I Accidentally Built the BUSIEST Cargo Airport Ever in Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to city skylines where we're building a city that is all based on profit and last time we're getting started with the new airports dlc learning how to export people and get some tourism dollars and it is very much so a learning episode figuring out how to build our new custom airports with the airports dlc and oh boy i didn't learn a lot luckily you guys in the comments told me some very important stuff like when you're building an airport and you want planes to actually land at your airport well they're not going to land in the opposite direction you need to build a taxiway coming from the end of the runway who would have guessed it i never saw this i didn't see it okay i blundered this is why the youtube comments section is every youtubers major lifeline there we go so now planes can actually take off and leave and we can hopefully maybe break even with our expenses here by actually having some incoming passengers as we wait to see a plane land though i tidy up the taxiways so now the one to the right here is actually a smooth thing and it's not all crazy and there's also a new taxiway to the left so the planes can go this way skewed on in here and kind of go around the system like a little roundabout also i asked for a name suggestion in the comments for our airport lax was kind of just a inspiration we're actually just gonna go with the nva new venturium airport call that good oh speaking of good are we actually profitable let's go thank goodness the numbers they were looking pretty bad last time so that that's fantastic oh man and look at all the planes go now i'd still just love to see somebody land here anybody please you have many wonderful attractions like homeless camps and absurdly large oil fields please there's so much to enjoy there it is brother finally somebody saw the light land at my city spend your money here please good we've done it we've made a working functional airport that everybody will love like people are flocking in to see the city thank goodness are you making even more money now no i suppose that's something i'll just track them main thing is we've made a functional airport and we know what to do so now we're gonna move on over here to our industrial sector and start dealing with the swarm by building a large-scale cargo airport and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like so i am very excited for this project because ever since we had these airports in the traffic has been horrific i don't know why but the trucks are just like hey we're gonna only go to this cargo airport and not the ones that are over here don't know why don't know how don't care now because with the new cargo airports i'm sure we can alleviate some of these problems so this is our huge industrial sector for the city and i've prepared a nice little airport area for all the cargo stuff so similar to last time we're going to try and just build kind of a small scale cargo airport see how things work and then we'll build like a massive scale one but we'll start of course with one of these and this is the cargo airport hub and you know what let's let's build two of them why not because we have a highway interchange here and here so highways out the wazoo and we're gonna have planes all over the place as well so what is going on three thousand a week gotcha do the vehicles enter here looks like it looks like the vehicles could enter here and leave through here maybe kind of like a train station sure maybe maybe maybe and then what else do we have to work with at least for cargo airports we have airport roads a bigger one we have an airport cargo train station so we can combine train stations and the airport into one what a novel idea i've never thought of and then plane wise we just have cargo aircraft stands and these go along the roads gotcha so the big difference here is the cargo airport roads act as the concourse things of the normal airports let's find them let's just build a bunch of them you go to there i will have some larger ones going out this way okay and what is going on with like these road systems so vehicles will go through here and just enter this kind of grid huh it doesn't seem super efficient can we raise these into the sky no so no bridge is allowed but wait if these are roads can we just add on roads oh okay that's interesting we might fiddle with that a little bit in the future but let's look into other things let's throw one of these cargo airport plane terminals down and then i suppose the concourse or what is this thing called the taxiway oh yes attacks i doubt this can go underneath a bridge eh oh well i'd be wrong that gives me a couple ideas here let's get rid of all that for now let's get back to building the concourse or the roads here i want to build some train stations here as well like we may as well build them all together right like if a cargo plane is landing here then if there's a train station right next door it'll make things a lot easier for them okay design is a little weird but fair enough we can fix it later i doubt things will work out as we plan on the first attempt runway wise this is the most exciting part i think with this is that we can actually build multiple runways and i'm hoping this just means we can move more goods faster and if we can do that then we make more money faster and most importantly the trucks and vehicles can get through the airport faster meaning things will be all around more efficient now let's just fill in as many cargo plane stands as we can and add a super simple taxiway to boot so we'll have these going over this way then to about here there and into the runway it's fine we can organize things a bit better in a moment that's good and for all the airplanes that want to land well guess what you can just come out over this way now scoot into one big row and then you could just drop stuff off here it'd be interesting if we could build like a drop-off only area too i wonder i don't know we'll see how things go just keep it simple who knows what the weather might be like in a couple minutes right you have that like that good and then come on there and one last loop to seal the deal so it's a little wacky a little weird but it technically should work right wait almost missed it thought i missed it well you're actually correct i did okay so it's coming this way this is a little wonky that'll work that's the most