AOElympics! Regicide Fortress 1v1 Event | FINAL!

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all right guys this is the a olympics we are uh in the final right now as i said i kind of fell asleep on the couch so i'm not feeling like oh i'm ready to go you know i'm more feeling a bit sleepy head still i'm having a cup of coffee though and um it's where's my fortress so it's not like a slow start a little bit of slow start hey captain pete thanks for 21 months good luck man thank you man appreciate that but it's the best of five i know i'm not showing the scoreboard apparently let me show that sebastian five it's meaning it's accm norway against vietnam and of course it's registered fortress let's stay on the map and it's free pick no repeat so that's pretty much the format um [Music] what civ do i go for here in my question right now dedicated from bed no no we were watching uh frankenstein's chronicles or something like that on the couch and i may have nodded off you still play football i haven't played since corona restrictions hit um let's see if do i even want to be here i'm gonna try the fast input aztecs that that guy did against me he is a color three which is makes me not want to go color four so i'm gonna go red remember that guy in the first round the guy went like fast input aztecs it was super hard to deal with yo james what's up uh how do you feel about leeds being champions in championship and back in premier league honestly i like bielsa a lot and his play style i have huge respect for that honestly so i'm it's kind of cool now no leads are big rivals of manchester united so it's fun as well to get them up there i also have a couple of people i know in my old where i used to live on the island that are lead supporters so it's uh it's pretty cool that they are in family honestly so let's go then no glhf from him asterisks and humans wait this is not something must have gone wrong i had al fortress selected right and someone confirmed i had for i did select the fortress map right why did we get that map now it's showing al aquapolis man this is something i really hope they can fix with the next patch it's so annoying he's playing humans writing overlay thank you hi kiki would invite the laces yam again we're thinking about greenwood i told my brother two and a half years ago or two years ago two and a half years ago greenwood was just turned 16. i told him mason greenwood wouldn't remember the name so that's like double win for me like he's doing well right now that's a really good talent there so two-footed incredible let's go accm did the same yeah i mean anyone who kept track of the under 18s really would know a queen would a lot no specty like not really going for the same save we have to it's part of rules i looked into it you really had al fortress selected and my guess is then that he did not see ale fortress uh so probably for him it showed us al aquapolis and that's why the map kind of glitched out good now okay black have fun so it should be working now jesse lingard yeah dude he's a young young talent fresh new joke right there what why not following me i only hit him once oopsie my bad you were in austria uh no we are a united stand i am a manchester united fan hotel yes i finally caught you online oh hello congrats on doing that very hard accomplishment proper red will be an arsenal supporter are you drunk i shall find a star to get yeah for me still from this hour i have a really soft spot for him but um i think peak level probably the the hair is my shirt i think thunderstar is more the combination with ferdinand village and thunderstar just felt like nothing was ever going to go wrong how much damage does it i had 22. i had 22 hp don't you take 10 damage per hit am i wrong don't you take ten damage per hit i'm so confused now should be seven them no that was before i think i had 22 hp he hit me twice and i died our king is in danger there's a microscopic hill there has to be i mean that okay i'm still super confused about that i'm not gonna spend more time thinking about it because i'm not 100 sure what actually happened can someone test it for me please i always thought it was 10 damage per hit i'm super confused what's hair strat uh during nec three finals arrow went for humans and tried to kill my king in futile age a few late scouts oh i also went way too late up now considering i lost my eagle where is this quite the disaster hey i haven't finished my coffee yet okay slack since when what is this garrison healing thing i mean you can always heal infantry units in a castle for example nothing new there he took 11 damage on both hits since when do eagles take 11 damage okay is this something i'm as it always what is that i swear it used to be less or has bonus damage against eagles but still wait i'm going fast imp what am i doing what a disaster i forgot my strategy tested with normal scale 10 damage okay so a scout cavalry takes 10 damage what about an eagle [Music] really okay jets for a couple things for that 17 months man around all things for 25 months well you live on your own guys you live and you learn not sure if i have enough there to actually get the resources to go up food should be fine more worried about the wood at the moment just tested it it's 11 damage well i learned something new today wait i have a castle i need wood to buy gold guys that's my logic okay man what a freaking disaster of a first game it's fine it's fine are you drunk i wish then i would have an explanation for this i'm afraid not to be fair i did not off on the couch i blame it on the drowsiness from that come on guys give me gold all right off we go the problem is now i will have no scouting and tells i have no idea where i'm gonna find him i'm not sure where i'm gonna find any of this i don't even know where his base is right well actually gold gold gold so two of these are mine this is history should be straight across so it shouldn't be that difficult yo dr dreams 88 thanks for the prime d abbey thanks for 28 months we need a new sub by this for that length fine i will arrange something why the couch we were watching we were watching netflix and then i just nodded off i think i can afford this i need a second monster again cumulus is probably the best ship to actually counter this this can have such a good equal to prepare and be ready for this attempt that i'm doing i don't have high hopes here to be completely honest man what am i even doing i need wood for a trap i should have watched how this guy did it he did it way better than i do so far anyway there's more than just a scout there i really don't get that conversion kidding me you for real oh he has actually units i didn't plan on him having units to be fair this is my bed we got one kill not the greatest start i'm not gonna pretend i only have one monk no this one inside [Music] there i can't afford this man no disaster oh my god [Music] or what like what is that that's a joke i have a trebuchet i can't do anything about it i should