trying to learn bedwars from online tutorials

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what's up everybody it is i gamerboy and i'm trash at bedwars as you all know so i searched the internet and all of the internet to find the best bed wars guide so i too can be a pro at bed wars because i know all the pros are making bed wars guides online but this one that i found is called a minecrafter's guide to hypixel's bed wars i mean i'm a minecrafter i'm a crafter so that means if i read this guide i too can be a minecraft bed wars pro so it starts off by saying uh bedwars is one of many fantastic games created by the amazing minecraft server hypixel okay i feel like hypixel made this guide come on now like oh man hypixel has so many fantastic games this is just one of them and the fantastic minecraft server they just describe the basics of the game they pretty much just copy everything that's over here uh they just like write down all those and then it gets into the rules but it seems that they made up their own rules no cross teaming or ganging up on a single team like sure no crossing but i feel like ganging up on a single team is sometimes what you have to do to win no destroying original blocks that's not allowed just because you can't do it like it's impossible okay the next one is no hacks no ditching your team okay i'm not good at that one i ditch my team all the time if our bed breaks they're on their own i'm i'm leaving and the last one is have fun which i'm pretty sure i've stated this before in a video but that's not possible in bed wars it's sweat and only sweat but then again who am i they're the minecraft pro making the minecrafter's guide to hypixel's bed wars each different rule you can comment on it and like leave your own comments so on this no ditching your team one uh we got somebody that said a noob ditched my team before oh frick dude this guy's so mad he went on a minecraft guide and is angrily typing about it then we got this other guy every time i ditch my team and go solo i win every time i stay back and protect the bet with the team do and raid with my team we lose this guy's just bragging about how good he is alone so i'm gonna hop into a game um so this is a guide do 3v3 v3 v3 it's specifically 3v3 v3 v3 so if you're planning on playing like solo doubles or fours don't use these tips and tricks okay this is specifically for threes i'm on an alt mainly because i i feel like i'm gonna be taking a lot of final deaths today i just have a strange feeling but either way i'm gonna be uh going over the roles they start off by describing all the roles of the team so the first one that they list is and there's a lot of roles here so i don't know if they think that we can have more than three people on a team in 3v3s but there's like 12 different roles maybe they think everybody in the game is on the same team so that's why they made like 12 different roles but either way we got the first one called housekeeper slash bedguard so this one says one player stays at base and prepares materials that the other players can use this player is also in charge of protecting the bed which there are many ways to do this player should also have an archery tower set up to occasionally shoot people off their path if they're walking towards the middle but make sure no attention is drawn towards the base well let me find the pop-up tower and i can buy my bow okay here we go so i'm gonna go ahead and drop the pop-up tower right here seems like a pretty good spot for it and i'm gonna build up and so it says shoot players that are walking towards middle so am i supposed to aim towards like blue bass over here like is this the threat not the people coming towards us but the people that are walking towards mid okay i'm gonna move on to the next roll because this is super boring we got gopher slash undercover the one who fetches rare materials for the home keeper or sneaks in another's players base and breaks their bed they use the right form of their but the wrong form of break so am i supposed to sneak into someone's base and like apply some breaks to their bed gotta slow it down man it's going way too fast okay so the gopher's last time to cover sounds like just a normal bed wars player you know maybe collect some emeralds maybe go break some beds so i don't know why it's uh called gopher slash undercover oh man red almost came over to us and i could have shot him off i'm still being the housekeeper slash bed guard but apparently so is my whole team here oh well maybe not oh there's an invis the guy didn't tell me what to do if someone was in biz don't worry team i'll protect you don't worry teammate i got you okay my whole team just left the game or died so i think i'm gonna just we gotta try again okay it didn't work this time because i didn't do it correctly i didn't get through the entire guide so how was i supposed to win uh all right we'll join a different game uh one of my teammates is already gone so i guess us two have to each take like seven rolls each and then uh eventually we'll win the game right now we get into those super cool uh rolls here and these are the ones that i'm gonna do so we got solo bedguard player gets built into the bed's protective walls and stays crouched so no one knows