Pokémon Ultra Moon Hardcore Nuzlocke - Electric Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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the electric type is incredibly popular for one particular reason that probably doesn't shock anyone my personal favorite electric type of all time is jolteon so i'm super excited for the potential encounters of this run let me know your favorite electric type down in the comments below our zappy friends are generally fast and hard-hitting with paper-thin defenses a typical glass cannon that lack of bulk could prove to be extremely detrimental since the rules of the hardcore nuzlocke challenge mean that any pokemon that faints can't be used ever again i also can't use any items from the bag in battle and i have to play on set mode and of course we can only catch the first electric type of any area so join me as i attempt to beat a pokemon ultra moon hardcore nuzlocke using only electric types the alola region is home to many things the space fart known as neby a mom who can never bother to unpack and of course the first encounter we have access to a gruben we of course can't use it until it evolves into charger bus and turns into an electric type but i name it dom toretto because even though we can't use it yet it's family we also meet some space italians miss kuzy what bon giorno gente de los pazio and shortly thereafter since i'm treating every area with a different encounter table on route 1 as its own area we encounter a pichu i name it tails and this means we have to take on the first real fight of the run which is totally luck based because since we only have pichu and i gave howe a rowlet to make this as difficult as possible we just don't want the pichu to lower our defenses with tail whip fortunately though i only get hit by one before taking it out which means that i can charm and thundershock the rowlet for the victory on my fourth attempt of this run continuing the adventure i find my next encounter and one of the only defensive pokemon we get magnemite it has the sturdy ability which is undoubtedly gonna come in massively handy but now that we have it this means we have to take on a lima and in my opinion elima is probably the most notorious run killer in all of pokemon not only does he have a young goose which has a surprisingly high attack stat which i immediately lowered down with three charms he's also incredibly easy to mistake for a girl wait no he's also got a smeargle that's super effective against your starter either way the strategy is to use charm and then swap out into magnemite and take out the young goose and basically just hope and pray against the smeargle since i gave hal rowlett that means that i picked litton which means that this smeargle has water gun but for whatever reason it insists on using tackles so i managed to take it out and actually beat this fight and you know what with only 5 hp left i'll take an undeserved win but our next fight on melee melee island is of course the first trial where the level cap is 12. i decided to make it so the level cap applies at the start of the trial but it's only really relevant for this first one since it's way too hard to stay lower than 12 with only two mons it also means that pichu reached level 13 during the trial and evolved into a pikachu and pikachu is a massive upgrade from pichu not only that the game gives us a quad effective move in brick break which almost just one shots the raticate then since the bite activated our static ability we get hit by a quick attack from the rattata which heals us with an oranberry and we can take out the raticate with another brick break so that was easy we then have a quick run in with the cosmic pasta crew before heading to melee melee meadow where we can find our next encounter an oricorio now i was gonna name this thing roadrunner for pretty obvious reasons but i ended up just pressing enter instead of capitalizing the letter so now its name is road and with a special attack boosting nature road is going to come in absolute handy right now as we face off against our first grand trial against holla and his fighting types and because oricorio is one of those pokemon that can't evolve it actually has pretty good stats off the bat and we can just set up a workup and destroy holla's entire team with air cutter oricorio is officially a monster i can't agree to giving you my daughter's hand in marriage unless you prove your strength oh dad i can give myself away and i don't need your blessing to do it oh boy what have i been dragged into and why do i have to fight this guy wait a minute he's got my all-time favorite pokemon maybe i am on his side you understand don't you kid i want you to marry my daughter oh boy this is not how i pictured it going down oh so you're miss univer you came here from kanto didn't you no i came here from sweden you got to study up if you want to be my father-in-law we make our way to akala island hey miss yoonava how was your trip on those mantine we get to try out mantine surf and it is awesome i took the boat this time but here on akala island we have a fresh batch of encounters we can get the first one being evie we then head to pikachu valley where i flawlessly take the pikachu quiz and pick up a magnet and the time has come for dom to evolve into something he can finally drive and with that it's time to face off against the electric trial which you might think would be super easy but bubble in the rain with the water bubble ability hits like a truck the second turn i managed to get the araquanid down into the red and actually one hit ko the masqueraine this means that dewpider spawns in the next turn and an aircutter actually one-shots it and takes out the