(Civ 6 Guide) Mastering The First 50 Turns Of Civ 6

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what is up and i welcome each and every one of you back to a brand new sims 6 or civilization 6 video hope you're all having fantastic days and if not i hope i can make your day just a little bit better today we're going to be talking about the first 50 turns the hardest and most important turns in any civilization game now i don't really have too many game modes any game modes or too many big mods on and i am playing china on deity right now i just did random sieve so even though we are playing china it's not going to be a china-specific strat it's more or less going to be an all-encompassing strat that you can use in any game any sieve and win even on deity difficulty it's a first 50 turns guide so we're going to be talking about the first 50 turns evidently enough but uh yeah in this guide i'm going to show you how to absolutely bonk deity become a menace to deity uh menace to society essentially when it comes to playing civilization if you follow this guide and it works out well for you you're going to win 99.9 of your games that's just a fact it's backed by a harvard study by the way so definitely uh i'm not bullshitting here okay it's a harvard study no doubt about it but really we're going to talk about what you need to do for the first 50 turns and let's get into it right now now the goals you want for the first 50 turns are a couple you want to get three to five cities three to five units one friend ten potential cities two strong cities establish a perimeter and identify your mid game strat now let's start with the three to five cities three to five cities is essentially what you want by 50 turns sometimes more sometimes you can get by with less but you know the more cities you have in this game the better the most important part of the game you want three to five units so you can deal with barbarians and early aggressors you have nearby you want one friend so you have a trading partner i didn't mean to move this guy so you have a trading partner and you have a potential ally against an early conquest like if montezuma comes to goats your butt cheeks you do want somebody to help you uh defend against montezuma although if you do start near montezuma probably a re-roll i'm gonna be honest with you uh other than that the ten potential cities is ten cities you could definitely take if that makes any sense uh it's kind of goes hand in hand with establishing a perimeter you want to settle your city sort of strategically so that you have spots in between where the enemy ai won't be able to steal and you'll eventually be able to get those 10 cities 10 cities is pretty much the bane of any ai's existence if you get 10 cities in most games the game's over you should be able to come out and win unless you're like a total newbie player although if you're a total newbie player you're not getting 10 cities in the first hundred turns um other than that you do want also two strong cities now strong cities one of them is usually going to be your capital those are going to be your cities that are going to be really nice that could build almost anything and that are going to be the backbone of producing stuff in your empire and your future spaceport cities now the first thing we're gonna talk about is where to settle the capital city uh this is gonna be it's probably the hardest decision you will ever make it's akin to choosing a starter pokemon in pokemon uh it's just it's definitely important and you do want to make sure you choose the right one and a backbone of your empire the capital is 99 of the time going to be your strongest city so settling a weak capital is going to make the rest of your cities weak now you want a couple things i'm going to give a tl dr pretty much you want two two tiles two food two production and uh three food tiles with three food obviously if you get like a three food two production banana tile uh you're gonna want to settle that almost immediately but even if you don't get that you should be okay just make sure you have a couple two two and three food tiles if you start like in the middle of the tundra like if i started right over there and uh let's imagine none of the map existed and i just had one food and one two tiles that's a re-roll unless you want to challenge yourself but um the best spot for me to settle right now would either be over here i think honestly uh i'd get the three food tile very soon i'd get another two production two food tile and i'd be able to immediately start on the two food two production silk tile and the extra culture would help me extend my borders faster so i'd be able to get the rest of the tiles i need a lot faster and i'd be able to get my civics a lot faster as well so let's go ahead we're going to spend a turn to move across the uh river a lot of people don't like moving their settler on the first turn it doesn't matter all right spending one turn to move your settler isn't gonna break the game you know you don't automatically lose or put at such a bad disadvantage like you don't lose a lot all right move your settler if it's a really good spot uh but you're i'm just gonna follow what the advisor says move across the river spend a turn to get into a good position and we'll immediately get the silk tile now you always want to move your warrior first even if you're not going to be able to sort of explore like kind of right here i could have just moved the settler the warrior wouldn't have mattered even if i moved him first but it's sort of like a habit to get into and if you do that all the time