probably have aborted my strategy knowing that here is humans it's kind of where i'm at right now in terms of this whole strategy but hey that would be applying any logic to my gameplay that's not how this works right uh oh yes another one i'm building an army voice slow and steady me learning to click [Music] oh i almost didn't get a single conversion what is wrong with this i i'm starting to like i feel like i have such bad luck with conversions lately i'm bored i'm gonna give up on monks as a unit i'm not even kidding i have what 65 hp what is my mom you're so bad alert not looking great i mean he has um he has uh what's the word double castle production from what a trip book let's call it all right guys i need to finish my coffee it was double castle production never mind right and we should compare economy here i'm sure it's going to look great we actually had the most gold all right i still believe that strategy is good from the guy that he did against me that one time but probably not against humans would be the first um thing here uh jorge official thank you for the subscription there appreciate that red rush thanks for the two months all right let's get acm involved i need to wake up is it better to boom with second few little tc or fast gas with humans i think slightly better with a second tc but slightly better i think it's better oh [Music] it's fine dave 6102 thanks for two months well let's see if we go for now okay i have a plan okay fun good luck have fun if he's mines now i'm gonna be really sad okay he's not mines oh yes the the boar will only do three damage to my uh 10 damage to my horse now i learned that last game uh shn09 things for two months play seriously i'm trying man it's not easy when you draw when you're not ready all right all good all part of process don't forget your plan okay true that's what that hit take a third hit oh my god um yeah i have a good plan here it should be good oh if you die that horse would have died i would have just left the game [Music] all right it's all good second board there gold should be fine yeah we're fine all the restart stays actually won't restart both of us i won't restart each so actually yes i'm healing up fast i might not be able to get that bore with my scout right 16 uh gonna have to deploy the villager send the woman equals free win not oh god how can i build up in the best possible way with saracens do i take stone just take gold i think i just take gold no stone what kind of coffee do you drink black i drink all types of coffee cappuccino latte macchiato whatever i'm not sure if that's your question or if you're looking to more towards which coffee beans i drink most irish coffee might look like it right now it's fine it's fine this is all it's part of a pro it's part of a process guys i have not yet heard of such a thing as blue coffee the only place i think i hear i've heard about that is from t9 is community games although i cannot say for sure why is he up already i mean his camera okay never mind i take back oh hide hide height he probably has a full hp scout probably knows how to lure bam that was worth a try um he probably went with something like 19 pop accuracy if you can go directly castles with that not sure if you can oh this scout actually has less speed than mine but then again i lured two boars one board will probably learn both everything is looking great so far when i have to say that you probably know that it's i don't really know myself sally's not back to indeed actually has a really good record on right side fortress where he has lost the king on multiple locations before the game is actually over that's proper feels back to man i do fast imp again i might be a little bit too short time frame to uh improvise that right now probably not his camera he doesn't need any buildings to click up right so it's very it's usually fairly straightforward it's not very complicated once you have a little bit of a grasp of eco management what's the plan uh like 3 tc and then like at 50 or 60 bills i'll stop making bills and just go imp and then like use sarason's range to destroy all the buildings in the world so i'll probably need a little bit of like traps with my herbalist for example things like that then hope for the best i don't think it's going to work out honestly but i'm committed to my my own plan like again if he was the other sibling comer i would have had bigger hopes murr is probably pretty solid to deal with that because of him their economy being so strong and versatile and i don't like the relics those are yes three relics really close to his base might be hard for us to compete about those what's the best early aggression strategy in that arena there is no universal one best strategy usually monk rushes tend to be like the go-to or arena early aggression castleage when i play aggression a few days you probably need towers or kimura not comer humans make battering rams i'm curious about how his eq is right now would be fun to actually see a comparison how many velocities ahead what's your favorite way of playing saracens i mean if you get to play mama looks it's always cool but you can play something with mama luke's that's always satisfying but they also have their bonus damage now against bill oh he picked up that relic they have their bonus damage against uh buildings now which makes it really fun to play range units as well there's a manga he's collecting relics i don't think i honestly can stop him on that what are you expecting from kumar um probably i think he will go for like just boom and kind of adapt i think he will adapt and make skirms when he sees my strategy that's kind of where i would chat for the elephant i heard it as well i just pretended didn't happen um yeah what does the king do if he dies you lose that's uh what he does so he's pretty much just there to you over most of the time okay i have what 50 okay i'm gonna have 50 wheels i'm gonna go input that my castle is so far away i want to make traps right uh mama looks could have been an option a little bit further down the road but right now it's too soon for my lukes okay no sign of him going for that relegate he's not being way too greedy here right up we go our crossbow production which country has most fans i have no idea i have no idea sir whoever sniped someone's king yes also walled someone's king influence that's very satisfying oh he took the relic he has all the relics now it was not part of the plan to put him together so easily i must show him my terrorist session what what's he doing do you see my rangers now he saw my rangers i'm gonna be really sad my strategy is leaked so i need one i need to be able to make one trebuchet right off the bat what you actually he got a conversion that's not how my conversion worked all right february on the way let's go h miller thanks for host worsty bobby thanks for host as well appreciate that bam bam bam bam what bam there we go we are blessed thinking about a priority order of upgrades here and i guess