araquanids so that was pretty easy once again proving that oricorio is an absolute boss we then once again run into the pastronauts who show me their new pokemon which definitely sounds like it could be a pasta then over at paniola ranch i can capture myself from a reef which i named dash and immediately evolve into a flaffy at this point in the game we've reached kiawa's trial which can be very scary but after a bit i came up with a strategy that i thought could work and here's exactly how i was envisioning the fight when doing the calcs marowak very likely goes for detect the first turn just to spawn in salazal but even if it doesn't i can survive one flame wheel so i do get a free workup hopefully it goes for detect since i can out speed the next turn and take out the selazal with a hidden power ground this means i'll either have to tank or go down to a flame wheel and if i manage to survive it i can take out a bit of marowak's health with another hidden power ground then go down and hope to take care of it with the rest of the team using rain dance strats but it all remains to see how the fight actually goes when we play it the start of the battle goes exactly to play in the marowak goes for a detect so that we can set up our free workup as it then calls in its ally pokemon selazzle however this is where it gets weird because marowak goes for a double detect instead of going for flamewheel here and i can take out the salazzle without taking any damage this means that the next turn we can hit hard with a hidden power ground and of course survive that flame wheel to take it out the next turn which means we don't lose oricorio and if that's not enough to have you sold on this pom-pom-wielding big bird looking menace it just cleans up the grass trial with a crit and that's what i call taking the high road at this point i've been able to change rhode's name to road runner since we got to akala but i think it's finally time we then head to coney coney city where we can actually purchase thunderstones this of course means that we can evolve pikachu into alolan raichu and evie into my favorite jolteon then to prepare for the grand trial i do a spot of fishing to capture myself a chinchou i name it lightning mcqueen and get it a few levels to evolve it into a lantern yo i'm an herb seller buddy this is a children's game you're a long way from california are you sure kahuna olivia still doesn't have a boyfriend these jewels are amazing they've got powers now i'll finally be able to get a boyfriend what is this obsession with boyfriends it's one of those stuffel toys that can move they're really popular among single women okay we'll easy fix just get rid of all your creepy animatronics anyway speaking of single women we next have to go up against the grand trial versus kahuna olivia and her rock types her anarith is actually kind of a threat so i decided to get rid of it right away with a bubble beam her next pokemon is leap and fearing that giggy drain i swap out into bumblebee who not only resists it but also holds the evilite item and then i go for a couple mirror shots to take out the leap finally we have to go up against lykan rock here but knowing the bite isn't going to take me out even if it crits i go for a mirror shot which does massive damage but then i have to swap out in the bolt this time bite actually does get a crit but since i out speed i can just take out the lychen rock with a shock wave it's hard sturdy rugged and physically strong olivia please spare me your taste in men so nothing like me at all i guess opposites really do attract okay hold on have a bit of confidence in yourself girl but also you know maybe consider getting rid of the stufful animatronics just yeah that'd probably work after experiencing all those people having single person problems i get invited to a pikachu wedding and i'll be if it's not the cutest thing i've ever seen after that we head on over to the aether foundation where we meet lusamine and the space italians tell us about their new pasta necrozma shortly thereafter we go to ulula island where we give hao a swift butt kicking and magnemite evolves into magneton here professor kukui wants to show me the great sticking out of the clouds we also finally get flappy to evolve into an ampharos and find our next possible encounter up on mount lanakila an ella kid i name it flash and level it up to an electabuzz and at this point it's time to face off against totem together and i'll be real the most interesting thing about totem tokonamaru is the fact that we might be able to use it later but the first turn when it uses spiky shield i pretty much do the exact same thing i did to marowak and set up a workup and destroy it with a plus one hidden power ground moving on we can catch ourselves a monectric which i named bolt which you might be thinking that's already jolteon's name but that was both the runner this is both the dog from the movie i also stumble upon blush mountain and as you guys told me in my bug run we can actually evolve charger bus into vikkavolt not only that we can also get probably the cutest encounter of this run you know i'm starting to think that team skull are the real italians around here but ladies and gentlemen the truth is that the real difficulty of ultra sun and moon happens in the latter half of the game and totem mimikyu is where it really starts to get noticeable the first turn it misses a play rough so i can hit it with an icy wind which means i can break disguise and lower its speed i then swap out into evie light magneton to tank a play rough and i get burned by the bayonet i then get crit by a shadow claw which does tons of damage but i hit the bandit with a volt switch to do a lot of