Can We Pass A Driver’s License Test?

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- In which state were women allowed to drive cars- (buzzer rings) All right, you know what, Noah, I'll say the answers after- - Oh, I forgot that it's multiple choice. - Well, you clicked. You get to answer. - No! I gotta- (crew laughing) I went from 1 in 4 to 1 in 50! (bright music) - Hello, and welcome to Bepordy, the show, yeah, that's right, the show where we test ourselves at how much we know about stuff, and usually it's that we don't know anything. Now you probably are noticing we have a new set! (all cheering) - Did you just graduate again? - Yeah, we have a brand new set. I love it. It's great. It's huge. You can only see a little bit of it. It goes up to the ceiling. It's like 20 feet high. - It's fine. - It's insane. It's incredible. - It's awesome. - I feel like I'm on a morning talk show in the '70s. It feels so good. Anyways, back to Bepordy, our contestants today testing their driver's ed knowledge are Noah, Courtney, - Beep, beep! (car horn honking) - [Shayne] and Ian. (tires screeching) (crowd booing) - [Shayne & Courtney] Aw. - Bummer. (crew laughing) But anyways, the categories today are Can I Park Here?, Weird Driving Laws, Give Me A Sign, and See You In Traffic Court. - Ooh. - Now See You In Traffic Court is a very special category. This is celebrities who got into driving trouble. Nothing crazy. - Oh. - Okay. - Just like they parked in the wrong place or just got- - So it's not a Mel Gibson incident. - Yeah, I don't think it's a Mel Gibson. - Which one? - Oh, there's multiple. (crew laughing) - I don't think it gets that heavy. I think we're talking about just legitimate parking trouble. If anyone's willing to disclose, how many parking tickets do you guys have? - Well, I've paid them all off. - Okay, you're good, then you're good. - I've never gotten a parking ticket. I've gotten a moving violation because I crossed a double yellow line to get into a left turn lane. (siren wailing) ♪ Bad boys ♪ - And guys, there is a final challenge after all of these. We have a car that you will get in. - I already have my car. - No, but we have a better car. (crowd gasps) We got an incredible, like high-end luxury car. - [Noah] Electric? - [Shayne] Yes. And you will be all parallel parking. - We get to parallel park a Tesla? - It would park itself. (Courtney laughing) - Yeah. (record skips) Does this open? So we will test all of your physical driving skills at the end of this, and whoever wins that gets probably a lot points. - Oh my gosh! - Who last got a parking ticket? - Oh, what was the last parking ticket I got? I think mine must have been years ago. - Yeah, mine's two years. I would say, honestly, 24 months. - I was gonna say I never got a parking ticket. Then I remembered that I had my car towed once because it was in a school bus zone. - Oh, honey. - And with that, Ian gets to go first. - All right! (crew applauding) - All right, Ian, pick a category. - Okay. I want to do Weird Driving Laws for 100. - [Noah & Courtney] Ooh! - Now all of the questions in this category are multiple choice. Not all the categories are like that, though. - Oh, whoa, okay, whoa, okay, okay. - It's illegal for women to drive wearing which of the following clothing items in California? Flip-flops. (buzzer rings) Stilettos. House coat. Church hat. Noah, you clicked it very early. - Very early, and I'm gonna go with flip-flops. I was always told that you had to wear closed toe shoes. - Got it. Uh, Courtney. (Shayne laughing) So much confidence. - I'm gonna say- - Let me just repeat. Flip-flops, stilettos, housecoat, church hat. - I think a church hat. - Ian. Dang it. - Your chance. - I mean, some of those hats are very big. - That's true. - Yeah, I thought they would distract other drivers. - Yeah, and they're too fancy. They're like, what's that, and then they crash. So the only other two options are trench coat and stilettos. - Stilettos or housecoat. - A housecoat. I don't even know what a housecoat