Arena Showmatch vs Modri | Best of 7

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okay i'll repeat quickly it's a it's a best of seven arena show match where we're gonna do global ban of two sieves each so it'll be four sieves that cannot be picked by either player and then after that we're going to draft how many is it seven eight eight sieves each uh for the seven game arena show match it's only arena yes it's a clown show match pretty much see ben's britons what they to ban here ben teutons he likes that it's bank humans bounces back how they move control icons there are youtube videos on that but you can also if you want to have the same position as i do just search for the viper control groups on the mod center you guys know if they sell the gl t-shirts uh they don't sell them i'm not sure if they sell them at the moment but i will do some giveaways for gl shorts during the german championship this coming weekend okay clicked malay let me see what's actually good on arena he what are the good seas for arena i've forgotten arena man uh keep in mind this is current balance turks are banned i'm gonna go vietnamese first i'm thinking about aztecs but i actually don't really like to play sticks that much in arena terrors aren't as broken anymore burmese are always cool pranks are good oh franks uh debbie is casting and she asked me if i can pick frank's so i have to have to satisfy my lady aztecs byzantines full clown service oh boy scary scary stuff um portuguese are free mud cover miss test out the aramba although they're probably not good anymore ethiopians lithuanians aren't that great though i mean they're pretty good still but i think i'm happy picking all the serves over lithuanians for now let's do italians because they have their they have the ballistic uh the university detects cheaper now as well right cheaper university detects interesting uh usually where the actually i looked for my clown hair i couldn't find my clown wig unfortunately we don't have a clown clown uh anything clowny here at the moment i see my dude but yeah they have doubt on the front page of jail website why wouldn't they because we took the things now i should have probably gone lithuanians they're such a good sips but i'll see if i also wanted italians for myself [Music] right now my draft isn't looking amazing but it is what it is do i still pick tatters here i'm just still pretty good right oh gunpowder is supposed to be better now right let's go for some spanish what else is cool these days james thanks for the gift sub lam 219 thanks for two months fab plotto with the three james cheers for bits as well hello seven thanks for the seven months thank you for the four months as well hans you drunk goth hey we're not playing with the new sims i might do slabs honestly they're a bit awkward against certain ships but overall still a good sip [Music] uh ksc flow thanks for eight months seductive organ thanks for the seven oh yeah portuguese are still there what am i doing what am i doing with my life japanese maggers bulgarians chinese is the best snow and not necessarily for just took arena though bulgarians they're awkward though transitionally to early imp not sure if i would like them there yo admiral salman thanks for eight months shout out to viper who is my actual dad oh boy yeah he took burmese he has a lot of he has a lot of arena sets let's just put it like that i mean i have arena seals as well so it's all good i might do vikings here won't stay with really good eco sars is an option koreans they haven't really had any balance changes do i go tatters convert on a bomber cannon so they're very awkward now in imp i'm thinking vikings malians are there i mean koreans aren't bad we do go koreans kelstra still free chinese japanese right now i'm thinking about koreans or vikings or tatters let's go koreans look at twitch chat thinking you guys have a say in what i do if you guys get to decide anything clubs pick goth a pig pig kale it's chinese why no chinese they don't have bomber cannon and they're a bit awkward to play an arena i would say this is too small let's go like this i'm on the right side obviously he's on the left side so what was his he took commercial lesson so we have vietnamese franks ethiopians italian spanish slavs maggots koreans against aztecs byzantines lithuanians burmese portuguese incas comer i do feel all right about my sips it's not too bad it's a modular one draft potentially i mean i i forced i think i picked italians too soon because i want to try the new gunpowder but this with this air yes ready i'm going to open with frank's wait i should play orange as well just for for for the first game frank's in orange eriksson thanks again for the five euro you went from malay hmm [Music] i'm not sure how i feel about this match as a whole thanks against malay probably prefer probably prefer malay but then again what sieves do you not prefer malay over these days on arena gamer they missed click already in killa pablo thanks for five months [Applause] stone in the back gold a little bit to the side berries another gold to the front seems all right by orange pranks uh it's debbie debbie's my girlfriend and it's her favorite color and in the game so it's more of a homage to her thanks for all the confidence my favorite map this is her valentine's gift early valentine's gift is this romantic or not huh i'll tell you what shitty gift to be honest i know man i know it's the thought that counts and if she doesn't appreciate this then i don't know danny bonito thanks for 13 months freedom sponsor thanks for six [Applause] so i'm guessing he will play scouts and compete for relics at least that will be my guess i will also go stable and try to compete for relics i think just cannot justify giving up relics ever you know not really these days people are too good at making sure they don't die these days so whenever you give up relax you're usually in quite a big treble hi i'm from argentina oh hello i am from norway currently living in germany is modern viewed as the best arena player these days like best arena clown help the sponsor to cast [ __ ] can you elaborate is there something wrong is the is roxy not able to cast is roxy in the game guys oh she cannot find the game how about not calling me an [ __ ] though dude that's not nice of you um let me send her a message with the quote to the game i will start sending her the code every time she got it oh okay okay yes all right then on we go she has a space before number okay [Music] for 30 months castle drop his face that's not nice extraordinary thing is we'll see she asked me to make at least three so uh i'm just gonna wait inside actually in case he does like a really fast fuel and all the shooting the bore kind of thing like this happened or came in recent