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welcome everyone my name's soph and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon pearl using only normal type pokemon as always if you want to join in on these challenges live make sure to follow me on twitch the link will be in the description below now why choose pearl over diamond you might ask well there's one simple reason both games are kind of limited in the number of normal types that they have with just the ones on screen being available since we don't allow legendaries of course so no arceus or reggie giggis unfortunately however pearl has the potential for just one additional pokemon glam yao which is completely unobtainable in diamond why normal types you might ask well you'll see let's just say this took a lot of theory crafting as parts of this challenge look ridiculous on the face of it those of you who have seen my videos before or hardcore nuzlockes in general know the rules but i'll put them on screen so you can pause and check them out if you want this run is going to be absolutely insane so buckle in and let's get into it since there are no normal type starters we have to start with something else so i grab a piplup after getting pokeballs from dawn our encounters officially start and our very first is a starly on route 202 which we catch a nickname bruno bruno ends up having a lonely nature which is plus attack and minus defense which isn't too bad at all could have been much worse that's for sure after carefully grinding bruno to level 5 against level 2's in this route we head to route 201 where we can safely get our next encounter which ends up being a level 2 beedoof the capture is successful and we nicknamed her hashbrown i mean it's somewhat fitting but i was also literally eating hashbrowns at the time so i can't say that that didn't have an influence on my decision making unfortunately hashbrown has one of the worst natures possible timid which cuts its attack in favor of its speed given the challenge we have up ahead i was honestly thinking that this alone might end our run but i pushed on nonetheless on route 203 comes our first major challenge a battle against larry yes larry our rival he starts with a level seven starly and the quick claw we received in jubalife activates on our first turn which is really nice meduf gets a lot of attack drops from growl and misses a tackle as well but we're able to take down the starly with a decent chunk of health left now that our attack is lowered so much i decide to go for growl on tertwig so we can safely switch in starly churchwake starts using withdraw to increase his defense and quick attack is starting to do very little damage tertwig's tackle is looking like a four hit ko on us though so this is looking bad he eventually gets starly down to five hp and i realized i'm kind of forced to switch back into beethoof or i'll startly get sacked amazingly he goes for withdraw again so we can get a free switch then good old hashbrown eventually whittles down turtwig but our last attack brings it to literally one hp but it goes for withdrawal then we miss our next tackle at the crucial moment but he goes for withdraw again opening up for the ko oh my god that was way too close hash brown is a god i'm not asking any questions but now is the hard part and one of the most questionable parts of this run from when i was researching it jim leader rourke rourke has three rock type pokemon levels 12 to 14 which for normal types is terrifying and we have four things go wrong here number one while researching i noticed that we had access to route 218 so we could catch a glam meow however i forgot that there's just water there and that the grass is actually on the other side so we only have two pokemon and glamio gets hypnosis at level 13 which i was planning to use number two while we did get rock smash from orbit gate which is a super effective move with a good chance to lower the opponent's defense of course i find out during a scary battle with wild onyx that beethoven has the unaware ability which cancels out any stat changes the opponent has including beneficial ones number three the level cap for rorke is 14 and beethoven would evolve at level 15. we're one level away from getting a powerful evolution with the water type of all things and finally bidoo's timid nature is trash sorry hashbrown but nonetheless we decide to go for it and grind both to level 14 where starly evolves into staravia where it also gets the intimidated ability so that's something since both my glamio hypnosis and rock smash defense drop strats failed i go for the craziest one of all to start i send out bdoof and go for defense curl to try and get us ready for the onslaught geodude goes for stealth rock which is not good for star avia i go for defense curl again but unfortunately geodude's first rock throw gets a crit and does well above half are you kidding me now i'm forced to start my strategy early which is rollout now rollout actually doubles in power if you use defense curl on the previous turn so i'm hoping we can build this up for massive albeit resisted damage the first one does like nothing and geodude hits us again to bring us to 11 hp rollout starts building up and we get down to 5 hp but miraculously the geodude misses its rock throw that would have ko'd so we can take it down with our fourth rollout oh my god this is impossible onyx comes out next and onyx actually has a base speed of 70 so it outspeeds us with rock throw but we survive on just three hp and resisted rollout takes it out in one singular hit holy absolute grandados comes out next and we have no rollouts next but kranidos uses leer and then we hit it with rock smash which lowers its defense which will actually count if staravia is in then ash brown gets taken down by a pursuit that is a rough loss starravia's switching intimidates the kranados but then we get hurt by the stealth rocks wing attack brings kranidos low it hits us with pursuit then rork uses a potion but we can attack twice in a row to take it down my god we actually beat rourke with two level 14 normal or flying pokemon i didn't think we'd get this far especially not after that first turn crit losing a crucial pokemon like a potential b-barrel with water typing is not good given the limited normal types in this game but let's keep this train rolling our next big challenge comes at the valley wind works where