Skyrim But If I Die, It Becomes A Modded Mess...

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when it comes to mods and video games the bethesda titles are pretty well renowned for their vast amounts of mods at hand in the last video i explored the modded potential of fallout 4 by forcing myself to install a new mod every time i died well i had the smart idea of moving this video premise over to skyrim when it comes to mods we can all agree that nothing comes close to skyrim the biggest bethesda title of all boasting a whopping arsenal of mods with over 3 billion unique downloads through nexus mods alone well you know how it goes today i'll be playing skyrim on its hardest difficulty with one catch every time i die i install a new mod from my twitch chat oh also one more thing i decided to take your advice and i will not be resetting my playthrough after every death enjoy so the way that this works if you if you guys have never been here for a mod every death stream every time i die you guys can post a nexus mods link in the chat the top two that i think are good i will show on stream and then you guys will get pulled and you will decide which mod you want installed that's how it works it shows legendary difficulty on no balls is that what you want you want legendary difficulty do you actually want me to put on legendary i'll do it we'll spend the entire day downloading mods fine fine no no fine you guys are going to do this again where you you want the hardest difficulty and then you complain about me being everything being too hard legendary is absolutely brutal yeah i know all right what should we name our character i need a name come that's not funny all right we're calling it comfort is he all right what the guy that's lost his head yeah i'm sure he's fine dude i don't think he's dead are you okay good riddance dude oh my god my health okay what is this difficulty what is this difficulty what is this they take no damage dude i'm useless i'm useless this is what you guys want from the gameplay is this literally what you want this this is it you want this for the next five hours let me just swing at people yes can you comment games like in those cringy scripted co-op abandoned videos from e3 what do you mean it goes all right jared i'm heading on over to the doorway you mean like stuff like that all right yeah i'm moving in you want me to be like that you want me to talk like that for the rest of the stream please no oh my god this guy died what happened oh shoot alright i'm moving in oh my god ralph are you okay you look a little bit injured i'm gonna move on and forward in front of you come on yalaf we gotta make a move oh my god there's enemies yeah be quiet we gotta stealth what the teammates oh my god stop no they should have me at e3 with the power friendship will destroy them yeah y'all off watch out he's got a weapon all right let's kill this guy wow this is t wow this is so fun chad i'm i'm such engaging combat so glad you guys made me play on the hardest difficulty thank you thank you so much all right yellow let's make our way over to the enemies on the other side okay i'm gonna get out of the fire no i told you not to step in the fire i need you to quit doing the voice i'm dying what does this do oh my god y'all if look it's a lever whoa no wait let's let's keep moving let's roll out e3 voice i'm sick of it i should be a voice actor could you imagine me voice act oh my god i should that'd be so cool who plays skyrim anymore dude me gigger chads play skyrim true wow look at the graphics the camp down here surely i won't insta die to the first bandit that attacks me hello sir oh [Music] can i fish oh should i just kill this guy what the yo can you move i'm i'm trying to fish you loser oh river betty his health he's giga chad fisherman where's he going you killed an innocent hard-working fisherman you know what no one cares he's dead chad chad's like oh when are you gonna die when whoa dude this is boring you went an hour and 20 minutes about dying dude just you weird wait till i start doing the main quest line and i'm like dead every two seconds i have like 50 mods installed in the first five minutes all right [Music] i'm surprised i haven't died yet oh yeah watch this guy chat surely this guy does not die surely he knows how to do the puzzle wait he didn't get hit once what oh okay nevermind i finally dodged them do i like dragons yeah i love dragons i love dragons i love dragging dragons you know dragon something like dragon you know dragon what dude i love dragons i've known this one a million times but no oh my god am i gonna die to skeva okay this thing is all right chad you know okay this is your choice skyrim souls my voice crack you have either skyrim souls which makes it so you can't pause the game or you have jurassic dragon raw this is gonna make the game so much harder dude chat why that's the point god damn it oh look it doesn't pause the game oh my god that sucks that makes the game so much harder to i can't fight this right this thing is going to whoop my ass i should do this for 10 minutes yeah wow what fun oh [ __ ] oh i forgot no i forgot about the menu thing oh oh [ __ ] that dodge oh you're dead [ __ ] you're dead it's a little [ __ ] i want to kill this guy so bad this guy is pissing me off ah kill it kill it ah ah kill it get it away from me ah shut up dude we're gonna run [ __ ] i got the golden claw black claw all right we got it hmm i'm going to go step across this