years it's not always been a thing okay i don't need to get someone to leave this town center this is not one of those matches i'm afraid i cannot see the villagers they don't have a outline you see that there's two villages behind there but there's no outline i cannot actually see that i have villagers behind there that is quite confusing oh gee it doesn't change anything there's just no outline for these two wheels should not be like that it's got for relics man there's plenty of time i rather wait until i have the hp bonus you know i'll be better off like that thanks for the two and five months until there five months grass good awesome thank you very much [Music] it's good 9188 thank you for the prime [Music] film brick thank you for the six months let me just go offline on twitch here i want to see those pop-ups you guys can't see them but i do so i'm gonna open stable with the stable with monk just try to find some for alex and all the usual can't scan the aggression anymore that is true that is true that's something that changes quite a bit about the game actually so plan for this matchup against malaya i'm probably just going to play fairly standard see how it work how it plays out try to get some relics take it from there like he could be going fast in anything pretty much so i'm very open to the fact that there might be uh there might be clown strategies coming my way and they will be very hard to stop with frank's but yeah we take the risk don't have too many options yeah there's no outline for this sheep either here there's an outline wait what you see that here there is no outline but here there is an outline behind the building that is so that's doesn't feel right take the relics man [Music] okay [Music] looks like we're about to have a party here i wonder if this is is this no this is stable i don't think it's a monk crush it's probably just i'm trying to time this so i don't do these farms before before castle edge because i want horse color pretty much i'm not versatile heavy plow it's the word i want that's a lot of spears [Music] that's good [Applause] [Music] i still got a really good value here [Music] very happy with the trade so far no he will have monks on the field very shortly there's one on the outside already it's going for this relic [Music] get them [Music] i'm not sure still how to actually what i should focus on there i think what we're doing so far is fine what i lost at night [Music] what's wrong with this dude oh i went why did i do that i got too greedy all right it's all good we still have a favorable what is wrong with this monk why does this monk not go inside my base can someone tell me [Music] okay at least i want three relics right so we need one more to be happy with the trade [Applause] i don't see any monks right now [Applause] still all the remaining am i really going to lose don't tell me oh my god i lost a i lost okay there should be a monk there yep [Music] move i don't think it did [Music] i can get some juicy conversions here on the spears i surely have a good chance getting even more relics than i am advocating for looks fairly solid i must say we should get all your main relics is there a serial shop i think it might be [Music] right [Music] okay okay now the question is about late game composition i think i might go even paladin throwing x-men extremely expensive but i think he may have clicked no i shouldn't have clicked up i just think i should click up now he has the fifth i think i shouldn't be too bad off economically okay i'm playing orange this game in homage to debbie it's because i'm frank's and orange which is her colors pretty much do i go forward castles here seems extremely risky okay i can justify that i don't like how all the gold is pretty much on his side of the map it can make late game quite difficult for me like all the gold is his direction i could try and secure that but still it's so far away from my base probably have a similar he should probably still even be faster than me because of the uptime bonus it's a castle i see a pikeman i'm gonna switch to pikeman throwing [Applause] axemen as well maybe my current plant okay because i'm expecting some early pressure which means it would be good for you to [Music] because i might lose castles that's what i'm trying to say that's why i think it's good for you to i'm gonna engage soon though as soon as i have a few more units out i will engage here manager [Music] something like that [Music] he is evacuating now let's not bring these guys in then not yet i don't think i'll be able to take out his traps here do they'll damage output so the biggest issue we have right now is we call an issue that we don't have the map control for goals get up there i might even mix in still has very poor upgrades i think i might even mix some scrums just to trade well [Music] see bringing traps again sea job please see job nice one more shot nice one trebuchet for free oh we actually wore that in [Music] oh [Music] so i'm giving up a little bit of control and let's try to sneakily take some resources here it's nice though don't kill my own knights yeah [Music] could be worse though i do have to remember for myself that i always actually walk in the wrong angle there you have to remember that i also have um [Music] i do have four relics i don't i don't have to force an issue anywhere instead we're trading great everywhere three traps i'll take him oh don't you dare not get that trap i'll tell ya [Music] [Applause] um why does it not shoot come closer come closer yes oh another free this is very sloppy for me losing so many units i feel very comfortable i still feel very comfortable about this situation here guys we're gonna make two traps here to try and take this out or what but i will still just diving on my he's just diving i don't think that's a good idea for him yeah i don't think that's worth it for him might lose this send in the cavalry [Music] we're also raiding him in this place doesn't look like he has noticed first game of the day for him potentially let's replace that one this is not an effective trade for me i'm just gonna go back until i have siege this castle is now gone i could just use these to raid this eco event that's a waste [Music] old coffee not good yeah we should be in a pretty commanding position um which says the most beautiful castle is on your opinion i'm not sure [Music] uh pookie things for 54 months kutamo thanks for the prime banhammer and thanks for 3. keeping up with these streams lately has been great content thanks for having me you're welcome yes bronger 33 things for seven months but the game doesn't feel like it's running at maximum speed if that makes sense that could explain that he is having issues with the uh wasting traps are pretty tanky [Music] like the units feel like