maybe you'll find a much better spot and you might spend a turn or two to get into a really really nice capital spot which is worth it most of the time so we're going to move that settler there we're going to settle the city in the next turn and we'll get into what we need to start in the first city so here we go we're going to make sure we work this tile it's automatically going to be on that which is great uh we'll talk about the build order first what do i need to build now there are a number of options you could go you could go double scout into settler double scout into builder into settler scout builder monument settler double warrior into builder set there's a lot of stuff you could do right the best one i have found most of the time is click the cube button up here double slinger into monument into settler i love this start uh i don't like scouts at all i think they're absolute garbage so i'm not even gonna bother with them i don't need builders right now anyway because they're not really going to make too much of a difference until i get mining irrigation and the only thing i could really build right now is a farm so getting a builder early on isn't the best idea uh and then we'll get a settler right afterwards it gives me the early defense i need three units and if i start near somebody i could be line archery upgrade these guys into archers and two archers and a warrior is more than enough to defend yourself 99 of the time the monument's literally gonna double my culture from two to four and the settlers gonna help me get a really quick second city which is nice now civic wise what is the civic order going to be a very important part of the game is the civic tree it's a tech tree for culture pretty much you know you don't want to be an all-cultured swine you want to get to the really good late game ideologies like democracy keep the people free um [Music] communism is pretty good for a science victory as well and uh yeah you want to get through the civic tree gives you powerful policy cards and stuff like that you're always going to have to research code of laws first now about political philosophy is where the first 50 turns is usually going to end so you do want political philosophy as fast as possible the best thing i usually find is to go foreign trade into early empire into political philosophy for a number of reasons number one discovering a second continent and getting your city to six population is a lot easier than building three tiles and building any district especially with the build order we have and being able to boost things is an integral part of the early game we'll be able to get early empire colonization for early settler production i don't know man you just scream manifest destiny into the air and your cities go into overdrive building the settlers aside from that craftsmanship afterwards will give you production towards builders and military units it really isn't a good policy early on i don't find myself using any of these unless i'm going for an early war or something but this is like an all-encompassing guide so craftsmanship really isn't the best for that stake work state workforce requires a district we'll get a campus in time but the government plaza along with the conscription and corvae if you do want wonders as well as another governor title is very important after that political philosophy gives you your first real government type these will get into them in the future it gives you also two diplo policy cards and sets yourself up for the future so always read what these things need discover a second continent you can't really do much to change that except for explore grow your city to six population i'm probably gonna be able to do that especially with the second city and three tiles district and meet three city-states i can't really control that either but we can try that's the civic tree research-wise a lot of the times it depends on what resources you have nearby like you're not gonna go animal husbandry if there's no pasture tiles or camp tiles nearby it's just stupid all right don't do that uh looking at the start right here we have a mine a farm some camp tiles and irrigation required tiles so what i want to start right now is i'm going to want to go mining into writing into irrigation and then we'll see what we need after that that's going to get all the things i need for the luxuries i need the only thing i'm not going to have is animal husbandry for the deer i don't really need that yet because the deer tiles are pretty garbage right now but i do want the campus as fast as possible because getting a high science sealed quickly will let you get all the technologies you need faster now the other thing we're going to talk about is where to place your districts you want to place your districts in as good of tiles as possible i'd recommend the better map tax mod because again here you can see you see look at that you see the two science down here if you don't get the better map tax mod you're not getting what yields you're exactly going to be getting from the district so you're going to have to do math with your head and i don't know about you but i really don't want to have to do a repeat of 8th grade math class so we're going to put the campus over there we're going to get a nice plus 2 science you'll eventually learn about adjacencies i'm not gonna talk about them too much in this video but uh yeah you're just gonna want to place them around play with the map tax take a while we'll put the aqueduct over there we have lots of floodplains so we could definitely put not an industrial zone but a dam over there you put