walkway now and surely i should not die right guys surely there is nothing in the way that will insta kill me hmm i nearly actually stepped on it a restless frog it's over oh my god he's got [ __ ] oh my god okay he's killed me it's over he's actually killed me he's just gonna he's just gonna like outrange me who's the girl from the 2b sub message that's apollo lol no we have gagura a shout and then we have big head mode which just gives me big heads all right big head mode fine i guess i guess we're going for big heads how do i kill this guy he does have a big head i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna hit him for the trap missed actually worked i don't know why i'm surprised that it worked oh oh it's stuck what killed i'm not even gonna pretend that i don't know what killed me i know what killed me there i'm not even gonna pretend oh this could be good this could be good this could save our playthrough chat okay here we go we have realistic legendary damage that increases my damage output to match the damage i take oh we have apocalypse magic of skyrim i won't die if we install this mod i don't know dude i still take a lot of damage like i don't know what you mean all right realistic damage it is thanks guys oh my god it's so much better oh chad it's so much better oh i love it where the [ __ ] voted for this i don't care but it's in now you guys can cry like a bunch of babies see what you did chat i'm still a glass i'm still like one hit from dying i'll show you guys watch this i didn't think to be fair i didn't think that would kill me [Laughter] i thought it would do like a little bit of damage we have seductive lips oh nicolas cages that is horrible that is all right let's let's be honest cage is winning skeletons oh my god he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me sheesh look at the skeleton look how big his skull is the cages oh no i'm not gonna look at them i'm not i'm not gonna look at the cages i'm not gonna look at them they're gonna freak me out oh my god dude that is horrible chad my glasses are really hurting my nose it's like really tight do i have like red marks on my nose i probably do oh like squishing my nose oh my god that looks terrible oh it looks that looks awful why is it why am i such a [ __ ] baby why do i get injured by everything man should i put a plaster on it i'm gonna look like a [ __ ] loser it appears that i am oh it's in my eye my [ __ ] eye all right where's my waifu where is she where is she your fair maiden are you sleeping where is she oh where the [ __ ] did you come from she doesn't look as cute with a big head chad do we save her or do we like do we like inform the gods sell her out i don't know i don't know look i don't know dude i you might get some good head i mean it well sorry my fair lady so the alakir knows who i am finding timothy i'll do it for you my lady my queen honestly dude she's kind of cute oh god he's gonna kill me i don't have any mana [ __ ] outta here [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] just killed me let me just let me get past this area like i'm gonna be stuck here okay that death does not count that death does not count i was okay whatever two mods all right anime voices is winning okay this better be easy to install next mod we have morning anime girl lock picking which replaces lock picking with the sound of an anime girl morning these are two very good ones this morning lockpick mod is insane by the way i've had it on fallout 4. it's actually so distracting this is gonna be wild for speaker users honestly it's your fault for having speakers in the first place why not just get like headphones so you have the privacy of like not playing your audio to the rest of the people in your house oh it's actually in my eye now it's in my eye ah why is that save right there no no no these don't count these don't count these don't count these don't count oh that's two extra deaths okay we have ballistic spells law friendly guns of skyrim oh and then we have law friendly guns of skyrim [ __ ] it that's the poll i can't i'm not even gonna use it though because i mean i guess i should use it how well guns law friendly and elder scrolls uh read it it says law friendly oh look it's the nicholas cage oh [ __ ] oh i can hear it can you shut up for two seconds yo can you shut the [ __ ] up they're kind of like shouting at them oh bullets oh dude we got a gun chat it's happening you're blasted yeah damn okay this is kind of fun you can't aim the weapon you just have to fire it i like how like in the space of like like an hour my game has went from normal to me just running around with a weapon as an anime girl yeah like it the playthrough has been just [ __ ] okay you can't run when you're reloading i mean technically this is magic it's like science you know oh he shot me he's got a gun he shot me he shot me with the weapon dude he did you see that yeah the game's changed a lot huh oh [ __ ] [Music] shut up shut up shut up my eyelashes getting stuck in the plaster i think they are yeah it is what it is though dude giga chad it's giga chad it's giga chad all right do we kill him we go for the sniper [Music] this is a law friendly bullet yeah fully don't understand oh my god [ __ ] rats oh super dragon chat the rats man we need we need to get the rats to win the rats are so much cooler than the [ __ ] just making the dragon big yes yes i influenced it i influenced the voting on that one all right we're gonna do