one hour of uncut bedwars

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okay welcome to bed wars everybody um it looks like somebody bought me rabbit ears so whoever did that thanks they move in the opposite direction that i move so that's exciting um i i'm gonna be playing some bed wars for i don't know hour hour and a half something around there and then i'll probably cut out the lobby times and upload that i'll leave it mostly uncut some people enjoy the uncut a little bit more just because they can see everything that happens i generally cut out the boring parts of me like collecting resources or dying mainly i don't know um green is already gonna rush me that's super annoying uh so i didn't get a teammate i don't know why i say that though it's obvious i'm not getting a teammate um and we're also on steampunk which is like an actual joke of a map so if uh if you might if you're thinking right now hey what's so funny um it's because the steampunk's a joke that's what's funny uh yes good fall off the map i think he was expecting me to hit him but i didn't hit him because i missed and because he was expecting me to be better then he fell off the map on his own okay cool so i was able to take out green bed um am i getting rushed not yet good news for that let's go ahead and get i don't know gap sword blocks good enough at least i spent everything and then i need to go take out the rest of green once i do that i think i'm going to be in the clear i'll probably go for some diamonds get some gear and win the game from there so let me gap just to get some extra health uh it looks like this guy wants to place blocks for some reason we're hitting a pvp encounter so i don't know why you place blocks and looks like i may have not even needed my stone sword because they didn't hit me how exciting is that still not being rushed by red it looks like red's going somewhere else right yeah so i don't even think i need to worry about them i should probably keep an eye on them for a little but i i mean if they're not gonna rush me then i can just leave him alone leave him malone like like the uh the rapper or the singer or the both i don't know what he does time to go mid i think i'll get m's um i don't have very many blocks left though which kind of sucks for how big this map is the generator is really slow which honestly that's fine because then there's less fireballs and anything for less fireballs anything anything at all let's go ahead and grab our boys our boys being emeralds looks like there's the other team's fighting um hopefully gray yeah gray's fighting red so again i really don't need to worry about them uh can i get over this next gen before the next emerald spawns no unfortunately not but that's fine okay well i'm gonna have eight m's i don't think i want abby i don't think um why is pink over here interesting and also scary pink don't go for me please don't okay i think you fell in the void someone fell in the void so i hope it's that pink player there's just no need to go for me sir yeah he probably found the void i don't see any more pink blocks over here okay well i got enough m's so i can go ahead and get back to my base not my base i don't think i'm gonna go back to my base there's no point but at least be able to buy some things so what can i buy time for a shopping spree how about iron sword gaps diamond armor speed jump good enough i suppose i don't know can't think of anything better and then i have seven dimes which is perfect sharp pro to minor fatigue i think i'm as stacked as i can get other than like more layers of prod that's about all um but yeah let's start taking out bases yellow looks like they are at aqua i think the order of bases i should take out will be red then pink then yellow then blue gotta take out blue can't forget that blue is a major threat let's move i'm just a mere steve and also a non i think i don't actually know what rank i nicked as it doesn't matter so easiest way to red there isn't one there isn't an easiest way to red so yeah i'm guessing my bed's gonna be broken by pink because i saw pink running over there earlier well we all saw that but i'm guessing uh they want me for some reason probably because i'm alone they want to take out the loaners which to be fair fine like i'd also want to take out the people that are alone free gear for me free generator so i'm not going to drink speed and jump yet because i don't think i need to if i get fireball they'll be a little sad but again the generators are slow on steampunk which is a good thing we like slow generator maps that's why i liked amazon and orchestra that among other reasons but i do like slow generators less fireballs and that's always good fireballs are so common where is he he's right there oh man that's scary get out of here get out of the game no please don't double hit me whoa please don't serve a leg all right we're good um i can actually upgrade my pickaxe a little which would probably be useful i should have got blocks i really should have got blocks but i didn't um let's go take out the other red player who i think where are they i don't know they i thought they were gonna be at gray but they probably bridged oops they probably bridged mid so let's head there um and then i'm guessing they're at oh they're dead now because of pain or yellow okay let's do speed and jump and i'm just gonna avoid this person see ya hopefully it follows me but oh god they're all after me we gotta move yeah we gotta go um i only see one person coming after me meaning the other one is definitely going to my base right now um i don't have a bridge from the diamond gen to my base okay one person fell in the void i'm almost for sure losing my bed here i think the person who's going there is going to get it unless they fall on the void too but hopefully we can trade beds because i'm confident with diamond gear on your sharp iron sword i'm confident that i can kill him unfortunately my speed and jump are gonna run out which that's really unfortunate um i can't even see if there's a bridge going towards me okay here we go we gotta keep moving um can i go up here i think i can yeah this is good now let's drop down here they were not expecting that see ya didn't hit me a single time and i do have minor fatigue actually so if i can kill this person come here come here okay they're going to stand against the wall which is smart see ya let me void quick and yeah i do see a yellow bridge coming towards me so they are gonna get there they might get my bed hopefully minor fatigue is good enough if they don't have shears i can i can stop him