this kill made me RICH | hypixel bedwars

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what's up everybody welcome back to some more bed wars here uh so if you look here this is my youtube rank expires in 88 days and 21 hours now what that means is uh somebody bought me mvp plus plus for 90 days now if you're out there and you're this person who bought me mvp plus plus for 90 days what's wrong with you like like i'm not even gonna thank you why because you're not giving me anything you literally just threw away like how much is 90 days of plus plus like 30 bucks what are you doing it does absolutely nothing for anyone you just threw it away i guess i mean you're giving the money to hypixel so uh i guess he maybe should write you a formal thank you letter for the 30 but what but what are you doing what was your what was your thought process behind trying to give me plus plus for 90 days today we're going to be solo queuing some more doubles uh oh i'm planning on making a longer video today oh my god teaming our friends hi preston plays oh he said hi back i'm planning on making a longer video just because i i now have no more work for the week uh none of my other jobs so i can do uh this job aka playing video games uh much more so i will plan on making i'm not preston i'm a fan nice uh he came clean he dropped his disguise and let me know he isn't actually pressed in plays either way oh man oh okay we're fine i think that guy jumped off the edge either way uh my mouse hit my keyboard there my plan was to uh smack him off but i kind of just totally missed him do you want to join my party mickey wait mickey hold on what's what is my nickname oh oh mickey is my nickname i didn't even i totally forgot what my nickname was uh that's okay thank you should i team with him man i'll decide later he is doing a pretty good bed defense wait actually it's just wool how long it took him two minutes to do just wool whatever my last video i sounded um like my voice is much lower and i think i was talking slower uh apparently people mistook that for me being like depressed or sad people were like reaching out to me being like hey man are you okay do you need someone to talk to because i'm here for you guys i'm totally fine oh there's a guy here uh we might lose our bed nope we're fine but yeah i want to join my party he wants me to join his party it doesn't matter if somebody's at her base breaking our bed he wants me in the party but yeah guys i'm totally fine uh i already said in the video that it was only because i like just woke up and then i started recording so my voice was like in sleepy mode i'm totally i'm actually i mean if we're being honest here i think i'm feeling better now that i've like ever felt in my entire life oh he has sharp oh that sucks um let's see is this guy gonna drop on me he's gonna sit up there isn't he i think that's fine i'm just gonna run over here i don't i don't need to like go up there and fight him immediately there's a guy shifting right here i think he thinks he's fooling me but you can see his name tag right there yeah there we go um my plan here is to run past these boys but i can't really do that if they're both here i just don't get it like what are you what are you guys going for um i'm gonna go for it i think i can get past them i think they uh they gave me a little opening and i'm gonna take it see boys i hope they void or actually i hope only one of them voids now they both did that's fine their bed's gone and uh we can see where we can go from here but again thanks for looking out for me everybody even though you really don't have to a couple more things about that is why um like if i was very sad or say depressed why would i be recording a video for you guys i just wouldn't do that i the only time i ever want to record is when i'm in a good mood like you can generally assume that when i'm make like if you're watching a youtube video from me i made that well i was in a good mood i very rarely if i'm in a bad mood do i think hmm i'm gonna make a video right now like okay how about this if i was stuck in constant daily uploads then i feel like it would be more likely that i'd make a video when i'm not super happy right because it's like man i really don't want to upload today but i kind of have to so let me just force this video see something like that that's why daily uploads i i personally think are stupid like any youtuber doing daily uploads is like it's just not reasonable can i get over this guy close he suicided me in my opinion it's very tough to put out content that you're ha you're happy with if you're forcing yourself to upload i'm going to chase this guy down even the white mic in my bed but i'll uh keep chasing this guy he's probably going to buy diamond armor or something um he's actually gonna run up which is fine okay this is good i can probably get the kill ah smack him no he's gonna get away temporarily oh he got too close to the diamond gen there he's dead oh wait both white players are behind me how did they get there i actually might be able to get white bed too here got him wait how did both white players get behind me okay uh any of you guys want a commuter what's my teammate been doing anyway tbn or diesel i'm going to look at tbnr diesel stats after this game because i really feel like uh he hasn't won any games hey there he is let's go ouch oh he's a bow ow okay makes sense all right you go first no go get them ouch no don't break that block nothing can shoot me okay we're going tb and our diesel leads the way oh man we are such a good team