Becoming max level in Skyrim is ridiculous.. here’s why

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hello everyone this is Garrett the gamer with what I believe to be a very interesting video featuring Skyrim I know what you're thinking what's this guy blabbing about an interesting video on Skyrim it's it's got played this game for hundreds or thousands of hours I've played every viable character builds imaginable I've done every Quest I've modeled the game to make the bandits not wear underwear I know everything there is to know about this game I've already seen everything well dear viewer the same goes for me however in this video I will attempt something that I've never even dreamed of trying before I'm going to start with a new character and get all my skills up to level 100. for this I will almost solely rely on my knowledge of the game which despite having played five different versions of this game across three different consoles is far from complete the rules are I will not be looking up all the pro strategies online except for some of the stuff that I already vaguely remember already I will not use console commands and I'm going for the real authentic Skyrim experience whatever that may me so go ahead and watch my insane struggle as I grind my way to max level this is not going to be very efficient so let's start with character creation and the tutorial because every one of us is done and seen this all a thousand times already I will skip over most of it for the sake of brevity my character will be a generic Imperial guy I watched the execution get told by hatford to escape up the tower away from the dragon up through the tower let's go [Music] I escaped Helgen and head straight for blickford's Barrow I get the Dragonstone return the golden claw and present myself in front of your old ball group right on time for meat and sweet rolls nothing much to report here except that we got pretty lucky on finding a soul trap enchantment in the very first chest that could probably contain it also I killed the first dragon just to make sure that we got these Flying Bastards around to make the game a bit more interesting also I will be needing dragon bones with all this out of the way we can start to play true for realsies I was thinking of me so after all that we got about 2700 gold in our pocket to spend on Argonian prostitutes um I mean to spend on something useful for this challenge let me expand a little bit on the strategy that I have in mind for this insurmountable task that lies ahead is my understanding that the prohibitive element for most skill progression is the amount of cash the player carries I say this because I will be needing cash for buying things like Soul Gems smithing materials or chemical ingredients and of course training with skill trainers School of magic and don't let anyone tell you otherwise my idea here is to raise my character level as high as I can rise from the get-go with a higher level the game provides me with better loots that I can sell for more cash which in turn will provide me with more levels and I do plan to raise some dungeons in this playthrough because I'd like to actually enjoy playing the game for a bit also I honestly got don't know a better way to make money in Skyrim without having to look up some very illegal and frowned upon exploits so let's see an obvious skill to race first is conjuration I remember this this is in fact the oldest trick in the book The player can cast soul trap on dead bodies for lots of experience I was a little bit bored at work and I made a far too complicated flowchart explaining this process I did have to disguise it a bit as something corporate though so that my co-workers wouldn't get suspicious the idea is to go to Blick Falls barrel and cast soul trap a couple of thousand times until I reach level 100. only took about 20 minutes the only downside of the strategy is that we reach level 18 without really being better in not dying in combat so when I walked into the College of Winterhold right after this to get some more spells so I immediately got annihilated by a blood dragon I have to say though it's pretty cool to be able to summon a pair of extra darks with my new filed conservation proficiency if only I could summon a girlfriend [Music] all right so I immediately screw up this challenge after spending hours upon hours of writing dungeons to get some cash I tried leveling up smithing first the strategy that I employed here was to buy iron ore and to craft nails from the construction materials tab unlocked by the hard fire expansion this whole approach however was a very very bad idea after crafting thousands upon thousands of nails I'm still absolutely nowhere just to give you an indication of how it's going I just spent 6 000 gold and more time that I would like to admit to get from level 60 to 75 smithing in fact I'm going to do some different things first I'm buying Breezehome and Whiterun because I have the hard fire expansion this allows me to marry my house crawl Lydia now every time when I sleep in a bed with my follower presence I get the Lover's Comfort effect which provides 15 bonus XP for all skill progression which in fact Stacks with the bonus XP from The Guardian Stones also I'm finally getting some action another other idea that I had is to get the Black Star this is a Daedric artifact that functions as a reusable black soul gem now the idea is to make a sword with a basic soul trap enchantment I can then use this sword to kill Bandits this fills up the Black Star which I in turn can use to recharge the swords also this Loop provides enchanting experience which is nice so with these strategies in mind I slay a few hundred Bandits craft another metric ton of nails and chant some daggers and finally finally reach enchanting level 100 and smithing level 90. why just smithing level 90 you might ask well because it's still extremely tedious and I will get there a bit later and screw you or in fact go nil yourself because if the disaster in which step five [Music] thank you [Music] so now I'm getting somewhere because I have enchanting 100 and smithing level 90 I can now make some pretty cool Enchanted armor sets and weapons to do some serious leveling so I make a set of Daedric armor with the fortify heavy armor enchantments a set of glass armor with a 45 light armor enchantments a Daedric Shield a Daedric swords and a whole bunch of Enchanted rings and amulets to suit my needs now the easiest dust that lies ahead I think is to level up heavy armor so let's find a sparring partner I believe that the idea here is that all I have to do is to take damage but by Enchanted heavy armor does only give me a maximum physical damage reduction of only 80 percent so I do have to do some healing along the way perhaps I can also level some restoration while I'm at it never mind getting restoration experience is absolutely insane I will revisit that one later however partly unless there's some interesting pathfinding on behalf of sure giant pain in the butt here I guess from Level 32 to level 100 in about an hour next up is the block skill the method is mostly the same I continuously take damage from the Giants and try not to die while I'm at it I have to say though leveling this skill really really sucks it takes a lot longer to get experience than with the previous one nevertheless I get there in about one and a half hours foreign this skill can suck a big fat [ __ ] I'm starting to regret this challenge I really really am though a full set of gloss armor with four Enchanted pieces of fortified light armor doesn't give me an armor rating even close to the maximum physical damage protection that I sorely sorely need for leveling up this skill so the result is that I really really have to focus on not dying as I'm running around taking damage from these mammoths for a solid two and a half hours [Music] foreign [Music] I need an easy skill to level something that is doable in fact I came across a muffle spell while digging around the College of winter all and realized that I could continuously cause it to level up my Illusion skill so I went home I looked my sexy wife in the eyes and cast the spell for about 2600 times making sure I got the Lover's Comfort bonus after every fifth time or so to replenish my magic in about 10 minutes of real time I let's say arrived at level 100. foreign levels of smithing which went pretty smooth I already got to level 90 before and then I crafted all those Daedric and glass items for leveling the previous skills [Music] [Applause] alright this is it it's time to take this challenge to the next level it's time to do alchemy every Alchemy ingredients I came across in the game up until this point I've stored in my chest in my house also let me visit every potion maker in Skyrim and buy their entire score of alchemy ingredients surely if I combine all of these ingredients and crafts every and any potion imaginable that will take me to level 100s what level 35 level 35 really that's it well it seems like I have to approach this matter a little bit differently [Music] foreign bending the rules a bit and doing a bit of research I discovered that you get Alchemy experience based upon the value of the potion that you create this means that I should focus on Crafting very valuable potions instead of crafting simply a great many of them so I guess the strategy here is to enchant a set of gear that allows me to make stronger and therefore more valuable potions and so I went and did that however next up something very peculiar happens I was simply crafting some I believe fortify restoration potions or something and somehow some way I went from level 67 to level 100 Alchemy just like that foreign also I have my inventory filled with potions that are worth 250 million gold each um how did we get here also I had a pretty elaborate plan in mind on how to get my bartering skill or speech to level 100. this involves setting up a python script in order to automate watch trading on several decentralized exchanges to create artificial Market volume for fundamentally illiquid assets such as Bitcoin nfds and Enchanted daggers however when I went ahead and sold two of these super potions I kind of reached level 100 speech just like that do come back [Music] next up I actually get to enjoy the game for a bit because for what comes next I actually did Shadowmere The Immortal ever loyal Black's teeth in order to get him I need to play my favorite questline in the game the dark brotherhoods so I traveled to Winter Elm obtain a rumor about the dark brotherhoods from a guards it's no secret the boy is doing some ritual trying to call the Dark Brotherhood but who's going to stop him me I'll have no part of that I talked to the arancino guess whom all of winter homes seems to know about by the way I kill Gretel of the kinds I wake up in a shed I kill an unfortunate Khajiit I get ordered to kill some Drifter and then another one and I believe another one then I kill some chick on her own wedding Cicero gets mad and then I get the horse doesn't make sense right I know I might have glossed over some of the story bits however I've got the horse now and that's what matters let's now do some serious leveling so let me explain why Shadowmere is so important he is practically Immortal as he has a ton of health and an insanely High Health regeneration stats in fact at first sight it looks like he has infinite health it's only when you really do a ton of damage that you see his health go down a bit which then immediately replenishes also perhaps more importantly he doesn't at all seem upset when you damage him he just stands there and takes it like he doesn't give a flying [ __ ] as for the strategy here I screw up once again I intended to level up the one-handed skill first so I crossed a ring that allows me to do an absolute metric [ __ ] ton of damage but upon equipping it and striking Shadowmere I don't get any XP but I do however get a very very dead horse also I could go ahead and keep striking him but it still does nothing and I would you know be beating a dead