some ring might make sense let's get another trap first need some more numbers let's see how it goes see that's the skirmisher player we're expecting let's make a scene workshop feel like i'm not hitting fast enough wait is going our blast what i mean i'm not complaining if that's the case just find it odd that would have been i mean those are five relics that's gonna help him down the road here but it's a surprise to me man why are my veils so slow he already has a ballistics so probably bomb no why what's this accuracy what how do they hit what i'm in disbelief [Music] i guess we just avoid that part of the map that's good for us remember the golden days of grassland gazette where peacock rampage endorsed my memes and said league of eagle warriors look like men in chicken suits good times man i do remember good times indeed hyuna i can't fight in the castle range let's build a castle in the map so now we're still getting progress i guess he also had to go up quite fast because of we kind of forced the issue on him so that's good for us why is he running outside the villager outside we're getting way more done here than i anticipated though to be honest so i can't complain that's the moment he's actually surrounding himself makes me feel this is almost working surprisingly oh nice see now that's the problem there i read that in chat see in the top right corner and it's not like i wouldn't have noticed it myself it's just still you shouldn't say things like that in chat my bumper cannon is gone i'm not supposed to see those things from chat scorpions not sure why he doesn't i just hide in the in the forest i'm getting this actually working i'm actually in shock how this is working so well do not expect that it's using his trebuchet as part of the army i guess it's kumar so scorpio is always a good option oh yeah this is also nice oh i gotta pay attention to my bomber cannons i'm still so surprised he just didn't go sperms i think scums would have been so much better for him i still gotta try and locate his monastery that's still a uh problem area i'm not gonna spend my stone anywhere right now because i don't really know where i would like to use it maybe there actually makes sense because there's gold and stone from his base there yeah that probably makes sense don't eat the town center well i have way more numbers in him the town center is not garrisoned either this might actually be a legit strategy he was really powerful the thing is though if he goes for skirms right i get on top of his farmico he might be struggling a lot i get on top of his actual farming though but also it's a bad idea by me to give him time here because he might be preparing a army now why not make another bomb cannon oh why are you there with me what a waste full sparks or what [Music] oh is the king there it's probably bills if the king is there i just had to find out it still seems like a good fight all things considered [Music] where's your king little guy where's the king tell me probably doesn't have a much defense okay well that worked i didn't expect that to work the thing is if we get into his base right he loses most of his farm eco also this right on top side hurt him and that's super weird thanks for joining for the five man good times with the geraslam gazette indeed uh nerve damage thank you for the prime i'm still not sure where his king was now he doesn't even have a relics right so maybe his skin was in this tower would probably be my guess um so i don't think he actually gets that much of a village elite maybe a few actually yeah probably four or five hills i would say oh you know six out of nine game need at least a token cam will play though true i didn't i could have made some camels there it was obvious he had to rebuild his eco didn't and don't know why you didn't rate from south much earlier i could have done that it was just tunnel vision and i still don't feel like i'm up and going yet you'll feel quite drowsy steward drowsy play turks from your viper i mean if how can i refuse that once you wear on his base shouldn't get in treason makes sense is that the upgrade that locates his king um but no it's unlikely that i will have the tools to to deal with him see are we in your dreams actually i still don't think i've ever dreamed of age vampires my whole life before i don't dream a lot or remember my dreams very often so who knows i don't remember having dreams about age of empires be good east violet deutsche isn't good yet oh my god what's with me i'm getting like the worst matchups possible he is vietnamese when i want to play [Music] see if i can blur boards this time i failed twice i shall not fail a third time i always admire your play but lately you miss your consistent pressure from earlier is he lacking or just the other pros manager adapt your play style and i think if you actually want to have a proper we only took one hit man i'm a pro brother if you want to have a proper evaluation of how i play in general stream games is not what you want to look at you want to look at the actual tournaments um like hidden cup nac i don't think you should make evaluations from my stream games in general i'll play jenny's stories here dinosaurs and mangonels to put pressure and try to see if we can do anything with that maybe not power though boy isn't one and one so i didn't mention before i'm not gonna go fast imp i think that's not great but i would rather do ginnisteries in caslitch pretty bad my castle is so forward back though the castles here would have been so much better it was just a notification like somebody has thought he has noticed from my face down yeah this looks like a good pressure point i was doubting any news i don't know he felt really bad the other day apparently so he made a joke about corona i'm not even sure it was a joke honestly at this point but uh hopefully it's not i hope he's okay that's the problem chat instantly assume the worst it's how they function yeah isn't few late should that's 22 pops i reckon no no no no no i will have a light cap man i'll have a light care oh this is so sad so so so sad right before fuel age i forgot to do my buildings thanks for two months appreciate that we ever try to get into the research of using hotkey for a habit of using hotkey for research i have hotkeys for certain researchers already um but yeah but i will like make that for every single research in the game rather unlikely but i wouldn't rule out potentially adding more in the future are you two kings the peak of human form yes hey viper what's up with the poker thing tonight can i get in the virus pulse yes you can um we're gonna have a tournament tonight and tomorrow it starts three hours from now it's the mesh mark gg poker in chat and uh you can get details registrations will open an hour before so i will give you guys the password and such an hour before but uh there are limited amount of signups so it'll be like first come first serve it's gonna be like a mini tournament where i get coaching from