I Used Hundreds of Explosives to Flood the World in Timberborn

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to timberborne the beaver-based city builder game where last time we almost died all of society collapsed we ran out of food it was an absolute disaster but we pulled it back from the brink and we got food again we got wheat we got bread we got potatoes and we have reorganized everything so that we can survive into the future by building some adjustable dams water storage areas and more but these are temporary measures that got us through the hard times however i wanna live forever and i got a plan but we're gonna need a lot of explosives for it to work and as we get started remember to leave a like all right so we're gonna need an extreme amount of explosives like at least a couple hundred but to make explosives you need paper so we're building a paper mill as well and we'll let that run for a long long time until we're ready because what i wanna do is make a massive new district over here i want to flood everything in here and make it a super massive lake i want to have a super dam blocking off all the water at this point and the greatest district in our colony country to set up over here but aside from explosives we also need to rebuild society at the same time last time we had a bunch of beavers but they all died and we're back only to 60. i'd prefer to be around a hundred but we can get more beavers by brewing them and then we should be back up to normal in no time also though we need to start building up far far up into the sky we need a lot of food water we're fine on food was the critical issue we have 500 right now but now that we have wheat we can turn all that wheat into bread so we need to make more bread we made a grist mill which is like grinding the wheat into flour and then we have a bakery that turns the flour into bread and effectively one wheat turns into five bread which is insane so we need to scale this up a lot so we'll make another grinder thingy gristmill over here because it needs power and that's where our power log is here and then we'll have another one over here as well and then we need all of the bakeries where do we build them we build them up here probably one of the best things about this game is you can always build up so we're gonna sneak the pathways over to here and start doing so bring the path there over to here and you better believe we'll put probably the bakery over here somewhere yeah that'll be fantastic also all the chimney stacks are going to be close together and aesthetically that will look great also we should end up with like a million food by the end of this we have a huge wheat field we have all this cooking stuff so we're going to have food out the wazoo meaning we need more storage as well like the straight up bigo storage buddy and then we can even expand this even higher later on also build a staircase down this way now to start on our new district so problem is we kind of have a little bit of a gap there but we have suspension bridges that we can unlock and that could get over the gap yeah that just builds into the abyss there i wonder if we can flip this around and have that be built like this first half gets built and then the beavers go to like the edge and build the other half yeah hopefully that's how that works or else we're gonna have a problem and once we have the bridge we can start on a new district over here yeah progress on this district regardless is gonna be very very slow so we'll kind of let it be we'll let the explosives get made as well once we get some paper and well all our other stuff over here is building let's look at our other district how are things going how much population survived 20 beavers oh that's not good main thing is we need this district for growing all of our lumber so we're going to need to bump up those numbers bud maybe send over another two beavers over yeah maybe another two get things moving and grooving over here and we need another super log pile yeah we're just gonna build that straight up to the moon my dude got big plans for this district we have to be prepared okay though how are things going here uh 600 food awesome how's food looking over here 800. all right so food is flying up we're getting bread produced very good and our civilization is growing just have to wait to brew some more beavers i guess then oh but wait can we even build the suspension bridge if we can't build this we're effectively doomed yes yes okay that could have been a disaster good so they can go into this one and build that one excellent excellent excellent if okay don't even have to worry about the hypothetical of not building here oh no oh no but before we can get to our new district we have a drought ah we've been recovering so well 70 beavers we have oh my gosh we have water at the hwa zoo but look at our food we have 1 500 potatoes what we have a thousand food in this district yeah the reorganization of the farms has um really helped out there okay i am super not worried about this district how's our other district looking pretty good as well 900 food for 22 beavers yeah that's gonna be just fine oh wow and yeah with our food tower complete dude we can just export bread everywhere and feed the nation so drought do your worst in fact it's fantastic timing for a joke because we now have our new bridge built and our new land is available to conquer let's begin one huge problem though is we have absolutely no food here so we're going to have to ship food over here once the district gets started but we're not going to actually build the district yet we'll have district 1 prep the land for when beavers have to live here on their own so we'll definitely have the district center just kind of near the cliff and also so it can cover this huge area so let's just have that in the back of our heads we'll have the path then over here we want living quarters of course so we'll have a huge house right here let's get the big storage good but yeah this is basically how the district's gonna be laid out uh we're gonna have a ton of our like living in like food prep up here and then we'll have like a giant farming in like tree area down here so huge huge projects but again we need the boom sticks and we only have 28 right now so we're gonna have to keep working on that one on the topic of a work though there are monuments in the game there's a laborer