multiple 1v2 clutches | uncut hypixel bedwars

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what's up everybody welcome back to some solo bed wars this is absolutely insane guys it's solo bed wars day last time i uploaded a solo bed wars i the comments were actually pretty positive being like uh you know i i prefer uncut because i just watch what you're doing and then i can learn from that because i'm not like cutting anything out you know i'm just leaving everything as is now today there's a little asterisk asterisk by uh by uncut because i i might have to cut out the lobby times in between games i um i i spent like 30 minutes trying to queue this game and that's not a joke like it's 10 a.m for me right now it's almost bedtime and uh and i it was like 30 minutes i swear i started queuing at like 9 30 to get into a game and it just would not happen it would not happen it was absolutely insane but yeah i'm probably gonna have to cut out lobby times but i'll leave the like actual gameplay when i'm in a game uh completely uncut now bad news i can't get to this person's base because i do not have any more wool so i'm upset um they're gonna bridge out though i'll just tnt jump what's he gonna do dang it i was really hoping he would uh walk off the edge which it looked like he almost did uh that's fine there's a hole in my bridge so it'll take him a while to like get back to that spot and he's low on health so when he gets to the diamond gen he's just gonna die in like two taps to me so i don't really know what he's planning on doing um is he gonna stand at the diamond jen he is what are you doing i i think he's trying to give me his bed he so what you should do there is either void to get back to full health like just die or you could um go get a gap i'd probably want to jump in the void personally just that way you re how was i hit what the heck uh because that way you just respawn on full health and then everything is good from there i will get this bed here i do have a better sword but i was able to just one tap him anyway there we go so i purposefully cued this map playground because it's really grown on me i remember in back in the day back in the day i used to um really hate this map and i'd talk a lot of trash about playground nobody likes playground right i'd say that uh no playground's great for solo at least doubles i mean i guess it's not too much of a difference it's kind of okay in doubles but the reason i really like it is just because once you get to the diamond gen like the first rush kind of sucks it's it's like 64 blocks maybe a little it was a little bit more actually this time because i built up a bit and then you saw i ran out of blocks like tnt jumped and then anyway um after the first rush you can like get anywhere with i don't know 10 blocks uh and that is why it is so amazing so once you're done with that first rush you just get moving so blue is missing a bed they're also running around mid so they might get stacked which would kind of suck but i will actually head over to pink uh he has a good sword so that's no well that's unfortunate instead of giving me his stuff it dropped in the void what is that what is that okay uh well i'll head over to their base uh and i'll do what i gotta do i still have a lot of blocks so i can build up and do whatever um let's see should i just jump in there yeah i guess i don't need to do anything else okay well what's his plan oh he got that hit that's that sucks that first hit really uh gave him a boost into comboing me i just need to worry about red now i think um just because red is without an enemy and he's probably gonna head to my base but hopefully not he was able to take out blue kinda quick so he knows how to take out a base at least let me throw down some wool i don't think i have a trap yet so i should probably grab that before i do anything else it'll help me out if i end up being at my base and somebody else gets there mind if these traps are the way to go also they will let me know if i'm losing my bed when i'm at someone else's base so there is that um normally if my first rush goes a little bit better like if i didn't die i would probably just run around mid sometime i'd run around to everyone's diamond gen pretty much just because you can super easily get to that and then you can from there why is pink coming over here oh and then from there you're able to just collect everyone's diamonds and get like pro three very quickly into the game um did you just try and tnt jump and then not do it very successfully i just hit him out of that base didn't i dude nice blocks he's on zero he's gonna die fall damage he always turned around to give me m's that's awesome thank you for that man uh hopefully red isn't around he might be let me quick by jumping invis um because that guy was kind enough to bring me some m's let me also get some more blocks okay i should be good now let's get moving uh before anyone gets to my base i have prot one and i have sharp so that's i mean all you can really ask for any more than that you're just wasting time well okay that's not true when you have to get prod four get proud four but like if i hurry i really don't think i'm gonna need prop four so let's find out here is this guy going to have um okay here's sharp and proud as well see ya now he disconnected i'm just gonna leave him and hope he doesn't reconnect he might though uh and if he does that sucks but i don't want aqua to get to my base so if red just stays disconnected perfect perfectly fine uh i'd like him to not come back into this game so let's head over to this aqua team here and what's his plan i can actually have pots i totally forgot i'm going to jump in invis and he's going to be very confused at as to where i am hello sir he's going to place blocks don't hit me okay cool yeah he's going to run good he's going to run off the edge that works let me quick break this bed i'm going to head up here actually i want a gap