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if you want to lead the team tell us okay that's good start good pirate monkey i don't know put it like a ninja at the beginning i don't know what happened somebody say yeah [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] this is the meta game [Laughter] now played it yeah let's go let's play it normally [Laughter] now this is blue this is how the game is welcome to balloons i can barely contain my excitement i'm so excited i'm so excited yo all right yo player two player four we're going crazy that's my monkey the back one we're kind of carrying right now yeah that was nice that was insane all right let's not do that ever again let's take a minute to catch our breath there was way too much action going on all right here we go and we beat this entire thing with just pirate monkeys no i mean if it was a water only map yeah there's a bunch of water we can't even play submarines that we could maybe hopefully use my imagination when anything's possible you get one dollar everything broken except the only thing broken are the these monkey pirates look at them look at them go sometimes they pull out a telescope and it's awesome sometimes they're looking for the treasure they're looking for the next island what's the treasure it's the one piece it's the one piece it's it's the one piece it is the one i didn't want to say it but it's it is what i was thinking okay you guys are finally shooting the movie might get a third friend out on the shooting quincy where are you i want i don't want quincy i want to use the broken big guy specifically i want to use this frosty the snowman costume i think he's broken what are the oh my god i just looked at the the super powered up uh pirates they're awesome yo there's one that's like an airplane aircraft carrier aircraft carrier is the broken one things are tier one okay why don't we just do four crazy why don't we just do four aircraft carriers because well number one we've done it but number two i could use the boat to make money yeah all right you can make them pirates and then they well i mean well they're buccaneers right there but you can make them shipping yeah you can make them all right tradesmen what do we do do we need to upgrade anything or should we just like roll with this the whole game oh this is it this is the great if it ain't broke man yeah i mean we're doing we're we're running right now we're doing we're doing better than everybody else who plays the game as long as we can keep winning then i don't see the problem four monkeys in a stream i love it you know it just says a lot about you know what's happening right now because we are four monkeys in a twitch stream in a toy stream jumping on the stream and the five months ross said it to strong i did set it to strong chat oh should i set my guy to strong i'm not i was just leaving it on first i'm a first guy i have a i have a crazy meta-defining moment coming up here right hold up pause champ i'm pausing all right here we go i don't think anything can get passed a another monkey ship he's separate from the crowd though there's another one i need more money sorry i've just we're farming all the money now it's all ours do you actually get more money if your monkey pops the balloon yeah you get a dollar per balloon popped well i'm generating money right now but i'm not hitting any of them oh my god oh my god that's huge okay all right now the money comes pouring in all right can i place this monkey sub engineer monkey i don't even know what that guy does good engineers what what's the what is the engine i like wheezers they say it ain't so okay those bananas will go bad there we go yeah don't let them go bad dude what the right should i get should i go for aircraft carrier or uh buccaneer check this out boom the hell is that that's not a pirate that's an ice monkey he's an ice pirate that certainly slows him down yes you're welcome thank you i appreciate it joe dash where's the grape shot at grape shot yours grape strawberry i'm not you know i'm not mr monkey bank over here oh my god barbie cash holy i'm sorry i don't have that kind of i don't have that kind of privilege dude once i get monkey when i get real monkey big when i get monkeynomics going that's when it's gonna get real it's gonna be over as soon as we get the everything in this game boom oh my god it's so good this is a very easy this is a very good multiplayer game of the vibe game this is just like a really cool chat room all right i got grape shot right at the beginning yeah but i got grape shot plus fire okay dude i i'm sorry i don't have any monkey farms yeah but watch this i'm about to increase my production there's no way you should have production on the monkeys you wouldn't dare the game of my people thanks for the uh three months the game of my people on god no quincy dude oh there's another one i just had a crazy idea and that's called 71 star mickey oh my god heart monkey normal ass star monkey just kidding it was booking here for it oh you're going for planes all right yeah that is so much money oh no look the green one's getting through oh no just kidding i [Music] that's fine i've got to buy some of those banana farms they are so silly wait why is one of the monkey ships on fire because he's got fire shots yeah he shoots it's flaming it's the middle pad for the pirates yeah i'm saving up my money all right let me see what do the zebra ones do they got more balloons in them oh i get it they're day ruiners if you ask me i feel like my day's so good and then 22. well i can get banana farm i should do that right yes your grapes aren't on fire and it's going to kill us they're my grapes aren't on fire no they're not i love the spike factories they're awesome appreciate it what guess what's about to happen what's about to happen the meta i'm looking are you monkey monkey bank dude monkey baby we're playing we're playing i know so much about monkeys now i'm saving up for a farm yeah i kind of want to probably go i don't have a farm yet i just unlocked i believe i didn't do that i'm thinking like we need this spike i think what might come on what was i thinking i think what i think i want my monkey oh god i don't know which one i want to make an aircraft carrier oh such a tough decision oh here we go don't worry don't worry i got the guy come on spike back hell yeah i think i'm gonna make the other ones uh merchants okay i need a thousand experience for destroyer three actually three thousand okay well we're gonna have to get creative ladies and gentlemen hmm what's the bed for the glue monkey can we put more monkeys in this yes ladies and gentlemen [Laughter] well how could i say no to such a thing i gotta put this guy in here okay oh the pool's full i can't do it now we don't have to worry about camos ever again i was not expecting the inflatable pool that's one of the cheater moves i'm not cheating i'm winning [Laughter] i'm sorry they didn't put on water on this level there's really just not enough love it absolutely love it big fan big fan oh here we go if only do i have a pool oh no i just have insta monkeys i have a free spike factory do it place it next to mine but it's a spike about two spike factories epic month nine months from wow for the nine months yeah i agree with i don't know what you said but who just put their banana farm right next to my abilities nice spike i'm sorry is that bad dude that's my real estate oh i'm sorry that's where i'm putting my banana farm dude there's not shared cash this is not the spike factory that i want but you know i'll take it i guess what does this guy do a free spike factory is a free spike factory okay not quite there yet monkey village okay i cannot have no idea i wanted white hot spikes and spike storm i'm scanning for a new spot for a monkey dude nobody is going past our like the end dude they're gonna touch their die instantly guys we've run out of space for monkeys this is here yeah right i can't find any bodies of water oh those kinds of monkeys no none i don't