is. So I'm gonna say, I mean, you should not be driving with stilettos. You should not be driving with stilettos. I'm locking it in. - Incredible. Four options. Three guesses. - Oh my gosh! - And this one begins with a wash! - Wait, really? Why a housecoat? - I don't know what a housecoat necessarily is. - What is a housecoat? (gentle music) - Ian, you can pick another category. - Great. I'm going to do Can I Park Here? for 50. - Yeah, start at the 50s. - Yeah, yeah. - How much space should there be between your parked car and a fire hydrant? (buzzer rings) Courtney. - 6 feet? - Ian. - Ah! - 10 feet. - Noah. - 8 feet. - And another wash! - No! What's the answer? - 15 feet. - Oh! - Which is good to hear because I am definitely not giving myself 15 feet. - They always have the red marker. - You'd think they'd just paint it to really just like lay it out for you. - Yeah, we don't need to know the actual number. We just need to know colors. - I guess I could measure it by just laying down and just imagining three of myselves. (crew laughing) - Can't wait to pick another category that we all fail at. Let's do See You In Traffic Court for 50. - Oh god. - Which celebrity received a parking ticket on their $200,000 Lamborghini whilst trying to find their Purpose on a nature walk? (buzzer rings) - What? - Noah. - That sounds like Matthew McConaughey. - Good guess, but incorrect. - Matthew McConaughey would not drive a Lamborghini. He's a Lincoln guy. (crew laughing) That sounds like a Logan Paul thing. - No. Courtney. - I wonder if it's Jay Leno. - No. (crew chuckling) - Jay Leno's a car guy. - Jay Leno would drive like a '50s car, though. - Yeah, but it could've been any Lamborghini. - You know what? Okay Noah, we can bring this, we can refresh this. Noah. - Sure, I'm fine with that. - J Biebs. Let's do it. - That is correct! - [All] Oh! - Yes! - What? - Oh, purpose. Purpose. Isn't that one of his albums? - Oh wow. I'm not gonna listen to it. (crew chuckling) - All right, Noah, you get to pick a category. - Oh, I get to pick? - Good job. - Let's see what it is. Give Me A Sign. We need these 50s. We're going 50. - Demonstrate the hand signal for turning left. (buzzer rings) All right, that is Ian. Left arm extended out of the driver's window and pointed sideways at a 180 degree angle with the elbow straight and palm open. That is correct. - Wow. - Yay! (crew applauding) - Good job, Ian. Ian, pick a category. - Give Me A Sign for 100. - What does this sign mean? (buzzer rings) Courtney. - Railroad crossing. - That is correct. - Wahoo! - Good job. - Courtney, pick a category. - Ah, finally! Okay, okay. Let's do Can I Park Here? for 100. - It's 11 AM on a Thursday and you're dropping off your kid's lunch. Can you park here? Now this is the street sign. - [Ian] Oh, (beep) you. - [Shayne] So can you park here? It's 11 AM on a Thursday. (buzzer rings) Noah. - 11 AM on a Thursday? No. - That is correct. - [Crew Member] Woo! - Whew. - How did you get that so quickly? Where is that? - Right here. (Shayne laughing) - But it says school days exceptions. 15 minutes. - No, no, no. - [Courtney] Monday through Friday. - But you got to look at the time here. No stopping. - This is a real street sign in California in Los Angeles that we stole. (crew laughing) All right, Noah, pick a category. You know what? Let's do Weird Driving Laws. We're gonna go 150. - [Ian & Courtney] Ooh! - It's Sunday and you want to buy a car. Which of the following states would allow you to do so? Iowa, Maine, New Mexico, New Jersey. (buzzer rings) Ian. - New Mexico. - That is correct! - What? (crew applauds) Is that a guess? - It's 'cause it's like the Blue Law states, like New Jersey and stuff, where you can't buy alcohol on Sundays. - The other states have Blue Laws or Sunday Laws that prohibit car sales amongst other things on Sundays. I did not know that at all. - That's so weird. - Wow. Ian, pick a category. - Let's... That 50 is bothering me. It's all out of place. It's left alone. Let's do Weird Driving Laws for 