Old Fashioned Butterscotch Pie

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome back to my outdoor kitchen today we're gonna make a pie we're making a butterscotch pie with meringue we're outside not because it's cool or it's just that i ain't been out here in a while and i thought i'd bring out to the outdoor kitchen today but this is an old-fashioned butterscotch meringue pie and i've had some requests for it so it's an easy pie to make so we're going to get started on it and i'll show you the ingredients and you'll probably pretty much have all the ingredients that you need for this pie over here i've got a 9 inch deep dish baked pie shell back here ready for me to put my pudding in i've got in here i've got two cups of whole milk and then i've got two-thirds cup of cream now you can use two percent milk if you want to but you know if you're gonna be using the two-thirds cup of cream it's kind of defeating the purpose but you can do that and that does help but there's two cups of milk whole milk and two-thirds cup of cream i've got a cup of packed brown sugar and you can use a lot or you can use the dark whichever one i've got three beaten egg yolks i've got a fourth a cup of you can use cornstarch you can use flour arrowroot whichever you have in use i got three tablespoons of butter a half a teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of vanilla so i got my heat on about medium high and i'm going to pour my milk in here i'm gonna go ahead and put my three egg yolks now a lot of recipes want you to put them in later but anymore when i'm making my cream pies i go ahead and put my egg yolks in i'm gonna put my brown sugar i'm gonna put my cornstarch or flour whatever you're using a half a teaspoon of salt and you can probably hear the birds in the background now i'm not gonna put my butter or my vanilla in until i get this cooked and good and thick now i think a lot of people have trouble they say that they're they're custard pie filling it's always too runny and you know i've been making plies for a long time and i always cook my pie fillings and i never take them off the stove until they're good and thick in my pot a lot of recipes that tell you to cook it you know bring it up to a bowl and cook it for a minute and pour it in your pie shell and people say oh i got a runny pie i never take mine off the stove until it's good and thick so i never have that problem so you can see how my butterscotch pie is gonna be light in color but if you use a dark brown sugar and you can even darken your light brown sugar with a little bit more molasses you'll have a darker butterscotch pie so like i said i've got it on medium high i'm going to let it come to a let it come to a boil and i'm just going to keep stirring it on medium high and when it starts to thicken up a little bit i might turn it down to a medium low until it gets pretty thick thick enough the consistency that i like so it shouldn't take very long we come back we'll pour it in our pie shell and we're gonna make our meringue for it it's getting thick you don't see how thick it's getting and it took what about five minutes maybe to get that thick so now what we're gonna do is i'm gonna turn my burner down just a little and it's really thickening up good and i'm gonna put my two teaspoons of vanilla i think i'm gonna take it off the heat stir that in good and i'm gonna put my three tablespoons of butter bring it back over here let it melt that butter just let it keep thicken it up for me and like i said earlier it's going to be mine's going to be a light color because i used light brown sugar now you could even use a half and half you could use half light brown sugar and you could use half of dark brown sugar and that'll give it a real pretty color a little in between where it's not too dark so i'm still going to let it cook and thicken up just a little bit more that way i know it'll sit up good now as it sits though and as it cools off it will thicken you know it'll set up good but a lot of times you'll think you got it where it needs to be and it won't sit up very good and i've had times you know as many cream pies as i've made in my life i've had times that you know it didn't set up the best then i've had times that done just perfect now you can see that consistency and i'm still looking for just a little bit thicker now i don't know much about uh i know they have stevia um not sure about some of the other is there i guess there's splint splendor or splendid or something and then there's stevia and then some different ones but there may be a brown sugar stevia or something out there i'm not sure about all that y'all that have to watch your sugar though y'all know what i'm talking about and y'all can use that in this uh in this recipe make you a pie with it because i know there's a lot of y'all that are diabetic and have to watch your sugar so that would work too i'm gonna take it off and i've got my baked nine-inch pie shell and i like to put it in my deep dish because when i put meringue on this pie i'm gonna put it where it covers the end of this crust and the reason why because it'll keep it from as that meringue cools it wants to pull away so when i do it this way it'll cover that and it'll keep your whole pie covered that's a pretty pie crust yeah and i'll put a link to my video pie crust down in the description box so now we're gonna put all this stuff up when we come back we're gonna get our meringue together and get it on the pie and then we'll get the pie in the oven and i get to lick the bowl and yeah you get to i forgot i had my spatula out here people have been getting onto me for not scraping my pot and the reason i don't do that is because mr brown i always let him have what's left yeah y'all taken away so i'm leaving it for you don't take away from mr brown we're back in the kitchen and we're going to make some rain for our butterscotch pie i come back inside because it's cooler in here my pie's not going to set up outside but i didn't want to make my rain outside either because it's too humid so we're back in that kitchen let's make up some rain for our pie