have uh pools yet so i gotta wait yo i'm level 41. i got oh my god we win too easy that was way too easy what the hell hit free play i did i think free play i did it where this is where the real game comes you know what's going on i need you to sell your uh your uh thing yeah i'll move i can make another there we go here we go here we go there we go hold on i gotta do something real quick i think i got some spare money are we putting more uh yeah guys in there insane placement dude he's like not even in the pool yeah he's like at the bank actually when does the game get hard oh i got three i have three ten thousand it'll get hard a billion rounds and i need to grab nanners with my cursor yeah you have to actually bounce over the bananas yeah oh i didn't know that thank you chat increased production thank you chad you know those spikes at the end though oh my god yeah that dude they're gonna touch them they're gonna die if only if only i got the spike factor i wanted dude get them we're gonna how did you get a free spike factory they just give you that kind of stuff for free yeah what yeah this game's kind of kind of silly that is pretty silly josh can i get a loan of a thousand dollars small loan of a million dollars that's a good reference well i don't have a thousand dollars i don't believe you now i think about it you know your worst you should be grateful that i'm giving you the opportunity yeah they're giving me the opportunity to give you money i have a monkey bank now it's for the economy you know if you think about it long term it's called you know it's called a stimulus check it's called a stimulus check thanks for the 1200 finally we're spiking it up no my bananas are getting sorry chat i was checking something oh my god you've placed these banana farms all over where i was gonna look away first yeah well it's called the hostile takeover okay let's see if my monkey's got what he needs yet let's go strong and then god he's not quite there yet i hope that was the good upgrade path i have no idea i have cool goggles i was trying to chill for my ice monkeys uh click click the uh see the thing with like the two monkeys gaming in the top right top right these ones yeah yeah see where it says uh 1005 under me yeah yeah click that yup thank you oh my god change targeting no no thanks chat i was trying to fix something and of course i just wasn't paying attention to the niners i'm sorry dude that's what this game is all about dude once you get the farms going there's nothing else in this game you're just gonna move your mouse around the banana tree no dude not if you're me do you just leave your mouth on top of the banana tree i just make money i don't have to do it because i have not oh you have the upgrade for it oh monkey village monkey village goes crazy i'm gonna do monkey village okay hold on let me look at the upgrades for this damn thing upgrades easy collect i want that will give me this no upgrade the pirates yeah i can upgrade the pirates maybe if you stop yelling at me okay oh now we got a monkey the first pirate that i put down has only popped 33 balloons total mine mine's popped 614. my one of the top those popped 8 000. my two spike generators have popped zero well that's for the end dude it's fine yeah we're doing great they're doing what they're close to all right i'm giving all these uh all these balloons radiation poisoning five g waves the balloons have 5g dude oh whoa this is too easy for me can we get a harder round it'll get harder we're narrowing to 80. yeah these are harder rounds coming around's coming right i'll believe it when i see it you know uh people might try to say you get much less exp yeah yeah yeah but it's just fun but like why stop the flow to restart yeah yeah we're having fun just having a great time exactly just chilling real quick when we lose we just start over and then you can get xb yeah true true let's turn the game down a little bit it's very loud yeah i went to vote out of the experience man and turn it down how do you turn off the hero monkey voices is that awesome yeah you can there's uh if you just go to settings there's hero audio no you don't yeah they built in a feature to mute the worst part of this game that's the best part of the game much incoming incoming it's just not anything that i need to hear so you need to hear it because it's gorgeous sounding okay there's a lot of stuff going on on the screen i'm pretty sure it's all good oh yeah it's starting to look like a bullet hell game right yes so basically me and josh at the bottom we have aircraft carriers i'm working towards an aircraft carrier actually hi guys no oh i am too so it's going to be a mess on the screen yeah we joshed it around where all of our monkeys were aircraft carriers and it was literally the best day of my life that's amazing i don't have a helicopter though i'm trying to level them up even if i get less xp all right time to get broken if only you could put more aircraft carrier monkeys on it yeah it seems smart the sniper monkey on it okay yo my ice monkey is popping off right now oh my god he's killed so many thousands of balloons let's see i just got to keep my mouse at the front and just have this helicopter do all the work for me holy this is insane and then i'm gonna join josh and having the aircraft carrier at the bottom i can't even none of my monkeys are getting any experience because the front row is just such a goddamn mess what do you mean let's get better monkeys okay i gotta i'm gonna put it i'm gonna sneak a wizard in i put a guy down so the uh whatever the moab is at the front it ain't moving which one do i want it's so hard i just don't know what i want is i want to get i want to level up a spike factory in the helicopters because they're awesome thank you box for the prime but they're not even showing up oh do i have any room for helicopter okay i do cool i can see where ross is mousing over yeah you can i'm trying to fix it right now there we go uh oh oh my god i need i really need to upgrade some of my towers i now have trade empire okay where's my wait i lost my monkey where is he i mean where the hell is my helicopter monkey all right just click on his thing that's right okay i'm gonna make send him to pursuit that's fine that's fine there we go boom i need like seven thousand dollars and then i can get big aircraft carrier i got it oh my god nature's what is going on dude yeah this is about what final level balloons looks like this dude who put like six dart monkeys at the beginning dude you have three i built the things like them you have three upgrades you have free upgrades for them and you're just not getting them josh look at the bottom yeah oh my god the aircraft carriers what the hell they're trying to see something cool i can do are you gonna put monkeys on my aircraft carriers yes wait you can do that if you have a maxed out aircraft carrier you can put towers on them oh that's awesome what's the monkey village there is that just a it's like a buff it's where i live oh it's a bath that's right hang on so i can put it to i can put it in your body i'd like to see balloon get to that point nothing because it barely touches the banana what about my banana farm stop yelling at me no josh that's where you're wrong because what we're gonna do now we're gonna make sure they get stuck there the village you're saying it upgrades what's the best normal monkey upgrades uh super monkey fan club super monkey fan club which one is that want um a sharp shot for the other two okay i just looked at the top of my screen you have six thousand do you have a seven thousand required for a super monkey fan club i do not know someone give up someone give kade money somebody gave me they pay me dash get it i do not have six thousand yeah okay okay how do i do that how can you give both of you give them all your money both of you yes money again uh you click the uh the button underneath his name the uh i'm gonna need about four thousand more yeah don't worry uh and then yeah and then just crumble yeah just