no he's just gonna sit up there that works thank you thank you for sitting up there um how about this let's see what's his plan um here's what i could do is he gonna drop he is i don't get it why why did he do that he should have stayed up there until i bridged up further um then he could have dropped down and smacked me off the map he dropped down way too early so i was able to like um just like land on in my base and then i had more gear so i wasn't going to lose that fight any day of the week well looks like we're starting with no never mind i was going to say we were going to start with enough people to give me a teammate but never mind we're here on acropolis uh i'll give this map another play this map's alright not too bad kind of messy though and that's all let's go and make our first rush um my thumb kind of has been hurting uh this is because um let's start off by saying plumpy is the nicest dog ever and would never hurt anyone um however when you put plumpy on the trampoline um i was i was back at my parents house playing with plumpy on the trampoline um plumpy becomes the most evil dog and wants to kill anything around her and nobody knows why really um but like yeah plumpy is super sweet unless you put on the trampoline and she's evil she's the opposite she just changes to the most evil dog ever um you might be thinking like then why do you put on the trampoline she must hate it up there no no you're you're absolutely wrong if you think that because she will oh by the way if anyone knows plumbing's my bulldog uh if anyone's confused um but yeah like she wants to go on the trampoline she she'll like stand at the bottom of the trampoline and try to jump up even though she's way too chubby and can't get up there but she'll try um just because she loves the trampoline she always wants to be on the trampoline but it doesn't make any sense because she once she's up there it's like she hates it she wants to kill everyone um but either way i was playing with her i genuinely like to play with her on the trampoline because she'll like try and attack me and i'll be like a lion tamer and i'll try and like stop her from attacking me super fun super fun game but she got my thumb in her mouth and bit really hard and it was bleeding really bad and now it just kind of hurts so see that's where my thumb hurts uh hopefully you enjoyed that story um but again plenty like if it like if if anyone visits me and and plumpy's there don't be scared of pumpy plumpy is the sweetest thing uh just just don't put on the trampoline and then try and make friends with her because it's not going to work and nobody yeah and we just don't know why she just has some something against the trampoline and me when i'm on the trampoline but yeah hopefully you all enjoyed that fun little story um i was just collecting some resources as you were watching i don't know why i said that so i will be able to get pro sharp and a trap and then i did get some m's as well because why not i can get like a full set of pots whatever i need um maybe i'll do a pearl now there's no reason there's no reason to get a pearl right now oh pro maybe if i don't have a bed but i do so let's do sharp prods and a trap and then we can actually get better armor as well this is perfect perfecto as they would say in spanish um sorry espanol is what they would say no they would say perfection espanol okay man i'm so bilingual let's go ahead and take out the next base who's the sweatiest let's look at tab let's take a let's take a gander i would say aqua but they don't have a bed pink pink next i mean they're the base next to me so that would probably be the smartest call let's do that i i determined on who to attack next based on how sweaty their names are so because pink has a four letter that isn't and actually no four characters generally would get targeted by gamer avoiding if you have a four letter name change it or else or else you're dead see you're super dead um so that pink is probably gonna try and run back to their base with oh whoops i almost ran off they're probably gonna run back to their base with all those m's um or sorry diamonds that they have oh god do they see me possibly no they don't okay we're good let me get their bed oh wait they do see me okay they're dead okay so green doesn't have a bed and they're right here blue has a bed and they're right here and i think everyone's dead now i don't know what just happened okay we're fine uh i'm i'm still in this for a little who's here aqua they're dead now whoa don't fireball me you cool it uh so white and blue probably blue next probably maybe i don't know you tell me i can't hear you so don't actually talk to me let's move towards blue um yeah i'm going to blue seeing as i don't think white has done anything their names don't threaten me in the slightest um then again blue blues names don't threaten me either so i i'm just going for them because they're closer to my base there's a chance that they'll wander in mid and then see that there's a bridge to my base and then take it and then break my bed because i'm not there um but we should be able to kill both of these boys see ya how about prop 3. how about no wait prop 2 i need prop 2 first i don't know should i go for next set of prot i mean i can probably just run into blue and break their bed with both of them being there they're just they don't have enough gear to deal enough damage to me to ever kill me like okay that's not true they'll kill me eventually because they're landing some hits but no i think i'll kill this blue guy one more time and then i can yeah and then i can head back i should have enough space to get some pratts wait then again then again let me grab this diamond they need to stop just running out at me and then dying super annoying okay i'm gonna head back to my base now um i have enough to get prop 3 which is why i wanted those extra diamonds i can get yeah four for prop two eight for prop three and then we're super stacked and i have three m's on me so i can get jumping invis should i do speed ninjas doesn't matter does not matter to me let's do yeah iron sword gaps i'll do speed invis speed's more fun whoa whoa come on now what are you doing here come on that's not cool no i don't have a minor fatigue trap now if you come back you're gonna get my bed okay uh and yeah it looks like yeah they're just wait this guy's not rushing me never mind i was gonna say they're gonna continually rush me but they're just breaking my bridge all right easy fix fireball jump okay cool now let's speed in invis and head towards them they give me two