THE OUTBREAK! - Let's Play Project Zomboid Modded (MP) - Ep.1

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hello everyone and welcome to a brand new series from me in project zomboid now i've been playing this game pretty much non-stop all throughout december and early january and i've actually been hosting my own multiplayer server now for a few weeks and sharing it with my discord for anyone who wants to join the server is still up now and everyone's welcome details and the list of mods are in the description below it's a pretty friendly server pvp is disabled for now so if you're griefing others you're going to be removed the series starts on the day that the server started and over the course of my journey we'll encounter other players and sort of unravel the mystery of my lost partner it's also intended to be a decent beginner guide going through all the sort of basic steps of getting geared up looting crafting exploring mods and new locations the series does start off a little bit slow here in the beginning but it will build up in intensity as the server's zombie population increases every single day eventually the power is going to shut down and the water is going to shut off and self-sustainability something we're going to have to work towards and raids into the city and other highly populated areas are going to become more and more risky future episodes of the series won't be as long as this one but i wanted to encapsulate almost the entire first day into one video so it's going to get everyone on the same page about how things work but as we go further into the series i'm going to be editing down the looting or doing the more mundane tasks i'm hoping that each episode really brings something new and focuses on some sort of new mechanic or at least a big new location without any further delay let's begin remember this was a multiplayer server so time passes by in the world even when i'm not there so it keeps things quite interesting when we're checking back in with each episode let's begin all right let's begin let's just quickly get our bearings have a look around real quick it looks like we're woken up next to a dumpster no memory of course of what's happened before what's going on looks like we're outside a warehouse oh wow i guess the weather has kicked in i thought it was nighttime super foggy day let's just clear that um ui on our screen there to move that over and uh maybe clear the chat as well looks like there's a car outside here let's just quickly check it out oh it is open no key though lipstick and empty notebook and oh there's a key in the ignition the engine light is red let's quickly hop out and just make our way to the front here and uh can't quite hang on there we go hit the bonnet see what's going on with the car seems like a pretty good find no one around us in a car right in front of us 72 condition god damn this is not a plant i'm just getting quite lucky here i'm guessing the only problem is probably the gas so let's just check it out real quick yeah zero to 40. okay well that's that's pretty good and we're next to something's tools it says so if we get actually just let's just check the map real quick right well obviously that's not going to be much helpful i have no idea where i am so let's just make our way inside see if we can find some gas the door is locked i just saw someone excuse me i'm in need of some gas i don't know where i am oh god right she does uh that person does not look okay and that window's not gonna hold forever so we're gonna have to um we have to think on our feet here and find something let's just check the shutters of this garage that's locked just peer inside and maybe we can find ourselves a weapon some shelves down here actually you know what let's just turn off that radio real quick because that's just gonna it's gonna make noise let's shut that down okay um oh snow shovel that's pretty good equipping both hands and we'll pop it on our back so that we can get quick access to it there we go let's just check these shelves really quickly you might find something better i've got a wooden mallet a pipe wrench oh god banging on the thing already that's gonna it's gonna make a lot of noise a club hammer might be a decent item as well let's just let's just put this person down and look off this too i'm sorry sorry i don't know i don't know what else to do i'm sorry oh god all right uh what have they got another windows breaking i don't know how many there is a polo neck let's take that uh they got a tank top we can rip that up actually for bandages and a jacket we can wear that as well just thicken ourselves up a bit and if we look at our um inventory or actually our health sorry we can check the protection values there we go so we're a little bit a little bit more protected but not much i'm not seeing anything if we can circle around if we just get inside oh i can just hear him right on the other side of that wall i think instead of going through actually we'll just quickly loot this area seems to be safe and see what we can find ultimately you know i'm looking for um a bag because we just can't take any of this stuff and anything too bulky it's just going to slow us down if you have a bag we can take quite a bit comic books actually cool what do we have here screwdriver is