that there's a person inside so i think that's what i need to try out first the greatest advice so i'll grab a knockback stick and some wool and i also need tools because my teammate stupid teammate just kidding i love your teammate he uh he decided to build the defense and now i have to break the defense okay i did it with a roof and everything so i'm gonna go ahead and dig in here i gotta block up where i was and then i think i just gotta stay shifted because that's what the guide says so as long as nobody knows i'm in here you know we win so i don't know what the difference between this is and also the housekeeper because like i feel like we take the same roles of defending the bed but i mean maybe there's something different i just i don't know what it is um okay so we got another cool uh roll here this one's called suicide yes this one hits very close to home it's the role that i always pick someone who continually rushes at a team and starts hitting every person in sight after dying and respawning repeat until the opponent expects you and starts to go for you first i know that this is usually categorized as a noobs move in quotations like normal people call this a noob move but if used correctly it can be a promising distraction okay now's my time to shine someone's coming over let me get in the base that they have no idea hang on my teammate's in here too frick he can't he better not ruin it for me you can come in here this guy's no idea what's happening let's go digging i dare you i dare no he tnt'ed no wait what this defense worked now he's on like no health oh my god this guide is such it's such a good guide hey i need to rebuild the roof though okay it's rebuilt no need to fear we are all good we are all good here hang on let's see what happens here good luck guy good luck another tnt no we're not prepared for this oh no oh he has another one i i protected the bed don't worry oh no he has another one i protected it don't worry yes let's go unfortunately my walls are completely destroyed what am i supposed to do my walls are gone this is so sad get off the map teammate you gotta do something man rebuild the walls it's important we need him oh that is so that's such a good strat can i kill one of them i can okay i can kill them both um nice i guess we gotta take out blue then they're probably collecting m's which isn't such a good thing but whatever ah the guy didn't tell me what to do against fireballs though so that might be a bit of an issue um there we go like and be liking people back is always a good call well that's how you take out a whole team i guess the guy doesn't teach you this stuff man if it wasn't for this guy's defensive strategies our bed would so be gone uh build over to the top of an enemy base did i kill that guy i hope so i didn't he's dead the guy didn't teach me how to counter that when uh somebody else also builds up what am i supposed to do then what the heck am i supposed to do i'm gonna dig down here which i think is gonna be fine and then let's break their bed okay this guy's gonna die now see how i see one more guy standing on a bridge so i mean he's probably gonna die too here took a few hits but he's dead i don't know where the other blue uh player is he might be heading towards us no he's right there we good is he gonna come on the bridge too he's gonna fireball me that's what he's gonna do i built that just in case of fireballs he's gonna do it teammate go oh teammate did not go very well well that's the end of this game uh hold on i gotta keep looking at this guide i didn't i didn't take as much advice as i need from it that's why the game didn't go super well no way red must be reading the guide too they built an archer tower whoever's in there well that's my teammate in there right now but red probably had a housekeeper in there before okay so they're giving us like some water strategy here in this guide it says this is a good strategy if you want to make the most of your housekeeper when the opponent tries to break the wall the water will burst and send them backwards so i think what what should we do except try to what are you doing to our bed he's not reading the guide dude dude i'm following a guide it will help us win trust me this guy just doesn't care for the knowledge i'm trying to show us all some knowledge and what is he doing spamming clay everywhere okay here we go i'm building the wall unfortunate part here is i can't seem to uh place blocks this close to our base thanks to my teammates spamming wool everywhere okay so let's uh let's just build up a little and then uh and then go ahead and no wait that's not what i meant to do well that's all right it was close enough um now our base is gonna have some water in it but i mean it'll also send the enemy backwards so that's what matters oh my my teammates helping out the wall by putting koi on top of it there we go there we go teammates following the guide now i'd like to see someone try and break in right here look they're just gonna get washed away by water dude as the guide suggests so i think we just need to sit back and wait for someone to try and break our bed okay so someone's coming over to us one of my teammates voted which is real good uh looks like they're going to go invis but no need to fear