nelly to begin with and then uh later on uh tomorrow we're gonna play a proper tournament and also another tournament but you guys where it's going to be a prize pool as well might even be a prize pool today as well i don't remember i'll have to check on those details that's why my friend i'm doing this see oh boy he sees us now he knows the pressure is coming though that was a little bit unfortunate but okay could be worse uh floyd honor things for two months as well what dude that ain't cool man this ain't cool man [Music] indeed he went up really fast so i'll show how good his equal will be behind this it's going for my mango now scary stuff yeah i gotta be careful now i can't have the trickle because with a trickle he can go and start picking off my units one by one and that's something that's something we want who organizes both tournaments was organized okay all right [Music] not sure if i can get any damage done from this angle obviously it's all yoloing really oh this is why we didn't want to have stragglers they were actually on his gold yes some low hp ones there right this is interesting for a uh right to focus game don't usually have this projection and why did it take so long to fire there good thing i will trade effectively here as long as there's no ballistics for him which there isn't no sign of him picking up relics either at this point so i'm still happy with how this is going i should just get rid of this tower oh disaster yeah we need reinforcements they did not spot those units at the bottom i've heard rumors that gunpowder are less accurate in the eu for some reason not sure how accurate how accurate that is yeah i was we're playing against a counter unit so i don't think jennifer's can be my long-term army but for this early game it's it's all right i would expect him to be active after having that win in quotes i'm surprised he's not like being active now the villager yes he rewards what clever again by him to just go around i mean i'm playing with fire because i have so few units compared to what he's gonna have i think i'm actually gonna stop making ministers altogether here i don't think that makes sense anymore it's gonna try and grab some relic from relics let's take it from there i see him okay the long calm these mangano is gonna kill his army foreign he actually wants to fight sick i don't think this is a good idea by him actually i don't think he's gonna trade as good as he wants to here what if you don't want to kill them i cannot spell means yes you could tell he was letting me get too much uh space there and complain well let's try not need to breathe and go for that instead the macro is looking great fantastic is proud yes now is economy how good is this eco behind this i added a fourth downstair because i want to go i need more farming eco for my intent a lot of hustler faster he got one relic i might have four foreign that fixes the whole house problem this is a four or five unnecessary base what are you doing wow why would you run in there vietnamese are insane man i guess that might be why he ran inside because he was thinking he might get a lot of damage done especially with imperial age upgrades which he might still to be honest this is annoying to deal with foreign so hustler it is for us and then take it from there this hill is going to be annoying probably is going to have castle there quite shortly would be my assumption anyway we are blessed actually as well i don't like my position on my stables now in hindsight [Music] does this wall just get taken out by his units i'm also surprised he's actually going for are blessed that i'm right notches but uh okay definitely going to be on the back foot for a while but i have to try make the best out of it where's my king he's safe back in the corner for now i will definitely have mobility on him though for the time being got him i'm getting crazy value with this one bomber cannon that jumped out what i'm gonna what i got a trap kill i'm getting another one what is happening here sick what a monster [Music] i might be diving in a little bit too sooner my plus two armor just finished now it's not great [Music] i'll get another bomber cannon he doesn't have any siege to follow this up so we'll just make it that's it artillery i just need to build up like say 20. what oh those were the hosts i was sneaking around never mind i was overly concerned for no reason at all there i have a artillery now though i think i have a good chance at dealing with this fixing a pikeman you can mix in coverages don't like my map when it comes to wood actually he's diving there's the correct position i don't know i don't understand the decision i'm not want to complain though i feel very comfortable right now i have more relics the only thing i'm not comfortable about is my um [Music] i will just use mobility to raid a little bit before we build up our couch [Music] numbers who's the best seven terms eco of these two sieves definitely definitely vietnamese bam yeah we just used our use our mobility here be annoying we also have super long range now obviously you have to hold us [Music] oh that's pretty good shots down foreign we're getting close to full upgrades and everything we could want in that regard that is satisfactory i also need to secure [Music] running to secure is honestly i woodlands know why you're sending that either that should be easy for me to clean up you're not scared to me just uh a couple hours by themselves foreign yes [Music] traps [Music] you're saying enough for it all our gold i'm just waiting i'll probably spend it on live cabin ramps and things like that right now i'm just trading off food units obviously my hustler i trade it off for whatever and even whenever my gold units become under attack i pulled them back so we're kind of just trying to save our cabbages whenever we can and obviously our bomber cans as well split survive he lives he really wants to okay he got him almost about to overchop there i'm just waiting for that really okay [Music] let's prepare siege ram vietnamese are similar to britain's in that regard c drum is sort of their worst enemy that's also something we just need to oh it's open [Music] it was open [Music] i can okay i believe i can okay as well yuki is switching direction moment he's still on the hill but he might start attacking the right side where i have my relics fine be annoying all right [Music] is i like horses still obviously has a very cost effective composition with imperial skirms and all that stuff do i need to sort out my farm because i can spam hustler nonstop checking out some buildings here let's just get rid of he's trying to steal my relics madman it died he's actually going for my relics he's actually trading really well there army-wise all things considered he's actually taking my relic man no you do not i need more food equal i don't have enough to spam hustler for some reason i have here's all the upgrades i would want you need rams actually it wasn't bomber towers [Music] all