commander mars has a powerful per ugly this is an extraordinarily close battle and we couldn't intimidate it since she has a zubat first and we can't re-switch into staravia since he's our only pokemon but amazingly we pull it off within range of just one more attack thanks to a held orenberry the problem is we had to grind up to make that possible and now we risk over leveling staravia past the level cap and ending the run after a few accidental trainer encounters including a hiker with geodudes we make it to the eterna forest at literally level 22 the level cap where we can finally get our next encounter up on eerie unfortunately we do have cheryl with us so we have to take out her chansey so it doesn't egg bomb our run savior sorry cheryl we successfully catch buniri and nickname it thumper unfortunately it does have clutches and ability which means any held items we use on it won't do a single thing ugh that is so bad q-charm would have been miles better at this point we can only use thumper until the next gym so we have to be very careful the run through eterna forest goes smoothly with only thumper and it comes out at almost level 18. using my trainer id i've calculated that the honey tree outside of eterna city here is one of our four potential munchlax trees but i'm not getting my hopes up since it's like a one percent chance but we could also get lucky enough to get an a palms so i slather honey on it and hope for the best about six hours of playtime from now the grass type eterna gym isn't too scary for us but we can't use staravia until gardenia because of the level cap bumper manages the trainers quite well with frustration though since it has low friendship since we caught it recently it's time for our second gym leader battle and gardenia starts off with a cherubi that gets ko'd by one wing attack from bruno turtoie comes out next and gets one hit ko'd by even a non-crit wing attack last is roserade which actually outspeeds us and goes for grass knot and we hit it hard with wing attack and get a crit to take it out thank god that thing could have very well paralyzed us and done some damage without speeding and at citrus berry causing issues but that was pretty lucky second gym badge acquired our next challenge comes in the form of the team galactic headquarters where we have to face commander jupiter i come up with a strat putting an oranberry on staravia and i use bunny earry first to take out the zubat with frustration then the level 20 scun tank comes out i keep banery in to hit it with frustration and it does not do much but thankfully its screech move misses i use frustration again to break its citrus berry which brings it right to half it uses night slash and does huge damage so now's the time to switch into staravia for the intimidate and to take it down with wing attack but skunk tank gets a crit on its first night slash against daravia and it takes it down in one hit since the intimidate doesn't count and our orenberry can't even activate we had strategized and set this battle up so damn well and down goes what is likely to be our best pokemon of the run damn i send in thumper pretty much knowing the run is over frustration fails to take it out and then it uses smoke screen allowing us to rebound with the ko we now have just beniri on our team heading into the third gym i was just about to give in but figured you know what we've made it this far hash brown and bruno can have died for nothing let's press on and see what happens the next route route 211 allows us to find a hoothoot encounter at night which i mean is something and it gives us a tinge of hope leading into maylene's gym we nickname it well i mean is there any other nickname we could have gone with thanks twitch chat one of my mods specifically after a long terrifying and very lucky stretch of roots we make it to heart home where we can technically get our next encounter an egg which will hatch a happiness for us unfortunately i completely forgot about barry running into us here but thankfully at least i had healed beforehand we take out the starlight taking a bit of damage his weasel uses growl on us before we can take it out which is not good at all and in comes grottle thankfully hoot is at least a good switch in here and grono goes for withdraw on the switch hypnosis puts him to sleep and i use reflect to help us we're able to take him down pretty safely pony size his last pokemon and we whittle it down with confusion for the win that could have been dangerous while traveling on route 210 we actually encounter a wild chansey which i had completely forgotten about since i knew that we had the happiness earlier on but it still hasn't hatched so technically this is fair game which is nice since it's higher leveled and doesn't require the oval stone evolution we successfully catch it with the help of hypnosis and call it over easy hopefully that's a good omen for this insane run i attached the experience share to chansey as well so that it can level up and take some experience away from our other two pokemon which are getting quite close to the level cap already another long stretch of routes with incredibly close calls and we make it to our final challenge before the next gym these two ace trainers unfortunately we're waiting to evolve hoothoot at level 29 since he gets air slash before evolving that way but we can't risk leveling him up too much because of the level cap of level 30 since we'll be using him for basically all the trainers in melee's gym so we have to go into this with him unevolved and same with baniri whose friendship is looking good enough to evolve but we just can't risk it amazingly we defeat both of the ace trainers including one with monferno and gyarados thanks to a combination of hutu's hypnosis and reflect combined with the shockwave tm which we used on baniri specifically for this gyrodose and perhaps for the following gym too it's time one of the biggest challenges we face so far meline's fighting type gym with a normal type team roork and his rock types just resisted us and hurt starravia bad but now meleen's entire gym is actively super effective against us aside from hoothoot knowing we'll absolutely need our two evolutions we get hutu to level 29 who finally learns air slash before then evolving into a knock towel hopefully the weight will have been worth it baniri also successfully evolves into low punny meaning our friendship