okay now i have a gap and this guy's no prod so i'll be able to kill him super quick see ya and i just have to wait two minutes now i'll start heading towards red base i guess but eventually i don't think i'll get there in time red will uh just immediately get kicked out of the game for being gone for too long so i'm just gonna head back mid and start heading there i just again i don't think it's gonna make a difference though i'm guessing the game will be done here in half a second maybe a little bit more hopefully not too long though and then again i'm probably gonna cut out the lobby time i'll find out though like i'll join a game and then if if it's quick to start then i'll just play it but if it's not then i'm gonna cut it out because again there's something going on with cueing today i don't know what it is but it it wasn't like this yesterday when i recorded but today it's like really really bad uh every game gets stuck at like five out of uh five out of eight and no games start wait can i get here in time don't end the game yet there we go i did it i got another bed the stats boys the stats okay well let me join a game and see see what's happening if uh i'll join doubles this time okay let's see if the game actually starts that would be super cool if it did i'm guessing it's going to get stuck and i'll end up cutting it out okay yeah i'll see and i'll see you in a game uh i might have to cue a few new ones because eventually i'll join a game that starts okay see you then oh my god guys big news the game's actually going to start okay i'll take it uh i'm teamed with luza furious 1986. i wonder if this guy is hold on math 24 no no 34 34 years old uh yeah i bet he is he he is luciferious after all he's going diamond gen oh god teammate be careful uh i'm gonna take out pink hopefully as quickly as possible because my teammate is probably gonna anger red i'm gonna have to come back and help him um but yeah so a game finally queued exciting times it's now 10 30 my time for anyone wondering i need to get this video up by two so i have a hold on more math uh three and a half hours until i need to upload so uh hopefully i can do it i mean maybe and how are we looking as far as this team goes i see one here is he it he is it uh there's not enough here there's simply not enough here um pickaxe time and i'm gonna have to hit this guy off okay i didn't hit him off he stopped taking knock back halfway through okay i combo that guy though and he's off the map and i got him oh my god that shouldn't have happened not even a little bit uh hopefully his teammate follows me up this time because uh actually did my teammate just get a kill oh and then died oh redbed's gone anyway okay i think that means we're fine although my teammate did flatbridge and we don't have a bad defense this is not so great well i don't see myself doing anything here with our boys so do i just run in and swing i mean standing here isn't gonna get me anywhere so sure i'll do that okay i actually got one guy down kinda low but i'll come back with an iron sword maybe something like that and we'll see where to go from there uh yes that guy dropped good i was afraid he was gonna sit in that tree for a while which was gonna be really annoying since i don't have blocks but uh he did not sit in that tree and i can kill him now see ya he tried wait what are you doing i expected him to jump off too uh i'm gonna void i was hoping to get his diamonds but he threw him off and then he actually turned around to continue fighting that that never happens they always throw the stuff off and then they just immediately void after that um but hey whatever okay so pink team is gone by aqua i really need aqua and yellow to fight if they don't we're in big trouble here but oh my god really both yellows are over here and then och is probably gonna rush from that side well i think i got one i'm back oh his teammate lived though that's a problem uh oh and aqua's here as well this is so annoying are you serious uh of course well i mean there's not much we can do i'm expecting death but we'll find out i got a gap um all right so they're gonna fight i can actually clean that pretty easily what happened to the other yellow oh he died at fall damage okay well my teammate's dead unfortunately luza furious you will be remembered i need to win if aqua and yell or cross seeming which again i don't i don't think they are i mean they might be since they're right next to each other and refuse to go for each other but i i'm gonna guess that they're not they'll probably start fighting now meaning i have some time to get some gear so we're just gonna hope for the best let me get uh at least like i'll get diamond armor probably because i have leather right now if i had iron i'd probably not get diamond armor but yeah they're gonna start fighting which is really good for me so hopefully they fight for a while if one loses their bed immediately then that's probably not good for me because then it's going to be a 1v2 against a decently skilled team no matter who it is but i guess we'll find out um so i will get all the m's and actually they're going to spawn more now so i can collect a few more it's just a matter of not falling in the void here but yeah it is clutch time babies it is clutch time um so youtube just for something to talk about youtube sent out email recently being like hey you know how we always had you guys stretch to 10 minutes for mid rolls well not everyone but like you know what i'm saying i i try not i try to upload like somewhere between 15 and 30 minute videos just because i feel like 10 minute videos are too short but they said now you can get mid rolls for eight minute long videos so now instead of creators having to make ten minute long videos they have to make eight minute long videos and just imagine if like you stretch for the first two minutes of every video like like you know you pad for time and then you at the uh at the end