damage but net then hits me with a faint attack and the next turn i can take it out with a shadow ball which unfortunately means the bolt has to go down to the play roof it saddens me that it had to be bolt but it's noble sacrifice will make a huge difference because now that banette is gone it's one on one and we can start using feather dance to lower the attack of this mimikyu once i've used three feather dances i swap out into dom toretto in his brand new ride at this point mimikyu isn't gonna be doing any damage to dom and three thunderbolts should probably do the trick but it does call in jealousen so we do have to take it out first and then proceed to thunderbolt mimikyu out of existence we then have to take on plumeria which isn't that important to fight but i do have a very close call against a flamethrower which i survive on six hp and take out the salazzle with a hidden power ground okay i'm willing to bet good money that this lady's single making our way to po town i encounter a wild alolan graveler it proceeds to break through my quick ball and go for self-destruct which not only almost takes out flash but means that we can't get a lowland gravler in this run our next challenge is nanu but since the fight was so easy and uneventful i decided to skip ahead a bit to the ether foundation where we have to take on the big bad guzma because this fight was anything but uneventful kuzma's team is pretty scary and i skipped the other two fights because i managed to get through them without any deaths which might be a bit of foreshadowing the first turn i get hit hard by a first impression and take out the glycopod with a volt switch swapping in dash as pincer comes in an x scissor hurts but doesn't quite take me to half as it activates my static ability and i can go for a power gem out speed the next turn because of paralysis and take it out with a discharge masquerade is next and since i can wall this thing with evilite magneton i decide to swap out into a bug buzz it does an amount of damage where i know i can take a crit which is definitely a good thing since it gets it and i can take it out afterwards with a discharge vikavolt is guzma's newest member of the team and certainly a threat so i swap in dash to eat a thunderbolt which it does fairly well and i can retaliate with a power gem which does about half as a bug buzz seals the deal for amperos but its sacrifice won't be in vain as i send in flash for a fire punch which doesn't quite do it but i fortunately survive a bug buzz which means i can take it out with another and that's it for guzma we then run into lusamine who further proves the point that a good way to stay single is having creepy animatronic or taxidermied animals well that and being a terrible person take your pick now luckily the lusamine fight in ultra sun and moon isn't quite as bad as the one in sun and moon but it's still right up there the first couple turns i take about half damage and destroy the clefable with some flash cannons next up is low punny and i can actually take a fire punch with evie light but for whatever reason it goes for thunder punch as i then volt switch out into lantern it then goes for a dizzy punch which doesn't confuse me and a discharge gets the paralysis but the next turn it still outspeeds and gets the freeze with ice punch this means that lantern is pretty much out of this entire fight so i swap into tails who takes a dizzy punch very poorly and retaliates with a psychic for the ko which means we have to go up against liligant which can be massively annoying since i don't really have any person berries at this point in the game teeter dance is going to confuse me after which i guess expecting me to switch it goes for teeter dance again but i actually break through and use volt switch to not only get rid of my confusion but i can freely switch into road runner or choreo can heal off confusion with a person berry then my dancer ability uses teeter dan's back but own tempo blocks it and i miss my air slash the next turn since we don't have a person berry anymore i am going to get confused from this teeter dance and try to use it again with dancer which i succeed with but i hit myself from air slash i do think it's a pretty hilarious interaction to have oricorio fight the only pokemon in the game that only has dance moves and i do get to use a pedal dance before i take it out with an air slash we're not quite out of the woods yet though since next up is milotic a tank to be sure so i swap in dom toretto and dodge a hydro pump now if that milotic would have actually hit that hydro pump i'm pretty sure i would have either just died or had to sack something after this but we only have beware left but my boy dumb is driving too fast to be hit dodging a takedown switching out with a volt switch into tails that can out speed the next turn and take out the bewear with a psychic i got very lucky in that fight but that's just my opinion what do you think gyarados yeah that's what i thought you must really get along well with dentists next on our schedule is pony island where we receive the electorizer and submit to machamp which comes with perks like being able to find thunderbolts this run i've also been busy collecting stickers like a madman because once we have 70 we can get a pokemon we haven't encountered yet together and it's just a bonus that it's extra large from being a totem pokemon since the universal pokemon randomizer has allowed me to level up electabuzz with the electrizer to evolve it into a lectifier that's exactly what happens but our adventure on pony island has barely just begun as we now have to take on the seventh totem pokemon komodo and this trial is going to be a perfect example of