nice we can use that that's used for all sorts of things you can actually uses a weapon as well a rake as a garbage bag but uh you can only have one hand free to use it as a bag let's just listen yeah so he's banging on the shutter there he is all right bring it i'm sorry all right oh wow it's going very quiet that might be it so they broke two windows and the nice thing is actually we can clear the glass because we're holding a snow shovel i think if you're holding most weapons you can just clear glass and hop through then safely so quickly loot this place and ultimately i'm looking for we can actually take things that are small like that boxy nails um but we're looking for a bag so we can carry a bunch more and then we can load up the car if we get it working i have i'll actually take those cherries just eat them right now just a little bit of food keep us going now pipe wrench take that garden saw because we can use that for carpentry we actually have a lot for carpentry ultimately we want to start you know get what we need to board up windows and oh perfect handx so we'll just pop that on our belt and we'll take the hammer as well and pop that on the uh the other side now we've got a little kit and with the hammer and the saw we're good to uh we're good to get boarding so i'm hearing some banging sounds like it might be upstairs i'll take those nails again now this can be quite useful just be cautious climbing these stairs you never know what you're gonna come across looks like it's clear a little office space here let's check that vending machine carrots zucchini oh cigarettes nice and matches actually so we can smoke them that's good for us because we are smokers kind of eases our anxiety although of course we do have to take them quite regularly but uh they're pretty abundant i would say all right let's keep moving through seems clear it could be on that smaller door there no sounds like it's from the bathroom uh nothing really here let's just check this room oh it's roof access okay uh let's just watch ourselves we're covered in blood and it might take a little while but it means that we get to just clean off all the blood and if we do get scratched or anything obviously heavily reduces the chance we'll get infected then if we're clean just while we're doing that we'll take a look at our skills health protection info a nice little tip here is that if you have soap on hand this kind of thing goes way faster and in future i'll probably end up cutting it out and just skip ahead for more mundane tasks um but i thought it was good to show oh we're done actually that's good to show once you know all right it's clear oops let's click all right i think i'm doing a bit of a delay tactic it seems like it's in the girls bathroom let's pop on the light let's face up to it let's open the store oh it's in the stall on the right okay here we go [ __ ] why is she naked i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to burst in like that oh nice we got a house key actually i was thinking when she was naked i was like oh this is all for nothing but i suppose uh it's always good to check check your back you know i don't want a door bursting open when we feel like we're comfortable and then you can take them out one by one i think you should and you might get something good the house key is pretty good so a house key obviously here it's going to be a key for the building and typically any keys that you find on a zombie it'll be for the building that they're in uh it's nothing really too good here a bucket hat uh i'll stick with my baseball cap right let's go upstairs let's have a look around seems to be roof access yeah we've got a little mini shelving thing here uh actually i should also mention that there's no point in actually a hand tool which is pretty good we'll take that there's no point in searching empty shelves once they're empty visually you know that they're actually empty so that's pretty cool too well it doesn't look like there's anything up here in fact it doesn't look like there's anything anywhere there's no zombies no people i guess good news is the building is secured but no gas can and no bag it looks like there's nothing out that way so um i'll probably go back down and just have a look to see if we can i'll just do once over looting everything i think and if if there's still no gas counter back then i guess we'll head into the town yeah looks like there's a little cut through here so we'll just hop through here you can actually climb those fences but let's just keep it on the safe side i'll take out the snow shovel as well just to get a little bit of extra reach that acts uh noticeably weaker oh looks like we've attracted one yeah it's like a police officer sorry sheriff come on geez there we go i might have a gun on him no those shoes look good though a little bit of extra scratch defense spike defense and a lighter which will come in handy for our cigarettes actually i'll just get rid of our as you'd sneakers no container so i actually have never seen containers these are modded into the game i think and this is my first experience with one 1200 capacity holy crap that's insane now i don't even know i think they can move but i oh actually i just spotted the uh there's some zombies down there to the south i guess the fog