the ender pearl that saved my game | hypixel bedwars

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what's up everyone welcome back to bread war the number one baking game in Minecraft I'm here with players layer oh six I'm just so lucky once in bed wars right now in doubles and we're here on Crypt which is a pretty quick first rush I should've just gone with 8-iron and I probably would already be there and probably would already have their bed but I waited for too many iron I was doing my intro okay leave me alone so I'm just gonna build up to try and play it a little bit safer um because I don't think I can get the bed first try no it's looking like I will not be able to um the only thing I could do here is I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking what I could do is I have to drop down and smack this guy off and then if I can somehow yeah that wasn't gonna work good news though my teammate is taking the entire generator so I can't get anything so that that is good news um again I am just gonna have to that guy's running into the back of the via the base so I might have enough time here um if he goes to my base I won't have time I'm gonna avoid oh wait wait oh the other guy voided nevermind it looks like I've been shot my teammate killed the other one I don't know where that kill occurred but my teammate did get a kill who knows maybe that guy was about to come to our base and my teammate was a sick defender and my teammates pulling off an amazing strategy we're just hiding behind their base you just stay there okay so these people decided to block up their base which I guess is fine um well they both have iron swords don't they got one got two there we go alright so for my teammate oh never mind it's not players lair its player Slayer okay oh no upgrade the bed let's go everyone is a new diamond upgrade it's a bed upgrade that made my day okay so I don't actually have anything to break gribbit so I'm just gonna buy some sharp hopefully they won't realize yeah I'm on their team so I'll just sit here for a little bit oh I'll just like stand here I'm an Alex skin in there base yeah he's he's going he found out that someone bridged to them he he's looking at my bridge right now being like who do who built this who's near us um in fact he's actually gonna go onto my bridge okay I'm just gonna buy a pickaxe and I'm just gonna go for it I guess I I don't know and then n stone is the bottom layer cool okay hey he's on his way back I'm such a sneaky boy Oh Frick he's building up yeah if I if I didn't mess up all those block placements I might be able to actually hit him that's fine though goodbye gray actually went mid so if I can kill him I can probably take all thumbs weird have pride well fancy that I think my teammate got his prize put it away if I can kill gray he probably has all the MS and I can get pearls pots and win the game my teammate bridged mid from our base though which is bad news teammates his help oh no okay here we go yes that is eight I got the clean and that is a Thames in the bank I can kill this guy if he wants I won't though looks like he's just gonna play very passive play some blocks my teammates has helped so I will obey his request of helping and I'm on my way over he's heading back mid I'm probably just gonna get a hobby I think it's not a bad cogs it looks like people are kind of sweating this game okay I can't do I'll be yet because we have someone incoming so that's fine okay I need to get wool and obsidian I think if I'm quick enough I can drop the TNT quick place down the pieces of obby and I'm gonna hide it so hopefully nobody knows we have ah because if people know that we have a B then first rush they'll have a diamond pick with them but if they don't know we have a B then the first rush they might only show up with an iron pick then they find out we have aa B then they have to rush again with a diamond pick so it's just like one extra rush of safety when you don't let anyone know yeah Bobby I guess I'll just head in here to Green Team umm I see only one with them and he just walked off I don't know where the other guy is I think the other guy is taking out aqua team also I got minor fatigue halfway through breaking their bed goodbye so the his teammate must have bought a minor fatigue like as I had their base already his teammates probably on the voice Chad being like help please come back to base my team and his team it's like no no don't worry dari I'll just buy the minor fatigue trap for you yeah oh no I didn't hit him there's blocks okay cool and I now have eight emeralds let's go ahead and grab a tracker my knees right here I'll drop these because if I die which I might he does have sharpened peratt's and fireballs apparently I don't want to give him six M's that's kind of a big deal that's diamond Armour that's a pearl and in biz oh no he lived okay we're fine alright as expected I am here alone there were the game started with only 15 players and cuz I'm on my main I have the most stars therefore I get the least amount of teammates my first rush might be a little sweaty the two aquas I mean their names they don't scream sweat but they you know they speak it in a firm voice a sweat you know something like that so I'm just gonna wait for TNC and I'm gonna build way up I could have just gone with 32 blocks but if I did that and then they ended up stopping me I'd be in a lot of trouble so I'm just gonna build a way up I will take a lot of fall damage but I think it's gonna be worth it as long as I can get their bed one aqua fell on the void which is really good so they're reset they don't have anything I can actually just drop down here and I can play it super safe and super easy and draw up a tnc there and we should be all