The Legend of MaximumPleasure

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oh my goodness okay well hello everybody and welcome to whatever this map is this is hyper random okay but hyper random like mega random can do some pretty crazy stuff and even crazier at times you've got wolves and camels out here on the water and i'll explain the other aspect of this map which is how many resources you get per uh well per resource i guess would be the way to say it but first let me do the introduction there's a lot of snow here which for a floridian is very jarring to me i'm not used to seeing this in my spoiled warm weather right now uh here in the yellow we have okay i don't know why i chose yellow to start it off because this is hard to say aung fiosin playing as the cumins in the blue we have a sandiaris playing as the vietnamese in the teal we have mr chianti playing as the portuguese tianti are you really chopping the straggler trees right now there we go thank you buddy uh here in the green we have you lost so what playing as the mongols in the gray we have sarlacc but sarlacc's not really sure if it's sarlacc because there's a question mark it's like sarlacc uh sarlacc playing a smallions in the purple we have maximum pleasure playing as the saracens in the red we have oh leaf playing as the poles in the orange we have jj playing as the magyars now i just noticed that the boars have 390 food on them the forage bushes have 179 food on them the tree here has 264 wood and then these trees have a hundred wood each tile of gold has 1157 golds there's stone out here anyone see stone stone stone 197 stone per stone tile so that is what hyper random is all about there's actually going to be a 1v120 with these settings and i'm going to be playing in it looking forward to it but they start with two tcs as well so they have to manage that and then i think this is going to be quite a long game because there is a lot of gold around the map also a lot of wood so i'm really happy that the i think the wood on the big trees is not so high if that was like 500 wood a tree it would take forever to chop through all right people are talking right now and you've got sandiara saying i'm so nervous maximum pleasure says same first community game long time noob though that's a great way to introduce yourself to a community game um oh ayo leaf says never played in the settings or as the polls weird stuff yeah that is going to be tricky isn't it never played with the polls and never played in community game settings that could be awkward all right all right he's doing good so far i'm gonna switch this so you guys can see the ville counts and i think in the new year guys we're gonna have the whole new casting program to work with got some cool stuff to bring to the table trust me so this shouldn't be i mean people have been loving community games and to everyone here is watching the stream freaking love you guys but also everyone who's been watching on youtube and giving awesome feedback love you guys as well because i feel like it is kind of a chore to watch community games when there's not a lot of data shown for you guys and when the freaking caster misses out on king kills so we're it's gonna get better it's gonna be exciting and i think it's gonna make community games a whole lot more thrilling to watch um now there's one king sometimes when you have two kings uh two tc's at the start you end up having two kings but unless i'm mistaken i think it's one king per player i think it's just one king per player so if the king goes down you are then you're out you're defeated it is diplomacy for the most part people are allying except for jj aj yep as expected just didn't ally anyone yet it's not quite at that point where people are gonna get upset with jj but i hope that jj will remember that el maiville is trapped by wolves this maximum pleasure wait where's that where's this villager trapped at the woods are trapped by what [Laughter] yo nice save though nice save there's only one wolf there though so i'm pretty sure that she can just run oh well no she can kill that if you have loom you can definitely win that fight let's see if maximum pleasure knows that [Music] oh oh he almost trapped it oh no he didn't trap it oh he did trap it no he didn't trap it all right come on maximum pleasure everyone's watching you right now you can do this all you had to do was attack the wolf you didn't have to be fancy but now you're being fancy so now we have high expectations okay running away and we'll just shoot down the wolf not bad not bad now remember this is not exploding kings a lot of people have gotten used to the whole exploding kings this is standard age of empires 2 diplomacy just with the hyper random aspect it's kind of funny this cannot be walked on it looks like you might be able to but i did some testing the other day before i played a show match with this now this can this is like this is weird because it almost looks like what it would look like if i had the no snow mod on but clearly i don't that lily pads amongst ice and then salmon on the top of a hill yeah you can walk here with land units you cannot walk out here but somehow there's a wolf out there two wolves over here and then two camels that's kind of funny all right i'm gonna leave this up for now on the side because that will show uh what players are up to and what they're creating but eventually if we're gonna remove that it kind of gets in the way not bad biggest dick is hello he says what's up good people not much man not much i'm doing pretty good i've had a really good week so far looking forward to the weekend the only issue really for me at the moment and i probably should stop sharing this with thousands of people on the internet but the only you know what no i'm not even gonna say it i'm not even gonna say it again because people are gonna ask me about it and you guys care so much and i'm gonna get so many messages like 290 this is how you can fix that i actually should probably keep my mouth shut on this one ah but screw it i'm t90 official i'm not gonna keep my mouth shut i've been having this issue where my butt hurts because i sit a lot i don't want any messages on how to fix my butt okay i just want sympathy i want people to say oh that sucks i hope that gets better all right that's all you need to say i don't need any tips my mom i've already reached out to some professionals i bought three different butt cushions and i've been cycling through the butt cushions and it's just that's the only thing this week that's been a problem for me is the big old butt all right but if i if the game's really good i don't think about it you know it's not an issue so cass lage coming in here for maximum pleasure so much for being a noob and you've got sarlacc on the way up and also jj on the way up t90 pain in the ass yeah that's that's exactly what it is so a regular gold tile has 800 gold so there is quick math here like 30 more gold per tile and there's also large groups of gold in this map oh what do we what do we have over here as long as the king doesn't explode we are okay and then purple says too much chat what's going on and green says not much i need more coffee grace is just chilling and you lost so what's this preferably black coffee sick of blue coffee just wait i'm gonna rig blue coffee into a community game with this guy screenshot that posted in the discord i'm gonna send blue coffee and email see if we can get him into a game next month hey green my friend i think is every time blue coffee's in a community game nowadays i don't think he's extremely active right now with playing by the way but every time he's in a community game you guys