is helping with their visibility because they don't seem to notice me it's a nice looking car here as well looks like it's in pretty good condition again another good find let's just check it out no key this time not in the ignition no sign of uh anything like that we could just check um check up on it see what the condition is ultimately if we uh i could end up finding a key nearby but we could also hotwire it in future wow yeah wow it's really good condition but just out of gas all right let's check out rosie's diner always got to be careful going into these places especially through the door you can set off the alarm i'm just kind of loot around here see if we can grab ourselves a bag or anything useful i'm pretty happy with the weapons that we have right now though and really just looking for that bag and some gas it looks like there's actually a gas station right next to us so if we're gonna find a gas tank i would be pretty hopeful that we might find one in this store ah door's locked it's hard to tell really what's around the visibility is quite low it sounds like i can hear more than just the one i don't know what time of day it is actually either well there's one sitting down up here just sneak up on him oh god oh no what the hell there we go oh no oh god that's why i don't like the axe that's why i don't want those axes the short range and i missed that first hit and i couldn't aim god just shows you it can all go so wrong what do we have over there another container so we can see they get oh [ __ ] let's just back off for a second to get that longer range out i think we only agreed one of them that's not too bad come on love those underhands great nothing really useful now i think as well if you stand still a little longer your aim is a bit better if you've got a higher chance to knock them down i think that's true so uh you shouldn't really just shuffle on the spot and stuff you know all right this is a metal door at the back so see if we can crawl in here at the side no yeah we didn't aggro anything else so we can we know where the gas pumps are we just ultimately need to find a gas can and maybe we can get over there and get back to the car i don't know what this place is that's like a bar and diner okay pool hall i wonder can you get a pool cue that's like a weapon pretty lucky as well that it's empty oh we have some bookshelves nice yeah we're gonna need these for well there's not really actually that much there but beginner books especially we could use them to learn skills and boost our skills that's a very nice poster lots of cigarettes that's good wow it's all cigarettes okay weird ah baseball bat now we're talking that's a pretty good melee weapon that'll last a while i think we'll use that really instead of the snow shovel there's a dead body here nothing on it oh my god oh [ __ ] there's something is there anything else no it seems like we're okay all right wow she is very fancily dressed stuck in the garage as well take those gloves they might be a little bit better than what we've got nothing to loot you can still hear that banging of course all right we'll open the door and try to draw them out a little bit all right man i did not expect that the small little house of three in it while there's like a you know barn saloon with nobody in it all righty let's see what we have here three little warehouses or shacks i guess container doors locked crate is empty you can hear a zombie i think in there [Music] yeah there is let's smash this window there we go it's pretty good it doesn't really have anything i guess oh actually the wrist watch i keep forgetting to take that so now we can see the time 11 20 am presumably clear that glass now i guess it was a little irresponsible me smashing windows that checking the area first ended up attracting quite a lot i'm liking that baseball bat you know you plant your feet on the ground one good swing or straight down anyway we've got the door open now so in fairness that was the only way of getting in here and checking it out with a tent here in the ground so interestingly we actually don't need to sleep it's multiplayer the server doesn't permit sleeping because everyone would have to do at the same time i think and leave people all over different time zones playing so sleep is basically just turned off so you don't actually get tired that whole aspect of the game is discounted i'm just looking for where is that i just picked it up oh there it is tent kit yeah sorry it's too heavy oh this one is taking a bit bit longer yeah that's it quite interesting because we were moving and engaging really fast now it can take a couple hits anyway but as opposed to standing still and getting a really good swing off oh oh it looks like that house was burnt down and the one next to it maybe by proxy seems to have caught fire this place seems pretty empty yep good glue i mean that's fine to crafting material hand hatched now that'd be nice we could use it to chop trees i think we can use our hand axe to chop trees same thing but you know ultimately we don't have a bag that's really what i'm looking for so we can't really take these things we can eat things on the go of course i guess i'll make a note of this place and come back if we ever need another axe onto the next one i just noticed as