Can Opener Shootout! - F.R.E.D. vs P51

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okay once again the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated i want to thank everybody for all the positive comments about my new job and thank everybody that's been asking it's going really really good i'm really really busy the only problem is i'm working like 50 or 60 hours a week which seriously cuts into my video time but i digress that's the subject for another time this subject of this video is a yet another can opener video because here's the thing i'm not i haven't made a secret of of my can opener difficulties and i freely admit that i'm can opener challenged i tried using the p38 and the p38 just didn't work out too good you know it was really small and it was really hard on your fingers and i was going to show it to you but i cannot find the damn thing i probably threw it out the last time i used it but it's just it just doesn't work good so one of my subscribers sent me this and this was the subject of the last video this is the australian fred the field ration eating device and it's got the little bottle opener for beverages and it's got of course the can opener plenty of finger room and it's got the little spoon that i guess could come in handy for something but this was really really comfortable really really open the can really really easily well yet another one of my subscribers and i love y'all the best subscribers on youtube yet another one of my subscribers felt sorry for me and he sent me this the p51 can opener and he not only sent me one he sent me two p51s so i got two p51s and i'm gonna i'm gonna review this today and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do a little shootout of the p51 against the fred the australian fred uh you know for size comparison the fred's much bigger but i'm gonna do a little shootout on one a can of one of my favorite survival foods that i think you all will know and love and let's go down to the workbench at that and let's get this party started all right here we go we have the australian fred can opener and this this worked really really well last time the only problem is it kind of the blade doesn't stick open uh it kind of it kind of flops around so but it's got the little beverage opener and a little spoon now the p51 the blade kind of clips out and it keeps it open it doesn't let it fall so i kind of like that yeah you know it's and it's pretty wide i'm thinking that the p51 is going to work pretty well also another thing is when you compare the blades it looks like the p51 blade is just a little bit different configuration maybe a little bit bigger so we're going to try this today on one of my one of my all-time favorites and i know it's one of your all-time favorites this is a flashback from my past and it's probably going to be a flashback from your past please leave me a comment below if any of you remember this spaghettios with meatballs i was looking for the chef boyardee version of this because you know the chef don't do nothing second class but all i could find was the campbell's version because on the camel's version have a solid top all of the chef boy rd's have the pop tops so this has a solid top on the bottom uh on the top and a solid top on the bot and a solid surface yeah a solid top on the bottom it's got a solid top on the top and a solid bottom on the bottom look the same so one of them is going to open one side and one of them is going to open the other side so here we go spaghettios with meatballs and i had no lunch yet so i'm gonna eat this spaghettios uh this would be a great canteen cup tuesday uh portion so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start with the p51 all right so i've never used and i've never used a p51 before this is my first time so we got the nice notch all right positive engagement let's go okay three all right this is going very easy this is so much easier than the p38 it's unbelievable and like i said i don't even have to speed this video up because we are just about done wow the p51 made short work of that can now we got a little bit of skedio juice on there i know what to do with that okay the p51 performed very admirably on this can of spaghettios so i'm going to pause this whilst i get a bowl to put them schedules in and then we're going to roll okay i remembered that i didn't have to look any farther than the other side of my workbench to get old faithful that was sitting there and now all i have to do is just get me a nice canteen cup full of skedios with meatballs they don't all want to come out of here at once all right so oh that helps all right so the p51 was pretty darn comfortable um but i i had the experience last time with the fred and what we're gonna do is after we get these schedules out of here we are gonna open up this side of the can with the australian thread so i'm gonna go wash this can out and then i'll be back okay y'all don't know what you're missing right now wow that's almost a whole canteen cup i'm gonna get this for lunch okay so i'll put that aside now here's our skedio can one side open by the venerable p51 now we're gonna go on to this side we're gonna shoot it out with the fred all right here we go maybe not a good comparison because the can's empty now but here we go this is this is working equally as well it seems like the i don't know which one is easier uh the p51 worked just awesome but this one is just this is making equally as quick work of this can so we're getting down here to brass tacks ha there we go with the australian fred same result uh i'm gonna have to go back and look at the video and time this and i'm gonna let you know i'm gonna put the time on each of them so the australian fred were great on our favorite spaghetti spaghettios with meatballs which incidentally is now my lunch out of the canteen cup so what did we learn today let's go up and give my final thoughts oh sorry okay today we looked at the p51 versus the australian fred these are both quality can openers i'm telling you they are so much better than the p38 ever thought it being uh you know the p51 versus the fred um i'm gonna call it a tie i really can't pick a clear winner they both work great there's there's plenty of finger room it seems like the fred if you had a tough can the thread would give you more leverage but the p51 has a lot of finger surface to work with too uh and i'm gonna call this i'm gonna call this a tie you can't lose with the p51 and you can't lose with the australian fred so that's the result of my comparison once again i want to thank everybody for the comments uh and the new jobs going really good and it's it's good because i'm so busy i can't do a lot of videos uh but it's also bad that i can't do a lot of videos but on the flip side it's really really hot outside and i don't want to be out in those woods anyway it's just going to have to cool off a little bit because i'm not getting any younger so with my spaghettios and meatballs out of my canteen cup and my review of the and the australian fred this is matt the old florida boy and i will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 1,656
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: can opener, can opener how to use, p51 can opener, p38 vs p51 can opener, fred can opener, backpacking can opener, p51 vs fred can opener, p51 can opener uses, australian fred can opener, florida boy survival, canteen cup tuesday, p51 can opener history
Id: BbvtUYh1b0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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