of every video for about two minutes you pad for time so then that's four minutes of stretching for mid-roll ads so when it's only an eight-minute long video then that's half the video is just stretching for ads oh man hopefully uh youtube does not fall apart it's already falling apart what am i saying um well i'm gonna do that i think that's all i really need and hopefully everything works out also get a fireball because maybe i can get a fireball kill i don't want to have to one that what i don't want to do is a 1v2 here i don't want to fight both of them at once each of them separately sounds like a good idea together not a good idea but i actually have enough diamonds now so i can get the uh or yeah i can get prot as well i will have to kill this guy now so if i die here then like i wasn't gonna win anyway if i'm gonna die to this guy okay we're fine uh his teammate's here as well hello he's spamming a lot oh my god he glitched me in a block that's crazy okay he's dead now don't worry i was afraid of that knockback stick honestly that i was gonna take uh too much knockback and fly off the edge but that's not the case i'm just going to keep collecting m's and then hopefully by the time i head over to aquabase that i can afford another pearl because i'm going to purl in that's my plan at least um let's see what happens here i'm getting chased at the moment i will turn around and fight good fight uh his teammate's coming back out wait where did his teammate go i swore i saw him running there did he go invis they don't do they maybe okay well i'm gonna collect a couple more m's again i only see that guy uh is the other guy at his base okay should i pearl i'm gonna purl hopefully this isn't a huge mistake oh wait it's not there's there's nobody here oh one guy disconnected reconnected that's actually really good for me that's actually really really good for me come here come here big boy they do have sharp now which sucks but that's fine um now he he does have a sharp iron combo oh my god i probably shouldn't have won that but i did uh good game i'm not even gonna just say gg because that was a good game all right next next one see you in the next game okay guys now i'm with crazyguy335 oh he's doing the universal team signal this is very good a game actually started though it's getting pretty close to 11 a.m it is uh very close to my bedtime so uh yeah well actually it is my bed i should probably be sleeping right now but i'm recording youtube video for for minecraft fans for minecraft minecraft watcher gamerboyd fan watcher guy that's who i'm recording video for i'm gonna go take out gray unless they did they'd block clutch they didn't very good very good for not block clutching don't hit me off oh my god he hit me but not off let's go okay i almost combo someone off i must combo someone off they didn't fall off the edge but i did kill him i'll take it i'll take it uh let me head back before uh we have problems from any other direction i must take out great team there we go teammate you can make this jump i believe in you go go oh man he can't do it no don't tnt jump kaboom let's go all right it's a great team gone that was a good start that was a good start nobody else is out of the game yet should i get abby is it obby game maybe i i tend to lean more towards abi when it's a one like if i feel like i'm gonna have to 1v2 i don't know if i'm gonna have to 1v2 yet i don't know how good these teams are there were a lot of vips in the pre-game like a lot of them like i think half tab was green which is crazy i didn't i didn't think vip i thought vips were a thing of the past but apparently not they've proven me wrong crazy guy come on oh give me the tnt thanks oh he's giving me blocks too no don't i i knew after he threw out the blocks that he was done that he was done playing the game i should probably not fight aqua and white i should go get obi uh because i don't have a teammate not that my team is going to do a whole lot anyway with with our boy crazy guy i'm kind of thinking right now it's just taking my time and thinking i'm gonna okay if i take out aqua and white okay if i take out aqua and white quickly then i don't think there will be a problem but if i don't take them out quickly then there will be a problem big problem for forget for gamboi 80. get out of here yeah yeah okay um i need to spend these before i die okay i spent some i am gonna die though but i at least got my prot uh it would be nice if i had a trap too just so i know when i'm gonna lose my bed however uh that's unfortunate i will not be able to do that they have killed me they killed me too quickly okay so white looks like they're about to rush towards my base and same with both aqua players this is not good see this is what i wanted to avoid this is why i shouldn't have rushed them okay so one aqua right there the problem is this is really close to my base so if i make the wrong move then i'm gonna lose my bed okay i can smack that guy down he'll die yeah cool and i'll smack you off and you're dead too there we go okay things are work things are working out um red did take out blue meaning i'm probably gonna be red's next targets could be possibly i can actually get sharp and a trap this is amazing that was really good very fortunate for the gamboy um i don't think i need tools right now i generally prioritize getting tools however i have a tnt and that's a safer way of breaking a bed okay so let's let's keep moving yeah red actually took out green as well okay well i should probably go towards the red here in a sec um what is this wait why'd you leave hold on hey it's purple hey purple um why did aqua leave his teammate behind am i gonna lose my bed oh no hang on hang on hang on i gotta kill this guy one more time and then i'm hoping well he's block hitting he's blocking his his life away hold on do i void no akka's gonna die cool that's amazing we like that we like that uh let's go mid and then see what's