level reached the threshold just in time now that lowpony actually likes us i also grabbed the returns he um from the lost tower melee's gym is kind of complicated and i make sure to dodge as many of these trainers as i can and we end up only having to battle two of them before the big challenge after attaching an oranbury to knocktowel it's time to put my strategy to the test she starts out with a meditate which is an easy ko with air slash machoke comes out next and this is where i decide to put it to sleep with hypnosis which opens up an opportunity to get reflect up to help with her next pokemon our strategy goes well thank god since even a first hypnosis missed would have likely ended our chances and in comes lucario with reflect up we tank a metal clock quite well after which we successfully hit another hypnosis air slash does a bit less than half and then our next one breaks its citrus berry but it doesn't quite ko our reflect wears off but incredibly he stays asleep for another turn and air slash just barely takes him out unbelievable if we had missed either of those hypnosises or if lucario had waken up any earlier that would have been dangerous especially with drain punch three badges baby now the experience here on chansey is doing well for us but there's one problem the level cap for maylene was 30 but the level cap for wake the next gym leader is also 30. yup thankfully new encounters finally open up at this point in mount coronette we can catch a five percent cleffa which we nicknamed kirby then on route 214 just before pastoria city we can find a giraffe rig which we nicknamed jeffrey these two are absolute saviors since we can use giraffe rage a lot in the next couple routes and put the experience share on klepha that way we're avoiding the level cap on the others our next encounter comes in the great marsh and it's azuro who we won't be able to evolve since he loses his normal type at the worst i figure he might be a good pivot since we're on set mode or a sack if we need one but he actually flees after the first ball so uh forget it we didn't want you anyway you blue ball pieces since klepha is our lowest level pokemon and learned magically she's actually decent against the gym trainers and she eventually evolves into a beautiful clefairy the team finally looks like it's starting to build up now but there's one more thing we can do i end up teaching giraffe right thief so that we can hit up mount coronette and use it on any clef as we can find to hopefully get a moonstone it's a five percent chance to get a klepha and a five percent chance that aklefo will be holding the moonstone so after a while we find one and evolve clefairy into a beastly clefable it's time to battle wake himself wake starts off with a gear dose and i lead with knocktowel to try our hypnosis and reflect strategy against it especially since we don't get affected by intimidate we successfully land hypnosis on the first turn and reflect goes up on the next after which i decide to switch into low punny who still has shockwave unfortunately gyarados wakes up right away on the switch and hits low puny with dragon rage which remains unaffected by the reflect anyway not good i'm forced to stay in here so i go with shockwave which does less than half and he hits us with dragon rage again bringing us to just 4 hp which i realized was probably the most it could have done with the reflect up i switch back into knock towel here and take a free brine but it doesn't do a whole lot i go for air slash which seems to be a two-hit ko from here and he hits us with dragon rage for below half but our oranberry activates thankfully but wake uses a super potion on it uh oh i reset the reflect up and use hypnosis again which lands thank god at this point i figure air slash is the best bet since even if it did wake up it could possibly flinch too but it doesn't end up waking up at all so we could take it down that was scary because wake's float soul has ice fang he's now sent in which is not good because i prepared us for a quagsire switch here but our strategy got messed up due to the early wake up on lopunny even though he has pursuit i risk the switch into clefable thinking icefang is coming but he actually goes for brian here he then goes for icefang on clefable and gets the flinch dear lord this is terrifying thankfully he just goes for swift here but it brings us directly to half after our barry 50 hp out of 100 which means brian would still get a power boost and might take us out now i hit it with magical leaf and its citrus berry activates and now we are in a brutal position realizing we can't switch anyway i go for magic relief and it just barely doesn't take floats aloud but amazingly it just uses swift we are definitely ko'd here but we can't risk pursuit anyway so i go for one more magical leaf and wait goes for a super potion here that actually saved us since it puts him in range of a magical leaf that was insane could have been the end of the run to be honest quagsire is then an easy ko with magical leaf from there kirby is a monster badge number 4 in the books after a battle with a couple of galactic goofballs chansey's experience share gives it another level and it actually likes us now and evolves into blissey there's no such thing as an evil light in this game so blissey is definitely the better option all our current members are now fully evolved beautiful another easy rival fight and we encounter the cynthia person again honestly it seems like she's following us everywhere i think she might have a crush on us or something oh well i'm sure she won't turn into that big of a problem on our journey before heading to the heart home gym i remembered something the shadow ball tm is accessible before celestic town so i try to make it there since i wasn't sure if it was blocked off but it turns out it's open at this point you just can't go past celestic town is all giraffe reg is the perfect candidate for shadow balls since she's immune to ghost type attacks anyway so she should be a good counter for fantina's gym the trainers in here actually pose a bit of a threat with gengars and drift blims but a combination of giraffe rig and low puny shockwave which can't miss despite the minimizing drip blims gets the job done although we did have some close calls for sure now fantina i'm thinking should be easy enough although i know from past experiences like running through