2v2 Black Forest Mastapiece ft. DauT

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I'll did with this boa because we try to play like kinetic I met them to another player's boy school right these are good players out there and we're not we I have on mine I have palms Yoga has to pounce like a wreck just a second okay shokran come to the lazy eye squad oh oh that's so hard to ball what do you need to wall when you can go stamps because I mean to block him from walling you're gonna block him from walling they go a few times well although them cats legend doesn't really make sense natural evolution and about points curve starts being bad so it's my life I'm screwed you send a scout at least any Mouse Scout for technical talk oh he got eagle I cannot [ __ ] with eagle give me the skull I am busy with what volunteers no comment if I see your visor I don't know why it's running there man oh it's a gift from the gods oh well that's cool either way depending on the result where's your Scout I don't see your Scout like I'm fighting against the other guy I haven't not checked this again I know that but wolves like 3rd wolf in the role and box thank you my I cannot thank people in my ears Rick Adrien tends to the prime imaginable I always ask myself what can I do from it from myself but now I go back I literally collect every move on the map you want me to send my scout No fine by me you didn't want I I went to alert here now because he didn't want you cannot be indecisive in this world out doesn't work they send more boys the sub wait wait with who the sub sir who bought the vehicle another big one but he didn't want to kill me logic my villager he wanted to wall me in because I was like I'm slow and all and what happened I managed to escape but you know really oh I came out at least you're here for this under this I also have a dock fish boom nice glad everything worked out for you worse my human passata I'm not going - units I'm going what with a gentle chiropractic why not - units cuz they're trash I think that's the point vana lordos I always ask himself out I will commander those for me that part was not specified I can block if you don't know yourself not to my PC actually I don't know about my guy enemy scout is he's balling them it's all world I miss help me help me it was a desperate cry for help so look force never gonna be our home map ever thank you for an amazing donation and maybe like do something to my practice here I go fast em good straight to me I mean business comes the same price right into the same price I was young I think you can check yeah I checked you know who else can check yes always we're not world they are world we are world in your wallet or whatever in wall I'm not doing anything but taking of those concern you know whatever look album you will thank for 21 months or man 20 you work here you're not here for like holier this tape stops up man you like me no it's because of the mood something well we are completely open these Indians get my kill first McAleer look at that straight line that's true actually I'm like nearly now he likes to do that yeah we don't know what the Indians player is doing right Indian or gray first that's not fast 11 minute how I think I pick up at all I hope to get court smacking in the corner you need it it's all about you all about my fishbowl empty partly why is the map revealed out why's the map revealed because on the black forest the Sun setting since oh [ __ ] I did not think she wants oh [ __ ] shift market is gonna [Music] open bass plays GDP thank you one of its gg gg like to get the chill going 84 halted today I would not bother the only 84 yeah hot it's the whole map yes yes cuz it's 2 player okay ten bucks each if you guys win this game should be either a holdout 20 n looks if you win it says should be easy well [Music] we will dominate this game I swear this is a lot more fun than just going for the it gives so much in tournaments were full take her yeah so matches are always full try hard doing yoga for tired yes thank you loss give us his Eagle is on the other side doesn't give a [ __ ] I like he's reading the trade what like buy my tickets by mine they're more than mine three cars you know buddy I can't tell you I first you well it was not it was like debate not first you said you wanted to help you I got this oh I have a fish out to what now deal with those I can make camels if you ask nicely we take those oh he's kidding no that's true I see he's killing my fish traps from the land know how it works from the frickin a lie on the land no that's not how games should work what a guy oh I use my tip to perfection I can manage risk out I hear it fast you need to number two tip and two bonuses how same with are not working good for those $10 man well it's good for his grace to compute elation it was calculated talkin what we doin as the kitchen Oh better supply your business you have chiropractor my poor guy which fish just good repairman look at this car I'm looking at the score good dominating nothing did you meet the demo I already did one don't you see the bodies we take those now how do we change well you have to kill I said oh that's my bike Jade card sneaky [ __ ] you got the villager icon vertical right haha I wasn't in no man they heal so fast I'm not even kidding man that's instant not surprised if you're wondering about the stable spots ah should have maybe try to scout that well you did help scout scout is good for scouting I heard that as well take those we take those take those man having everything goes it simply and we're not both mm-hmm that's castle age and we're not old we're still not world in just things good for us $10 we are high score that's true that matters these stairs tables there