diamonds thanks guys i should have gapped before my potions it would have been much more efficient um i do want to kill this guy but i also don't want to ah you hit me well that sucks my invis is no longer intact but yeah this is where jump boost would come in handy uh he's gonna run out which is fine come here i have 22 seconds to fight you oh they're both here get off matt okay we're fine they did pull off a little bit of a combo mainly because the first guy acted as a rod and well they actually butterfly bed defense whatever okay i can probably kill them both my gear is just way too good i was actually able to hit that one off the map but yeah okay both of them are gone thank you prop 3 thank you proud 3. honestly this map as long as you can take advantage of the resources and spend them wisely like you can you can win unless other teams are also able to do that so now that we have that team out of the game they were continually rushing me that was annoying uh now i just have to take out white team so ouch why did i feel like this is a team that would do that why do i feel like this i knew that this was a team that was gonna do that too he didn't swing his sword a single time he had such an like sometimes people don't swing their sort of single time at me but they like they die pretty quick that guy had such a long time to try and fight me but he just refused to do it okay well hopefully that uh was all of his um fireballs and he doesn't have any more stashed at his base cia10 oh that's so sad i just threw out ten diamonds i was so close to plot four okay i should just be able to block into this bed defense i think um yeah well okay and let me out of here and i might be able to i can probably kill them both they just he has more ah that's so much fall damage no stop please knock it off this is why maps like this it's just ridiculous ouch um because there's the iron spawn so fast that teams will like fast iron is cool because you can rush quicker but it's also not cool because of teams like this where if they use their fireballs wisely and set at their base and just spam sorry that's not wisely but okay i think i'm getting a teammate this time this is exciting let's go never mind i had hope uh and then um that guy left at the very last second so i didn't get it i ended last game saying what um that team could have been really annoying if they sat at their base and threw fireballs at me when i was crossing their bridge but luckily they were playing very very dumb and they were throwing fireballs at the uh like at the ground near my feet when i wasn't even near the edge so they didn't do a whole lot to me um i'm gonna go ahead and quick defend my bed it looks like this guy is coming over to me i smacked him i didn't deal enough damage okay i at least killed him which is good um i was a little worried i wasn't hitting him while sprinting so i was having a little bit of trouble killing him but uh we're fine i'm gonna go ahead and grab tnt and some blocks and we'll see if we can do anything um but yeah i'm pretty sure that one guy that i'm gonna be fighting here again is pretty good uh did i hit him off oh he blocked nice block glitch okay um he dealt a lot of damage to me which sucks but i think i have enough where i can at least get his bed see ya he wanted he wanted to um get to my base while i was trying to break his bed but i was not gonna let that happen okay perfect then i can kill the teammate here no problem um and then it's gonna be another 1v1 against this guy who is pretty sweaty but we're fine we are fine so far uh yeah that's why i'm not a big fan of fast iron maps going off of what i was saying like at the very beginning of this round because fast iron maps are all about or there you'll see fireballs all over the place which is a huge problem um let's see what's he gonna do where is he what's he gonna do okay i don't know why like building up was keeping him safe for a little bit but i don't get it he was he was going up way too high to the point where when he fell he's gonna die of fall damage that's so funny that is so funny i should take out green probably who is getting all the m's that's what i'm concerned about i think it's pink i think i'm gonna go to i'm gonna go after pink i think um let's go bunny ears look at me jump little bunny your gamer boy you jumping uh yeah let's get pink pink is probably they're the team that had thousands of beds right yeah yeah that's them look at them look at them with those thousands of beds so i should be able to get theirs uh they don't have minor fatigue and i will be able to take a 1v1 as well so if i can take out this player that has the thousands of beds that would be amazing i can see ya and they have eight m's on them what in the world okay hang on um speed jump i can get a set of tools and gaps okay we are doing really well as far as gear i'm a little worried that someone's going to break my bed but i'm not worried about dying i don't think i have diamond armor now i do want to see if i can take out pink and gray before before they get to my base because i'm guessing one of them is going to try to there's pink so i think i want to go after them first um pink is on the team with someone with thousands of beds so i should probably see if i can take them out see ya and then should i go after gray probably grace collecting diamonds and i'd like them out of the game and then that's actually everyone um he's gonna gap i didn't actually gap that's a gamerboy to skin no gamerboy to hit me please no you're embarrassing me no come on i'm just kidding uh not really okay let's get an iron sword and i'll get another speed pot blocks and let's head back to mid here and i'm honestly surprised that nobody's gone to my base yet but i'm gonna say that my bed's gonna be on here in the next second uh who do we got we got you leg who is i'm voting i'm gonna void i don't know how smart this is but i feel like he's coming to my base and i don't want him to okay it looks like he didn't actually go to my base so that was a that was a really bad void because i lost my speed pot um okay i gotta take out gray before it's too late uh gray's collecting m's it looks like if they get a bunch of like invis speed diamond armor with all that i mean i'm in some fat trouble not normal sized trouble but fat trouble let's get him um yeah i don't think he wants to fight it would be kind of dumb for him to fight me mainly because he has the opportunity to get so much gear okay i smacked him he turned around to fight why did he do that no you could have just oh wait is he gonna kill me oh god he