platinum with only a krikata that we should not underestimate her i lead with giraffe rig against driplim and it's an easy ko with two shadow balls despite its attempt to spam minimize nice gengar comes out next and just uses spite and i go for psychic for the super effective stab and surprisingly it doesn't kill it then confuses us with confused ray but we make it through to take down the gengar now this is a little problematic because we're confused heading into her ace a level 36 miss maggias i figure there's no use in switching though so i stay in and it goes for a psi beam which also gets a crit on us very unfortunate now i forgot we had the shell bell on jeffrey here since i was just thinking oh i didn't give it a berry so i went for thief thinking i could steal its citrus berry but of course it didn't work oof miss magus then goes for cybeime again and it gets yet another critical hit are you kidding me we're then almost in confusion hit range and we hit ourselves in confusion again but survive on just six hp wow two crits in a row and two self hits from confusion in a row my god here i switch into knocktowel and we resist the incoming magical leaf it then goes for cyber since it outspeeds us and we get an air slash off but it doesn't do a whole lot and its citrus berry brings it above half the next side beam brings us to just about half health and air slash does another chunk of damage we're getting really damn close but it's not quite enough and knock towel is too low to keep in so i switch into kirby now and fantina hyper potions miss maggias now we're in deep trouble sai beam also confuses us on his first turn and kirby misses the sing that i tried to get off in desperation this is insane eventually i get a sweet kiss off to confuse the miss maggias and it starts to hurt itself in confusion but so are we with clefable at low health i switch into low punny but low punny is no match despite out speeding since shockwave is the only move we can hit it with with all of our pokemon at super low health and all being outsped i have no other choice and i accept what needs to be done a blissey stall this was absolutely crazy and very risky given that we could have run out of power points first and we kept getting confused but thankfully we just outlast the miss magia since it's already been using moves for so long and it eventually just takes itself out with struggle my god that was almost an ended run i can't believe our normal type team did so badly against a ghost gym to be fair we did get hacks to absolute death though thank you fantina now that we have surf we can finally make it to the other side of route 218 for our next encounter you know the one that i had planned around thinking we could access at the start of the game we catch a glam yao and name it duchess glamio does evolve quite late at level 38 but it should be a solid team member when it does since its stats are surprisingly good finally with a full team it's time for byron's gym now realizing even some of his trainers have steelixes i realized getting the flamethrower tm would be crucial here as otherwise we couldn't really put a dent in them now that we have surf we can actually go north of flo roma town to the fuego ironworks and pick it up i decide to teach it to clefable since it has great special attack and is also physically bulky so it should be a great steelix killer since it's not a fairy type in this game of course now i have one more strategy that seems crazy on the surface buying focus blast from the veilstone department store and teaching it to blissey to handle bastiodon wild i know but hear me out bastiodon only has special attacking moves for some reason like flash cannon and ancient power so let's give it a shot byron leads with bronzor so clefable is a great starter for us flamethrower is a 28ko since it doesn't have anything like heatproof and it only hit us once with flash cannon steelx comes out next and we've faced enough of these in the gym for me to know we'd do fine here although it doesn't kill and we get hit by icefang before byron uses a full restore and we can get two hits in a row on it bastiodon comes out next and the only thing i'm fearing is an ancient power boost on the switch but it just goes for flash cannon it's time to try this i go for focus miss i mean focus blast and it nearly takes the damn thing out bastiodon literally cannot touch us and we hit another focus blast to take it out i know i know two successful focus blast hits in a row impossible that marks the very first time two consecutive focus blasts have hit on camera ever in earth's history i promise i'm not hacking in all seriousness i'm kind of amazed our strategy worked six badges baby the momentum is going strong but we have a tough road ahead you might have noticed my pokemon were a bit below the level cap for that battle and that wasn't by accident there's a long stretch to snowpoint city gym and i wanted to be careful that we didn't pass level 42 on our pokemon our next task is to boot out team galactic from lake valor which they've apparently dried up and left the poor magikarp to suffocate they better hope that they don't all get angry and evolve commander jupiter is found inside the cavern calculating the dimensions to see if he can make a sick pool house for him and his buddies so we better throw a two-headed giraffe at him i guess we also learned psychics during the battle it's time for the snowy hellscapes of route 216 and route 217 our very first battle on these routes is a straight up tragedy the first trainer has an ambipom and we lead with thumper and i'm like ah this will be easy probably a one hit ko with jump kick but then jump kick misses and we get huge recoil i'm still sitting there like ah this will be fine ambipom can't do much damage to us but then it crits us to take low punny out our longest standing pokemon and honestly one of our best with its speed return and future type coverage too this was devastating jumpcake has 95 accuracy which means something that had a 5 chance happened and then something with the 10 chance happened consecutively i was so mad we're down to five party members and all we can get from here would be chatot from route 222 or a munchlax or a palm from a honey tree which are nearly impossible to find the yikes in some good news that just evolves into a per ugly which should sort of be able to fulfill the role that lowpony did but