the industrial zone over there and then boom plus five that is massive uh we're also gonna want a commercial hub here because then the campus and commercial hub will be three and then i think i'm also going to move and put the petra tile probably won't get a petra tile in my capital city but i would like another city to build a petra tile over there and then what i could do is i could get for example a theater square there let's be smart about this okay i could build the feeder square there and then here i could build an entertainment complex and i could get another wonder i could get the coliseum here don't build too many wonders if you're new to the game you get just got to get a feel for when you can and can't build wonders petra coliseum temple of artemis are usually easy to build so if you do want to go for a wonder go for those but looking at this right now i have really good three science three commercial hub tiles i have a really good plus six industrial zone tile plus four theater square tile and i can put a government plaza over here it gives one adjacency to all adjacent districts so we now have plus six theater square and plus seven industrial zone and that's a really good start so let's move our warrior uh you can see here there's a city state there we'll go meet him if the borders are like that it's a city-state if the borders are like that it's a civilization so let's sit next turn that's pretty much going to be the early game there's a nanman dole now each city state gives you an envoy if you find them first and you're going to be able to get a really nice ability early on one culture in the capital putting us at three culture per turn we are a cultured species let's go ahead move up north we'll continue exploring always move on to the hills if you want and again we do want to find potential second cities now over here is a pretty good second city settle near rivers and fresh water when you can because it gives you a housing bonus but this city is really good because the reef tile is going to give me a really nice campus immediately as well and then we could do the same thing put like a commercial hub over there make them 3 3 and i could build an aqueduct over there near fresh water and then i could do the industrial zone over there and that's back to back really good industrial zones and then over up here i could probably end up building another district uh maybe another hmm it's hard i think i'll go for another theater square up there maybe just to get a nice plus 7 iz that's really good let's next turn it you want to place the map tax and get as many cities as you can do be careful of barbarians if a scout comes nearby just say your prayers they will literally have more units than any ai invasion force you will ever see that isn't even a joke barbarians are worse than enemy ai early on there's a coat of laws a lot of the time you're gonna want discipline and god king for barbarian strength and to get the early pantheon if there's no barbarians go survey and if you already are making faith go urban planning i think this is pretty much gonna be the nice and early build order let's move the slinger down south looking at the desert down there there doesn't seem to be a lot of food so that's gonna kind of suck to put a city down there but if we're able to get the petra all of these tiles are gonna be a lot better to get the tribal village you do want these goody huts steal other people's things pretty much you're just going to want to manifest your destiny and steal whatever you can find that gave me a nice um civic boost i think mysticism that's decent i guess there's a lot better ones like extra population sometimes but as you can see here we grew to two population i like working food tiles afterwards just to get my city to three a lot faster and we'll move down there an industrial zone over there and then i could get myself maybe one two three uh maybe a commercial hub over there that's really good so you can see i have three really strong cities mapped out nan mandol is probably gonna take that tile so i put the commercial hub in one of these two towels i guess let's keep moving east uh you can move south there's a second city state the city state of mitla i haven't met a civilization yet so that kind of sucks in a way but it's also good because i don't have to worry about enemy city-states and i'm not going to place any more map attacks aside from cities uh we'll place another tile over there and i'm going to be kind of quick about it i guess we've already explained everything i think we found a civilization yep that's a civilization first civilization uh the other thing you could do early game you could go to war with the city-state uh they have walls and the higher difficulties so a lot of the times it's not worth it but like nan mando's in a really good spot so i think eventually taking out that city state's a good idea so it's one of my potential cities i guess i'm not going to do it in the first 50 turns though there is genghis khan genghis khan and china don't really go too well together so we're going to try to keep our distance from him for the most part i should have expected that considering this was called the gobi desert uh another really cool tip is if you see the names of regions you'll like if you know what the regions are and where they are on the map you'll know what civilization's nearby because whoever discovers a region first gets to name it like the yangtze river i'm china i discovered it first so i get a chinese name we'll move the slinger up north this slinger can continue exploring down south now the ai cheats in the