right uh he's guarding it come on it's time to go get give me that really and this hill is gonna be so annoying fight stop michaeling [Music] he's actually trading insanely well with those uh parallel skirms pushing that hill is probably something i shouldn't even bother doing at this point all right change of approach we're just trading costs and effectively up there no i got the relic just okay i need to i mean he will always have good army against me with the alps and imperial skirms that's always going to be tough for me to actually deal with that almost no matter what here i'm gonna have to try and just start pulling them apart a little bit i can use mobility multitasking and such raiding a little bit you got this he has no corner to trade very good point there guys now it's time to pull army to defend this which is also obviously good for me and i can start suddenly thinking about making moves here again probably also believes that i have a low amount of gold based on the fact that i'm not making more cowards at this point which would be a fair assumption to be fair yeah we got season now got mobility [Music] feel better about this [Music] cheeky guy for him it's what's happening there for him it's uh hard to have his army separate right he is very strong when he has his armor together but like this it should be okay uh good for us rather i can also reinforce and pick where to fight more [Music] [Music] know where his king is [Music] not sure if it's gonna stay there but we still know where it is i'm actually going to go try and go for a king run if we can pull it off because it's open there right this cast will probably get tonight actually so i'm going to go back a little bit if he's clever he has changed and put his king out and put a villager or something in there oh guard tower i still go for it i'm still going for it oh oh boy boy boy what's inside what's inside boys what's inside there's a villager japanese you debated me i knew it what an man right [Music] okay let's finish the castle [Music] oh wait wait wait wait there's my control group thank god it's still open the wall behind there would have been trapped yeah we're getting in his eco now he's taking too much equal damage i don't think he has a comeback from here [Music] it's not a new trick it's it's a very common thing to do when someone pings the king if it's still exposed they just replace [Music] that yeah like i don't see how he gets this position back right this smooth line is starting to look pretty ugly as well where's he even taking wood right now right should be almost only there oh he's out for my king check if he's still taking me there and that'd be okay she can okay all right we got four rallies in the end so with four relics and the cav watch is now is such a good option for turks they can't win these fights or against these civs even though this matchup in theory is not great for turks thanks for [Music] be the death match watching cup final and what is the buy-in tomorrow is is the one one one one one world series of poker event keep your up your ayah austral thank you um the deathmatch world cup final is on next saturday 14 gmt if i'm not mistaken and um the poker tournament playing tomorrow is the one you're talking about is one on one one something for charity thing um so you're correct in that and there is no buy-in for you guys joining our tournaments the community tournaments we are doing are free for you guys to join you guys have to be fast and yeah got into zeke as well he has no good income there's full map control at this point it's just his fart oh okay when a fast imp into hank conners because that would have been crushed by vietnamese good stuff so we're up to one we still have all the good sieves left at one point in this game you patrolled huster on stained ground horizontally in front of his helps was that to prevent them from attacking you but constantly moving in and out at a range um i didn't have heavy cow watches at that point i didn't want him to get on top of my uh i didn't want the house to if i let my hustler fight against the helps they die so fast anyway so it was more of a thing of keeping them alive a little bit longer against the ranged fire so my cab watchers could do more damage a little bit longer why not tal bomber towers bro and i think stone is better invested elsewhere i need to use the bathroom guys i'll be right back quickly yo once said you're not playing in civs you're playing as players you're gonna win no matter what you choose that's not true i know yo said that and then he played a bad save against a good 7 and he lost to i don't remember who after he made those comments there was a big tournament even was it message of our rape no hidden cup no i think it was king of the desert too actually where yo commented that he would like there are no bad civs just bad players and then he died picking civ's like vietnamese for example when they were really bad they're good now i'm gonna be back with guys [Music] action what you are doing all right oh i didn't mute myself i'm glad you didn't talk about more serious stuff apparently not you have been sitting here talking about pooping i hope they've been hearing you let me see if there's been any poop talk yeah not really too bad uh let's save that go for now come on greetings in the philippines greetings yes one next deathmatch world cup game and next saturday so in one week captain conway thanks for prime [Music] still no talking camel chair sorry honey a camel sim i don't want to play camels man keep your fetish to yourself all right okay that works elephants how likely that is to be happening though is a whole different story right but that's what i'm aiming for next game might be a chinese warden what if you've seen arrows me that could actually be pretty ugly don't know don't you like elephants though as well i mean i i get the camouflage right but why would you not be satisfied with elephants would be my question this game means you intend to lose this one i'm not intending on losing anything just less clear cams are more fun than elephants guys okay chat elephants or camels what's better or more fun this is your moment to shine elephants elephants elephants oh boy hyuna is going to be so upset after seeing how you guys are voting i'm sure i put so many on wood to be honest iona are you seeing this all voting elephants the real elephants i i can agree with that there's a there's a difference still between um club elephants like commerce elephants and [Music] just because i say elephants doesn't mean we need to hear the elephant um yeah there's a difference between bad elephants and war elephants what was that we have an elephant pet apparently [Music] you got me there to be fine actually [Music] yes [Music] teleport we're actually very close which is good for him two exposed goals i have oh man this hill there a castle there is gonna be a almost honestly uh yeah it's gonna be a must the king fast and dark age scout yes darkish scout yes