they're running slow right i'm sure you guys can see it as well i'm not sure if he's noticing that i'm raiding him from the top side [Music] okay yeah we lost our castle should be great news for us we're still being annoying there [Music] uh franks don't have the greatest skirms though so i'd rather just stick with a consistently strong unit composition i will still trade well enough given the circumstances against obelisk so it isn't it isn't too bad [Music] it's fine we're still taking a lot of extra stories maybe it's time to mix some [Music] thank ramps [Music] actually we can probably just push his cast there i think at some point i might be forced into mixing mixing in scrum store just as meat shield really but that time has not come yet [Music] it's the prize money there is prize money i don't remember exactly how much it was i don't remember the exact amount [Music] but uh yeah well i went pretty well from from few castle engagements early on until late game i think it was pretty pretty it went pretty well this like this is one of the compositions that are awkward to deal with though for frank's halberdier arbalest i could have potentially mixed in anger as well but then again he has bomber cannons he was lacking the last armor upgrade for archer still this was open now as well so he would start raiding his eagle doesn't look that strong did you play frank's because you were coaxed maybe uh flabby that explains for the five again high flying action thanks for prime squid 9188 thank you for the sub welcome to the channel i wanted to wear the clown costume i couldn't find my my wig i'm not sure where it is maybe debbie threw it away it's just too ugly [Music] bob thanks for the five months good luck love seeing the throwing axe thingies awesome elmore bills at the villager high but then again one third is you don't really need more girls than that yeah four to one relics went pretty well i think also economically we probably caught up quite fast here they are the fourth town center as well so we probably had a good position now yes we're going boys we're going incas poggers 2v1 [Music] debbie's team i'm going to be playing as debbie's team the whole time i never thought i would have a proper show much against my own girlfriend got it that's what it is hey back backstone that gold pretty solid still obviously don't know exactly what he's up to or what he's gonna do but yeah i have a really solid plan in mind for what to do with ethiopians down [Music] homer freezes sounds 2-0 not sure if she's still in the game do i see anyone resigning when she resigns or if she resigns i'm not sure uh my game plan is i'm gonna let him have all the relics um it might sound risky but the game plan is to do like fast castle really fast [Applause] you get three tc's and then stop making wheels at like 60 wheels with can cart and then go to imp get map control with early orbitalist rob castles trebuchets and then if he goes eagles to deal with my arm list i can switch to shuttles that's the game plan glad you like it nico actually i don't know if you like it you just say it sounds like a plan does it sound like a good plan fair enough me [Music] what's the price pool i honestly don't remember there is a there is a decent sized prize pool a few hundred bucks i think i don't remember though the kern thanks for the six months it's an an increasing price pool from contributions i reckon you have a really good map for what i want to do as well here but then you have to keep in mind that he's incas so obviously if he goes for any yolo forward tile rush shenanigans that does change how we can play the game you can add to price point by donating to roxy stream okay gotcha leon thanks for gifting us up to a killer machine can i go 23.00 [Music] for that [Music] name [Music] there [Applause] is still don't know what he's doing right have you seen because you always think villager russian and such but obviously yes he doesn't have to do that oh foreign guessing his eagle is hiding right now it wouldn't make sense for him to be out on the map you know what i'm starting to wonder if this could be like siege tower eagle warriors play it should hit at a time like he could easily drop like send five eagles with two villagers two three villagers in then you can drop a sea workshop and do like big pressure from inside so i'm almost thinking about pre-walling my base a little bit here sounds like a clown strategy it's not too much to wall either and it would be rather safe than sorry right but then again it feels stupid if he's not doing that i think i'll do theses first and adapt i also don't have gold so i don't have a loon so if he does that there's a lot of potential for damage i think i have an easy enough wall that i can always scout if it's coming yeah i can get them now a little bit later forget your name double barracks this double bags to control the middle or the double barrel bags to do siege tower [Music] looks like siege tower to me it could also not be siege tower and just be let's do that one safe oh that was a waste is [Music] stones okay i think we're in a pretty good spot like this oh this is definitely a push that is not going to stop i'll tell you that but i'm about to drop a castle so is there anywhere he could see each tower up here at the moment i think i'm just gonna drop force the castle up right away i'm not sure if he could see tower drop inside event got them it feels like his pressure is dead right we're done so question now is do i switch do i go arble still or do i go rather go shuffles now right away that is the question i know shuttles eat eagles but you have to keep mine as well that he is probably expecting shuttles now which means he might be preparing slingers that then again counter slingers counter shuttles pretty nicely shouldn't have eco for stingers which might be accurate but i think since he knows that or expects shuttles now i think the only logical thing for him to do is to try and go with slingers to deal with it he could also try a fast imperial age follow-up you have redemption i don't there's no way he hasn't clicked up come on i'm missing just a little bit of resources i think so he's going imp now he will try to get a few elite eagles out there is of course a chance that [Music] that was too many eagles for me to ignore he's dropping a castle to try and trap me down [Music] which makes sense i'll drop another cast i mean i did have a really perfect map for this to be honest to deal with this that is but that's where i think he might do redemption got a good map to make up for all the hassle fair enough yeah like i i don't he's doing like a desperate attempt here i don't see any chance of him winning here unless i completely mess up which you cannot rule out um yeah we should be in a pretty good spot