understand his reputation and you gang up on him i remember the last time he didn't even get a chance to get going even if he's being honest people just do not believe him he has just worked his way into a hole in community games that's funny do floridians get the butt cushion upgrade no and we lack bloodlines too it's really awkward man it's really awkward like we're fairly good on water maps until hurricanes come in and then everyone just gets inside their houses like we're comer and that's kind of how life goes i i just love this fact okay and i assume you guys have seen it if not find the game uh i don't mean to spoil this for you but it's been out for two years a lot has said about blue coffee being one of the best community game players ever i personally believe he he's probably the best no offense to the others out there like maybe him and sally but what blue coffee accomplished and how he accomplished it and his background maybe i should make a video on the background of it it's insane to me and so anyways the fact that like he had a reputation won like four or five big games straight and then one of the final ones he had hera's king inside of his castle and hera begging for his life but even on paper without even remembering exactly what happened the fact that one of the best age of empire's player somehow had his king inside blue coffee's castle because of a bunch of different events and was screaming and begging please don't kill me it's hilarious i just freaking hilarious that that happened yes yeah what's up pazdar welcome we've got a castle here and i have to say it's very hard for me to pick up on things on this map there's just so much going on here's something being attacked and i can't even figure out what it is is it on my screen right now oh it's literally just one oh my god that's a great castle oh my god okay i was so confused gray and green looks so similar and sarlacc is just dropping a castle here and we have a tower from you lost so what and he's trying to deny this and honestly i think he will deny it so he's garrison the tower you've got a few villagers over here all of which can be ranged and yeah now i only see two or three gray villagers in there now the thing you want to do here if you're green is you either want to drop your own castle here immediately green doesn't have the resources for that or you need to wall this whole thing in don't try and make another tower here or here because all gray needs to do is just send more villes over there and get a few more hits the wallet in oh that was a bold castle i thought these guys were going to be friends over here of course the green and gray player have to be enemies right like the two most difficult colors to distinguish in the game of course they have to be enemies all right but we have aggression and who what do we have over here races we are all friends here why attack i think gray is saying that about green do we want to be friends i just don't want to die as first hey blue are we cool and blue says hello so cool and teal says very cool cool guys this is a cool game so far i don't know if i'll remember it by the time we want to send this up to youtube if it goes to youtube but the coolest community game ever that's how we got our title right there okay so purple's making some markets over here and so purple wants to trade and trade is good but you know what's not good is these giant wood lines there's going to be a traffic jam between these wood lines oh man can you imagine trying to trade corner to corner of this it's going to be messy a green did wall it in and then yellow says perp i am gifting you sheep ray that was incredibly stressful and grace is sorry friend that's funny blue starting with two tc's was too much to manage yeah it's a struggle man it's a struggle can imagine playing your first community game ever knowing a bunch of people are watching and feeling all that anxiety and stress and then having two tc's and then you don't even know ahead of time it's like surprise now play the game trades gonna look like miami traffic at 7 pm right i have never driven i've been to miami a few times having lived down here a few years uh but i i refuse to drive down there i i uh always plan if i'm ever going anywhere around there to just uber because it's so stressful it's the same i would probably never drive in new york city now i lived in pennsylvania for 25 freaking years and i actually never went to new york city and my friends always make fun of me for that they're like how did you never go to new york city yeah there's just certain areas man i would never want to drive no thank you too stressful so you do have some water in the middle but i'm not even sure if you can dock this guys because i don't think you can dock ice oh never mind you can dock it i lied here's the dock from from yellow and wait a second is he walking on top of that was i wrong maybe you can walk on top of that it's got this weird haze to it the water looks very realistic you know it's it's not like crystal clear red says two relics stopped on stacked on top of each other wait what really did i miss that that's a shame so maybe he picked up one relic and he ended up dropping off two or something let's let's watch this okay he's got a relic here let's see if they are stacked on top of each other we might not be able to see it red orange i'm worried about gray and then grace is i'm worried about red and orange did they see that or something blue says i'm not enemies with anyone yet that's about all i know okay let's see would be interesting if he gets two more relics it's probably just gonna be one knowing my luck yes gray if we trade there's no reason to worry yep just one relic so it's going to be gray and purple that's actually a really strong alliance based on how this has started off where he was aggressive green ended up dropping his own castle uh but you know now that i think about it i feel like green's gonna be really upset with what happened and green is mongols the green randomed into one of the best civilizations for community games i would say it's not like malians and saracens are necessarily bad they're really good sieves too but i think mongols would be top five if you if you had to pick three civilizations to play in all your community games what sims would you pick chad i would have mongols um i think mongols comer and spanish and i would pick spanish because of the trade and the paladins and the konks trying to think goths ooh goths is an interesting one bagyars okay well your name is magnur hussar so you'd be betraying your yourself if you wouldn't say that mongols frank's in spanish yeah okay those are all good oh persians could be really good yeah yeah uh pratty i'm not sure what you said buddy i'm not allergic to new york city i just i'm allergic to big cities usually i don't know if you guys are like that you probably are right because we're chilling out on the internet right now but large amounts of people in most situations can be a little anxiety inducing for me just just a bit all right red orange gray is about to attack me okay wait i thought they were gonna trade i thought gray and purple were just talking about trading together so i'm not sure what maximum pleasure is really seeing right now american big cities i mean i don't know if that's necessarily as an american who's traveled a bit i would say the same about like london for example certain areas of london were really good like certain like suburbs of london but before covet i was in a very busy part of london and i kind of felt the same there to be honest but what really relieved my stress was just listening to people from from england speak like i wish i could say