CANTEEN CUP TUESDAY (Smoked Sausage Mac and Cheese)

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hello YouTube Crispin calles ona outdoors and it's canteen cup Tuesday today I've been watching a lot of videos on here it really inspired me to get out here get away from work and actually enjoy nature again so today an old childhood favorite of mine when I do some shells and cheese with some smoked sausage inside so you get set up see what we're working with here gonna use our looks at a stove and our canteen cup so give me a minute and I'll get set up and we'll get cooking all right thanks for sticking around let's get cooking got a few should be enough for what we're doing and go old-school and start them with some regular old book of matches and there she goes first off we're gonna dice up our smoked sausage and detective just brought out the more a companion today that's all I needed for this application I didn't get it cut up and that's good enough for me there got a week Gerald canteen cup and get those cheddar sausages we're just going to brown this here and then get our water boiling for the shelves give you a look inside here [Music] [Music] [Music] and when you're cooking in the canteen cup is such a small surface area you got to stir up and stick to the bottom [Music] that's browning up really nice [Music] [Music] that's about all the cooking those need they're already cooked all the way through you just want to heat them up a little bit and I like mine brown so next up better boiling water to get our shells go it should be good for the shells now this is about a half of a box so don't need the whole whole box and love beat and up running in the cup to cook it and here we add the lid so it'll boil faster I'm not gonna have you watch the water boil so we'll bring it back when it's boiling okay you can see we got us a rolling boil here so you see if I can give you a look at that there you go just want to let that go about seven minutes then we'll continue okay so it's been about seven minutes with a nice rolling boil so I'm gonna go ahead and call that good and we're gonna go ahead and take her off he's a ring to go ahead and stuff the fire out and now to drain our shelves let them all nice and drained go ahead and add our cheddar smoked sausage give that a quick mix first see there now to add our cheese mix a little bit at a time that's super cheesy now I have a little seasoning kit that I made it's got a some lemon pepper garlic salt and last but not least to complete it some Tabasco I like mine spicy so I put the whole thing in there give it a good stir and now it's time to enjoy alright well let's see how it came out that's really good mine's me being a kid again so once again this is Chris with calles ona outdoors if you liked this video go ahead and hit the subscribe button give me a like thank you for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Views: 5,845
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: Cantten Cup Tuesday, camp cooking, outdoor cooking, survival cooking, survival, cook kit, lixada stove, pathfinder cup, alcohol stove cooking
Id: 1xCdrQ6HVZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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