the same thing again please please oh i'm camping i don't care i'm winning do i eat ass why is that your first message in my chat wait she just become my wife oh no feel free to leave i'm kidding all right i'll be back in a minute dmca stop dmca yeah this run is cursed sonar is beautiful look at this why is his head so big oh he's got a cat now look finally here they have cats big mistake big mistake should i go inside here seems kind of scary all right real quick this is uh jabo from the future basically you can tell this is a re-upload to the channel that's because uh originally there was a mod inside of this video that youtube didn't like the original mod that we had installed was a mod that would replace the sound effect of lock picks when getting lock picked uh with with basically sound effects that people would make during a tennis match now unfortunately youtube didn't like this and they age restricted the video which kind of killed it so i'm re-uploading it hopefully to see if it works out well i just know that if there's any points in the video that's muted that's because there is the quote-unquote tennis match okay nearly dead again oh so much combat man oh oh i like the spot this is like one of the cool locations that like kind of hidden where the [ __ ] are you who the [ __ ] is that take your [ __ ] ball with youtube [ __ ] take it oh oh my god i nearly [ __ ] fell off oh oh um um wait for real like i'm actually stuck i'm falling oh [ __ ] he he just went he just [ __ ] disappeared what the [ __ ] was that he's just [ __ ] gone who the [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] dragon sorry oh look a little rat oh uh i guess we're starting early today [ __ ] it all right british mud crabs is winning [Music] god i love the gun and this gun has made this play through fun like i'm actually enjoying the game now because i have a [ __ ] gun whoa whoa did you see that did you see that sheesh the [ __ ] is that noise i forgot about the duke skeleton mud oh my god i'm so freaking excited to kill this dragon dude i'm so like ready i think we i think we've strong enough chat let's go all right me and delfina running up this hill we're gonna kill the dragon i'm so freaking excited wow damn delphine's looking really hot as well oh my freaking god no hecking way bro that is a dragon oh yeah let's sneaky beaky let's make our way in delphine when can i damage it i guess now [Applause] uh don't worry about it my neighbor is lifting he's he's doing some uh tennis matches he's lifting weights in the background just ah [ __ ] just trying to think about it stop it dude stop with the [ __ ] squealing it's we it's weird oh [ __ ] i just make a fart noise do you hear that twitch doesn't have a dynamic ad revenue based off of what ads are displayed i just died i don't know why i'm adding this i don't know why i'm adding this i don't know why i'm adding this to the list but [ __ ] it i know it's gonna get picked i know which one's gonna get picked i think among us is gonna win give me a minute do you sell any paper roll of paper that freaked the [ __ ] out of me that actually freaked the [ __ ] out of me the heads are way too big my name is kumfat pleased to meet you i remember your name from the guest list damn i'm kind of hot dude most good stealth hell yeah did you hear that splatter sound effect you hear it the [ __ ] splat how did that insta kill you get a [ __ ] i [ __ ] hit this what the [ __ ] is a kid doing in here i'm late gotta run what your job where this kid's mining for chad that child his name is allison and alison will never understand what it's like to have a normal kid's life every day he runs in and out of the mine picking up hard seven kilogram pieces of iron and escorting them over to the smelter and then coming back that's his job he does it every day seven hours a day non-stop work doctors say that his legs have been permanently [ __ ] his growth stumped his brain undeveloped the undesirable soot and extra deposits from the mine have also ruined his senses he is unable to taste or smell the child's life has been ruined also some person can make an extra dime really when you think about it it kind of makes you sick this poor child is spending his entire life he should be out playing games having fun and instead he's dying dying for a real childhood is that santa claus oh my god it is weird who the [ __ ] are you guys bandits what the [ __ ] that all about why were they just standing there i attacked santa yeah isn't that like sander and like oh [ __ ] a different language i nearly died to santa claus jesus what the [ __ ] is this hello sierra madre this is bonus content magic barrier blocks your way do i have to do like free trials okay let's do it oh that wasn't hard what is this was this another guy that i gotta kill oh okay i wasn't really that hard i don't know what to say yeah i needed i need to genuinely make a video i'm so [ __ ] mad i thought it was [ __ ] deep you guys want a deathclaw oh my god i missed [ __ ] god damn it dude i missed my shot he would have been dead if i didn't silly death physics i think this is like excessive ragdolling i hope i don't die again destroyed this this is the worst boss fight i've ever done a manga's font and main menu replacer oh my god oh my god what the [ __ ] this is horrible oh my god dude this is actually the worst [ __ ] mod ever my entire menu looks like this let's uh oh that's horrible i'm not gonna die i can't do this i can't do this i