stealing obsidian from a team | hypixel bedwars

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what's up everybody welcome back to bed wars it's great to have you here i'm not actually on hypixel right now but i will be in a second i'm actually on a server called as you can see on the right side of the screen i was shown this by chaz i was playing with him one time it's a good way to warm up and it's what i do almost every time now when i warm up before playing bedwars or something and then you can actually go over here and hit fight a bot um and then there are different choices and the main thing that changes are like the attack speed and the reach pretty much easy as a one block reach everyone should be able to beat easy and then expert is 3.5 block reach and nobody should be able to beat hacker but i generally do hard because 2.5 blocks is approximately the the distance where you just trade with them the whole time and then there's different ways you can fight them so i generally do no debuff just to even though i'm really bad at the healing part of no debuff which is like the main part i feel like nobody no debuff is the closest to bed wars pvp but either way you'll join and pretty much you just fight a bot and pretty much the bot is designed to always land a hit on you so and pretty much from like maximum distance which for this spot it's 2.5 so again i feel like the bot is a great way to warm up pvp just because um your design you're like fighting something that is designed to always hit you so i mean i feel like it makes me much better at pvp when i uh when i do this at the start but i was talking to some people on the server and i asked like can you guys consistently beat the hard bot and a lot of them i mean most of them said no uh i can't i can beat him about i don't know maybe 50 that might be a little high actually probably not even that much but again i just think it's a great way to practice pvp um or at least get a warm-up going get your fingers warmed up unfortunately there's no rod pvp against the bot because i don't think they've designed the bot to like well enough or i not not well enough they did a great job with this bot but i don't think it's easy enough or it might not even be possible to design a bot that knows how to rod i'm going to purl out because i need to drink another speed pot but like designing a bot that knows how to rod consistently like a normal player i feel like that's insanely hard to code so that might never happen but if it does happen that would be really cool to warm up like rod pvp even though but even though that's not in bed wars still okay here we go two pots left um i don't know how many the bot has left it doesn't ever tell you i wish it did why is it what happened the bot just stopped trying okay the bot normally doesn't do this but i think i just win no i think uh i'm actually so confused right now but hey i'll take it two pots left um even if they didn't leg out there it would have been really close i was trying to explain how great this bot is and of course that that time when i fight it it that's happened before but not it happens very rarely but i was trying to explain how great this bot is and it just freaks out like that but again i know that's not bed wars but hey if you're interested in like a little pvp warm-up against a bot feel free to do that if you don't want to fight a player right away all right we're actually in bed with this time i'm playing on waterfall at the beginning of the month i was planning on doing daily upload december which is why i uploaded to december 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th but i didn't want to say it like officially on the channel because then i then i'm in for the long ride then i have to do it so i didn't say it because i became very busy and also very lazy so hopefully you'll forgive me for that but it does look like pink is planning on building up a whole bunch so we need to get above them can i get them i can goodbye they're gonna put clay down and i don't have a pickaxe but i think we'll be fine if i just tnt it i think why do i even i'm gonna drop the tnt anyway to play it safe because what's gonna happen is what is that oh my god oh my god tnt please server like maybe or am i lagging uh one or the other doesn't i don't know i got him both uh teammate please tell me have a pic no don't swing at me god nobody tell me of a pickaxe he definitely does not have a pickaxe and he lost his iron sword how upsetting well i took four gold from them not that that's much of an achievement i can get another tnt yes teammate go back in stop swinging at me please i'm on your team okay this is really bad he just jumped in the gen before i could get there so now i don't get anything but thank goodness my teammate will have resources that's just amazing um if i can kill this guy on the bridge actually boom i survived here we go get off get off get off cool uh we just need to wait for the tnt to blow up i think i can get it here that was actually way too close because i'm an idiot because i am gamer idiot how did i i just combo that guy pretty well but how was i losing to them all right good you keep standing there you're doing great during my my