ImKibitz Reacts to Let's Game It Out Playing Satisfactory

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I was unaware of Kibitz's existence, nor how he would take a gander, as he put it, to the "other side of the coin".

Thank you

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HanaLuLu 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone i'm kibbitz and there's been a disturbance in the force let's game it out has uploaded again and for those of you unaware he's another youtuber who plays satisfactory sometimes and like me he likes to build on an epic scale however we have uh different methods or i like to stay organized get nerdy about math and be very ocd friendly let's game it out as the embodiment of chaos and look there's nothing wrong with that but out of morbid curiosity i'm gonna see the other side of the coin here and watch his video so be sure to leave a like and of course check out his channel link in the description so i use drones to make a nightmare factory even worse steal yourself kibitz let's do it hey there's josh welcome back to let's game it out oh boy let's play some satisfactory today we love this game around here where there are endless ways to shatter your bones oh but i'm getting ahead of myself let's catch you up on what's happened so far first we built a wonderful normal working factory for like a second then it turned into this then into this and then this and also some of this eventually we reach nuclear power it produces a lot of energy but more than that it produces beautiful toxic by-products i love new clearwater smiles and we had to flee so after that we slid our way over to oranger pastures and this time we did it right we erased all of this nature we put down a beautiful working factory and we can't forget about hyper tubes which is good for normal transportation or linking them together and going so fast you leave this dimension or if you split the difference you can create a machine where we can aim this cannon back at our old base and see if we can reclaim that around he was able to control it that's what brings us to here so we have a couple of pressing concerns each and every one of those barrels that's actively hurting me while i talk yeah i've had some problems with nuclear waste too accidentally made a million of it and it took like 100 hours to process into plutonium and get rid of i'm very curious to see what the heck he's gonna do about it anyway let me give you the grand tour before we get started here we have sumptuous radiation issues followed by even more radiation issues and we're gonna have to figure this out fast because i don't know what happened well i have never even seen that glitch before and even more good oh it looks like things have kind of come to a stand still it's mixed into his coal lines as well i guess it makes sense though after all over here on this side of our base the land of nuclear power plants there's been a couple of changes since we were last here see the last time we were in this base was before they added fluid to the game oh my gosh have been magically he has no water infrastructure and all that nuclear weight it also requires that we have water to cool the whole thing down don't worry though we're going to get this all back online and the first step is going to be it could be worse but it's kind of already we're going to need some items good thing we've got materials everywhere not to mention stockpiles are the best stuff a whole container full of things that blow up and me with a donator and you know what that means i can't just blow this stuff up by hand can i well it was worth a shot why can't he was it anyway so step one is can't you just put all of these barrels or else i don't think reality is ever coming back together again and basically we need to figure out how to get all these barriers i actually think let's get it out has been like a radiant thing called a splitter and then we'll build out a conveyor belt from there things right keep running this and we'll just take it all the way to the edge here i'm not really sure what the plan is seeing as how there's nothing down here but hey at least it's getting all this waste away from the rest of my factories and at the end of all this we'll go ahead and put a nice big storage container there you go fellas practical temperatures away from everything good idea to finish filtering out of here let's get some other vital stuff done as mentioned for the time being none of these are working you know i know where there is working power though and it's just one quick slide away ah home sweet second home i missed your security blanket of fox and conveyor belts and materials anyway we're not here for sightseeing oh my god that dirty environment how do you how do you get around that let's just go ahead although now that i'm in the main part of the factory i think all the radiation's been filtered out i'm not taking damage anymore i'm so happy it's time to use my inhaler again anyway where were we oh hello what the hell are you you leave that poor dog don't mind if i do run okay run for your life looks like the barrels are still coming which shows that the process is working all the way to barrel heaven and we know that for sure because look at our glorious radiation levels quite the radioactive vessel and as we get closer i'm really hurting now in theory this should be enough because the farther away we get the lower the radiation goes far enough away the radiation goes away entirely but i don't want to lose this entire area to that isn't there a way we can get rid of this stuff permanently most other items in the game you can just throw