bloody and have it sound remotely interesting bloody this and bloody that and mate and i just i can't i can't do it i sound ridiculous but i enjoyed listening to speak and i forgot about this they added the regional trade cards did the saracens have a camel trade card i think that's really freaking cool it looks a little silly just because i'm not used to it yet but that's 110 goal of the trip is a lot of barracks i'm making cavs sounds like a weird interaction i can raid though i think red is is talking about gray but purple's trading with grace so weird to me that purple would say that grey's about to attack him what did he see that makes him think that blue says a relic spawning in our bases and red says shh wait a second relics are spawning in their bases let's we have to pay attention that okay blue doesn't have any relics here he just he's at two now i think the relic was around here see if another one pops up yes blue do you want to go against teal and get a buffer that's not a bad idea if they want to trade however i feel like if anything it blue's gonna attack anyone who wanted to kill yellow um maybe not actually blue says what kind of units are you making and and he says i have knights which is fine with cumins that's completely fine sandiara says i have elefantos guys vietnamese elephants are chonky okay with all their upgrades they have 420 hp like it's insane and we don't see them a lot in community games i think vietnamese are underrated you have rats and archers which are great against other archers and also great sniping units and then you have the chunky elephants all right we've got the engagement going down on this side we have malayan champions eight pierce armor so these mangudai would need to be elite and they'd need to be in high numbers and they'd need to have more upgrades and gray is going to push green here green said earlier this is stressful does mangudai presently have nine attacks so they're doing one damage a hit to these champions there's a reason that everyone calls the malian champions champs girls grey your king is right or green your king is right there and you lost the what does ironically seem a little bit lost right now we have the town bell that's not gonna help matters right really what he needs right now is he needs time maybe he needs to talk to gray or maybe he needs to talk to teal and ask for some help and purple says grade you need help with green and he says i think it's okay thanks so gray is going to kill green and then purple and red are just going to swoop in and kill grey i think [Music] presently it seems like purple's really happy to have an ally in red and look red's talking about it red's like okay gray attacked green we can turn on gray now so this is actually amazing for purple because he might still get to trade with grey and red is gonna damage gray and then green's out of the picture okay well unfortunately you lost so what has already lost and he said thought my was faster than that so he probably tried to say my king was faster than that and nope probably shouldn't have sent it into the forward castle my friend not the wisest move cavalier for yellow he could get paladin soon has the resources for it and here comes blue they did just talk about killing teal teal is portuguese and teal's making a bunch of bomber cannons somewhere right here and he actually has this nice natural wood line to defend and he says hey red how are you doing the teal's trying to talk to red and yellow is now turned on teal and teal should know because the starting scowl was in here the scout of all things is attacking the ville and green out of the game says gg high stream green's like i need more limelight than that and then red is in here after gray and gray's got to be careful man so polish cavalier are very cheap they're not the strongest cavalier ever but they're very cheap and cavalier in general is just beastly against champions so it should be a good spot for red and now a great spot for purple as we have mammaloops arbalest and cannons gray probably wishes he had green in his life right now like we see this so frequently where one player kills off somebody feeling like a beast and then they the other people turn on him and then they don't have any friends to work with i feel like for teal he he just hasn't had anyone he didn't talk to green he didn't work with green and he was just a little late to talking to blue teal truthfully just didn't talk a whole lot in this game and the people who have chosen sides are benefiting hugely right now again these elephants have 420 hp teal's dead you can't stop this he is going to try and make helps to be fair but i think with the rats and archers here the helmeteers probably won't do too much the only thing that blue and yellow are really missing is coming in now and that's going to be the siege [Music] so some very aggressive players here and this is forming a bond to last a lifetime i think for at least yellow and blue i don't see these two players as players who will ever turn on each other could maybe see purple turning here's jj jj's the long side purple here in this fight alongside red [Music] this has been a theme recently guys where we have like two different teams form in the middle of a community game we saw it all two weeks ago when i did clean the games i think what's going to end up happening is blue and yellow are going to be 3v2 by orange red and purple that seems like the most logical step for this game as the king is in there jj could see it jj doesn't see it oh but the mammoth blocks it and now the king is on the move it is spotted though it should be the end for gray i could maybe drag this out a little bit longer hop inside of a town center or something but no that king man gonna go down just as easily as green's king went down just a few moments ago charles says why did he castle in the middle of my base i was green by the way i don't know but he's paying he's paying the price now i think it's really important well hold on let's look at his point of view he can't go this way and teal says 2v1 against the lowest elo shame on you guys okay i'm wondering if yellow and blue are gonna feel bad about this that's funny i feel like yellow and blue might be might reconsider because of that comment ray is gonna escape for now gray has very little to work with [Music] and yellow says i'm worried about orange so now what do you do if you're worried about orange do you ally teal and let him live and then you have three people to fight with in total and then blue says i'm worried about you later but i'm down to be friends to the end we can go for orange next yeah i don't think they realize how bad that's gonna be for them gray's still on the move though which is buying them time and you just keep shaming them shame shame shame on you that's funny dude they haven't really said anything about it yet you know we need to make a move on yellow i think c told you yes and purple says yes this is going to be a 3v2 and then yellow and blue are going to regret killing mr chianti we have not seen a whole lot of backstabbing the last month of community games i feel like exploding kings kind of forces that craziness people don't have to play quite as safe gray's still alive by the way i might want to finish off a few more of his buildings if not the king the gray doesn't really boom the teal's king is still live out out there somewhere i'm trying to look for oh there it is on your screen and the problem here is it's really hard to run with all these wood lines so you can't really escape with eco and then it would take such a long time to come back until paying very close attention to the king still running around and red