we have double casted production as well yeah he calls it he knows it's over like i have shortly a county unit i have university i'm gonna do chemistry so i got bomber cannon and i double casted production against his single castle throw production and again our counter units and look this is the clown economy uh leon thanks for the gifts of earlier indeed nice fun game i mean not too much happen it was kind of just well we did good we scouted well like we had an idea of what he was doing and we scouted it to confirm it and reacted accordingly with the good map we had so it it was a pretty straightforward game yes 36 was right i didn't think madre was such a clown like when we talk clowns guy don't don't take it in any offensive manner clowns is what we call arena players for some reason i'm not trying to call him a clown like that it's just i didn't think he was as much of an arena player as the others i thought he tended to go for less all-in-strategies but uh so far that's not necessarily the case so these are the sieves now if he opens frank's one for us he lost with melanin because he still has aztecs byzantines hermes there's some really arena that's some proper arena sales as well i will i will probably pick koreans if if we get there slashing is burmese is he gonna go clown strategy or is it gonna go around by though it's the question like you can go he has 50 discount on monastery upgrades so clown strategy is not necessarily off the charts or off the table your dad ever joined the team he was part of one of my streams uh a while back i'm sure he will be involved at some point again i'm sure he will take part two sheep there mulder is one trick pony i don't think so like i've seen him do really impressive games with twothings for example with like ch albert airplay i don't think he's and also with frank's i don't think he's a one-trick pony how's the map this time back gold the map is definitely worse this time but we do have one back gold dad must be proud of you for carrying on the legacy what legacy doesn't shouldn't my dad have been good at age to carry on a legacy why is that being a team can someone explain uh we're having an issue where mother is not able to pick or choose his civilization he's having a bug on his game so therefore we need a third party to join and pick the sieve for him in co-op which in return like after she picks the sit for him and the game started she leaves and she has to be above him which is which is why it shows her name in the scoreboard now and she has to be above him to get priority on the civic and that's why it's like this you know just the things i almost didn't uh it it very much depends on how the game plays out but um it's unlikely because they're so expensive they cost 50 gold a piece is the dad watch your streams viper he does warrior thousands starcraft 2 great game i had a lot of fun playing it yes no food please yes [Music] because sending food i mean he did ask right would you go boy ours they don't really make sense in one one they're too gold expensive four on one can i push them even closer be scared of villagers that works hello we'll see if that's what he's going for obviously since we're back on the old patch the aramba are do have quite a good damage output but um i feel like he's more likely to do mock rush honestly that's my feelings at the moment actually there's a little bit of a problem that my stone is so exposed in case he goes for that around by play trying to make up in my mind how i would counter it if he goes for it i probably would just go monk skirms honestly do you miss the google days now is not really a thing against a rambo we'll actually use the front goal so i have more back gold saved up in case i'm actually gonna need it about something similar to doubt versus italy like viper versus the clowns king is the peasants i mean i will be open for that i'm not sure if they are though that's a really fast fuel age it could be you know what i feel like if i have to guess what he's going to do right now my guess is going to go fast feudalist he's going to sell his this stone and then fast castle obviously and it's gonna be a super old english monk rush with spearman and a lot of monks well i'm not scouting because he's futile edge his scout has more attack output than my scout so i would be losing my scout if i did that is what i'm feeling right now that he's doing but i'm right it's a different story so i will drop a stable and a market the reason i'm dropping the market is because i want to check the market price for for stone to see if he has sold because that will explain his strategy in that case all right uh how the hell did we do that [Music] this i think i cannot justify going theses here this is going to be so all in cavacher is on this patch with slabs and no thank you sir i'm gonna go light cab spearmint monk defense pretty much and kind of just hope to outnumber because [Applause] uh give me mobility oh [Music] that is a lot of monks my man he hasn't included any any hikes yet [Music] so please i think that was a pretty nice start it does have one monk running around here [Music] oh it's still scary because he has [Music] need to go triple stable honestly don't see the point of investing into anything else besides hard counter units at the moment [Music] i'll take those i think at this point i can even start thinking about i think i can even start thinking about um thesis [Music] and that's game your clown strats have no power here now he has four relics still but economy-wise he should not be in a very good spot so [Music] oh that was open for a second there how many monks know what he's not done he is not done he is pretty much at the point where it's like well it didn't work so far so i'm gonna double down and try it even more that's the point he is at right now [Music] i think i'm happy with two pcs for now we'll drop a castle i didn't add pikes he was going super low eco all in which if you get caught off guard by it uh you die it's pretty straight forward but in this case i kind of prepared for this from dark age right i prepared in dark age to play against this so count now he's down to that pikeman he hard counted pretty fast [Music] can you keep those in the background uh bloodlines doesn't help here because like i don't need him [Music] to uh like if he converts my light cap he will have extra hp on his on his units then right and we don't want that i'm adding a second barracks now so he's finally starting to focus more on the piping switch i think i will add one more town center and then i can still produce i have a surplus of food it will survive against spikes longer but until he has a significant amount of pikes i won't do bloodlands [Music] like he's not also going to be nowhere near imperial age with this and i