how to use pivoting to your advantage in a nuzlocke because on the surface this trial looks extremely difficult for my electric types i do end up using toxic with the quickclaw which doesn't really matter since i could have taken a crit dragonclaw here either way camo is then going to call its ally pokemon noiburn which can use screech and powerful special moves to be a huge nuisance expecting another dragon claw i swap into amy who's of course immune to dragon by being a fairy type and we get hit by a screech which is absolutely perfect i then use protect to burn another turn of poison before switching out into bumblebee who of course is immune to the poison jab and this turn the poison is racked up to the point where it leaves komodo at about five percent health so the next turn i could just go for protect and wait for this thing to go down to poison we do still have to deal with this neuron though so i decide to stay in take whatever move it uses which happens to be screech and then use a volt switch to safely swap out into flash the northern then uses the screech against flash which is useless since it only has special moves and we can take it out with an ice punch after our victory necrozma threatens to destroy every other type of pasta in italy and so the galactic guidos lend me their lion to fast travel to the coliseum ariva darche lily and hello ultra necrozma wow this thing even looks like that kind of pasta you use to make lasagna either way we still have to deal with this thing and a lot of people make way too big a deal of ultra necrozma all you need is a focus sash which you can get on pony island or a pokemon with sturdy that can use toxic unfortunately it then just kind of comes down to what pokemon you have to spare that you can let go kind of like amy and roadrunner here i was kind of hoping for a double protect but in the end roadrunner you've ran the road no other bird could run and thus by using protect once more we not only saved the world from ultra necrozma but we also made some killer lasagna now aside from the fact that we've alleviated my hunger we haven't quite alleviated my anxiety for this run you see at this point we only have seven pokemon to go off of and we're not gonna get any more so if we want to go into the elite four with six pokemon it's very important we beat the rest of the game up until then with only one death on the second turn the totor mobambi goes for a quiver dance which is incredibly scary as my totem together who goes for another iron head the pelipper then sets up a stockpile in the following turn i get hit by a bug buzz which does massive damage as i then hit an iron head to almost take out the rabonbi another stockpile from peliper and i decide that my best move at this point is actually just to let sonic go i mean if your motto is gotta go fast you can expect to stick around for an entire fight in an incredibly risky move dom survives a bug buzz as the pelipper then just goes for a stockpile and i can take out the rabonbi with a thunderbolt not wanting to get destroyed by potential skald i swap in a lantern who of course tanks it well the pelipper then gets a crit with the anti-lantern tack seed bomb and i can then destroy it with a thunderbolt and even though we got through that trial despite the plus two to every single stat on robobe we still have to get through hapu and if you weren't aware hapu has a team of full of ground types but i came up with an anti-ground strategy that i was hoping could get me through this unscathed knowing magneton could get a reflect up because of sturdy i swap into vic vault who's immune with levitate because of reflect shadowpunch barely does anything and i can set up a couple of agilities so that i can outpace flygon the golurk does set up stealth procs but if everything goes to plan i shouldn't have to switch out of vicavolt i take out the golurk with two energy balls with most of my health intact as hapu sends out mudstale i do end up getting hit pretty hard with a payback after which i take it out the next turn with another energy ball and you can guess what happened to gastrodon poor guy finally we now have to deal with flygon but since we have levitate it can only go for dragon breath and since we out speed because of two agilities two energy balls is enough to get through the hapu fight without a single death man seeing necrozma down bad like this makes me feel a little bit responsible but then again you know what the italians say it's basta if you start messing with the pasta at this point since we only have six pokemon left there's not much we can do to prepare for the elite four except evolve magneton into a magnazone and so i did what any sane nuzlocker would do and tackle the easiest of the elite four first kahili and her flying types and magnazone isn't exactly the fastest pokemon so i do have to eat a crush claw before destroying the braviary with a thunderbolt and a throat chop before taking out the halucha i didn't think mandebus would be faster but luckily it missed its bone rush so we can swap out against oricorio and send in lantern now i would say the one thing we've learned in this run is that the only acceptable oricorio is the yellow one so we break through confusion and destroy this one with thunderbolt finally her last pokemon is two canon so i swap into magnazone and tank a beak blast after which i have to take the supersonic sky strike which does about half of the health i have remaining and then we beat kailey but all this means is that we have to fight a more difficult battle versus molane and his steel types and i don't know what it is maybe just cause it's steel but i always expect this fight to be super difficult anyway the plan here