happening next is red actually i gotta go get yellow they might get obby if i take too long i was gonna drop but i think staying above is a better idea oh wait no his teammates here ah dang it i'm guessing his teammate has a bunch of m's if i got that kill that would have been amazing for me i did not get that kill though as you are well aware i you watched me die i don't know why i'm commentating that let's let's go back mid red's not gonna go for me right they're gonna continue going for yellow and green right okay i don't really know what decision to make here it's tough deciding which team to take out next i think i gotta go to red i gotta i gotta try and get yellow does not seem very good that's that's my main reasoning red has taken out multiple bases so i feel like they're going to be decent um let me get magic milk tier 3 tools and more blocks and some gaps okay i am super stacked now and yeah so that's my reasoning for taking out red if i lose my bed i feel like i can clutch against yellow more often than i'd clutch against red so let's let's take out and see what happens or hopefully i can take out red at least i don't know how stacked there with diamonds if they have a bunch of sharp and protein bad news fo me okay um let me see if i can tank a trap i don't oh yeah i got one okay cool trap has been obtained i do have magic milk as well so let me build up here and i'm gonna actually drink the magic milk oh green's up here too wait green green green don't do it don't do it don't do it um i have 30 seconds of magic milk so if i drop down in a good spot i can potentially get their bed tnt has been placed by somebody i don't think that was a very good placement that's that's not a very good placement green i'm unfortunately going to let you know that that placement was bad ready for this ready for this got him see ya where did they go they were defending their bed very well and then they just stopped ah green no it actually worked for him well i wonder if green's gonna get stacked and then be my downfall because of what i did for him i just took out a base form an entire base and he's going to do me like this come on man come on man well i i guess i'll go back to green and then i'll again yellow has i'm at yellow's mercy right now yellow can take out my bed whenever they want whenever they freaking want dude pardon my language dude sorry sorry for that hopefully uh nobody's cringing at my my cusses that i just said is he gonna what's he gonna do please oh he's gonna fireball me did i get him i did okay that works okay uh it's just me and yellow i'm gonna guess there's obvi as the bottom layer they were mid and they don't seem great those things together mean abby it means that they watch preston plays 1000 layers of hobby challenge where he gets eight pieces of bobby and then he's like wow that's really good okay anyway here we go um i'm gonna just start heading to okay they have diamond armor they might not have aubie they might not uh again i have no blocks i should probably buy some meh whatever don't need that don't need that block stuff i'm not afraid of a mental 1v1 to combo him at least not after that first time is that a diamond sword too jeez gee whiz dude come on up wait where are you going wait where hold on is this going to be a problem should i be voiding right now because i don't again if i lose my bed i don't want to have to fight a diamond armor diamond sword guy uh yeah i have to cheat okay i shouldn't have chased him well if i didn't chase him he probably wouldn't have felt pressured and then fell in the void but hey he lost his diamond sword that's what's important okay let's find let's find his teammates as long as i know where both of them are then i think i should be okay unless they have aubie then i might not be okay still uh well i should probably be prepared right in case they do so i'll i'll buy the pick also by magic milk and that and that stuff yeah that's good okay uh shears blocks gaps all the stuffs okay we now must find again i only see the one guy with diamond armor i don't know where the other guy is so i'm slightly concerned here nope the other guy's at his base they both have diamond armor now why do you guys both have diamond armor oh hello knockback heard of it probably not yeah okay i'm leaving see you guys oh my god that one that fireball was so clutch for him uh i if i didn't place those blocks behind me to stop him i could have gotten their bed probably that's very unfortunate um let's i guess i need to get another diamond pick just in case okay let's do this heading back again i'm not i'm not too worried to fight him other than that one guy apparently who doesn't take knockback let's let's see what happens here should i get haste is that going to help me at all it might no they don't have hobby do they no they don't have a hobby i'm just going to stick with my guns here my big guns and say that they don't have aubie so let's head back up oh they're both here oh this is bad news oh this is bad news hold on i can hit this guy off cool that's one of them down okay i'm very okay with this because now i have a little space to gap and go back in on this guy again diamond armor really sucks to fight against but i think we'll be okay i wish i had hold on i'm going to get a fireball i think i can open up their bed enough to see if they have hobby yeah that's that's what's important because if they don't have hobby then i just get a tnt and i would go break their bed like immediately um if they have aubie then obviously i have to continue getting a diamond pick and i don't want to have to spend unnecessary gold if i don't need to so let's find out now if they have obby i'll place it there hopefully this opens it up they they do oh my god i figured as much okay let's get another gap going one guy's coming back into fights which that's oh my god he just wants to run his name is lol chase after all um this is so annoying i mean it's working