horse uh [ __ ] time to reload my save file oh yeah baby this is working barbecuing Shadowmere in order to level up my destruction skill and the best part is I don't even have to do anything I put duct tape on my mouse button so I can actually grind the scale AFK so I actually went outside for a bit I watered the plants I drove my Audi on the Autobahn the Autobahn from from this is good I did some meditation I cleaned my barbecue for the upcoming grilling season and when I finally returned two weeks later I was finally level 67 what 67 this horseshit how can I only be level 67 after all of that [Music] so I go to the college purchase some spells and while I'm there I decide to level up my pickpocketing skill [Music] after that I got back to roasting Shadowmere with the proper spells and with my mouse buttons taped down right back into action this time I get to level 100 in a whim I also level up alteration to level 100s by indefinitely holding down the mouse button to cause telekinesis all that was additionally required for that was a 100 reduced alteration spell cost enchantments easy peasy lemon squeezy foreign could this take any longer I'm leveling up sneak and archery at the same time and while sneak is kind of doable like this acquiring archery experience this way just takes the longest of times also I just figured out that I can do Insane damage by combining the backstab bonus from the shroud's gloves with the backstab perk from the sneak skill tree and Performing backstabs right into Shadow mirrors let's say Azura star this high damage does in fact counts towards sneak XP and the task of getting to level 100 sneak while still being a time-consuming grinds actually becomes achievable I get there in an hour or so archery however remains a problem as do the one and two-handed skill in the meantime I figured out that the most annoying skill to level in Skyrim is actually lock picking at first I thought that I could just mindlessly break lock backs until I got to level 100 as one does get some XP from breaking a lock pick but upon doing a bit of research I discover that an effect takes over 366 000 lock picks to get to level 100 like this this means that the only viable way to level lock picking is to pay gold to Vex in the thief skills who happens to be the master level skill trainer for the skill you can however only train 5 levels per overall character level and only up to level 90. this means that the final 10 levels need a different solution also skill training is insanely expensive at the higher levels to give you an idea it took 45 000 gold to get from level 80 to level 90 in lock picking and it was a very very unwelcome surprise to me that it isn't even possible to steal back the goals even with the previously attained level 100 in pickpocketing and an amulet that makes big pocketing 72 585 percent more successful apparently 72 585 times a zero percent chance is still a zero percent chance for the final 10 levels of lock picking I start opening up locked doors in all Skyrim's major cities at night at first this felt extremely tedious but then I discovered that many of the doors in Windhelm actually have mastered level locks that provide decent XP and after opening all the locks I could find I resorted to collecting skill books each skill in Skyrim has 5 unique skill books that upon reading per provides with a level in the associated skill I need four more levels so I track down the books which again is tedious and get to level 100 finally [Music] now only a few scales remain one-handed two-handed archery and restoration my plan is to buy the archery and restoration levels up to level 90 as for the remaining combat skills my plan is to um how shall I put it delicately excessively beat my horse Meats until I max out my one-handed and two-handed proficiency also there's a final quest to be done called Discerning the transmundane this one involves a Madman locked up in an Ice Cavern a friendly Dedrick Lord and a far too lengthy expedition to the Dwarven city of often than ultimately Blackreach the latter of which to me seems like a blatant rip-off by the developers of the underground siofra river area and Elden ring but whatever long story short I helped the Daedric Lord with whatever it was he wanted honestly at this point I'm way way past reading the dialogue in quests and obtained from him the ogma Magnum a unique skill book that in my case grants five levels to all combat skills this brings my one-handed and two-handed skills to level 100 and my archery to level 95. foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] as I remember there to be a fire trap that does pretty decent continuous damage I figure out that it disinfect exactly 28 damage per second and that that can continuously do across the healing spell for 30 points over generation so again I turn to my trusted duct tape and sit this one out [Music] five more skill books that's it I have to find five more skill books for archery to get to level 100 and I will have finished every skill and I should have finished this insurmountable challenge so I tracked down the first skill book which lies in some random house in Markarth easy I tracked down the second one which sits in a cabinet belonging to Ayla the huntress in the dwarf asker also easy I tracked down the third one which lies in the shop of the Fletcher in solitude again nothing special then the fourth one in the wreck of the Brian hammer in the far reaches of the north of Skyrim also pretty easy and then there it is finally behind the counter of the archery shop in Whiterun known as the drunken Huntsman lies the final book when I read it I will be done I will be delivered foreign you've got to be kidding me yes yes I've done it I am level 100 I am God it is over it has been dumb [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Gerrit's Gaming Channel
Views: 720,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, challenge
Id: T0-L-y68uT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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