says we should take out yellow and blue while they're fighting teal yeah which is correct and maximum pleasure says where is grey's queen what queen are you playing a different game here it's kind of funny actually so there are queens and age of empires we actually had some map scripts that had queens in the past but the queen like if you lose the queen it doesn't matter the queen does nothing the queen exists but the queen has no special powers or abilities in age of empires too so sad for the queens or he's blending in big time here they did research treason to try and find it here's red's point of view i think he's probably going back to his castle to research treason right now thing is there if he researches trees and he will get a little ping and he'll know then where the king is yellow says red what are you doing and red already made his move okay so red is on yellow and so far this is kind of the most predictable community game i've seen in a very long time i'm gonna see if i can get out in front of how this is gonna play out okay is teal still alive okay teal's gonna die human paladins will take care of that so teal's gonna be out of the game gray's gonna reboom but he won't be able to accomplish much he may or may not die i think yellow is just gonna get completely smacked here blue is then gonna get smacked after that and then we're gonna have these three fighting and i think whoever is top score gets ganged up on so of jj oh a leaf and maximum pleasure i think whoever is top score when yellow and blue go down is gonna get teamed up on and i feel like for the people who've died in this game they've had a whole lot of fun enjoying the death of the people who killed them everyone who has killed somebody has been killed so far think about that it's been a domino effect orange only you let's go for red sandwiched between us that way we keep long trade yo okay and purple says say when and blue's like oh that's bad that's not good i think blue realizes and yellow just is out yellow is out of the game already instant karma for the people who have killed kings all right so they're going to go for red now red's got plenty of res but not as many resources as jj and not as many resources as maximum pleasure and red he's none the wiser here you just move on to blue and purple says yes so red just feels like these guys are team with him and they're just gonna continue to move along like this but that might not be the case now blue is a pretty good sift to hold against all this honestly the elephants and rats and archers can do really well there's relic number three for blue he probably stole it from teal's base yeah teal's got another one over there real problem for red is gonna be where his pop is he's got a hundred pop attacking he's not gonna have 100 pop at home and his king is in a town center simply in a tc it's not in a castle he hasn't even faked it like he's gonna put things in castles and you can see purple's prepping to make that move orange though has also followed red to kill blue interesting they got to run through that choke point there and purple says wait gray isn't dead and no gray is not dead grey's not dead gray's still alive grey's rebooming right now [Laughter] gray still has the king here and blue says orange and red are we enemies and red says for sure [Laughter] for sure that blue goes oh i thought we were gonna be friends that sucks blue only to you do you need help okay shout out and salutes to maximum pleasure because maximum pleasure has has really made this game interesting by doing some of these the side shenanigans with these conversations and then grace says i thought we were friends and we know how that went gray is very much not friends with anyone really right now that king blends in though it's very hard for me to find him and then blue says yeah wait maybe okay for now the blue is saying maybe i don't need help at the moment but red's gonna get turned on here red is gonna get turned on purple's just taking his time blue says i need higher apm i have resources the blue's basically like if only i was a better player if only i was a little faster apm equals actions per minute this is not bad for yellow i mean yellow's dead right he's getting some good kills though boosting the stats not bad not bad hmm oh he just shot a sheep how dare you how dare you oh god the [ __ ] is blocking the other trebs this path thing is so awkward right now and francis i'm dying to yellow army bro that's funny [Music] and purple says he's going to send apm over to blue i didn't know that was possible that's a new one and blue's right there's plenty of resources here i wonder how rats and archers do against magyar cav archers i feel like they do quite well who are you fighting okay you know who hasn't talked in a while jj i guess he's controlling this army but jj is not a part of this conversation with blue and purple the purple's kind of taking a risk here because if jj found out that purple was talking to blue i'm pretty sure jj would talk to red and they would turn on purple right i could see it shaping up that way why is red sending trebs in this way why is there even a one tile gap there is he gonna try and go for purple before purple goes for him orange is on my backside now he's got a lot of cav archers and trebs taking out the trebs now purple says okay oh my god so red senses that something's up here and red is going to go in to try and kill purple this is insane and purple says on my way oh my god the camels are blocking the cavalier the camels are blocking the cap they can't go through the one tile orange we go for red now so he literally just bought himself a bunch of time now red's gonna roll away with the trebs and he can't get free with them wow and wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second purple says we're gonna go for red now he turns on red but then jj says no no we're gonna do blue first so this is a big old mess right now we've got very few alliances working at the moment and red says i was moving out keck misclicked them purple okay so he's lying that's a that's what we call lie and purple was going to turn on red anyway so it just gave purple an extra reason to attack here purple says we good red says yes he's adding the smiley face he's doing that hahaha lmao versus king at this point and he says dude we're hitting blue i think purple says purple's gonna back off purple says i've had my heart broken too many times wow okay so purple actually backs off as vietnamese are dominating right now the rats and archer elephant combination is destroying everything and grace does i have a heart too grey's rebooming at 40 pop this is amazing i keep forgetting grey's in the game as well oh gray i'm not sorry what hey honesty is a great quality to have so i guess that's that's fine and gray says well one of us had to go yep all right purple says you tried to eat luke in the films oh god purple i think there is an issue for purple right now okay purple with his conversation and diplomacy has made things really interesting but purple hasn't actually fought alongside someone in like a half hour and that will end up hurting purple at some stage if he does not change that we have a monk two bomber cannons some rams some arbs some camels if green didn't attack me i was about to attack eustace's gray these guys are being very honest and gray is realizing that in a 20 year old game we can't even say words that are somewhat borderline my guess is he probably tried to say like doc or something some basic language and nope we're all children apparently we can't see swear words thanks to e blue do treason tell me where kings are oh my god this is so smart so blue is enemy to