uh little break from youtube i had there i did the mistake and i read comments you bought two gaps because he clearly already gapped but he just bought another one i made the mistake of reading the comments is what i was trying to say and pretty much in my last video i asked what is your favorite and that wasn't the question of the day you know but then i said yeah afterwards so i said like what is your favorite yeah i wasn't asking what your favorite yeah was everyone was commenting like my favorites yeah and everyone's like my favorite's yah it's like you idiot all of you are idiots like i'd already reading the comments i already had zero expectations for what i was gonna find and you somehow made it worse than what i was expecting my my question was what was your favorite not what was your favorite yeah yeah is just like a filler word kind of like how you some people say um it's like i wasn't asking what your favorite yeah was either way today's question of the day is this is going to be very specific so hopefully you don't get this one wrong who's your favorite bedwars youtuber that starts with a g and rhymes with lamerboy80 okay so feel free to leave your answer down in the comments below uh just let me know i probably won't read any of them because there's really only one answer that you can have but everyone's gonna pick something different also my teammate left but i didn't get any of his resources did he put him in here i don't know where he went he probably jumped in the void oh yeah and also while you're down there commenting feel free to become my one millionth subscriber like so close uh i only have to double my current sub count however super close so feel free to to help me out but who knows there's a chance you'll be my millionth if you click there's that possibility that 490 000 will click a split second before you and you can be my one millionth hey hey hey don't you think about it goodbye are you gonna give me emeralds because that would be fun fun and cool four all right i'll take it i don't really know who to target next yellow and white i think are fighting maybe i should go for white since they took out yellow but i am kind of chilling at the moment nobody's really near me white looks like they're coming out to me which i suppose is fine let me go invis real quick um hopefully they don't see that i'm going invis actually this isn't going to work is it because like i need to get up there i don't want to place any blocks oh god does he know does he know i'm invis oh he definitely knows i'm invis okay well anyway oh that's not gonna work okay he jumped at me anyway uh can i make it that far i can cool let's head to their base that was really bad um so i'm currently using a mouse remember when i talked about my broken mouse and how maybe you don't remember but i talked about i had a broken like half broken mouse it works but it's only counting half my clicks it's a new mouse i'm using that mouse my left click works fine so i can like fight people fine but when i'm placing blocks i can only place at half speed which is super annoying if you notice i'm placing blocks much slower that is why um i'll have to contact the manufacturer of the mouse or something because i'm looking online i'm finding nothing for why this is happening to me but maybe i'm just having like half cps challenge maybe that'll be the title of video i do need to remember that i don't have anything um as far as diamonds go so i may need to go grab those i think i'll do that now just because i feel like blue and green are still fighting actually no i'm not gonna grab diamonds green's alone green has nobody on their team and blue doesn't have a bed so i'm just gonna go ahead and assume that i'm fine at the moment where's blue at blue's right there should i go for them first yeah i'll go for blue first are either of these players any good what are you doing are you lagging or are you about to fly out to me and kill me okay you're good and then i don't know if green's any good but i can just guess that they're not green doesn't have any diamond upgrades either so i think we're okay um at least we're we're at an even plane he's hitting with the pickaxe we're uneven playing field as far as diamond upgrades go which is what i was worried about so we should win this game totally fine um he has abi that's what he did okay well should we do the break i'll be with a gold pickaxe challenge i only have an iron pickaxe i mean i can still break the abbey maybe i don't know if we'll have enough time though i sort of have very much gear so what if hear me out come come here come on out gg i'm so and i suck at pvp i'm oh is he gonna help okay he's giving up yeah he's just gonna let me do this i thought it would be really cool he's helping me break it uh like i said i'm gonna be so good at the game that i can break abby with an iron pick and i mean look at this just look at this no don't hit me please ah freak you i probably could have still done it i shouldn't have stopped but uh we're just gonna grab the the diamond pick and win the game i shouldn't have stopped i may have still been able to do it i don't know for sure though we'll see i have a diamond pick now and yeah they give up cool