well it seems like the morning fog is cleared even just a few minutes ago it was like super dense but it obviously just lifted when we were in those those buildings um yeah i had to kind of find a route through the trees to this place it looks like you can just move straight through yeah there we go so i don't hear anything so i think we're okay to climb it oh there's one be lucky if it's only one check those corners captain price told me when i was 13. nothing really on her i can hear other zekes be on the wall there but i don't think they're gonna get to me what is this it looks like a office building some sort a little pool table and a shed some crafting parts and stuff again just looking for a bag at this point really oh a gun case um yeah we can grab that i think if we equip it and then we can open it up we can see what's inside like this a makarov 380. we'll drag that pop it in our main inventory we could just drop the case because it's too heavy anyway and let's have a look at it 380 acp no magazine needs a magazine to operate no bullets well found our first gun i guess now that case would be kind of nice to have so i might just pop that into one of the shelves and come back and get it in future it basically lowers the weight of guns if you keep it in a case but it can hold multiples as no point just holding one oh bobby pin we can use that for lock picking in future i think you need a magazine to even begin lock picking though water bottles would be good can't claim this building i guess non-residential although i don't even know what this place is it's like an office with a garage i don't know some strawberries continue our habit of eating the fruit that we find i mean it's going to expire eventually anyway so we might as well ah nice let's see there's like a ham radio here average temperature 68 degrees minimum 60 humidity etc no channel is there anything for us to select frequency range pretty high range 7 500 meters 7 500. oh it's just gone off i guess it's died need some privacy need to sit and think this whole thing through decide where we're going to go next so it's been about 40 minutes since we sat in the toilet had a little rest a long poop it's time to venture back out i'm heading towards the burned out house my logic being we're looking for gas cans the house burned down there might be something to do with it there it could also be easy pickings for um loot if we can't find ourselves a damn bag because we can't carry anything right now still hang on a sec it's like oh my there's quite a little group over there six or seven of them there's actually a fireman in the distance as well they would have excellent clothing and gear for protection we have to try and grab ourselves his uniform if we can i never checked this no it can't be opened on this side never check this container two logs logs are good they could be split into planks but not our concern right now now the house i've never been in one of these before it's kind of hard to know where it begins and where it ends in terms of which walls are standing in my line of sight it's been torched completely i guess we'll go around the front and just make sure that there isn't a horde on the other side of the building sneak our way into the garage here maybe what do we got how much pretty much there actually don't see a way out of here just run around to the front now above us there's actually several firemen but we'll just target this guy here if we can take him out quickly grab his gear great protection oh nice let's take him down so you got to be careful in doing this you want to make sure you use blunt weapons so they don't damage the clothing but look at this gas mask military boots helmet jacket and pants it's going to give us great defense it's just that it's also going to heat us up tremendously and we're really heavy right now but let's just move back towards the house strip some of this stuff off all right because we're uh really heavy at the moment all right let's see um shoes jeans jacket baseball cap that can all go i think that's pretty much it actually um maybe the glasses i guess feels a bit weird throwing them away in case you know what i i'm gonna keep them just for a while yeah i think that's basically it then don't really need that gun without any bullets probably should store that away somewhere in future okay so we need to actually think about where we're going to go from here above us there was a bunch of zombies below us to the right there were zombies so we have to go left somewhere the barn looks like a good shot maybe we can find a bag in there not too many dotted around there's a crowd over to the left though so just sneak our way down try to play it quietly and if we get into trouble maybe just run back the way we came hopefully there was like two or three down here there's not one just sitting next to the barn he's actually just standing up now that's two here i'm gonna risk it i'm pushing forward check inside real quick yeah it's clear all right here we go oh my god the [ __ ] trees the trees are making it awkward all right boom get wrecked oh my god i can't [ __ ] hit him it's not working oh no get the [ __ ] off me son of a [ __ ] just die what's going on come on i'm after being bitten or something i'm bleeding hurry up come on all right finish