higher difficulties so the ai's going to be a lot more powerful than us early on so we do want to sort of avoid them for the most part there's a 3-2 banana tile i was talking about so we're going to want to put a city near that for sure i think i'm don't want to be near genghis at all so i think i'm actually going to put this city over here i think we'll get the ivory tile we'll be able to get the banana tile and then eventually we can maybe put a city there i'll try to be friends with genghis he has a really easy agenda uh which is dislikes those who have him in calvary so just don't build horsemen let's go wipe out this spearman good try to kill a unit with the slinger if you can stay on rough terrain because slingers are kind of fragile but you do get a boost to archery if you kill a unit with a slinger and a booster bronze working if you kill three barbarians so what faraxis is trying to say is attack the natives and show them no mercy you can see the barbarian already spawning from up north so that's a problem well probably i have 160 gold you could always buy another unit if you need to and i will i didn't see any scouts so i thought i could like safely move out my units but that was kind of a mistake i guess but i do have the money to sort of um rectify that so we'll move you up north take out that encampment you continue fighting this guy we get a promotion we'll give him one next turn uh ninety percent of the time you're going to want uh toward it not tortoise there's faith but you're going to want we'll show the promotion soon probably get another promotion with the warrior as well so it's fine but uh yeah you're gonna move down there wipe them out and there's a tribal village which will give you money zion right now like i said we're going to get started on a really quick settler i'm not going to get six population a lot of that is because i got a lot of really early culture the silk and the nan-mandul city-state uh you are going to move there we're just going to keep exploring always start exploring like around you so that you could place your cities if that makes sense like don't move super far away because there's just no point to that i'm never going to get to these cities unless i attack genghis and uh as history would show attacking genghis is a stupid idea pantheon time now pantheon a lot of the time depends on your gameplay if you want holy sites near rivers like the kamae river goddess if you want wonders like china usually you'll want monument to the gods i'm not to do any of that a lot of really good pantheons are religious settlements which will give you a literal free settler that almost never happens so you're not going to get the chance fertility rights is decent for a free builder save up a build slot god of the forge is going to give you a monstrous power towards military units so if you're playing rome or macedon you're going to want to go this one uh looking at this right now camps could work with the deer tiles i have as could plantations or even mine tiles i think what i'm going to do right now though there really isn't anything good right now for me nothing is really nothing really stands out to me um it depends on what you want to do in the game i think i'm just going to go for city patron goddess or fertility rights i'll take the growth rate i'll go fertility rights for the builder and the growth rate and i'll keep the builder parked into the city china gets an extra bill charge you'll usually only have three all right let's keep moving up there uh you're gonna move in whoa whoa oh you're done f in the chat that's just dead yeah that guy's gone when you get a quad dream and spearman with your slinger like that just good night all c roach they gave him that melatonin one two knocked him out immediately nothing you could do about that let's move to that encampment this guy's probably gonna attack me because i'm weak nope i might be physically weak but he is mentally weak so we will sort of uh fortify there and wait for the most part let's hit next turn we have lots of good cities spawned out just luxuriously there's an early empire we got one two three four five six seven eight potential cities this should be nine and one more we'll make ten i'm going to put that city we'll see i'll put the tenth city in a decent spot i guess uh governor wise now i do have a governor mod uh so i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna assume you don't have the government it's called governors and harmony a lot of the times you're going to want to go magnus and pingala you want to go magnus first in this mod he gets the provision policy as his first governor title which is settlers do not consume a population a lot of the times it's gonna be a second uh title if you don't have the mod i do so you're gonna want two early governor titles on magnus so you can build settlers without losing population so if we look at the civic tree it's gonna be simple get state workforce essentially we'll go ahead and actually secure the campus tile right after we finish the settler which is fine i think we do we have mining we do have mining so i'm going to move there and get no i'm not we'll go get that quarry for a little bit extra production moving through there it's turned 30 right now we'll hit next turn uh so it's turn 31 we looking at the goals right now we have we have three to five units we have we're gonna have three to five cities we hopefully get one friend soon i'll send a delegation usually try to do that early on yeah he doesn't like me too much i should have sent that delegation when i first met him but uh it will be fine i think he's