how i got into minecraft monday

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welcome guys tune up to the skywars I'm here to do a commentary video because I have no one of those in a while and there's honestly been a lot to talk about mostly minecraft Monday excites the only thing that happens in my life nowadays is just I wake up on Monday I stab celebrities in Minecraft and then I just I go to sleep for another week cuz what else what else is there to do this man is nowhere more don't mind if I do don't mind if I do get back here don't give anyone else strength no no no no it's mine it's mine you can't have him he's mine he's mine nope no what are you doing no no they're all mine thank you thank you for understanding I'm gonna heal here don't don't mess with me please thank you thank you I guess I should start with the story of how I got into minecraft Monday in the first place now I mean if you've been watching the for our stream buds then maybe you've heard some of this already but I just have to assume that most people have just watched the highlights and these didn't get into the highlights so I'll say him anyways so you know kiemce had been saying on Twitter that he was organized in this big minecraft youtuber tournament and I was like I got to get in there man think of the free Klout yes this is I gotta get in there man but I was like oh right there's gonna be like actually famous people in there and you know this was back like a month and a half ago I only had like 500,000 subscribers irrelevant okay so I was thinking I got it if I got a if I want to get into this tournament I'm gonna need to play my cards right alright I'm gonna have to act casual like I belong there I gotta be I got to be responded to chemo you know what I checked and I think I can make some room in my busy Monday schedule to play in your event you know I suppose I can make I suppose I can budget that in there could you please there's a dude behind me and he's gonna start stabbing me in a second so I kind of need this strength thank you thank you you can die too now that's fine the server has like am I still connected to the server so yeah you know I had to act super casual and I think I pretty much managed it I think what I what I was responding to Keim's tweets with was probably a little bit closer to please let me in please I need clout but you know what close enough ow okay he hit me once at the bow it's over it's okay we hit him once at the sword ooh die die die die thank you so yeah a few weeks go by and no response and I'm thinking it's over man keemstar knows I'm irrelevant it's over I'm not getting in but then one day I checked my phone DM from keemstar 30 minutes ago two words Ustream question mark I'm like this is it this is my chance I checked my channel last stream three months ago oh so yeah you know I tell keemstar yes yes I do stream that's the thing I am I am known for doing all of the time his streaming just it's all I do all day every ok I just said yes well you know what he asked you didn't ask like how often do you stream okay you just ask do you stream yes I've done that before mm-hmm mm-hmm no Lies detected are you coming in here to fight me with no shirt on that's just that's just not okay you can't be doing that are you are you coming down here to is this is this a wise idea is this a wise idea but the interrogation isn't over because then Kia asked how many viewers and like oh god I don't know how many of yours I get it's been three months and I mean how many viewers does he want me to have how many viewers do I need I don't know man I I had to like guess I was like all right you know I got 2,000 viewers last time I streamed but you know it's summer now so you get more views during the summer and I mean my sky black videos have been doing pretty well so it's got to be more rights in the guy I don't know like 2,000 3,000 is that enough is that enough I'm not getting a response and suddenly hacker voice I'm in I'm in the group chat I'm here all the big boys are in this group chat I'm looking at the participants it's like skydoesminecraft page and canadian CaptainSparklez everyone that's ever recorded minecraft in their life is in this group chat and I am hiding among them in the shadows they'd never suspect I have infiltrated their ranks yes I've done it so if you know me you know I have like peak social anxiety all the time I don't like talking to people it's terrifying I hate phone calls I like nightmares that people are gonna try to call me and talk to me on a cellphone okay I'm about to get owned one second I'm out I'm out yes fight other people yes fight that guy instead get him I don't even like texting people okay texting people is exhausting I just don't keep keep that well away from me you just stabbed this dude no no no oh I so you know I mean I'm in this group chat they've added ninja they've added mr. beast I summon all of my courage to make a joke and say dude any second now it's gonna say Obama has been added to the group chat and I'm not even gonna be surprised and you know how they react nothing they say nothing I get ghosted by every leaden figure in the industry simultaneously it was the worst it's been weeks I still haven't recovered from the shame no yeah I think besides that week one went pretty well I think the main thing was the fact that I didn't have to talk to people I just had to stab them and that's something I can do so one thing that threw me off was the fact that when I started the scream before the games had even started it was say and I had something like twenty-two thousand viewers and that's just that's just clearly a visual bug I think I would know if I was famous I don't think that would be something that would catch me by surprise I clearly they added an extra zero I don't know what was happening there I can't believe I told keep might get like 2000 what is this what is it could you not could we just we just stab each other with swords instead of with snowballs please okay or you could just suffocate in that wall that's fine that's not happening you want this poison potion you should do it it doesn't it does so much date the chicken are you kidding me the poison potion hid the chicken I hate this game sky wars is a bad game now it sucks I hate it and now we're up against the final man who's literally just chilling out nope he's back to his computer and not a moment too soon what are you doing with your life what are