was just block hitting and not moving either so he's landing crit after crit at me um yeah so if he just kept running and made it to a base and it looks like he had seven m so he could have gotten diamond armor and speed and then just destroyed me in every fight i think i mean he was pretty good he didn't have a sharp though which held him back a little but that's fine so it's just a matter of taking out two green players let's go ahead and do diamond sword speed invis uh now i'm gonna cause some big problems for anyone trying to fight me because i'm gonna be really fast and also i'm gonna be um invisible and also i'm gonna be dealing a lot of damage oh man diamond swords speed invis on orchestra is is nightmare fuel just if you ever have a dream of you fighting someone with a diamond sword invis and speed on orchestra it's not a good dream it's a bad dream um they're both going to sit in their base which doesn't make a whole lot of sense i think they need gear if they want to win the game but maybe they don't uh they're going to fireball me aren't they please don't so it looks like they might come middle so what i'm going to do here is run and then i'm going to drop down let's see what are they doing nope never mind they're not even coming to mid let's go into speed and invis and then i can probably crit them out there i can get over to that base pretty quickly here because that it's not a a huge mountain that i have to climb it's just a normal base so i i can chase them for a little hopefully my i can get to them before my invis runs out that would be preferred um but we'll see it looks like i will be able to catch up to this guy and then it looks like they have no prop leather so i'm gonna two tap this man see ya okay three tap sorry and then it's just a 1v1 against this guy and he placed on water it was a very smart play by him uh luckily my diamond sword just shredded through them all right gamers what up teammate check anything no nothing um so i know i said it was uncut bed wars other than the lobby times but actually after last round turned off my computer and went to sleep i was tired okay so it's a new day um and then overnight i guess my with the windows on my computer um decided that it was time to update so it updated which is cool but it also for some reason affected like my microphone being connected to obs so pretty much i just recorded like 45 more minutes of uncut bed wars and then it uh and then i realized that my microphone wasn't connected so it's just game audio and that's it and i'm not gonna upload that sorry maybe if i like become really lazy i could um like commentate over it like do a post commentary and chat about it while it's going on but that probably won't ever happen it's it's just gameplay it's it's i mean it's a normal gamerboy video without the commentary which isn't a normal gamerboy video the commentary makes everything um but yeah that's that so it's in it's a new day i've been drinking some caffeine to get some super super hype going um i i don't drink the like i don't drink coffee because coffee is like far too healthy for me i drink the really like bad caffeine you know as artificial as it can possibly get and man i have to pee really bad now i just started recording too and i have to already use the bathroom so i need to hurry up and win um so then i can have a bathroom break i think i just dropped down and get the bed right i think yep okay that was actually way too close actually how did he fall off the edge no please don't kill me that would have been so cool if i was able to get that guy into a combo but i kept running into um running into blocks so it's hard to keep a combo going but what it's looking like is it's time to go for pink after um what happened oh i already brought two diamonds back right okay i think that's what happened uh white is still low so i don't think they bought a gap yet no don't do this to me this is so incredibly sad please don't please don't no what is this what is this it actually works because i don't have a pickaxe oh my god why why okay well i need to check that my microphone's recording because i'm still having some trauma after last round um that i i checked at the very end i was like okay done recording and then no game audio or no microphone audio time to like if there was no game audio i'd probably still upload it because game audio is not that important right it doesn't make or break a video gameplay without commentary is just boring in my opinion shout out to everyone who agrees but not shout out to anyone who disagrees are they in here okay do they i'm so confused this person is just making my head spin they didn't leave the game holy freak what is this okay um what what am i missing holy oh my god am i am i an idiot am i an idiot probably um i'm so confused they're not in their base they can't be they can't be in their base i already checked um let's see if i stand out here do the shopkeepers look to the right so they're over there what in the world is that like are they in here oh they're right here get out of here get out of here oh my god that was wild that was i mean obviously i knew you could get back here but i didn't realize that this person left the base then we decided to block the base back up and then go hide behind the base i guess that i mean i don't know what their plan was was it just to stall me because it worked really well so nice but if it was to win the game i think staying in your base killing me is a better idea um i'm about to lose my bed to blue it looks like so rip not a big deal though i don't think a big deal but possibly let's let's go mid so blue is pretty much the only team left with a bed okay so they're going to go back to my base which is fine i'm just going to take this opportunity to go mid okay i just want to miss any jumps generally i go a little bit quicker going up those platforms but this time i'm going a little bit slower because i don't want to screw anything up there's um a guy over there and i'd prefer to not fight him because he has a bed and i don't if neither of us had beds i'd probably go after him let's see what's his plan it looks like he's just collecting m's is he going back to his base it is there he is um there's a chance to have abi but i'm going to go after him i'm feeling confident get out of here oh my god thank you yellow so i was able to get a final kill on that guy also grab four diamonds and seven m's that is huge that was a huge kill okay so yellow is the team i need to go for now it's me blue and yellow okay i think this is fine um i i have enough to get a ton of gear