Project Zomboid My Top Base Locations! Build 41

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yo what is up guys it's me private lime you all seem to have really enjoyed the last top 10 guides so today we're going to be doing another one i'm going to be covering my top personal favorite locations on the map to base up in in project zomboid and a few facts about the place and maybe a couple pros and cons on the way these won't be an order of importance but separated in groups on the overall map so hopefully i'll give you all an option wherever you are on the actual map oh yeah quick little disclaimer these are all going to be maps that i've personally based up in so i might miss a couple that are really juicy on the way and if i did please uh leave your own suggestions down in the comments section down below i'm sure others would find the use of in it as well anyways now let's get started alrighty to start it off we're going to be in muldraw for the first three maps and this one is definitely a very popular but very good choice to have especially for the beginner and that is the secluded muldraw northern farmhouse this bad boy has a lot of force near it so you can easily get your forging needs and it's very easy to start farming and trapping and it is secluded from the town while also being kind of close enough to where it wouldn't take an entire day to you know get some looting supplies so overall this is a very strong pick [Music] second here on the list is definitely my favorite base location in mold draw period and you have the mccoy's logging corporation for that this bad boy has so much elude in it you're bound to get a lot of supplies that you need to actually build up your base it also has very spacious interior garage doors so you can easily fit in vehicles if you want a lot of good materials are in the area for you to start your own projects as well also there's barely any zombies here i only come across like five and that's at max at this place so you know you're going to be very safe this is the spot to go to if there's no other that's like actually safe alrighty for the last one in muldraw we are gonna be covering the in-town urban warehouse now this bad boy is covered by fences so if you're actually able to lock down the entrance this place is going to be an impenetrable fortress it also has quite a bit of maneuvering room to build your own house if you so want that as well also the storage unit has a really high chance of spawning a generator and also the the warehouse is obviously gonna have some really good stuff overall it's really good especially since it's actually centralized in the town so you don't need to move much at all to get any more loot than you need alrighty now that we have a couple of good base locations for mulder all we're going to be moving over to the small town of rosewood home of the very famous rosewood penitentiary now this place has a lot of good options most of them are going to be in town as it is a very small map location low population so you won't have to worry about many zombies at the very least though so first up on the list we have these two isolated forest homes each one is just as strong as the other they are in the woods quite a bit to where you're not going to be getting a lot of neighbors they also have some pretty nice interiors also a couple of garages not much in terms of loot but you can forage there and it is very close to town so you're not going to be making a day's trip in order to get anything second up on the list is actually a little bit up north and it is going to be the construction site this again has a fence all around it fences are great for building a base because no matter how many zombies come to your location you're never gonna be really exposed it also has three trailers for you to make use of whatever and it also has a crap ton of log piles for you to get started also it being in the middle of an open field after a couple of months trees will start to spawn in and you could probably even make your own self-sustaining ecosystem very strong pick indeed last but not least this is going to be a little bit more of an undertaking than the usual one and that is the entire gated community now if you're able to get enough vehicles to cover each of the entrances you will have a very strong base that has multiple homes multiple like second story homes to your disposal so this would be great i'd say for a multiplayer occasion to where if you have multiple people you can give someone a house and there's a lot to go around all of it is gated in also there are a lot of room for expansions so it's a very very good spot also the segmented fences are really great to see what's actually going on outside as with the wooden ones you're not actually able to see through them so having that in the base as well is very nice overall very top-tier pick if you can actually get enough vehicles to uh secure it alrighty we're gonna be moving our way up to riverside now now the beautiful thing about riverside is that it's literally in the name there is a river right next to it so if you build close enough up to the shore you will have infinite fishing needs which is very nice for a self-sustaining actual base anyways we're going to be going over my top picks for this area first up is one that i have been in a lot of times and that's gonna be the bar slash food market area just up north of town this place is honestly very secluded for a normal population setting especially being close to the town there are a lot of good locations nearby as well like a gas station and spiffo's if you can make it but you will generally have what you need just from the start the food market and the actual grocery store are very good picks to actually have enough food to last you quite a bit to level up some of your more i guess harder to earn skills so this is a very nice place the bar also has a little balcony on the top that actually can't be broken so if you really like to use fences this is a really great low fence sets practically unbreakable from my experience and it's very easy to farm kills inside little kill box also just the appeal of basing up in a bar like come on it's a classic alrighty the second one is very close to it actually they are all in like the same general location but it's gonna be the junkyard now this place is gonna be filled with a lot of wrecks so if you are a huge mechanics fan there's gonna be a lot of stuff for you to take apart and learn up your skill here there's also it's very bare bones with the actual i guess indoors there's only a single trailer you're probably gonna need to grab some furniture from the nearby homes but what it makes up in that is security it has a full two tile fence all along and all you really need is some furniture or a car to make it basically impenetrable very nice location very close to uh some really nice spots as well if you don't feel safe at the river sidebar then this is definitely the spot to go because you're not really gonna miss much but it is a little bit more out there last but not least we have the country club in riverside now this is going to be a little bit more of an undertaking that it is a very very very big base but the thing is that it has a couple nearby lakes so you won't even have to worry about heading up to the river it's very secluded once you actually clear out the initial population inside and the interior is very cool and spacious i mean who doesn't want to live in a country club it's literally like one of the better apocalypse i'd say bases i mean it's even got a freaking tennis court what more do you need i'll see you can fish in the pool so uh take that advice how you will the next town we're going to be moving over to is definitely one of the more infamous on the game because of it's just sheer deadliness and population compared to the others but we're going to be moving over to the beautiful quaint town of west point now it's definitely a lot harder to find that