you achieving oh I hope they're thinking they're thinking they're thinking they didn't help but they were thinking after week one they were saying they wanted to balance the team so there's not like two strong players on one team which seems kind of weird to me because it's I mean it's a competition you want the strongest teams possible for the viewers but I mean that's what they wanted to do so that's what they were gonna do the problem is they split the top five teams so then all the other teams didn't split cuz I mean they're already like playing with their best friend why would they split excuse me I need your stuff thank you this man isn't chance and he does not have a care in the world so yeah they split they split the top five teams and I figured they were gonna get a teammate for me cuz I was telling the man I think I don't know anyone that isn't a sweaty Minecraft player cuz all I do is play sweaty Minecraft games so that's all the people I've met so I wake up on Monday thinking they found a teammate for me and I see a message in the group chat and it's from teams saying everyone that doesn't have a teammate is getting kicked starting in an hour sent one hour ago and I'm like blah so you know I have a mild heart attack before I think of getting high ballistics quit on my team because that man has subscribers and follows me on Twitter we played we'd played like bed Wars once like two years ago or something I don't know I don't have a lot of connections man making friends is not might not my skill set here I just stab people in Minecraft yeah thankfully he's awake I think he's in like the UK or something so it's probably like next week in their timezone but he was he was awake and ready to play which is good because it was like an hour before the tournament i one week two after which keemstar was like alright someone someone else needs to start winning now we're teaming you with Chris it's over we're switching seven of the rounds to minigames for bread and a 30 second cooldown on soup it's over why is this man complaining I'm chilling here admit what are you doing what are you what is your complaint here I don't know what this man's doing I'm just gonna I'm just gonna stab him with a sword and I'm falling and this game sucks this man has zero chill week three went a lot better than I was expecting it to honestly I was considering dropping out and not playing in week three because I woke up that day with a bad stomach ache and I really I did not want to be known as the guy who threw up on minecraft Monday all right that is not what I wanted my legacy to be but thankfully pepto-bismol came in clutch shaved the whole day why are you rushing me you have no armor at all okay it's a knock-back three weapon that is a valid reason to rush someone hey I was kind of stressed about week three because I don't care about being nerfed I can handle losing a Minecraft Monday but the problem is they want me to go live in front of like I didn't know how many viewers it was gonna be it seems like it doubled every week for the first three weeks that week it peaked at 73 thousand viewers I don't I can't even my brain doesn't get it it just it shuts down it doesn't try to process numbers that large it just it just calls it fake news and moves on yeah I have to commentate with some other person that I've never spoken to in my life in front of all these viewers and the thought of it kind of stressed me out but it worked out honestly chris is a cool guy he's fun we had great chemistry a man just he died there's no reason for it he just died I guess the one thing that didn't pan out in Week three was there were a couple youtubers that would like hate on me every time I did anything in week 2 like every time I went around they'd be in the chat like techno blade wince again of course and that's just I want people to like me man so I was hoping being nerfed would get them to stop doing that but it was a scam week 3 was like ok I get the most points in the individual boards and then I lose and the team board so I don't even get paid but I'm still getting hated on cuz cuz I killed some people in battle arena I'm like bruh bruh I've been scammed I'm gonna get hated on I should at least get paid no but whatever it was it was pretty good and then keen was like hey you should team with James Charles for week 4 and I'm like 2019 is wack who would have who could have predicted any of this a month ago this is insane you're not sneaky this is not there's not James Bond dude you know what you know what everyone dies nevermind him out of snowballs okay now everyone dies no no no there's no video games being played today week 4 was kind of hey and it's I haven't made of highlights of that week yet because the footage just wasn't great it's not James Paul James was great it's just okay and like in two of the PvP modes we were just immediately killed before getting the chance to do anything at all and then two of the other modes were find the button and bingo which are both just inherently terrible why are they still in the tournament the next week I bet they're gonna be in the tournament in the following weeks - why would you do that organizers know just to remove them entirely don't do this to me they're terrible why what's the point of having a multiplayer tournament if you play modes where you can't even like interact with other players but yeah that's four of the nine rounds so you can see how I don't have a whole lot of material to use in the highlights maybe if I included footage of me train in James Charles which consisted of me bullying him and hypixel duels for an hour it was great it was maybe I find clewd that footage it can happen I don't know I'd have never get enthused about it to edit it honestly because the the minecraft Monday highlights take a ridiculous amount of time to make because you have to watch all these other perspectives and I mean it's still like three hours of footage you have to edit I'm very lazy okay I don't have an editor are these guys just straight-up team does that aside what I'm seeing they're just straight-up team let's beat him up let's beat him up 1v2 well he's gone oh I'm getting three be ones okay they're all dead it's over die this is a slideshow battle and you pearled off yourself think about your actions and repent then we get to week five which was just a disaster oh no was such a train wreck I thought week five was gonna be so good too because it