and then from there i'm i'm just chilling i think is that yellow chasing after me i saw someone back there or i might just be saying things one or the other or both actually probably both yellow is probably back there and also i'm probably saying things fireball i'm just gonna go okay so he's gonna chase i think it's best to get sharp first and then i don't i'm gonna gap but i don't think i need to buy anything with my emeralds yet i was considering quickly buying a diamond sword or diamond armor but again i really don't think it's it's super important okay so i could pearl to their base and get their bed immediately but i think i'm gonna go with two sets of pots a kb stick and gaps fireball blocks okay my inventory is an absolute mess and it's disgusting and i'm sorry kb stick they only have a wool bed defense so i don't think i need either that there's a better inventory okay let me speed jump and invis here nevermind it looks like they're putting down wood which isn't the end of the world i have a fireball so i can break through that wood is not a good bed defense i've said it before and i'll say it again let's go and win the game um okay does he see me don't miss the jump okay we're fine there actually wasn't even a jump to miss is he gonna swing um is he gonna see me they might they might see me they don't or they might okay well at least we got their bed which is the most important thing um i wonder if they're planning on coming back here i'm gonna speed jump in invis because they're both standing on the diamond jen it looks like um no they're both going to green now one fell on the void okay i think i think the game's kind of sealed up with that because they're not gonna be able to one or two v won me so i can kill this guy and then go mid i honestly looking at it from um like now that i killed this guy i wish i didn't use my invis because sure he didn't hit me a single time because i was invis um i'd i kind of wish i had invis for this blue guy i'm a little worried of what he has let me actually grab a tracker real quick because i just want to know that he's not sneaking up on me he is getting closer to me is he in mid oh my god he's right there with diamond armor okay um let me get up ouch ouch he's gapping as well i have a kb stick again get off the map get off the map oh he's see ya i almost hit him too far all right yeah i wasn't too worried of dying of hits one of us was gonna get hit off i just didn't know if it was gonna be me or him luckily i had a couple good block placements there at the end okay i'm gonna end the recording here to see if i actually recorded the audio and then if everything's good i'm gonna see in the next game all right i have some good news for everyone uh first good news i don't have a teammate second off i got my bathroom break third off last round recorded the audio so everything is going smoothly in my world how about you guys i'm not going to be able to hear answers so please just don't even waste your breath please don't speak to your computer or phone screen saying my day was all right or my day was bad because i don't care well maybe no i don't care and also i won't be able to hear you anyway okay let's go ahead and break this bed let's i need to stop rhyming it's disgusting ah no he was able to kill me okay so i think that guy's gonna be decent um the good news here is i can get back to their base with zero blocks they cannot get to my base with zero blocks um because he built straight up instead of a staircase so let's see if i can yeah this is a guy that's gonna be the threat and i say that as his teammate levi 2011 block just sits in his base get off the edge let's go get over here levi get over here levi there we go unfortunately i got a total of zero resources well i guess i got two two iron two gold but practically nothing which sucks okay so now i have to decide what to do because it looks like everyone else took out their first rush but not completely yet so everyone still has to work a little bit to take out their first rush but is it worth me just immediately going after someone or should i crap i think we're having resources i need to take out white next because it looks like they were able to completely take out their first rush oh wait gray i'm gray and then white takeout pink okay yeah white's next i think i want some diamonds first i'm not gonna go to the other diamond gen just because if um what team is over there if blue starts bridging to me or bridging to that damage then i don't want them to immediately get over to me i'll go ahead and grab a sharp though sharp should be huge huge time to take out pink team white team i mean not pink where are they going i hope they start bridging the opposite direction and they don't worry about me at all i'll grab one more diamond i can get a minor fatigue with that at least okay i'm just gonna flat bridge i might go a couple blocks up but it looks like white is going to the roof anyway yeah they're already up there okay it looks like they're going the opposite direction meaning that they're not going to be thinking that gamer boy is about to come in and and ruin their day ruin their entire day i hope i ruined their entire day actually they're playing bedwars against me if you get in a game with me then there's no mercy i hope you have a bad day let's go ahead and drop tnt destroy this person in a fight oh my that was embarrassing for them oh baby and i'll stand back here they see me don't kill me please we're good oh oh my gamer boy with the epic plays epic blog placements they're down goodbye goodbye gamer goodbye game they're not gamer i'm gamer okay let's keep moving blue and yellow um so i think i've said this before in a video i don't remember for sure but if your name is gamerboy then you will always end up in a like your team versus two teams situation so i already know for a fact yellow is going to try and cross map me for some unknown reason and then blue's gonna go to the base next to them which is me so uh i'm just waiting to see um me get cross-mapped or 2v1 well actually this would be 4v1 wouldn't it yeah i'm just waiting for that moment it'll be fun so yellow i think grabbed every single m let's see did blue go mid at all get over here uh i can kill him actually i can absolutely kill this person see ya um i think they have all the m's so yep there's eight let's go ahead and break a bed and i can kill him again i think i just have too much gear whoa holy frick how do you turn around and combo me like that don't know also don't care let's go win this game which i should be able to i think now that i