with less coverage i'd imagine upon making it to snowpoint i realize candace is going to be a very challenging gym leader so i get the silk scarf from veilstone to help power up her ugly stab moves a little bit but fable helps with the gym trainers a lot with flamethrower and after completing the snow puzzle i accidentally left the gym like an idiot which i forgot resets everything oh come here you little snowball pieces candace herself i'm kind of scared of and for one reason she has a random meta cham that i really don't know how to deal with she starts with a snover which is an easy ko with kirby's flamethrower then the meta champ comes in thinking we can bait the fighting move on clefable i switch into nah towel but she goes for ice punch what the hell man thankfully we had put a yachty berry on knock towel that we luckily got from the berry girl in pastoria so he survives but it does a huge chunk of damage that would definitely kill us now without the berry and would likely outspeed us on the next turn too i switch into giraffe rake thinking i for sure bait the ice punch this time around since we got a flying type out but she goes for force palm this time around for over half damage what the absolute is going on here either she has 4 000 prediction iq or is the stupidest ai in the world now here we are really stuck since we get outsped no matter what but eventually i realize there's nothing i can switch into so i risk it with the shadow ball and meta cham just goes for bulk up so we can take it out with the boost from our spell tank unbelievable if she had used any other move that would have been the end of the entire run sneezel comes out next which is a bit dangerous but clefable is a great switch and takes it out with a fling thrower after taking about half damage but shell bell and our magic guard ability help us since we can't get hit by hail in comes a bomb of snow and i know we can't switch into anything so i go for flamethrower and hope for the best it hits us with wood hammer we survive on just 16 hp gopher flamethrower and it takes it out oh my god we were teetering on the edge of losing the entire run throughout that battle yet we escaped with no deaths seven gym badges let's go lake verde is next where commander mars is yes the one who killed our beloved star avia i vowed to get revenge and after chat tells me that we were technically supposed to do this battle before the seventh badge i'm feeling confident golbat goes down to psychic after missing supersonic and in comes the pear ugly i switch into knocktowel and it lands a hypnosis on us immediately it hits us with slash and i realize we're in crit range now so i switch into kirby who also gets put to sleep i'm desperately wanting to get the burn off with flamethrower but it gets a crit on its next slash to put clefable in kill range this is looking bad especially since it out speeds our entire team i switch into our own per ugly for a cat fight and it hits us hard with slash we go for our own silk scarf boosted slash and it does over half but the damn thing has a citrus berry another slash brings us to ko range and realizing there's nothing we can switch into i have to go for it another slash and it just barely doesn't ko but she uses hypnosis which hits us yet again at least it wasn't slash that was really lucky but now what i send in giraffe rig who immediately gets crit by slash this entire run could end right here everything is either in kill range or asleep and she outspeeds our entire team blissey is somehow our only hope upon switching we get crit again by slash which brings us really low i have to not get a crit here and then hit a focus blast incredibly blissey survives a critical hit fade attack on 20 hp and lands a focus blast to end the battle i have no words no words at all three crits in a row and three successful hypnosis in a row that thing is crazy at the galactic hq i was kind of worried about cyrus's murkrow but the thunderbolt tm is now accessible via surf above the valley windwork so we don't have to spend like a hundred thousand dollars at the game corner we teach it to jeffrey who is now able to make pretty quick work of murkrow and golbat after which clefable takes care of sneasel fast forward to one of our scariest challenges yet spear pillar while checking to make sure our team was ready i actually noticed our pokemon have pokers of all things which is rarer than finding a one in 8192 shiny pokemon no idea how this happened but i'm not complaining as it doubles the evs that we get after grinding our team to level 45 it's time for the first challenge up here a double battle with barry against two team galactic commanders mars and jupiter what is this sailor moon they lead with two bronzours and i lead with giraffe rig while barry sends out munchlax now a huge issue here is that their bronzers know lightscreen and reflect which causes some big issues after a long back and forth we're able to take down one of the bronzers with a bit over half health remaining and they send in skuntank now i know i definitely don't want both per ugly and scunt hank on the field at the same time and i decide to switch in kirby who gets hit by night slash on the switch we then get hit by poison jab and only manage to get one flamethrower off on skunk tank which does not do a whole lot then bronzor gets another light screen up barry then decides to body slam the bronzor and takes it out in one hit bringing out the per ugly an absolute disaster why barry why but fable's too low now so i switch in dutchess here and thankfully both of them attacked munchlax on the switch barry then body slams the scun tank and it paralyzes but then we get crit by slash from here i go for the body slam on there per ugly and it paralyzes as well and this gun tank decides to go for munchlax instead and crits to take it down but this now sends out his star raptor which intimidates both of them oh man incredible duchess barely survived that turn with both of them now paralyzed and knowing we need to switch i send a knock towel and berry's star raptor uses close combat to take per ugly down now that out speeds their scun tank then breaks through paralysis to hit us with poison jab and poisons us with nothing left to switch in i know we have to go for it so i hit this gun tank with air slash since there's now both the paralysis and flinch chance but barry doesn't take down this gun tank and instead