we DUPLICATED items in bedwars

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all right here throw me all the iron i'm just gonna take them out immediately there's some gold there's some iron all right all right we're taking it serious let's go let's take them out we're sweat mode we're sweat mode we truly try hard lucky blocks the i'm rush i'm rushing the knockback stick nice try get tools as well just in case i don't get there in time but it's lucky blocks hopefully they're not uh i just copied someone's inventory i'm sad uh all right cool i was right they are just breaking lucky blocks because nobody sweats this game except me i guess all right well goodbye well oh sorry here you here take all that guy i'm jumping in the void all right cool well what's your call should i take out yellow or no because they took out and they probably they made his name is basically sweaty but he doesn't know how to spell so i think true i think like he's even got a q in his name like qr and x you know you know yeah it's like a call sign like it's he's part of the group all right i'm going after him all right take a map they didn't hear the ice bridge they didn't know they have no clue oh hey grey team by the way if you want to rush um oh wait no yellow base already has their bed gun um if you want to rush a base i have a magic toy stick i can just like blow up a bed defense of a base you're rushing okay sounds good if i don't die right now okay i died right now let's go explosive chicken can we do i get the kill for that no i don't it just says he fell in the void ah said my stats it doesn't give you credit whenever you uh you kill someone with a fishing rod either with them very often why are you so low weird i will get a team upgrade i will oh it was the very first one i broke okay that didn't work okay got it got it got it got it oh let's go somebody stop him oh my gosh he's going in all right we maxed it is that max let's go all right cool oh wait no i'm gonna attack by blue but unfortunately i will still die wait no i won't rot four coming in clutch i was already on like four hearts to start that battle but you got it we got it yeah once you have prop four it doesn't really matter what health you have the health you have right now is alive okay oh wait a minute let me buy that some gaps so do i want to kill blue or should we leave them alive should we leave as many teams alive as possible so they don't leave on us that's that's kind of a good point um the thing is like we need to get a lot of blue blocks and i don't know if no please come down here please because before we open blocks we need there to be just one person so that the odds are 50 50. but oh true um i mean i don't have to like rush kill everybody but by the time it gets to emerald 3 everyone needs to be dead except for one guy god that's so funny i i had strength two and a sharp iron sword and i hit without a crit i hit a blue guy once who was in no prot leather and they went down to zero health it's pretty good okay great teams running the middle oh gray made it to our base i did not realize there was a second one at our base and then he voided i think i think we're fine i think we're fine i suppose i can go attack pink but what's likely that i die here probably unlikely oh yeah i have this sort of justice too so i heal on i just heard the lightning i was like oh he's dead that's it so that's it every time i hit someone it heals me to health or one heart i i think it probably has a cool down on it but it does definitely make a difference because you do heal while you're fighting that's wild you grabbing blues i was but i'm chasing you down oh hey there's a guy on the other side of mid if you want to chase him down oh i'm on it oh there's a guy under under youtube poor guy now it's really like a uhc fight there's another dude he's going up i don't blame him oh that would have been sick if you actually hit him down from that hold on we got this oh oh my gosh here's punch five be careful wait am i able to place blocks at my feet i am we're going up what's this fight how am i missing him [Laughter] you need like another block under you oh god he's jumping in slow motion all right i'll go after him oh this poor guy didn't have a chance he's shooting be careful yeah see that oh oh jeez oh my god he almost took you out with him oh man that last jump that he did crazy okay hang on right here before i do that i need another pearl and honestly if that wasn't a rush pearl i probably would have died because i had to throw my pro like straight up to survive oh that was a normal problem i probably couldn't have done that let's see i just saw you go flying off of the screen i was like oh no all right i have uh 30 blue um i'm just gonna buy stuff with the rest of my resources so you can do them save the uh save the emerald save the emeralds okay so basically what you do is toss me any red blues or anything you want duplicated that's everything i have except for the blue blocks tossed out these so i have room for stuff right so toss me the blue blocks as well all of that uh yeah yeah all of them and then i'll place them one at a time and you'll break them oh it's not yellow all right yeah here we go we're starting with we're starting with 44 emeralds 12 miracle blocks and 49 blues oh you might totally let's go okay okay drop me the stuff and then we'll do it again there's that wait so this could just be an endless chain of blue blocks yes okay okay um oh that's so lucky wait actually hang on