I Built an Artificial River for INFINITE POWER in Timberborn

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to timberborne the beaver-based city building survival game where after all of our hardships we have finally become an immortal empire because last time we set off hundreds of explosives making these water reservoirs which ensures that our crop and potato fields will never die and that paired with our obscene water storage each of our districts is effectively immortal but not only that we took it a step further and built a new mega dam which has created lake sippy an effectively unlimited water source and today we'll focus on the development of the lake sippy district and soon it will become the beating heart of our empire and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like oh and super quick i asked you guys in the last video to name the districts and you guys had some excellent suggestions like beaverly hills for our hilltop district timber terrace for our uh you know heresy district i guess well then like zippy here was named on my live streams which are over on twitch by the way getting started here here's the overview of my plans so this is obviously all going to be farming right and i've kind of designated areas out this is going to be potatoes all back here is going to be trees we're going to have some blueberry bushes to grow more beavers some carrots and eventually wheat we're not gonna have this go on for a little while though because we need power we need lots of power but for now it will be potatoes yeah so this is our mega green space area up top here i've already started to try and lay things out a little bit but we're gonna have all of our buildings stacked up to the freaking moon here and we're gonna have warehouses everywhere all designated to each food type so we'll have like um a berry warehouse and a potato warehouse so the food doesn't get mixed in with all of our other stuff and then from there we'll just keep on stacking housing and buildings forever and that's one side of the project the other side of the project is over in lake city itself because i have a plan to make effectively infinite power and then turn the lake into an industrial heartland well mainly for like paper and tnt because we're gonna blow up the world because what we can do is we can build platforms on all of the water since you can't really grow anything on platforms we can fill them with machinery we'll just have to figure out that power issue and then power wise oh boy i have a pretty insane idea for how we can deal with that these are big projects that are going to take a lot of time so we need a lot of building beavers meaning we need more our population's only at 93 yet nope we need all the population oh yeah bit of a drought happening right now who cares right yeah so we have all these running fantastic and we want to explode the population in beaverly hills and send it down there to work so we need more housing i think yeah we only have room for four more beavers uh-huh no we're gonna unlock something new we're gonna get these large row houses there we go effectively beaver skyscrapers isn't that cool i'm sorry little beaver goodbye yeah we're gonna build a bunch of these everywhere oh and there's like the normal row houses i don't know why i'd ever want to build that but you know options there but we're going to focus on the big high rises and of course we've got to be breeding more beavers too so i've reorganized the farms a little bit here and we're just gonna be building breathing pods everywhere like hundreds of them if we can go at least until we run out of blueberries of which we have over a thousand so yeah lots of breeding pods like an absolutely obscene amount and yeah like 188 beavers that's a good start that's a good start lots of people to send over to lake city but first look at this look at this i've built a beaver statue on top of the skyscrapers isn't that awesome it's like kind of like her statue of liberty for the beaver population so all the beavers born here will see this be like wow that's so cool and then go off to the labor camp i.e lake city lots of trees to cut down lots of employees to send over 28 beavers nah how many beavers do we have to spare up here 22 unemployed get out lake zippy needs you 48 beavers is a better start so all the storage is built at least the temporary storage the water pumps have been built too and our little project here is well underway but there's still just so much stuff to build it's unreal i've tried to add in as many builder huts as i possibly could as well but just so much uh we have four of them built right here let's get this one started we just brought in a bunch more labor excellent fill these ones up get them going too everyone has to be building all the trees have to be getting chopped as well we are getting tons of lumber from here but we're using it so quickly on the lake zippy construction over here that like our numbers are never going up it's kind of a good thing we're being efficient because each of these little levee blocks takes 12 wood which is effectively one whole tree and this is just the beginning we have a whole lake that we're gonna be covering in platforms like i wasn't kidding this is gonna be like the industrial heart of our civilization and once it's all up and running we can start on like some crazy meme projects and then again this one over here already is unique all on its own oh no whoopsies okay