everyone he does treason but blue is communicating with purple and so blue does treason and red's gonna be like oh my god blue knows where my king is but whatever but blue is gonna pass the information along to purple so purple can get the snipes guys have we ever seen that before we've probably seen it once before but that is next level right there that is the next level strat i go for snipes is purple and blue says there's too many damn trees that's what everyone says when they play force nothing too blue this is nothing compared to that purple if this is your sniping army i am going to be so upset his chat is amazing he says oh not for long hashtag climate crisis and red sees this because it's a slow blob of rams monk camel bombard cannon and red says purple don't and i think we're about to have this fight happen once and for all here meanwhile teal's been dead for a long time and teal's still not happy teal says blue die die as you deserve bullying me [Laughter] remember the players cannot see what the dead players say but the dead players can speak this is the worst possible fight for blue which i'm sure teal is going to enjoy seeing you want the rats and archers behind the elephants sorry red but orange paid me too what he says orange paid me too which is not true and and red says bro i just wanted to murder everyone and live along with my friends all right well the king's going to survive for red he only lost a town center as far as i know we'll see if this fight continues orange hasn't said anything about that claim pay me more than orange did and we can still be friends is purple [Laughter] okay maximum pleasure is a legend i love this so now he's gonna try and extort money out of red even though he'd never received anything from marge in the first place but also purple is saying this publicly so all it takes is orange to just deny it but i think orange is so focused on fighting he doesn't realize what's being said and blue says purple can you make a market in the corner and he's gonna actually do it as blue realizes that he's about to run out of gold and he can't trade down here anymore cause his teammate's gone now guys gray is up to 80 pop right now okay gray is alive and pretty well i mean over the next 10 minutes 20 minutes he could get a good eco rolling and gray is actually going to play a part in this game and so they might regret not killing him off earlier i'm loving this i want to say john thank you very much for the stars buddy appreciate it paulie thanks for the stars to sitting and eating salmon sushi while watching the stream sick i love sushi but guys we don't talk about food on stream okay we don't talk about food on stream so the cavalier are just dirt cheap with poles but if if the camel numbers are similar the camels should keywords should win the fights camels have a whole lot more hp they also get the final armor upgrade plus they are a counter unit but red is just able to make so many of these things because whole cavaliers so cheap grace is oh baby it's a wild world and blue just cannot believe how much military jj has he says what are you 200 military jg's like nope 120. but tell you what the elephants are tanky enough to push this back but there's always going to be more where that came from from jj and that's the problem aj has trade jj has consistent eco blue does not he did when his buddy was alive but he doesn't anymore so he's gonna have to trade and if he can oh he's trading with yellow's market for three goal the trip it's kind of pathetic but it is something yeah what he needs is he needs purple to get the markets up but purple can't get the markets up and here comes blue with trade over here the blues i think looking for them but it's all been walled off by some of the walls that are there from green earlier but also gray [Music] hmm yeah yellow is trying to talk to orange right now there's no way that orange can see that because yellow's dead but it's nice to know these guys are still in game i'm rooting for red but i think he's in trouble i agree with you that i think he's in trouble because he just does not have and there goes his king he does not have a good unit right now i think what he really needed is the oboe the obook unique unit is really good in these situations when up against camels or any melee unit really but committing only to cavalier i think is going to be his downfall it might take a really long time but i think eventually it will be his downfall because purple has 25 000 gold so yes purple's units are more expensive but purple can certainly afford to make units i think blue will eventually fall as well i think we're gonna see blue go down we're gonna see red go down but it'll just take time and then it will be orange and purple and remember purple's been talking smack about orange but orange hasn't really said anything about it and then who knows about gray like gray gray's issue is grey doesn't have trade so gray honestly should speak to blue if here to speak to anyone blue would make the most sense a little disappointing he has not done that actually i think you know he could contribute in some way if he had trade i didn't fortify because i trusted you says red sad [Music] maybe that will uh you know weigh on the conscience of purple and purple says oh with a with a broken heart trust but verify it is the internet life lessons here in this community game i feel like i feel like um now you know what i i'm not sure what i feel i just i'm just so glad that purple changed this game up from being a 3v2 situation which is what i thought it was going to be i'm just waiting for jj to finish all blue blue has a lot of reds though so no we'll see i'd like to see blue maybe wall this up so that he doesn't get raided again maybe take this gold and then stop trading with yellow's market getting three gold a trip it is something but yeah you've got to talk to gray here i mean that is clearly the play blue sending his elephants over here and okay check this out so purple is able to get some markets down grace and some villagers after the bombard cannon and now even green's cav archers are there against him there's the signal from purple so that's going to bring in some long-term gold but i don't know if it'll be in time because if jj continues to push here and jj is going to make a switch into some halves too which is good yeah i mean eventually blue's just gonna die now blue has quite a few castles he's also faked them so it looks like there could be a king there nope there's actually a ville same here same here and there's the king but this isn't really a situation where orange is going to have one attempt at killing a king this orange ball cannot be stopped especially since the elephants are on the other side of the map oh man i just took a sip of my drink and was super sour and red says blue any way you can help me i think it's too late to have these conversations at least for blue i think it's a little too late but grace says hello friend and i'm not sure who he's speaking to possible he's talking to blue or red those would make the most sense [Music] and ayotte i agree i think purple just needs to sit back for a sec and he needs to mask his units before going in they especially reassess the situation he's got a couple idle military units around he seems to be trickling in his units a little bit just wait till he gets a mass of like 50 60 camels then you can get that spam going still though with his resources he should be good as blue is just falling apart here come the elephants there goes the monk monk goes down and then gray is not having any of this gray is going to come back to haunt purple and blue is against gray so gray is still on his own