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just a quick note before we get into the challenge eighty percent of people who watch these challenges in may were not subscribed to the channel if even one in every five people who watch this video take two seconds to click that subscribe button we could break the 100k mark and make a huge impact in the pokemon community towards more fun and creative content but i can't do it alone if you enjoy these videos double check that you've hit the subscribe button so you don't miss future challenges let's see what you guys are capable of as a community thanks guys enjoy the video welcome everyone my name's self and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon emerald with only dark type pokemon oh you think darkness is your ally today i'm gonna leave our encounters as a mystery but i will tell you that there are seven total fully evolved pokemon we can obtain there is an 8th dark type and emerald houndoom's line but unfortunately it's only available in areas 5 and 6 in the safari zone which don't unlock until after you've beaten the elite 4. the dark type is usually considered to be quite good however in gen 3 because of the physical special split not being a thing yet types themselves were either physical or special and dark is special in this generation unfortunately as we'll see the majority of dark type pokemon and gen 3 have great physical attack so it just does not work out adding an extra challenge for sure as always the full rule set for this run is in the description but basically only the first dark type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or elite force ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times let's do this ah pokemon emerald one of my favorite pokemon games of all time something that's always confused me though yes there's the whole shoving your kid in the back of the moving truck thing but also this is the only game in which your father is present and yet there's only the main floor and the protagonist's bedroom where do the parents sleep that kitchen table has seen some things you know what some of those vigoroth anyway since we can't get a dark type we have to start off the game with one of the regular starters so i picked trico it might very well be my favorite but it also causes mae to pick torchic which will eventually get the fighting type so it adds an extra challenge against a dark type team after destroying mei's hopes and dreams on route 103 and getting some pokeballs it's game time our first dark encounter comes in the form of route 103 which i decided to come back to since they have slightly higher level pokemon on average where we find a level three puccina level twos are risky to level up early games so i'm satisfied we catch it and nickname it shenzi shenzi ends up having a careful nature plus special defense and minus special attack that's kind of bad at least for its stab dark moves since i know shenzi will have to be some sort of mixed attacker if we're to make any use of stab i grind up against zigzagoon puccina and raltz for speed attack and special attacking v's until we reach level 7. at this level i'm feeling safe to find our second encounter on route 102. now emerald is a very strange game in this regard the entire c dot line are exceedingly rare only being a one percent encounter in the entire game it takes a while but eventually we find one catch it and name it deku deku has a sassy nature plus special defense and minus speed not the best since speed is critical now it's worth noting that deku doesn't have the dark type yet as per our rules we're allowed to catch it since it eventually does get the dark type but we can't use it in battle until it evolves for now deku's just moral support after watching wally catch a pokemon because he can't stand two feet from the city alone also look at wally's signature pokemon and think about the kind of team that we're gonna have the poor kid we arrive at the entrance to the petalburg woods this girl says hello is the beginning of goodbye damn man that's deep and kind of fatalistic go seek help the petalburg woods go relatively smoothly although we had a close encounter with a trainer who had two super effective leech life nincata but thankfully a combination of using howell to raise her attack an oranbury and a last minute crit saved the day now on route 104 i almost lost the run entirely but caught myself at the last moment there's a double battle on the bridge that you have to walk through and we of course have two pokemon on our party but if cdot is sent in we would have lost the run not to mention it would have gotten ko'd anyway so i went back to petalburg to deposit it after which we can walk by without triggering the battle since we only have one pokemon good thing i caught that with that we arrive in rossboro city with shenzi at level 12. with the rust barrel gym's level cap at 15 i decide to head north west to train up on route 116. during one of the battles shenzi levels up to 13 where she learns bite which is going to be absolutely crucial and you'll see why i also thankfully researched the trainers on this route ahead of time and was able to dodge a trainer who had a machop which i think would have ended our run immediately after getting to high level 14 it's time for the rustboro city gym now rock types one would imagine would be a very difficult threat for something like a puccina but in this instance the lack of the physical special split actually helps us as bite is a special move and most of the gym pokemon have really low special defense this makes the gym trainers a pretty easy task however there was one thing i forgot about in emerald they add trainers