keep clicking [Music] [Music] oh my god a cup of toast what does that mean quite a delicious name if you have i don't think i'm gonna have to press that button for a while what happens sometime anyways yeah we're playing monkey game holy yeah we have a billion dart monkeys at this point i think we won the dark monkeys at the top go crazy hey come on dude please let one balloon get through so you can see the super monkey fan club all right hey use it oh dang oh my god i'm like patiently waiting i'm like pause chips i'm waiting for the moment trump died good job apparently my bit rate is getting annihilated by all these monkeys it's worth it it's worth it this dream mac thank you it's better it's better this way that there's so many monkeys what is doing this why is this happening okay can you where is it uh yeah i can do a little oh not right now it's too expensive i can get spiked balls i know i want moab shredder uh can i yeah i can get those two the mo yeah you want you want spike storm that thing is ridiculous okay okay yo get ready to use super monkey fan club i'm ready my finger's on the trigger spike club is so ridiculously insane it it is just so much so silly and it's strength oh i can upgrade helicopter oh i just can't get quad dart yet dude come home eventually i clicked on it oh my god oh well now it's pointless well i screwed that up pretty bad didn't i well and i have to wait for it to return that was a lot of cooper monkeys though i saw them i saw it it'll recharge very quickly that's what's going on it's all about man what is super monkey fan club gonna do it turns all the dark monkeys into super monkey oh my god that's pretty good that's insane so is there gonna be any point in this game where the balloons are actually gonna you know be any sort of challenge for our front row yeah there's gonna be a point where we lose instantly okay cool thanks for three months yeah there's just gonna be a point where we blink and then it just says you lose and it'll be cool when that happens how long is that going to take one flip isn't it after around 80 every round is like random it's around 80 gets crazy yeah yeah we're there everything's everywhere crazy right now now it gets crazy what 85 i think was or was it 95 i don't remember they start getting they start getting randomly generated after a point and because i don't think we're at the point where there's the uh you know the like super fast uh black balloons all try check out what i got [Laughter] there it is i told you that one's crazy that's pretty good that is a really good ability insane around 86. this is ridiculous what does this do oh i spawned a tree spawned a tree super monkey versus 100 goku's who wins probably 100 goku's 100 goku's but super monkey could put up a fight dude c-o-m-g all right i feel like i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna get quincy on screen right now we're so strong this is my first time playing yes i've never played this game before i'm having a lot of fun oh my god it's an awesome game ladies and gentlemen it is time for monkeynonyx monkey monkeynomics dude what does that give me what does it what's that deal i don't know what that does exactly i think it gives me a free 10k oh my god oh wow holy ton of cash 85 that oh josh yeah i have monkey nomiks yeah yeah josh can you give i need 50 000 i have 20 right now you will you will not regret it because i i currently have collected my bank's 32 000 monkey bank auto collect i'm about to what do you want what do you how much you need uh currently i have 35 000 bananas and so i need fifty thousand more in order to get uh monkey nomics uh save your money yeah i'll save it all that money's in there i don't even know what to get i'ma start building some snipers i guess i got the central market now i'm gonna get something i'll buy a helicopter okay i'm gonna put down what's the airplane monkey do is he any good oh i don't know okay fair enough i think he sucks all right am i humble i'm at 39 000 monkey dollars waiting for monkeynomics i'm holding hard for monkeynomics the planes are broken i doubt it i doubt it twitch chat here we go here we go here we go i'm activating everything easy we're at round 95. oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my goodness no we're fine we're good okay things are really heating up huh this is getting crazy i do love this game though i will say this is so good uh we need some uh moab maulers we literally have none okay yeah we got the monkey fan club no you you need it to be in the radius so so every once in a while you have to give another oh okay i see i will make sure to do that you got so many monkeys you can never have too many monkeys there's one thing i've learned playing balloons tower defense and said you always need my monkeys any slot you can fill with normal ass monkey all right let's rock and roll balloons with the boys that's that's what this is and it's a fun time every time i can't find my mouse cursor yeah i don't know where i think my mouse is on top of them come on i want monkey nomik so bad all right make sure you give your people those uh those uh things kid yeah i'm working towards it oh i think i'm capped out on my bank comg incoming they've like not been generating money all right i'm at 50 000 does anyone want to give me a loan of 30 000 thanks for the pride [Music] oh my god it's just blimps now it's not even balloons anymore no those flames are just big balloons dude i guess that's true holy holy my helicopter yet dude this is not cool i need three xp where's [Music] wait the skeleton balloons yeah those were mine what the hell oh my god that's cool that's so cool what a cool monkey oh i like this monkey he's rad he's probably my favorite design insta monkey yeah yeah we have another buccaneer but we have nowhere to put it so big surprise oh my god i could have had a place to put him but we have normal people yeah but he's awesome they are they are gutted i'm appreciative of their existence holy oh finally i can upgrade my goddamn helicopter monkey uh where's my cursor here it is this is going very well yeah it's going great time for monkey wall street okay so round 102 god war never changes oh my god i love i i actually really love the um necromancer balloons they're great i really like uh this game yeah this is a great game this is good this is a good decision today oh my god that's a lot oh my god that is a lie do not worry what is happening heads we are fine i can't see uh yeah it's somewhere here oh here it this is absurd good thing we have quincy thank god for quincy quincy son of quincy i need ten thousand dollars that sucks yeah which one are you uh player four oh perfect thank you i'll give you some money your your uh you what time it does not need it i don't need it gotta give you guys i'm good i'm good i got monkey nomics holy i was saving all this time for monkey nomiks and now i have monkey nominees after this round i'm gonna give you a ton of money i want you to give every single one of these default monkeys triple shot okay all right can do are you trying to crash my computer dude no it's worth okay i'm going to need a minute um triple shot that is the middle path yep give him triple shot and uh give him triple shot and the uh then do the rest in the top oh my god josh yeah look how many balloons our bottom buck and ears got bottom buccaneers oh my god what is that 854 108 yeah [Laughter] that is like ninety percent of the balloons pop those games we got the team on our back okay so you've upgraded nearly every single monkey no you didn't need to give them all super monkey fan club just uh you know triple triple and then uh then do the uh star the the double star the uh sharp ones okay okay trying to see if i can fit a ninja monkey oh i got him my chat is saying that if you set twitch to uh 160p this stream this stream becomes quite enjoyable these are two ones uh all right that's about all of them 45 thank you for three months let's see how this goes i now have five charges of uh super monkey fan club that's