all right i will say good game are you gonna yeah he's nodding or she she's like yeah yeah you're right it's a good game i have to say whatever cueing changes have occurred there has to have been some change because every time i join a queue it fills up to 16 immediately and it stays full like if someone leaves another person joins almost instantly so it used to be like 16 people joined kind of slowly and then if two people join it just starts with 14 players but they actually made it so games are pretty much always gonna have a full 16 which is amazing or at least that's what's been happening so far so good job everybody my teammate fell in the void and pink is actually pretty close but it's cool cause now i'll have a teammate to uh to chat with don't do it get out of here that was risky that was a risky play i guess they didn't have tnt so i guess it wasn't too risky but here we go let's let's get up here and get going i have to one stack a little bit slower too since i can't jitter click white kenjit or click it's just isn't gonna it's only gonna count half my clicks which is like slower than a slow click and fall damage get out here boom and then i should get the kill why was this guy rushing white already whatever i i it's fine he was hiding behind the block maybe he thought i didn't see him but i have to explain my nick in this one it's pizza ita i think means italian i think i see people say it in chat all the time people always say eta question mark i think they're wondering if anyone else is italian if i i could be so wrong on that so i'm sorry if i'm totally misinterpreting it but uh i think what i think my name means pizza italian italian pizza okay i don't know why a bridge this way teammate do you have blocks by any he has to have blocks you have to blocks let's go good job teammate good job and he's speed bridging he's probably speed bridging faster than me since he can actually click at a normal speed all right cool white bad gun oh wait their bed's already gone teammate you want to kill him or should i yeah you can go get alex it's fine i'll start working on taking out aqua here and see if i can do anything who's that oh god where did that fireball come from holy frick jump scare um let me see if i can quick break this bed let's see let's see please don't be on stone it's end stone get off the map good oh wait there wasn't even any wood on the other side whoa whoa nice i think my teammate could have taken that kill but he actually stopped swinging and backed up i think knowing that i would get it i'm never diagonal bridging on this map again i've done i've done it before or i've tried it out i just i think i totally forgot how many blocks it takes so i just tried it again i should not have done that what a waste of time and resources by this point every team in the game is going to have aubie okay blue has been middle they're actually rushing green so i think now's a good time to go for blue possibly they do have matching names after all meaning that they're super good everyone with matching names amazing or e daters which is disgusting i hate edator matching names but goodbye and can i get the bed here well you're distracted doing god knows what in the tower what was he doing in here anyway and also why did he deal so much damage to me ouchies ouchie ouchi ouchi thank you for coming on the bridge now if i die at least i can take you out too and that leaves only green that was kind of quick ah it's been six minutes not that quick actually i guess by quick i mean i didn't have to do much work here everyone was kind of taken out by each other okay well let me kill this guy yeah you just keep bridging i'll defend you i'll defend you from the enemies although where's the other one where did huge bean go is huge being missing are we missing a gigantic bean oh yes we are goodbye bed all right well now it's clutch time um which is kind of scary what is a bean is it a vegetable i don't even know i feel like recently everything used to be a vegetable like corn you know tomatoes were a vegetable beans are vegetable i feel like everything's changing now what's corn like a starch is beans are beans of starch what does it matter it's a food item we're playing bed wars teammate oh god oh no he's gone all right what do they have do they have prot they might not have prot let's see let me drop down and kill this guy quick okay this guy's not amazing which is good can i okay wait i can kill this guy quick cause he has no gear let me get this got him if i need to i'm gonna block up and gap actually do i have to i don't even have to i should win this fight easily they just they just don't have enough gear to win uh the fight they do have two people though but yeah it wasn't enough poor teammate i let him get fireballed off i should have dropped sooner to help him out he died because of me oh that's kind of cool this game's been recorded click is that new unless that's a lunar client thing but i don't think it is since i haven't seen it before i was talking about this asking if i want to watch the replay of last game my teammate says steve what's up is he asking if i'm a steve or something okay green's gonna rush mid i thought they were rushing us which was