to the gym and in this case i ran into a spot that activates two consecutive battles i had leveled up shenzi according to the two trainers ruby and sapphire have but thankfully we make it just below the level cap at high level 15 after the second unavoidable battle damn that was close it's time for gym leader roxanne even with an orenberry on shenzi roxanne is a scary threat for us since we have a minus special attack nature but there's not much more we can do to prepare she leads with a geodude and i go for bite which actually gets the flinch right away nice we're then able to hit it again but it barely survives seriously that must be like 1 hp and it hits us with rock tomb for a third damage and also drops her speed after a potion she's then able to be taken down in two more hits after which puccina levels up don't forget that her pokemon have to be at or below the level cap at the start of battle but leveling up mid battle is allowed as for the rules in comes the second geodude which gets hit below half by bite then gets off another rock tomb to bring us to one third and drop our speed again but our oranberry brings us just above half before we can take it out with a second bite now comes what i'm most scared of in my life nosepass which has a whopping 90 special defense it now outspeeds us because of the drops which is terrible since we now can't flinch with bite but thankfully it just uses harden on its first turn but bite does like nothing that's even less than i thought it then uses block i'm not sure why and we hit it again after which it hits us with tackle to 16 hp we bring it below half but it's orenberry brings it back above this is not good but his next tackle actually missed and then i hit it with sand attack that was kind of funny realizing the desperate situation we're in i know we have to lower its accuracy as all of its moves range from 80 to 95 accuracy it goes for hardin yet again and we bring it below half but then roxanne uses a potion to almost full health oh boy another tackle hits successfully to 9 hp but then we get a critical hit it misses rock tomb and we can take it out my god that was close one rock tomb would have ended us but the sand attack pulled through in the end first gym badge miraculously acquired if we hadn't had our speed dropped we would have likely flinched the stupid nosepass a few times but man that battle was set up for us to lose while leaving rossboro city we're challenged by may but it is an optional battle so we're gonna leave it be oh what's the matter haven't gotta raise your pokemon very much that's not very good for a trainer mei i don't wanna swear in front of those children over there but shut the up i end up teaching cuts who are very conveniently named zigzagoon we caught for hms because there's something in the petalburg woods i think we're definitely going to need later on the miracle seed to boost grass type moves along the way to doofur puccina ends up evolving as well into a beastly mighty ena which also has the intimidate ability one of the best in the game before anything i head to the granite cave to pick up steven's package alright come on now stay with me which i then go all the way back to russeboro to deliver to his father because he gives us the experian chair in return which we can now put on cd to level him up and eventually make him usable through evolving after stocking up on a crap ton of pokeballs it's time to head for our next encounter back in granite cave now before we find this thing can i just note how impossible the next gym looks on the face of it it's a fighting gym and we're gonna have maximum two dark tights but our savior has arrived save a lie after a ton of pokeballs due to this thing's terrible capture rate we successfully catch it and name it vale vale ends up having a naive nature which is neutral and i'm fine with that sableye gets stabbed from ghost and dark type moves which are physical and special respectively so we don't want either attack stat to be lowered really after a ton of grinding with the experience share cdot finally evolves into the grass dark nuzleaf so he can finally be used in battle i ended up teaching the bullet ctm we got from route 104 and put the miracle seat on to boost its power wanna know why neither c-dot nor nuzleaf nor shiftery learn a single grass attacking move by level up not a single one what the f game freak the dufer gym is scary on the face of it but look at brawley's team do you see a problem yup he only has fighting moves and we have a part ghost type vale is able to absolutely slaughter everything on his team because they just can't touch him incredible this might have very well saved the run and makes what would have been the hardest gym leader the easiest amazing after defeating team aqua and slateport this grunt gives us a tm and says it suits you more than me well what tm is it oh you son of a oh well useful for a dark team at least on route 110 we have another battle with may although it's made quite easy with the help of sableye who with a combination of fake out and nightshade takes down wingle handles combustion with nightshades since it can only use the special ember move on us and lambre just uses absorb and nature power which turns into swift and can't hit us honestly this thing is a legend already after spanking wally in battle he proceeds to call us like 15 seconds later excuse me sir do you have any experience in dealing with stalkers before the marvel gym i decided to go past verdenterf town to get the black glasses which are pretty much the ideal item for our team following the trainers in watson's gym i was feeling pretty okay about our chances but while researching i remember just how