys want yeah I gotta go good talk my door is always open except when it's closed but you can open it when it's closed okay ever let's just try to bring things we actually need for the mission really then what is this oh it's a book of 4,000 essential photos of Nikolaas for me to show Jake all right bad news I talked to captain stantly again he still won't give us permission to go to Florida I even brought out the big gun left right left right both both both so cool I still can't let you go to Florida though it feels like a hey captain Stanley we're back how was Florida it was fine I'm not a college girl come on man now before you say anything I know we disobeyed a direct order sergeant relax okay your friends were in trouble you did what you had to do and now I got to do what I got to do oh no I memorandum of admonishment much worse you're never gonna see the Sun again your families they're gonna forget your faces you'll eat lunch at dinnertime and dinner at breakfast and you'll ah I wasn't talking about totally lost my train you were punishing us yes thank you ah I'm transferring the whole squad to the night shift yes and I help you captain Stanley oh hey did you guys see a black backpack sitting around anywhere I do not shoot you should turn out to be a real cluster Biff why what's in the backpack oh just some evidence do you guys know that drug dealer named Flaco oh yeah he's a big-time supplier consolidated half the territory in Brooklyn well the bag belongs to one of his runners and it contains like a footballs worth of cocaine I'm not good with sizes and a cellphone and you think that the cellphone might have Intel that could lead us to Flaco I do now that's a great theory whoa but the bag is missing so hey how big of a deal is if I if I never find it I'd say it's about sugarcoat it for me okay I'm no biggie ah that is great news thank you so much hey if you see something say something oh that is catchy huh it's like I just made up a hit song not very common police expression if you see something say something come on and party tonight Julie why are you helping this guy sir he's the opposite of everything you stand for his favorite expression is that's gonna leave a mark and he doesn't even use it right whoo that soup is good that's gonna leave a mark what come take a look at this this is security footage from the day the backpack went missing 11:00 a.m. the bags over a chair now let's fast-forward and see what happened to it wait that was two hours we're CJ during all this you have the right to remain silent come on it tonight the guys got good hooks I mean hey CJ you upset about something man maybe something in your career yeah I told the brass that I lost a bag and I screwed up the whole Flacco case you're wrong it was a biggie yeah well you've told me to sugarcoat it and whose fault is that Jake yours I know okay so what happened I mean they could have fired you right laughs you crazy I mean they could for sure they had every reason to but did they did they fire you worse they're pulling my transfer my transfer right now oh I'm just feeling overwhelmed with this job I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a little in over my head completely unqualified yeah it's so cool how you get me anyway I heard that they were hiring a head administrator at the police academy so I put him for it wait you want to train other officers well the nine years at the Academy were some of the best years of my life that's a six-month program sure for a lot of people anyway they said that the job was mine and now they're pissed so it looks like I'm stuck here forever oh no no no no no all is not lost we can still fix this so sure maybe you can't get back the backpack but you can do something even better like what if you single-handedly figure out who Flaco is and then you take him down oh come on Jake I'll just screw it up like a screw up everything else no you won't because I will be there to help you but don't worry you'll still get all the credit listen to me CJ we are gonna get you the hell out of here are you sure you're coding this for me I most certainly am NOT that's gonna leave a mark Oh pumped I'm ready I'm just out of curiosity how scared are you guys not at all how about you I'm terrified but you know I just keep telling myself worst comes to worst just start shooting things you know I think it might be better if you stay in the day in wait are you trying to sideline me yes thank God but just because you're in the van doesn't mean you're not an important part of the mission your job will be to keep an eye on the restaurant and if anybody suspicious walks in you just run everybody over with the van and then back up if they're still moving don't try and guess where I'm going with it we didn't buy from somebody else whoa whoa hold up I got a right to know who I might be in business with I need an answer on the dog thing is it weird somebody call whose car is that you Jake if it was you cough twice it was somebody else caught three times sorry bad allergy day pollen count is off the charts so what'd you do we have loyal buyers that come too awesome and we need quality project customers a discerner one check check DJ CJ on the mic I got a guy that can get you the best Jam is like putting a guard at you apparently there's such a thing as too much Smash Mouth I'm sorry language strangers just got to beautiful house how do I know shut up CJ oh whoa what do you cop yes obviously we're cops put your hands up whoa who said we were cops we haven't gotten the information we needed yet Jake you blowing it man stop good go back oh sorry CJ that's Flaco you got him yeah he's out cold how'd you do it no no wait let me guess you opened your car door into it yep he never saw it coming yep and neither did you it was a total accident you were getting out of your car to go pee no it was a spider in the car and I panicked damn it how did I not guess that you gotta see this spider it's gigantic [Music]
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 3,133,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Andy Samberg, Brooklyn 9 9, cops, sit-com, comedy, funny, Peralta, Santiago, Rosa, Terry Crews, Melissa Fumero, Chelsea Peretti, Stephanie Beatriz, Andre Braugher, Captain Holt, Detective, New Girl, Rosa Diaz, Hot Damn, captain ray holt, charles boyle, brooklyn nine-nine (award-winning work), terry jeffords, amy santiago, brooklyn 99, jake peralta, gina linetti, brooklyn nine nine cj undercover, brooklyn nine nine captain cj
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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