slightly concerning but i don't think they are i really hope they're not he says level two yeah i guess i got a level two it's always different because of get off the map nice block clutch i got him though oh god teammate place more blocks around the bed please get out of here okay let's let's move we gotta i need to grab some blocks because i don't think i can even get to their bridge which is very unfortunate hopefully my teammate can oh that's not cool i can't get past you completely blocked me off don't hit me off okay we're good teammate i need your help bring some blocks this way hurry step let me let me run really close and see if he drops on me will he oh great let's go gray we have help from gray here taking out red team no what was that oh he didn't even finish the bed defense let's go i'm so confused as to why maybe he thought that that's where the bridge was but it was actually over a little he says ty steve you're good i really haven't done anything but thank you i mean i killed a red player does that count as being good and then red in their dying breaths was able to take out gray and then pink came over to take out gray as final kills let me quick kill these boys oh god gobble me up oh god is that is that our bed from green probably i should leave i should have went back oh my teammates here that's definitely our bed and god dang it what are you doing get out of here don't hit me off please please don't hit me off okay i don't i don't want to fight pink anymore i really don't i don't at all because they are i mean they're decent and i don't have good enough gear to survive let me just see if i can make it mid without getting like fireballed off or anything without my teammate jumping in my way and ruining my speed bridge we'll see or i don't know where he is but i i don't know if he's gonna be alive for much longer if he doesn't stick with me oh wait we have our bed we never lost our bed wait this is hilarious is this just a repeat of what happened last time oh never mind our bed's gone now in my very last video i had someone who went to my base and set off our trap and had every opportunity to break the bed but then didn't and i was wondering if that was about to happen again and if so i don't know why that would possibly happen but no they broke our bed and killed my teammate they may have been waiting for like one of us to come back and then they'd break it not too sure but now i'm playing alone with a clutch if i can get back to a base with these emeralds i'm i'm feeling pretty confident on the the win do we know how many blocks it is to the diamond gen from mid is it 20 i don't think it's 26 but i'm gonna try because if i can get to pink base i'm just gonna break their bed and then buy everything there i'm gonna try and minimize the amount of blocks i actually need to get to the diamond gen because if it's 26 that's pretty cool i have 12. i think that's actually enough it might be less than 26 just don't hit me from behind thank you let's move and then i should be able to get pink bed here which is perfect for me they're off fighting somewhere else so i can just chill okay i was able to get to the pink base take out their bed and then i was able to buy everything so i got a pearl and then a full set of pots the problem with this map is there aren't very many like back walls when i purl so i feel like i have to land it perfectly on a like on a base which is very tough and i don't think i'm gonna be able to do it i see both pink players they're both at red i don't know their gear so they might have pro and sharp and if so i'd probably die so i don't know if i want to go in or not yet should i smash like if i should thank goodness that nobody smashed like there because i am not going to go in yeah should i i probably shouldn't oh they're coming to me oh god um hang on hang on boys i'm leaving i'm leaving don't hurt me please don't fireball either let me actually i will fireball does that kill frick he waited smart boy i'm going invis and i'm going after him he better run oh he's running oh he run in funny enough one of the pink players is actually called thick and juicy that was actually my nickname throughout high school so that's pretty cool oh god don't don't do that ah get get him good actually he killed himself which works i'm gonna run i don't want to be here okay we're good we're good we're good i'm still willing to fight i do have speed which is really nice i love having speed in pvp encounters that was still really close dbh don't know if that was smart that probably wasn't because now yellow is the only team left so instead of yellow fighting pink yellow is going to be fighting me and also i'm without a pearl i'm i only have an invis now instead of a full set of pots yeah that was probably not worth it i don't think i needed to use the pearl either but i did oh god there's yellow above me he's gonna drop i don't think i need to use that pearl but just to be safe i did not want to get smacked off because having to purl up oh god what is he doing he's just gonna gap okay we should be fine goodbye what did he have four m's for me thank you but yeah i just like having to if you fall underneath the base and have to purl back up that's