right yep in a man getting round but I'm not convinced about that anymore I'm a bit scared of a stick I don't know maybe I'm just oh well it could be worse going to you all right just come with me yes but just convert is months is easy I convert one you convert back right but I have no goal like there's some issues there don't tell me I have to make my life cap that I get for free why the he'll doubt castles just happens man do you have one now on the way I'm not sure you might have to replace that market I'm not you think Jake is like oh yes I'm cleaning the stables jellyfish I'm going ham so I'm happy about you and your Facebook and shout stand something why do you keep sending your trades man how you think I pay attention to that well you keep making for some reason I accept making this for you not try to now but when you maybe in not such a distant future yes I mean I keep businesses guess I should be able to help you sometimes I clean the stables I kill the village at the sneaky Zac so what is he he doesn't I'm trapped right well not yet so can deal with this myself all myself like a grown up man impressive two years off for the eunuch will be two years man not one what what what history of take what don't know wait he has a castle now what what what give it away can you make a bear market please no we need trade out it's the long term key for victory no yes I cleaned it I claim this and these potatoes how do you plan to get rid of the castle big goddess it's not another castle okay we go we go oh he's not that you go there you go yes we go haha it a toes I'm not sure that it was good for you that well certainly wasn't too bad I guess there was a missing arm right Armour might have helped don't think you castle is survived much longer I guess it's fine never stone we have that's going down it's going down [ __ ] chaps managed going down oh it's going down I guess house is still alive what's a repair man no doubt do you need help no enjoy a boom well I'm like five players also known as various villages oh he's really with - I kept among I kept to want to keep dealing with oh oh yeah glad you enjoyed the point on fuel if I should get as well because here you can convert my bombing just a fasting but I need a market man I don't know about that need a Marcus what casting didn't Michael forecasting we can market here it's in the same screen as two castles if I are sending those camels ever but the little I I actually think you do I convert them back all look you leave them this was masterpiece I wasted doubt I wasted conversions lame this is your moment go I sent he's racing on villagers or just getting paid either way it sucks for me Mendoza be here yes look at the [ __ ] isn't him and I don't really have good counter to camels to be fair well you're actually doing it I am actually doing it are you actually surprised yes I can start trading now I have to fight no now you can with your trade cards that looks safe for now challenge Wisconsin Josh this is not well like our trash units and I do quite a few rounds here they are not trash units Paul look at that trade and your camel helping me there as well and bomber cannons look once my bumpkins came in all the castle calm well you're very very welcome how do we do it gray why do you want to give it ray give us that from beginning I don't know the definition of death look at the score command is dominating just turn the fire on bomb accounts yes I guess so I just have to test yeah I know it's like testing your victorious yeah it was nice look at this she's so scared I think we are fighting on one side only I get that he probably as well the whole woman is born wait why don't I call you if I can approve it I go for Rams and for moment cans what can go wrong no Ram stone counters trash units ready [ __ ] I get them again oh they are surviving cannons to the face man Josh can you get to trash units to be fair elephants the Rams should dominate often Dodgers but reddit heresy really what cow like did you tell me that now I get to micro my research on that well do you have doubt faith mod and know our market Chico chance man looks like a bunch of dog vomit hours Oh your ramps are doing good job it cannot convert them anyway bill the ramps with your monthly rents I know stuff don't come to class on your past like it's a lot use your units come I beg from the bottom it's gonna be in our trade I can tell but you know that's not my guy technically and it's not my trade technically and I'm not making world units their point so I cannot say but you always ask yourself right well I'm sending but those are offensive business Oh Mandor Beasley yes comes yeah I think the beasts against everything no no no they're not a monologist are you sure about that shell game against that we are losing top scorer Oh your trade is getting destroyed oh I thought you were supposed to deal with that well I'm dealing the best I can not my fault they start Monday and I believe I have to send my units to the other you actually have your next bomb cannons I'm a trade man that obscure I know you're missing up quiz man in your unit you have to understand this event for the light care to survive while you were doing nothing you get the trip former currency that they're good for something to come out first maybe I had to care condo and clean of all the little notches I came numbers now useless God you have numbers you have five skirts human numbers of the rain I'm actually killing is chosen my bomber towers now that's how you do it man I feel like we already played this game an escalator for my team here scan production-ready so do you need Eagles right inch folder is your spot or slow wall well I got it without cast in the process if that was even possible get it oh I can