please i can't i can't even being temporary it can just be reversed here and it's like a thousand times better okay good good actually and you know what this seems like a pretty decent design let me clean it up a bit yeah it's much better everything all organized lining up properly we have our taxiways all set up so hopefully they work and then uh the big thing that we're really gonna be testing is this over here we can just connect normal roads to these like airport cargo roads so do we even need the terminals i don't think so i don't think we need them at all so we have one terminal hooked up here like normally and then we just have a road over here connected up to all the rest of it so i guess we'll see what happens and with these trains although they look cool i'm like 99 positive i do not want to have them in this airport because oh man if out of airport traffic clogs up the terminal i'm gonna be mad but hey maybe that won't happen and this will just be efficient who knows let's find out all right pressing play please we don't need to worry about the level at all which is fantastic expenses around 10k 7.5 good this looks great turn you off no point to you sir i am very curious to see what happens oh probably we're gonna have to turn these guys off though so goodbye it's gonna cost us a couple million dollars too probably all these trucks and things will just spawn and everyone's gonna be mad that's okay it's time for science and to see if we have a better solution and now it begins the first little tree trucks scooting so what are they gonna do are they gonna go in there no what are you doing then what wait so that's an entrance but that's not i no that must be the exit then oh no i'm gonna have to probably turn this cargo terminal around noted noted well do we even need the cargo terminal apparently not so vehicles can just drive into an airport that seems incredibly unsafe why you know it could be for the better you know these things could get pretty annoying what is the point of a terminal then cargo terminals is a central building for cargo airports but you don't need it odd anyway let's see how the trucks are behaving okay just driving off the road nice job very good idea and they just go to a stand unload and then zoop off so why is this big road different from the small road there's like two lanes in here and one lane here i guess this is just like a lien for dropping things off in the terminals yeah and then they use the normal roads if they're just scooting out so these guys dropped off their stuff and now they're gonna go back to the highway over this way good good that's not good though why are these vehicles just passing by these terminals oh for a second i thought there was like garbage in the road and i was like well maybe that's why but no no that's that's just stuff no they all want to go over this way oh no there's gonna be a traffic headache wait no it's even worse it's even worse you're going to an airplane fair enough but this spread truck it came from the highway way over there oh no you don't no you don't shut it down shut it down nope nope no trains i was worried that would happen and look at it happen surprised pikuchu what a twist so no trains in here at all train stations literally everywhere else we're not dealing with train traffic when we already have airport traffic to contend with like look at this look at this we're just getting started bud yeah hmm there are no vehicles leading through the terminal either like i thought they'd drop stuff off here and then go out this way but they're not looks like they're all just going over to the highway well what if this didn't exist now will they use the terminal what happens now do they just scream into the abyss they're still going that way there's no hope oh but hey look at that we got our first plane let's go oh and also look at that when the vehicles drop stuff off now since there's no way back out to like the factories they just despawn um we might abuse that let's just watch our first cargo plane take off though scoot to the skies my friend deliver the goods and goodbye oh and already another one nice yeah the the all of traffic seems to only want to go to like one stop one or two of these stops that's it there's so many why don't they just spread out i don't get it oh you know what i was thinking why don't we just have no exit from here but then if a plane lands and wants to deliver stuff to the city well then we need an exit of course okay so sure sure i can oblige we'll have an exit hmm just traffic here that's a huge problem but at least now we know the way we don't need to have these terminals we can just park a terminal like somewhere off in space and then we can just hook up roads to the airport roads and we're done this will be easy oh better yet when we do so we can put in giant toll booths and collect a ton of money where where where what a profitable venture this shall be just gotta do a real quick redesign of literally everything first and now design something based off of efficient roads and man if that isn't a kibitz red flag oh boy i don't know what is efficient roads not exactly something that usually works out for us but this time you know i'm kind of confident i redesigned this place and it's about the same but better so now all the vehicles are going to come in through this way and there are roads going over this way through a toll booth and then into the cargo airport so there's an entrance here in the middle here and on the right here but of course this is all probably pointless because all the vehicles are going to try and go over to the first entrance they see which is why we have mods to make things a little bit more interesting like if they want to go to the right what if there's just no speed limit on the road uh maybe that's a little bit faster a little bit more enticing and then we can go through and we can do like lane management stuff like connecting certain turning lanes and all that jazz but we'll do that last let's just prove a concept let's see how things go did i build an exit for all the vehicles no oh wait no i had a really good idea though check this out i usually don't like to build underground but this is like the perfect opportunity we're gonna go straight out from here and have an underground highway connected to the airport so that will be like so then this will go over here this way up here and to the mean highway and just connect the rest of this up too and again