bedwars at the bottom of the map

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okay what's up everybody a few days ago i did that video of mlg water bucketing in bed wars where i build way up to build them and then i drop down on bases we're gonna be trying the opposite of that so what i'm gonna be doing is i'm gonna use the water bucket immediately i can actually start right now but i'll just grab tools i think i'm going to need a lot of blocks a lot of blocks and i'm going to get a water bucket as well so what i'm going to do is i'm going to be putting the water bucket down immediately then i'm going to be using it to uh fall down into the void pretty much as low as i can go and then i'm going to be building the bases from there i'm i don't think that this is going to be viable at all like i don't think you could ever use the oh that's the end i don't think you could ever use this in actual gameplay um building up to super high and then dropping down on bases that isn't too bad of a strat like if you actually did that in a game i feel like this this is just a bad strat and you should never do it but i'm gonna be trying it today and seeing if i can like get any cool plays with it probably not just because i mean look what i'm doing just look what i'm doing oh god wait they're coming down after me they've assessed the threat properly they know they know that they are in danger oh my god he dropped yes it worked he took so much fall damage i one tapped him let's go let's go um i'm gonna guess that they're gonna be dropping on me now hey guys oh no he hit me i didn't think he could do it oh god hey my teammates down there too this is hilarious my teammates are oh my god both my teammates are down here as well what are you guys doing god go defend the bed or something go get diamonds hey look out blue guy behind you yeah oh wait i didn't hit him uh that's okay he's not even chasing me anymore okay i'm building up let's go uh and then maybe i can break the bed oh blue's coming back okay he's coming back after me uh this is like the only guy that's a threat to me wait if i build in here i think i can get their bed it actually okay to be completely honest that kind of worked like i don't know building to the bottom kind of saved me and let me break a bed oh man he's jumping alex skin is jumping did i get him i think i killed him too so i got three final kills there which is pretty dang good yeah i got three okay so i need a lot of blocks and then we're gonna go completely across the map over to green base oh man green's coming over oh they're dropping down let's go he's using the he's using the bridge at the bottom of the map i just think it's so funny that these people are using this bridge as if it's like just some normal thing oh wait he's actually coming up yeah did i get him uh no i didn't did i get him now i think so unfortunately i'm a little bit low but i didn't even kill him dang it he's on four i'm gonna leave him alive and just hope hope and pray that my teammates are smart enough to get a kill um what if i i'm just gonna go up here because it looks like two of them are going to go on my bridge at the bottom of the oh someone blocked off the water that actually totally works okay so it looks like there's a bunch of greens that are going to use my bridge at the bottom of the map so i think i have a little bit of time to just go back to normal playing bed wars and bridge to them from mid and then i can as long as there's only one at their base i think i can get their bed um i i might lose my bed though just because i think there's a few people coming after me uh they only have an alarm trap so that works they're dead um what can i do here i can get their bed that works uh and then let me drop in here uh i don't want to die because i have two m's on me and then i give them invis but that works oh that's the end of the game too nice job teammates hello gamerboy need a bed defense it is i thon three health and that was actually a pretty good game okay we're back with another round uh last round i'm actually very surprised that it worked so well but at the same time not surprised at all because i mean look at think about what i was doing i was bridging at the very bottom of the world how could that possibly go around uh it does look like we're having people incoming at us this okay yes actually that's a good idea you should break this bridge i'm actually gonna help you um let's just hey teammate do you don't stand there no well listen i was just breaking the bridge it's his fault that wasn't team griefing he ran into what i was doing okay he saw what i was doing and he just decided to go after it i should probably take out blue like i want a bridge at the bottom of the world but not if my teammates keep doing this making it so there's teams that can actually get to us that's unfortunate i don't like that uh so can i break this with is it two layers of wool it is okay blue beds gone i want to leave without losing my water bucket and then i can bridge at the bottom of the world over towards the yellow base they'll never see it coming one's actually coming out to me so i guess i'll just fight him here he does have a stone sword okay never mind he no longer has a stone sword or a life actually and then i guess i'll start heading towards a base is there any base that i should be aiming for probably yellow yeah i'll probably just start with yellow and then i'll maybe head towards red how low can you bridge oh that's yeah so where i'm standing right now all right actually you can go one block lower but this is as low as you can go so on this map it doesn't really work maybe i need to just keep playing aquarium i need to find a map you can actually bridge lower than like much lower than a base because if i'm bridging there everyone's going to see it anyway it just gives me a little bit of a height advantage or height disadvantage actually and it's going to suck uh this guy's prod but i think i'll be okay green's here oh that's my teammate he came here to take my final kill how dare he see ya and then i should probably head towards red maybe i got him um i did not survive that i did uh hang on hang on hang on it's possible teammates actually here to help stop this person from uh getting into my block in well that guy just quit that somehow worked i'm surprised it worked uh let's head towards yellow then i just want to end this game i i can't do the the bridging way underneath the bases if this is uh as low as you can go okay he's going invis did he just go envis to defend his bed oh that guy fell okay well let's see what's up dude my teammate's a god what in the world dude you're so good oval harmony 31.5 thank you let's get sharp we might lose our bed because