kind of a bit of a problem here lake sippy is not self-sufficient it would seem sent over so many beavers here and oh they can swim uh but yeah there wasn't enough uh food for them whoopsies mistakes were made i'm sorry though i'm too interested i didn't know they could swim where's he going there i built like paths under water and yeah they can swim on those paths i wonder what we could do with that in the future and nothing for now though uh how many are gonna die we're at 207 how many people in the district 64. uh-huh well we have the potato farms down here i i kind of stopped growing this potato farm because i wanted more workers building this was a mistake things happen let's get that back on track though won't save us now but hey you know in the future there we go get to it potato people there we go yeah like so many workers are being forced into building posts and hauling posts as well a lot of logs to move in group and still we need more still kind of on the precipice so i'm just going to blow up a lot of the hills here so we can just have more tree space like we have 350 explosives why would we not use them but what's even more crazy you somehow the beavers are surviving we are just on the edge of death but we haven't lost a single beaver look at that i guess we're surviving on the shipments of food we're getting from the other districts ah good good good good need another mass extinction event and the new potatoes have grown in now too so we are gonna be fine on food uh in a little bit here let's celebrate our survival with explosions let's go oh yeah that only takes out one layer oh no i guess we'll have to blow up more things let's blow up this hill and another one fantastic and as we kind of blast down the green space will be able to spread to this area too so it should be good to plant trees here for the most part anyway we might have to do something over here maybe bring this river down probably we'll give it a second most of our labor force is still working on the big project and i guess we should also keep blasting this too you know see what's actually going on here so goodbye and what is all this already why isn't this green why aren't these trees green oh i think we just had a drought yeah lake cp levels are relatively low but you know what why take the risk just blew up another hole over here and now all this is nice and green good trees forever and are actually kind of building up on logs this is totally unacceptable more building we must be efficient like with our housing in lake sippy here i've been doing pretty well i've tetrist in like a bunch more houses so now we have 102 sleeping areas and yeah this is going to keep on stacking higher and higher and higher it's kind of like the base level i will probably move this builders hut a few things around here yeah eventually this will probably end up going even higher than this district zone at least that's the dream and it looks like that dream's about to be a reality because our first mega project is done our artificial river that's what this was the whole time you see all the water starts flowing from over here then some of it will go through some dams to fill up lake sippy but the water should actually flow more towards this direction because this goes to here i've widened the canal for more flow rate and then out to the rest of the world it's perfect it's perfect and now we can build water wheels in here and each of these makes a 180 horsepower so we can fill this whole artificial river with these right now they connect horizontally by the way so don't need to worry about that we'll also have to hook up all the power but that's gonna be no biggie because even once we have like a few of these online it's gonna be over a thousand megawatts right it's it's gonna be nuts okay though i think that is about as far as we can go not sure how the flow rate's gonna be over here uh this will be a good start though yeah that'll be a great start just for context by the way see in our first district here we have about 200 horsepower no we're in a drought right now but we have seven water wheels here and that's 1 260 horsepower and that's been keeping us going this whole game so this is gonna be 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 times 180 which will be 3960 horsepower almost 4 000 horsepower there is one catch though one minor catch so we're in a drought right now right well that's gonna be ending right after this night uh we have to see if the water will flow this way enough like we have to let some water into lake zippy we kind of need to let some water over into this little pond area too so yeah i don't exactly know yet if this will work or else this is being like jeez i don't even know how many cycles of building wasted please please please just work the water's starting to flow a bit good good it's kind of hard to tell but if you have a train die you can see it yeah the water is flowing down to about here now these aren't spinning yet um the water is moving come on oh yeah looks like it's picking up speed more sippy drink yes yes yes [Laughter] the engines online wait and now it's offline hello oh the water is starting to fill up lake sippy oh [Music] so now most water is going to go to there for now hmm i might just make this damn a levy and make this a smaller gap i'm not sure or maybe we'll have to wait for all of lake zippy to fill up no no no no no no it's going again i don't know why the water stopped going this