much of an upgrade watson's team got in emerald over ruby and sapphire he now has an extra pokemon and it just so happens to be a level 24 monetric with a citrusberry well let me just say i severely underestimated watson or perhaps overestimated our team and he set a new record for our challenges i had to wipe five times against him for those of you who are unfamiliar with nuzlocke terminology that means restarting the entire game from scratch just to get back to them since when pokemon faint they're dead and if all of your pokemon die that's it the run is over and you have to wipe i believe the previous record was three wipes for fantina and platinum with only fighting types so congratulations watson you sick you know it's bad when the best strategy i have involves getting the tm for attract from the verdant turf contest hall out of desperation but let's try it before battle he says what are you doing here are you saying you made it past my rig doors watson you literally watched me come through and approach you my strategy for watson involves putting a cherry berry on every one of our pokemon since he loves to paralyze everything in his sight he leads with vault orb and i lead with sableye for one reason this thing has self-destruct which can't affect him and we need to conserve maidena's health for the late battle i hit him with the fake out on the first turn and after getting hit by one spark unfortunately we bring him just into potion range with our nightshade we hit him again to below half and he hits us with shockwave to below half but then our next nightshade leaves him with one hp no way he can then go for another spark to bring us to 14 hp and paralyzes us but thankfully our cherry berry cures us and astonish can take him out damn that was an unlucky first pokemon he next sends out elec trike and we're definitely in ko range so i switch in mightyina here who gets hit by a shockwave for about a quarter damage now the reason i sent mightina in instead of nuzleaf is because electric is male and shenzi is female so we can use attract on it and here as i quickly found out we need to get as many howls off as we can to increase our attack for what's to come on the first turn electric isn't immobilized by a tract and hits us to just above half then it uses howl on itself on the next three turns it can move ironically enough we get five howls off in total and that's all i'm willing to risk so i start to hit him with byte 2 to add the flinch chance combined with the attract which works well and we can take him out in two hits and level up in comes magneton the reason we got all those howls off and the reason we gave marina rock smash in the first place otherwise nothing can touch him rock smash does about two-thirds and magneton just goes for thunder wave thankfully which are cherry berry heels and we can take him out on the next turn it's time manectric he goes for howl on the first turn as i go for one more howl to max out her attack as i've noticed like elektrike he tends to follow suit but then he hits us with thunder wave and we no longer have a berry he then goes for howl again which isn't good since he has priority quick attack and we get fully paralyzed two turns in a row so he's able to charge up his attack hugely thankfully on the third turn we can land and attract since monetric is also male he gets yet another howl off next though and we hit him with rock smash for about a third he then goes for quick attack and amazingly we survive on 17 hp and hit him again to a quarter but his citrus berry activates to bring him to three quarters here i had to make a huge risk and go for rock smash and hope he was immobilized and he was and rock smash brings him into the red but doesn't kill knowing watson will super potion i take the opportunity to switch into stabilize so we can get a free fake out off now here i know he's stuck going for an electric move since vale is ghost type so i switch into nuzleaf who resists it here i had to hope that he went for thunder wave so i could use priority fake out but he out prioritizes us with quick attack after all those attack boosts and we live on 5 hp oh my god at this point i'm thinking he'll likely go for quick attack since we're such low health so i switch into veil and he does and we're immune to it since he can't use quick attack to out prioritize our fake out either we can hit it and it takes him out absolutely unreal i celebrated so damn hard after this it's not even funny this gym alone caused me to be unsure if i'd even get this video up on time for you guys and even as i write this script i'm doubting it so let's hope i can after a long trek to fall arbor town one of the kids in the houses offers us the dig tm after all we just went through with an electric type gym now you give us this come here you little sh with our next level cap being 29 many battles to go before the fourth gym leader and no other encounters available before that i attached the experience share to cuddy boy in the hopes that we might make it at the top of mount chimney we have another scary battle this time against team magma leader maxie he leaves with mightyina so i send in deku so the intimidate isn't a terrible thing i hit him with fake out first then bullet seed which hits only twice he only has bite as his best attack which we resist but this matchup takes a while especially since we brought him into super potion range and we got hit by sand attack so we're brought to just 24 hp before taking him out maxi sends in camera up next so i switch in mighty enough for the intimidate to weaken magnitude our bites do bring him into potion range though but thankfully we got a flinch on one so he brings us to 33 hp before