that guy did go invis right in front of me and i really haven't done much to try and stop him because i have no idea where he is but it's fine okay well that's the end of the game cool uh i actually got all three beds somehow it's almost as if not bridging at the bottom of the world helps you huh okay we're here on chain hopefully this works so if the build limit is not very low then i'm probably just gonna join a new game because i i really want to build at the bottom of the world but i don't i don't know the like actual numbers as far as which bases or which maps you can bridge really low on so this is as low as you can go on uh chained you know this is kind of bad but also i think i'm just gonna go for it it's not super low but i wonder if it's enough um i'm actually going to bridge out a whole bunch because i want to attack them from the side if i keep going diagonally like what i was doing they might see it coming i feel like if i go from the side they won't look over and also down very much so i think i'll be okay okay i think i'm in a pretty good spot here as far as people knowing where i am so i able to start heading up okay uh we are here at their base and i don't know if they know i'm here one of them is still on their bed but it's not enough it's not enough see ya okay cool that's the end of blue team and blue actually got green as well so that was perfect timing um i can probably go take out two bases and then all i have to worry about is yellow it seems okay i'm gonna kill this guy hopefully he doesn't throw out his m's i think he just did he didn't okay cool so i have four uh everyone knows that what you do with m's is you get four bridge eggs and then i'm gonna do the same strat but instead of me having to bridge i'm gonna make the eggs do it for me okay so let's head down to here and then i'm gonna throw a bridge egg that way can bridge eggs go below okay so bridges can go a little bit below the build limit yeah so i can't build there but the bridge eggs can okay so what if i do that we'll go down further oh no this is the limit okay so i have to throw them up a bit more um and then i'm gonna throw one there my teammate's actually going in what if he just gets the bed that would be so anticlimactic all right so now we at least have a huge path going towards yellow let me uh just bridge this way a whole bunch and then i'm kind of hoping my teammate dies because i want to be able to do something he sees he sees all right well i'm going to build up a whole bunch and then i will probably get on top of their base i think their bed defense has water on it so i can i won't take fall damage i'll just use their water okay i am not at the top oh you can't build there what why can't i place blocks there lame hey don't kill me please i'm gonna land in the water hang on i'm coming back i know i technically didn't place this water but i'm still attacking them from underneath their base gamerboy in a water stream uh there used to be a problem with like people trapping the spawn area and drowning people but now i feel like they made it so the like spawn area where you can't place blocks is way too big just way too big to the point where i feel like you just can't place blocks on half half the island because of it uh they actually blocked off the water which works for me let me just dig in here okay see ya um hang on there's more water okay how do i hey get out of here uh where's the bed this is a problem okay i got their bed so is my teammate around to stop the guy that set off a minor fatigue trap i don't know hopefully okay i got one yellow um did the other guy leave oh he's right here he's dead now uh there's another yellow on my bridge he saw my bridge and he took it okay let's let's go after him um hello sir you did not escape he's gone uh and then the last guy's right there and i think my teammates gonna be able to kill him do you want him you can take him nice fight nice fight let's go that's another pretty good game the unfortunately the building wasn't super low but i mean it was enough it was enough to make it work okay we're here unfortunately yellow team is full of mine pros but hopefully my uh pro bridging at the bottom of the map is gonna be enough to outplay them so one person from every single team left including one of the mine pros so it's now threes okay i guess i'll go after okay let's see how low i can bridge on this map uh hopefully it's kind of low okay this is promising keep going keep going right here uh that's not great but i think i think it's low enough i think that's fine oh my god there's a yellow guy here mine pro stop no there's another mind pro after me they know oh he missed you they're they're they've figured out the strats they're jumping down onto my bridge please mind pros stop uh i don't have shears and they have a wool bed defense so that kind of sucks i should have gotten shears but it's fine um i might not even have enough blocks i went with like two and a half stacks oh that guy fell uh well do i have enough to break their bed i think i do let's go and then uh this guy is going to die and uh hopefully i can kill this guy now he has his head under nope never mind i got him his head was underneath that block so he wasn't taking any knock back which is helping him a lot in that pvp fight however uh he just stopped moving maybe he just forgot where his w key was so he stopped moving forward and if you stop sprinting mid pvp fight and then you're just you're in for a world of hurt okay let's do this again um i made most of the bridge already the bridging's the boring part so i cut it out but i made most of the bridge i should have enough blocks to make it over to blue base and let's see where it goes from here i think there's only one left at their base they really just didn't see it coming let's go um this guy okay i thought he was coming out to fight me but then he ran back into his base uh maybe he gave up he's like man i want to fight and then he got a little scared he chickened out he had a lot of gold on him for some reason thank you for that oh he's someone's here please don't do it get out okay that was close he was looking in the completely opposite direction but he was still landing hits nothing was going to stop him from landing hits so he he had eight emeralds on him so clearly that means uh bridge eggs let's do it okay and then first what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna throw it down to see how low i can get into the void looks like this is as low as it's gonna be and then i wonder if i can actually get to red base using only bridge eggs i have eight i probably can um but also i'm gonna try and go like as far out this way as possible that way i can uh hopefully take advantage of this like