Poptropica speedruns are weirder than you think

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so today we're speed running through pop tropica probably one of my favorite flash games of all time and the island we're going to be speedrunning is counterfeit island which we can start the speed run as soon as we restart the island right away we get a little bit of a loading screen but as soon as that is done we can run to the right until we make it to this coffee shop we're going to want to enter that and as soon as that loading screen is done we also want to exit it which doesn't make too much sense right now but it will be important later so we'll get there in a little bit for now we just want to run to the right until we make it downtown now once we make it downtown we can make it to the clown store and right here we're gonna take the green balloon because this is going to be very useful in just a little bit so yeah we have some more running to the right you know it's just pop tropica things if you haven't played this game before it is an amazing flash game that i played a lot as a kid and it's pretty simple you do some easy platforming you give a kid a balloon and he flies away and probably dies yeah we murder in this game don't worry about it but right after that is done i'm actually going to refresh the page and go back to the previous page and because of that we then teleport instantly to this last page and we can go into this trash can right here we're just gonna go through some trash until we find some tickets in the bottom i'm not really sure who thought to go in that trash can but that doesn't matter because now we're gonna go back a couple of times until we make it back to the coffee shop that's why we wanted to go here earlier so yeah you can go through the maps just by going back or forward a page so we're gonna use that multiple times we'll use this one more time right here and end up right by the police station because now we have a ticket and we can go into the sewers we're going to show this lady our ticket she's going to be like hey do you want to take a tour and it is now time for the worst tour i've ever taken in my life because the thing about this tour is it isn't really a tour i'm the one directing it she's literally just following me so we're just gonna have some fun times i have to make sure she does catch up to me though because if you go too fast it will actually soft lock the game so you do have to be a little bit careful about that but we finally got done i still don't know how that was a tour but that doesn't matter because we pop out the other side and then this random guy says that he wants our help now basically with all of his dialogue he's going to tell us that he needs some help in saving a very valuable painting so we're going to the museum right now there are going to be some people trying to steal it and we need to help to make sure that doesn't happen now we want to go and say that we're interested in applying for a job which the security guard will lead us to this guy we can ask him what we need to do to get this job and he tells us that a couple of paintings are in the wrong spot so we need to return them to the correct spots which really doesn't make any sense i don't know how you put these paintings in the wrong spot in the first place but i guess that doesn't matter all we need to do is take the different paintings and put them in the correct spot we see that here we're just gonna take them i already know the orders and which paintings we have to do so it's not the hardest thing in the world now we can replace this one with the cat one and i also love this cat one i don't know it's just something about it speaks to me but we finally placed this last painting and we can go back to this guy and hey now we have the job i guess so it's time for our training we're going to talk to him really quick and he's going to tell us that we need to make sure that none of the artwork is forged which i mean kind of makes sense because it's a museum but now we have a couple of mini games where we just kind of cheese them all in this one you're supposed to find out which of these paintings is the fake one and instead of doing that we just kind of guess and hooray we did it now for this one we want to see all the signatures i actually kind of messed up right there but finally we found the fake one and we can get to the last one where we have to find out that that painting is fake as well because of the moon now the next part of the minigames is this paint sample chemical test where basically we have to press the correct chemicals at the right time i'm not really sure how you're even supposed to figure out how to do this because if you press the wrong chemicals it's just not gonna work but hey i have a tutorial so i didn't really have to worry about it i just know which order i have to do now we're gonna do this for three different samples we're gonna see the first one fails the second one is actually going to pass and the third one is also going to fail but you kind of can't see that because my timer is blocking it but whatever that's another minigame done so this dude is going to tell us that we now have to carry a key to the supply room so we're going to use the same trick as earlier basically we're just going to go back a page and we can teleport right over here and it's time to go to the security office but before we make it over there we just got a couple statues to walk past i don't really care about them they're kind of ugly and we're gonna be going all the way over here we're gonna use our key to go in the supply room and find a piece of paper which is going to be a torn picture now we want to do this thing where we're going to go back just a couple more times and make it right back to the entrance of here where we're going to clock out for the day he's going to tell us it's been a long day better get some rest and it's now night time so it's time to catch the thief but instead of doing a lot of stuff where we have to sneak in the museum we just use the same trick where we go back a page and yeah we're already here so yeah you literally skip a big part about this game by just kind of cheesing it it's amazing but hey we're trying to save the painting and we get arrested so that's kind of fun we're gonna wake up the next morning at the police station and this investigator is trying to figure out how we stole the painting so she's gonna ask us a couple of questions and use a lie detector machine so we just have to make sure that everything is correct and yeah we kind of just answer these questions and she's like hey you're innocent and wants to keep talking to us but we kind of just leave look you already said i'm innocent i don't really care about talking to you anymore so now it's time to find the actual thief what we're going to want to do is go into the clown store again because for some reason the security guard is here which is kind of weird but we're going to ask him what time he left his post but he doesn't know so he gives us his time card and with that we can now make our way back to the museum now once we make it to the museum it's time to go to the security office because