out here he says rip the monk and rip indeed 200 gold in the bank it says 29 on gold for blue that would be the the trade cards that are bringing in two or three gold a trip that's not ideal here comes red why is red here also red is making hustlers right now the hustlers are sick with the poles and red is holding on this is crazy i don't know how he's got so much more in the queue i think that's it he's got so many stables and so many production buildings look how close the score is for the top three right now very rare we see that in community games if you don't have gold with vietnamese you do have some good trash options like maybe skirmishers or halves but i think momentum is the biggest issue now he's at 100 pop jj's constantly at 200 pop jj is definitely gonna finish off blue unless blue says something oh there goes the trade there goes the trade so they're heading over here now and i guess they're heading over here to the markets from purple so that will give blue a lot of gold maybe enough gold to make a few more elephants but castles are dropping man purple has 30 arms at the top true yeah i guess purple's got so much military here that he can't compete on this hill i don't know it's just the cavalier are so cheap and they're producing such a high number fred's been able to hold on but still despite them being cheap he does not have consistent gold income so he's at 4 000 gold and he was at 12 000 before purple's at 10k but i think with the castle fire the arbs and the mammal loops red will just continue to lose numbers and what red really needs is snipe purple's king and purple's asking blue for gold blue is dying right now blue can't send you gold blue is dying meanwhile jj is just sitting back like a king with his feet propped up 13 000 gold in the bank funny we still don't have a lot of trade for him either there's just not a lot of trade in general gray's gonna drop a castle here is he still enemy to blue he is that castle if it has ballistics and all the upgrades will take out a lot of the trade and blue says yes let me research the text the blue's actually going to send resources he says then you can have all my stuff okay that makes more sense the blue realizes he's probably dead he actually researches treason oh my god i cannot believe gray is over there out in the open like that wait a second what the wait a second is gray is yellow enemy to gray no okay so when when yellow died he was allied to gray but gray is turned on yellow so he could shoot the units that makes more sense i just don't agree with gray coming down here you spent all this time rebooming buddy i would not send your king over here looks like purple has has completed the push here he's making his push against red who's completely out of gold loose his god speed sent his resources most of which over to purple teal says yay goodbye blue see ya teal's happy to see blue's gonna be out of this game i actually gotta check where that king is and there it goes now he does not know the grey's king is over here because gray and blue are enemies guys they walk right by each other if only kings had weapons that would be so funny i have no clue why grace king is there because he's brought himself back into the game but he's maybe used to living life on the edge purple's trade is going down to this great castle gray is making everyone regret attacking him it will be the end for blue soon it will be the end for red soon [Music] but much like we've seen in this game they want to finish off the people they started attacking earlier because they didn't do that with gray and now gray's back well why is there why was there a yellow monk moving did you see that oh is he just healing the trade cards as they go by that's funny he goes blue now he's sending his king over to purple who he's allied with jj is just slowly methodically pushing out across the map this giant woodline makes it awkward but yup here he is sitting in the trade so blue's gonna lose all that oh there's the king for gray wait so blue blue wanted to kill that with his villagers and gray's on the move but he's still in a very awkward position and grey guys will not know that there's cav archers there blue let him pass let him pass gray needs to go back oh god the villagers blew one of the king for himself and he was trying to block the king with his trade carts and he's still got more trade cards and he's trying to catch up to the king trade cards cannot attack but they can block no but i think gray's dead grace should die to this yep gray's dead he reboomed just to die like that and red who's about to die says it's okay guys i'll forgive you just let me live [Laughter] your trade is canceled you can have the trade back if you let me live [Music] well that was a weird play from gray to be honest because i feel like you know he was in a spot to attack and do stuff and then he just sent his king down there maybe he was bored um these hot stars are going to melt pretty quickly to the army from purple and orange says sorry red as he turns and purple says you promised to fight orange with me so purple's actually considering letting the guy that he just spent 20 minutes killing back on his side and red doesn't say yes he says ye stop killing me though well purple he says you must put king in my castle red don't do it don't bend the knee to this guy purple says i ally now don't do it red it's not worth it let me boom a little then i'll do yeah listen at this point brett has so little there's no way that he can really even help out against art so i would say screw you and if anything i would be messaging orange and i'm like hey orange i'm not gonna win this game but let me try and help you kill purple by the way blue's king just saw it hop into that castle and red says kill orange army in my base please it's possible i'm trying to think who's better mag yours or sarah since here uh i feel like i prefer magnus because of those cav archers we have four people left blue is barely alive blue has two pop one villager i know he's got seven pop he's got some raw tents he's got his king and he's got that bill i feel like in theory saracen should be better but if they don't have siege monitors i would much prefer to have hal and cav archer but the second sarasons show up with siegers with their with their other units then it's a different situation but if you haven't tacked into that at all in this game you're probably not going to do it right now can you imagine mamalu can see johnather oh just sick composition i i really wish mama lukes were seen more frequently blue says they left me a tc so i'll try to reboot oh no and this villager's now here and maximum pleasure sends him resources so those are the same resources that blue had sent over to maximum pleasure so it's reboom time ladies and gents ray reboomed and we saw how that went and blue says that'll help thanks wait a second where's the king for purple or for orange sorry oh it's in the tc so i think purple's just gonna make a dive for it which is a horrible mistake all the quick walls from jj jj stands for jukes and joy dukes and dukes and joy that was not my most creative moment i mean unless jj accidentally ejects the king right now this was never really going to have a chance the base is too fortified maybe that's a sign that purple doesn't believe that he can do this red is trying he has not sent his king into purple's base but he is trying and he is spamming some units over here he could have wrecked orange if you didn't murder me but it's okay yeah exactly that's kind of my point like i don't think it was necessarily bad for purple to attack when he did but the fact it fell into a situation where he then needed red was