sneak attack factor it's actually working out um i don't know do they know i'm here i don't know if they do hold on what if i do like go completely behind it and then uh throw a bridge egg like up there okay and then i'll start heading up i have this is the weirdest thing um okay now i'm at their base oh yeah they have no idea oh they i almost jumped off because of the fence they have no idea okay now let's place a tnt there come on back i'm oh wait i didn't even make a hole in the bridge what i was hoping i'd make a hole but i i realized that the uh what part of the ship is this whatever part of the ship that is is uh that was in the way so i couldn't make a hole in the bridge there goes one guy is that the end of the game that either means the red oh no he's over there how did he get over there i'm on my way i took a bit of fall damage let me gap i wonder if he's gonna try and use my bridge over to over to our base that massive bridge underneath look at this map this is a nightmare that is so cool um he's in this base don't fireball oh he did he did indeed try and fireball he also has sharp and prot that's not cool all right that's the end of that game i don't know how low the building is on this map i think it's pretty low mainly because of like mainly because of those things i know that you can build down there meaning the building it's got to be pretty low so red's already coming over here which sucks right i don't i don't even want to go for red and also they're slow bridging they're not a threat please stop doing this you could be he dropped an iron sword no i wanted it that's kind of funny though they dropped it right so they're like here you go man you take it i'm gonna go back here and then let's drop the water and let's let's go ahead and see how low i can get um because i can still sneak attack red i'm just going to start at the diamond gen as opposed to starting at my base um you can't build that my bed's gone thanks to green see green is the team i wanted to go for it looks like i cannot because red wanted to go for me instead don't do it please don't do it don't please stop they're staring at me this is so intimidating don't do it i'm going up okay i'm back out i'm back out of the depths i'm gonna go back to my base and get some gear i feel like there's still a chance of me winning it's it's a small chance but there's a chance because i don't think red is that good and they somehow took out green who i felt like was pretty good i mean i guess i had no idea i just assumed from the fact that they were a party and also their names but yeah anyway um i don't know what to do should i go get bridge eggs that's always a pretty good strat this guy's coming after me i don't like that one bit okay he's gone good job coming after me that was that was smart neither of us had beds why'd you do it he did give me enough for sharp which is huge uh there are two more green players coming after me which is not cool don't do that they're gonna fireball i'm still alive they in fact really want to kill me please stop please stop it okay that works i don't know what that was um but it didn't work for him also i think i'm getting fireballed from red as well all right well time to 1v1 this green player i'm a little low on health but i think i'm okay i have sharp yep they're dead i need to get another gap okay well that is green dealt with the sweaty team i i don't know what what their deal was with targeting me but hey maybe they just see gamerboy do skins and they're like no must be eliminated okay so i have 10 m's i don't want to be as risky just because i mean like i don't have a bed so if i die i can't just like retry later okay both blues are mid um hey guy no no no we don't have to fight we really don't we really don't have to do this guys we neither of us have beds there's simply no reason for you guys to go after me like this you guys you didn't even get close actually you dealt two hearts to me and that was both of you guys um let me fireball jump up to here and then head to their base i can probably get their bed here oh man that was kind of close and their bed is gone well i still have a pearl uh one red is coming back which is totally fine um never mind he's not going to i can probably kill both these people at mid are they gonna fireball me they don't have fireballs cool i had my pearl at the ready just in case and then where are these guys going they're well this one just looks scared i think that one just wants to follow it's his buddy or her buddy um and then yeah you don't know what you're doing either how do how do you guys break green bed and blue bed that is my question so i think i hit one red player down here um oh right there okay i'm actually in a bad spot that was if they were good they probably could have killed me there um so we got two red players left uh one of them is down there and just gapped i'll fireball a couple of times that'll do a little bit of whoa that was kind of cool okay oh actually that dealt quite a bit of damage i'm gonna gap they also gapped i don't want to be in this position if they have high ground i'm in trouble all right i should be okay i don't know what he's doing with those all right that i didn't need to go i can't be here anymore all right he's out of the game hang on i gotta go he's fireball spamming i think i'll be okay i am okay let's let's uh let's get gear oh my god that was actually really intense i guess i'll do another pearl because the pearl saved me that last time i kind of wanted to do a full set of pots but i think i'll be fine if i just have a pearl i also got prot 2 i somehow got enough diamonds for that so that works i need to go try and stop this red player before uh before they get too many emeralds because then they'll get invis maybe diamond armor maybe a diamond sword what do we think can i go in there and just ko them they are using a bow i feel like i can just ko them if i head towards their base are they gonna shoot a fireball back at me they are no please don't do that okay cool i'm just gonna purl in on them i think i'll be okay i'm on fire please don't die in this fight please don't die okay we're fine hopefully you guys all enjoyed this episode of me bridging underneath the map for most games i guess some games i didn't do that but uh hopefully you realize that this strat isn't actually a very good one and uh smash like and sub we're getting pretty close to 500k we just hit 400k okay goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 585,459
Rating: 4.970902 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, bw, leaderboard, challenge, minecraft, mc, gb80, gamerboy80, bridge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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