in the little trash can here oh but not these barrels it doesn't want you to do that all right let's leave this for a second and come over here and let's test some stuff on an area that doesn't have radiation okay so getting rid of stuff we can't just grab an item drag it inventory because then it goes straight here on the ground and wait a second these things wait a second is he going to load up all the nuclear waste in a truck and drive it off the edge look it's a pretty decent idea but the truck doesn't despawn ever so it's kind of like a permanent source of lag so i really hope he doesn't do that i i guess it works processing is out of the question he has no water so like what is he gonna do uh that's gonna be a rough solution there is any way we can oh what the hell did that you you knocked me off i bet you guys think you're so clever don't you huh oh we learned something new just now those guys can throw themselves off so the question is can we somehow attach the radiation to these fellas and then just lead them off a cliff okay hold on i got an idea let's build out a couple of little platforms and then let's add some walls okay hey come back here i have need of you come on come on i've never actually tried it right there i'm just gonna put something on top of you easy well technically it's on top of him but i don't think it's part of him nope definitely not so i think it's safe to assume it's just covers in the air like that forever okay creatures well thanks for trying so for my next idea we're gonna need one of these oh no so do you remember that lizard doggo that we saw as you can see he's a little bit timid if we get too close but if we take these here pale berries go ahead and just put them on don't take his bride friend loves them and now he trusts us basically now he has an inventory and occasionally he'll find stuff and bring it to us but we can also put things in that slot and just drive the trucks over the edge stop so of course i think we have another question can this little guy carry a stack of barrels only one way to find out come on little guy okay where were we get ready for a journey oh hey you found me some flower petals so sweet i'll take those and here you have these 258 barrels of toxic waste and lizard doggo seems unaffected by the tremendous amount of radiation well you know what happens next right now let's see how am i going to get you to want to be down there what if we build something he's going to send them to the way out here come on come on come on come on who's a good boy who's a good boy who's a good boy you're a good boy oh no oh no oh mission successful oh we're not even halfway through the video good god that took oh my gosh at least we got them make yourselves at home with them how much nuclear weapons does he have a window to look through all right so here's the thing i've been doing some thinking and i don't know if i can bear to watch them fall down onto the cliffs below i mean after all look at these little guys look at those little faces they deserve better than that that's why instead we're going to use something else jump pads all right come on little guy let's get you all suited up okay okay okay you know what to do well i'm gonna go ahead and say that was a rousing success and before you know it our nuclear waste problems are solved okay come on out fellas you look all ready for prime time let's not just wander them over here instead let's aim a bounce pad back this direction build a couple layers up and we'll put the other bouncy thingy at the top here there you go oh you guys spread each other out well at least that one made it oh god and for this one let's see if we can get nothing but net a basketball hoop well close enough who knew that getting rid of radioactive waste would be so much fun okay we only have a couple more to go here have fun guys ah that's a victory looks like one last straggler huh you might want to revert your eyes for this no well looks like that took care of the radiation time to deal with the next mess getting all this back online we know we still have to deal with the radiation you could have also just spent like 100 hours and built like a plutonium set up you didn't have to you know murder that's okay to each their own mr game it out as to power these plants we use these uranium fuel rods but it shouldn't be too hard to deal with all we need to do is focus on the water part and don't worry i haven't forgotten that this one needs water first things first is we need to locate a water source and you know i think i know just the place oh yeah and he has no water right now that could possibly be like a 20 hour project he's not gonna do all that right right okay so all we really need to do is find some nice deep water you know this water doesn't appear to be terribly deep maybe it'll work anyway let's see time for some water extraction oh yep looks like it's to be just fine i'm just going to build one okay and you're just going to have that go to each extract our nuclear power plant right you want to go uphill like that yeah how do i care what water wants i just care that it connects power is back on the menu and onward to the other power plants all right excellent i think we've done some really fine work here let's see if everything connects as planned let's start with one initially well doesn't appear to be any water getting here at least not yet what do you mean this weird gross illogical pipe system isn't working i mean if you take a look at our splitter here this one's getting plenty of water as is this part right here oh wait the flow sucks so without really knowing what we're doing we're gonna use