way and now it stopped again that's a bit of a problem because if we have a drought then these water wheels aren't going to be moving and then once the drought's over if we have to wait for leak zippy to fill up before these get going again that's a lot of down time i guess we could close this dam that would help a little bit i might have to engineer something to fix this like replacing a dam with a levee down there would help but we might need another mega project for now though we need materials we need lots materials we need planks out the wazoo and i've kind of stopped and restarted this project a few times here but let's get the platforms all built see i kept running out of lumber and i wanted to finish up the artificial river first it's kind of priority one and now it's done so now let's get some industry online get to it workforce oh look at those numbers go down oh look at all those planks just disappear no it's not going down too fast that's good oh man though yeah i want to cover everything everything with platforms why not or else it's wasted space right right oh and good our power's coming back online it kind of almost took two days for that to come back online after the drought as well that's a little uh spooky but hey it's running we're good but now that the fun begin we have enough of the platform that we can get started here oh boy number one we're having a huge industry down here right meaning we're gonna need all of the storage in the actual world we have a bit up here but not enough we need lots down here so we'll have these guys set up in kind of a weird way you see my idea is to make like a super pyramid out of warehouses and if we have the space in between if that one there and you kind of see what i'm doing we can stack up pyramids uh you thank you for your work builders you're absolutely stupendous but goodbye and goodbye path my monument to hoarding must be complete that's kind of like version one but still we can add in more and we can build a second pyramid like high key going pretty crazy with this um that's pretty good we're starting to get to the level of up here and we might want to do some different things at that point so that's that's good that should be about four six ten thousand units of storage that should last us a couple minutes right i don't know anyway we need everybody to get up to these places so we're gonna have to have some walkways so we'll build them like that another layer like that and another layer like that maybe we relax on this layer actually because you know eight thousand units of storage just it's a pretty good start right right and we got to build those couple walkways in people can be running around all over whenever they want staircases everywhere so people can be going and oh you know what we really need we need to connect this storage area to our distribution post here because what's gonna happen is if everything's stored here all the beavers are gonna have to like run around do all this nonsense yeah that's inefficient we need a staircase so we're gonna build a staircase beside so you want a staircase to at least stop by here so we'll have that and we'll go a little further let's get to the roof baby there there come on oh it's perfect it's perfect okay so we can build on all the roofs so we are fine fine as wine moving and grooving out to here then we have to get down this way well workers i'm sorry i'm sorry you have to go uh we're gonna build a staircase over here in fact we've needed to build a staircase around here eventually like a massive one too because this is gonna be a very tall district meaning we need a central staircase for beavers to move up and down so this is gonna be that spot we'll go to there we'll have the staircase continue up that way later and like some kind of design like this i don't know i'll fiddle with the staircase a little bit later but general thing is i'll have the staircase in this area and now a way for the beavers to go from down here to over here also that allows them to get the food easier because this is all food storage right yeah good very good and look at all the logs yeah we desperately need to get some planks online to turn those logs into planks and allow us to build out here further because now oh this is going to be built in like one second right yeah mainly takes logs 80 planks each i blatantly lied ah we need the power infrastructure online okay well good news is i got like the boring part out of the way i cleared out most of the paths here and i built the big ol power shaft uh i was gonna bring the power out from over here but instead i'm gonna bring the power to here and then this way which means oh boy more of that yeah if we have the power out over here the main thing was just to get the power shaft out of the way and also we're going to have a factories over here and factories over to the right as well so it kind of works out better in the middle and hey if we ever want to build any power infrastructure over this way we can because this is a two-way logic aside this will come over here then we shall build the power shaft running down this way and i suppose we will start scooting out so you know to get things kind of moving here build lumber mills all out this way and this will be the start of our industry i'll fiddle with the pathing there too to make it better anyway the power goes through all the buildings so just one liter power shaft connection from here and we are happy campers