i'll fix that proof of concept things first uh i doubt that will work probably that underground highway will just get clogged up and be a disaster i've prepared an alternate route over here and we'll probably have to use it but until that point it'll just sit here and be like an emergency exit i suppose and we can put in like a fire station too somewhere what if we just put it here can we put it inside the airport oh we can oh that's kind of neat well there we go airport has its own fire station what an absolute luxury so now this absolutely should work let's let it go three speed that all the vehicles despawn you know what we're gonna do it this is already gonna cost us money just bite the bullet we're gonna clear the traffic oh that's a lot of money though oh it's too much money i can't i can't do it also how did i not have power in oh yeah because i destroyed everything whoops underground power lines for the win and you want a little bit of sippy drink water for the fire station ridiculous and then for a couple decorations i just threw over here yeah the main terminal hub is here and i suppose that'll just be one entrance but these are all the main entrances that's a lot of traffic going there though little worrying shall be monitored good news is though things seem to be working the vehicles they're turning to the left here they're using this entrance oh they're using this entrance hey hey hey hey i don't think they're gonna use the last entrance i'm honestly shocked they're using at least three of the entrances here that is way better than i expected that might be the old traffic trying to clear out though i wonder if that's the new traffic it's gonna take a minute for it to come in you know what i should have this is why we earned all the money to do these kinds of business tests we're clearing it goodbye probably six hundred thousand dollars yeah probably that's gonna be rough hundred thousand hundred fourteen come on 150 170 200 thousand bruh we're never gonna catch up to jeff pesos at this rate 250 thousand a quarter million dollars lost with the press of a button three hundred thousand dollars lost three hundred and fifty four hundred 430 stop stop we're gonna lose five hundred thousand dollars we are five hundred and thirty thousand wow it cannot go higher than that i consider it an impossibility yeah here come all the vehicles again yeah it's going back down that is uh that's a price to pay for science now here we go vehicles coming in we know these are new ones they're using the second entrance here which is exactly what we wanted to see and some are using the first good good so already this is like twice as effective as our old cargo airports because there is only one possible entrance for the vehicles they'd come in this way they go in i think like that entrance and then come out that entrance but now this place has effectively double no now triple the capacity because the vehicle went through there very good but will the same problem still persist are they all gonna just go to like one plane no they're going to three different ones there oh i saw yeah vehicles are going to different cargo ports good good very good hey this is actually working out for now still kind of losing like 400 000 per week but the fleet of vehicles is coming the money shall arrive where's all the oil money i know it's down the highway oh here we go here we go that's the payday brother okay and there goes our first flight and the second one's loaded ready to go we have some flights landing beautiful now we're getting some money wait another flight's landing planes relax we're trying to export goods not import it's fine it's fine next export plane ready to go so blue go x colossal express it's clever actually good what did you just see that that plane literally just like launched is that a falcon 9 heavy rocket i thought this was an airport is that gonna happen again please [Laughter] oh my gosh we've created the best airport ever please do it again this has to be a feature not a bug oh come on lame i want to see vertical takeoff do it no that's the what it's wrong direction this one this is the kind of plane that does a vertical take off right 100 or not well you know what we saw two i'm sure there'll be many planes that do the vertical takeoff thing let's check on everything else got a lot of planes moving here traffic is actually start no no starting to back up onto the highway to be expected traffic is actually building up in here a lot too look at this this entrance is getting more people than the one over there very interesting that's probably something i'll just tinker around with a little bit like the roads over here probably i'll bring over a highway entrance into all this from this interchange too we'll see first just enjoy things it's working yeah we got some vertical takeoffs too awesome awesome awesome and we're in the green again so that's good but we've lost like 200 000 dollars here i think at the start of the video we're making 300 000 per week now we're down to 70. that's not good oh and what's even worse is although vehicles are using the two entrances they're going to the same destination inside the airport okay that's annoying i suppose it's working fast like it's working so fast the planes are spawning on top of each other oh the double takeoff or did that one just land never tell nope that one's scooting vertical takeoff no normal scooting dude this is crazy i'm happy we built the three uh runways here i didn't actually know if we'd need them but clearly we did and third time's a charm you know what things are working out better than expected i think all this really needs is a little bit of tinkering and maybe we're done and as always it's at that exact second where everything goes wrong and oh boy did it go wrong the taxiways guess what they're full too many cargo planes did a spin i'm sorry that was bad news time too many cargo planes flooding the stations the vehicles have gone off the chain they've all decided that this is the way screw every other entrance the traffic go figure got insane oh yeah hooray just you know stretches halfway across the world you'd love to see it and we need to do some pretty big revisions where do we even begin well number one the taxiways are broken so that shouldn't be the biggest deal well this is one thing why are why are the planes entering here leaving here and then crossing paths with themselves that's not it's not a play in the old book let's