good oh my god where do we go from here that's the question till we lose there's another super monkey i need a place because i'm gonna have a black hole up here at the end of the map you're gonna have a black hole if if i have it unlocked which i should uh sorry which which monkey becomes a black hole again superman yeah at this point that like it's just a mess of the screen it's great it's great they should just be grateful that there's a stream yeah yeah there could be no trees there could be no stream no there could be no monkeys on your screen i am seeing a lot of unupgraded buccaneers and it's kind of ruining my day all mine are upgraded all of mine are upgraded there's some buccaneers that i want to upgrade but i haven't been able to get any experience for them oh yeah true here's a bigger boat i'm a big fan of i would like to upgrade my buccaneers but unfortunately they are not close enough to the action i'm glad i put quincy in here so i can listen to him speak son of quincy son of quincy son of quincy wait hold on i can upgrade my uh or not upgrade i get my monkeynomics why did you just cycle through all your super monkeys i just like seeing them be happy that's fair what are my sniper monkeys doing oh my goodness gracious me it's round 106. yeah we're doing great doing great no signs of stopping many signs of monkeys world congratulations i don't know why anyone tries it's miserable because they want to prove to themselves that they can do it you want to prove themselves so they have no life okay is there anything i can upgrade at all no i don't think so wait i think i have one magic monkey no he hasn't done anything okay cool actually i had a second one up here somewhere where the hell is my mouse oh god i'm the only person on twitch streaming at powerpoint that's not true it's actually a prezi dude get off my back can i post or can i put normal grade my can what do you mean upgrade my cam i have a dslr camera this is just a bit bright breaking no dude it's your camera buy a new this is absolutely ridiculous spend seven thousand dollars on a camera dude yo dash how much money you got 62 000. okay i need son temple give me all of it i have 70 uh 63 000. okay give me all of it so i can get something give me a comment i only have 500 i'm sorry people are going to lose stuff that's okay yo my monkeys good riddance killed them all oh my god sacrifice she's not invaded yeah you can put more monkeys around i think they just sacrifices them so we we have real estate yeah grill is good i have no money though i gave it all to you what monkeys do i even want to put down at this point i don't even know hey could you sell your uh champion the wood guy real quick yeah no so don't sell him holy you have two free pools yo okay good job one two three holes so don't unpause after this okay yeah that's super monkey's kind of going off right now he's kind of big sun god is like amazing my bananas yeah i know i can't find my mouse that's the only reason i'm not picking them up right now uh yeah i think oh there it is i see it okay i didn't even get a buccaneer in there and someone just dumped a bunch in there i didn't even get a chance i wasn't this game is awesome it's a great game ah now what um okay so we got the monkeys we got a lot of real estate gotcha that's a big five player he doesn't like quincy son of quincy that's i mean that's you probably that is the tier three that's huge i haven't seen a tier three in 14 years we need to play video games soon i haven't done it in centuries what's the best wizard monkey upgrade oh i you're right um i'm putting you wizard monkey down here we'll go here our ninja monkey's still the meta what are ninja monkeys ever not the never not been the meta i'm gonna put one right now bam he's got flash bombs now he's sick this is a prime there's so many monkey bros dude any stoners okay okay give me a second are you putting another pool there no no no but now what hmm ninja let me pull out uh my thirteen thousand dollars for my investments there we go we got a balloon jitsu now that's pretty awesome look at him he's got a cool hat he's like the hokage he is like the hokage like naruto holy crap like my un upgraded buccaneers at the front of the map josh yeah actually could you sell one of them real quick no dude i i just i just need you to move it back a little bit because i i i'm trying to play something thank you for the bribe which one should i sell uh the one on the let's say the one on the right we're on the right run on the one on the right it's kind of looking weak all right that give me a second don't worry i got another aircraft carrier all right sick trying to find my mouth everyone's like pick up the bananas and i'm like how i swear where are the bananas this is insane i think this is the furthest you and i've ever gotten josh this is pretty far seriously goddamn we're doing great part of it yeah okay wait oh yeah i upgrade these things here oh pit rate dude swap the stream to 144 p for the true balloons experience please do i wish i had a mic to match hold on i have a 20 microphone plug it in oh let me swatch my 20 handheld mic i don't remember if it's a dynamic or condenser we're gonna find out this is my 20 uh radio shack mic that i got from a um from a garage sale after somebody had died um to this day it still smells like uh cigars if you find yourself sell your oh it just smells like cigars so you're uh sell your farms because yes i'll do that i got it i literally just parked my mouth on top of the uh farm but that works for me i actually got this microphone for free it was just 20 bucks uh when the guy bought it in like the 2000s do you want to sell my super monkey i've got one next to the helipads upgrade that guy i can't i don't know any experience okay that sudden temple is insane that sun temple is crazy i'm selling i love all the planes they're just awesome i wish i could i could like upgrade my helicopter so i could do it so it's like a place for anything he is great i love him who's the character designer for this game they did a great job they're smart people because they made balloons 160p the next generation of graphics that's what i've been saying for years chat for years i want a 160p monitor on my desk i want a 160p monitor in my eyes in like real life good emo thank you i found it myself do the bomb towers still have balloon impact oh god holy dude thank you very much josh thank you i appreciate you know if the uh balloon the bomb tower is still a balloon impact well yeah like we can do that yeah the slide was just wondering i guess i guess schloss trying to figure out if he wants to upgrade to six yeah that's there the only thing wrong with this game is they got rid of the balloon chipper so that kind of you know if the balloon chipper was broken but the balloon chipper is also a ton of fun so balloon impacted blue jitsu or the goat dude i love this this spike factory that just launches spikes across the map it is [Music] if you do the bottom upgrade path uh your spikes are permanent oh at least my sniper monkeys are doing something just like like every occasionally the spike factor just lag the game because it'll shoot like a thousand spikes oh i forgot i haven't been collecting my ten thousand dollars here we go my ten thousand dollars i have so many stalks in case you're wondering why this menu opens up it's my it's my uh push to to to mute button and this happens to be the same thing that brings up this menu i guess let's go what's up my banks right now i'm 20 thousand dollars in my bank i am muting no no have a good rest of the day good rest of the night pound yeah we gotta go hey boys look at that robo monkey man we're never gonna lose ah one day we're gonna lose you know what i might as well just make another helicopter come on oh huge raid train wrecks with two t's holy uh who wants my money i don't have anything to use it on okay got it enjoy god these helicopters are ridiculously silly you know who noticed that my uh my temple has a plane you're what it has a golden plane