good let's go and you just took a lot of fall damage but that's okay okay now it's a matter of getting both these players out of the game before it's too late I'm just gonna buy a pick and blocks I guess I could have done a sword but I'm probably gonna die anyway so buying a pick is better cuz at least I won't lose this okay well yeah see the sword most likely I didn't think was gonna matter anyway mainly because it was probably gonna be a knockoff kill anyway even if I had a stone sword I wouldn't have been able to go into their base and kill them both so the only way it could have killed them was knocking him off and if I was doing that then the sword doesn't matter so I'm gonna go ahead and defend our bed I actually have two pieces of wood there we go I think I got that from Aquabase and I never really do this on this map but I'm gonna actually head to the and then to mid I generally go mid on this map but I very rarely go to the diamond Jen I generally just build mid directly from my base or my enemy's base or something like that but I will get a Thames here I don't think I'm gonna I'll be this game I don't see myself needing it I generally get obby if I feel like there's gonna be someone who's pretty good in the game or more if there's multiple teams who look half decent I generally get obvi but I think I don't think I'm gonna need a B I'll be able to take out I don't think I'm gonna get rushed by that many bases all right here's what I'm gonna do I think we're gonna get upgraded tools blocks I'm gonna do armor pearl that may have been a really bad decision but I only have leather armor so I think that's fine a general rule for me actually I'm gonna go get prod um but a general rule for me is if I have leather armor I'll upgrade to diamond if I have a your number very rarely will upgrade to diamond only if I like don't have a bed because iron armor diamond isn't that much of a difference if you're going from whether to diamond though then it's a pretty big difference either way pink and gray are fighting I'll leave them alone I guess I'll take out green they seem to be the next threats I don't know I don't know threats the right word to describe that but maybe blue yeah surely go to blue base um the problem here is are they both at their base because I see they bridged mid yeah they're okay I was worried I saw the bridge mid so I was afraid they'd start heading to my base he's gonna fall right off the map and I'll break their bed he's not looking at me I guess um can I kill both of them I have pretty dang good gear they do have a sharp though probably probably won't be able to do this especially if greens here leave me alone boys just gonna gap on up and I think I can do this how are we looking for health really bad and the other one ran oh the other ones are running away okay they can run away red is they can go there I'm gonna see if I can pearl without missing the pearl I'm gonna hit the flag no I'm good you die stop it okay we good their beds gone green bridged mid are they coming to me they don't have a completed bridge okay last Greens mid um well I guess both greens are still alive but one is mid once at their base every bed in the game is gone because pink and gray took each other out man things are going my way I just need to I need to make sure this green doesn't get m's because once they get M's bad news for me oh wait a minute oh this is bad I don't think I'll have enough time because they're pretty much at my base minor fatigue please last long enough for me to stop pink goodbye it salvos okay I need another minor fatigue right away also I hate that that bridge exists now how they have another path to my base okay yeah I should just I can get brought to tho uh na minor fatigue is better than brought to definitely okay I'm gonna buy two of them because again a minor fatigue is the only reason I still have a bed and I still have to take out two greens if they double-team me I'm in trouble hopefully they don't do that I'm gonna jump in vis and hopefully you if I sneak attack am i I can get the kills I see one of them I just want to make sure I get eyes on both and also I don't want to miss that jump I almost did if I can see both then then I'm in good shape but if I can't okay I see both of them I see both of them he's gonna stand up there and swing around so I guess I'll head over to him he must feel safe hopefully but I don't think he knows I'm inves he turned away when I was drinking so let me just see if I can smack him around a little bit okay he's dead and he didn't hit me at all so I still have my n vis going for me and I see the other guy over there I see I'm gonna void I don't think I can get back to my base in time hopefully he probably is a fireball which is gonna like give him an instant break of my bed minor for D coming to clutch okay I was actually pretty close he had I only had a wood sore he had a sharp iron but wow that was pretty close his diamond axe really saved him from not being able to break my bed okay I'm just gonna go with 32 blocks this time normally I wait for a little bit more I think I'm just gonna go with the minimum amount of blocks I'll risk it I feel I feel confidence I have a teammate as well who was super cool gotta love teammates and got the bed no I didn't got bed that took way too long that was close I really wish wood is your bed defense nice dude you got like a little star around it sick dude oh well there goes that guy and then this is the guy that I railed the only problem is I died to the other teammate quitting me out from the back and that's a pretty good first rush um I'm gonna head over to Aqua yeah cuz they took out their first rush so that seems like a smart choice to rush my teammate finally finished his bed defense