we have our defense do you do they really think they can get through this water defense it's going to just push them away when they get near good luck unless he comes up here and kills me first and that's going to kind of not be great but still we have water he's going to fall off the map oh there he is is he coming up the side oh man oh he doesn't stand a chance the water defense is far too strong let's go he's getting pushed away by the water he has to run it's all he has left is just running i guess i'll chase him down our water defense is so good okay let's fight him yet again another sick encounter of pvp that's the end of the game let's go the guide worked perfectly i didn't have to sit at my base the entire game i could have one final kill but i mean the defense worked okay so now it says this is a really good strategy if you don't mind using a lot of space it is definitely a better defense and it shows obsidian and two iron golems inside of a wall huh okay i mean i trust the guide so we're gonna give that a try it's gonna be very expensive i don't think i'll do the obsidian part because i don't want to go mid i need to be the housekeeper housekeepers don't go mid and unfortunately these guys i don't think are going to follow the guide and none of them are going to be the uh the gopher that collects me the emerald hang on actually i should probably let my teammates know something real quick um i'm defending there we go okay so we have that i think that looks the same as the guide and then i need to go ahead and build a two block wide wall around oh my god he just blocked himself into the bed let's go he is following the guide let's go teammates following the guide he's also placing a wall around it we love that the guy did state they we need to have it two blocks wide inside the wall um because we need to have the golems inside of it so i need to break a few more things and then we should be all good i think i mean somehow we're gonna win this game as well every bet is gone but my teammates haven't broken anything other than my heart i think that's fine it's close enough now we need to build like a little roof above again the roof was super overpowered that one time uh that one game that i can't remember on ashore yes teammates helping me out thank you thank you i ran out of blocks all right so uh let's do this now and i guess oh hey come on man all right you can come in yeah place it back thank you thank you teammates all right crystal and i are uh we're on the same page here nobody will stop us oh my god that's not my teammate iron calm down yeah there we go he's running dude this guy does so good and now my teammate's there to kill him never mind oh he's coming back um hang on i'm blocking in let's go gollum shift what's wrong with you oh no this guy better not have tnt not again not again please oh my god oh my god no gollum you didn't do enough i hate you no get out of the fire golem please no no your life is worth more than this gom said i can't even defend a bet i don't deserve to live um okay so this guide never states what we're supposed to do after we lose our bed so i guess we'll just sit here as a team teammate don't leave they're all leaving they don't understand the guide guys the guide the guy how dare they they're all leaving they don't care they don't care for the strats well i guess i'll be the housekeeper now because i i probably shouldn't leave the base um i'll just building i'll get a couple pop-up towers and now i'll just uh take care of the house where you guys are gone okay i'll clean the toilets i will uh i will make some food oh no fireballs no teammate down bad news where's the other one oh no my teammate he's on two this is bad news well that's the end that's all right guys no need to fear i'm i'm the housekeeper i'm taking care of everything i can't place blocks there said well there's been more entertaining things in my life uh i've been sitting here for like three four minutes five minutes now and uh nothing i've seen nothing the emerald generator got upgraded now which isn't a good sign because that'll probably just make him sit at the generator for even longer oh there he is he's throwing bridge eggs i see hello sir you have pro diamond armor why why do you have that oh wait he has a bow too it's a bow war let's go my bow's better housekeeper always wins i really did not expect to win that at all because he was gearing up for like 10 minutes oh my god that's gonna do it for this video uh i'm surprised i didn't lose any games i mean i'm not surprised because i was using this wonderful minecraft guide to bed wars uh remember guys this bedwars this guide is for 3v3 v3 only if you're planning on using it in doubles or fours just give up okay that's not for those game modes okay threes but either way hopefully you'll learn something from the super educational video and we'll see in the next one goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 1,315,917
Rating: 4.9585652 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, challenge, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, gamerboy80, leaderboard, guide, walkthrough, tips and tricks
Id: esxzyg6hmww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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