wait did holy that is ridiculous my eyes dude what can i say it's part of the gameplay thanks for thank you me for the prime yo chat check if you got your primes don't ask me who to give it to though yeah y'all already know the answer go to and connect your amazon prime account to your twitch account subscribe for free for one month what the hell's going on monkey game monkey game monkeys monkey left 25 50 monkey money no okay it's been a while since i've checked my bank so i guess thirty five thousand dollars god i'm just so rich i just haven't worried about my banking is it another round again that means another free ten thousand dollars yep oh that's what we like to see another day another ten thousand dollars ninja grand master time really if you think about it we're just simulating what it's like to be a a twitch streamer or a youtuber by getting your free ten thousand dollars every day how long should i stay on this 20 mic pull stream whole stream you know i'll do it i know that's why i said it my arm will maybe get tired eventually we'll find out mike too expensive 20 bucks too expensive way too much it should tell you a lot chat though you don't need to spend a lot on a mic to sound good lower quality i can do lower quality hold up i have no clue how this is gonna sound but it might be awesome hold up i forgot i had a monkey village hello okay hello hello hey can i get a large fries uh 10 nuggets uh aria mcflurry can you put the chocolate sundae sauce in the army there you go burger king why the hell did you take us to a burger king i don't know i thought this was mcdonald's the banana the banana [Applause] hello i uh i wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night i think it's a reference five nights at freddy's reference i think that just might be a little bit of a raptor you guys ever played that game no what the hell that cam coming god there's so much content here there's just so many monkeys on my screen and all of them are funny all of them are not a single monkey on my screen isn't funny what's the funniest monkey on screen oh alone oops why am i losing viewers since i swapped to this mic what the hell guys what was the cure back how do you do this i can swap to my playstation mic oh god it just keeps getting worse and worse i can plug my playstation while i get to this filter then it'd be even better don't say yes chat you don't know what you're saying yes to you don't know what you're saying yes to chat yeah you think you want it but you don't you think you want to [Applause] holy holy this game is actually lagging my my computer which my brand new computer with the 39ers to spend it on give it to me yeah i'm going to give it to you too i got nothing with my mouse there you go josh you are now the brand new owner of a hundred thousand dollars i was gonna spend it on something i just can't remember why well josh if you ever figure it out here's another forty thousand dollars you're now up to two hundred thousand dollars thanks for tier one lamb i don't know how to say the rest of it there's a 75 though huge man live for the prime oh my god if there's any prime i wanted it was huge man i love prime i might take the filter off i think it would just be normal what if i do oh i don't know man what if you did that what if i did that would it be funny if i did that what if i went monkey wow thank you analog whoa travis scott okay is that that don't do my man like that voice how many um can you get uh how how much can you upgrade your helicopters all because i can't get any xp for what we're doing i haven't been able to get any xp for at least 30 minutes i can't do i'm just i'm just along for the ride at this point i'm checking exactly monkeys seeing what they got but i'm pretty sure they have contributed nothing yeah trying to think of something to spend money on yeah our money production is through the roof dude we have every single kind of fully upgraded super monkey so at what point does this game uh get hard uh we'll just die randomly one round yeah you keep saying that but yeah but i don't think it's gonna happen it'll happen we just won't know when because it'll happen randomly well you say that but i can always just uh i can always just uh do this oh my god can you make another one of those cane uh if i had room i could we are on 1 30. my bit rate is atrocious yeah we'll lose i'm trying to find somewhere to put something i'm trying right i did not expect to be playing this for this long i was going to switch over to persona afterwards but better honestly i mean i'm not saying it's not better this does have way more monkeys i want someone to put ice monkey i'm trying to find a place to put this like right is fine and then i go back to the game and it just becomes immediately pixelated 100 bits yo thank you radio shack karaoke mic it smells a lot like smoke because the guy's entire house smelt like cigars look at this ice monkey that's made of ice i can't i just let me put another ice monkey somewhere god i love the giant yellow balls that are just all over the screen at all times dude what's he up to now dude it's almost at 10 million jesus christ i can't even see my mouse cursor level 36 i leveled hooray okay well striker jones is maxed out so what's quincy at let me i'm gonna max quincy out i haven't been collecting my ten thousand dollars oh i forgot i had banks oh my god we upgrade quincy again i have two hundred thousand dollars you're no problem dude i gave you a hundred and fifty thousand of that do i have anything i can like any garbage monkeys i can sell just like to put something somewhere uh you want me to move i can get rid of my sniper monkeys yeah okay i'm gonna get rid of my sniper i'm gonna get rid of uh a few sniper monkeys i just want to have like a few like at least one horse in the race uh i'm about to do the unthinkable here selling right by the right side of the lake no i i got you there's an upgrade that makes it 12 000 instead of 10 000 what's the upgrade what do i got to do i'm craving monkey oh that's probably in the monkey knowledge we have room boys monkey knowledge that's stupid build what we need is it a hundred bits no i got you we might donate bits save the bitrate true that's so smart twitch chat i've literally never heard you say anything stupid wait oh i was gonna say you should make one of them make one of these actually sell one of your last uh your last sniper there so i could play some stuff yeah these are the prime yeah i don't think i have any units left no you do somewhere every bit goes to the bit rate maybe i'm gonna swap out of the other bike i'm checking you know what i think i have a helicopter what player am i player two we got a lot more room so let me see i'm player two okay so this is this is mine but he has no experience oh my god that ninja monkey is like master ross is checked out guys i'm i'm still here i just i don't have any units i got one helicopter i think i think i have one oh no i actually you know i take that back i have i have a pirate monkey is that a big bird yeah it's a bird where's this is that maltress here josh i have 200 well now i don't i have a thousand phoenix although it's gonna get really messed up real quick just watch holy oh my god stop stop my poor little pc i can't handle this i'm just like trying to look for like the like i placed a couple ninja monkeys i just can't find them i can't find much of anything right now i'm just i'm spamming all my things i didn't expect it could get worse but here we are yeah this is uh this is this is a new level this is a new level of intensity my bitrate loves it that was a good round is it two months monkey true oh my god for a round 134 and you know what i forgot to collect my ten thousand dollars for free i keep forgetting that okay here we go i have returned to monk yes no wait at that curve kade could you sell one of your ice monkeys uh which one bottom right one uh yeah okay all right oh very good what is this game it's a tower defense game we're playing at like the the highest level of them