but not uh a fuel edge scout i think it's ever happened that the scouting king gets snaked by the scout i don't think it has well it happens because this the king is quite stupid the king will not well it tends to stop running if uh if he gets hit by the king so you have to like actually mark your king properly but yes there have been incidents where where that has happened there have certainly been incidents on that i'm not sure actually where i want to place my console is you should probably have planned for that [Music] cameras also sound cooler and can ride you safely across desert lands of the driest the rabies fair enough yeah i don't have a market foreign the uptime he did earlier honestly i don't think it's great i can't imagine him having resources to actually like do anything proper with that right it has to be so hard to manage the eco with the such a fast uptime where farm with lumber camp i'm come here i can farm wherever i want uh you don't need drop-off points with uh food or food with kumar just because i had too many wheels on wood so i had to fix that and like i said it doesn't matter where you place the farms right i should have taken villas off for gold then again i can use the tuna gold for a monk or monastery and make some monks happen though it should be fine either way to his mind though so his faster uptime also makes sense you're hungry we'll come up with something you guys could hear the woman talk let's tell you guys also what does chat really prefer cool sword throwing camel riding cutters aka mama looks or slow silly convertible elephants kappa dot likes cutters vote wisely what wisely chatty said to be fair i agree with that one colors aka the meme looks are actually really fun to play with i agree with that one how was your cuts earlobe uh it was good i assume that's the little mini vacation we had in hamburg i'm not sure why it's called why it would be called kurtz okay like a short trip okay yes it was very nice thank you the weather was actually satisfactory that's a big win in itself i need horse heavy plow rather there we go i need a fourth town center too now that i think about it it's the woman backside gaming she's backside germany germany no sign of him making plumes yet i'm honestly scared for obsidian arrows i'm not even kidding i think he's gonna upset hours me who's passing so super scorps kill all last thing though we have to like kind of decide go ballista elephants and we go for scorpions i'm gonna kind of have to make up my mind on that one [Music] oh i failed wait he has multiple eagles which means he was trying to actually was actually trying to uh get the relics which makes actually surprising that i even got two of them but i cannot complain about that i got three even wow why don't you prepare some scrums to scare away the initial number of plumes because it will slow down your economy a lot and you kind of have to make decisions then you think that's worth it or not no he has no upgrades still lock him block him wait he took the relic relic is gone oh no no no no okay hold on hold on hold on vol 2 boys hold our volume 2. keep it open a bad hodor oh this is a bad horn hold on hold on hold on [Music] i lost everything else my whole eco became disaster after that but it was worth it yes i don't need that all right i'm honestly not sure how these things do against eagles that might be something we're going to figure out now [Music] but i think i mean i was against plumes we're going to do fine the biggest issue would be also c drama debbie has to put up with this guy what do you mean has to okay all right um what's our stone looking like where's the second stones on the outside okay let's go for that where's my king actually okay i am making oh no almost made a mill come here there are two goals there right and i would say in theory as long as we control those a potential eagle play from him should not be scary right even his third gold is there [Music] what is elite 1500 pretty expensive i can just cut the trees right have to wait for nothing hello me let's hope he didn't actually find me that makes sense obviously he knows i was there wow well uh okay [Music] oh i'm not sure if this unit is good i have double ballista now doesn't feel great boys i'm sorry woman it's just too funny [Music] even this is taking for hour to kill him man so insane wait he's trapping in the gate actually wait he's actually tripping the gate doesn't matter they're all gone feels good man oh my god that's not a cray gas and then who knows and what is a quick acid [Music] again i think i think he will struggle with uh his heart uh eagle production because of the raffle gold right oh okay that's something i might struggle with harassment everywhere my king is exposed [Music] that's annoying do i have ballistics i don't actually need this it's everywhere man i've never said bliss opens for a good idea oh my god ah why are these units so bad and so slow that was both my traps yes i [Music] did what's the right decision by him though to just ignore the fight and go all out on my base not to say also ensures a gold in comprehension [Music] oh that's my king stop chasing that oh yes oh ramster we gotta prepare for another attack can we just take that trap please get it gotta get it all right yes fortified walls all the way i even have villagers working anywhere doing anything useful for the team my monsters are there as well don't like that the population is increasing though enemy the worst enemy is arriving siege ram premium looks like we're holding there i don't think it's enough doesn't feel like it okay elephants are against eagles we have so much gold still feels bad man okay where is his king it's gonna be hard to get that phone eg all right true to be fair they could be good against other units i guess the attack from the bliss elephant is counted as a ranged like range uh damage which is why they had they have eight pierce armor so i guess the ballistas don't do much at all sorry i'm full i mean if you order something or get something then just order something small and i'll eat after or during the poker a little bit later yeah he did like clever to get those goals and still mine's gold last longer right so the thing here is if i managed to keep control over these gold arrows maybe this could have worked but it's still impos uh not impossible it's still really hard at ballista and probably i think better if we go full hustler by the phones and maybe scorpions instead probably made us last longer was not meant to be i'm afraid please we had the holder holder moment i enjoyed that one so two two we need to win the next one i'm guessing it's gonna be a chinese one now i would assume so anyway uh because i want to pick the best of now to try and make sure we have a good shot of the gold medal and he doesn't really have any other options unless he wants to go go wild he could go golf but still chinese should do better like i could so cumin i have humans he has used humans mayans khmer and