50. - In Florida, you must feed a parking meter if you tie which of the following to it? Razor scooter. Alligator. Roller skates. Dogs. (buzzer rings) Courtney. - The first one. - Razor scooter? - Yeah. - Incorrect. Noah. - Dogs. - Incorrect. Ian. - Come on. It's gotta be alligator. - It's alligator. - What? (crew laughing) - It's Florida. Logic, when you're talking about Florida, is flipped. It's the weirdest thing first. - What? - To recap, we have Ian with 250 points, (crew applauding) Courtney with 100 points, (crew applauding) and Noah with 150 points. (crew applauding) It is anybody's game at this point. All right, Ian, pick a category. - Let's do See You In Traffic Court for 150. - For 150 points, which idiot sandwich was caught going 70 miles per hour in a 40 mile per hour zone across the pond? (buzzer rings) Ian. - I mean, you said idiot sandwich. That's gotta be Gordon Ramsay. - That is correct! - Yeah! (crew applauding) - Those clues are good. - All right, Ian, the floor is yours. - Let's do Can I Park Here? for 200. - Oh (beep). It is illegal to park on a freeway with three exceptions to this rule. What are they? (buzzer rings) Noah. - Okay, one would be if you're like in an accident or something where your car is disabled, so obviously you can't move it, right? Another one would be running out of gas, no, it might be illegal to run out of gas on the freeway, but I'm just gonna say it anyway. And then the third time is, of course, you've got to stop... Oh no, no, I'm taking back the running out of gas. (Courtney laughing) Okay, here's my answer. One, if your vehicle is disabled due to an accident, two, if there is a road hazard blocking your way, and then three would be if an officer or some person stops flow of traffic to a complete halt. - Who clicked second? - Me, me, me! - Courtney. - If your car breaks down, if you get pulled over, and if there is something blocking the freeway. - Ian. - Okay. If you're in an accident and your car is disabled, I like if somebody like an official pulls you over, and if you need to secure something on your car, - Go pee pee or poo poo. - or pick something or remove something off, no, probably not remove something off, if you need to secure something on your car. - I feel like they all- - Is she right or is she wrong? - Say the answer. - Unfortunately, you guys all basically got two of them. - Aw! - But it required three. In an emergency, and you guys said a bunch of different emergencies, being pulled over or device requires to stop, and the one you guys didn't get is where a stop is specifically permitted. - Wow. - Oh! - Which is very weird. I've never seen that before. - That's such a DMV question. - Yeah. Ian, once again. - Oh man. You know, I'm gonna let Courtney choose. - Okay. Sure. There's no rules against that, I guess. - Okay, let's do Give Me A Sign for 200! - [Noah & Ian] Wow. - What does this sign mean? (buzzer rings) Noah. - That is someone might be walking their child... No, no, no, one second. There's a lot of daytime pedestrian traffic in this area because it's like lunch time. (crew laughing) - I'm gonna let Courtney answer this one. - Crosswalk. - Bro. - Ian. - It's a school zone. - Ian gets it. - What? - Oh (beep), I had it! It looks like they have briefcases. - [Courtney] Yeah! - [Noah] Damn! - The reason this is a school crossing zone sign is because of the lines representing the crosswalk. Also, whenever a yellow sign is a pentagon, it means it's in a school zone and you better slow the F down to 15 to 20 miles per hour. - Wow. - I didn't know that. I straight up didn't know that. - We might have to team up and take out. (Ian laughing) - I'm down. - Ian, once again. - Let's do See You In Traffic Court for 100. - All right. Cops couldn't keep up with this star who got a speeding ticket on the 101 and cited being chased by paparazzi as the reason why. (buzzer rings) Noah. - O.J. Simpson. - No. Ian. - I would say that sounds like, oh gosh, it's between three people. I'm gonna say it's Paris Hilton. - Courtney. - Britney