probably not the best of planning and purple unless i missed it purple was still lying purple says orange made me an offer i couldn't refuse hold on a second let's go stats resources sent orange did not send any resources so he's lying which i have to say well done from him to commit to the lie i'm so torn on jj right now because i feel like jj has been a very good player but he hasn't really added a lot when it comes to the diplo he just kind of has killed stuff all game you know all the other players have been very chatty and they have a bit of a personality to them aren't you just so focused on the gameplay and granted he should be everyone's against him right now blue's gonna try and reboom he says your trade is all wacky now and hey jj only has five thousand gold now he is trading with yellow oh trading with yellow sneaky and purple's like trying to respond to blue but he's really overwhelmed right now hey what would you do if you're in red's position right now chad obviously you have to reboom but do you find a moment and try and kill purple at some stage in this game you know if you don't die over the next couple minutes because the only way you don't die over the next couple of minutes is actually if purple continues to support you yes i i personally think i would try and reboom and i would try and kill purple later on because of what purple did to me yo kif thanks for the two month reset buddy thank you thank you um yeah bombard cannons are just not too good here compared to c janitor c john just can actually flatten the whole army but you know camels 170 hp was harrison's not bad good micro from jj though he patrols the halves into the front have archers behind it's the perfect comp perfect play you'd feel too dead yeah jj's the strong and silent type yeah yeah seems like it but i think you know as as a tryhard myself you know when you're focusing on all the different aspects of the game it's hard to see chat sometimes whereas if you're rebooming from like nothing it's very easy to chat teal who has been angry with blue this whole game says blue you suffered enough i'll forgive you now just hope you get woo-woo'd woo-wooed you want him to get t90 wu like did you mean to say wounded if he were to die to wolves that'd be something else at this stage of the game yeah there's relics here and i think jj's going to try and get them but if i'm blue i would not let that happen i would snag those relics right now jj has not moved forward at all he has not been pushed back but he has not moved forward hey what's up sid bass also idol villager hello team hello hmm hey sarlac can you tell me what you were thinking when you sent your king forward when you were at 180 pop i'm just curious you're probably just having fun but you had tc's and everything i'm still a little confused by that purple's main issue this game has been massing a big force purple has plenty of resources but seems to be engaging with 20 or 30 at a time instead of 50 or 60 at a time just god hears it exploding kings no no no exploding kings we'll do exploding kings next hello though i'd love to see people using the cat emote oh the trebs no not the trebs rip red's up to 63 bills he needs more than that he's gonna need he's gonna need double that and then i think he's back in this also he's had relics this whole time so that's nice honestly red just spamming hussars out of 10 stables at a time would help purple so much even if the ozars died just giving purple a bit of a meat shield would be so helpful here blue's rebooming this is gonna be a long one is purple's trades going through yes it is purple's trade is going right past orange's base the audacity man and he's getting a lot of gold from that roach he's getting two 200 210 gold a trip holy crap that's because he's going corner to corner i think that's as far as it gets honestly oh there's c johnather okay so now we could see some game changing shots there's some big shots now imagine if he had five or six seat monitors at all times what's gonna happen is the siege managers are gonna come out of the workshops and get some big shots up even if they go down whittling down those cav archer numbers and it's the cav archers that you really have to worry about that said rip to that siege workshop [Music] blue says orange was trading with yellow i deleted yellow's market nice but now there's no trade for jj but jj's pushing now purple will have siege earnesters out of this workshop though red still doing his best he's making cavalier very cheap yo grapenader what's up buddy hello hello i really think if they can hold jj back for another five minutes jg's in trouble see who's he trading with now i think that's actually his trade cards coming back let's see if they run out again well they're actually stuck i don't know i'm a little confused because his gold count keeps going up which is weird for a guy that doesn't have relics blue is taking the relics look he just killed the monk okay yeah look jj is getting pushed back sea janitor is making all the difference this game continues people and i thought this game was going to be a quick one when it started good job from purple good opportunity with the sea challengers jj sees it niagara hustlers do have a bonus for siege so he could try and get the maggot hustlers in there after the seat but now what jj jj has truthfully not earned a victory here in terms of diplo in my opinion he just hasn't really interacted as much like i feel like there's a good opportunity for him to talk to blue right now and say hey blue i'm so sorry let's team up [Music] the red says i'm getting murdered again i mean red you're you're fine compared to where you were before you're at 77 fills now which is the highest you've been at in a long time i've loved how how active this game has been we've had a lot of a lot of fun stories lots of good fights and if you've ever played post-temp age of empires it is not easy oh and the micro from jj what a beast oh he's got to be worried about that one though and got it he's got six on gold right now i don't know what the six is wait so okay hold on he's trading i'm looking for the x on the mini map where is he going i'm gonna follow those i'm gonna control group those and go back to them you can follow them on the mini map right now if you want to again purple's issue is he needs like 20 30 units with his sea challengers there's not enough military now sea john enters the strong military as he'll get a big one oh geez like esto is great but he needs to have more units pumped up in front and then he's fine okay here it goes is he trading with blue right now is the madman trading with blue blue thought he was a genius because he deleted yellow's market but blue didn't account for his own market are you kidding me jj is that what he's doing okay well it's not gonna work okay so he had sent them to where yellow's market used to be okay that makes sense it's a little tough to push with siege against maggers as we've seen here especially when jj is going to be sniping them with those mag hustlers every single time well plate is it just me or is it never felt like purple has had wait a second okay the tarts must have been a misclick is it just me or is it never really felt like purple has had 50 military on one part of our screen feels like it's always 30. does he have idle military around oh my god oh my god guys guys red's king is inside this castle purple is putting petars and mammaloos inside the very same castle you can put your units into an allies castle and then you can click and garrison and what happens is they will ungarrison all around the castle and red will never suspect a thing because there's still that one flag there which