monument a flame of progress and a tribute to ingenuity so this satisfies r3 this is our two and this is all one and these kinds of things provide bonuses like if they eat potatoes they have 30 strength and the awe things so all one is 25 working speed two is walking speed plus thirty percent and ah three is life expectancy plus 40 percent and these kinds of things stack so we definitely want to have a lot of monuments we want the labor monument first though because the busy beavers need to be appreciated for being so busy glorious when the world takes your sleepy drink you build a monument to spite it that's pretty cool and we only have less than a day left for the drought to end how did we do how are we doing on food oh my gosh food is literally out of control same deal over here you better believe it and the progress on the new district is looking swell too and then we should really focus on this food because the food is gonna fill up all of our storage like what are we gonna do when it's all food so we're gonna be turning this into a super massive storage warehouse we'll let the beavers walk around here like so then build a massive storage room going in this direction then a mini one in that direction another mini one in this direction as we can totally build a path in here right answer is yes the answer is yes the answer is yes dude okay so maybe this will be like the potato bin because we have our potato cookers here yeah i think that's a good idea and then we need to stack this even higher can we put anything in the two by two zone heck yeah we can let's build another monument here in the middle of all the storage why not sometimes it is how it be and we can stack this even further to here i don't know some something like this but regardless of function this is going to look great well kinda i guess more so looks busy than anything else but i like the busy look and there's even more room to expand later on which we absolutely will so let's get back to what our actual main project is today the new district here so lots and lots and lots and lots and lots to do we are going to be flooding this area so we gotta get all the lumber out of here first plan number two is we need to bottle off the water in this area so i want the water to go up to about here no about here so we are going to be building a huge levee on this side of the pond oh what will be the pond so from here on all of this all of this to yeah out to over here we'll all be flooded it's gonna be huge we're gonna have enough water to last forever no drought will ever be able to stop us so we gotta build that up and hopefully we can get a little bit of help from district 2 but it might be a little too far off but we'll see i'm pretty sure this is out of district range but hey worth trying out but to be honest the new district's probably gonna have to do everything here so we're gonna have to ship materials across the huge wasteland which will be our new lake we'll add in those so people can get across good and then there's this big old forest in the way great i think our luck has run out though uh the beavers from district one can't come down here and go all the way to here it's just it's just too far away i think can they yeah no or they're about to be able to work on that but no this was kind of the last thing they could do all right so the storage room is being built we actually don't need it completed we have one storage room it has food it has bread it's good i've built a water thing over here and i have the drop-off point constructed and ready too so i guess like the last thing we can do to prepare is make a distribution post most of the logs from this district will just be shipped off so let's have that built and then our new district shall be formed oh and thinking ahead here if we have a district that's going to be shipping logs up to here the beavers would have to go all the way to this uh drop off point to drop off the logs well won't we just build another drop-off point crazy idea i know right right now we'll build one i suppose here drop off point so we can drop off the blogs right in front of our industrial district to get everything processed but all right we've done everything we could now this is it it's the whole nine yards it's time for the new district let's freaking go bud let's go and field the center where we said we would what separated by district kids oh yeah we need to build district gates uh we'll build one right up here at the top of the staircase and another over here so district two and district one can come and work here good that's enough let's build this and let's go baby then let's build a couple more shopping posts because yeah we just want to get rid of the trees right now and i'll go figure those beavers have been pretty busy pretty much done with the trees already this wall is going up because of the district 2 working on it good very good meaning it's time for the mega dam so there is a flood gate this allows us to control the flow of water and we need a triple floodgate 500 science points peasant change yes this is what will control everything so we'll have this built right beside our suspension bridge about there i think the beavers can swim to this or work on this from off the side of this bridge here either or that's how it'll work uh we'll get this built and then once the other levy over here is done we are ready to flood because the cool thing with these adjustable floodgates is you can turn them down to zero if you want like over here it's like hey i'm flooding like half my area here we can just turn this down to zero and all the water flows through like normal so it's a very very useful thing especially for setting up new areas because if we just made a normal dam this whole place would flood and cause a disaster so lucky to dodge that one and now we have a super floodgate so when we're ready we just bring them up like that the rest of this entire area would start to flood the pit would flood the greenery would spread and we are good to go almost we have one more thing that we have to work on before we start the great flood we need to work with those explosives remember them we started making them at the beginning of the video well now we have almost 200 and they will make us immortal we have many plans many many plans first plan though is we're going to start blasting in both of the first and second districts why we're