is to set up a couple of agilities so that i can out speed anything on mo lane's team and then start going for charge beam as many times as i can before i take out this klefki and since thunder wave can't touch electric types that's exactly what i do and get to plus 4. sucker punch from doug trio ends up doing a lot of damage but we take both it and bisharp out with a single bug buzz mo lane's magna zone of course survives on one hp because of sturdy and hits back with a strong try attack and i thought we would actually get taken out by a bullet punch from metagross but for whatever reason it doesn't go for it and gets taken out by a bug buzz but all this means is that we have the two most difficult elite four members for our type matchup to go up against left the first turn acerola's banette goes for a shadow claw which does about 40 after which i one shot it with a thunderbolt next up is frost last and i didn't expect it to go for confuse ray but of course it does and somehow through some sheer luck we managed to break through and leave it on one hp i then decided to get rid of confusion by swapping into magnazone who can resist everything this frost last throws at it so it doesn't matter if we get hit in confusion but we managed to break through first turn and take it out with a flash cannon expecting an earth power from palace hand i swap into dom who of course has the levitate to resist it and the energy ball to be able to take it out and two hits after it goes for an iron defense acerola's second last pokemon is a delmise which toretto can easily deal with with a couple of bug buzzes finally we've got driftblim which can be an infuriating pokemon to deal with so i swap out into bumblebee as it goes for an amnesia it then goes for focus energy as i hit it with a thunderbolt for pretty pitiful damage because of those special defense boosts i realize i'm gonna have to hit this thing from the physical side if i want to take it out so i swap into flash and end up taking out the drift blim with a thunder punch surviving the aftermath and now that we've defeated acerola we only have one more elite four member left to face the queen of single ladies herself olivia and her rug types i decided to start with magna zone who resists everything this armaldo can throw at it and take it out with a single flash cannon and then there's probopass and this thing has something for all of my pokemon so i decided to pp stall it out of all its earth power pp by switching out between vikavolt and magnazone however after about 10 turns of swapping around and dodging its earth powers it didn't have any pp left and i can freely start setting up with charge beams with magnazone after a few turns i got to plus 3 special attack taking out the probopass with a thunderbolt and after that those boosts cleared all the way to the champion with flash cannons really lovely both you and your pokemon very flattering olivia but i already got engaged earlier in the video and so after rejecting one of the finest ladies in alola wait what am i doing it's time to face the final challenge of pokemon ultra moon and the very first turn i get hit by a psychic from raichu and the plan was to use bulldoze in order to out-speed with another bulldoze but a crit does the job too hal then sends in tauros and because of intimidate it's definitely not worth staying in so i go ahead and swap out into vikavolt to dodge the earthquake the following turn i take big damage from a stab double edge but then take out the tauros with a thunderbolt next is crawler and dom's gonna have to take one for the team this time or rather for family next i send in tails who i expected could take out crebraller with a single psychic but that is definitely not the case and ice hammer is a clean one-hit knockout luckily we've got bolt the second in the back that can out speed and take care of the controller with a flamethrower how then sends him vaporeon and not wanting to take a hydro pump to the face i out speed with a volt switch swapping out into lantern who can take it way better the next turn how goes for a babydoll eyes lowering our attack for some reason but it's not enough to stop us from taking him out with a thunderbolt we then face decidueye who threatens lantern with the bloom doom so i swap out into magnazone who of course takes it very well in this scenario magna zone is pretty much just a safe way for us to get monactic in there and since we can't switch after decidueye goes for spirit shackle anyway i'm just gonna try to fire off as many flash cannons as possible before we go down to a leaf blade monectric comes in and cleans up with a flamethrower as hal then sends in his final pokemon noiburn in hindsight i should have definitely gone for volt switch here just to preserve monetric and have one less death in this run but since playing optimally is for actual good players of this game i go ahead and let it go down and swap out into mcqueen who is one of my two last pokemon remaining and can take out the northern with an icy wind and that ladies and gentlemen is exactly how i beat a pokemon ultra moon hardcore nuzlocke using only electric types and despite the fact that i let nine out of my 11 encounters go down i think i did a really good job and i had a lot of fun with this run what do you think down in the comments below and what do you think gyarados oh what did i expect i guess you can like and subscribe or whatever i'm thinking something like olivia is what i need to find [Music]
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 542,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nFOd5K_RkkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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