Meet The Dumpster Wizard's New Squad

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- Lover of literature and chaos. But I'm very indecisive. - So indecisive. - I don't know. I didn't tie my shoes 'cause I was like, Do I wanna run?" (man laughs) Do I want to run or am I gonna take them off? And now I'm Christopher Walken. (man laughing) (upbeat music) - Hello there weary travelers and welcome to the Character Generator. You all know the Dumpster Wizard. The character that everyone loves, he's the best. - I wish he was the bachelor. - He would be a horrific bachelor. But, speaking of that, he is very lonely. (flute music) (men gasp) - So, looking to enter therapy, eh? - We have never established that the Dumpster Wizard has friends or anyone. So today, we're gonna be using our character generator to create a squad, an entourage, for the Dumpster Wizard. - [Narrator] Each of us will spin four wheels to compile a brand new character that could possibly be a new addition to our universe of characters. There's wheels for tops, bottoms, head gear, and an extra accessory. After we've gotten the full outfit, we will select some spice to add to the character. And then a catchphrase which was submitted by our Instagram followers. - Are you guys ready? - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - Let's just do it. But like and subscribe first. (man laughs) - Is this how they do it at SNL? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's what I thought. - Every week. - Every week, Pete Davidson perfectly lands on Pete Davidson. (all laughing) He's always Pete Davidson. - That sucks. - I'm trying to look at some favorites. I really like the Robin Hood. You got a Robin Hood shirt. You got a minister shirt. And I like the red jacket. 'Cause those kind of feel like the similar vibe. (wheel ticking) - All right, Minister - Minister shirt. - Wow. - Now we're moving on to the bottoms here We've got a black Tutu, breakaway pants. Oh. - Yes. ( man laughing) - And sun and moon leggings. Sun and moon, oh cool. - Astrological and biblical. - Holy on the streets. Wickin' in the sheets. (all laughing) - Spin it. (man laughs) (wheel ticking) - That was a good spin. - Oh! And you got 'em. - I got the break away pants! - No, no, no, no. (crosstalk) - I'm so sorry. (crosstalk) - So I did make exactly what we just talked about, great. - Head gear, we got a lot of options here. The bald head I think would be, with what I've got going, it's a little basic. Okay, here we go. - Try it. (wheel ticking) - And I got the colonial wig. - Nice! - Now, we move on to the accessories. Now this is gonna say a lot about the character. It's like what they do. See, I feel like the very big book, there's a lot of options you could work with that. Guitar's fun. Can of beans, I'm kind of like, that's probably my least favorite. Here we go. (wheel ticking) - Oh! - Lost the pencil. And I got the book. - Big book. - That's fine, I'm gonna work with it. It's time to figure out what this person's catch phrase is. - Okay. All right, here we go. - 'Tis I, crickets of bones, lover of literature and chaos. - Whoa! (woman clapping) - This fits in. - This fits in well. - It does. - Spice jar. - Is indecisive. - Oh, yeah! - Which, this all blends in together so well. 'cause chaos, indecisiveness, basically the same. - Okay. So here we are with mine. A medieval blouse, a Hawaiian shirt, the Victorian blouse. - And there's pants. - There's pants, but I would love to wear it. And the last one is your choice, which I'm really hope for so I can wear pants. - You gotta spin it hard. (wheel ticking) Wow, she had some power. - Construction. - Construction top. That's pretty funny. - Yeah. - All right, now we move on to the bottoms. We've got a big, very big skirt, neon joggers, okay, denim skirt, the long Jean skirt, basketball shorts. Honestly. I'm really stoked about all of them. All right, Ready? - Do it. Oh! - Jean skirt. Construction T and jean skirt. - I was going to say she's a kindergarten teacher for construction workers. - Oh, that's funny. - All right, we're moving on to head gear. The Ronald McDonald's creepy wig. - Someone's gotta get that. - Yeah. Diva hat, trucker hat, bald lady, I mean, bald person. This is a bonnet. - Oh, a bonnet. (wheel clicking) - Oh, I feel good about it. (all moaning) - Lady Liberty. - Lady Liberty. - Okay. All right. So I work on Hollywood Boulevard and it's- - Yes! - For assessors, I really want the can of beans and the recorder. I don't care about anything else. - This is really funny because with the top, anything you're holding is instead of the lantern - Yeah. - Yes! Beans. (wheel