them off right we have to check our house we have to see what the situation is laceration and bleeding [ __ ] there's another one get out of there good stay down all right let's just bandage as quick as we can we have some ripped sheets [ __ ] hell there's another one coming show yourself there we go all right nothing really on them okay let's just get into the barn play it safe the situation here so we're in pain we're thirsty we're a little overweight we're heavy we're wet we're super wet we're sweating profusely in this fire gear now it's very lucky that we were even wearing this could have gone a lot worse now it looks like these look like gun cabinets but there's nothing in here nothing in here god damn all of that for nothing ah we're gonna need to get meds we don't have any meds we have a dirty rag need pain killers need alcohol wipes just to prevent an infection laceration means that we're probably fine it's not a scratch it's not a bite it could be a lot worse but still let's at least smoke to get rid of as many of these negative moodles as we can this will ease our anxiety to find a drink yeah we should tear this up and get a bit more bandages so our bandages are going to keep getting dirty and we can just make a bunch more essentially we have to find clothing that's not already caked in blood we're being followed here come on then we got t-shirt socks pink frilly underpants oh that's two right in front of us okay um yeah let's i think we can take them if we can lure them one at a time can we ignore one oh god no there we go one down let's get the other one stamp on his head come on down he goes again all right not too bad we're cutting it a little fine looks clear enough let's just check this little garage out see what's in here notebook lighter again what is with the lack of anything tangible oh my god there's another group right there didn't even see them let's hop into this point and see what we find now she two or three down at the end there already i grewed one he's on the way all right good baseball bats doing great hasn't taken really any condition loss oh my god yes hiking bag for the win we got it got one of the best bags you can get i think now we can take all this crap and throw it into that bag and that's gonna ease our weight greatly anything we don't immediately need on us just throw it in there big weight reduction on all of this stuff then that's just to carry so much more so the next job ultimately is to find maybe some meds but also the gas can that's still what i'm looking for yeah i'm sorry i know i'm being really indecisive i'm just trying to decide which way to go if we go down this way i've got a little mini group to contend with and to sort of break them off one by one if we can but if we can't we're just a little bit vulnerable right now we have um we're bleeding we have a hole in our clothes let's just actually change out this bandage real quick put a new one on those bandages are just going to keep getting dirty while we're bleeding so i'm thinking that we go up to the house we saw earlier because we're thirsty and we can wash the bandages and maybe in the bathroom find some sort of meds painkillers obviously would be ideal so we'll just creep our way up there and see what we see it actually looks pretty clear oh i think we just leveled up yep got a sneaking skill that's good yeah this place looks pretty clear and a nice pickup truck again what do we get light-footed nice i think we just get that over time from moving swiftly locked i guess again this truck looks quite pristine screwdriver tire pump and the house over here is actually being burnt out again this guy's neighbor this guy's actually in here door's locked let's try open the window and it's broke uh let's try open another one score i'll just hop through we'll just close that window in case we attract something that comes behind me and we'll open the door wow i'm really surprised he didn't hear that didn't hear that either get wrecked all right nice see what they've got bunch of food can opener actually pretty good for later i like to look at this house quite a bit oh score empty gas can that's what we've been looking for right so that is our next objective we are going to take that um to the gas station sorry there's a ball being hammer which looks pretty nice as well we already have a hammer but that one lasts a bit longer i'm just gonna move this guy he's kind of uh he's kind of bringing my mood down here in this room so we'll just just drop him out in the in the garage just leave him in there and hopefully he doesn't wake back up yeah much better all right let's check out the bathroom there we go painkillers right on cue so we're feeling a little bit of pain so that should clear that right up that should be fine and we'll just check if we're still bleeding it has been a little while yes we are that must be a deep wound because we've been bleeding for quite a while now i'm a bit worried about that but we can wash our bandages here clean all three of them and it's pretty much instant now obviously these are just ripped sheets it's not the the best bandage in the world and we can sterilize them later to be doubly safe i think we really do need to find better meds now to secure this place i'm just going to close all the curtains stop prying