Poopcano versus METEOR!? Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to city skylines the last time we built this oil field hoping to make a load of money but unfortunately all the oil that was there seems to have been pumped out and i'm recording this before the other video has gone live so yes i'm speaking to you from the future wait no the past future i'm not sure but basically i haven't read your comments to find out what the hell i did wrong uh so we're gonna we're gonna leave that and we're gonna head over to here now this is our castle moat and it's surrounded by pooh however you'll notice down here our castle which we designed for the architects to live is underwater the term water being used very loosely here now so what i thought i would do i would try and raise this architectural atlantis from the grave back up so if we click on the landscaping and disasters oh god okay this is now i'm tempted now i'm tempted or we can put a sinkhole in it maybe that would be a good way to get rid of sewage there's meatier strikes oh man i really want to it's given me a cross hair and everything oh dear what is this dog doing you're always interrupting my recordings aren't you hey pat dad's got to destroy some architects so you go do some dog things okay right so i'm gonna have to do i can't even do this this early in the thing but let's destroy the architects with one of those we're in cinematic mode do i need to zoom out i don't really know what's gonna happen come on game you're teasing me oh it's coming it's coming devastating meteor will strike the city in the near future okay we've got warning lights oh i hear something oh there it is there it is oh it's gonna be glorious it's gonna be glorious ready ready whoosh whoa look at the turtle wave is poo gonna leak out or is it okay actually i didn't do too much damage you know well there might be a bit of spillage yeah there's gonna be a bit of spillage you can see it coming over oh oh man that's that is nasty oh no the tip the tip is all stinky now whoa look at that bit city in the near future oh no they're all you just had a warning because another one's coming it's available i think they all stacked oh look there it comes there it comes all right ready this is gonna be a little bit brutal i think why'd you do that game i'm trying to watch from this angle there we go boosh oh oh man that looks like a canoe now oh there's another meteor on the way as well oh no look at the architect's castle it's been destroyed oh god there's another one oh that's a low one mind the windmill push man it's it's very fiery all right well that has sort of made made a bit of a mess everyone's a bit blooded down here look at that that is a turtle wave if ever i've seen one it's swallowing houses that one's gone down oh dear it's a turtle surge it's a turtle search all right hopefully not too many people will die and they can just clear this up although that is is quite a wave of poo that is anyway where were we i was distracted by that so i was heading into landscaping and no not another meteor get rid of that i was going to razor terrain and look brush strength where was this in the last few episodes i did really comment that said matt you're an idiot you should just use brush strength because then it goes really high really quick so yeah from there the architect's tower is rising so if we use level terrain we can click i don't know about bearish and we can just level all that out nice so that is where the architects will live oh my goodness that's pretty wavy i should probably check actually that it's the right level let's go back into that right click there and then yeah we did need to come a little bit higher just a little bit okay so next we need some sort of housing for architects now as we've unlocked lots of different buildings and things there should be some cool things to build with god that's hideous software development studio that sounds a bit like an architect sort of building so first off we need a road up here so let's go to our roads and try and work out where our current road finishes i wanted to bridge from there but the game wouldn't let me for some reason okay we're gonna have to connect from that road back up to there and now we've got this we can do that sort of thing why is there a lump there where did that lump come from and place that on there that is perfect architecture building has been built right on the road like there's not even an entrance there the entrance is is that the entrance i think the entrance is around here then we'll just paint this with some high density stuff so we'll do that you want to make sure these guys have water so we'll do a water pumping station so that can go there that will collect the drinking water or the architects and then we've just got to connect this up because we're not savages we will make sure these are under the road like a good engineer all right so they got was connection they just need some power so place a couple of those in there and then they should have power yes but they're complaining they've got nowhere to poo nowhere to poo okay so they want a sewage outlet that's disgusting that they're just that they don't even care they just want to pump raw sewage into the water there is no shame in these architects but i think now they are connected so we'll give them a few trees and stuff because they're nice like that fear these big trees yep definitely definitely that's what i'm after of course the name architect hill and we can actually come in here and we can change the speed limit so we've said there's completely no speed limits on that go