ticking) - Beans! - Beans! - You got the beans. You got the beans. - Oh my god. God is real. (campy music) - All right, my catchphrase is, Crunch, crunch, tomato lunch. - Crunch, crunch, tomato lunch. - And my spice is, oh my god, this is too fricking real. Wants you to join their pyramid scheme. - Wow. (man clapping) - It is my turn in the character generator. And for my tops, I've got a Guy Fieri shirt, I've got a shirt and tie, down here, I think is a Western styled shirt. - Like Kevin Bacon. - Anyway. - Whenever I say something stupid, it's because I thought of the smart thing first. (man laughs) - That landed lightly on Western shirt. - I like Western. - Western! - I would really just where this. - It's really cool. - Yeah. Here, for the bottoms, we've got, what is this? Up top here, are leopard joggers, we've got a kilt, here is, we're calling those jeggings, this is puffy pants I believe, followed by rainbow overalls, I shouldn't of had to read for that, and then here, we've got chaps. - Oh! - Some chaps. - Oh, that's awesome. - You should go full Western. - Yeah, well we'll see what type of Western depending on the back of these. (audience laughing) Anyway. (man laughing) Spin it this ways. Spin again. And I got rainbow overalls. - Nice! - Great! - All right. This outfit's coming together. Here, we've got head gear. You know what was already here. The replacement though, is this nice Rapunzelie wig I guess. Very Bridgerton. - All right. Oh, and the wig went flying. I've landed on frog head. (woman yelling) - He took the frog from you! - Frog head! That is unbelievable. All right, and now for the accessories. The one replacement that we have here is the magnifying glass. - Oh! - Yeah. (wheel ticking) And I've got the recorder. - Damn! You got the jackpot! - I got the recorder! Let's find out what the catchphrase is for this complete mess of a person. - For this legend. - Like a raven calling. But arch your back while doing it. Oh! Okay, so I literally am like. (man crowing) Let's find out what spice is going on here. Is always late to things and out of breath. (man laughing) - Oh my god! - That's just me. (upbeat music) - Okay, are you guys ready? - Definitely. - Yes. Yes, I'm so ready. (angelic choir) (man laughs) - What? What? (classical music) - You look like you walk around Berkeley. (audience laughing) - To me, it's kind of like a weird John Smith vibe going on up here. But down here is- - No, see, I'm selling magic school bus down here, villain of Hunchback of Notre Dame up here. - There you go. (all laughing) - Can you do a 360? (audience oohing) (woman laughs) - Yeah, what kind of voice are we thinking? - What was your comment? You had to be the cricket of bones? - The cricket of bones, lover of literature and chaos. - Maybe it's something very timid and soft. - Yeah, you know, I was actually thinking kind of cowardly lion a little bit. So maybe like, hey, 'tis I, the cricket of bones, lover of literature and chaos. But I'm very indecisive. - So indecisive. - I don't know. I didn't tie my shoes 'cause I was like, do I want to run? (man laughing) Do I want to run? Or am I gonna take them off? And now Christopher Walken. (all laughing) - What is in your big book? - It's every religion. (man laughs) - That's chaotic. - Because I change religions every few minutes. I never know what to believe. Whenever someone tells me their religion, I'm like, that sounds like the truth. - You're a new member of the View. That's what it's making me think of. You'd be the perfect addition - Oh my god. - To a cast of people. - That would makes sense, I'd be the one who says the most insane thing you've ever heard. (upbeat music) - All I'm saying, is I don't think meatballs should be part of any dish. - I mean, I'm just saying that meatballs are just historical and I don't wanna erase history. - Meatballs killed my father. (all laughing) I think. I don't remember that well. But I'm pretty sure a group of meatballs tracked down my father after he made some questionable choices in Vegas, they tracked him down in Reno and they murdered him brutally in the street. While onlookers just passed by. I believe seatbelts should go like this. (all laughing) - Ludwig, we're gonna have to cut to commercial - Okay. Fine. Enjoy your Chobani commercials. (man laughing) I am a practicing Zen Buddhists for the next minute. So I believed it just taking a moment to be present is what we need on this show. (man laughing) - We're cutting to the Chobani commercial. We're going to Chobani. - We're back from commercial. That was a great Chobani commercial. How do you know the Dumpster Wizard? - I was in Atlantic City and this