there we go so I don't know if I can get close enough to this base to drop a TNT I can so I'll just do that um yeah I'll be fine there we go let's go and I don't think I know he has sharp okay one of them fell on the void that was the guy that I was fighting oh wait I'm voiding I'm voiding so blue is still somewhat a threat because they could just run that way and get to our base but it looks like gray is actually incoming at the moment oh no both of them are incoming teammate please you gotta help man the other one it looks like they're about to drop at TNT so this isn't good let me just head up here don't drop a TNT don't do it I can smack him through there right goodbye okay we gotta start heading gray for some reason they both rushed this side bad news blues blue might come from the other side if we can get sharp that would be a huge help hopefully my teammate can hold off the other side for long enough I'm gonna head back and put the diamonds in my under chest or all just good sharp now I would go to gray base but I'm afraid if I die then they get the diamonds and then they have an advantage here I'll buy another miner fatigue because again now I might've really didn't really save us there and it was just our defense see ya I don't know why people just like placing blocks I think I think that's their main uh their main enjoyment in bed wars just placing wall listening with a wool sound but then again who doesn't love some good ol wool sound okay um yeah run back that's a wonderful idea nice job dude do that okay now I'm gonna build up and I'm gonna drop down here hopefully I can get a minor fatigue trap triggered they might I don't think they have diamond upgrades meaning I should just have this bed here I think we'll be alright that guy may have died as well did he you did oh dang he's not - that would've been huge if I was able to get that kill then that team would be completely out of the game therefore I could just solely focus on blue and then we'd probably win still probably in no guarantees but because he survived I don't know who to go for cuz I think I'm gonna go to blue cuz that's why I'm headed right now and I'm just gonna hope that gray doesn't come to our base well I'm going to blue and if they do come to our base so I'm going to blue then then bad news but if I'm quick enough I don't think it'll matter that's four diamonds that's pretty cool I like that they have four diamonds there and hopefully I can get all of them into the team upgrades we don't even need them all right well let me get this let me toss him in here and I'm getting smacked all right cool so I got the diamonds and I'm respawned grateful and the void it looks like so it didn't really matter I'm glad I didn't go for him then he was just gonna hit the void anyway he he hit the void and also hit the dab both those things he hit okay and he's coming out to me on a bridge which is cool I don't know why he did that hey hey hey be careful over there oh wait this guy survived he almost killed me teammate I might be careful where did he always right there I mean he has a lot of help so this might not work out but I think we're okay yeah we're fine she love you oh nine do we think I'm teamed with an eleven-year-old quite possibly hopefully this works out normally I'd wait for a little bit more and a TMT but I know I think I'll be fine cuz this guy bridged most of the way for me anyway see uh they're putting wood down if I'm quick enough it won't matter oh wait wait a minute how did my teammate just break the bed what what okay well this guy's gonna run back mid goatee Matt you got this do it up do nice job teammate that's amazing do you guys see what has happened my team had just placed a few blocks and the enemy just imploded teammate says you're Opie oh my god he does all the work and now he complements me he says I'm overpowered dude nerf me please cut off a couple of my fingers you got a nerf me okay I can probably get grey bed gray is probably gonna get red bed as well which is a real night oh no hang on I need to get sharp okay start pertained wait what hang on my teammate got sharp I got to get prod okay at least I spent some of my diamonds before I died Britta sure Grady's gonna have praat now though yeah he does so it's kind of unfortunate that I gave him two but it's better than him getting all Forks and now we have prods and he doesn't have sharp he just fell on the void red still has a bed actually what the dude this Wan gamer 56 might be the most overpowered gamer of all time my teammate says I'm overpowered no did we understand what Wan gamer just did to me you hit me like six times as I'm already in the void and one gamers dead thank goodness good job blue team you've saved my life and red was unable to break blue bed no red might still be able to do it no nevermind I don't think he's gonna be able to do it okay um well I can probably kill both these boys they don't have any prot so as long as I can get a couple clean kills you got an iron sword so that wasn't super clean all right teammate no way you're not my teammate okay Green go no no user pick no you have to what are you doing you just holding it dang and US Open II jump do it I won't place a block I promise I promise I won't place a block haki boss okay fine just go back in your base that's fine got him wait what does Green doing here to take my final kills oh my god they're gonna do it blue help blue oh wait the other guy disconnected he swore at us and then disconnected oh my god wait green cells a bed hang on dang it yeah what is awkward doing coming to us I was just trying to fight green and now aquas over here I guess I'll go to them cuz greens dying in mid taqwa so so my teammate no that's aqua okay that's fine my teammates gonna