just 17 range cannon galleons we need to get that found out we need to get that I will do - nothing we need to get that pond out out can you hear me we need that pond all the ponds if you get that point we already burned again I need to make 17 range cannon galleons you found your new purpose in life did I ever be the population they deserve to be needs things no actually here full economy just doesn't sound like a good thing slow we were over be the police will do soon and ranges producing and slowly climb on the other side in trapping well I go for scams right what else does Tamriel thinking it does but not as much as it helps cross for archers but robbing helps care postman not alone is great the Balkans attachment keeps reading the King man let him read by name a population smell I'm done fighting the choice will get upon them or now I've been shot now it's not funny anymore you wanna lose as well no didn't think so I'm going oh man what do they place the cast is there I can hit everything from the side my skills are dying I have full of grace my ships already we need to get that bomb we want to make two quick polish come save me stop my crank Josh he's my wingman it looks like he's my crane spore is still really close down and then there's no more gas as well as we make proper units and then we're dead don't kill the cows show you have enough Rangers I think we needed more I should be loving exactly 11 is a lot I'm full population all the time god save my you're doing good jumping me shipped my towers to nominate like that that's what I'm oh that's a lot of villagers going there man where oh yes but it's big easy money master ever any doubt back in the trips tailgate strips know no one telephone I take pictures no no thank you about detection a go suck a bit of extra gold if Ania oh you need extra gold like I said no no believe it or not I'm not making world units oh really here a little bit about here I'm actually fine actually actually gold units attached in his mouth could make sense next thing well Jennifer - he's killing all my cannons man Michael oh yeah units reducing that tops war anymore oh I'm buying what I'm buying good I know why are you putting squirms in my house man all the how can we try that thing put a hand Kevyn Orr's into my towers it's what you toss only toodles I think so but said no to this game all top scores back that works for all thieves let me make you let's do the first time dropping into your streams I tried to save you every time cannibal so nice to see you ma'am you the man mister man much love and tell taught him naming my next dog after him okay Thank You blaze sorry right now clean those balls what you have in your seafood shops surprise I feel like something there could commit I think it's so yeah where are you where are you okay right you see yes it's [ __ ] no that was a bomb behind oh no it is too I think it is too many cannons simulant how I didn't know what I was thinking it's do two things 1 - oh it's to see quite hyped about the game you play for living last 20 years I haven't played for 20 years - sued ok can you release your seasonal shots already why is my trade cars running through here so what are actually making you know we're dying [ __ ] now I'm not sure well I have had units you think your population you're only making bomber cannons you really have to make other unit other unit in no units all units in my cannons man we take those we kept double cannons so what are you actually making those do I have to destroy one to find out no I will well I need this he was in there I want to see what's in there see all the killing for the chain what do you propose well camera silent on oh my god what you can do with us well now defect land wasn't to defend with those with now it is only had they had a trash unit that counters elephants I shared it but they have a trash of a lie as well look at your allies score compared to yours because you're not closing unit because you don't have them let's go Rams oh you're actually serious I am making elite Janissaries to put in my towers to get super towers just say you're very close our ten dollars are looking better they're 10 bucks for salty he opened the wall that you Rams annoying it's better for damages oh he's going back escape he scared don't have enough trade 91 mmm it's cutting man yes amateurs it's on the chairs you will cut man you never let them cut okey counter-attack counter-attack they are out of the steam now Oh faster Mongo's at one point of the game I think we need to delete every single village on the wall let's go we take those you're making chiropractor everything within $20 man for Serbia death like 200 oh let me shoot in there [Music] losing my denounced OPSEC or illusions what get that phone start making bomb but outside on CNN I need those that this country is [ __ ] Austria I need to have that push back has begun need more seasoned up always cooking up order more it's almost like he thinks you can kill our army let's go for my camera both elephant arches man I don't die where my drums may be issues come on well to refer they're quite proficient unit monks they keep my wheels safe now man how long have you been trying to kill those few elephants there but leaving yes I mean I killed cat oh [ __ ] they're like oh okay fast forward to game crashing yeah Oh fast forwarding so okay that's not my micro it was fast forward I haven't I mean I've been playing at normal speed here I haven't noticed anything different about you Micro now we need Rams or something you count drums easily I do actually and those elephant arches man the help they bother me like they neither imagine if they weren't building all true there see John is let me make a tower on the pill can get this bomb