lots to mess around with though this is the general idea ooh but giant smart brain kids i prioritize all of this stuff so we'll be able to process lumber first and i'll get our warehouse building done quicker yes the order of operations very important very good idea so those are all done we've got our storage all built it looks uh very wacky now we have a new problem before we can expand on this district we have a food problem we need way way way way way more food our population has been around 200 to 250 beavers and this district needs to have like all the beavers if we're gonna fill this with industry that's a lot of workers right and although we can ship more from over here we're still gonna have to eat so we need to transition from potato to wheat so i got some grist mills built over here and that's a that's a good start two grist mills to a what's it called bakery so i want to build like six of the grist mills and then we'll have three bakeries and we'll do that over on this watcher and it's like why not use the space also we have the power line right here too so you can connect the power right up to all the buildings which is kind of like the main reason why we're building here so build one two three good in the two bakeries and right now it looks like we have 200 food in the tank that's not a lot and transitioning food sources is kind of spooky we got to do it eventually right there will be casualties i'm sure but it'll be worth it in the end no more potato the age of wheat is upon us oh oh oh well that's fantastic so wait so are they just gonna harvest the last batch of potatoes and then not replant oh my gosh i've been playing this game all wrong i've always used the demolition thing to get rid of plants like that oh i could have just done this oh that's way more safe because now whenever the potatoes are taken away we can just replace it a buddy that's way safer okay so we should be good then yes smooth the transition as we could have hoped for and our population is increasing poor workers fantastic i got rid of some trees too so we could have more wheat we're gonna have bread flying out of our freaking you know and we're gonna be all good and this area has been expanded as well just so we can keep up with demand once all the wheat actually grows we should have multiple food sources like potato wheat and carrots you get a bunch of buffs like hey stop running around yeah if they have all three foods they get nutrition one two and three which is it's great but we're trying to be efficient here their life expectancy is irrelevant so long as we can manage to keep production up but now a food not being worthy water not being a worry we can go nuts with our industry so we already built a bunch of carpenter buildings but i want more kind of high key the most important thing in the game so we'll have a bunch of those you get out and then we'll have a couple gear buildings as well like both are important but definitely need more plagues especially if we're doing this kind of stupid stuff ah so that should be good and of course now we can finally start to make our explosives so the explosive factory needs only paper that's it just paper and it makes explosives so we need lots and lots of paper online and i've done the math it is three paper mills to two explosive factories so for every three you get two explosives gotcha power connects through buildings so we're good so that's five lots of messy number uh i guess we will build further out into the abyss then more platforms so many more platforms now things get a little bit more tricky i want to bring the power down this way we're going to have to set it up a little differently here so bring it down to there and then we'll bring it off of this platform from here or something like this just so we can have the paper mills facing each other and also in the same orientation like look it all has to look good still right always that looks pretty good how many do we got now one two three four five ten ten that doesn't really work out we actually only need nine it's three to two right so now if we have a nine we can build four explosive factories you know what that that should be a good start i guess we'll just have one here and we'll try and like fit two back this way i don't know something like this something like this and now we got them all so with this new district when we're not in a nine day drought we will have unlimited production for unlimited materials and at this point we can kind of start on you know creative insanity projects unlimited explosives unlimited trees unlimited lumber products unlimited water yeah we're gonna have a lot of fun and i got some big plants some very big plants however though that's gonna be all for now so hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye explosion [Music]
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 198,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn early access, timberborn gameplay, timberborn game, timberborn release, timberborn how to, timberborn tips, timberborn tutorial, timberborn how to get more beavers, imkibitz, kibitz, timberborn dam, timberborn dry season, timberborn steam, timberborn flood, timberborn let's play, timberborn lets play, timberborn new update, timberborn explosives, timberborn cheats, timberborn creative mode, timberborn infinite power, timberborn infinite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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