we ko him zubat is his final pokemon and a switch into sableye is able to bring him into the red although with confusion i was forced to switch again into mighty ena for the intimidate and a bite does take him out our entire team was weak after that but we managed it well all these battles have got me fatigued so i take up this old lady's offer to join her in the hot springs don't judge strictly platonic it's time for lumbridge town's fire gym with our pokemon very close to the level cap at all 28 or 29 and one that yup i had to wipe against once meaning what you saw was actually the second time i had to beat watson you can imagine how i'm feeling at this point flannery's battle is just ugh there's no way around her torque hole there just isn't especially since she has a camera up too at emerald along the way through her gym sableye learns faint attack and i teach my inna to dig tm with our best setup and having made it right to the level cap it's time to see what we can do flannery leads with a new mole as i lead mightina so i can get the intimidate off for magnitude now the key here is that i have to have a plus six attack to take the torque out with dig otherwise we get taken out by overheat without a doubt since it has a white herb to mitigate the overheat special attack drop after dealing with her other three pokemon but setting this up is immensely difficult given that all her pokemon have overheat and sunny day but i have a bit of a plan i actually switch into sableye here and she went for a takedown amazingly enough i switched back into my ena to get another intimidate off and she hits a magnitude 9 which thankfully doesn't do too much after the double intimidate i switch again and she goes for overheat which does over half on veil but overheat lowers the special attack of course perhaps now you can see my strategy i switch back into my ena to intimidate and unfortunately she goes for sunny day meaning sableye now can't handle another overheat with the sun boost so it's time i go for howl several times until we're brought to 34 hp due to the sun boost but his special attack gets lowered again and our orenberry activates according to the calcs the soft sand isn't really helpful here since the extra 10 doesn't really factor in in kos or anything but the orenberry helps us get all the boosts that we need off but then pneumo gets a crit takedown but we survive with just 10 hp left we have to go for it now this isn't a foolproof plan as we have to go for dig here since nothing else will one hit ko and the pneumo does have magnitude which can hit while we're underground but she just goes for overheat instead thank god from here at plus six dig is a one hit ko on slug ma and on camera and the torque hole also goes down even with its based 140 defense i'm gonna go ahead and say that without getting mighty inna to plus six that battle is impossible in a dark hardcore nuzlocke of emerald without getting absolutely insane luck with a crit on torquel or something four badges down after this mei gives us the go goggles which allow us to finally get a new encounter in the desert part of route 111 a cacnia however cacnia is only a six percent chance and the trap hitch here mostly have arena traps so we have to take them out which isn't good for the level cap i'm not kidding when i say we almost had to ignore it and come back after the gym due to the cap but we found one in the nick of time i caught it and named it poker and it ends up having a plus defense and minus speed nature not great but not quite the worst it could have been i suppose it's time to hit up the pedelberg gym the first trainer in the gym is in the speed room and he says the ability to move before the opponent just that alone puts me at a great advantage don't you agree then we proceed to use fake out and move faster than him take that you crafty son of a hey whoa whoa whoa easy easy we have some close calls with the gym trainers but vale's ghost typing and shenzi's intimidate definitely help out after grinding cacti as a level 31 who unfortunately doesn't evolve until level 32 just after the cap it's time for norman he starts off with a spinda and i lead sableye his spinda doesn't have any move that can hit us except for teeter dance so i hit him with fake out on the first turn and then a couple fain attacks can take it out after we got hit by teeter dance since we don't hit ourselves in confusion vigoroth comes out next and he can only hit us with faint attack which is a special move and resisted and his special attack isn't great but we did hit ourselves in confusion once our second attack brings him into the red so norman heals him with the hyper potion but we got a crit on our second one afterwards to take him out nice in comes slacking who hits us with feign attack and we survive on just 5 hp and can hit him once with a bit of damage now here i had a ridiculous strategy to deal with this thing i switched to mighty enough for the intimidate on the turn that he's loafing around due to truant after which i switch back into sableye assuming he's going to go for a normal move on mightina which he does so we're unaffected i can then intimidate him again by switching essentially making it so that he can't really do any damage on marina in the end so that we can charge up our attack with howell however he does have yawn which kind of messes up our strategy a bit and he is faster than martina so we unfortunately can't do a dig strategy where we're underground every time he attacks then above ground every time he has a truant turn but rock smash after some charging up does a good job especially with the defense drops and we can always switch a disable eye on the yawns it takes