not gonna declare war on us he might but uh he he he he probably will honestly be careful of him though we're a little too far away from him so get this cell warrior promotion usually you want to go battle cry pro tip fortify your warrior and then promote him so he gets the heel after the promotion as well and he gets the fortification bonus you're gonna move down there and you are going to go get that rice towel for more food so again this is probably going to be the 10th potential city so we now have 10 potential cities one of our goals uh we'll get our first settler out super soon and uh you guys are gonna fight me i have battle cry and am fortified let's wipe this guy out as well as the encampment there's military tradition and bronze working boosted let's move up there and you're gonna move down south haven't been able to boost a lot of things i could have boosted irrigation if i got that rice towel so that's kind of my mistake thousands have lived uh we'll keep fortified just so he uh we get a defense bonus we're gonna farm in there and then we'll immediately go settle that city research wise now we've researched everything we've wanted to early on we're near genghis khan who is notorious for absolutely ripping your butthole apart to pieces so we are going to go for archery next just for a little bit extra defense an animal husbandry will also help me out as well and then after that i think i am going to make a beeline towards usually what i like to do is i sort of ignore the lower part of the tech tree it's really not important unless you're going for a domination victory so i like going for apprenticeship into education for iz and universities you're not going to get them early on but you will get them eventually let's move the warrior through there we'll move the slinger through there as well and this guy's going to kill himself on me we do not condone suicide on the civ life or channel and you're going to stay fortified the ai loves killing their units like that so just stay fortified a lot of the times and they'll ram their units into you you get a bonus when you're fortified so you should be fine for the most part and with battle crowd we don't even take that much damage craftsmanship we're going to check to see if there's anything we want to change uh we already have the pantheon so it's probably better for us to go urban colonization for the settler production and uh we'll keep discipline for the barbarians that's pretty much it we're going to get the campus in eight turns move up there and i think what you're going to do i'm going to go chop that tile i'll buy that towel to chop it just so i get the campus out faster so i can get my third city out before i turn 50. uh you stay fortified and heal up a little bit and uh we'll hit next turn we're almost at five population with our capital it's looking like a pretty decent capital right now uh the settler right here is over here so we're going to found our second city move the map pin and that is two cities and i think this is going to be a really powerful city so it's going to be our second strong city i guess this will eventually also be a strong city if we get the petra though as will the city of neymandol if we do end up taking them have you seen the rain there is a natural wonder those are really powerful so i'm going to want to go and get a plains hill city on that tile and i guess we also might as well just go place that city over there we're going to want to colonize the southern part before genghis does but this is a lot more than 10 cities so we don't need to colonize this part for the most part if that makes sense like if we don't end up getting these cities that's fine uh let's continue exploring i want to get that tribal village with the slinger and i guess you could come deal with the barbs as well and over here you are going to make sure zion's working that city and he is let's chop him campus is coming now in two turns and we could get our third settler no dogs there it is and i do want to now go get irrigation for the amenities amenities help you grow pretty much and uh if you get like three amenities you'll get a 10 bonus to everything like this is negative one so i'm getting a 10 debuff which kind of sucks there's a campus we boost state workforce here in zion right now i am gonna get our next settler it'll be out by around turn 50. um i might just chop this out to get it it doesn't have to be exactly turn 50 right so like you could you could be a little bit late if you want to although the other good governor to go early on is pingala 15 science and culture is amazing we'll take him and put him in the second city i'm going to like pretend i guess i have the no mods if i had no mods i'd use the second one to get uh provision on magnus so i could get the settlers without losing population now i would go plantation and my amenities are starting to struggle a little bit so i do want the extra production you can see i went from seven to six turns on the settler move you down right now and you can move up through there lots of tribal villages i could steal for the boosts political philosophy is coming in soon as well another governor title i'll give this one to pingala researcher for extra science although that's a mistake usually you should go the connoisseur for culture culture early on is a lot better than science because of political philosophy in the governments and because of all the really good policy cards you can get uh let's move down there to deal with the encampment you'll go and take out that uh tribal village and uh we pretty much have the northern end explored so pretty