gonna do that is so we can make a reservoir to keep all of our crops alive instead of relying on this river that travels the outskirts here so i've started making like a little hole but we're gonna make this a lot bigger and we'll blow all this up and we'll blow all that up too so this will be one pit of water that we'll have then we'll have another one down over this way so we're gonna uproot all of the blueberry bushes even the potatoes will get rid of some of them too all to be blasted away and as this all gets set up and cleaned up and ready to go we'll go to our new district and work from here where the beavers have continued their quest getting rid of all these dead trees and then i need to get rid of these blueberry bushes too because i want to have a water reservoir pit down here as well but i guess to start things off we'll put like an explosive there so we can build a staircase down to the blueberries and get rid of them now the explosives they are the size of a full grown beaver however they're not super potent but it doesn't really matter because we have so many the main thing is they get rid of the terrain so off it goes and also thinking ahead a bit we want this all to be green space so we can grow trees potatoes and food forever so we need water through here too so more explosives you see are you getting the theme here explosive solve all problems so this will go this way further this way further that way make a directional change to here and there we go so round one let's get blast and detonate explosives are always so much fun but round two let's get that prepped up almost ready let's go bang these beavers real quick sometimes and detonate [Music] trench is complete my blueberries blueberries get out you need to get out where is my auntie blueberry button there we go uh so this will go all the way down this way and we'll have a pit somewhere somewhere like here and a more blasted brother we don't have to get too crazy here probably two more blasts and we're done so on number one and two now this district is pretty much ready to go but before we start the flood more explosions and even more explosions and you know at this point why do we ever stop right fantastic so now once this full uh fills up with water after we're done the drought yeah this food source is gonna be secured for the rest of time same deal over here well once there's actually water to go over that way water levels are looking a little low right now but this is the last time we're gonna have to worry about that problem because the floodgates are going up and in five days the great flood shall commence so three two one let the flood commence and hopefully i didn't make any mistakes or else this is gonna be a disaster to the scale i've never before seen and this is such a huge surface area i wonder how long it's actually going to take to flood oh wait the gate when did i do that five days is a long time i do goofy stuff no there we go the water level has stopped why more good good off we go create the great waterfalls fill the pit and don't cause me any problems because we could have a disaster where the water overflows here and then it goes down into this area it won't be like the worst disaster ever but i want to build there so you know you know how it is okay this is all filling up we're finally to the main layer which is going to take the longest amount of time main thing is though this is now filling up and turning all of this dead space into green space so we're gonna have trees all throughout here we're gonna have plants all over here maybe like potatoes or carrots down here instead of berries as well let's take a look at our districts now that's all filled with water wait what detonate there we go now that we'll have water forever meaning this district will never die over here looking good oh my we have this stupid pump here it's been here for the last 30 years now we can just blast this and then we don't have to worry about the pump anymore now this poor beaver that's been working here their entire life can go home and now we have extra green space over here for more potatoes good very good and how is the flood over here coming along well we're we're getting there and oh look at that so the water is going through here now going to there and leaving out this way i was wondering how we're gonna have to set this up i wonder if we can just leave the triple floodgate up the whole like wet season i wonder if this will drain the water quickly enough oh no oh no we pushed things to the edge and then it went over luckily there's the pit there and too bad that's not gonna work more water it's too late now it's like i could worry about this but it'll evaporate eventually you really really have to get rid of this i kind of like having the floodgate fully closed like this i feel like this should actually work as well you know what i'm gonna give it some time we'll let this all flood i suppose oh wait oh good job me smart idea waiting so this stopped overflowing meaning that this is actually dealing with all the water properly good very good so we can leave this b this is done we're ready to go we can set up our super omega district here and then oh we can get water can we dude if we can do this oh we can get water off the side here we're never gonna be running out of water ever again we're set we've won the game we're effectively playing in creative mode the things we can do now oh and with all these explosives we're building up we can terraform the whole world every section of the map can be under our control we can start on mega meme projects too oh dude dude oh you're you see it i see it you see it dude we're gonna have so much fun however that's gonna be all for now so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 63,651
Rating: 4.9615498 out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn early access, timberborn gameplay, timberborn game, timberborn release, timberborn full release, timberborn full game, timberborn how to, timberborn tips, timberborn tutorial, timberborn how to get more beavers, imkibitz, kibitz, timberborn new faction, timberborn dam, timberborn dry season, timberborn steam, timberborn flood, timberborn kibitz, timberborn let's play, timberborn lets play, timberborn new update, timberborn explosives
Id: f4uIONfeKoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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