a long time but eventually the slacking goes down to a dig since i didn't want to bring him into hyper potion range with rock smash norman's lineup does have belly drum but other than that it just has normal moves so it's easily handled by veil with his ghost typing a bit messy but a solid strategy for sure to win us our fifth badge following this gym we have our first evolution in a while as cacnia evolves into cacturn which should be a great help despite having the same typing as nuzleaf before we advance i go back to grab the meteorite from mount chimney for a reason that i'll show in a bit but first we actually encountered mirage tower in the desert so i made the journey to the top where it warns us if we take a fossil the entire thing will collapse so i did it no more pain of having to deal with trainers like watson but we survive on one hp and i landed ass first on the claw fossil anyway back to the meteorite you can actually return it to professor cosmo at his house in fall arbor while he'll give you the return tm which is 102 base power at max friendship so it should come in handy eventually surfing east from marvel we get to route 118 where we can get the good rod which opens up two new encounters for us right off the bat which is much needed since all our pokemon are already at level 32 or 33 and the cap is 33 with a long stretch to the next gym first we can literally just turn around and fish here where carvana could be caught which immediately has the water and dark typing we catch one and name it nato and it ends up having a naughty nature plus attack and minus special defense which isn't that bad problem is water and dark are both special types in this gen and sharpedo is a way better physical attacker but hey it's a new encounter we can also head back to petalburg where we can fish in the little pond to catch a core fish although it has the same typing and the same stat situation as sharpedo eventually courtfish itself is only a water type so we'll have to use the experience share until it evolves we name it waddle and find out it has a plus defense and minus special defense nature which is meh good defensively for super effective fighting types but bad for electric and grass along the way i realize the path to route 123 is open where i know giga drain is but it looks like we're blocked off by the ledges maybe that's it right there or maybe that damn little girl can you pick up that tm for me please just just right over there all right so from the future here that's embarrassing it's not even the tm it's like a nugget or something let's get out of here the stretch to fortrey is made easier by the rain which boosts our water moves on carvana and by the fact that it quickly evolves into a sharpie at level 30. 95 base power surf in the rain does wonders even if it's a special attack this guy here says i thought you fly by catching a whole flock of bird pokemon and then hanging on to them somehow i then go inside the house and there's just wingle everywhere his poor wife she looks traumatized just shaking her head in the corner what have i done while battling team aqua at the weather institute corefish evolves into a beautiful crawdad meaning it's officially usable the team's really starting to stack up now the cast form that we get for saving the place also has the mystic water item attached which is fantastic for our new catches the water pathway up ahead also leads to a leaf stone which we can use immediately on nuzleave to evolve it into a shiftery fun fact before kingdra my channel mascot was actually shift dream he's a cool dude but admittedly hideous now that we have a water type in the rain with the mystic water mae is a sweep through especially her combustion which would otherwise be a big threat sorry may we love you we also encounter steven on the bridge who says show me your power as a trainer and throws us at a keklian i proceed to just run and he goes your battle style is intriguing do you just like say words after arriving in fortree i'm a bit nervous about winona's battle but i remembered something in the marvel game corner you can get the ice beam tm for 4 000 coins this ends up costing us like 90 thousand dollars almost everything we have but i'm hoping it will be worth it i teach it to nato and get ready for battle winona leads with sua blue i start with sharpedo and hit it with ice beam and it doesn't ko but she gets frozen but then defrosts alright what even is this battle already after she heals it up we're able to take it out in two more hits tropius comes out next which is a big threat with his grass typing but it's four times weak to ice and we outspeed it so it's a one hit palapur then comes in and i figure it can't do much to sharpedo besides maybe confuse us but it just spans protect and we can take it out with a few crunches skarmory comes out and takes a surf with one third health left then uses sand attack on us but we hit the surf nonetheless this moth don't miss oh we missed the ice beam on ontario it then goes for dragon dance and then earthquake which brings us to just 35 hp but then our 4 times super effective ice beam lands but it survives on what must be 1 hp my god i know she's gonna potion it up though so i go for ice beam again it lands and gets a higher role to take it out this time that could have been scary although i suppose we could have switched in maidena to intimidate it wow much crazier battle than i expected while traveling on route 120 we're able to find our seventh and final encounter an absol which is an 8 chance to find here after finding one it turns out it has sword stance and because of the low capture rate and it powering up its attack like crazy it was a risky one