goes for the goal bat then this gun tank breaks through both paralysis and the flinch chance and gets a crit poison jab to take us down poison jab doesn't even have a high critical hit ratio how in the world hooters goes down from there jeffrey is able to thankfully handle the rest but that was a brutal loss especially since hooters had reflect now here's the thing about diamond and pearl on spear pillar you're sent into battle against cyrus right after that double battle you can't leave at all it leads with haunch crow and since we led with jeffrey against the commanders we also have to send him in here thankfully thunderbolt is indeed a one-hiko with the help of the magnet item now i was really hoping he'd send out gyarados here so that we could one hike it as well but he sends in weville right away now without the ability to set up reflect this is looking disastrous this thing's coverage is insane ice fighting dark and bug moves wicked speed and a citrus berry knowing we'll get out sped and killed with a night slash i'm forced to switch into clefable and he went for ice punch oddly enough but still does over half unbelievable i have no choice now and kirby goes down to a brick break i send in duchess who also gets out sped despite his 112 base speed and gets hit by a night slash but no crid and then body slam does a little over half and weevil citrusberry heals it but no paralysis it then takes us down with another overeasy is then sent out and gets hit by a brick break but we survive so we can go for the four times super effective focus blast but we miss holy if that had hit we could have taken down crobat and gyarados with jeffrey quite easily but nope it wasn't meant to be as we vile ko's blissey with ice punch and then jeffrey is able to take down the wii vile after a couple turns but since jeffrey's now low health we get out sped and taken down by crobat's bite that's the end of the run and how unlucky it was now i know what you're thinking so what the hell and don't worry this isn't the end i just wanted to show you guys how painful it can be to have to wipe with encouragement from twitch chat we tried the entire run again from the start and got all the way past the seventh badge and lost against cyrus yet again his weavil having coverage against our entire team it's speed it's citrus berry gyarados intimidate having to face cyrus immediately after a double battle where you have to deal with barry and the fact that we have to lose one of our pokemon and bring an hm pokemon instead in order to get through mount coronette honestly this might very well be the hardest battle in any challenge that we've done especially since it's so late game but we tried again and got to spear pillar for a third time over the course of many weeks and five total attempts before this i can't even tell you the struggles we went through after all that let's see what we can do this is peak commitment right here having lost b barrel starvia and noctel on this attempt i decide to leave blissey behind in favor of our dead hmb barrel which we can't send into battle of course this time around we have a secret weapon though as we happened to get an apom finally from one of our honey trees which of course evolved into an ambipom which we nicknamed kong against the commanders i led with our new clefable named babygirl and went for flamethrower right away to take out the bronzer with a crit alrighty then upon skunt tank switch in i now go for reflect which helps us a lot they get the light screen up though and i switch into holy our low punny which actually survived in this run but then we get crit by night slash down to less than a quarter then bronzong goes for gyro ball but we survive it in the red and barry gets a crit body slam on skuntank but it didn't quite ko i'm forced to switch so i go into felix our new poor ugly and the bronzer had gone for confuse ray but per ugly has own tempo and can't be confused incredible from here we can chaos gun tank with body slam and their golbat gets hit by body slam and paralyzed and it can't move afterwards which means we can out speed and take it out on the next turn now since we've been focused firing on jupiter's pokemon we can now cause mars to have to 2v1 us which makes the battle quite manageable especially since we paralyzed her poor ugly with body slam no deaths on the commander battle for the first time and we're prepared with our clefable lead let's do this i go for reflect right away against cyrus and with the light clay item for longer duration and amazingly we outspeed the hodge crow and it hits us with dark pulse for about a third feeling relatively safe and knowing we need them i go for stealth rock here which does extra damage to all of his pokemon knowing we should survive any attack he has with the reflect up i go for thunderbolt and it just barely doesn't ko and then he hits us with drill pack and we survive on 30 hp knowing he'll super potion i go for the thunderbolt to take him down realistically i should have switched here to prepare for wii vile but i still have a bit of a plan i switch into kong and we get hit by night slash but no crit now here's the key ambipom is the one thing that we have and possibly one of the only things in the game that can out speed weavile so i go for insect plate boosted u-turn which we taught to it via tm and it actually kills not only that but we can now choose what we want to pivot into next and knowing he only has gyarados and crobat i send in harvey our new giraffe rig he chooses crowbat and he outspeeds us and hits us with confuse rey and then we hit ourselves in confusion not good he then uses air slash to bring us below half and we hit ourselves in confusion again that ruins everything i'm forced to switch here so i go into for ugly and he hits us with bite he then hits us with cross poison to below half after which we hit him with body slam and we get the paralysis now that means we can out-speed him and take him down gyarados comes out next and unfortunately it does have intimidate which makes perugca kind of useless however we do have charm which seems to be our only hope i use charm and he uses aqua tail which we can now survive on 21 hp unreal from here i can now switch into holy who gets hit by ice fang on the switch but with the attack lower it doesn't do much and now we can hit him with two returns to take him down and finally finally beat cyrus three times