was when I was practicing Stoicism and so I was staying very still for approximately five minutes before I switched over to being a Christian rock artist - Oh! for a tiny bit, but I happened to see him stumbling through the streets and I was like, "Are you drunk?" And he said, "No, I'm just having a good time." And then he and I proceeded to win at billiards. - Oh! We became billiards champions together in Atlantic City, which is where the movie, The Color of Money comes from. - You are the most interesting guests we've ever had on the View. - I am a host on the View. - That's crazy! - I've been here for approximately two weeks. You know this, Rosie O'Donnell. Thank you, Barbara Walters. - We're cutting to commercial again. - Yeah, again. Activia. - Yeah, only yogurt commercials. - We only do, because people who watch the View just love yogurt. (upbeat music) - Okay. Olivia, are you ready to reveal your character? - Crunch, crunch, tomato lunch. - Oh, snap! - All right. (patriotic music) Well, here it is. - Oh, Kroger brand. - I want to sell you guys this can of beans. By signing up and paying $700 upfront, you can get another can of beans. - I'm all in! (man laughing) What religion is this? - Money, baby! (man exclaims) Do you want to win? - Yes. - Not win, receive - Yes? - A gold BMW - Uh, yes! - For all your hard work. - Is it solid gold? - It is not, it is painted. - Okay, that makes sense. A solid gold one would be too heavy. - And if it rains, the gold will chip off. But if you guys sell 7 million cans of black beans. - Easy. - You will get closer to the third gold tier. - To the third gold tier. - Yes, yes. - And what's in the third gold tier? - Not the car. - Okay, is it something better? - You get to a big autograph. - A big autograph? - Yeah, huge autograph. - From King Kong himself. (men laughing) - I am Jewish. - I can tell. (man laughing) I can tell. - Yeah, where'd you grow up? - In a swamp. - That makes sense. - Oh. - You are a construction worker, so you built this pyramid yourself? - Yes, I did. I built the pyramid scheme all by myself. - You know what I'm an investor, you know- - This just became Shark Tank. (tense upbeat music) - Just really quick, if you could give us a 30 second, you know, 45 second. - I have a proposal. - Yeah, we'd love to hear it. - $30,000 for 70% of my company. - I'm in. - Okay. Wait, wait, okay. (all laughing) Ludwig's in. That's a lot of Quaker Oats. - Why not? - And you're sure about this? (crosstalk) - And I'm never gonna change my mind. (man laughs) - Is it okay if I hear his? - I'll make an offer, but I haven't yet heard what the business proposal is. But, you know, just wanting to get ahead of Ludwig here, I'll give you 32,000 for 72% - It's a prime number. - Of your company. - I love the number two. Good thing's happen in twos. - Well, it's 2,000. - You have a deal. - Thank you. I didn't catch your name. - Jennifer. - Jennifer. - Whoa! - Thank you Jennifer. And I'm now, we're business partners in, I don't know what I purchased, can you let me know what this scheme is? What the pyramid is. - This is why I don't do business with humans. (men laughing) - How do you know the Dumpster Wizard? - We went on a date. - You went on a date? - Yeah. - How'd it go? Just one date? - One date and I realized that we are better off as friends. - What makes you say that? - He didn't pay for the bill. - That makes sense. - Oh. - Where did you guys eat at? - We ate at a McDonald's. - That makes sense. - Yeah. But in Paris. - McDonald's. (men laughing) - It seems like you've got a lot of life lived. Do you have just one piece of advice? - Here's a piece of advice that I want to give you. (man laughing) Sorry, it looks like I just did some cocaine but I didn't. (all laughing) Just have a little sniffle. - Yeah, in between those jump cuts. - All I have to say is crunch, crunch, tomato lunch. (man laughs) (audience clapping) (upbeat music) - Oh! - Oh, my son. - Oh my gosh, it's one of my villagers in animal crossing. (man grunting) (flute music) (man crowing) He doesn't know what type of animal he is. (flute squeaking) Uh oh. - Oh, it's my mating call! I must mate with the person immediately closest to me, to my right. (all laughing) - I did not mean to play the mating call. - That's very specific. - Hey, everyone, it's me! - Oh. (man crows) - Hey, why don't you refresh us on your name. - Yeah. - I'm Luke. (flute squawks) - Oh, it's my mating call. I must mate with the person immediately to my right. (all laughing) - So Luke, where are you from? - I am from the swamp marsh pits of- - I'm from a swamp too! - She's from a swamp as well! - You're also from a