so difficult so i wanted to purl a little bit earlier just in case uh that guy's coming back actually here's what i'm going to do i'm going to go invis oh he's right here ah frick that was bad ah we're going we're out we're out um i don't have a pearl i don't have if they have a fireball i'm dead here but we'll see what happens okay off the map okay we can actually get out temporarily and run in here i do have better gear i i'm so glad they split up i would have been dead there is he gonna drop down okay we should be fine because we have better gear okay we made it out kind of scary unfortunately i used my invis but it's fine because i can buy a full set of pots here i also bought two uh fireballs because fireballs probably would have saved me there you know so i could have like turned around and fireballed the bridge to try and get them away but everything worked out um they're probably gonna see that i'm invis which is very unfortunate again i have a pearl i need to remember i have a pearl and not forget so what happens is right as i'm about to hit the void that's when i remember i have a pearl and then i just die okay well that one's gonna sit on their bridge it looks like and wait for me which is cool and all i suppose um get off the map i think i got him ah let's see my shears aren't in my hotbar oh no am i throwing we're fine yeah where is he don't run oh thank you he didn't run he jumped and jumped in the void for that matter i still have my pearl but i don't have invis i'm gonna run mid here and see if i can find them because if i could fight right now that would be great if they have pots then that wouldn't be so great this is the player that i fought previously who is pretty good in my opinion they will be grabbing m's it looks like i don't want them to have high ground i will not fight them if they have high ground um i can run away and just buy things with my m's and then i'll fight him invis like it's probably best for them to fight me now oh they have a kb stick that's why really close he was blocking and i wasn't but we did get him but getting a sweaty clutch like that and winning it's very it's very satisfying nice my teammate and i are matching skins let's go i have high hopes for him i have very high hopes for him all right is red coming up nope they're actually just staring at me maybe they're confused is he alone or something oh he is alone oh he's giving up that's what he's doing chicken chicken my boy oh he's not giving up he just thought that was the best way to defend his bed to jump around on it like a little monkey that's right i just referenced a children's book let's go wait i don't know if you noticed but i put my youtube plaque so you can actually see it previously i was just in a black background so now i have some style behind me also anyone that clicks on one of my videos they'll now know that i'm a serious youtuber because i have a youtube plaque what's it called youtube play button i don't think it's called a plaque anymore but nonetheless it just it makes me seem so professional now uh it'll get me 1 million bajillion subscriber goodbye oh god he didn't hit me down thank goodness what's up steve he's heading back to our base he's probably going back to defend our bed wait i placed wool around her bed at the very beginning now it's end stone i guess that's fine he just felt like wool wasn't enough it just wasn't safe enough for him so i mean that's fine good job and stone clay perfect the main reason that end stone clay is bad is because generally if they have a pickaxe it's gonna break through that clay in half a second so then having end stones not worth it so like having end stone alone and then maybe wood will make them have both it'll make it so they have to have both a pickaxe and an axe so end stone and wood is decent but honestly just wool is fine because like you should just try and keep everyone away from your base at all so in reality what i'm trying to say is who cares what my defense is saying because nobody hopefully nobody will be able to get to our base i'll be hitting everyone away too too well that they won't ever get there let me gap real quick i'm gonna go invis right in front of this guy's face don't swing i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out okay that hit him off it did oh that's so funny oh cool okay um let me quick take out oh wait aqua's over there should i go for them nah they don't have a bed they can live they can live another day i'm just gonna purl there um well that pearl land is the question it did let's go oh i don't even do i have shears i think i do i never have shears in my hop arm such an idiot like every bed defense has wool at least at some point whether it's the top layer the bottom layer i don't know why i get sheer or why i don't whatever i don't know why i don't get cheers um and here's the last player in the game here have some diamonds here here here all for you all for you oh he's not falling for the trap dang it i was gonna have him come out on the bridge and then die the die part is my favorite part oh god okay cool we should be able to do it here and that's a game well i was trying to get my teammate to uh respond to me with the universal symbol of