hold them off and if not I'll be able to break off a bit and then void so let's just kill this guy real quick let's see what my teammate ends up doing if they don't have a trap I get their bed yeah they don't have a trap here we go oh your knack so P unfortunately he had his back up against his bed defense and also that's extra unfortunate I bought clay that's exactly what I was thinking after I bought clay I just think fo doc was our life somewhere they may have MS I saw one mid both greens are alive and they have a bed and I see both greens so neither of them are gonna go to our base hopefully my teammate with a minor fatigue trap can like at least stop one of the aquas before they break our bed um what are we looking at someone's fighting over here wait are they fighting oh no Green's just taking fall damage for absolutely no reason at all hang on just hey nice job teammate you gotta kill smack him and I'll head up here okay what's the plan I cannae out gear both these guys probably not but if I can smack that guy off and I can because I didn't hear him take 12 damage that's a clean bed there and I can probably just block him in never mind I can't do that out gear I'm this out garam that's all that it takes okay I died but actually I'm very okay with that cuz I might be able to save our bed oh he's inves what he's into swing swing teammate where is he he's right here okay oh man so that's awesome I was able to die to green which brought me back to my base faster and then green disconnected so I was able to get to find kill anyway and then I was at be able to be at her base to stop an individual a how amazing there we go 1602 16 players I get a teammate operation sausage oh no guys he's in the middle of operation sausage dang it whoops accidentally bought clay um the good news is my teammate did say you do bed so like I mean so I mean I'm obeying my teammate which is good the bad news is it looks like Reds on the way over and my teammates was going diamond gende okay my teammate made it back and actually got armor like prot so I suppose that's good is that guy dead he survived he's really low which is honestly preferred he can stay there if he wants he's so low it doesn't matter see ya and I was able to get a final kill and you're afk I'm pretty sure this person was an MVP plus plus generally they're not the people that afk unless they boost in a booster or maybe that person's like I have to go to the bathroom and then I just unfortunately lost their bed while they were in the middle of potty time and yeah yeah yellows out of the game so greens probably headed over towards us yeah looks like they definitely are on the bright side my teammate decided to run over towards red for some reason who knows I can't think of any reasons why they would do that's but they probably have a reason I mean they kind of went to this diamond to begin with that was so much fun that why'd you do that why'd you do that why are you doing this like building ups good but I don't I don't get it they that wasn't building up smart that was building up to take a ton of fall damage for no reason at all I'll just do that oh my god my teammate operations sausage getting gray bed I didn't think he had it in him seeing as he rushed damage and also I didn't mean to almost miss my block placements okay can I kill both these guys I don't know because the thing is I want to keep my diamonds right I but I don't see myself being able to kill both these boys never mind I might I might be able to I want two and a half hearts though this is gonna be tough um here's what I can do actually super big brain plays let me just drop the Diamonds like right here how about and then that way I'll come back from if I die if I don't die I'll be here anyway and I can grab them okay we're good and I can go grab the Diamonds and I should be able to get prot - I don't think we have a trap though I might want to do trap man yo low prot - if we can get prot - and take out the entire game who needs a trap anyway alright let me fire ball jump up here because I'm a super epic gamer and there's only two players left and they're both final kills so he's gonna fireball me like no question he's gonna fireball me good he missed this fireball my jokes are to Opie last player is white the team not the skin and I don't know where he is which is the problem I just void we don't have a trap so like I'm gonna void if ooh these are better I'm gonna be so upset oh wait we're about two aren't we they're right here there I'm so glad I've waited no no don't do it I hit my bed broken laws ratio this is so sad I avoided just in time if I would like another five seconds that would be a rip me I'd be in the void as the he breaks our bed good job operation sausage you did well okay we're back with another round teammates is high I'll say hey borough a few mates doing a wool defense which is actually good I prefer that over any other defense I got tools blocks and TNT so I should be good on my first rush my team I fell in the void I don't know where he was going though I'm looking around first blocks it looks like he wasn't how did you fall in the void oh never mind he did place blocks I just didn't see him um okay well Reds going to the diamond Jen so I guess I'll meet him there there's no point in just going straight to their base because if they start bridging towards our base then we're just gonna trade beds one red fell in the void which is amazing I'll say up I'm just gonna stay up a little bit above them that way I have no fears at all my block placements did not work out okay now they did um we got this guy who if I could just kill him then this is a bed right here we traded hits but we are all good is he gonna come out on the bridge no that would be real