have pots and if i don't get it this time i have more pots because i have four m's in the bank shoddy what you think you know call me a rapper let's go nobody calls me a rapper i was kidding about that kind of some people call me rapper just kidding i rap like a dad a white dead just a picture of white dad rapping and then that's me so i need to get blue bed i don't have shears unfortunately are they both here they are what are you guys doing here you guys need to put some pressure on me or you're not going to get anywhere in this game see ya i love when people just stand directly next to an edge after they after uh someone breaks their bed they're like hmm who broke our bed i'll search for him next to this cliff they said something in chat don't know what that says gg okay i think big news i got a teammate right no i didn't i thought it started with 16 people whatever it doesn't matter doesn't matter i'm gonna wait for some more resources before i go anywhere i don't know why i'd start rushing with only blocks okay so green might be good i know they're a party they did join together and they both have ranks so there's someone i should keep in mind i don't know if i need to like worry about them per se per se let's go ahead and grab blocks is aqua coming after me no they're not yet the question is are they going to come after me i don't think that is yes they're using ladders too aren't they well time to fight time to go aggro on our boys enjoy my keyboard and mouse sounds as i try and jitter click up here wait maybe they weren't even going to go for me because they're bridging mid it looks like maybe i didn't have to do this i could have just let them chill see ya oh wait oh frick get down i should have come on i got one of them as a final kill i was hoping to get both let me grab this let me grab a gap where is he he's invisible he's invisible oh he's right there come here oh yeah search for me near an edge everyone does it they all fall for the mistake the same mistake they all do it i don't know why bedwars players good times okay let's head back and maybe get some shears and then go to green base green has it looks like wood and wool so a tnt would do good but i kind of want to start saving saving i want to invest you know i want to retire at a certain point in my life so maybe i just won't go spending crazy and i guess a fireball wouldn't be too bad of a call since um iron spawned so quickly on this map but i didn't get a fireball so ripped that stretch god i think i just ran twice there i gotta stop this is ridiculous oh wait oh i hit him back onto their bridge too i shouldn't hit him that second time i'm probably gonna lose my bed which isn't the end of the world yeah okay again it's not the end of the world i'll be able to kill him and go mid let's see hello sir or ma'am sorry okay let's get out that wasn't even close not even close um and then over here i can yeah i'll just grab like a gap i could probably get iron armor at this point and then as long as i go mid i think i'll be fine they do have sharp which is really really unfortunate for me um boom boom boom but their gear isn't that much better than mine it's not like they overpower me and i'm gonna get a ton of blocks because i feel like i'm gonna run out maybe a fireball wouldn't be too bad of an idea okay i don't have any gaps which if i take a lot of damage that sucks but an easy fix to that is to just not take very much damage um oh yeah time to head mid i'm guessing they're gonna keep coming after me seeing as they saw me bridging and i also killed them so i'm guessing they'll think i'm a threat but we'll see we will see time to run around in mid all the m's are gone god dang it yeah so i really gotta take out green green got all the m's they might have obsidian they fell in the void they did i think i think i'm just gonna chill and wait for more m's i don't think they have obsidian if they do that that's really bad for me uh yeah there is my enemy my emini goodbye oh man fall damage is a good time unless i'm taking it then it's no longer a good time i do need to remember that this person did almost kill me although i still don't feel like they're that much of a threat i think i just was bad in that one pvp encounter or every pvp encounter who knows oh hello how'd you get here so quickly okay well you're gone now so that's cool yeah let's go ahead and go invis from this space over here can i go to my base i think i can let's do it no i can't no i can't hang on i'm leaving i'm leaving i gotta get out okay we gotta go get speed jump invis and then go mid and then they're gonna freak out and probably fall in void that's our plan ah we're fine we're out okay we're still chilling we're still chilling i don't think this person can kill me what's a good base to go to i don't think there is one unfortunately not at this moment in time i'm almost at full health again so i can take this 1v1 against whoever was chasing me i didn't make a very good play there unfortunately they disconnected reconnected which is perfect oh i can actually get to a base now so any m's for me i don't think so i don't think they want to give me any they're scared let me grab this one and leave i don't want pink to come after me that'd be a mistake i'll mistake if i angered pink let's go get out we must get out i think there's simply no reason for you to come after me if you are there's simply no reason i'm on your side man i'm on your side okay we're fine we're fine green equals obby yes i figured figured all right so i need to get diamonds should i bridge this diamond gen it's such a it's such a risky play if i do this but i think i have a little bit of time i don't know i need to keep trying to collect m's every second i can um the problem is i'm up against two pretty good teams and i don't want to take out green well first off they have obby so it's gonna be really difficult and if i do that pink's just gonna like pile on top of me um and yeah so i think i should be ready to break green's bed i should be ready to um should probably get sharp that's probably the best call for me um because then if i'm ready then if they end up breaking green but i can just immediately head towards their base so i'm actually gonna grab magic milk and then if i'm gonna head back mid it's gonna be kind of tough to win this actually unfortunately i need to play a little bit slower here just to ensure the win oh man i honestly i could have had green bed too at the very beginning of the game i just didn't play well in that brit on that bridge fight i had against that one person and then i lost my