getting past the seventh gym in this challenge and we finally did it and deathless too kong was an absolute clutch choice finally getting to move on past this part of the game feels incredible and we can get our last encounter unless we miraculously get a munchlax somehow a chat from route 222 which we nicknamed twitter you guys should follow i was literally joking around with the chat that we'll never need to use that thing but shortly before the 8th gym we accidentally ran into a fisherman and he started with a gyros while we had low pony out front i switched into clefable and we got crit and frozen by icefang so i couldn't get the reflect up since we don't have thunderbolt on anything else i had to stay in and we stayed frozen and get hit by hydro pump and another critical hit after taking it out with low punny he sent out another gyarados and i switched into per ugly and got crit yet again by aqua tail and taken down absolutely unbelievable three crits and a freeze that was a very valuable team member too with that lost behind us we faced volkner the last gym leader and to be honest we swept through him quite cleanly with ambipom with dig and the soft sand item along with return too the thing is with walkner if you outspeed him you're pretty much set to go since his main thing is speed with all eight badges acquired it's time for the pokemon league first up is aaron the bunk type elite four member he leads with a dust docks as i leave with clefable knowing the big threats on his team are drapion and heracross i decide to go for reflect right away and then we get toxic but since clefable has magic guard it doesn't matter much i then set up stealth rock which is really devastating for his team and then he starts double teaming but we land a flamethrower i switch into chatot here preemptively knowing his heracross could come out next and i have the choice specs on chat from celestic town so after a miss and getting toxic again we use chatter to take him down he sends in drapeon next however since it has icefang presumably and since he set up lightscreen i go into kong who after getting hit by x or is able to do big damage with dig then we u-turn into baby girl so we can get the reflect back up since heracross will likely come in next i then switch into chaton and drapion went for aerial ice on the switch and i was like yay not icefang but he got the crit ouch with toxic wearing us down i'm forced to switch into giraffe rig who's able to take it down with thunderbolt from there thanks to the stealth rocks doing big damage we can then thunderbolt beautifly vespa quinn goes down in one thunderbolt as well and heracross is taken down by a super effective stabbed psychic a tougher battle than expected for sure as we really had to pivot effectively around drapion and heracross up next is bertha the ground type elite four member she starts with a quagsire so i lead with clefable the fable has magical leaf which can't miss which is perfect since the most that quagsire can do is double team slam protect or sandstorm i use a reflect right away then can four times effective magic relief and it actually doesn't ko her but another couple after the full restore does the job she then sends in sudowoodo next and magically does over half but then she hits us with hammer arm for big damage after which we can take it out in comes golem next which is a four times effective one hekeau with magic relief and wiscash then survives one and hits it with rock slide which does very little with reflect up so i decided to switch in kong here preemptively to prepare for her pout on however she ended up full restoring which i didn't think she'd do from that range regardless kong is able to two-hike it although we did lose the reflect because of that her final pokemon is the pout on and i'm actually a bit scared of this thing at the moment it has crunch so we can't go into giraffe rig and stone edge so we can't use chatot yet those are our only viable special attackers at the moment and it has high physical defense i have no other choice so i hit it with return which does just under half and then we get hit hard by earthquake to just 22 hp in the red after sandstorm i then use u-turn here to bring it below half and switch in wholly and her citrus berry activates from here she hits us with crunch and gets the defense drop no way now we can't stay in our only option left is to switch into giraffe right now and she goes for crunch again and gets the crit to immediately bring him down why how was our luck this way that was the only thing that could have taken us down i sent kong back out to try to go for u-turn and bait the earthquake and we successfully do it meaning chaton gets a free switch and can take her down with choice specs hypervoice holy that was rough five deaths on the board next up is flint the buyer type elite four member flint's team is looking kinda troublesome but i go with our trusty clefable lead for the reflect followed by stealth rock which should be helpful he goes for sunny day on the first turn which is scary then hits us with flair blitz on the next turn for just under half before we get the rocks up now clefable has no coverage against rapidash so i'm forced to switch into kong and he goes for bounce which is perfect now we can use super effective dig with the soft sand and since we out speed we can go underground he comes down for bounce and then we pop back up to take him down nice infernape comes out next and although this looks terrible with reflect up mockpunch shouldn't do much so i go for return since dig will be terrible since it has earthquake we bring it down to below half after its citrusberry and he did indeed go for earthquake which doesn't do much so we can take him down on the next turn low punny's up next and we hit it with return and get infatuated by its cute charm ability and then it uses sunny day due to the infatuation i have to switch so i go into our own low punny and uses charm to lower our attack but i still go for drain punch and it just barely doesn't ko knowing he'll throw his door i get clefable back out and get her reflect back up after getting hit hard by fire punch since the sun went down i went for flamethrower hoping he'd put it back up again but he went for charm instead so i don't do much i switch in kong and get hit by the fire punch which does a sliver now i can go for a u-turn to get some damage off and ward off the