nice if you did though hello sir you want to come on out I'm angry I'm angry I'm sidestepping Oh teammate he might be careful which I drop it should I drop it I'm not team grieving no well this sucks dude I can't get over to their base now Oh No Oh worse we still lost our bed hang on I'm voiding green Oh my teammate says gern see here's the thing what I did was tactical you see it was to have my teammate get back to the beast to defend our bed unfortunately he didn't defend our bed but see I was just trying to help out our team by getting my teammate back to defend okay so Red's mid I should be able to kill this guy he's a low and keeps running into blocks hit me thank you this team a boosted me into into the other one that I needed to kill also I don't I'm kind of well I shouldn't fight this I messed up my blocks my movements I got enough I think for me to head back okay I killed red I need to run again cuz now greens behind me this is ridiculous okay uh what if I head up here okay I didn't take too much fall damage or damage in general I need a head a red base oh this is kind of a rough jump got sharp we're fine oh wait I need to get a pearl this is so scary oh my god we're fine we're fine we're fine I have I have blocks uh that's all I have I I don't have gaps I've sharp I don't think these guys have sharp now the problem is I need to get somewhere like I can go mid this guy's gonna bridge out to me so like I can get mid and that's totally fine I just want to get fireballed off green fell in the void okay actually we're like super in the clear now I think um Green will probably be back because they hate me for some reason I mean they did break our bed but why aren't they focusing yellow as hard as they're focusing me yellows a team next to them I mean okay fine technically we are too cuz we're just like through the other base but still stop it leave me alone leave the gamble yet alone please okay I will go and get prot prot super good and I can probably get more things unfortunately I had to use 4ms on the Pearl but of course it kept me alive so I guess it's not super unfortunate that I had to do that it's better I spend on that then die you know what I'm just gonna run to grey base I think I think I have it clear over here cuz there's nobody here that the greatest took out um green so I can take out a grey bed here you have any Amazon me I don't I think that's fine I can get iron sword gap a few fireballs if I want to be a cheap little boy and throw some throw some explosives how many pearls do you have slash out three more literally they know I have zero more do we know where anyone is I see one of them I'm a little worried because if they're too gather and then they jumped me again I don't have any pearls so again they think I have pearls though that's what matters I'm playing to mind games bed Wars is not a game of Minecraft skills a game of mind craft skill okay I can get another gap I can get I'll do one pearl I think I only need one I'll do speed and invisi because at least I can jump one of them okay I found one of them again if I'd not if I didn't knock back stick I get pearl on top of that mountain and smack him around or to smack him like towards mid and kill him I could probably do that to both of them and win the game but again they're just gonna sit there if they're gonna sit there I'll just go for some I'll just get some M's they I have fireball pressure right now so they're kind of stuck oh he fireball jumped interesting and they're just stuck there they can't really do anything so I think we're totally good I have I have M's I'll try and go to this diamond gen and see if they try and fireball me they did fireball me but we're fine they were too late okay we're fine they had another fireball it's fair we're playing fireball wars I notice there's so much iron that spawns it's just fireball wars I'll just keep collecting M's I was able to get those diamonds which is real nice why are you like this what do you mean why am I like what they're chucking just as many fireballs I threw - they threw - no actually they're throwing more than - what do you mean why am I like this okay well I need to get to grey base so I just need to keep an eye out for fireballs which at the moment we're fine oh they might be saying why are you like this because of the Pearl that I threw I think is I've thrown like three this game which is kind of a lot for a bed wars game okay I'm gonna get my knock back stick that I want and then I will also get some gaps I'm gonna get two more pearls jump in vis again okay pretty good gear now I'm gonna head back mid or at least I'm gonna see if I can find people I should be ready to pearl though any chance I can get this kill a halt man that was close I even if it hit the bridge he probably would have still survived but I was pretty close oh they're mid what was that I think they tried to fireball jump but it didn't work for him okay I think we're fine this guy's gonna die here there we go I had to jump speeding invisi injures though so this guy doesn't know where I am let's go okay that's a little question they did come mid I was hiding behind there and then I did some jump speed in viz and yeah I didn't have to use my knock back stick at all which is unfortunate I want to abuse it that's a nice little clutch with me abusing pearls and I think that's gonna do it for this episode of bed Wars so smash like and sub and thanks for watching I'll see you tomorrow with another video bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 972,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, gb80, mc, bw, leaderboard, challenge, minecraft
Id: 17UKE4FiI6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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