is the flag he saw when he put his king in there so purple's actually going to turn on red [Music] all the while he just told red to protect his military the thing is though doesn't doesn't purple need red right now i think he needs red right now to finish off jj they're still not making progress against jj so this is thinking ahead in an epic way but like you don't want to do it now okay he's got a lot of it feels like he's got a lot of military pop that might not be here or maybe he has too much eco maybe he has too many villagers my base is the fighting ground kinda sad purple says protect and red says i have like 11 units chill yeah i don't think these two like each other very much but this is epic from purple i think it will be a mist it could be a mistake but i think it's epic now you want to talk about mistakes mistake is jj letting purple and blue trade cross the entire map right now wait a second wait a second wait a second what he did he did trade heist jj just stole gold from blue right or is there another market i missed that's amazing this is a great game you're throwing the owners away bro hey red just keep talking smack buddy purple says fast imp into throwing siege as my specialty what a response but now red i don't think you should whine here buddy if only you knew what was inside that castle okay i need to pay attention to this again okay so the trade is going back i swear he sent the trade to blues market i'll pay attention to that but man mad girls are just so strong man the cav archers eat everything except for the sea janitors and then the mag your huster could take out the siege and yes sarasota and camels have extra hp but campbell's still have very low pierce armor so they're just not very strong it bothers me jj didn't get these relics that are here hey there goes trade a great game man this is an amazing diplo game maximum pleasure i think gaining some fans here but you know a lot of people they're learning a lot about life in this game you know it does kind of feel like a game of thrones where people are constantly thinking about one-upping the next person i don't know who jj would be if this was game of thrones not too sure because he hasn't talked too much [Music] his kung his tongue got cut out at some point okay so here comes the trade i just want to verify what's happening here i think he just it dawned on him that he's not going to be able to trade with anyone who's alive so he just said well might as well try he's probably not even paying attention to it and yeah look he's stealing trade from blue right now as blue is attacking him which is freaking hilarious jj would be seriously you think so hmm i'm not sure about that stannis yeah maybe that would make sense well i'll tell you this jj's running low on gold right now so it can't be a lannister [Laughter] running low on gold uh doesn't have many allies and i think the game plan from purple has been to have this army sitting here for a very long time that way red will never expect a thing and then finish off jj and when you finish off jj you then kill red and then it's just you in blue yes purple says out of gold and purple has 9 000 and red says should have started trade ye all right here we go hey i know purple hasn't made a ton of progress uh but he's got a ton of resources which is what matters also is anyone else surprised at how little conversation there's been from people trying to kill purple i think maximum pleasure is keeping himself in his position with his chat jj should be saying yo red why are we not attacking purple together purple is the highest score purple has jonathar jj should be chatting right now i don't think he will based on what i've seen i think he's just going to try and hold on he's got a lot of fights to worry about but i really do think that everyone should be realizing that the writing's on the wall and that purple is going to win this game they haven't realized it already they should be talking about it soon jj says think it's a stalemate i'll call it gg wait so jj's just gonna resign jj's not even gonna try and fight back here he does just resign wow so we've had players fight back from literal death and jj just calls it he says screw alliances i won't try and team up with anyone and then red was defeated red was defeated right now by purple and this is hilarious because red was just commenting on an early resign he says that's an early resign and now what oh my god and blues king was in purple's castles i forgot about that oh my god it's been there for an hour what a masterpiece from maximum pleasure yo that was sick and he was so quick with it too he was so quick he didn't waste any time he didn't let me even talk about how you know jj maybe could have traded with blue and done some different things dang that was a sick finish here from maximum pleasure the player who's been chatting the most throughout this entire game he was the one who started off this alliance down here towards the south and he had the perfect finish there and red says red says i lead you guys in good direction just so you can turn on me every leader in history to be honest okay so yeah he just hopped out of the castle with the pitards went for a little poof and ended up getting that finish big big finish there that was sick and teal says next time think about who to gang up on i can be a royal ally teal's just like dang i didn't get to play now that said teal you didn't do yourself a lot of favors you didn't really talk to anyone the reason that yellow and blue teamed up on teal is because those two started the conversation they started being pals so that needed to happen there did not happen for gray early on did not happen for some of the others i went down early on but diplo's tough man diplo's brutal but guys maximum pleasure destroyed in this game 1800 kills 1100 units lost we then had um more of every resource and usually in community games the person who has the highest score and the most resources collected is the person that gets ganged up on but it never really felt like it was that type of game because he was the freaking puppet master he's constantly you know dictating the pace of the game deciding on how the game was going to play out he even lied about orange you know what i didn't think about until now so do you remember that moment where maximum pleasure said that orange paid him to kill red i wonder if that's why red continued to fight alongside purple against orange at the very end there because what i was thinking was is that leaf should just be he should team up with orange and he should maybe just like make life difficult for purple but nope he never even considered it and i i think he took the bait i think he didn't consider that simply because of what was said earlier holy crap that was a great game um i'm gonna see party's not gonna like it and maybe it's already been edited in but i'll see if when we get this up to youtube if we can get the the final moments um oh god what did i do we'll see if we can get the final moments uh edited in there because i can't rewind in the actual game but that was a quality community game and congratulations to everyone who played in that even the people who died early definitely had some sort of say um well played maximum pleasure well played everybody gg you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 73,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, community, commy, commi, commie, comy, comie, comi, the, legend, max, maximum, pleasure, maximumpleasure
Id: RmRpmxOIgNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 56sec (4436 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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