also have university to be able to do guard tower defense if that isn't gonna be necessary so yeah we're not very comfortable situation i guarantee you if we look at his economy after this you're gonna game i might even go info on this thing he's probably gonna switch to this angle yeah let's go in i can also switch to for example champions do i have heresy i think i should right we have faith not heresy we might even be tempted to do faith it's really expensive but considering his army comp [Music] i could even sneak and make siege or some petard around the side to take his to break through his wall and then try to four monasteries even holy boy and try to raid his eco but then again i feel like i'm investing a lot not a lot i'm investing into countering a non-existent eco he just clicked imp as well not long ago i'm gonna do a light kill now uh legio x roma thanks for the host steak aoe things for 26 months i think even playing skirms makes sense for me more purely nonsensical like just hey what makes sense to make right now i think skirmishes would be a good choice to trade effectively i'm going to do faith though faith and then hosts are and then probably force the fight before he gets too many i don't need this [Music] yes [Music] i'm not sure when when's the right time to engage here he's gonna have really good upgrades on his pipeline since his burmese right it's going to help soon [Music] time to make a text switch like the longer it goes the better my eco is right but also the more of a potential winning fight he gets because of his army but i would still argue that i should be favored okay open oh it's gonna open my opinion it's gonna open okay it's actually well done in case i would do anything that's actually bad for me now never [Music] thought [Music] that was a really bad trade for me can i afford drastina [Music] this is not a good way to engage i'm just gonna try and clean as many monks as possible [Music] don't even know if i cleaned any [Music] run hmm that was definitely stupid for me to take those fights so soon but here's what it is i think i'm just gonna have to go for it oh not like this [Music] should be a good fight for us in the end i think faith was definitely an upgrade we had to do man the sounds my ears are exploding imagine if i had the hustler with that fight instead of wasting them in their previous fight that would have helped [Music] yeah i mean if you're an ai you could maybe micro that to the point where you take a good trade but as a human mind bring that that'd be tough [Music] without faith [Music] [Music] don't even make me think in that [Music] direction [Music] having faith [Music] therefore as well yeah like his conversion times are just taking so long all right another clown strategy hard countered and he has four relics but still clown eco it's certainly a dangerous strategy to play against though right like if i don't imagine i go stable blacksmith i will not be able to identify that he has sold his stone then i probably will add one and two town centers even like if i literally if i go for any other strategy i think i die to this but you have to go like just one tc yourself and go hard counter because if he gets to build up earlier then it gets really ugly shall check food price we can still do that can't we buy 173 quite expensive sell 93. that was fun reading i think by hustler as well like i was hoping to just like dwindle down the monk count a little bit but i should have thought about i mean in hindsight it's easy to say as well right but he has burmese habiters which have extra attack it was not it was stupid by me to actually go for the hussar just to try and snipe up monks i should have kept them for the main fight nate r thanks for the sub but i mean it worked out anyway yeah so this will be a rough one most likely but i will have vietnamese now against something that is not aztecs which is nice for me 30 well hello thanks for two months chat baited you screw your chat observing uh she's she's leaving as soon as we get into the game audrey has a bug where he cannot choose a sieve so we have to uh we have to be creative taurus queen's towers well you still get guard for free super nice you still don't have the extra range anymore you have to research that they're not as op as they used to be this year maybe for streaming i wouldn't know what single player games to expect honestly i don't know what single player games are coming out well this is not where i wanted you to run ibex war wagons counter eagles [Music] and castleage maybe i'm not sure how i'm going to be able to compete for relics in this game or if i can compete for alex it's rather unlikely that competing for relics will bring much success at the same time i feel like if i don't i'm writing my own death note anyway [Applause] it's taurus really a thing just full boom the thing is you get countered in the trill age as well [Applause] this was the new patch i would honestly consider it but since we're on the old patch probably better or not the thing is allenger gets countered by his imperial age monks so while andre on paper probably sounds like a good unit against aztecs but he has 70 80 90 hp monks that can convert your honors you don't feel so sharp anymore look at my map as well hold both goals forward and stone sort of forward not the best map here against potential clown pressure for water turtle ships that sounds like but guys how is game volume is the game problem too loud if you look at some points it's probably gonna be too loud for you guys you're gonna have to tell me if if that's the case like when when late game happens and a lot of sounds happen don't my don't the game sound actually drown out my voice a little bit apart from when there's a million monks gotcha it's too high a little bit yeah let's do this 24 20 should be slightly better well still honestly i think i might end up just doing stable opening and play some scouts scouts into monster try to get a relic or two i mean i have two relics very close to my walls so i could potentially try to fight a little bit for the relics you might not expect that since i'm it's an koreans battle anyway so i'm thinking might as well take some risks is not worth it walls are weak these days i mean stonewalls would maybe be worth it but i don't think it's worth it first was a lot of villager idol time it's also stone cost he just needs one ram and he gets those relics anyway but in time well i have sacrificed a lot of economy to do that try to go for some scouts it's all patched though doesn't change the walls are still the same only a change for walls with the new patch was dark hp nothing else has changed with uh there's about 24 pop so this is a fast castle wondering if i should do a market again to see if he i think i go stay uh blacksmith this