okay let's get started our meringue for our pie i've got four large egg whites and this is a really easy easy process now what i want to do before i start to put anything in here is i'm going to bring this to a froth and what i mean by that i'll show you by what i mean when i say bring it up you know to a frothy stage okay this is what i mean by your your frothy stage here and this is when i add my eighth of a teaspoon of cream of tartar and i'm going to turn this back on and we're going to whip it till it gets to a soft peak okay here i've got it at a soft peak and what that means you can just see how it's just kind of picking that made one little poof there and that's about the soft peak stage so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add me about a half a teaspoon of vanilla and then i'm going to start adding my sugar to it i'm gonna put about two teaspoons at this point i'm gonna turn it back on and i'm gonna let it uh mix a little is getting to where i want it i want to put two more teaspoons of sugar now if you like your meringue really really sweet you can put more than that but four teaspoons is all i ever put in my meringue because i don't like it just overly sweet so i'm going to mix this just a little bit more you don't want to over mix your meringue all right i'm at the point that i want to be i've got a pretty good uh peak going on there some people call it uh your soft peak and then your your harder peak there but you can over do your meringue so this is about the consistency that i like so let's get it on our pie so i hope y'all i don't i don't know if the camera's getting you know a good shot of this but it's still warm i like to put my meringue on while it's still warm and get it in the oven but i love the color of this because this is a butterscotch color i really don't you know it don't have to be any darker than that but this is a real nice butterscotch color so now we're going to put our meringue on and if you don't like meringue you don't have to at this point you can just put you some plastic wrap on your top of your pie and put it in the refrigerator and let it get cold and then take it out put you some whipped cream or some cool whip whatever you prefer on it and it will be delicious this will be one of mr brown's favorite pies he's not had one probably in a while but he absolutely loves anything like butterscotch or caramel or anything like that so so now we're just gonna dippidy doo doll here and it don't have to be perfect but the one thing that i do like to make sure is that i get it sealed on the edge y'all if i don't sound too too active today i really not felt good today so i apologize if i'm not up on my happy cherry self and i am happy and i am cherry just not as much you know sometimes you just wake up and you're just like it's not that you're sick you just don't have the energy and you just kind of feel pooey but needless to say i'm not so sick i can't make y'all a pie or feel too bad to make a pie so i've got it sealed all the way around so now what i'm doing is i'm just taking the the edge of my spatula here and you can do it any way you want to but this is the way i like it because i like to have all them little things you say sticking up the little meringue spikes i like for them to get really really crispy and brown that's why i like doing it this way so all i gotta do now is i lift my oven on out in the outdoor kitchen and i'm gonna put it out there on uh 400 and i'm going to let this get real good and brown because i like my meringue brown really brown so we'll be back in just a little bit i'll take this time and i want to thank everybody that has been so kind to me and mr brown but i have gotten recipe books so many this past year um if i had them all out here i'd have pile of them but i would love i'll probably make a video of me going through them some of them are really old old handed down cookbooks that i cherish so much that i want to thank y'all for thanking miss laurie sending these books to me that you had and you cherished and now they're going to be in my home and in my kitchen for me to cherish just got it out of the oven oh my what a pie good and brown on top that's the way we like it so i'm gonna take it inside and we're gonna let it set up and cool and then probably about three hours from now mr brown taste it for us see if it's any good but meanwhile i think we're gonna go on a road trip [Music] okay so we went to mama springs and we ate um some pretty good walleye so we went and ate some fish and before we went night we stopped at a flea market and we did pick up a few things so i'm going to show you what we got and then we're going to taste that good pie even though we're too full from eating all that fish we're still going to eat some pie because there's always room for pie okay i'm going to show you a few things that uh we just picked up just a few things that we saw we just the main reason we even went was try to find me a a secretary desk i really would rather have an antique one than to buy you know anything new or halfway know because it just wouldn't look right in a cabin um but anyways i found these lids and i'm not sure about the date on these and i they were sealed and i opened them up they were 375 and i looked them over and the lids are still good the seals are not dry rotted or nothing for them being pretty old i mean i don't know for sure i know they're over 10 years old like i said the box was still sealed and everything but they're still in good shape so i know a lot of people are having a hard time finding jars and lids i've got a lot of jars i'm good on jars but lids i'm trying to get as many as i can find and they're hard to find and i've had a few of my subscribers that have sent me brand new lids and i appreciate them so much so i got two of those 375 and then i found these just the regular uh care mason jar lids and i opened this one up too they were both sealed these are 3 25 and i checked the seal and they all look good none of them are dry or nothing still in good shape now they didn't have just a whole lot of them but i'm sure what happened is