and a lot of our team got hurt but we successfully captured it i name it harbinger and it has a hasty nature plus speed and minus defense not terrible but we'll have to watch out for fighting types on the way to lily cove city we have a bit of an item bonanza as we pick up the shadow ball tm at the top of mount pire which i'm gonna hold on to for the moment as sableye already learns it by level up at 41. we pick up the sea incense on the floor below after falling yet again which i put on crawd on since sharpedo already has the mystic water and we also get the giga drain tm from route 123 south of mount pyre which i teach to deku since he doesn't get any grass type moves and poker will already learn needle arm with that it's time to awaken groudon damn he's got some hops maxie says he's seen us poking around uninvited here and there and poker is just there sweating with shifty eyes the battle with maxi is looking pretty scary on the face of it as he leads with mightyina i decide to go in with crawdaunt who has hypercutter so her attack can't be lowered but mighty in a goes for swagger we break through it to hit it with surf for about a quarter then we break through confusion and go for vice grip since we have higher attack and the swagger boost but it does about the same in the end we get hit by takedown before taking him out and then crobat comes out next which i'm a bit scared about since it has confused ray bite to flinch and air cutter and i don't really want to switch into that so i go for vice grip wing attack hits us to below half and we can ko from this range but maxine uses a potion even from that health point and he's a ko and one more hit so i go for vice grip again he hits us with wing attack and critical hit are you kidding me crawdant goes down what are the odds we were totally fine without that crit and i was nervous about switching due to confuse ray definitely an unnecessary loss but hey this kind of stuff happens in nuzlockes looks like absol is on the team while taking on the aqua hideout we have a double battle and we send out absolute together with mighty ena nothing too crazy with the battle but damn if this isn't one of the coolest tag teams in the game following that we arrive in mossdeep city and take on the gym trainers we had one close call with meditai's high jump kick but aside from that it's a smooth ride since it is a psychic type gym after all with that being said i am not risking it with tayden liza after all my traumatic experiences with them so i spend forever grinding up to the level cap during which stable i learn shadow ball and it's time to go for it now this is one of those gyms that gets real upgraded in emerald as tate and liza now have four pokemon instead of two and as much as it would be nice to roll in there with sharpedo and surf everything their zatu has sunny day and kleydal's special defense is ridiculous along with it and lunatone having light screen i decide to lead with sableye and shiftery instead since shift 3 resists earthquake at least zatu doesn't have anything that can hit dark types offensively so i decide to target the other pokemon repeatedly and keep zatu on the field since it's kind of a dead weight for their team i use shadow ball and giga drain on clay doll as zatu uses calm mind earthquake does about half on sableye but not much on shiftry and another shadow ball is able to take clay all out so rock comes in and gets ko by a combination of shadowball and giga drain and the same happens to lunatone before we can then take the zatu out safely if zatu had anything that could hurt us that would have gotten much worse with flamethrower light screen calm mind sunny day solar beam etc on their team but even sunny day does help shift his speed too and that ground resistance was crucial overall a great strategy and that's our seventh badge following this we have a crazy but manageable double battle with steven against maxie and also take out the team aqua hideout and defeat archie with a few close calls along the way to sutopolis we explored pacific log town where you can get a second return tm which is fantastic we'd highly recommend getting these if you guys are doing an emerald run of your own after pseudopolis is taken over by groudon and kyogre we desperately need to find the legendary dragon rayquaza to save the entire world hey rayquaza oh okay then hey children shut the up okay sorry daddy and with that it's time to take on the eighth and final gym leader juan the water trainer who i'm feeling all right about since we have shiftery and cacturn good old deku and poker what a duo that should be a tv show juan starts with love disc and i send out shiftery i go for fake out right away so that it's an easy kill with giga drain afterwards celio comes out next and gingka drain just barely doesn't ko and we get hit by aurora beam but since i knew it wouldn't ko i knew we would get our health back with giga drain so it's not too big of a concern kingdra though is a bit of an issue since it's not weak to grass so i send out nato who resists all of its moves it goes for double team which is worrying and slash doesn't do a whole lot as we start missing since it won't stop double teaming so we get overwhelmed and brought to 14 hp i switch into sableye here and accidentally clicked fake out instead of faint attack which can't miss and of course fake out misses so we get brought to 33 hp yikes i send in absol next since i know we need to out speed and do big damage so i go for slash and we get a critical hit to take it out thank god although we would have survived another water pulse but we could have gotten confused our only other guaranteed faint attack was on cacturn who's weak to ice