we're gonna find out who actually stole the painting now we can go all the way over here to this computer and we can look at the security cams which i don't know why nobody did this sooner but we find out oh it's the guy who told me to protect the painting who would have guessed that but yeah we get that picture and now it's time to go and find the sky so normally you're supposed to go and show some random people this picture but we already know who we need to show it to even though i ran in the wrong direction and it's going to be this mime so we're gonna ask her where the man is and she shows us that it has something to do with music so it's time to go into the jazz cafe and we can run up to the dude who for some reason wasn't in his full suit so that was kind of weird sometimes the game does that but it doesn't really matter it's time to chase after the dude now he's running away on a scooter so we're also going to have to run away on a scooter yep it's time for another beautiful minigame now this mini game is really weird because what we want to do is crash into this guy multiple times it won't stop him but it will speed him up which will make the speed run even faster so i'm just going to keep going through trying not to knock into too many things because of course that is going to lose us a little bit of time but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter this is also just kind of a really boring minigame so i'll see you once it's done and there we go we finally finished the minigame this guy is going to make an amazing jump which he gets right onto a boat somehow yeah we're never going to catch him but the lucky thing is we actually find this card and yeah i guess it's ours now so that's gonna come in useful later but for right now it's time to go back to the museum now as soon as we get to the museum someone tells us that we got a package and it turns out it's starry night yeah this is kind of insane so what we're gonna want to do is go back onto our blimp so we can travel to other islands yeah cool thing about this mission is we actually go to a different island early pop tropica and we go to the pop art museum now once we make it here we talk to this lady and she's like hey i'm gonna help you or something like that i don't really know how we're supposed to know this in the first place like if i was playing this game casually i would definitely need a walkthrough and i'm pretty sure i also did when i was a kid but hey i guess that's just kind of what poptropic is very complicated puzzles at least when you're a kid it's probably not as complicated nowadays anyways let's just continue on with the game what we're gonna want to do is use this key we got from that lady to go in this door so yeah for some reason we're just gonna break and enter this house you know it's just kind of what you gotta do sometimes and we can jump all the way up here until we find this painting and we can reveal that that painting is slightly peeling off and hey look it's the scream yeah for some reason this random cabin has a scream and it also has someone who's going to kill me yeah kind of unlucky so we wake up somewhere deep in the earth and we find that this lady is the black widow and is the greatest art thief of all time so we have a way too long conversation about knowing who the cursed curator is i don't really know she's just trying to steal some art i don't really care about it and hey look it's also this guy so i guess we finally found him i don't know how he got captured given he was on that boat but apparently we were both set up so i mean you kind of deserved it dude but he offers to untie me so we have to do this really awkward scene where we kind of move our chair back but we can't use too much force because it's gonna cause me to have to restart everything so we're just gonna slowly do this until we make it over there and we untie each other now for some reason we're on the same side i guess so it's time to work together now there are gonna be multiple guards in this place so we have to make sure that they're not able to see us first of all i'm gonna go jump over here we see that guy but somehow he's not able to see or hear me but i guess it doesn't really matter then i make my way over here we're gonna follow this guy and jump on that sofa and then he captures me i have no idea how he even saw me or why i stopped but i guess that's just kind of life anyways here's what you're supposed to do when you do it correctly it really wasn't that hard ripped my like 30 seconds but we're gonna use this key card that we got earlier and it's time to face the final boss yeah you legitimately have boss fights in this game it's kind of hilarious but it's going to be this lady and she is very upset at us but what this guy does who i don't really know his name i guess he's just like the shady dude we're gonna work together so he can attack her now we get into the boss fight where she's gonna try to destroy all the different art pieces and we have to make sure she doesn't destroy more than a million dollars so i have to go through jump up and make sure that these things don't get destroyed and i'm kind of bad at it but don't worry we'll be a little bit better once we get four we can start reeling him up and he's literally doing nothing we're getting hit by literal bombs and this dude's kind of just sitting there but it's just what you have to do i'm gonna get hit with another bomb she's gonna destroy some more valuable art pieces but it doesn't matter because he finally made it up there and we beat her so we're gonna make it back and now this lady is telling me hey i have something to show you meet me at the museum which i don't know why we couldn't have just gone there together literally it's like a 10 second walk over to the museum but we finally make it over here and we're gonna meet with this lady she's gonna thank us for all the help even though we barely did anything with her and she tells us that the world's greatest art is actually hidden behind this other art yeah i don't really know why a museum would do this i feel like they should actually show this stuff but hey look it's like the greatest paintings in the world they were literally just hidden i mean go off i guess but i really don't understand why a museum just wouldn't want to show these off anyways we can end off time right there and there we go 1756. now looking at speedrun.com that's going to be a second place i'll take it so yeah let me know if you want me to speed run any more of these islands any subscribe if you enjoyed
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,476,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, poptropica, speedrun, speed run, world record, wr, speedrun world record, counterfeit island, poptropica counterfeit, poptropica speedrun, speedrun poptropica, poptropica world record, poptropica speed run, pop tropica, speedrunning, speedrunner, poptropica flash, island flash game, flash games, flash speedrun, flash game speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy poptropica, poptropica any%
Id: B0p8iuh2sXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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