vietnamese or we have used turks saracens khmer aztecs so we have chinese minds humans and pretty much all the best is available to us reason thanks for four months how was your mixer experience honestly it was very good i had some a couple of months like the first couple of months were problematic because um i had constant frame drops from streaming there but i think that was more the internet we had in at our place so i don't think that's obviously not mr fault but mixer was more demanding on streaming in general um but yeah the people i worked with there were great i was treated really nicely and whenever i had anything they helped me as fast as possible and yeah like my experience was good with mixture it's too bad that they had to shut down and there's only a few things where they made some promises on behalf of age of empires that they couldn't make at least a guy i had initial discussions with about moving there um so that was a little bit bad uh but all in all it was still a good experience for me uh carnical things for 10 months hey baze thanks for the prime bubba gump thanks for the prime as well appreciate the support guys so it should be a chinese war now if my calculations are correct is some debating sort of and also they had the spark system right which paid out a lot at initial phase and that was used to uh that was also used to convince me to come there and then and the month after the after the second month i think they removed the spark system or made it less way less valuable that was a bit of a downer but all in all i would probably do the same again it was really a really valuable experience and i still enjoyed it am i sending a villager i have a horse to lure the boar you find it crazy you've been playing this game for so long and for love of game streaming and content revenue is so relatively new that is pretty cool it's i thought very cool honestly oops bad timing for that that a game that is old like this i mean if you think about it a with 2d is still new the game is still old right and that it can be so successful and popular today it's pretty damn cool why is chinese super strong conversation fortress we start with a lot of extra villagers and in general they have a very versatile strong tech tree so um those things combined make them really powerful okay actually a full hp scout brand new compared to poker i guess i'm sure poker is the right comparison do you find it amazing that doubt still is almost playing this game to this day amazing now y2k man thanks for two months thanks for entertainment you're welcome thank you very much for supporting my attempt at what some call entertainment i appreciate that the glasses keep falling down it's super annoying you're hungry order some food or go shopping best thing about when the woman wants to order i'll ask her what she wants she'll be like whatever then i'll be okay english no uh japanese [Music] oh i'm not making this [Music] anything any asian no okay german no it doesn't stop it's like how what it's like i remember every time my dad used to go food shopping or my mom wanted something sweet or something she would tell him yeah surprised me like he was like okay what do you want he's like yeah surprise me then he comes home and she's like oh you bought that it's like every single time there's no satisfying this batman man it's like seriously how it is as well oh that's why with that one we're not going to have people go food shopping for us people going food shopping for us has nothing to do with fame what they would pay us to go food shopping for us if i was famous enough wow this famine oh i'm not taking stone it's hard to play and talk at the same time concentration levels aren't 100 there all the time you can order from what they're called drink delivery guys just express whatever they're called you want someone to drink ah this castle wait so i should plant my town's centers okay would you wonder i don't like any castle specif thompson positions maybe there yeah disney take it easy it's not like you're in the decisive game in the final true let's just relax and enjoy ourselves sorry and i mean already i'm trying oh oh boy full hp scout scary look at the relic positions so in favor of him one two three four relics that are closer to him actually not four but a lot of them are closer to him i want to okay nevermind it's not too bad although i don't really have any close relics myself camping carl zk i think about two months it's the prime don't see him picking up any relics that's at least positive i got three relics i'm satisfied so let's aim for that no flashing for him this guy's probably dead not the greatest start on that oh one relic missing oh that timing that time you'd be nice when his death match uh next saturday [Music] he's touching now might even benefit from doing vodka narrow at this point actually i think a really good upgrade right now relics are disappearing left and right and i might yeah i'm gonna be down relax here i think ballistics would be a really important upgrade right now [Music] give me that okay he actually needs two more hits i will win the fight now still not too big of a fan of how this is played out so far oh man he actually grabbed the last relic in the corner i need to compete for that what's wrong with your accuracy oh my god we're at big risk of being a four to one relics here i'm even investing a lot that is not nice for us oh my god i don't get any relic it's been a disaster i think we might have slightly better eco because this because he's invested more so far at least i need to at least make sure it doesn't get fired still bad for us oh man all the silver boy means memes if i actually oh no no no no i see you there man that ain't going to happen also ballistics now i'm glad they take fights with you sir in the castle he actually has a seatbelt shut out interesting oh it's not great i need to get this hill back because that's gonna be really important there's resources there and also of course like if we go to imperial age and he has control of that hill oh my god that's terrible for me this will be tough from this point forward no question about that all right how do we win this game when all the resources are on the other side under his castles and such now i also think he is up based on the score this will be a tough one i have one relic so i didn't lose all relics because most of them i just think about how to approach this whole situation right now obviously not a good one let's move around a little bit i'm gonna add a fourth tc on the outside that's weird just making ram that i'm playing with making outpost as well he's doing a good job of being active and like keeping vision on the map and such i didn't take i can get the trader another castle oh boy i'm gonna have a trevor uphill it's gonna be very fun [Music] this is not something you rush normally i'm rushing architecture that's not something you do very often just wanted to kill this i also probably cannot rely on chicken for my military she