time i might have used for that for towers and such touching and such i mean you don't have stone walls in dark age pretty much unless it's arena right and actually i'm not sure if walls are weaker in arena and dark age compared with the new patch actually i don't know that [Music] i almost built two farms without horse color there right what's your thoughts on t90 as a noob whenever he uploads like low eel legend i think he's uploading his own gameplay and then it's like other games i don't really know what else that's why he's doing that i feel like i'm being uh what's it called it's clickbait right you expect something and then it's just something else you get quite disappointed still no sign of his what is doing i don't have more blacksmith now at market slightly regret not doing the market there's the castle age still don't see any units fine this looks like monsters should be double monastery so i'll try to grab at least the two closest relics just want to confirm those monasteries please [Music] he hasn't showed his starting eagle either right oh this relic just got picked up i might actually get away with three relics here should i be greedy and even go for this one [Music] oh okay i'm being stupid now i don't even know where his eagle is yet i don't think he expected scouts [Music] get in yeah i cannot be greedy no he's gonna be able to out heal my damage output now okay you better run fast i actually got i think i will get a relic advantage against aztecs cannot believe it [Music] um all right how do we secure this [Music] i think switching the focus there was necessary i switched from the scout to the eagle to try and get a conversion didn't see any extra thesis from them either i also have enough stone now to defend any type of castle pressure i got three relics i don't think he expected scouts from koreans i think that's the biggest difference here i just kind of want to confirm if there's anything coming forward [Music] we don't have heresy you can chase that guy forever um i'm planning late game comp now i also think maybe war wagons isn't too bad an idea you just have a little skirmish though but map control is potentially going to be a real nuisance for me so he has villages on the map has made outposts confirmed he's taking a lot of stones for a ford castle so my guess is he's gonna go imp trap monk so much what do i even make what do we even make here [Music] i'm kind of just improvising here don't know where this is heading see what you did there oh i have no idea how this is going to play out zero clue i'm gonna have a trap war here i will have double castle that's good for me besides that i have no idea how this is going to play out [Music] it's going for eagles yes elite eagles all right arch come come [Music] not sure how to do that i think he should honestly i think he should focus my my walls so his eagles can come in i think that's what would be the best strategy for him if we are being trying to be helpful for him i kind of wish i went for it's still standing repair it's still standing all right that went pretty well this initial pressure is off it doesn't change too much though it's still going to be a tough game you just have a decent opening to imperilage trust me we're still in a very rough spot sieve matchup wise for late game toyota outside [Music] foreign thank you [Music] do i have to do faith again i feel stupid to do it again here i don't i don't even know if i can afford it [Music] look how bad they are they don't aim they don't hit anything i think with a new patch he would have lost every eagle warrior there is this on here it's another castle [Music] what i wanted to see there [Music] she this castle is probably going down as fast as it came up but i will get rid of all the monks well most of the monks anyway um feels rough the rough part is more dealing with the rams than anything else yes but there's also likely a lot more where that came from [Music] don't really have much control [Music] like in a standing army i think i will have a better arm than him soon [Music] but what happens when he mixes in at little skirms for example i mean i still have full upgrades on my light cavalry so that is still nice i need to pressure this goal though cannot allow him to just take it freely i mean unless he mixes an omg or something i could possibly still take pretty good trades here yeah he's preparing for little skirms she such a tricky situation i think i should try to force fights as soon as possible i think that should be my goal there's that that skirms whose tables do i have two that's not the best of upgrades looks like there's herbal medicine actually she actually doesn't have lipsticks this should be a very good fight for us i don't know why he's taking that all right [Music] yes looks good the gunpowder units weren't that bad after all oh they were still pretty bad [Music] uh yeah this this pretty much worked out better than i could have hoped for right koreans best arena sib yeah why did you go thumb ring it still helps some skirms for 100 accuracy on still standing units to my knowledge i could be wrong there actually that could be a mistake what i said there but i think it helps them still about for 100 accuracy on units that stand still correct me if i'm wrong i think i think i think it's still the case for skirms as well so like so thundering gives faster fire rate and gives you 100 accuracy right on units that stands still but it doesn't give skirms faster fire rate but it does give skirms more accuracy is what i think i know and i i seem to be getting uh confirmations on that so yeah all right so that went pretty well i think we did a good job at reading and countering these arena clown strategies so we're happy with that i know it ended up being a short series with the 4-0 but in the end i still think it was a a good showcase for strategy on arena anyway ultimate clown feels bad man doesn't ballistics also give one of his accuracy okay so you have to differentiate ballistics is 100 accuracy on moving targets thumb ring does not affect moving targets thumb ring affects still standing units winners interview all right why not oh i unlocked the challenge and what does it say deb's team will not moderate because debbie needed to pick the save for him because he had a bug with aj empires that didn't allow him to change his civilization yeah 8k more gold but yeah we we just trade way better there even though he has one relic less you see how small difference is due to the aztec relic bonus will you continue to stream yes i will this was shorter than anticipated so i will definitely continue to play a couple hours oh boy hera's going to be there as well guys give me some good burns for her hair loss to mother right i'm going to update the game in the background to the current