beam from there we can get shiftery going again who won he ko's both wiscash and kraudon with giga drain kendra is literally the mascot of my channel yet it always betrays me a tough battle but it could have gone much worse after the battle juan says you are lacking in elegance perhaps i shall make you alone of my outfit yeah give me all your clothes baby that's all eight badges acquired and it's time for victory road wally encounters you right at the start of victory road in emerald and his magneton makes the battle very difficult as we have no good way to counter it and it causes confusion and paralysis but thankfully while confused cactorn lands a hugely necessary leech scene to guarantee damage and recovery aside from that his gardevoir can't hit us aside from future sight which yes despite being psychic can hit dark types and double team is handled by faint attack our team did get hurt bad and we almost lost shenzi and poker but we made it through wally says his goodbyes and then uh so you you just gonna stand there after a long journey through the rest of victory road we finally arrive at the pokemon league i do some thorough preparation by grinding everyone to 53 since the level cap for drake is 55 i fill out the rest of our evs i teach mightyina and absol return shadowball to mightina as well earthquake to sharpedo and i get the silk scarf from duford and spell tag by using thief on wild dusk all with that it's time let's say our prayers first up is sydney our dark type arch nemesis since he starts out with intimidate mariana i lead with sableye since mighty inna has sand attacks stabilize our only reliable choice here since its kenai ability prevents accuracy drops our second faint attack brings it to the red but it tries to go for sand attack after which sydney uses a full restore it's a lengthy grind but our citrus berry helps restore our health and we bring it back to the red with a crit but we're getting too low so i switch into absol who tanks a crunch and then out speeds it to take it out with return shiftery comes out next and this is a perfect opportunity to set up the most he has against us is swagger but he goes for double team instead i taught absolute aerial ace which can't miss so after a swords dance we're able to take him out and sweep through the entire rest of his team with a combination of aerial ace and return with the silk scarf item attached solid next up is phoebe the ghost type elite 4 member who despite being weak to us i'm not underestimating since return doesn't affect her pokemon and bite is special sword stance with absol isn't a great option especially since dusk lops has both confused ray and curse which could ruin a setup big time instead i leave with mighty enough for the intimidate and stab super effective crunch which does about two-thirds and then dusklomps goes for curse to take itself out the cursed damage does a quarter but i'm feeling safe against bayonet so i go for crunch again which brings it into the red but then we get brought to 51 hp i figure she'll forestore here but don't want to risk it and can use the potion turn to switch out of curse so i go into cacturne to use growth since i know she'll probably try to burn us and that doesn't affect our special attack faint attack is then able to take it out after we get hit by shadow ball phoebe then sends in her higher level dust glops though which does have ice beams so i switch in nato who resists it earthquake does do a lot to us but two crunches are able to do the job after dusk lops is citrus berry she then sends out her second bayonet which i know has thunderball but my calcs tell me crunch will do the job anyway and it does indeed sableye is her last pokemon and not wanting to risk a crit i switch into shift tree and use growth after which sableye goes down to a faint attack says it just used double team a little more complicated than you'd imagine for a trainer who's weak to us but we made it work the third elite four member is the ice type trainer glacia and she's the one that i'm terrified of yes we have two grass types for her three water types but all five of her pokemon are ice as well she sends out celio as i go for shiftery to start i hit it with fake out on the next turn to hopefully put it into giga drain ko range on the next and it does indeed work that first celio only had ice ball anyway so i wasn't too worried the next though has blizzard but i'm hoping she'll go for hail as she really likes to set that up as soon as possible and she does indeed giga drain then brings it almost to the red but after a full restore two more can take it out in comes walray next and this is the one that i was worried about i had no surefire strategy for dealing with it i send in sharpito though who resists its moves besides body slam even resisted ice beam does nearly half though and hail brings us below half but i know the hail will end next turn so i hit it with crunch for a bit above half it goes for sheer cold instead and thankfully misses not wanting to bring it into full restore range i go for a couple serves then it hits us with ice beam to just 5 hp after which we can take it out with crunch that was way too close for comfort in comes glaily and i need to switch but i don't have any good options for tanking ice beam and it probably outspeeds everything on our team besides nato i switch into mighty ena for the intimidate in case it uses the explosion and it hits us with ice beam to just above half knowing we can survive another i go for return which does about a third then she sets up hail which brings us below half but our citrus berry restores us to where i know we can hit it with return again another ice beam and hail brings