as fast as you like all right sorted at least we know the architects can live somewhere now i was worried they might move back into the city and then we'd get trouble oh dear looks like we have trouble already uh i assume it's all the poo water oh god there's a church under poo water that's quite a flood let's test then can i use one of the other natural disasters the sinkhole if i were to place that there will that get rid of all the flooding i don't know but i feel like i feel like i should try and make this a bit more of a city like do i really want all this horrible industry in the middle of my fantastic neighborhood i particularly this area i really want this to be like really nice and aesthetic to live in uh apparently the cinco is about to strike so i do want to watch this wait for it oh there it goes there it goes oh look look it did get rid of the water whoa how deep is that that looks really deep quite nice it appears to be fixing the problem look the water levels are going down see natural disasters aren't all bad but yes my thinking was this magnificent masterpiece we don't actually want it to be industry so i'm gonna rip it up i feel like i should move my industry perhaps over here what is that how did you get there yeah but i feel like if they're over here we've got a train line if we want to get them out by train we got motorways i think that's what i want to do so we should probably hit pause a second then we'll come down to zoning and we're going to say d-zone we're going to select all of that to be d-zoned and all of this so i feel like i was thinking too small initially all right so that's all designed now we're gonna say we want high density everywhere so we're gonna high density a lot of this we're gonna do some shops in the middle and along there if there's any space you can do a load of low density shops along there and the rest is going to be high density residential and what we'll do we'll probably road this up a little bit with the nice tree-lined roads right so you are just on a very standard sort of road layout no other aesthetical reasons for that we're gonna color that in with high density of course and i'll probably put a few things like i feel like we're lacking like a hospital either that way why build a hospital and you can build a sauna so you guys gonna get a sauna over here and do a few of these boring things like police stations and fire stations turns out we need some high schools so we better build some of those we don't even have a university how people meant to study engineering look at the wave of happy future engineers right but i think that's everyone happier so hopefully we should get a few people move in now so we've unpaused and we'll just let everything fix itself i don't think i should do another sinkhole to get rid of this water although it would fix a few issues all right and there we go the rebuilding is happening the sunnyside residence yes that definitely looks like it's on the sunny side of town just completely covered in pooy death grass yeah we need to make sure there's drainage down the middle right how are our architects getting on oh yes that is the symbol that i like to associate with architects for some reason they're feeling a little bit ill i'm not really sure why i tell you what this water's taking ages to go down it's all revolving around the cemetery so whilst that sorts itself out what i think we're gonna need to do we're gonna need plenty of ways to get over to here our industry area or perhaps our new industry area over here so maybe for now we'll start building the industry we definitely have demand ignore that down there we definitely have demand so yeah this is definitely where i want to build it we've got the roads in we've got the train lines in so let's just build a sort of realistic looking area full of roads oh and i've just been interrupted because apparently our little flooding situation is going to get fixed so that is good right and there we go there is there is the water fixed i hope it seemed to work nicely over here what i was thinking of doing is if i just fill that in is that the problem fix i think i think it is the water hasn't come back like damn you water damn you is there only a little puddle though oh how oh god there seems to be a lot of water coming oh no oh no okay sorry people that have just built new houses here like that's definitely a fresh coat of paint that green sorry oh look at the car the car has been washed away by poof oh no there's people like swimming in it and stuff that's horrible sorry yeah over here the water's gone down way quicker so that's good i think we've sort of fixed that we'll leave that doing its thing while we build this so is that the right area i think so all right there we go a perfectly realistic normal layout so now we'll come down to the painting tool and we'll say paint you in industrial and we'll just go wonk right so next these won't get built unless there's a road access now we could quickly just do a highway interchange from there but i don't really want to clog up all of that we could also connect down here to it as well and then we're going to need a way for these people to get to work because this is basically where they're going to work so what i was thinking this might be a bit drastic but i feel like before we get too many buildings down here perhaps we want to take a road we can say grab a highway if we grab this on a highway with a sound barrier then that should mean hopefully the houses along here won't be affected too badly for now if we just go along the back of these over to about here and then i think