bed and i've been playing defensively ever since then but honestly we're not looking too bad if i can grab all these m's oh there's so many of them okay and then i think i need to go buy a pearl pearl is probably the best call should i wait for more it's seven seconds i just don't want to get snuck up on wait reds in the game wait i didn't even realize did not even realize but now i see them killing or pink green killing red so there's pink they're just leaving me alone this is good if pink doesn't go for me then we're super chilling in that sense i'm guessing green is always going to have one person sitting at their base seeing as they're not stupid yeah pink's not going for me cool i'm not going for pink either as long as they leave me alone we're good we're all good and set okay back at this space i think i should do diamond armor pearl speed because i have a full set of pots and a pearl um yeah again i need i'm okay i can get i need two more gold and i get a diamond pick and again i just want to be ready to break green bed at any second i also want to be ready to break pink bed if i have to which i might have to because it looks like green is getting a lot of pressure from pink and red which is good which is good for me okay so let's get back to this space um we can get pratt and haste here i think i'm gonna do haste just because there are beds that i'm gonna have to break if all the beds are gone no reason to do haste obviously if there was only one bed left i probably wouldn't do haste either no reason for that okay so we have a better pickaxe now what should i do i don't think i need an axe i'm gonna do fireballs in that spot okay so green bed's gone but green didn't really have an impact in anything anyway i mean red red didn't have an impact on anything so i don't think i have to worry about him still um yeah yeah i think that's fine the red's out of the game because it's just going to be pink and green i'm still going to gather gear it's still definitely my best call intervening in this 2v2 against green and pink is not smart sorry sorry i'm playing so slow this is the part that i normally cut out because it's just boring just me collecting m's i just though it would be really bad if pink starts going for me like if pink comes up mid and then tries to fight um then they're gonna get angry at me and keep they're gonna keep coming after me but if they keep ignoring me like they're doing so far then then this is super good yeah keep doing that good i just need to remember i have a pearl if i get pearled off or fireballed off i can clutch like i have the items too clutch that doesn't mean i'm going to though because i'm bad but i think we're fine for now it's almost time to go for green um i just like a little bit more gear again i only have prop 1 which is i mean it's something but it's not amazing um pink i'm not too worried about because it looks like they have no diamond upgrades although they have been diamond gen they do have diamond upgrades i take that back okay here we go hopefully i get four diamonds here yep so i get prop 2 at least and then i think i'm going to do two more pearls because what i could do is i drink my pots and magic milk and then just pearl to both green and pink then if i do that then i can just break every bed in one go yeah let's do that i might i might regret this later but we'll see okay um and then i think i need to go for green first green is by far the bigger threat in my opinion we'll see though we will see let's head back mid first there's green wait if green's there then should i just go to their base wait green's dying too pink okay so what it's looking like is both pinks are rushing to green base i i just i okay like i could probably get pink bed here yo yo yo yo yo homie homie we don't have to fight we just simply do not have to do this there are many things that we could do and what you're trying to do is not one of the things that we should be doing okay um he was kind of low so we ran i probably should have he might have m's but he might not have m's because i'm getting two out of every gen so i'm not i don't know i don't know let's let's take out let's take out green what do you say is it worth it it's not worth it it's just not worth it i'm sorry i'm sorry i just need one of these bases to go before i can do anything okay easy speed jump invis magic milk okay let's go break their bed and well i'm gonna hope i can break their bed at least they're gonna sit up there aren't they okay so again i have three pearls so if i need to i can just dip out at any second at any second i can dip out what i need to do here is smack this person off the edge and their bed is gone i'm an idiot because i'm breaking the wood instead of the wool get out of here wait okay we're both here hang on i'm just gonna leave okay the bread's gonna be gone get the pearl okay we're good all right it's come back season i have two more pearls so um if i need to i can still get out of any situation but we got a bed gun and we got um so one pink is dead but we got a bed gun which is important man imagine losing with albie imagine losing with obby dude i guess they haven't lost yet they could still easily win so they do seem like cowards i'm gonna be real so my guess is they're both gonna sit in their base for the rest of the game which is super annoying but i might get some gollums and go after them but they're gonna have golems of their own i don't know we'll see we'll see there's pink um is it worth i don't think it's worth fighting pink i really don't they might fireball me we'll see i have pearls okay let's get out of here okay so i noticed i have 19 emeralds i don't know how i got that many let's go ahead and do this um should i get a knockback stick i don't need my pickaxe anymore let's do that let's get a kb steak that's probably worth it just in case they're near an edge some gaps i don't really need my shears anymore i'll keep them in my inventory okay i do want a diamond sword because what else am i going to get um 15 m's why do why do they give me that man i don't want this many uh speed jump invis twice i think [Music] and a pearl two pearls okay i'm stacked on my mind i just don't know i didn't know what to buy so i may have made some missed purchases so i think i'm gonna speed jump invis and like at least scout green because i want to see where where they are and they're again they're they're playing like howard so they're probably going to send their base but we'll see if they're not then i'm going to kill him okay to be fair when i say playing like cowards they're playing smart like