because he has his teammate as well and abby for me to get through hold on i'm like right behind him i can probably just smack him off here nope he figured it out did i get him i did okay cool uh okay that this guy's gonna be annoying uh luckily his teammate's not great but he's he is doing something that is like very smart being like running past me because he knows he'll get my bed and he can probably even void before i'll get their bed let's just head down here that was unfortunate as well well what i could do is i could just ignore them and break their i'm thinking of doing that just ignore them and break their bed um that's probably my best call yeah i'll do that because if one guy is going to continue running past me and then yeah there's no point in discontinuing this because this can go on forever with me just like killing one of them dying killing one of them dying we'll have an endless race to who can break each other's beds and it'll go until bed break so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to head mid and then head over to their base and hopefully before they get to my base i'll get to theirs oh no he's actually smart again ah okay hang on let's see what's what's this guy up to oh my god okay unfortunately that guy came mid the same time i did um i was waiting to fireball him off i need to do something here i just want to be able to kill this guy but he's sitting in the gen um let's see okay yeah i'm guessing that that i should just go to their base now i'm gonna lose my bed no matter what the other guy i'm guessing is bridging to red or something so i'm just gonna go break their bed let's get the magic milk out i'll go ahead and drink it and then i can at least break their bed so we can go from here we'll trade beds uh even if i break their bed before they break mine i'm not going to void because i don't want to be stuck at my base against somebody with diamond armor and a diamond sword which i feel like is gonna happen so i'm just gonna go ahead and do this and then i'll get speed and hurry back and maybe maybe i can fireball somebody off which would be super good yeah there goes my bed figured as much i had to do something i had to do something i didn't just want to sit in that stand off forever so we know wall chase likes to run just run around forever nothing more than that and his teammate is not so great just uh runs around but doesn't do anything productive let's see do i i see both of them they're together i don't know if they have pots though i should be aware of that in the meantime i think i will go obtain emeralds uh what if i fireball wait actually what i hold on what i want to do here is not really fireball someone off but fireball in a way where i split them up where one of them is near mid and one of them is near my base that way i can hopefully 1v1 them which again i'm very happy to do uh wait are you gonna stand there hang on i think i got one yep one down that works there goes one of them uh hold on what if i fireball there will that do anything dang it i was hoping i threw it far enough behind him where it didn't really matter but yeah um this is a very long last game i'm sorry it's all right uh you you if you watch through the first two then that's all that matters people can click off whenever hopefully i can clutch this at least um do i get diamond armor i should probably get a pearl speed and invis yeah pearl speed infa's knockback stick 100 100 that is what i need to do okay right here so let's do this i just threw a gap you're welcome villager that's all yours uh we need that we need pearl speed invis so now i can chase someone down and knock him off um let me also grab some more gaps okay let's see what's his plan my guess is he's waiting with a fireball to fireball me off there's like there's no there's no way he's planning on doing anything else than that uh he's probably gonna throw a fireball behind me yeah actually what i could do here is just oh wait is that a oh and that's a fireball i thought he pulled out a bow okay hang on i'm gonna run this way and then we'll see what happens from here okay now i just have a one view on this guy he has so much better i should have gotten pro three i have enough i'm an idiot okay i'm going invis uh he's gonna continue to um just run around collecting ems i might be able to catch him here actually he might see me he it looks like he's being somewhat smart with his movements at least knowing where to go and when um let's see i could probably fireball in front of him and see if that knocks him off oh man too far in front that was close though if he just keeps running then my invis kind of is like totally useless yeah totally useless here he knows i'm invis i do have a knockback stick again which i'd love to smack this guy down see ya okay he took a lot of fall damage is he gonna gap he might not have a gap okay cool that works that totally works oh man again neither from cheater he calls me a cheater none of them are that great it's just that that was such an annoying little battle of back and forth either way i'm gonna go ahead and end this video here hang on let me nick reset so i can do my out show with uh with my youtube rank all right well that's the end of my uncut bad words hope you enjoyed this episode of uncut bedwars if you did smash like and sub let me know if i should do more of these or less of these because it's up to you guys kind of it doesn't matter to me whether i edit my videos or not other than i'm sometimes short on time either way by the time you're watching this i'm going to be snoozing it'll be like 2 p.m at that time for me at least so wish me sweet dreams and we will uh see you in the next video tomorrow bye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 638,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, uncut, solo, doubles
Id: aavLU7L5FEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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