eyes from kind of wandering in here and maybe later we can board the place up it's a pretty nice house but ultimately it's going to be kind of temporary i think we want to get the car going and get out of this town and get back home and hopefully find rosie my girlfriend hopefully on the outskirts of the town where we live um she's safe we can actually lock the doors this place from the inside that's kind of interesting now we don't have the key for this place i didn't pick it up on the guy we do have the house key for the tool shed shop that we started at that way where we woke up the curtains closed we're going to turn on the light just make sure we close everything in the bedroom as well here okay good nothing really of note in here doesn't seem like it nice room though so yeah my sort of plan with that is to basically get the car up and running maybe stay here for the night batten down the hatches as it were and then in the daytime tomorrow make the journey north alrighty there we have it so everything's clean now we're fully cleaned of blood and our objects are all clean i've sorted the ui a little bit so we're ready to venture out towards the gas station now and i have our uh there it is our empty gas can with us in our bag let's go now i spotted them just a little earlier roaming little pocket of zombies just above our house so we'll just keep that in mind for on our way back they might shift around a bit because a little bit of time has passed they're sort of coalescing and moving around in pockets we're just going to stay low move swiftly and just go straight back the way we came towards the gas station i've left a little bit of room in my bag because as we fill the gas can it's gonna obviously get a heavier so you don't want to end up in a situation where you start filling it and then you can't move anymore and you get like swarmed that's just one okay we can take this guy on his own just clear the path so we can come back this way boom wow just clocked into the back of the head scrape down and he's got a watch right this is actually great because this watch is digital and it'll tell the temperature and the day the month but we can also set an alarm now i actually kind of don't recommend this but i like setting it alarm for midnight just to sort of remind me of the day changing over not that you need it though the reason it's important is because as the days go by the population of infected actually increases to a certain point and it's going to get pretty challenging by the end point i won't reveal the end point here but we can see now it's the first of september so as every day goes by we can sort of track it now before we go out i just saw that we're still in pain so i'm just gonna pop a pain moodle or sorry painkiller to get rid of that moodle and hopefully just make our journey across the street here a little easier less moodles the better seems pretty clear actually i hear one close by but it sounds like they might be in that house yeah they actually just scared me yeah they must be in the house but yeah it's looking really clear it's really quiet as well it freaks me out when the game goes so quiet it's got a propane tank underneath that sign so we'll just slowly make our way up to the fuel pump here and start filling our gas can now speaking of the time moving by and everything as the days go by eventually the power is going to shut off and we won't actually be able to pump gas anymore without a generator and even then eventually the gas will run out and it's the same with water we won't be able to just use sinks and stuff that gas can has gotten really heavy for us as we put it in our hands but putting it in our bag um it should yeah there we go reduce the weight so we'll just oh no don't want to go that way all right let's just hop this fence and move towards the tools and the car if we just don't want to sprint through these trees just take it easy because you can actually get caught on the branches fall over slow down even more or even get cut you really do have to be careful not to panic but it's pretty dense i don't think we're going to get followed so the car is still here so that's good again we are on a multiplayer server um so who knows what could happen there's nine other people online right now i'll just fill that and there we go right that is taking all day to get to this point i'm feeling pretty good we kind of came close to that cut i'm still waiting to see if we're gonna feel a bit queasy or anything but it seems like we're good for now so we're ready to get moving we'll just put this gas can in the back and actually you know what we should fill that can one more time alrighty straightforward enough let's just load up on fuel again and that way we can put that in the trunk just in case we have a breakdown or a problem we run out we'll always have some spare i think i'm actually going to hit that service station because i'm not seeing anything around here we seem pretty good although i'm a little bit heavy at the moment so a tiny bit weird i guess in hindsight i should have dropped some stuff in the car before we came here um oh i need to take out the baseball bat if you want to clear the glass you need to have a weapon or an item to clear it there we go so yeah let's see if we find ideally food and