if they leave their base i'll separate them kill them if they sit in their base they have the highest chance of winning because again they're they're in a 2v1 situation like like they have a teammate and i do not so so they are they're very likely to win see yep okay again they should have sat in their base bless up bless up okay let's get another m and then i'm gonna get a tracker on i think pink pink is probably the bigger threat at this point oh yep they are okay let's let's go to green base i'm getting killed by somebody don't know who it is i have so many pearls i'm free to just spam them wherever i want let's track her up on pink they're in mid i think it looks like yeah somebody was killing me it was probably pink so i do have more speed and jump so let's let's do that to get back to mid i think then we can clutch it out from here and i just played so horribly at the beginning of this game i'm kind of upset so my guess here is pink grabbed more m's and ran back to their base which is super unfortunate for me there's green should i fight him i'm going to shift here because i don't want him seeing me i have more pearls okay i think they're dead they disconnected they don't they didn't want to take the fall of shame all right so i have a tracker on the only player left in the game um and it looks like they are coming towards me possibly i do want some more invis for this last fight again i only have prot 2 so they can still like if they have a sharp diamond or even just a sharp iron they'll still shred through me because i don't know sharp irons are just so incredibly good and they might be underpriced but who knows um should i just get some more pots from here i have two more pearls so i'm still chilling in the pearl department i don't think i need to whoops i don't need to worry about that imagine if i did all this and then just fell off the edge that would be so funny he probably has a fireball ready for me okay i need i need to be aware of fireballs they're gonna be everywhere they're going to be everywhere what do we want fireballs probably okay gaps probably okay uh speed jump invis okay let's let's win a game i'm gonna speed i'm gonna jump in in my inventory everybody in my inventory gather in gather round and let's go win this game please and thank you please and thank you he's not in mid oh god i wish he was because i could chao him here he is where oh he's on top of his base okay let's see i'm gonna head up there what are you doing yeah this is why fireballs i'm gonna purl out that's so annoying dude stop doing that so annoying and he probably the thing is he probably has a thousand more he says i'm so sorry i mean it's fine he's gonna come over here now why why would he come over here after he did that as if he'd actually fight me okay well i need to go get more invis all that did is delay the game we should have had our one last final fight and then he could have chilled from there how many more does he have though probably a lot the thing is i end up getting so low from fall damage there that i i couldn't fight him i i wanted to i wanted to just fight him in the game i couldn't so time to delay this game even more thanks a lot brother time to go mid um i don't really know what he's collecting maybe diamonds but i don't know if if he's collecting enough to be worth it he has iron armor so if he doesn't have diamond armor i still have the advantage i think i don't know is prop 4 iron better than the prod 3 diamond because i'm going to get prop 3 here in a second is it better i don't know where is he at still chilling there okay uh it's probably worth getting one more pearl and i can get a full set of pots as well ah man he just delayed the game which isn't that much of a big or not to be video for me as long as i get the win that's what's important in my opinion so if there any uh like developers on the high pixel network that just watched that encounter there um i want you to reconsider the fireball price i've said it since i've started youtube that fireball's overpowered and then what they did is they made it oh he's behind me oh he's oh he's absolutely behind me is he invis what where is he hey i want to swap these why did i get so close to him what he is right there but no yeah i don't know why it said i was only like 40 blocks or i may have just been misreading things maybe i was 50 blocks away or something how did i get so close i don't i don't understand okay let's not miss this jump that's number one most important thing okay how about two pearls in a set of pods and then we'll go back in um and then yeah i guess i don't really need shears in my inventory what do we do man this guy's i need more blocks as well he's going to win from firewall spam that would be funny do i need my compass in my inventory to see him no i don't okay good i remember my hotbar i don't need it in my hot bar okay let's bridge up here and then start heading to him again he so he 100 has has a spec because that pink team was too like coordinated and good to not be like either in a call or at least in game chat so whenever i go invis he's gonna just start spamming fireballs so it i don't even know if invis makes a difference honestly maybe maybe uh this game is so boring that his spectator fell asleep on him i need to watch the floor because i do not want to okay he's so close oh he's invis two he's invis as well i still have jump boost for a little okay we're good i think i can kill him here oh my god it wasn't worth it that wasn't even worth a win i should have lost because i could've won like three four games in that amount of time maybe even more no yeah bed guns in five minutes meaning that was like a like a 35 minute game 30 minute game or something i'm not playing this um i could have won like five games maybe in that time that was ridiculous okay well that's my last game of the episode anyway so like if you made it till the end and made it through that thanks oh man i feel like bedwars is hard to lose if you play that slow the problem is i don't like playing that slow i like just rushing constantly which is why i do lose some games but yeah okay well hopefully enjoyed this episode if you did nick reset if you did make sure you smash like and sub for my bunny ears and we'll see in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 342,825
Rating: 4.9747972 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, mc, uncut, sweaty, doubles, solo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 23sec (3803 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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