started out with like Carson was like you know me team with Tex no it'll be funny and I'm like yes I got to play with Carson dream team let's go I knew he was gonna try to kill me but I thought it was gonna be like a wall XD funny trolling kind of thing but no I was very wrong he meant full-on cyberbully and no five who we was going to do that I would have told him that it was gonna be terrible no no die he burns to death above the water tragic I was trying to talk him out of it but it was too late man he was fully committed to the role of cyberbully and techno blade and I'm desperately trying to tell my fans guys guys he's actually a chill person he's just doing a joke you gotta believe me and my fans are sitting here like wow techno blades being cyber bullied so hard he has Stockholm Syndrome we gotta save him like no but the thing is like even if even if you knew he was joking it was still like so painfully uncomfortable it just no one wanted to watch it my scream literally ten thousand people left my stream there was an exodus if you were watching the other stream so you'd see people in the chat and the TNT run game going I came here from techno stream don't go there it's so bad it's also I didn't upload the week five stream because the first like 25 minutes were so painfully uncomfortable no oh I don't want that to get recommended to people I don't want them to have to see that if you do check though I mean it is available I don't I usually don't public streams it's just minecraft monday is special so I usually do but if there's a stream that's not public you can still check it out and the past live streams playlist just I recommend just skip to TNT run man you don't you don't want to suffer alright just skip the TNT run cuz eventually I'm like this isn't working I just deafened him and started solo commentating we hopped around to some other people's up to some other teams calls like CaptainSparklez and J shadow was fun I mean the chat was still a mess but I think the rest of the content recovered after that oh my mods my poor mods okay I still have like the same mod team I did it like 2000 viewers so it was just it was three mods where did this loot come from it was three mods against like 50,000 people rioted and in the chat it was bad they were like unionizing in the discord after after the scream they're like we want more mods we want more slow mode we want a dental plan okay please so I increased the mod team from three people to four people because radical change is the solution techno blades channel needs okay look finding people that aren't criminally insane on the internet is difficult okay it's difficult you don't get to fight me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep okay you do we have to fight me unless unless nope you don't get to play video games it's not it's not okay fine okay fine we can play psych and the process begins again it begins again look at this man he is no health no please die a fall down okay this is the sufferer and I deserve why I is he'll he is zero health why is he go he is 0.3 he should not be a lot okay where's the end of the stream my stream chat was making me think that something terrible had happened to Carson that he was just getting cyber bullied off the platform entirely apparently after I left him he went to xqc stream and they did not they did not warmly receive him at all they hated him no so he was kind of getting he was kind of getting flanked by like two angry stream chat simultaneously could you relax sir everyone here needs to chill so I can talk Thank You apparently some people were taking it too far so I released a statement saying hey don't don't be a terrible person thank you it's a bit of the paraphrased version but you get the idea die although talking to Carson afterwards I got the impression that he wasn't actually affected by that at all so maybe my statement was a bit overdramatic I mean I didn't clown on anyone that didn't deserve to be clowned on those guys are morons don't get toxic over a lego video games it's just I think a lot of people saw the statement without knowing the full context and we're like something terrible has happened and got really worried when really everything was fine it was just a couple of morons being toxic who were promptly laughed at I saw a couple comments that were like oh my god I can't believe watched his community has become you guys do you guys don't have to worry about this the thing is when you got 50,000 people a few of them are gonna be serial killers there's not really anything anyone can do about that that's that's their problem all you can do is say yo murder is cringe don't don't do murders and hope that convinces them and it's not gonna convince them because these are not the type of people that listen to reason the moral of the story here is that if you see a murder being committed you should immediately call them a boomer don't do that that's a terrible idea call the police anyways my teammate next week it's gonna be incredible I think the solution to Minecraft Monday the way we can get back to winning and having a good time it's just for me to be more proactive in picking my teammates I just got a I just got to go out there and talk to new people even if it is terrifying because there's a lot of cool people in this event that I think would be fun to team with like we got like Phil's uh we got antvenom chunky jenker beige Katie and there's so many cool people here I got a team with all of them I'm doing this weird thing where I team with a new person each week which is not not normal in this event but it's fun oh my god techno blade you missed your weekly upload for Pig ranked wrong anyways if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to check out a world of techno blade it is the most aggressively techno blades IDEO that has ever been made if this was the first video you ever watched on my channel you'd have to assume that I am the largest narcissist in Minecraft so I click on that I mean unless you have anything better to do yeah that's what I thought click on it
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 4,020,275
Rating: 4.9683857 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, hypixel skywars, skywars, technoblade skywars, minecraft monday, technoblade minecraft monday, minecraft skywars
Id: 8VUHknnuYgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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