drink i guess in this market yep water orange soda actually helps with happiness that's cool let's pop and the water bottles we'll use in future as well we have pop again that actually helps with hunger so it's a bit of a two in one a burrito nice oh nice magazine they help with like recipes and stuff all right just let's use this cut through again get through nice and swiftly now a little overweight i'm gonna try and climb this fence always tiny bit risky especially if you're being chased you could end up falling back we're okay though [Music] all right i'm feeling pretty good right let's just load up the car let's drop some of that stuff in the back now that the trunk space is actually tiny in this car you really can't fit that much in here the gas can is going to take up 5 out of the 14 space we have and then the soda the pop already taken up half the space it's tiny but if we hop in the driver's seat we can actually see that the passenger seat should hold 20. glove compartment can even hold five so that's nice so what we're gonna do is run into the tool shop and we're going to grab as much stuff as we can for crafting to barricade the house so we've got a plank comic book trowel and this plank again so the planks are going to be used i guess for boarding up the windows we need nails and a hammer for that but what would also be good and i think i saw it earlier was a saw yeah here it is so with the saw what we can do is actually start carving up the furniture and get more planks seeing as we're safe here let's do it here so we just have to remove the bobble heads off the top of this table and then we should be able to break it up it says items inside right so we take the nails the tape out of it put it in a different container um what let's try it again yeah there we go 27 chance of getting something so just give it a go you can see our skills carpentry level one already with a bit of a boost so we'll see how much xp we get from this out of 150. 20. that's all right i mean actually hey we actually got a plank so i guess we succeeded so the planks are going to weigh a lot so it's really going to weigh you down straight away so i'm just going to throw as much into the car and maybe make a couple trips doing this so we can gather as much wood as we need to bring back to the house all right i think we're good to go okay in the ignition she's on all right it's my first time driving this car i've never driven something like this before this is a modded vehicle i think and it seems oh my god the turn it seems pretty fast so we'll just take it easy as we make our way back the noise of this gonna attract quite a bit now there's actually a repair station here let's just check this place out as well over here it doesn't seem to be any zombie activity river repairs it's quite a nice looking place actually paper clips forging for beginners we'll take that anything that's beginners would be good for us because we're level one oh cool like a little motorcycle dirt bike i guess you can't take it wt40 what i guess so i don't actually know what that's used for ah profane torch that's great we can start metal working with that it's going to help with repairing cars and stuff there's another plank in there again more tools a lot of tools for us let's just make a note of this on the map we have tristan's tools just below and now we have some sort of repair station let's just write repair shop there we go yeah we can see that we're pulling a few zombies towards us with this we just gotta gotta be quick take it kind of easy don't end up pulling a whole horde over to the town or to the house sorry wow okay there's quite a bunch up there let's just cut back through this way hopefully we can drive on the gravel all right oh my okay this little group below our house that's fine i'm sure we can take them out just park over here draw them over here a bit and then we'll pull back towards the house right i've actually just realized something we are overweight at the moment um and we're in pain so i'm just gonna run into the back of the house and drop all this loot didn't want to go through the front because they might bang on the windows but they might follow me around so you got to be quick uh let's see oh there they are oh [ __ ] they're on the windows and garage anyway all right let's just open this press whatever open the bag throw everything in there and that should free us up so that we're not overweight at least we're still gonna be in pain i don't have time to pop painkillers we'll just have to get out there i don't want them breaking through there we go we got one on his own here holy [ __ ] mr muscle look at the size this guy's one purple vest good night come on the old bag let's go that's two down i think there was like five at the front let's go let's ease our way around the corner here just to be safe count four somehow didn't aggro the other two i don't know how that's great take these down one at a time divide and conquer let's go come on i can't believe the other two don't care to be fair i'm being a bit stupid but i should have just gone for the one that was actually on me that's all right baseball bats taken oh my god they've merged baseball bats taking a beating twice there it's one left to go i think all right i think that's it let's have a look at