swamp, wow! I am from the Florida-Bama shoreline. Essentially, I went from Flora-Bama, traveled the Mississippi River up North. - Just like Mark Twain. - And you know, no matter where you're from, you always have an opportunity to make money. And if you sign up down below with the link, you will have 200 cans of beans at your doorstep by next Wednesday. - I believe, essentially, the same thing. Me, a Scientologist. (all laughing) How did you meet the Dumpster Wizard? And become part of our friend group? - Well, the Dumpster Wizard, I met in Atlantic City. - Ah. - Oh, like him. - Just like me. - So I'm a touring musician. I don't know if you know this, but a lot of the times my manager schedules my shows one right after the other, right after the other. I met the Dumpster Wizard when I performed at his birthday party. Which, I wasn't aware at the time, but it was this 278th birthday. - I was not invited. - Yes. But that was pretty great, 'cause a lot of people performed there. You performed there, Diddy performed there. - Yeah, Diddy did perform there. - You're always late and you're always out of breath. What's what's going on with that? - Well, always late, always out of breath and also my throat is a raven if you were wondering about what the sound is. (man laughs) (indistinct) - Don't play it! Because you know what happens. (flute trilling) - I'm very upset. (all laughing) You know what guys? Why don't we all get in this car that we're in right now. - Oh, we're in a U-Haul. (crosstalk) - So Jennifer, you're driving- - Can you hold on to my beans? - I'll hold on to your beans. Where are we? - We're at Universal Studios back lot. (all laughing) - Okay. So we're here driving around Universal Studios. Oh look! - Get a load of them! - Oh, that's just a PA. (all laughing) I thought it was a famous actor. I would love for us to pull into a drive-thru, they've got a ton of 'em here in the Universal lot. - Yes! - They just have tons of them. What are you guys thinking? I'm feeling maybe, hey, you can do Taco Bell or Burger King. - Personally, I'm an Arby's kind of guy. - Oh, Arby's sounds great. Let's go to Arby's - And luckily, we can all agree that we all eat Antelope. (man laughs) - I think the Arby's drive-thru is right up there. If we wanna pull up. Okay. All right, they're asking what our order is. Hey, why don't you start? - Okay. Oh, give me some of that cow beef meat on the bread sandwich. Could I get to venison stalks? - Would you like to make more than what you are making currently now at this Arby's? All you have to do is sign up and sell 200 cans and beans. Ludwig, what would you like to order? - Can I get the poison water? No. Can I get the, just mud and it can? - No. - Actually, wait, no, I think, yeah, I'll do Pibb Xtra. They don't sell that anymore? (man laughing) Oh, bull(beep)! Okay, I'll just have water, but with a hint of Sprite. - Oh. - And then, can I get a bunch of sandwiches stacked on top of each other, but with no buns? (man crows) Oh wait, play that one mating call that it's the opposite, where it's the immediate person to their left. (flute squawking) (romantic music) - I must mate with the person immediately to my left and that's you, Arby's lady. - So that was Mystery Character Generator. I hope you enjoyed meeting us. We've got Luke, - Ludwig. - Jennifer. - We are all a member of Dumpster Wizard Squad. Let us know down in the comments if you think we fit in the squad. What you think we do as a group. If you think there's other friends that are missing that maybe we could show, maybe there's other characters that we should generate friends for. - That's true. - I also think that we would be a fantastic cast of the new season of Big Little Lies. - I agree. - Wow. - I agree. - I kind of think that we're some X-Men myself. - X-Men is possible. I think we could be contestants on Love Island. - Oh. - Oh! - I mean, I've got this, I call it the (beep) flute. (audience laughing) I play this flute and I can make one person, it seems, mate with anyone. it's uncomfortable. - It's pretty awful. - I'm sorry. - It's a lot of power. But we have more videos down here if you wanna check out. One right there, one right there. Which one is the correct one? You'll find out when you click on it. - There's no right or wrong answer. It's the only right answer. (flute whistling) - Don't.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 890,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Meet The Dumpster Wizard's New Squad, improv, sketch, tntl, character generator
Id: M9Whh0dK6Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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