Spears. - Sorry, it's a wash, guys. - Is it Britney Spears? - I said that. - Courtney said Britney Spears. It was Kim Kardashian. - I knew it! I was gonna guess a Kardashian or a Jenner next. - All right, Ian. - Let's do Give Me A Sign for 150. - Demonstrate the hand signal for stopping or slowing down. (buzzer rings) Ian. (whip cracks) That is correct. Left arm is extended out of the driver's window and angled 90 degrees downward so the hand is pointing down and the elbow is bent. Palm should face behind you. - We've all done that, guys. - All right, Ian. Let's do Weird Driving Laws for 200. - All right. In which state were women allowed to drive cars on Main Street, but only if their husbands were walking in front of the car and waving a red flag? (buzzer rings) - Jesus (beep) Christ. - All right, you know what Noah, I'll say the answers after- - Oh, I forgot that it's multiple choice. - Well, you clicked. You get to answer. - No! I gotta- (crew laughing) I went from 1 in 4 to 1 in 50. Utah. - Okay, so the possible states are Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina. (Noah spitting) Courtney. - If you live here, I'm sorry. South Carolina. - Ian. - I'm guessing it's Virginia. - Ian gets it. - [Noah & Courtney] Oh! - I figured it had to be one of those states on the coast. - Yeah, I felt bad judging a state by guessing just their vibe, and that felt mean, so that's why I said I'm sorry. - All right, going from right to left, we have Noah with 150 points, (crew applauding) we have Courtney with 100 points, (crew applauding) and we have Ian with 950 points. (crew laughing) - You guys still have a chance to come back though. - All right, Ian. - Let's do Can I Park Here? for 150. - When parking your car alongside a curb in California, the front and back wheels must be parallel and within how many inches of the curb? (buzzer rings) Noah. - Within 12 inches of the curb? - Courtney. - Within 18 inches. - That is correct! - Yes! - Oh! - All right, Courtney. - See You In Traffic Court for 200. - All right, let's double this one. - Daily Double. - 400 points. Which actress should change her famed Scarlet letter from an A to an S after- (buzzer rings) After getting- (buzzer rings) From an A to an S after getting pulled over for speeding to her then spider boyfriend's Malibu birthday party in 2012? - I was gonna say, but now I forgot her name. Emma Stone. There we go. - That is correct. - Dang it! I knew it immediately. Ugh! - So to recap, we have Noah with 550 points, we have Courtney with 250 points, and we have Ian with 950 points. This next test will be a physical driving test. You'll be parallel parking a brand new Tesla. (crew laughing) And you will get to wager the amount of points you want to possibly get, so out of the ones you have, but you risk losing all of your points, keep in mind. So it could be anyone's game at this point. Let's see what you guys wanna wager. Noah, you have 550 points. How much of that would you like to wager? - I'm gonna wager, can we do fractional points? I'm gonna do 548 and a half. - Fine. Courtney. - I'm going all or nothing. - All right, 250 points. Ian. - I'm going all in baby. - All right, everyone's basically going all in. Noah is saving - Might be smart. - 1.5 point, which is actually- - Really smart. - It is actually very smart, now that I think about it. - So if we all fail, he wins. - Yes. Let's go! The test is simple: drivers will get into this brand new Porsche Tesla, drive up ahead to this parking spot, and have to back into it in a correct parallel parking form. I'll show as an example right now. (tires screeching) (boxes clattering) Sorry. There we go, and we're good. Thank you, Sarah. Ian, are you ready? - Hold on. I gotta get my seatbelt on. - That's right, safety first, guys. Buckle up. - All right, hold on. Let me turn my sick new Tesla on. (car engine quietly rumbles) Okay, it apparently has a... (Shayne laughing) - That was a gas startup sound. - Apparently it has a gas startup sound, yeah. - Okay, Ian, the