somebody probably went to a an auction or maybe a estate cell or something and somebody had all these lids now i found this bag and you see it's got some older lids in here but the whole bag was four dollars this regular lids here with the rings was not open but i did open it because i looked at them it's a whole box there's none missing um not sure how old these are this one goes back it talks about the 30th edition of the blue ball book ball blue book sorry and um i think it was like 3.50 cents back then but i can't get really any date on it that i see but anyways i opened them up and they all look good so i got a really good buy on this one four dollars for the whole bag now they've got these uh syringes in here and needles and what they these are for us for uh injecting stuff you know stuff into your turkeys but that's not i didn't even want them but i will use them this one right here this one was kind of interesting these are polyvac mason jar home canning lids wide mouth and these are just a little bit different but these were made in new zealand all these others of course made in uh united states but these come from new zealand so i thought that was kind of cool but um when i opened it up there's not 12 in here but that's okay but you can see these are a little bit the seals feel kind of dry on them so i don't know that i would use these now the seals are a different color than what we make here in the united states and if anybody can tell me this from new zealand have had these maybe you can you know tell me a few things about them the seals still feel good but they do feel a little bit a little bit drier than the others i think if worse come to worse i'd use them i wouldn't be afraid of them because they're either gonna seal or they're not gonna seal one of the other so i thought that was pretty neat and this was in their toe this is a pretty old box of wide mouth mason down lids and right here on the side the ball blue book uh i think that says 29th edition was a dollar but when i got to looking through these you can see how these are different color so that their care so i don't know if i should use them or if they're okay maybe it's just was the color of the seal because the seal feels good it's not dry rotted or nothing they've not been used these right here are fine i looked them over so they're all good so i will be using these so that whole bag was four dollars so i come out of there with some extra jar lids they may be old but they're still good let's see i got me another jar with the old antique um zinc lid on it and what i'm gonna do with this one is i want to put all my my buttons in it i had a friend that also got me a jar of buttons at a flea market and uh i'm gonna put them in here too i like these jars like this with the lids like this too it was a pretty good price so it was five dollars not too bad then i found this book for three dollars it's a cookbook and it says busy woman slow cooker cookbooks cookbook meals ready and waiting now somebody may have this cookbook but i looked through and it's got some really good recipes in it for slow cooker so for three dollars i thought that was pretty good so the other thing we bought was a new case our kerosene lamp here because we needed one more for the cabin if we have to go off grid i think we're good now and the reason we chose this one is because this base is really heavy a lot of them you find are just now this is not the original it doesn't it didn't go with it but this part right here is good and heavy you won't be able to knock it over we give twenty dollars for it so it was a pretty good buy so we went ahead and got it it's pretty tall so i think we're good on kerosene lamps now last but not least we come home with this old rocker and i don't know how old this rocker is what would you say mr brown i honestly don't have a clue it's not it's not super old but it's it's a nice rocker i was impressed of how even a rocker it is and how it just keeps rocking all on its own now we was in need of another rocker and we wanted another antique one so and we didn't go in there to buy rocker but there was a good price on this one and we both liked it when you sit in it it's comfortable it the back of it kind of curves just enough it's not curved but it covers just a little enough to fit your back so we come home with that and it just keeps rocking mr brown sit down in it you'll see how it creaks you remember how the old rocking chairs would creak now that would put a baby to sleep yep pat it's little bottom now it may creep too much we may have to do something about that but i think you're using it quick but it creeps yeah it does so that was our flea market fine now we're gonna we're gonna taste some pie okay we're gonna taste the butterscotch meringue pie i'm gonna taste some mine's about gone this is already gone it don't it don't take very long for me to get rid of a piece of pie especially butterscotch it's really good the feeling is firm and it's good it's creamy it tastes like it's like butterscotch it's really good it's really good the uh y'all cast lobbers are good yeah and i told them if they didn't like meringue they could they would all put whipped cream or something on it and it'd be good too y'all had to try this recipe it's really good uh butterscotch pie has been around for many many years and it's always been a favorite in a lot of households so y'all try it so it's good to see everybody talk to everybody i didn't get to see you but i got to talk to you you guys see us though mr brown is cleaning his plate here you can have mine too anyways uh i guess we'll see y'all in a couple days hope y'all like this video if you did give it a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and uh y'all have a good rest of the weekend be safe and god bless everybody behave goodbye
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 158,282
Rating: 4.9773889 out of 5
Keywords: pie, lady, whippoorwill, holler, Homestead, #cooking # baking #chickens #garden
Id: tsjo3TbovI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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