team but he's just ignoring me he's just pretending i'm not here it's probably cuz i'm a steve the stupid steve haters hate them i hate the hate i hate the steve haters pink's coming out to the diamond gen does he know he knows i'm above him i can get above him with tnt the problem is i wanna keep my diamonds so i don't really know oh god he's right there back away don't do it don't do it don't jump no he's gonna break my wall yeah yeah oh god oh god don't do it okay we're fine i had to go after him his teammates down there just swinging at me that might actually make it so oh wait no we're good i was like that might make it so he can actually stop me from breaking the bed quick i wasn't quick enough i should have just quick bought something even if it was uh like haste i should have spammed clicked because i was hovering over it i just didn't quite get there so now they're gonna have prot almost for sure if they give me my diamonds back thanks that would be really sweet that would be a christmas miracle actually yeah got him they don't have anything yet i don't think unless they have haste unless they got haste that'll be cool or he'll pull no they give me the diamonds back thanks guys all right i have shears and they're in my hotbar i need to note that because shears are important and this time i'll make it so i can actually break a bed is aqua team gone no no they're still in the game we just have a casual bridge to them like just a completely flat bridge so they can run right across this makes me really nervous i don't i don't like this at all but i think we're fine since aqua team's over killing yellow so we can get their bed now let's go i guess that i don't know where why was my teammate at our base though why didn't he just go break the bed that's what i'm confused about but we must have broken alphabet at a really bad time because they're both out of the game already um i crit that guy once twice and he is out of the game oh his teammate did throw a fireball so he was trying to help his teammate he tried his best to help the teammate ah god i hate trading crits it's always very scary oh wait there's no shopkeeper but i can still buy it let's go all right i'm jumping in the void um i see both greens there and i feel like one's gonna start heading towards us they may not but i'm still gonna void my teammates actually making a rush on green doing another one of those side rushes with a completely flat bridge um green might be placing abi i think they are so i might be too late um should i just get a diamond pick right now or should i go in and try my best let's see here do they have oh they have they have good diamond upgrades we don't have sharp which is very unfortunate get out of here oh he didn't die now see now is he dead okay good let's quick find out do you have abi they have full lobby okay we'll go get a diamond pick i also was concerned about going in because like there was a debate going on in my mind on one hand i can go in and break their bed before they have abi but if i die then i give them a bunch of resources or i could not go in and then that way i don't have a chance of giving them all my resources but then if they are placing abi then they'll get it down for sure you can run on zero that's fine see ya there's no reason you can stay alive there's no reason to ever run on zero like you're gonna die just accept your death well i guess there's a reason to run if you don't have a bed but if you have a bed i don't know what he's doing well i have a diamond pick let me get magic milk actually oh this might actually be good then i can actually get invis i only got two m's though but the good news is i can actually get something to sneak into their base so let's go ahead and magic milk actually all enves first metal magic milk then i'm gonna head to their base we'll see if we can break that i'll be bed hopefully they don't notice my footsteps but they might um that guy's actually just straight up leaving which is perfect well actually what is he doing oh he's building to the top does he know there's a ladder he might not um here we go come on come on come on i don't need haste maybe i don't need haste now we're fine let's go um boom can't even see me i i hit everything from my hot bar come on down come on down big boy oh wait where you going no come back come back man yeah frick well i did smack him twice can you turn around please can you please turn around god okay that works too okay and um now that my team had actually just bought haste so i'm just gonna take this obby and bring it back to my base like i could go mid and get eight m's but that sounds lame it's much more cool to just steal abi from another team and place it on your own bed and at the moment red and gray are fighting each other so we're not really under any pressure so now's a great time to just mine a bunch of bobby and take it oh what is that okay i have all hobby i was concerned that his fireball he threw at me for no reason at all made it so one of the obvious broke which i i think i don't know for sure but i think if there's an item sitting on the ground like that and you throw a fireball at it it disappears i guess we could fact check that but i was concerned that