this pipeline pump allows fluids to be transported 20 meters upwards okay well great work your magic okay there we go looks like we have more flow coming through this thing sorta water sure is weird ah yes much better full capacity in the pipes that's what i like to see okay how are we working you big behemoth oh yes burning water too fast and occasionally offline that's what we call that's a wrong one you know what why am i trying so hard after all this is a pretty large space let's see how many of these can fit and then two and three oh quite a bit more i have no idea how many are in here all i know is it's more than i had and i hope it's enough to soften up the entire ocean now it's time to get to the piping tada pipes pipes and more pipes i spent a little time building just a couple of pipe systems here let me give you the gran basically they start here and then they extend out here and then they route over here and then god only knows where they go next pretty much if there's ground to cover that's where we put pipes and i do mean anywhere where there's ground to cover or if it's cliffs i don't know so many regrets this first power plant that's right pipes and we just follow this very comprehensive pipe system how you doing there buddy you having a good time and we just keep on going to follow where the pipes go until eventually we make it over where we can see water making it to all of our power plants who would have thought pipes were so easy josh who hurt you why have you done this how how do you even plan this out how how long did this take oh my gosh oh my gosh this is horrific this is truly horrific easy this is probably the most horrific thing i've ever seen running everywhere that eventually everything can connect and have water and yeah sure when these things are producing power they also produce nuclear by-products oh yeah that's a solved problem everybody wins and with all these glory keeps killing dogs working again so too are our factories ye had a beautiful endless manufacturing oh and don't worry i haven't forgotten about this guy i know we need to get water and i know that seems pretty daunting but don't you worry i've got an idea so hold please seven hours and connected see that wasn't so hard to get water up here all i had to do was build a couple of water pipes a lot of water a lot of water pipes yep this is what i did i started with a pipe on the ground ran it all the way to the start of my conveyor belt tornado and then just kept building and building and building and before you know it fresh water you know this is kind of like it's kind of like that meme with the shape bucket in the girl guess which spot that goes the square that's right it goes in the square hole yes okay and how about this rectangle that one also the square that goes in there too and up next a cylinder i think that goes in the circle the square hole now we've also got this semi-circle right here do you see a sloth that would fit the semi-circle semi-circle the semi-circle that's right it's the square hole her pain is my pain before you know it fresh water straight from the source and boy howdy is this doing amazing things to the frame rate i'm just glad that it turned out putting all this pipe down was easy that said while i noticed the radiation nightmare is over oh boy have i noticed some cursed stuff still happening you know i think i know what we can do granted i don't want to waste all this beautiful manufacturing prowess for this gross thing but i think i have an idea to salvage our factory and our frame rate so let's head back over to red base where we've got our hub in the hub is where we unlock new milestones and over here in tier seven we have something called aeronautical engineering and in that we have something called oh yeah the drone transports available input back and forth there's gonna be a drone destination oh my god i like the sound of that so in order to unlock these we need to amass i can't watch but i can't look away feed it all into the machine i don't want it which will send this but before we do that i have kind of an idea can you take an explosive to outer space for me only one way to find out and launch okay have a nice summer oh that does work well nice to see it's completely unaffected and now because of our generous contributions we have fun new toys so for starters we can't just put a drone down right here in the sand he needs to go in the drone port okay i see how this works it's like a little carrier thing batteries to power the drones go in here and these are like in and out points for importing and exporting materials easy peasy lemon whatever couldn't be more simple okay yeah and drones fit right here look at that ready to transport okay first things first let's go ahead and connect this thing all the way through our pilots we're gonna have a battery somewhere in here batteries right how do you even find these those look like batteries to me conveyor belt add a splitter and now take some of those batteries now that these are well underway we're going to put a lot of batteries here's one for the imports and he has a lot of power and for stuff to transport i'm just going to use copper not for any reason just because the idea and now let's move a little bit aways from this station here and add another drone port over here and we'll set up another container this one's going to be just for receiving and we're going to name the second port gimme goodies excellent and we're gonna set it up so that cindy offy has a destination port of gimme goodies oh and the moment we set this up look what's happening wait don't leave without me let's see where this thing