let's go i'll shift that mcp shifts back he did the universal team signal maybe i should party him okay looks like i don't get a teammate this time i did look up uh the tbnr diesel or whoever's stats he had uh 12 wins so i gave him his 13th let's go um he had a few 4v4 wins as well but we're not counting those i'll say give him his 13th i think if we count his 4v4 wins he'd have like 20 wins but what does it matter going off of what i was saying last game though no matter what i say about how good i'm feeling while recording people will always be commenting dude you sound dead dude why are you you sound so dead man why listen it's my speaking voice this is this is how i talk like you won't get anything else i'm sorry i know you you maybe want something else you want me to like start screaming because i i could but why would i do that there's never there's never a good time to scream i'm gonna say that right now for youtubers that scream there's never a good time to scream just stop you don't have to let's get this bed i don't think i can kill either of them sucks when i get 2v1 i just get railed there was a comment i got a while back it really stuck with me it was like uh it must i think it was in a video where i was talking about how no matter what skype oh my god what is going on what is this what is this okay hang on i'm just gonna go up here uh what in the world okay so yellow and gray are here gray bed so gray bed is gone because of pink why did gray come to me not that that made a difference because i would have gotten 2v1 to buy yellow and probably died to them but what was that but yeah the comment was like i think i was talking about how there's no such thing as good skyblock content or something in one of my videos and the guy comments we know that you can't make skyblock entertaining gamerboidy but also you make bedwars really boring because you're too good and you sound dead or something along those lines i'll put the screenshot of the comment on the screen it was it's just so good and so accurate i i am good at bed wars and also i do sound dead it's fine and also i i will stick with the fact that skyblock is just so difficult to make entertaining like it's possible to make good skyblock content just it's so incredibly difficult i feel like i can win with this clutch this i don't think this will be too bad um the only way i would have lost this game is if i died at my base which it was pretty close i almost died to like those seven people that decided to rush my base still don't really know why gray wanted to come to me but it's fine they can rush me if they really feel like it they need that many people to take me out of the game that's what you call egotistical it's just aqua and red left i don't know what's the likelihood of them fighting each other probably not so great i think i'll take out red first but aqua does have matching skins and one of them has korea in the name which both of those are very threatening do i take out red no i think i think i should just keep collecting m's and let them fight i just find it funny how aqua took out yellow and red took out gray even though yellow and gray are the two teams that decided to go for me now they're both out of the game look what happens when you rush me guys this is why if you see me in one of your games just you don't go from here you lose it's it's hot like i'm not gonna take you out no no but somebody else will i'll hire someone to take you out also that's not me saying that i hired the teams in this game to take out other teams that would be cross-teaming and i wouldn't do that i promise guys i'd never let i'd never betray you i always obey the rules 100 okay i'm gonna try this here i'm gonna jump and speed then i'm gonna go take out aqua base and then i i'm gonna keep my invis on me until i go to red because i don't think i need to end this aqua there's only one player here and i think i'll be able to break their bed pretty quick there's their bed gun um and as long as i can take this guy out without falling off the edge okay we're fine and then now i can buy um another speed and jump i guess i'll do one more jump because why not now we can go take out red here's this aqua player i don't know why he wants to fight me um oh he's lagging that's for sure uh okay he's dead i really don't know why he tried to fight me neither of us had beds i mean sure i took out his base maybe he just wanted revenge i don't know um but yeah i'm gonna go invis here they didn't see me i don't think they were looking the opposite way so that's fine um so i can get their bed pretty easily and then we'll see what happens here so their bed is gonna be gone now i still have two pearls which i need to remember i'm gonna forget and then fall off the edge and then throw them last seconds for them to hit the bottom of the map and then have me fall in the void anyway okay see ya one guy down and then the other player is probably still mid yeah right there all right whoa careful careful did i just did i just block trap him i placed those two blocks and i think he went like this or something along those lines i actually got a teammate which is super cool uh he did not wait for enough iron so he i don't know what he's planning on doing with the stuff he got this guy is a jitter bridging or breezing or auto clicking i don't know he placed so many blocks uh now i need to kill this guy uh he has a stone sword this is unlikely i got it i know his teammate respond okay well i killed them both so at least we like kind of got reset i don't know what my teammate's up to i