we probably want to start going up and essentially we're going to do a little highway oh look we get a bridge we can get a bridge in the middle of nowhere yes how did that make people unhappy that should have made them really happy i do want to avoid these posh areas if i can so we'll go over to there and then down we'll leave that there for now we're gonna have to go back the other way because that was only a one-way road so we have to go from like there-ish trying to keep the source of parallel and then we realized we went too close on the other side so we have to move all of that balls all right there we go now we've got a massive highway so we just connect that at this end and then at this end we can split up all of this traffic so i'm thinking we take a two-lane highway off basically because this is engiotopia we're going to build some bridges we'll do one from there if we do it far enough we get a nice suspension bridge we got a few dlc ones so we can perhaps do one of those just along there like that another one there then we've got a few bridges then we just got to connect them up now all right so the key to this is just sort of seeing which type of road each bridge is because you can't change the type of road on a bridge so that's a two and a two so i think if we go to that one it's a four-lane road so if we plunk that there that's sorted so this is a six-lane road so we got that one we're probably gonna come off there oh wow yep that's that's what i wanted cheers game cheers game uh likewise we can come off there connect that one up up there we've got a two lane so if we go to i think that one's a highway because it's one weight so two lane highway you can say come off there ish cheeky little two-way to be connected on right and through the power of editing it is now complete look at it look at all the bridges so yeah we've got a bridge load of bridges here and hopefully that will allow people to get to work uh first things first we actually need the people to build the work there's no work for the people so let's go and see what is going on there's there's a bit of death up here why are you dying up here dead person is waiting for transport at the mega shopping center oops sorry do we need some sort of death thing like a cemetery can plonk one of those there maybe hopefully that will help oh look wow people are loving that oh my god look how many people there are look at the traffic oh dear look at the traffic oh god why are there like ruins as well i should probably delete those oh wow there's lots of ruins what is going on a few more down here this may have been from the poon army we had at the start of the episode oh look this this road got destroyed as well so we'll probably delete those and then consider replacing them i assume that was from one of the natural disasters but you know what i feel like we're growing quite a bit like there's buildings everywhere there's a lot of abandoned buildings though which is a bit of a concern and there's a lot why are there so many dead people at the shops what happened there's a hospital in the middle do we need to hire like actual staff or something they treated 16 people look how many skulls are on my screen at the moment i feel like you need to treat some more people oh you know what i've just realized i've just realized there's no there's no electrical water over here so we're gonna have to take our power lines possibly over a river yeah i think we'll just come from this one and we'll go over the river and then to start we'll just go straight down the middle because i'm not really sure where they're gonna build first and then we need to connect our water system across the river does does that work can we just do that easily so thankfully our city is all one big network and look we have all these pipes running here so if we just take one of these across okay nice now we can just follow the roads so that was before [Music] and that was after sorted right so hopefully now things should start being built here but they're not so if we go on this we can see so that's definitely industry there's literally no industry in our city but there's no demand either why is there no demand oh look look look there's cars using this look there's a hot dog van using our road oh god this corner is pretty horrible i need to i need to tweak this to make it a bit more realistic it's not quite up to highway code at the moment but look it's importing goods to new commercial center so the question is where did it get the goods look there's a few more where are you coming from where are you coming from oh no they're coming from down here that doesn't count i want you to be over here tell you what perhaps they need like a highway network so what if we were to do a slip road here so we can come off there and connect into that will that help create some demand for shops no i'm not sure all i am sure of we've done everything we can look at these bridges although maybe we could add some more bridges i don't know but i think for now guys we're gonna leave it there now let me know in the comments and hopefully next time this will have been published before i record the next episode so i can actually read them and it can help me yes for now peace love and bridges all of them there's so many bridges [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 862,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, town planning, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines no mods, city skyline
Id: tkqczj4Pcoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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