i'll give you that as well and another i'll keep the start of justice we don't need to do that anymore oh yeah toss me the emeralds too oh 44 what are you doing with that saving them for the opinion man oh no you can hit it wait can't you shift off of it uh sometimes sometimes it doesn't work but you can also always damage it oh i can oh wait here take the eight golems as well if i copy again okay just in case i have almost three stacks of emeralds now okay just start just start breaking the blues okay i'm just gonna start placing them like all over like i still have stuff i should probably give to you but who cares oh we got stasis on them let's go slow him down oh wait here grab that as well so now you have 32 golems [Laughter] uh and see if i can copy again dude i have 84 blue blocks not counting what's on the ground already oh no we got it again we need to kill these gas we need to kill the gas there's so many do we even want to go anymore wait here yeah they're out of our distance uh here grab that i guess i'm gonna place down as many of these as i can and then just start breaking them and then at that point once we get through most of them oh my goodness i don't know no we don't need it we don't need it okay i have two stacks of obsidian i copied black oh i got it you got me again i got i got three four stacks of it hang on i'm going back to you because i i don't want to do this anymore i have to have too much oh my god all right i'm coming back i'm coming back i have lots of pearls right now we just um start start doing this wait so at bed gone does it break our bed uh like our placebo yeah okay so places place it after yeah exactly okay and then we can also get a bed to give to them so that they don't die while we're doing this all right in our team chest i'll put all the abbey that i have okay yeah i'll put some oh magic toys all right i'm gonna need your help placing the uh the obsidian oh we are doing it oh another incredible chest well we don't have to do it solid we can do it hollow so we make it like massive oh true true so what i can do is i can run around and place like the wool like this and then you place the obsidian on top it'll be faster you imagine playing one of these games and running into something like this uh yeah in my nightmares i meant [Laughter] oh they got a bed there themselves they placed it right now worst timing oh yeah that's true crap that's destroyed okay there you go the perfectly centered bed here i'm gonna go oh wait should i have placed it better wait do you have a bag that's fine you can only place beds a certain direction i just didn't realize it was one of those maps do you have a do you have a bed can and if so can i have it i'm gonna go do a delivery to blue if that's fine with you we have a bed for you that way they won't panic when they see you there's my obsidian you have more obsidian now than i like get in an entire game of just like don't kill us don't kill us here i'm shifting at him don't kill us oh perfect i gave him a bed um okay give black jaguar a bed i can only hope he goes back and places it down we could probably do this thing solid no that's what i was thinking like we have so much all right i'm just gonna just make it so they can never get to our bed because i still have two stacks on me i oh my i didn't realize i had this much i would have made it bigger holy lord we should have done the same mid we could have had so much yeah crap it's fine it's fine there we go okay we're safe well there's gonna be a few jerry's stuck in our in our bed defense so oh no way they got it hey i think he could tell because we gave him a bed i do that in a lot of the videos that go well oh i have time to set up stuff wait when do we end this game yeah after we acknowledge our uh our great building dude look at this is it possible to completely bedrock in your bed with enough with enough miracle blocks yeah we could do that there's just too many jerry's jerry's oh you can't kill him you gotta push now jerry's don't take damage they're invincible gary's do what they want they're the strongest mob in minecraft should we tell them to try to get our bed i mean we might as well and like have them just sit here and mine through it this whole time yeah i think i want to smite their wait can i if you toy sticks oh magic toy stick up city and it will break oh really yeah i'm gonna smack up their bed a little bit hello oh there we go there it goes always mining fatigue too just let him try to mine it i'm gonna put some withers down on top of our bed that's a good idea there i put all six on top here i got two more there you go so many oh he's going in from the side that doesn't have enough no don't use a wood pick please oh my god these little wood pickers just don't i have a stack of gold just give him the stack of gold just do it please i don't i already did oh he has i gave him two stacks of iron a stack of gold he has a wood pick oh hello black jaguar the team i made it here too he threw me a single iron golem here yeah look i had oh oh god oh oh wait they're not even oh we're bored we're friends now they're friends wait let's see will it hit this guy oh yeah they will oh he must not have pro forks he's taking damage you know what we could do what's up is we could spawn all of the golems in their spawn point all right well i'm killing this guy then that's a great idea a great idea all right um they must have only prop one or something because i'm just shredding you break the blue wall on top of the