timer starts now! - I'm coming right at you guys. - That's all right. - We'll just back out the way. - He's off to a good start. - [Courtney] Oh my god. Oh my god. - [Shayne] Oh god. - Wow. - Yeah, buddy, yeah! - Wow! - Oh my god. Are you kidding? Oh, oh, oh. - The wheel doesn't turn unless you're moving. - You're just not a good driver. - Hold on. I got this. We'll do this over again. - [Courtney] Where are you going? - [Shayne] Okay. All right. - [Courtney] Strong start. It's not turning. (crew laughing) (boxes rattling) - You're still a little bit out of the line. Still a little bit out. (Courtney laughing) - [Noah] Doing great, Ian. You all right? - [Courtney] Oh no, oh no. - Oh! Oh! (car thuds) You're on the curb! - And he's- - No! - That's fine, we'll count it. - Oh no, it's fine, it's normal. - Noah, are you ready? - Oh, maybe. Is it on? - [Ian] Yeah. - All right, and the timer starts now. - Ha, got him! I left it in reverse. - [Courtney] Buddy, look at you go! - [Noah] This is so fun. Where's the brake? Okay. - [Shayne] That's not. There you go. - [Noah] Okay. - [Courtney] Nice, nice. Go, go, go. - Slow and steady. - [Courtney] Crank, crank, crank. - [Ian] Keep cranking. Keep cranking. There you go, there you go! - Oh, a little bit more. - Keep going, keep going! - [Shayne] A little more. - See, this is where- - This is where the turning's- - 'Cause the wheel doesn't turn unless you're moving. - The wheel doesn't turn unless you're moving. - Oh, did it die? No, okay. - Okay. - You got this, you got this. - [Shayne] Oh wow. - [Courtney] Yeah, crank that (beep). (all cheering) - Yes! - Well done. - Woo! - All right, Courtney, are you ready? - Yeah! - You all buckled up? - Yes, I tightened it. - The timer starts now! All right. There she comes. All right, oh. Interesting play. - Stop, stop! - And she's off the map. - Stop. - There you go. Interesting play, going through lanes of traffic. - Stop! Stop! Oh no! Stop! (cell phone ringing) Hang on, hang on. Hello? (all laughing) - I guess- - Can you get me Starbucks? - Yeah, no, Olivia, I'm driving right now. - That has to be handheld. That's against the law. - Yeah, I'll be over there. - Where's the cop car in one of these? - I'll be there in a second. You taught me how to drive so I should be there quickly. - [Ian] She's gonna back into it. (crew laughing) - [Crew Member] There you go. There you go, Courtney. - [Shayne] You're actually pretty close. (boxes rattling) - [Ian] Ooh. - Straighten out. - Yeah, you're gonna have to straighten out a little bit. - I'll be 30 minutes. (Courtney grunting) - [Shayne] Okay, and she's back out. - We're good. Stop it! I gotta go. - [Shayne] Interesting. Okay. - [Ian] There you go. There you go! (all cheering) - All right, well, the driving test is over and all of you actually did pretty well. In third place, we have Courtney who parked in a minute and 10 seconds. In second place, is Ian with a minute and one second. So you both wagered all your points. You guys now have zero points. And in first place, it's Noah with 49 seconds. Now Noah wagered 548.5 points, so you do the math. He won, all right? Congratulations, Noah! - Thank you. I can drive this better than my real car. - That is true. Way to go, Noah. The prize is that, way to go. Thank you guys so much. Make sure to subscribe to support and also check out We have some sweet merch. Noah's got some, Courtney's got some. It's all great. It's all very comfy, very comfy. There's more videos for you guys to watch so check 'em out. - Mom strength! - We love you! (Courtney grunting) Drive safe! Drive safe! - You're stronger than me, and we all knew it. It was obvious, but you know.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 563,668
Rating: 4.9742398 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Can We Pass A Driver’s License Test?, driver's ed, trivia, jeopardy, game show, challenge, toy car, driver's license
Id: 4Xrm6teAjdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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