much the only thing we haven't done in the first 50 turns is get 10 cities uh let's move in through there or not tenth city sorry we haven't been able to get three to five cities and that's fine uh looking at this right now new barbarian outpost that's fine he's near mongolia two turns it'll be turned 49 50 we'll get a city at turn 52 pretty much it's not the worst in the world horses we're going to trade all these horses to genghis khan for money i don't need them and that's of yeah that's a lot we can let's trade the horses first seven gold so now we need 67 gold open borders he doesn't want it so i think i'll do that i'll do that i'll get the silk tile we're going to be negative amenities but it's going to be worth it considering we get the extra settler so whoa whoa whoa it's time to back up we'll do the dash real quick we'll keep that warrior defended in case genghis decides to attack us for some reason like right now i could tell you i'm going to win this game if i continue it which i'll continue it if you guys want to see me do the first hundred turns and then 200 turns we could continue doing this sort of like small formulaic guide type of video if you want me to so definitely subscribe for future content like this and leave a like i do have a really good video coming out tomorrow so definitely stay tuned for that turn 51 i like getting monuments early on for the extra culture we'll get political philosophy we'll get political philosophy just so i can sort of show you guys exactly um the end result of the first 50 turns it's pretty much the last thing getting the second governor we'll take this guy out uh production wise and zion that's gonna be our fourth settler that's fine uh i'm going to keep building settlers no get the government plaza and get the building that you need for political philosophy you're not gonna be able to get the government plaza building before political philosophy but it's gonna be good it gives you production towards settlers and it's all cities start off with a free builder which is amazing uh you can see negative loyalty in this city so i'm going to go settle this city first we'll next turn it we'll get political philosophy and we'll end off the video there it is and i have three titles each of one is for different reasons uh classical republic is the one you should go for 90 of the time housing and amenities are amazing i threw up in my mouth a little bit uh aside from that the great person points are great and every city is going to have a district so this is like really good all of the time especially with the potential three economic slots autocracy is decent especially as china if you want to build wonders and if you really only have uh if your capital is weak i consider going this because the palace is in your capital government plaza and diplo quarter you could build all that in your capital and you could get three to all yields which is really powerful early on production towards wonders is usually the biggest one as well as the versatility with the um government slots i guess and the last one is oligarchy oligarchy is if you want to bonk people early on if you want if you're playing rome genghis or mastodon you want to go oligarchy uh he's one autocracy so again the ai is stupid but if you want to go for a military you want to go for um whatever it's called you want to go for oligarchy mainly because of the 20 unit xp and all melee anti-cav and naval melee units gain four combat strength in every situation which is amazing and this start obviously we don't want an early war and we don't want to build wonders and our capital is already pretty strong so classical republic's gonna be the best bet for us and we can go urban planning for production in all cities and then i'm also going to go towards production towards builders and plus two influence points charismatic leader is usually the best one now next video we're going to talk about what we're going to do for the mid game we're pretty much just entering the stages of the mid game right now the scout got here got to deal with that encampment real quick i'm going to try to get to this encampment before he does and you can come back home but let me know if you guys want me to do the next hundred turns or next 50 turns and we'll talk about the goals for the first 100 turns what you want to do what you want to accomplish we have our three cities we have our three to five units we don't have a friend yet but we've only met one sieve we have 10 potential cities a lot more than that in fact we have a couple strong cities as well uh and we have pretty much went over everything you want to worry about in the first 50 turns and uh not much else to talk about i'll see you on the next video peace huge shout out to cash christian ben ownby john blair jackson perez adam mester empirium pulse kabob and jeff yetzler and a huge shout out to kim cosmos mick james j h polaris gaming robert and overflow of amenities you
Channel: TheCivLifeR
Views: 818,049
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Keywords: civ 6, civ 6 guide, civilization 6, civ 6 tips, civ 6 mods, how to play civ 6, civ vi, civ 6 tutorial, civ 6 deity, civ 6 guides, civ 6 potato, civ 6 gathering storm, civ 6 gameplay, civ 6 lets play, civ 6 rome, deity civ 6, civ 6 memes, civ 6 meme, civ 6 civs, civ, civ 6 funny, civ 6 tricks, civ 6 update, civ 6 exploit, lets play civ 6, civ 6 potatomcwhiskey, civ 6 khmer, civ 6 canada, new civ 6, civ 6 let's play, let's play civ 6, civ 6 new player guide
Id: PeIJY8gUijk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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