goes wow we're really high up here we're flying as high as my rail gun why is he flying so high well looks like it's going to the destination yeah it looks like it's coming in for a nice smooth landing oh and here comes our supplies perfect that works like a charm and then when it's done it whoa it takes off in a perfect pattern to do some sweet air maneuvers before landing and it's originally i don't even know why it's doing more supplies before doing it all again kind of curious what i can do with this thing like i see it doing all these evasive maneuvers but like if i build foundations and just intentionally try and get in its way is it going to know how to deal with this we're about to find out huh it doesn't care at all it doesn't care but i put the drones in the next plan we're going to use those drones to take all these luscious supplies and transfer them to our other non-cursed base because after all we don't want all these supplies or all this luscious powder why not go to waste now do we of course not so one of the things though is that these drone ports actually take up quite a lot of space and something tells me it's smart to have at least a couple but luckily i think i know a place that's centrally located to all of our stuff that has virtually unlimited building space and i think i know what we can use to help us out train my original train station back when you could make train station names really really really really really really really long those were the days anyway we're gonna take a little trip because if you recall i made a nice little railway that doesn't give a crap about the rules of terrain at all and now here we are underneath the world where there's so much open space for us to work with anyway look at all that space out there let's see if we can use it he's gonna build the drones underneath the map a platform for building on yes perfect for a drone porsche i'm not going to lie something that's generous that is very certain the thing will fly off we don't give it any materials so long as we just tell it where to go we're going to tell this to fly to gimme goodies so i think in theory the moment i place this drone down it should just take off you sound like promising noises and promising behavior and he's gonna have all the drones fly through the ground well there it goes halfway across the known universe all the way to its destination where it abruptly stops and then appears to maintain a holding pattern along with this other drone and i have no idea why it's not because i put the foundations there right it's not like you cared about that before well let's check real fast wait they definitely still don't care wait a minute looks like the power went out on this is that why let's fix the power and find out oh looks like that was the reason now that we got the green stuff's landing again what's the limit to the holding pattern how many of you can be up here let's find out shall we okay now we have four total we're gonna make sure to set them all to gimme goodies oh boy and here they go stay in formation pilots what did i say about breaking formation you might be asking yourself why didn't just build these things closer because then we couldn't have this amazing journey and we wouldn't be able to see this glorious drone ballet okay here they come let's see what happens i see well i think we know what needs to happen next don't we is there a limit to this only one way to find out literally okay so i've been at this for a little while now i've built a couple of drones the foggy view distance here stops you from seeing all that i've made but let me tell you there's a lot of drones here in total there's 384 drones here quietly spread out underneath our base okay each and every one of these they're all set together give me goodies all right so let's turn on the power oh boy here goes nothing sir [Music] oh my god oh my god up and off they go off at two frames a second that is incredibly cool image to the sacred gimme goodies you know what i did back at the base too just to add some fun as i added a bunch of explosives i'm not sure how that works but i'm not going to be in it you know so we can get that real feeling like they're trying to be shot down evasive maneuvers serpentine serpentine before you know it here they are coming in to join the queue oh my god it doesn't stop there's no limits oh my god what are we looking at this is actually really pretty huh you know what i guess that is gorgeous it looks like this really can just keep going forever i mean seriously look how high this goes there's my cannon there's the drones and here's why and boy is it going to be a long queue to land at this station ah one down an eternity of drones left to go you know let's just use more traditional means to get our stuff from the other base but let's tackle that next time by the way did i mention that i stream i do link is in the description you should check it out so i hope you had fun i know i did and i'll see you next yeah check out his live streams on twitch check out mine as well links in the description i think i'm gonna go take a walk yeah remember to leave a like subscribe here more satisfactory and other videos no i'm actually gonna go and be sick bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 1,608,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, satisfactory let's game it out, lgio satisfactory, satisfactory drones, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory let's play, kibitz, imkibitz, satisfactory nuclear waste
Id: VEtSnN_Vq6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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