patch by the way so we can jump over there and play uh dlc no betas get out of there no betas update the game let's go you know doubting tattoo has a thing happening hello hello hello hello congratulations and another 4-0 thank you very proud right so hero lost to molly right that's why i'm playing him yes yeah imagine imagine the level of error thanks i just wanted to confirm that i the first thing you mentioned very very nicely all right hera what questions do you have for a viper other than why he's better than you in every single possible way which has completely already been answered and out of the way so um we can search by like each game but actually i'm actually inviting hell up he's alright with being an interesting coming okay so first uh first game should i start oh maybe away from audrey yeah it's his journey right now okay that's like one question best interview so far yeah of course hello all right hello i'm audrey hello okay so i'll start with my first question so game one i wanted to ask this question is actually going to be to mandri um so you're playing as malay and you actually opted for a more boomy approach against frank's i was speculating about some sort of fast imperial age play with some like mini boom into forward castle and kind of end it with monks and trebs is this something you considered or you didn't want to go for it with that matchup well the problem with pranks is that frank's have heresy and their eco is really smooth for the like heavy light cave play and also they have cheaper castles so they can usually out trap you even if you're one or two minutes faster imp and it's really not the best if to to go like evil and crash against in my opinion so like i felt just help bbc and then eventually like what i did was the correct play uh but yeah i kind of got out late in the end i don't think like strategically that uh i played it wrong okay okay fair enough and um and uh just the viper in that game uh i saw you text so you opened with stables and also halberdier what was your reasoning behind halbodier versus like malay were you expecting elephants or did you just want it as a midfield versus hubs it was more mutual for the accessory thing is i mean i i swore an oath to my girlfriend that i will make a throng axeman so i needed some sort of meat shield for that and halberders just made sense when i wanted to open cavalier but then i saw he was going straight for the pikes so i just switched into habit air meat shield and then uh throwing axemen so yeah it was pretty much just a meat shield make sense roxy game any questions um [Music] what was the first the first game the late versus frank's right yeah no just marjorie my question is like why didn't you not go harvard years right away like i just didn't understand that pretty much yeah i don't think i had to go like i wanted to pressure with siege first and spend the gold on that like on bbc's and traps and then eventually i'll get to because i i know that he's not going to have paladins right like at worst he will only have some cavaliers which is not that big of a threat when i have bikes and also in bikes versus hubs where the hub their upgrade is basically useless right it's just like it's just it's just really generally not just for those for that game but like a lot of games in the series you were just like behind in decision making when it comes to army composition or like text switching yeah i mean yeah that's essentially what happened yeah yeah i did i did like a million mistakes but at least in game one like in game one i will blame the lag okay okay okay so like being used in game obviously viper's superior imperial play yeah okay and then after that after game one we had the patch which actually forwarded both of you and uh and then debbie came and uh and saved the day there so game two we had uh i believe what was the game two submissions ethiopians versus thinkers yes there you go either was incas um what's like who wins that sit matchup on paper i was speculating that ethiopians was the better sieve and i just didn't really see a good a good winning condition for incas in that in that matchup is that true since i went for yolo ah sorry go ahead i just wanted to teach her how to interview when you ask a question you have to ask a person else we end up with awkward silence where everyone sits and waits until the other answers oh okay fine so now i don't even want to talk to viper after that i'm going to ask him okay did you feel like with incas you had some options against et opens or you know because you had very little options you decided to go for an all in play well since viper was going pure boom and i was going pure yolo it kind of makes it obvious right that we both think that ethiopians are better in him like some kind of shuttle [ __ ] combination is pretty much impossible for incas to deal with and also he can just go arbalest into shuttles like for the safe play if i open eagles or whatever and i was just hoping that uh his stone his main stone is forward and he doesn't get a castle up in time but that didn't happen like actually i was hoping that he would open crossbows or maybe even scouts you know light calf or whatever like contest relics but then i saw how fast he upped i think 23 plus two i kind of knew that i'm screwed and i was going to resign after he like made the castle but while i give it a shot you know when the game was longer absolutely yeah yeah i don't have a question for this game i think it was a pretty dominant game by viper in a pretty poor game by mondry he literally said i yelled it and it actually looked like he did like it was not it was not like a track of decisions that i could be like oh yeah this makes sense you know what i mean no but like his decision is risky right but i had the perfect map to deal with that right so there's like a series all in and it didn't work yeah there's multiple factors here right so it's not necessarily a bad mother approach it's more like just a little bit a bad situation it's just like yeah you reacted that's why i said you reacted perfectly to everything he tried to throw at you so like there's not a lot to comment on yeah exactly all right okay so moving on to game three here uh it's another all-in-play actually so it's all in monks from burmese versus vipers slavs so i had a question so viper to viper this time i'm clarifying thank you yeah perfect so we have so you went so you i i heard from the chat that you actually expected the monk play obviously madrid upped pretty fast so it's kind of expected that he's going to go for a push and i saw you still make a monastery in castle i questioned the decision but obviously ended up winning is the is the monastery with the first couple monks something that you would want to do again or do you think maybe