How to make Cowboy Coffee - FloridaBoy Style

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[Music] it's matt good to be back with you on a sunday morning man it is already humid as anything today it rained last night so everything's really wet but today i'm going to do a little experiment with something that i've never tried before and i've always wanted to try it we're going to try some cowboy coffee and i i usually use that folger's instant stuff on the trail but i always wondered how cowboy coffee would be so we're going to cook some of that up we're not going to use the canteen cup we're going to use the versatile stanley adventure series that's a great video that i have them put a card to it right up here we use the versatile stanley adventure series and our glacier mug so i've always wanted to try this so let's get to it and see how it works [Music] all right first thing we got to do is we gotta set our stanley metro series up oh yeah [Music] this guy right out like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we got about a half a canteen full of water going in the stanley adventure series down here and i've seen this done all kinds of ways where people raise the water up to like 190 degrees and then they put the coffee in or some guys boil the coffee for a couple minutes to remove that bitter taste i kind of like that bitter taste so we're gonna do it like half and half i'm just i'm gonna let it boil for like a minute and then set it aside so let's see how this is gonna work all right our water is just starting to boil just starting to get some bubbles in it so we got about two and a half tablespoons of coffee here oops that was almost a mine disaster all right all right this does not look too bad so i'm not even going to mess with it i'm kind of going to let it start bubbling up on its own because i don't want to get coffee all over the insides of the stanley adventure series i want it to all sink down and sink all the grounds to sink to the bottom so i'll bring you back when that thing's boiling all right looks like we're starting to boil up i'm going to turn it down a little bit don't boil over whoo that's what i did not want to do is have it boil over we're going to try to get some of the grounds away from the side of the cup okay okay that's not bad all right wow that's really sensitive okay all the grounds are down at the bottom now there's a few at the top so what i'm going to do is i'm actually just going to turn this off and i'm gonna i'm gonna take this off and i forgot my gloves take this off now and i'm just gonna lightly swish it around to get some of those grounds out set it on the ground put the cover on it and we're going to give it a few minutes and see if all those grounds sink to the bottom okay so we've been sitting for a couple of minutes i've heard it that if you just kind of lightly tap on the side of the can it kind of helps the grounds sink to the bottom so give her a few light taps there okay let's see how it's looking doesn't look too bad i see a couple of grounds but we're gonna give it a few more minutes see if those grounds will sink to the bottom okay we've been sitting now for about five minutes let's see what we got man it's really hot and humid out here i'm sweating all right i don't see any grounds so what we're gonna do is let's put it in the cup just to prove i'm not a total savage we're gonna use a little vanilla cream too all right so let's see what we got here be careful pouring it out because you don't want to pour it all the way down because that's where the grounds are i don't see any grounds at all just nice pure black gold texas tea all right a couple grounds but that's not bad we can get those guys out i see one or a couple of grounds but hey overall not too bad we got a cup of wonderful coffee man let's enjoy this all right first time with some cowboy coffee oh man that looks and smells awesome there's squirrels up there and they're throwing these little berries down at me which i don't really appreciate but let's try our let's try our coffee it's still really hot all right there's some skeeters out here too all right man that is so much better than instant coffee this is going to come with me on the trail from now on and all the camping trips whoo oh man that's good it's been a while since i've been out in the woods to even do anything you know i've been working at camping world but it wasn't really working out at camping world so as of last friday uh i i'm not working at camping world anymore now it's going to give me a chance to do a lot more outdoor stuff because it's going to start to cool down me and trailblazer tim are going to be out in the woods again pretty soon i'm also really trying to build up my rv channel i'll put a link to the channel in the upper right hand corner i would really appreciate your support over there to help me get over the monetization hump on my rv channel that's going to allow me to do a lot of other things both in the woods and out so i would greatly appreciate your support on the rv channel and this is my first attempt at cowboy coffee and it is not bad at all uh but a lot better than instant so here we go we're back out in the woods again with my take at cowboy coffee this is matt the old floor boy and i will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 1,540
Rating: 4.9735098 out of 5
Keywords: cowboy coffee, how to make cowboy coffee, how to boil coffee without coffee maker, how to boil coffee, how to make coffee, how to make coffee without coffee maker, campfire coffee, camp cooking, camp coffee pot, outdoor cooking, camping gear, coffee pot, boiled coffee recipe, cowboy coffee on the stove, cowboy coffee at home, cowboy recipes, florida boy survival
Id: lZJCLfcohfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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