Canteen Cup Tuesday - Easy Hobo Rice & Sausage!!

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hey it's Matt welcome to another edition to canteen cup Tuesday today we're gonna do something that I've always wanted to do which is some easy Hoebel rice in the canteen cup could be pretty good I don't know I've never made it before but we're gonna try it so I'm gonna continue to walk and get over to my cooking spot and then we're gonna get rolled so stay with me [Music] something in the water that's come at me all right out of one of my favorite spots starting to get a little breezy so I got to get this set up got my day pack on today a lot a lot of fuel a lot of blowdown all right let's get this going alright let's see what we got today ah matches well we'd gas canteen cup water some rice all right Wow there we go how many get the wood gas or started up and then we're gonna start rolling all right that didn't take long all this stuff is so dry out here there's like unlimited amount of fuel boy that wood gasser is going now [Applause] Wow sausage and frozen peas and carrots which should be pretty good a little oil in the soy sauce couple spices Wow man I haven't cooked in my would gasser for a while I might start doing it again alright that's got to burn down to get some oops that's got to burn down to some coals so I'll be back alright we're gonna get some oil on the bottom of this canteen cup start heating up some sausage and peas and carrots sausage peas and carrots [Applause] that shouldn't take very long mmm all right I don't know if you can hear it but the sausage peas and carrots is sizzling up nicely on the wood gasser man this thing is great I haven't used it in a while it's gonna start coming out with me again I don't want to introduce you to another friend of mine that I have with me today while I'm waiting for the wood gasser to go wouldn't be complete without this man the sausage piece and carrots there's really wheeling all right I want to thank everybody for participating in the canteen cup Tuesday I seen some incredibly good recipes I mean just some incredibly good stuff okay just warming up nicely warming up nicely got to keep fueling up the wood gasser though boy that ought to cook it mmm that is looking good oh man almost ready for the next ingredients okay I'm gonna add a little spices I got a little bit of garlic salt onion powder and some salt and pepper and that's we're just gonna saute this stuff on that so here's my little spice thing we're gonna do my scientific measuring method which means we're gonna dump it all oh yeah mmm have a little taste mmm holy Mack elect good Wow that's getting good oh my word the day wouldn't be complete without a Bud Light though all right this is gonna continue to cook and I got to go get some more wood I'm a couple more sips of beer all right so sausage is sautéing up and a little Evo Oh Rachael Ray would be proud man the wood gasser is gassing oh wow look at that oh wow Buhler taste man that's good Oh gotta let my sausage Brown up just a little bit more I never made this this is kind of just a concoction that I saw and you know decided hey why not I'm just gonna throw a bunch of stuff together that I have laying around and do a canteen cup Tuesday on it because that's really the spirit of canteen cup Tuesday is throwing a bunch of stuff together and making it happen so that's what we're doing we're throwing a bunch of stuff together and we're making it happen there you go all right almost ready all right sausage is browned up good now we're gonna add eighth of a cup of water there about over about 1 cup of water my scientific measuring method again that's about a cup of water see if we can get that water to boil then we're gonna put you right I don't think it's gonna take very long for that water to boil all right would gas was gassing let's check the water oh all right now we're gonna add a cup of rice this is almost ready we're gonna take this off cover it alright here's my cover snap wouldn't give that about 5 minutes and then we're gonna come back and show you the finished product okay this is a nice way to spend Tuesday morning it kind of frosted you know that this is this is kind of our cold weather so had some frost the last couple mornings I am it out in the woods by my house but it's near a distribution center so you might hear some other stuff but this goes to show you you can't get away from everybody no matter where you go so kind of cool but now got my jacket off now it's warming up a little bit we got a little hobo rice and just taking a break and join a few sips of Bud Light hmm it's a tallboy it's even better alright let's check out our rice mixture remember I got the cap that snaps on oh look at that oh this is good all the good stuffs on the bottom all right got a little secret ingredient just a little bit soy sauce I forgot the hot sauce so I replace it with soy this actually looks pretty good got sausage in there got peace and carrots rice saute me olive oil as a plane goes over let's try it ma'am the olive oil with the garlic salt and onion powder a little tiny bit of salt and a bunch of black pepper because I like pepper oh man that's good mmm so we're gonna call this mmm we're gonna call this hobo sausage and rice on a wonderful Tuesday morning nice and breezy clear cool I mean we got smoke and rice and sausage hmm mash good [Laughter] hmm holy mackerel that's what it what a way to get some breakfast on Tuesday morning okay I can remind everybody left-hand side you're gonna see some suggested videos upper right-hand corner you're gonna see my subscription box and once again coming to you on canteen cup Tuesday from Florida swamps this is Matt from Florida boy survival saying I will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 10,543
Rating: 4.8965516 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, bushcraft, camping, canteen cup, hiking, cooking, canteen, cup, outdoors, fire, survival, woodcraft, camp, ramen, ramen bomb, shrimp, grits, floridaboy bushcraft and survival, hobo rice and sausage, hobo, hobo rice
Id: q7ILrgo5JKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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