what they've got nothing too crazy this is a hell of a massacre out here i think we should bury them it's the right thing to do mass grave each grave can hold five they're heavy you only take one at a time of course can't forget the owner sitting in the garage the ultimate respect we've taken this man's home just bury him as well it's the right thing to do now the final thing is to actually get our car in here so we'll just open up the garage door and i suppose we should reverse in so i'll just uh turn around i guess now that's something you gotta watch for as those fall starts and like a glove okay all right good bring that shutter down alrighty the night is young and we have pretty much enough stuff to keep us going but more importantly we have the tools now to actually disassemble all this furniture and hopefully get some planks back that we can use to barricade now we have some planks in the car thankfully anyway but we can also level up our carpentry skill with this so with a hammer and a saw we can get cracking on disassembling almost anything you failed to produce any usable materials right so i've actually failed almost with everything we took apart there now it's not lost you know we do get xp for doing it so there is that but we do have three planks i think i'll probably leave it at that and just board up the window as best as we can you can actually board up a window up to four planks and up to eight if you board both sides but i think we've got enough here so when you fail to produce the view end up getting scrap wood which can be used i think for firewood but i don't think it can be used for anything else and i've just been dumping it here i'll just throw it down and let's get rid of that glass um oh it's counted as a piece of furniture because i guess it's a sound trap obviously if you place it you can't just drop it if you place it and someone walks over it makes a noise that's kind of interesting now in order to actually barricade what we need is one plank and two nails i got confused the first time i played the game because it said like nails i only had one but it still says nails and i thought like why isn't it working but turns out you need at least two so it's pretty obvious but two nails one plank and you're good to go so with the three planks on the window and the six nails obviously that's kind of all i've got now we could take a part more furniture later but i'm gonna leave it at that for a while we've only got one broken window anyway so hopefully it just holds let's put some of this hardware away now what i'm looking for is to basically clear up all our little moodles so we're a little anxious we're a little sad so i'm trying to find my cigarettes there we go yeah so just grab them and smoke away and that should ease our pain so i just took a drink from the sink that's gotten rid of the thirst cigarettes are going to get rid of that anxiety and to get rid of these sadness we can actually eat a burrito burrito actually gives you 25 happiness so we'll see how that feels in a little while and while we're here we can read foraging for beginners which we can do later on when you go investigate areas and find items out in the world it's going to give us a boost to that skill even with the burrito we're still a little bit sad i know it's crazy so i thought we'd watch some tv here turn on the news maybe turned it down a little bit it could be a bit loud uh we'll just chill on the couch hopefully drift off to sleep as we get into the evening it's been a crazy day [Music] there are many rumors circulating many falsehoods [Music] this is an appeal for calm i can confirm there has been an outbreak the ailment is as yet unidentified it is flu-like it leads to panic it leads to confusion there is no evidence of fatalities within the exclusion zone we are using judged and judicious force to maintain the border warning shots have been fired no civilians have been harmed we must ensure that this infection is not allowed to spread i'm in hourly contact with the president on this matter no-fly zone will remain in place for the foreseeable future at this time we will take no questions all the news as it develops well [ __ ] the world's gone to [ __ ] and i have no idea where rosie is tomorrow we begin our journey to find her [Music] so i'm just i'm just slightly panicking here because i've taken a while to find my clothes i put it in this wardrobe it's been a little while since i've checked it out and uh there's numerous zombies banging on windows and things so i think they're gonna break in any second yep right on cue damn it's so dark the flashlight has like no range [Music] seems like it's a bit glitched out or something let's just open this again let them come through oh [ __ ] they actually broke the window you
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 775,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, multiplayer, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid guide, project zomboid how to, project zomboid mods, project zomboid best mods, project zomboid campaign, project zomboid story, project zomboid new gameplay
Id: kqn9dZqvXfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 13sec (3493 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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