can't do this it's too hard it's too [ __ ] hard you know what i'm not gonna die from here now i've decided i am not going to die this is going to be it i am about to complete the rest of the game without dying the rest of the stream is going to be me alive you'll see is it boys oh we have sega or fat sun chop chat [Music] what a great mod i'm so glad i installed that i'm [ __ ] losing my mind ah you guys are you guys are babies what do you mean realistic damage is carrying you i'm getting insta-killed it's actually the worst and it's not loading to you i have to reset the game the game is not the game has crashed [Music] wow thanks moose [Music] [Applause] little [ __ ] why not take me so long huh why that takes so [ __ ] long oh they were oh that's so i don't give a [ __ ] the [ __ ] is don fang what does it even do i can't see i can't read that in content con fine deal seven points of fire damage of at night deals seven points of frost damage after killing twelve creatures absorbed five points of health magicka zero creatures killed i can't read that i hate the manga's font it's ruining the game the manga's fun is making this really hard to play i'm gonna be honest yeah oh [ __ ] am i gonna die these guys like insta kill me oh my god okay i'm alive you know this game is great what the [ __ ] are you all right chad you know the drill it's battle time why is the [ __ ] manga's music playing in the background what is that do you hear that minecraft weapon one oh chad's boring again [Music] wake the [ __ ] up oh yeah this mod is one of my favorites what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where did that thing come from dude that freaked me the [ __ ] out was that like a shitty deathclaw i don't know if this is gonna work but we'll see i'm gonna take an executive position here i'm gonna remove the mangas font because it's not fun it's ruining the game where's the uru mod i don't know i can't hit it it's too fast it's taking no damage what is that elder ringhood all right link it i'll download it and then um i'll just download chucky cheese [Music] my game might be absolutely destroyed oh my god it's brock [Music] i might have fixed it okay it's fixed i just i can't have the elven ring mod installed what the [ __ ] is this my game looks like [ __ ] [ __ ] off i'm just gonna install the first one i click on i don't care what it is okay infinite shouts i'm downloading infinite shouts [ __ ] sick yep here we go so [ __ ] loud oh this is getting out of hand all right we killed it oh my god we killed it oh my god cause the bro not having anything on cooldown i like this ui mod this ui is kind of cool talking like the the yellow [ __ ] around the screen i don't like that did the emulator tell us for the mod to work [Laughter] yes hello papa next do you know the guy voice acts him is the same guy does the voice of mario why is he right up in my [ __ ] face like this come [Laughter] how can i learn it then i don't want the world to end it'd be scary i didn't come here here to debate philosophy with you i'm not reading this anymore get your [ __ ] stinky breath out of my face man i need and you do twice where's the board where's apparently i'm in combat with someone over there no it's a [ __ ] dragon oh my god what the [ __ ] okay let me get the safety stop it all right sorry you guys too okay you guys have gotta witness a [ __ ] historical moment right here boom baby what's enemies are winning okay my game's [ __ ] i think at this point my game is [ __ ] downstar doesn't have much of a port okay we're gonna move don star doesn't have much of a port the miners say it's got rich or veins [ __ ] easy the music dropped did you hear that yeah this run has derailed like i've kind of realized that the main story for this game is really really bad and i'm not gonna have any enjoyment playing the game properly aren't they supposed to be like one of the hardest enemies in the game why okay honestly from this point onwards the entire challenge had derailed and i was just going around killing people with the gun because it was pretty fun to use again this modded play-through was pretty fun and i enjoyed having this time of chat where they would come in and select the most stupidest mods and recommend them and then i'll download them and have to deal with the consequences of doing so as usual i didn't really follow the main story too much and i kind of just got sidetracked in doing the most mundane things that's usually what happens in bethesda games though and as much as i love this video series there's not really too much i can do now outside of fallout 4 and skyrim if you have any game recommendations that can be modded to high hell then please recommend them to me because i would love to continue this series as always more content to come real soon so keep an eye out if you enjoyed the video please make sure to like and subscribe if you want to see more content i'll see you guys next time and goodbye you
Channel: ItsJabo
Views: 1,692,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim mods, skyrim modded playthrough, skyrim best mods, skyrim playthrough, skyrim mods 2022, skyrim modded gameplay, skyrim anniversary edition, itsjabo, itsjabo mods, skyrim modded highlight, Modded Highlight, Modded challenge, Skyrim, Challenge, elder scrolls, skyrim anime girl, skyrim mods xbox, skyrim mods weekly, best skyrim mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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