brain we're literally the best players yeah we're coming up to uh round 134 uh and as the game gets harder our bit rate gets lower i'm just waiting for me to just blue screen that's just how the stream ends oh my god there's so much going on this is all my stuff oh my god it just happened computer is going to blow up wait okay let's do okay these phoenix monkeys if we tear down this super monkey can we make it re-eat all these phoenix's i don't think that it would take well okay oh yeah yeah do you have fully upgraded uh super monkey like one no i don't have anything uh josh i have thirty six thousand dollars for you i'm gonna pass that along all right thanks go watch this though i think my quincy's about to max out though yo maxed out quincy oh my god quincy maxed out so cool looking he's a champion you know what i'm gonna find my uh i'm gonna find my um my helicopter by making it fall on my mouse where is that that's a good idea oh my god i don't it's not even allowing me to follow mouse it's lagging so bad god incoming is right i just looked at a screenshot of the stream at a 160p and it's pretty awesome i would set mine at 160p right now see what it looks like wow it is it is incredible what i'm looking at here on my screen there's that is incredible wow that really is something i just made it my own stream there we go now it's looping now it's getting worse who am i playing with i'm playing with the ross josh and luigi the god an iconic trio of balloons tower defense players evidently because we can't lose that's we we are the best players on the face of the earth since clearly we can't lose i uh i set my screen to watching my stream to watching a looping uh echo of a 160p version of the stream and it's just become like abstract art now it should look it's actually pretty amazing yeah it was a stream i put this a stream of the stream at 1080p as my stream and it's looping because oh my god oh and now the color has disappeared yeah i see it now yo my editor is gonna my editor's gonna have such an awesome time editing this let me tell you it looks like film burning yeah it really does watch this i'll give it i'll give it a game to look at again and then i'll go back here and watch it slowly degrade oh my god dude 140p you just simply hit end game yeah i think so i haven't upgraded everything all the way yet just give me a minute it's going to get sick you need more money i can't take my loans like 10 000 more to generate from the bank before i give you that all right next time what the what is happening i bought more stuff oh okay what were those like cold like raindrops it's pee pee dude not cool stop peeking at the pee pee straight that's gross you upgraded the phoenix it's like a lava phoenix now oh no it was nothing to do with the oh well i do i did upgrade the phoenix but it looks very cool and badass okay alchemist makes beer now okay let me give you some money there you go all right and upgrades and i can do this all right oh my god i haven't even clicked anything now oh yeah oh yeah all right i have a sniper monkey i was able to place at the bottom of the screen nice yo who's got the fully un upgraded super monkey probably me sell that and do something you can upgrade although okay here's laser blast why am i covering up the round with my face cam because my face game is always there and i've never played this game before and i'll just tell you if you ask it's 140. when did i take a loan a while ago you accidentally did it well that's what this is that's me dude that's not me i only have one charge yeah i have seven of those oh my god can we lose no no no we're well past that oh god here they come oh my god i can't see i just want the game to crash please wait when does this end the game ends when we crash it i started dropping frames you've now started you've now started like assaulting my stream dash from sell your super monkey i can i can finish this we've got to crash this thing come on we gotta make it to at least 150. put that there okay give me i need 85 000. [Music] uh i'm very poor there you go yes oh my god second oh my god we got my room now okay uh i need another no just let josh do it josh has applied clearly that's a good idea yeah i'm just going to give you every dollar i got i just give people money so multiplayer so i can play around on the right oh i can't put that there uh sell your ice monkey and oh my gosh we can place them again josh we can place more buccaneers i'm gonna get rid of my shitty buccaneer that isn't actually um contributing anything because he's uh yeah my buccaneer sucks i'm getting rid of him okay i'm gonna get rid of my uh helicop my helicopter in fact i'm just i'm i'm i'm i'm selling i don't even know what to put down like i feel like we don't even need a fraction of our power right now hold on i don't think that's gonna absorb oh okay oh my god very good very good very good very good i'm just a bystander for this now come on where can i put another one oh my god this tack shooter i had no idea i got like this all right i'm getting any more money but we're not there i'll give you what i got i got five thousand i don't see the multiplayer button how do i give money it's the two monkeys looking at a phone on the top right two monkeys looking at the phone on the top right yeah it's under settings yeah of the settings oh oh i thought okay i saw that and i thought they were just like monkeys on the board um i will give them to wait which one's josh are you toru whiskey no i'm josh oh that would make sense here you go all right well here's everything i got we just need to wait a little bit and then i'll put another one this way wow well i'm not making any money anymore sadly yeah really either i don't think i have anything i don't think i actually i might have no no the uh the last god being placed on the map deleted my last dude listen eventually we're just gonna have a bunch of gods that's fine that's good that's good all right i got i got another buck in here with uh planes out yo yo pee pee wait what is this [Music] can you put one at the bottom oh wait why is he reset support monkey i got an engineer monkey can you put another monkey bunk in here josh wait what the hell uh bottom right that's not mine they're bottom left yeah i don't have a buccaneer monkey i cannot i know chad no i got rid of my buccaneers none of these are mine chat what are you talking about no josh wait can you get rid of that because we fit into that oh i do yo actually there's another spot for a buccaneer monkey here uh if you look next to the pool at the top i just i'm just freeing up the spot there you go you can put another aircraft carrier there if you want oh we got a ton of room for these actually oh yeah i'm out of money so let's just do this all right wow we've done good here today boys we really have holy i've never felt closer to monkey this is nature upgrade quincy he is at max as he should oh god we're getting there we're starting to lag it's starting it's starting to suffer it's starting to suffer yeah totally just now all right but what if we get the super monkey fan club back at uh get the band back together [Music] it wouldn't break as much but it would be funny i don't really have the money for that i don't really have the money for anything please don't disconnect oh god what if we do crash right before we get to 150. you're well that'd be nice no we won't oh my oh man at least i don't think we will i can't tell this is uh i think there's balloons on the screen maybe okay oh there's not it's really hard to tell okay oh i like moab shop bob shep's insane cat keeps telling me full middle path helicopter gives you help and i just showed them on screen that i literally can't upgrade it this guy's this guy is like going crazy in the brain stream lagging it wasn't there we wouldn't be lagging just one guy you are all one collective chat i'm gonna need like a two pc streaming setup if i'm gonna keep playing this game like legitimately it's crazy what is happening oh i put another one oh you did let's keep going