he just blew up one of the obby pieces and then that totally ruined my plan but either way he did scare me if that's i mean he's it's a little late for halloween but whatever okay let's actually test it out on a piece of gold here uh if i throw a fireball at it yeah no it looks like it disappears so uh that was very close he almost ruined my hobby speaking of which i almost forgot to place the albie there we go it probably would have been cooler if we uh stole their obby while they were still alive like they don't lose their bed or anything we just take the albie and leave maybe i'll do that eventually but i bought speed and jump as opposed to invis hopefully it's fine i think it is hmm what's my teammate doing there nothing nothing i swear i didn't do anything i didn't i i didn't not at all uh don't hit me man i wish i could place blocks faster that would be really cool okay and boom and boom get past him good i was afraid of him smacking me off batting me out of the air like a baseball like a fly what's what's the best term what's the best metaphor there i don't i don't know or wait sorry i said like meaning simile okay and now it's time to kill this guy should i should i kill him teammate where are you oh wait i shoot i thought i'd still jump it's okay i wanted to uh come back and help my teammate out uh cause i want my teammate to get this final kill of course no teammate don't collect emeralds don't do it please just come get the final kill and win maybe he's getting a bridge egg to like bridge egg me off the map i wouldn't blame him if he did that that would have been quite silly i guess we'll just take the kill and win or i am curious what he's going to buy with those m's what does it matter let's win the game i don't have any blocks so i'll use fall damage to make it so i can get a little combo on this guy gg my teammate has yet to say gg meaning he did not think it was a good game i don't know how long this episode's gonna be i think i have five games at the moment oh this might be a longer episode just because just because i haven't uploaded in so long all right we got a diamond gen actually is that the diamond gen no that is so he's rushing m's nevermind he rushed the void quick check for enemy oh he's actually there okay we got to go up get out of here get out of here he didn't die get out of here oh god he hit me where did he hit me from is he dead now at least don't kill me oh we killed each other oh sad times okay teammate where are you did he go in did my teammate go in too oh he did let's go all right i have shears this time uh because last time i didn't i went in with a pickaxe and an axe and i needed shears as always uh yes teammate go good job teammate you did it you did exactly as you needed to do and that was distracted the end the emini oh god oh that would have been really cool if you actually got to our bridge and broke our bed way to go guy way to go all right actually made it to both generators before they spawn their fifth meaning now i can grab the fifth from each and the great part about getting 10 diamonds um immediately into the game like this well i guess it's a couple minutes into the game but still getting 10 diamonds this early will get you both sharp and two levels of prot which is very good for early game i'm gonna head to blue since they've taken out a couple bases at the moment so if i can get that bad that's uh one of the threats i guess i don't know if they're a threat but that's one of the teams that are able to do things um out of the game one just died meaning he's respawning but that works for me because i i'm sure they don't have the gear i have do they no they have zero diamond upgrades goodbye and i will start heading towards green they do have plots because they don't know how much they have like if they have prop 2 do they have sharp don't hit me off he's going to oh god okay we're cool i don't know how i didn't get it off there but i didn't so that's exciting i have minor fatigue but we'll be fine i have plenty of time to break this bed yellow's actually coming in too so green bed gone oh wow i just got sent flying but that leaves only yellow team without a bed so hopefully i can just kill them both here i see one where's the other i don't like when they split up because that mean well i guess i do because then i can kill them easier but i don't want one to be at our base while i try why'd you buy haste two we don't have any beds to break um it clearly makes you better at pvp obviously that's that's why you buy haze too late in the game that's why that's what he spent six diamonds on he didn't want to just wait for two more and get proud three even buying a second and a third trap would be better than buying haste two right now sir boom let's go my fireball's better my teammate says thanks he knows he didn't have a chance of winning without me okay all right well thank you for watching this episode of bed wars if you enjoyed smash like and sub we'll see in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 774,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, obsidian, doubles
Id: N6Lco6WLgEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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