us to 25 hp and i'm forced to switch into sableye here but it combined with the hail does just too much damage i slightly miscalculated and now we can get taken out by ice beam due to the possibility of explosion and ice beam out speeding and hurting the rest of our team badly there's nothing else i can do though i have to go for priority fake out even though it won't flinch due to its inner focus ability and hope for the ko but it doesn't and veil goes down ouch it was a sacrifice for sure as now we can send in absol freely and take out both glyllys with return thanks to a crit on the first and light screen from the second losing sably is definitely not good but we made it through at least the final elite 4 member is drake the dragon trainer and another one who scares me quite a bit he leads with shelgon and i go for absolu since i know the shogun likes to spam protect to start so it gives us a good opportunity to source dance after two swords dances i know i'm pushing it and shogun hits us hard with double edge to write about half so i go for return to take it out altaria comes out next who's another one hiko with return and the same goes for kindra and flygon too amazing we're four for four with absol however salamance is his last pokemon and it comes in immediately with the intimidate the best strategy i have for this thing is to bring in my ena for the intimidate which goes off smoothly but shenzi gets hit to below half with dragon claw even after that intimidate man that thing is powerful here i decide to switch in shiftery knowing a dragon claw can be tanked and we get to below half now this may look weird but shifty is sent out here to bait the flamethrower so that i can send in sharpedo who resists it and outspeed with the icebeam four times effective guaranteed ko the bait indeed works as it goes for flamethrower but then salomon somehow outspeeds and takes sharpedo down i don't understand i calculated everything it wasn't until later when i reviewed our team and actually calculated our ivs that i found out nato literally has zero ivs in speed zero with the 198 speedy v's we have on it that causes it to be a direct speed tie and the salomons just happen to win it literally one iv in speed out of 31 would have won it for us hands down this is absolutely devastating since salamance has flamethrower i can't send in cacturn shiftery is below half and so is mightina but i need another intimidate so that absolute might be able to survive something i send out shenzi for intimidate and then salomons immediately takes it down with dragon claw after three intimidates harbinger is my only choice from here and we do have speed and can get good damage off with return to below half but dragonclaw takes it out as well both of our remaining pokemon are outsped with super effective flamethrower from a salomons i send in cacturn salamus's citrusberry also activates and it goes for flamethrower but we survive on just 7 hp but we get burned holy i then go for faint attack and it takes it out because we won the battle ends right there and we don't get burn damage either unreal absolutely unreal with just two pokemon left it's time for the champion wallace i mean we do have two grass types and he is a water trainer so maybe let's try it out i use our last couple rare candies on them have the miracle seed on shift tree and a citrus berry on cacturn and go for it wallace leaves with waylord and i send out shiftery i go for fake out right away and now i know that our only hope is to charge up with growth i know he has blizzard but he goes for rain dance right away as i expected and i know we can live one blizzard so i go for another growth the wailord then misses blizzard so i go for yet another on the next turn then it hits us down to just 25 hp after which a giga drain takes it out and recovers us back to nearly full health milotic comes out next and actually outspeeds us but misses its toxic but giga drain just barely doesn't take it out in the red it then outspeeds us and hits us with ice beam and gets a crit no way are you kidding me cacturn is next and ice beam brings us down to just 2 hp then we can take it out with needle arm tentacle comes out our citrus berry brings us to 32 hp but of course it outspeeds us lands a hydro pump and takes us out man oh man absolutely brutal luck towards the end zero speed ivs on sharpedo on a really great strat then a crit ice beam from milotic but hey that's how hardcore nuzlockes go honestly nonetheless we made it through to the champion with a maximum of seven encounters and a type that is honestly really really frail i think that's the main difficulty we faced here in addition to poor type coverage early on a really intriguing and challenging run for sure and definitely possible as we've shown i had a ton of fun with it though and i hope you guys did too if you enjoyed the run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button it really helps a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who help make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 726,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can I beat a Pokemon emerald hardcore nuzlocke, can I beat a pokemon emerald hardcore nuzlocke with only dark types!?, can I beat Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon challenge, Pokemon Emerald nuzlocke, Pokemon emerald hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can I beat Pokemon Emerald nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke dark only, hardcore nuzlocke only dark types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Id: JiKnDPqbUmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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