hope he's not taking the whole gen not i kinda i don't have very much stuff um okay well my teammate went and fell in the void it looks like that really sucks like if my teammate was able to like at least trade a kill on a bridge that would be okay but my teammate just ran out and fell in the void i don't really even know how he did that i think i well my my bed's gonna go i don't know what that guy did as far as knockback but it's fine um i'll just have to clutch again there we go and i'm guessing my teammates gonna die oh my god he got the kill teammate i take it all back you're fine you're a great teammate my guess is this yellow player ran to my base and then legged out like he did on that bridge and then my team i was able to just crit him out i'll go with that there's no way my teammate actually got a kill right i'm gonna take out aqua now do i i'll just use my tnt i don't wanna wait for uh my fist to break clay that is super boring boring and lame gimbal he only makes the most high quality hi octane content out there everyone watches the game rewarding content on the edge of their seats like holy frick dude what's gonna happen next is he gonna break a bed he broke a bed oh my god is he gonna get a final kill he got a final kill it it's good stuff it's good stuff also don't forget to subscribe for more of that stuff both aqua players are there i'll just leave them you guys are doing fine y'all make you guys a bridge as well if you feel free to follow me to gray if you guys want but yeah i think at 500k i'm gonna do some face cam videos so if you're interested in that subscribe oh well there's two of them oh no i think they were one crit away from dying too they said gr aqua said green i saw you dude nice name by the way mr skinny they said they saw me as if i was like trying to sneak past him i would like even if they saw me what difference would that make i was still gonna go to gray i think i'll take out blue um they they have a bridge to the diamond gen so they're starting to concern me a little bit yeah aqua's pretty good i mean they they also look stacked i think they have prot and sharp which i mean now do now i have prod and sharp so no more excuses but i feel like they're both pretty good they've been getting a lot of kills um they don't have a bed so that's good let's see is he gonna run on the bridge after me if i just years this would be a lot easier don't smack me okay do i get m's from that i do i got eight let's go let's go eight m's thank you um should i void that's the question i just don't know if aqua is trying to run back towards us they might blue's gone um let me see if i can find aqua well my teammates just railed gray which is super fun both aqua players are still at pink so i i don't i don't think we have to worry about them breaking our bed anytime soon i'm just gonna head in on gray and see if i can get this bed i didn't get it the first time um but now i have better gear so there's a chance also that is gray in mid so at worst worst case scenario i have to take a 1v1 and that's not even bad at all he tried to suicide me if he didn't have minor fatigue he'd be out of the game because i would i would have been able to break the wool break the bed um all before he hit the void but we're fine he's dead now he is such a block hitter oh my god i'm dealing zero damage to his no prot leather if you're good at block hitting you're easy to combo but also you take like no damage so good good for you that sucks dude that really sucks they pearled me didn't they okay um jump in here let's let's do this okay um aqua's in mid so i think that's fine i'm gonna go and try and get all my potions down without them seeing me um they probably saw me and ran away oh they're down there this is good let's see my teammate's kind of following me but i don't oh that sucks he got my invis but it's fine um now it's just a 1v1 wait how did my teammate die i think me i think my teammate dropped down after me because he didn't have speed and jump he missed one of the jumps and fell in the void he could have just stayed on top but that's fine um i'm gonna get a tracker on the last player i don't want to have him sneak up on me that would be bad news okay he is in mid i think i think 70 meters away is in mid yeah he's right there so i could fight him right now and see if i can win the game or i could go and try and get um speed and invis and then win the game from there let's see he might try and you might try and backboard me but i was able to backboard him uh he's super low i missed that fireball too let's see what's his plan what's his plan well if he's gonna sit right there i wish i had another fireball actually he's right here i think i can just kill him i'll just end the game that way i don't have to go buy things oh my god he almost hit me off the edge okay teammate you gotta get over here man there's just there's just nothing to do out there until you have resources stop no no he's gone you you can tell once someone runs around the map you you kind of start feeling like there's he's not gonna be here for long if the first thing someone does is run around and explore the map they're not going to finish the game with you which is really sad what was his name silent sly and he was a derp frog oh my god his ping is 1 million he's dead luckily he didn't hit me once despite having a million bajillion ping ping is such a good thing i'm just gonna tell you if you have high ping you have an advantage i'm gonna get so much hate from the australians for that they're gonna be like no it's so much more difficult