infatuation by switching wholly in and go for return to take it out stelix is sent in next which caused some trouble with holy and kong but i eventually risked the switch into blissey for the super effective ice beam to take it down this was a great switch because now his drift blim has no way of touching us and a combination of toxic and ice beam wears him down a solid battle the final elite 4 member is lucian the psychic type member and i had planned to sweep through him with giraffe rig but jeffrey of course got ko'd so i'm lost i know i don't want this mr mime to get reflect or light screen up though so i lead with kong return just barely doesn't ko though but thankfully he just went for psychic but it does do huge damage on us after a full restore we can take him down with a couple more attacks now here i was really hoping metacam would come out next for my plan and it does so i can use u-turn to get some damage and pivot out of there now medicham is a huge threat for our team with drain punch but i switch into twitter and he goes for fire punch incredible thank god since it doesn't get recovery i can now use chatter to take it down alakazam comes out next and blissey serves as a perfect counter since it only has special moves so i can set up light screen and since blizzy can't use toxic due to alakazam's synchronized ability i switch into holy so we can take it out with return our light screen wears off and he sends in giraffe rake here i use a return for good damage then psychic brings us to a third and we can take him down with one more turn his final pokemon is bronzong which is actually scary at this point i switch into clefable and it hits us way harder than expected with earthquake now i can use reflect and use a couple super effective flamethrowers but it barely survives then crits clefable with earthquake i can't believe this i cannot believe how many times we're getting grit baby girl goes down with four pokemon remaining three of which are at low health and with no super effective moves this was a rough ending to the battle and he used another full restore too and chat got taken down by a psychic as well this sacrifice lets us safely switch in blissy though and we froze bronzong with icebeam switched in kong and it stayed frozen for three turns so we could ko it with shadow claws with three pokemon left it's time for the final battle champion cynthia i use up the remainder of our rare candies that we got from pickup on ambipom come up with sort of a strategy and went for it let's see how this goes she leads with spirit tomb and since it's a special attacker our only answer is blissey who i attached the light clay to i set up light screen right away to avoid her embargo and she indeed uses it after we outspeed her now we can hit it with toxic and this is a very slow stall with poison and ice beams with us barely losing any health despite her full restore at one point she next sends in a massive threat lucario her only super effective move is special or a sphere but blissey can't do any damage against it and will need it for later so i switch into holy it just went for a psychic which is perfect but it got a crit i have no words we needed holy so desperately drainpunch does less than half now and now she goes for aurosphere which takes us down from that range that crit was everything lucario does have earthquake but i figure we can now bait the aurosphere with kong and use dig and it works and we take him down however in comes garchomp next we have no choice i go for return and it does less than half kong then miraculously survives earthquake though and i was hoping for a hyrule return but nope gartchomp survives with a sliver and we get taken down our final pokemon is big egg the blissey and the guard chop even has brick break but we survive it and can take it down with ice beam now my plan is still kind of working despite the crit earlier since her remaining pokemon are mostly special attackers except she sends in gastrodon next which does have earthquake and stone edge what follows is an insane toxic stall with blissey calculating our soft boils and light screens according to our power points and the problem is muddy water kept lowering our accuracy and somehow she kept hitting stone edges too but in the end we took down the gastrodon with good health but only two soft boils and three ice beams left and we just barely don't level up luckily her milotic is a pure special attacker but it did get a crucial surf crit on us which is not good at all and it turns out she had a third full restore too we eventually take it down with about two thirds health and only one soft boiled and three ice beams left in comes the roserade and on its very first sludge bomb it gets the poison on us and then we miss our ice beam i have never seen luck this bad in my decades of playing pokemon i'm forced to go for the soft boil now and then i go for light screen and now it's time i go for ice beam she out speeds us and hits us with sludge bomb and we get crit again no ice beam does over half too but now due to the poison and the crit blissey gets out sped and taken down in one more sludge bomb we were one ice beam away the amount of crits that we got in the elite four when we literally did not get one the entire time is absolutely insane but you know what after six attempts including three going past the seventh gym and with a monotype team that has no normal type super effective stab i'm proud of us we worked hard for that and we definitely showed that it is indeed possible what a challenge this was if you guys are looking for a hard pokemon challenge man this is it if you enjoyed the run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoy drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video [Music]
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 758,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon pearl hardcore nuzlocke with only normal types!?, can i beat a pokemon pearl hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon pearl, pokemon challenge, pokemon pearl nuzlocke, pokemon pearl hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon pearl nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke normal only, hardcore nuzlocke only normal types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Id: 3b79ODSQ8xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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