wait what is with these monkeys you're placing in the top left that are just like automatically turning golden huh why are these like why are there's like spawns it spawns the the temple spawn those why because they can okay wait what happened to the super like mega spike launchers i missed those super mega spike launchers get the spike bombs the spike clusters oh yeah i um those are gone hold on yeah let's just get them back real quick [Music] dude [Music] so you get 3 million hundred seventy four thousand three hundred forty one right the wrong person i did yeah that's how much you did you were second all right i did 177 million six hundred and 468 oh my god i feel so awful i generated two like thousand dollars and josh generated 1.3 million [Laughter] i did nothing oh my god yeah i felt pretty useless there but hey the super monkey fan club though the monkey fan club was oh i could continue for free wow hit it hit it hit it hit it uh oh no the balloons got through you can continue this first time for free but after that it'll cost monkey money huge this is huge oh my god we're here going to losers we're going to lose let's keep going oh no oh no we're good we're okay we're okay we're okay we can wake up we're still in it we're still in it no we're still on it we're still against the doubters doubters beware there's doubters beware you're about to lose no doubt how does the router be so broke right now it's not even funny okay i got money you got your money that's what we were missing this entire time oh oh that looks like i'm we're good we're good we're still in it oh my god this is still round 145 it's just lagging so much that it's like moving at normal speed holy it's not raining chat you guys are just stupid you guys just doubted now you're getting punished for it you should just believe oh believe he's beginning to believe all right we need more spikes yeah more spikes more always use more spikes thank you that's more like it there we go god thank you for coming your ability to get this abstract art on my screen oh well i'm actually getting big frame drops that makes one of us man oh my god you should be grateful you even had frames to begin with you should be grateful you have a computer some people don't yeah i mean it is holding together the bitrate ain't great but oh my god these god monkeys are going insane i've like just given up like tracking with my mouse i've just sat it at the front he'll just put him on a long time shimmer okay we're at once i don't have it again oh boy how did i forget that is there anything we can upgrade i'll give you some money all right watch this yeah i need more money he's so okay i have seven money i will help you give it to me there you go give money here's some money are we gonna triple necromancer oh god i'm very scared oh my god holy i'm so scared about what's gonna happen i've not seen a necromancer balloon yet i'm worried it's coming it's coming necromancer balloon's coming since you got closer there we are there we are and there they are i'm float why would i take that why would i do an imf load you can just keep taking loans that's what i'm gonna start doing actually wow this is a stream yeah this is probably the best content i've ever produced i'm down for 12 frames per second uh how do i check my frame rate i have to say i have i have my frame rate i have like a steam framerate counter oh right right right we're at round 148 believers it's time the doubters have been winning for too long decent i'm a believer is this the new among us yes this is a monkey us the monkey us i don't know what's happening i can't tell if we're gonna win or lose genuinely i can't either so long as there's necromancy balloons on the screen we're winning okay true that's fair because they can't get past them true and the red hot spikes because they have to get past them i'm channeling my energy next slide please next slide all right 148 okay another god oh we got more room okay all right give time oh here i have some more money for you josh here you go awesome [Music] i exist to give josh money same just super charge him well if i had known you would have used capitalism i probably wouldn't have doubted that's what happens dude you know capitalism always comes in comes out on top oh my god are you just making more monkey banks what am i supposed to do just have fun with it just go nuts you know what i'm just along for the ride go bananas go bananas nice loving it gotta get my load of 10 grand there we go oh my god my frames i've gotten a uh a new photo of my stream [Laughter] can you wish quincy a happy birthday today today's anniversary of being the son of quincy no way no really no it there's no way i can say wait wait it's no way phil's birthday man for quincy today dude my super monkey makes money how's your super monkey make money because he absorbed bank coney wait seriously coney we're celebrating it's quincy's birthday can we get a feels birthday man for quincy son of quincy from balloons tower defense hello coney viewers [Applause] how are you doing my brilliant coney fans the co the i don't even the cone heads the code heads coney when are we playing valerie i've tried to shoot my shot i got dono walled so hard my words no words that's exactly because i was talking to a brick wall that had the word coney painted on it really had i tried asking you a discord but you know i don't follow you you don't follow me on twitter so i can't dm i don't got any i don't got means of messaging i just got done walls feels bad they ruined honestly chat if you want the if you want i add yeah i added you and the discord server i did i couldn't i could try to add you okay we did it we're at 150. the wall is down brother god bless we made it we made it to 150 yo roll it roll the predictions wait wait i need two hundred thousand right now how much do you think i have is that good enough we need two hundred thousand we need to get there i need because tony we can play video games now well let's keep grinding us lying friends got the lines that's right prediction all right starting prediction oh my god this is 433 000 reddit upvotes i've been distributed i can't you guys are gambling hard 400 dude if one person got 400 thousand they could just like kill my stream instantly that's absurd sell the banks no i need them all right what the will we make it to round 60. i can hope to 160 of course we did die once and we only get one free one so we might we might hit on an issue if we die again okay yeah but we're fine we're not going to die again predictions up through the spike factories don't worry chat i'm gonna coney i'm gonna carry coney so hard in valor it'll be crazy he'll be the world's greatest player by tomorrow except this game is going to be crashing by now [Laughter] who would win a billion lions or a billion balloon monkeys definitely the balloon monkeys yo dash yeah what's up i'm gonna need a lot of money how much is a lot i got 50. i got i got 50 racks on me how close are you to a gang it's like to like 100k i have 50 racks on me right now how much in the bank round bank kind of low 4k all right uh give me the 50. i'm about to get i'm about to get a 10k load though okay bank pulling up 10k low there you go when will it end when i get my black hole dude chat listen when you get listen losing is all part of gambling you know it's lady luck just kidding i never lose i learned that from uh the great pretender do nice great pretender nice great pretender reference josh what'd you think a great pretender i enjoyed it is it the anime yeah it's a banger show it's good i watched the first episode and i didn't continue wow that's really dangerous because there's twenty times i just love the interview it's good i mean i'll check it out but what happened the backgrounds on that show are gorgeous what show the great pretender the background it's by wit oh they make attack on titan yes they sure do they sure do well they sure did they sure have but the great pretenders gorgeous pretty backgrounds banger ost full recommendation it's