but I mean ramps ramps nothing we just see the thing that's Lake Austin true true the lake I forgot about that and ready still I did full of Fritz let's get the castle you get the cast yes yes can we take those finally progress man in a while maybe we should capture the middle and like the song here a look at the population it's like circus man hotel doing some tricks we're getting the hill we are getting the hill and look at Elephant Man can I guess in the mysteries in my powers why not look and get extra balls takes more than that place you're getting the surgery not a castle down he cannot produce more health uncles oh man why are you putting dog because if I do it you cannot I don't know maybe I'm thinking Robert but I have cool water you missed out my cool as well fire galleys Beasley don't shoot where the elephants are no more elephant's look at that small folding rabbit I don't want to kill him oh my god oh wait if I don't build but just was the foundation can I kill the foundation camels you wait now this is gonna be Boris 17 range let's go I gave you them I'll give you them home I block you me so he can turn I can you upgrade those demos maybe forget another talk to Ivan I could that could be fair but can is alone cannon galleons long don't feel they're doing you know they're doing a lot keeping founder the dying yes count against the other phone oh yes any three plays giving so much closer only Turks got heavy bombers man I do here Kelly demos what they think of dogs I used to give up we're losing the score more and more Akamai like this and this demo suck and the best thing about this game is I will order 1000 gallons and I go beer back everyone thought stream you want to watch gameplay actually happening it's not a nice stream on Twitch call the witch to beat the Viper in that stream you actually have the streamer present playing so I'm just saying if that's your thing kind of thing right where you watch where you watched your steamer play you don't want to welcome over on my channel just and it's throwing that out there and to to do one man how's it looking it's looking great how many of you receive news how many of us how many of us did you lose I got you you were selling out I guess I wouldn't do that I know I know man you have unis or something feels like I do not right I shook your scones manager we cut I don't get a waiter who is bragging now okay left me yes actually I don't have too much it either don't over time man I'll take your bet it feels why didn't you just buy food every trace top score we're losing when it feels like we're missing vendor we're getting so many kills well you can pump or power you just face the same don't making okay may have too many home chemistry oh look at the job so your mission me miss Mitchell I am me children no you're killing my Janissaries man I kill everything I can tell now call me a dork feel okay doubt cutter cutter and then there we have powers and things can he like ships cure no I cannot I cannot you can but not really well you can you just need to click correctly how do I call it correctly that's the new issue for many years man named Mary many years IQ 55 Jade cards in the human world I was already saying elephants in trade in my jet the elephants not just no elephants in a tree it's my voice chat right but there are elephants in your trade and a guy in chat says there are no elephant in our trade what are you talking about these villages here oh we're not gonna do towers or something I don't have many bills alive why are they not pushing still what are they doing they're planning something nice nice we like we told this unit you're gonna kill her back and you just kill it like what do you have a seat bookshop there out of all the places you have one there I think you have a bomb account there from all the place [ __ ] man did it stop playing like do you feel so fast and maybe they drop oh they're cutting there man [Music] Danny said wait we kill there you know me do the quiet don't do shoot me why disturb Langley they don't stop they just don't know how to deal with this man yeah the killing I'm trying to split my units cuz I know is you're gonna do against me they're all in the same team here no Stephen wallet if they don't elite market think about the leading trade cards to get more pop not sure that's the way you don't walk why why are you wanting them leave it open give me the gate just man Vic amongst well you just built the lumber camp there I'm sure he they know all the Eagles are coming the Eagles are coming Michael you want you to roll or not well I guess how do we take control back Oh more what was good now actually get back on Elizabeth they don't think about that that's the key here maybe they don't know look at them evolve in the game all you need is vanwall how they win the games mega watt [Music] but scopes are vulnerable to answers no homey note since well it's best so if they cannot kill it if they'll get one mangled all the trade is running through the middle the score I stand them to you oh he doesn't like ez game ez game start to the end nice core thank you that you - I mean you won't lower score in the game yeah and I wanna kill you not so good but you don't get points when you did seven game also this should give out ten key points just as well okay okay it is fourteen puntos hobo to play with or gonna get that KD hideout look at the Mikey D I am better score happened with intricate 188 I don't reveals well to be fair most of those betray cards it's slightly better than we're taking the other towers three hours okay
Channel: TheViper
Views: 163,905
Rating: 4.9113617 out of 5
Id: cvRWq4a2fXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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