perfect base when there are so many zombies to be around but i think i found a few that are honestly really top tier picks here the first one here is definitely my go-to pick for any base in west point just because i i love it a lot and that is actually going to be the west point storage lots now it has a fence around it but you are going to need a lot more vehicles than any other one i'd say in order to secure it because there are two different entrances zombies could get in but what it makes up in that is a lot of loot the chances you get a generator are very high and if you get a sledgehammer you can actually kind of make a nice little honeycomb base and it is very nice to make your own little storage i guess room base it's honestly very cool aesthetically and if you haven't tried it i say try it yourself you can really make a room pop with just a little bit of creativity it's also close enough to the downtown area to where you're not going to need to worry about loot though the zombies might be a little bit of a problem but the good thing is that you can use the two low fences to actually clear out the hordes a little bit easier than you would anywhere else it also has a barbed wire fence up north so if the ones in house break you can use the ones up there it's also very close to a warehouse and gas stations so you're gonna have all your essential resources right there in the area heck you could even go grab a generator from the storage units and put it at the gas station to have infinite fuel to fuel your generators it's definitely my favorite out of the three west point based locations i'm gonna list if you don't like a lot of zombies in your area then this next pick is gonna be the one for you and i'm gonna be doing the secluded homes by the lake just up north of west point it's quite a bit of a distance but that also means you don't need to worry about any unwanted neighbors now i actually used this like these three homes in my super zombies run to escape them and i was actually able to live pretty comfortably for a while so this is definitely a really good pick it has three really big spacious homes each of them having their own uh built-in furnace so you don't need to worry about the winter you already have that covered you basically have a free fire pit and also there is a hunting shack right below the lake which actually does have an antique stove which you can take and bring along for the journey the abundance of forest and the abundance of water nearby you have a single lake and the entire river right next to you so fishing is going to be no joke as long as you got a fishing rod you're eating good right but yeah beautiful place for foraging beautiful place for farming and starting your own little homestead this is definitely one of the most solid picks on the list i'd say it's just an overall great place other than the i guess exclusion from the rest of the area it is going to be quite a bit of a trip to actually going to town but with uh west point and its high loot you probably don't need to worry much about that you're probably going to be set the first couple trips last and finally not least on the list is probably the most iconic west point base and that is twiggy's honestly i don't need to explain it much it's right below the gun store and below that even is a giga mart for all your food needs i mean most of this comes just from the aesthetic of basing up in a bar because immediately when i think of basing up at twiggy's i think of one of my favorite movies shawn of the dead and just i guess making that a reality is always really fun when you have no better plan especially with friends i'd say twiggy's is your next best bet it's just a really good place all in all how's that for a slice of fried gold yeah boy alrighty now that we have like the four main town locations out of the way we're gonna be heading up to valley station home of the mall and home of the gun range which is a very good place to actually get a lot of firearms but yeah first things first we're gonna be covering the storage lots in the area now this bad boy is completely fenced in there's not even an entrance or exit so you you won't even have any prep necessary as soon as you climb that fence you are safe you are completely safe from the elements so there is that also the chances that you get a generator are pretty high now some of the drawbacks in being in this is that it's going to be very long of a trip to actually make it to any other town in the area but you do have the mall nearby so if you want that to be a challenge the storage lots are very nice pick already the second place i'm going to be covering in valley station is going to be the construction site not much just to be said about this place it has a couple trailers and buildings for you to have your own storage needs it's very open very spacious it's right up right below the river as well so you can get some fishing out of the way also the high fences are obviously one of the main takeaways very easy to secure and very easy to maintain and it's an overall very good spot for uh expansion [Music] now that we got all the main quadrants of the map in we're going to be covering some of freebies that i personally like and that i've personally come across during my travels first one i'm gonna be covering is definitely one of the more secluded ones but it's honestly a pretty nice pick it's a very nice little place honestly very scenic you have a lot of toilets to get some water from you live right next to the river and the isolation is great but the thing is is that it's isolated yet it also has a gas station like not too far below it so you have a free supply of gas as well very like small town rustic type feel and it's definitely a nice place to be honestly the interior is very cool the exteriors are even cooler has that like the old barn look feel to it honestly very nice couple of shops nearby too so the chances that you get a lot of food are pretty high as well okay now we are finally on the final location and definitely one of my favorites i'm actually based up here right now as we are speaking but this is going to be the farm to the west this is probably the best base you're going to come across if you want a nice centralized location between all the major cities such as riverwood west point and mulder honestly very top-tier pick it also has a nearby well so you won't need to worry about water like at all has a couple of nearby fences which is always good for training zombies and it's a pretty solid pick it's also right up next to the pony romo so you can get a very cool sign from that as well that you can place in front kind of like a lawn ornament very nice spot though alrighty that's going to conclude it for my favorite base locations now these aren't objective in any way this is just my own opinion and the bases that i've personally used and i personally liked so if you guys have any suggestions or any bases that you really like be sure to let them down below i'll even allow links so you guys can place the exact coordinates for the pzmat project so people can find them a little bit easier anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this episode if you did enjoy it i'd really like if you subscribed like do all that youtube stuff anyways i'm not gonna waste any more of your time i will see you guys the next episode or series have a dane good day peace out
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 571,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid review, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid base building, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid guide 2020, project zomboid getting started, project zomboid gameplay 2020, project zomboid how to play, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid map, project zomboid base, project zomboid base tour
Id: B_KextlV5Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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