just fun anime bro listen i have 5 000 i will give it to you weaves out i'm just i just watched animation you know that's just that's just what my parents did this is a lot take the money oh my god these purple oh i think my game nope still going playing free money okay all right here i'll just use all my abilities right now and then get out about diablo 4. um i didn't barely played any diablo 3. i've played diablo with any care until since like two i guess it's so strange to see the game run at 100 frames you're almost to 200k here i am there i'll give you a little bit more what do you need 200k for you'll see oh is that for the oh no here it comes no we're fine we're almost there keep giving them all give them all your money give them all your money i'm clicking so fast to donate 500 more come on push it through push it through everyone lend them your energy go go black hole activate 4 000 i need 2 000 more i got it i got it i got it put them through we're going to need that black hole black hole black hole yeah black hole more like blue screen where is it dude just sitting here don't use your abilities anymore just let them get to the end a little bit like up you know the the spikes clear up once it gets to the end dude that's where the black hole comes in all right we'll see about that you say don't use any abilities like we can like do anything if you have any abilities just like stop okay i won't use my abilities because that's what i've been doing just no you just did it you just did the opposite of what i told you to do i think they should just simply uh the balloon should just simply be uh better it should just be not as weak i think the balloon should simply turn around and go home not true oh my god this purple balloon is just he's hungry yeah he's just yelling we're uh he's gone we beat it we're still going still we're going all right we're selling towers i just want to see i just want to see the black hole dude yeah i want to see the black hole too here i'll help there we go all right don't spam anything 155 now guys i'm just i'm just doing what i've been doing which is i have my mouse in the top why did you do it why did you do it who just did the spikes a lot of people have bet channel points on this reading reaching 160. so but yeah i don't want to see all the people who said no lose them that's fine they didn't know what reality is like oh my god too many spikes too much glue [Laughter] oh that's glue i thought it was just raining gold no that's blue i thought it was gold because i hadn't seen them until the uh the sun gods showed up i missed the phoenix's i'm not gonna lie to you oh yeah they're cute do we get a phoenix josh no i'm insanely undead why are you in debt i just kept taking loans to get to the magic number i gave you 30 000. oh here we go oh never mind chunky 8-bit shimmer monkeys where dude when the black hole shows up are we even going to be able to see it i have no idea that's a good question is it big how big is the black hole i don't know i've never seen that i'm just like looking at like where it would appear there's just like a ray of god it's gonna be at the very end yeah i know but i'm like looking at that when they get like kind of near that the god beams just block that section off he's got these these monkeys have become gods they've ascended this is insane once we get to uh 60 sell all the spike factories we're at 156 snapchat okay 156. jack keep saying here it comes i'm so scared so they say uh i i genuinely can't tell what's happening but i think we're winning i used quincy's old so we definitely made it past this round you can't lose with a quincy all headshot frame update we're at 30 chat we're at 30 frames that's the quincy son of quincy all it's literally the best on the game what can i say we've dropped 200 frames so far on the stream no it's not that bad it's impressive though oh my god let's see how my boat's doing it's nice six millimeters what is this the super monkey tower has killed 26 million okay 158 the the the first one he plays at the top of the top one yeah yeah that's 26 yeah yeah the original monkey god i forgot we could put towers on top of the monkey buck in here in the top right of the map hold on i gotta pop quincy wall make sure we don't lose this round give josh some money to pay off his debts for him i'm getting there only sixteen thousand someone in my chat just said my girlfriend could walk on the screen right now and they still wouldn't know what she looks like well yeah you wouldn't know what somebody who doesn't exist looks like yeah exactly almost to the big 160. i hope we make the big 160 oh i just realized i do have a lot of money to give you let me pass it along there you go eleven thousand all right one more uh uh let me uh sixteen thousand here you go josh thanks so much not there yet no i gave you uh sixty thousand dollars a man okay this is it that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking this is it we're gonna win oh yeah this is 27 level 27. 50 monkey money okay we did it that's a win all right we're on no we're on 160. okay we have to beat it that's it first that's fair you know what but you know what we got quincy all it's over that's the quincy oh we won you can't lose with the quincy hall powders are in shambles they got a second attempt at doubting and the doubters still lose how foolish do you have to be to doubt this at any point that's what i'm thinking how can you like live and be a doubter i think they got this in the bag this is uh this is a win i'm gonna pass along any money i have yeah i'm at 30k here you go josh here's 17k josh josh do you think big man have you paid off those big loans josh yeah well i took more why i could [Laughter] he can't stop himself there's no doubters there's nothing to reward the believer i just can't find the other towers in the world i just got a loading screen for a second there i've gotten those a couple times we did it you did it okay we did it chat i want to see the black hole i want to see the black hole all right predictions i have all the stuff uh you're uh getting rid of the fight factory you can't just lift yeah you ate mine like a thousand years ago all right everything must go there you go there's the bet all right oh my poor little hell black hole show me the hole show me the hall wow that where's the oh they're just disappearing they're just going how does that work it just gets rid of them wait is it just a one-time thing okay it's just a one-time thing cool wow so i am pretty well i'm level 27 now so that's cool did i get i'm 242 million 300 miles 6290 i'm over 40. i'm only 30. i only went up one and a half levels that whole time yeah i did not yeah that was ape literally wild that was monkey oh mama wow i did not expect to be playing this for this long yeah two hours that was a single two hour game oh my god that was and i enjoyed every second of it don't get me wrong hours money achievements it was thrilling um dinner now because i'm hungry yeah i think i'm also gonna end yeah yeah thank you chat for coming by and to everybody's streams uh maybe more monkey stuff later this was a lot of fun all right here's i'm just gonna raid we can always do more monkey fun yeah wait are you gonna keep saying i think it's straightforward it's persona 4 golden time yes all right everyone read ouija then chat build a line ladder i'll be back uh tomorrow there's a video tomorrow too uh because i don't know if you guys know this has been every monday wednesday friday except for the one day my power went out but we're gonna build a lion ladder go oh yeah yeah go kiss kid all right
Channel: Altrive VODS
Views: 75,045
Rating: 4.9142365 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, altrive, altrive plus, altrive vods, altrive plus vods, altrive twitch vods, altrive twitch, bloons, bloons td6, bloons tower defense 6
Id: o6EXdxs_rQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 46sec (6586 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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