to play with high ping that's how australians sound um what do i do uh so what i need to do here is i need to knock one of them off the edge you're in a very good spot for that and then i need to kill you just with damage not with void okay and then i think i can get their bed here let's go that's what we like to see i'm gonna go up i'm out of blocks but is he gonna try and follow me up because that would be cool get off the map we got him we got him boys not this one though said that one was actually able to hit me okay the last guy disconnected i'm surprised that they gave me kill credit for that because that was a while ago that i was over there well i guess not two it was like seven or eight seconds i didn't think it would give me a kill credit for hitting him from that long ago it's time to go for pink uh they take out a couple bases actually i think only one but either way they gotta go someone responds or someone's respawning at the moment um the only thing i'm a little worried about is he had that minor thing is i have five diamonds and i really really don't want um them to kill me and have me lose all these they have prob they don't have sharp i should probably run back and just go buy prod and sharp yeah that's probably a better call i i just want to lose these because then i'm like way behind if you get a lot of diamond upgrades before everyone else then you kind of just win the game almost every fight you're winning even if you're not very good at pvp having sharp and prot against someone without sharp and prot you're gonna win the fight either way okay so it looks like someone is heading over towards me which is kind of scary we're just gonna buy up these and i'm gonna toss out the diamond so now i have better gear than them um i have uh sharp and prod they only have prot i think i just block trapped them anyway oh whoops i almost block block trap myself i guess okay so i'm still gonna head over towards him but i don't have any blocks well i guess i have five but pretty much zero blocks so i guess we'll see what happens from here um aqua no hey hey stop stop it do they have m's for me they don't have m's for me that was like pointless hey don't do it oh if i block trapped him i would have laughed that's what that's what gamerboy he would have done in that situation he would have went okay time to go back to pink base um i think they might be heading towards me though so we must hurry do they have more minor fatigue they don't so their bed is gone there we go they didn't have mind fatigue and i'm voiding i think there is a pink still trying to come to my base which if he has tnt he can probably get it never mind he died too blue is that blue trying to come to my base because don't because don't do that oh wait blue actually doesn't have a bed okay let me just take him out of the game then he probably has a lot of m's as well for me thanks 16 what are you doing with all those what are you doing with 16 emeralds there is simply no reason that one man should have 16 emeralds ever in their inventory at one time i have enough time to get obsidian down i mean i probably wouldn't do obsidian this late in the game normally but i will because uh i i just had got so many emeralds for no reason at all okay thank you for the free obsidian i guess it wasn't for jose emeralds if it was free that would be cool hypixel give me a discount thank you i'm a youtuber okay so i have inves now um it looks like this guy's a knockback stick what in the world okay we're fine did i i did buy diamond armor okay so i have obsidian diamond armor and an invis i am so set let's see what's this guy up to he so he definitely knows i'm in this but i think i can kill him without him exposing my invis okay we're good and i'm in this for 10 more seconds we're fine oh they haven't they got an alarm trap this is like oh if they didn't get that last hit i could have at least like ran around their base for a little bit that really sucks that's like one of the few times that alarm traps can do anything is like late game when someone is probably going to be invis but even then i i feel like mind everything is still better because i wouldn't have been able to break their bed they would have seen my shears and then they would have hit me after that but still i'm pretty sure i have better gear than them and and better skill uh if he has a kb stick he might be able to hit me off all right he had better positioning that fight so uh let's see okay here's what i'm gonna do this is very very very risky but i'm gonna run to yellow base right now and get their bed and then i'm going to void so the reason i'm doing this is because i have obsidian and i feel like he he isn't going to have a diamond pickaxe on him if he does then well freak me with a stick dude but i i don't think he's gonna have a diamond pick i think i'm gonna have enough time to get their bed and void nice block clutch and i think we're fine okay i'm gonna get their bed they still haven't triggered my mind fatigue trap so i think we're fine but he might be on his way to my base now let's see he certainly is on his way to my base nice tnt placement on the bridge is he gonna come down and try and break my bed try it try me dude um no no i said try to break my bed not try to fall in the void i thought the toughest part would be breaking my bed not jumping over a one block gap but bed wars players prove me wrong every day day in day out there's always new ways that they can mess up and then this last player i've already killed like six different times this game so i think