just going pure light cab and skipping the monastery play for you would have been better since you only got the one relic uh the monastery was more in case he added spears so i could try and convert maybe one or two spears as well but yeah i mean i made a market to see if he sold the stone so i went market instead of blacksmith and i saw the stone was sold so after that it was just like okay i just got to play a full hard counter here because if that if that long crash with burmese gets going then it's it's really hard to deal with right so um yeah it was more the monk was more just to like try and convert spearmen but he didn't add spirits in the early game so in when you know that probably the second stable would have made more sense earlier mm-hmm yeah roxy any questions is this a game where madrid trapped the hussars with the hoverboard yeah oh yeah marcia that was an amazing that's about the only good thing i did in that game like i had second wall prepared so i was like okay it's actually good come in and yeah that was about it that was really good for the viewers i appreciate that yeah that was really nice i mean so the problem is the distance between us right it was kind of too big for i call in minecraft which i could i think i did scout it but i was already um i don't know a bit desperate i guess at that point being zero two behind so i didn't feel like going for a macro game and i think in that first engagement like i was a bit unlucky that's usually what everybody thinks right when they lose a conversion or but i actually think if i got like one or two more light calf i could have snowballed from that's usually how those games go right the first fight snowballs either way and then the problem is obviously he can always run around snipe by monks i cannot like keep uh keep a nice reinforcement like going so yeah i have a question from chad for you audrey someone said when major saw the distance you know between the two vases why not go double castle iron by if you wanted to try something all in i mean double cast rainbow is not really that strong it works if you surprise the player but by now i think everybody knows it obviously viper knows about it because i think i even did it versus him in our first match and it's i mean like also i didn't know his map right maybe it was kind of small maybe he could just the defensive castle and yeah it is the old patch so i ran by rop but i don't consider that a really strong strategy it's just more of a like a surprise strategy and i was up 21 pop so i mean i don't think i scouted like by the time i clicked up i'm pretty sure i didn't scout how far how far away he is so i didn't you basically submitted yeah yeah yeah yeah interesting to hear that the double castle is not a good strategy because me and roxy thought it was at least you know i was saying it's that definitely seems like a good strategy but it's nice to hear that you know it's not something that's too meta yeah which is on to uh yeah i know where it pushes us on to game four which we had another kind of monk war uh this time it wasn't as all-in moderating went aztec monks versus uh viper's boom with koreans so honestly is there a reason that um is there a reason that you went for a really forward castle monterey when you were up to imp i was thinking that and we were both speculating actually when casting if you just made a castle in the middle of the map not too close to viper's base you could have got your trebs out and then forced viper to move out of his base to trap your castle whereas instead he kind of just tripped your castle from his base and got a free castle out of it when it felt like it was avoidable if you just did it a bit further back yeah that's completely true and that's what i do in other games but uh in this game i kind of yeah didn't think about it and yeah i mean this last game it's a huge sibling for the aztecs and like i just play target there's no excuses to be made here like koreans are not supposed to win regardless my army is so much better like they they don't have you know heresy i could just control the monks a bit better he didn't insta open champs so my ego opening should be good but yeah this was just poor play by me so yeah and well obviously played by viper fair enough yeah i just wanted to say i don't think it was a poor play by you i just think piper played absolutely amazing like i know no you are still a fun viper you actually have a fun boy in hera like if you watch his body he was literally sucking up to you the whole wow so much you did you did one good play viper where the the ego was coming and eagle and the lighthouse was coming then you were converting the light up then you switched the eagle that was like actually sick i had to i was i was bad boy it was like one second difference as well like the second i clicked the monk died and converted at the same time pretty much debbie has a question quite lucky how did he feel playing in my team laundry how did you feel i completely forgot about it was it uh debbie's team all the time wait did he just check that did you just say that debbie's not a memorable team member do you actually just like what oh i said that i was so focused on losing games that i didn't have time you know i thought she was my friend i wish i was man [Laughter] okay okay well i think that's it for me uh congrats to the viper and good so much guys and uh thanks for playing thanks for having us um yeah exactly what harrison he's vaccinating the interview as well so thank you thank you appreciate it and i'm so sorry for all the inconvenience that we had today that was totally it's not your fault obviously yeah it happens but i know it's like uncomfortable for everybody yeah it's mostly in mind like my my latest budgeting works about sixty percent of the time and forty percent of the time i have those freezes that's okay happens yeah all right all right well guys thank you for participating and doing the interview thanks for hosting it roxy all right okay i'll turn the sounds on again we have the sir primal 11 coming in with 10 gifts up to the channel thank you very much sir primal the interview finished exactly when the download was finished that was perfect because i'm booting up age of impress again um uh yeah surprise will do things for 10 gift subs tablikaya thanks for the three months grizzly 487 with the seven months naruto 92 with the four months silver powers going it's going very well we got a good challenge now obviously went very much in my favor but that is what it is we're going to move on now and play some radio games
Channel: TheViper
Views: 29,022
Rating: 4.8831463 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 9sec (8049 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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