do that let's make this a plain roundabout seems insane but you know what that's how it is now same situation here enter here leave this way good actually seeing planes move didn't even realize but i forgot to add in and out of our taxiway for planes to come in through here whoops happens now that's looking a little better it got the planes out of the way at least they're still stacking up though doesn't look like the plane roundabout is working really no but roundabouts are always the solution have i been befuddled have i been lied to actually you know what no it's just my design here why do i have this whole taxiway here stop existing go why don't the planes oh no i'm sorry they're gonna be so confused but while the planes just come over this way something like that and then just skewed in here they can kind of pull out over to here when they need to switch that around let's just add in more options switch this around that's pretty okay and that's pretty good it's a lot better already this is something that needs to be in i can fix that pretty easily okay good very good next problem traffic actually wait a second plane traffic too i got an idea why not take what we learned from last time and apply it if we don't have a taxiway off of this runway then planes won't land here so now we can cut down on the amount of planes landing in the airport or better yet these two can be for takeoff and this could be a multi-use uh lane that seems like an actual solid idea good job kids thanks kids and now what will cubes the truck whisperer do what do the trucks want an efficient way to the airport well guess what what if all the waves were actually efficient let's just get rid of this at least the system we had in place and then i'm not sure how we'll hook this up but the tl dr of it is i want the main entrance to all these different terminals to be centralized in one spot so all the vehicles from the highway would come through here and then somehow i'll make it about an equal distance from this entrance to like there to like there and then to the other one like that's the general idea like if they're all equal then yeah the vehicle should split up equally similar to our cargo hub on the other side of the city where they're literally the exact distance apart so the vehicles are spreading out equally some of the time sometimes a big chunk of vehicles are just like this is the one for the most part you split up pretty well at all wait a second look at this look at that plane in a nosedive now that that's a pilot is he going to land oh my they're they're literally just nose diving there's there's three runways they're huge why do you do this why can't you just be normal like this one oh i'll never know wait and why is this one even landing here there's no there's no way out sir what are you doing what's gonna happen what just just for show are the planes just toying with me at this point dude i don't know anyway we got a lot of work to do by work i mean pooping so now we have a three-lane highway leaving this highway going under here clogs up all the lanes here and then this goes into this whole system i tried to make it even but making each direction perfectly even seems to be almost impossible it's kind of working like we've got some vehicles actually using this one here and once in a while other vehicles use these two entrances so that's good and things are flowing like the traffic although it's it's packed it's not taking up too much of the highway at least compared to before but it's working it's working it's working planes as well they're kind of working too long ramp here taxiway that goes over to here and they're lining up ready to scoot and yeah they're not stuck it just takes a little bit of time like one of these planes needs to get loaded the whole system then goes from there and if more planes can't land you know what that's fine yeah bit we get it got problems still we got problems still but it is working it's working to a point like should we cut down on the amount of cargo aircraft stands should we redo the road work oh my gosh or genius moment what if we added in our old infrastructure as well maybe not that one what if we added in this one yeah yeah yeah that's did i solve the problem instead of having all the planes in the world swarm one airport we have multiple airports again is this genius no is it actual common sense that i'm actually using yes let's use that one too i'm pretty sure if we turn this one on though all the oil traffic is gonna go there so that could be a problem but you know what we already have a problem we're a negative money so it doesn't get much worse than this so desperate times call for desperate measures and you know what we're making a strategic investment in my time we're pressing the button goodbye half a million dollars goodbye let's see what happens now and surprise to no one most of the vehicles decide just to go to this airport again it's closer of course of course that's what they do let's see did they end up going over to this one a little bit that's great and then to our cargo airports it's dead it's dead there's like one vehicle every so often it's just i don't even know what it's doing a couple logging trucks for all this infrastructure unfortunate maybe let's try just turning this one off well then of course all the oil vehicles just go over here now okay well that's interesting there's not a lot there how is this place doing now better a lot better a lot more vehicles coming here okay that gives me the idea that i really should probably just build a bunch of these airports but very small scale like maybe one little bay like this and one runway then have one there one over here and then maybe one over there at least that would be cheaper i don't really want to do the min maxi type stuff until we have all of our major projects done which we'll get back to next time because that's gonna be all here so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 366,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines let's play, cities skylines game, kibitz, imkibitz, cities skylines public transport, cities skylines factory, cities skylines factories, cities skylines airport, cities skylines airport dlc, cities skylines airport dlc gameplay, cities skylines update, cities skylines airport tutorial, cities skylines airport dlc tutorial
Id: JCW2vghbOWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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