we're all good to uh go ahead and take them out i bought more mind fatigue just in case he somehow becomes invis uh and then i can void but until then let's just pvp this guy he's gonna run but i don't know what running does it's just gonna delay the game um yeah okay well we'll just keep chasing nice fireball jump just take more fall damage and like it didn't speed him up at all it just made him take more fall damage whatever 1460 oh my god well there's a lot of fun things to discuss in this game first off in um tab we got what team is he on white team white team has a very good name um he's complimenting your rooster he he visited your barn recently and um and i'm gonna stop now uh and also in pregame chat someone said i will get better tristan uh and then he's probably talking to some guy named tristan they're playing together but they just keep losing and he's like don't worry tristan leave it to me i will get better i will carry the squad um i'm gonna be above their base which is good however they have wood and wool and also i have nothing to break their bed with and i have no more blocks i got no actually i broke the wrong block um that sucks if i broke the right block i probably could have gotten it i still don't have anything over my bed so if they start getting pressure on me i just lose my bed immediately um but until then we're fine so let's drop down on this guy can i smack him i no he didn't fall down fall down thank you and then i can kill him now all right this should be come on cheers there we go okay let's sit here that guy's actually kind of low got him ah dang it i was hoping to get both okay so i don't know where those last players which is a little concerning because if they start dashing past me there's a possibility they get my bed he's right here though we're fine he was a little laggy uh at least enough so i ran right through him you know i don't i don't even need to avoid giving me all my stuff back let's go ahead and buy better tools i already have shears we can do that some more blocks some gaps and we're fine i pretty much everything i need to break a bed let's go get diamonds as well okay so yellow is probably the sweatiest team in the game but at the same time graves at the base next to me so they might be a bigger threat they might not be a bigger threat they're they're taking their sweet time coming to mid that's for sure um let's see if i kill this guy oh my god what is that what did that guy just do to me um please don't okay i don't know what happened he fell in the void somewhere don't know where he fell in the boy but he did okay i had 12 emeralds i did the only reasonable thing that someone would do with 12 remote and that is by diamond armor sword and bridge egg so now i have the ability to get any bet i want and also get any kill that i want i think i need to go to gray first and then i'll bridge egg to yellow after that i think at least so let's let's do that um i don't there's there's just no flaws in my plan every plan i make is perfect okay so gray bed first thing is gone and then i'm actually kind of running low on blocks so i'll just go ahead and grab some more of that he's back i two tapped him honestly i hope that yellow doesn't have any prod either because then i can just two tap them as well um it looks as though they already have a bridge to this middle island looking thing so if i throw a bridge egg up there then we should be all good to get to that bridge and then i can get to their base from there um it looks like one just voided but his bed's gone and can i three tap him i mean yes cause he fell off the edge but i would have been a four tap what this is so broken okay i just need to find the players and kill them before before they get to my base and fireball me off because that is probably how i'm gonna end up losing this game i'm gonna get a tracker on yellow then because yellow is the only player that i don't know where they are at the moment um we're looking at they're 80 okay so they're at that base and then gray's right there doing some sort of fancy bridging he might be thinking he might think he's playing build battle um i'm gonna just let him know that this is bed wars just in case uh i guess i don't know for sure he's gonna fireball man jump boost we love you we as in everyone i speak for everyone here we love jump boost okay i don't have fireballs which sucks because ah he has fireballs though i made that jump okay let's go um i still have a little bit of jump boost left so i can possibly catch up to this guy and probably not he's just gonna run to diamond gen then after that no he's not oh thank you sir he's letting me finish the game if he ran to the diamond gem then that would just take forever um because he could run literally forever just circles around mid but he was actually gonna let me finish the game so that was an hour of bed wars from my end i'm guessing it's maybe like 40 minutes maybe 30 if i cut a lot out um as far as the video goes but hey hopefully you enjoyed this episode and we'll see you in the next one and don't forget to like and sub uh you can like for absolutely no reward and you can sub to get me closer to 500k where i'll do a face cam video and then you can look at my face while i sweat bed wars you'll see sweat dripping down my my forehead if that's what you want okay see ya
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 914,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, doubles
Id: 3nvrAJq7yDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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