obsidian bed defense right now like all of those pieces oh yeah it's screenshot time yeah okay can i be in it can i stand yeah go for it i'm gonna shift and look at you oh that's so intimidating like there's so much power in that screenshot oh god wait did you die the skeleton oh yeah no the skeletons were attacking me i was killing them outside because i was having so much trouble i walked out the back door to block out the backside of it uh that's what i get you're one million percent scythe oh they know now i don't know i why why is it just me that would work one million percent as soon as i spawn in golems in their spawn point oh the dragons are just gonna eat all the golems aren't they i'm still getting kills and i'm on the other side of the map let's go where uh one of them made it out unfortunately yeah he's in middle oh hey buddy kill him bring him back bring him back it's time to go back to your home i think there might be a dragon nose diving into the spawn [Music] oh hello i don't like that sound at all the columns are going crazy oh oh there is a golem uh a dragon nose dive so this is a massive hole here hang on we can we can rebuild we can rebuild actually no we can't there's golems everywhere this is there's columns that's it this is what their their island looks like oh they're just both oh they're just both having a bad time oh god oh the dragon it just killed so many golems it's okay i have 12 more i have 12 more all right all right we gotta get a real bring it back bring it back reinforcements let's go all right let me just uh encase this a little bit just build a little wall around it um there we go no yeah they're both here that oh man man he's touching the roof dude that sounds not nice i don't like it should we find their bed then do you think i mean we can or we could watch them die to gollums for eight entire minutes and then break their back well all the golems are gone now oh sadness and now they're just shifting at us because they want a screening uh okay yeah let's see in bed defense survive they're screening they're screening with my nickname because obviously they like the gen 6 mythical pokemon canyon oh oh he's critting me out oh he's angry now oh i wonder what caused him to be angry could it be the golems why did he get so angry if only we didn't get dragon buff this would be so much better yeah nope only you weren't so good at maxing out the team upgrades careful back there careful yeah i was just slamming my face into the wall no big deal they're both afk they lost their minds oh no oh we're good no we're not oh oh god oh wait we we didn't even build the pyramid at our base yeah it was just some random base oh i was i respawned i'm like where's the pyramid oh he hid it under the map in one of these little obsidian boxes oh yeah that's definitely a viewer i did this last week is it is it a breakable better no um diamond pick no there's there's a there's a weakness on the side this piece of wool here oh oh i see you i have both guys here they're running to the obsidian pyramid i think they're confident i kind of want to watch them try to mine it that'd be really funny oh the dragon almost got him actually oh the dragon oh no the dragons can open it up oh oh should i break it uh well one just died so the guy trying to break our obsidian pyramid got flung off by dragon so it worked out so one guy one guy's respawning they didn't expect the dragon bad defense they never saw that one the dragons were the best part we added that one exactly then i then have to kill him yeah fair enough oh god am i going to die to this these dragons are relentless man dude you're luck with co oh no ridiculous oh he's gone i don't what happened there uh i just saw the guy in the middle with you yeah i saw him fly up into the air and then he landed and died so well i saw him and then he just i did it you know it's on for a second really sure where's the other guy well he respawned recently right before he broke the bed did he run no i that was the guy that was that guy no that was wolfmaster that went to our base and then i'm gonna guess he's at our base only because there is a path there from the side well let me grab an emerald and i could get a tractor yeah try to find it that's a good idea yeah he he's out he's out of bed i let's just watch and see if he's mining it oh the dragon's swooping down uh-oh oh oh he broke he broke a hobby i heard that oh oh oh the bed's exposed uh oh he's going for you oh no he's not going for us very well i'll let him smack me a little oh okay with the wither and me eating gaps he's not actually doing any damage to me he went up in health oh god that chicken's gonna kill him he just shouted uh and he's on half heart um how are you in this wait i don't think it makes your armor invis actually i drank an invi i mean it doesn't for your teammate oh okay well your helmet's gone though that's weird uh this might be bad i might be dead no can you please kill him oh my okay there there we go thank you he's dead i'm like no don't do it please that was my 25th kill i passed you on the kill leaderboard nice i also got 1400 xp from this i had 25 you had 24 and then the next highest was one of the guys that lived to the end with four all right i'm leaving that game oh my gosh
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 679,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, zyph, lucky block, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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