may have won it yeah i hope we get that hill i think i shouldn't even invest there oh boy boy oh boy i like it though this should be challenging it should be fun real crazy if we can pull it off [Music] did i get conscription i'm actually not sure if i got conscription here oh this viper against html olympics best of five oh yes it is he's paying attention [Music] you might get the last relic as well like this it's another issue i have to take into consideration yeah i'm not expecting to kill too nice castle and simply but don't do that [Music] i would like to take a trevor too not using the map control too much i need to get my food equal sorry though i'm just gonna actually rotate these units around because it doesn't look to me like i'm gonna actually be able to use them actually i'm gonna keep them so i can use them for raiding run run run i'm relying on you guys to stay alive but they'll run [Music] that's why i should keep them there so i'm happy with that decision you need chicken though scary units there's a castle there i need conscription [Music] need to continue to actually take decent trades as well [Music] it actually has a hill there as well which is going to be super annoying to deal with looking rough oh okay good shot oh i forgot about that guy this is an important part of this game about rumors [Music] [Music] get the traps [Music] oh it's my only town center left actually where's my king right now actually as well also something i haven't actually i need to figure that out there it is um you are getting to max population so that's at least something oh obviously still really want to avoid that he gets not that oh my god but he gets um proper control of all these goals so we're trying to again just keep the pressure up now and then hopefully another market either snowball that into something of an advantage i don't want to keep i think i think i have to clean this because he has two stables instead of there and we don't want to deal with you don't want to deal with hustlers on the right side my eq is set up there there's a goal there too i wish i noticed that earlier he will have to make up his decision uh make up his mind on where he wants to keep pressuring or if even i think that's a good trade for us we want that should be fine because we have seasons there surprised it didn't go for only just honestly after how this game was playing out it's not used that cold either so the advantage he has didn't really get used too much he's not taking advantage of all the extra resources of course he does have does have relics which obviously is a long-term big potential issue for us [Music] at the same time i feel like he didn't really use his advantage well enough [Music] that's guard tower again i'm going to do guard as well you're on top of his uh on top of his um i could just talk he's monster as well there's a big chance we take that out too which obviously made me would make me very very happy now if we can grab the relics it's a different story but might be tough away for free that was not part of the plan [Music] it's a lot of eco gone we're gonna reclaim our our i said our mountain almost not the dwarves of that place please all right those castles are gone not a positive and again he's still not being able to use those extra resources we have there right that's obviously a huge bonuses for me as well [Music] feels like he is dead [Music] sorry to say mistress is him didn't work out this time [Music] wipe i never doubted you i don't believe you for one second i'm sure you were spamming gg it's over in chat not long ago i know how you guys work now we're going to be pretending yeah we knew you had it no no no no no no no no no no yellow because he's playing green i don't like the yellow and green combination i don't like how that looks now we suddenly have control over all the golds again now he still has relics but where is he taking wood now is the question here right yeah his ego is just in shambles minimap looks red that's good for us [Music] to raid me with the two hustlers that's his comeback right now legendary save gta thanks admiral salman a shotgun surgeon thanks for two months frank frank a link we should prime 82jb dude my oldest fan thank you very much for your 10 euro donation very kind of yeah hey what should it be thanks for 20 oh it's going for my king safe in the castle gg uh thank you 82jb appreciate that icarus 11 thanks for prime that became way closer than i was hoping that was sick gufflespoon thanks for ten for norway boys never doubted you yeah i believe you i believe you all for no regular come on chat sing it with me more come [Music] there we go uh pr fogarty thanks for nine months bruh i can't even talk to people yet you can be number one chat streamer while playing aw2 in the background i'm used to it by now saying good things thanks for the prime that was pretty yeah that was tough man when he got like when i started taking portraits and he got four relics and then he got the castle in the hill which is all i never win it all kind of looked pretty rough but um i think we did a good job saving the situation but it was still really tough 802jb thanks for 10. i want to help win north legend thank you man appreciate the 20 in total there and kenobi things for two months as well so that crowns as champion of the ave olympics right aside fortress edition boggers we actually idled a little bit here but it looks good to go to imp so we have more bills getting imp but obviously yeah we're not we're keeping we're doing a good job keeping up with population though even though he's pressuring into our base um yeah can't complain can't complain really so that means there is some place where they're showing all the metals and everything let me see if i can check that if i can find that i'll show you guys quickly what it looks like liquor period age of empires a olympics so which scene is it did this no did this yes yeah so as you can see here this is the olympics this is a liquepadia rage vampires um we go down here this is the specific right side fortress event let's go here oh norway rank one with two golds germany still in italy with a gold there as well brazil china poland and then there's remaining teams with bronze silver and gold norway two goals get in boys and we have all the countries participating um you can find this you can see the link in the top just liquipedia age of empires it's a really nice website to utilize in order to keep up to date with everything edge vampires like um highly recommend you guys to check it out um it's um it's just really good oh that didn't work but yeah um tomorrow we are playing our third final in the olympics it's the dry arabian one that should be a lot of fun too and that's it for the red side focus
Channel: TheViper
Views: 64,889
Rating: 4.9144654 out of 5
Id: 7A0KzxQpd3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 4sec (9364 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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